College Physics is a two-semester sequence addressing such topics as measurement, motion, energy, fixed axis rotation, oscillations, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, optics, and atomic and particle physics.
This course satisfies the General Education requirement of a laboratory science elective and provides opportunities to develop the following competencies: written and oral communication, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical analysis and reasoning, technological competency, and information literacy.
Selected learning outcomes
- Explain and use key concepts governing the motion of specific mechanical systems.
- Develop problem-solving strategies based on the relevant physical principles and their mathematical representations.
- Apply the scientific method to laboratory investigations of phenomena illustrating classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electrostatics, electric circuits, optics and waves.
- Synthesize, interpret, and communicate in writing the results of laboratory investigations.
Course structure and syllabus excerpts
The RC time constant in OpenStax problems (PDF)
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