Zero-width character test

Below are several zero-width Unicode characters, placed between underscores. Does your browser display them? Your text editor? Your terminal? To understand why not displaying them might be a problem, read:

Tracking via pasted text

As a point of reference, here are a few positive-width Unicode characters:

0020: _ _ | 00E9: _é_ | 03A9: _Ω_ | 5B57: _字_ | 1F407: _🐇_

Zero-width characters

 0016: __

 061C: _؜_

 17B5: _឵_

 180E: _᠎_

 200B: _​_
 200C: _‌_
 200D: _‍_
 200E: _‎_
 200F: _‏_

 202A: _‪_
 202B: _‫_
 202C: _‬_
 202D: _‭_
 202E: _‮_

 2060: _⁠_
 2061: _⁡_
 2062: _⁢_
 2063: _⁣_
 2064: _⁤_
 2066: _⁦_
 2067: _⁧_
 2068: _⁨_
 2069: _⁩_

 206A: __
 206B: __
 206C: __
 206D: __
 206E: __
 206F: __

 FEFF: __
 FFF9: __
 FFFA: __
 FFFB: __

E0001: _󠀁_

E0020: _󠀠_
... (E0020–E007F formerly used for tagging texts by language)
E007F: _󠁿_

This is probably not a complete list. Contact me if you know of any others.

As of February 2021, Unicode contains 143,859 characters.

Unicode Character Database

Programs which pass the test

Less - when used with the "-U" option

Contact me if you know of any others.

Other protocols

This test page is also available on Gopher and the Web:

Zero-width character test (Gopher)

Zero-width character test (Web)


contact info


Published: 2021-02-20

Updated: 2022-12-05

Source (contributions welcome)

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0