๐Ÿ‘ฝ little_ham

I've been wondering: is there a reason so many people host their capsule on a subdomain instead of their base domain? I don't understand why you'd want to isolate your capsule on a gmi.* or gemini.* given it's on a seperate port anyway.

1 year ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ satch, kensanata, negepezzannyitfiam, know, clair_de_soleil


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3 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ hen6003

Similar to maria my capsule is hosted on a rpi at home, but my website is hosted on github pages. ยท 1 year ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ marginalia

Having a subdomain allows different protocols to go to different IP-addresses. You may not need that now, although who is to say what you need in the future. ยท 1 year ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ maria

my domain points to somewhere else but I host my capsule on a rpi at home. unless they are on the same server you can't use the same domain name. also quite a few capsules are duo hosted, even on the same paths so you just replace https:// with gemini:// ยท 1 year ago