This module has no docstring.
block_size = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9780> The internal block size of the hash function, or None if the hash function does not use blocks internally (e.g. SHA3).
digest_size = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9840> The size of the resulting digest in bytes.
name = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9720> A string naming this algorithm (e.g. "sha256", "md5").
An enumeration.
Signature algorithms that are valid for SCTs. These are exactly the same as SignatureAlgorithm in RFC 5246 (TLS 1.2). See: <>
ANONYMOUS = <SignatureAlgorithm.ANONYMOUS: 0>
DSA = <SignatureAlgorithm.DSA: 2>
ECDSA = <SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSA: 3>
RSA = <SignatureAlgorithm.RSA: 1>
entry_type = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b99c0> Returns whether this is an SCT for a certificate or pre-certificate.
extension_bytes = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9b40> Returns the raw bytes of any extensions for this SCT.
log_id = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9660> Returns an identifier indicating which log this SCT is for.
signature = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9ae0> Returns the signature for this SCT.
signature_algorithm = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9a80> Returns the signing algorithm used for the SCT's signature.
signature_hash_algorithm = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9a20> Returns the hash algorithm used for the SCT's signature.
timestamp = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9600> Returns the timestamp for this SCT.
version = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e30b9540> Returns the SCT version.
An enumeration.
v1 = <Version.v1: 0>