Filename : BBS.List Type : Hyper Studio 3.1 Released: 25-FEB-1997 By: : Doede Boomsma Description: A Hyper Studio stack which contains the international Apple ][ BBS list, compiled by Gabe Sanchez. Created by Doede Boomsma, for no real reason. Subsequent versions (updates) are available via Dark Castle BBS (+31-314-365145, or +31-320-281471 after 15-JUL-1997). Major updates will be put on the ftp sites,, and For comment, you can contact me at above e-mail address, or the snail mail address listed within the stack. I'd like to know where this stack travels to, so please send me an email, even if you have no comments at all. Best regards to all Apple ][ users over the world, Doede Boomsma a.k.a. Dark Dude