Subject: [ANN] A2Catalog From: Colin Klipsch Date: Sat, Oct 24, 1998 08�38,( Message-id: Announcing the release of a free Apple ][ Disk Image Utility to support Apple ][ emulators. A2Catalog is a utility program to manipulate files containing Apple ][ 5.25" 16 sector disk images for use with Apple ][ emulators. Specifically, A2Catalog allows you to: 1. Read in .DO (.DSK), .PO (.RAW), .NIB, and .2MG (2IMG) files, even if .gz (GZIP) compressed; 2. View the file's contents as an Apple ][ disk dump; 3. View and save the catalog (directory) of disks in DOS 3.3, ProDOS, RDOS 2.1, RDOS 3.3, and Apple Pascal formats; 4. Save the file as .DO, .PO, .NIB, or .2MG; and 5. Create new disk images formatted as DOS 3.3 and ProDOS. Further information about A2Catalog along with the download can be found at: Please direct all A2Catalog inquiries to: Note: A2Catalog is written in Java as an application, not an applet, so you can't run it from a Java enabled web browser. You must have the Java runtime version 1.1+ installed. A2Catalog should run on any platform supporting Java 1.1+.