2019-12-05T00:04:09 #kisslinux Same can be done for $pass in auth() 2019-12-05T00:04:49 #kisslinux Didn't work when I tried it. 2019-12-05T00:05:19 #kisslinux You mean adding it to the printf line? 2019-12-05T00:12:11 #kisslinux No I mean changing $pass in the printf line to ${pass:?} in that line 2019-12-05T00:12:44 #kisslinux So that you don't have to [ "$pass" ] 2019-12-05T00:13:11 #kisslinux I tried that.. 2019-12-05T00:13:49 #kisslinux Doesn't work if the variable is defined but blank. 2019-12-05T00:14:09 #kisslinux Are you sure you have the : 2019-12-05T00:14:24 #kisslinux Cuz ? Is supposed to only trigger on unset but :? Is blank or unset 2019-12-05T00:15:26 #kisslinux Ah 2019-12-05T00:15:28 #kisslinux fuk 2019-12-05T00:15:52 #kisslinux I knew that too 2019-12-05T00:15:57 #kisslinux How could I forget 2019-12-05T00:18:01 #kisslinux Also: https://github.com/dylanaraps/eiwd/releases/tag/0.2.1 2019-12-05T00:19:14 #kisslinux Awesome 2019-12-05T00:19:50 #kisslinux Everything in the client should "just work" now. 2019-12-05T00:25:26 #kisslinux [ -w "${IWD_DIR:=/var/lib/id}" ] ;) 2019-12-05T00:25:41 #kisslinux s/id/iwd/ 2019-12-05T00:25:53 #kisslinux ah fuck 2019-12-05T00:26:10 #kisslinux wait 2019-12-05T00:26:19 #kisslinux I thought I typo'd that. 2019-12-05T00:26:24 #kisslinux phew 2019-12-05T00:26:59 #kisslinux I need sleep 2019-12-05T00:27:10 #kisslinux sleep is a good thing 2019-12-05T00:27:55 #kisslinux 133 LOC is pretty darn good 2019-12-05T00:28:30 #kisslinux This includes the help output too. 2019-12-05T00:29:03 #kisslinux A man page with a minimal help output would reduce it a lot further. 2019-12-05T00:29:39 #kisslinux Would be 100 LOC then :^) 2019-12-05T00:30:27 #kisslinux does iwd have subdirs for network configs? (like is that the reason find is used?) 2019-12-05T00:31:21 #kisslinux Nope. This is to allow you to operate on networks under disconnect/ 2019-12-05T00:31:33 #kisslinux ah 2019-12-05T00:31:35 #kisslinux It could be a for loop though. 2019-12-05T00:36:18 #kisslinux OK 2019-12-05T00:36:20 #kisslinux Bed for me 2019-12-05T00:36:23 #kisslinux Ciao 2019-12-05T00:40:04 #kisslinux it's funny how in configure.ac they check for stuff like the existence of headers linux/types.h and linux/if_alg.h, which causes the generated config.h to have defines like HAVE_LINUX_TYPES_H, but the build system does nothing to error if the checks for those headers fail, and it doesn't ifdef based on those definitions, so uh, how is checking if those things are present useful at all? 2019-12-05T00:55:44 #kisslinux Required builtins are basically required POSIX utilities that have to be builtin for their functionality 2019-12-05T00:55:57 #kisslinux printf doesn't need to be a builtin, hence its not required 2019-12-05T00:56:52 #kisslinux Of course, any performance-aware shell would make it builtin, so POSIX doesn't care about it not being necessary so some pure shell scripters can be truly pure :P 2019-12-05T00:57:09 #kisslinux It would be cool if it got `printf -v var`, thus making it a required builtin, though 2019-12-05T00:58:56 #kisslinux Shell is basically meant for running external utilities, so POSIX likely doesn't care that it doesn't have anything builtin to print with, either, as long as there's an external required utility that does it 2019-12-05T00:58:59 #kisslinux Same goes for sleep and echo 2019-12-05T01:00:37 #kisslinux Are you sure that you really mean to trap INT (thus overriding the default handling of exiting) in pash and iwc? 2019-12-05T01:02:01 #kisslinux Hm so actually it seems that EXIT doesn't get triggered by INT in dash? 2019-12-05T01:03:01 #kisslinux Doesn't change the fact that it prevents INT from killing the script, though. maybe trap 'blah; kill 0' INT EXIT? 2019-12-05T01:10:16 #kisslinux Or trap 'blah' EXIT; trap 'blah; kill 0' INT if you don't like "Terminated" to appear on a normal exit 2019-12-05T01:25:08 #kisslinux Okay, so apparently when EXIT should be triggered is mostly unspecified by POSIX so it's a mess 2019-12-05T01:26:57 #kisslinux Shells like Bash (even in POSIX mode, because it's unspecified) trigger EXIT on other signals, but shells like dash and ash don't 2019-12-05T01:27:49 #kisslinux Since they don't, there's no way I can think of currently to run a cleanup function and exit on exit, sigterm, and sigint 2019-12-05T01:28:16 #kisslinux At least not without messing with sigquit and such 2019-12-05T01:28:50 #kisslinux So the best you can do is probably the method to run it on exit and int I mentioned above, I guess? 2019-12-05T01:32:06 #kisslinux Oh wait exit seems to work on term? This is so confusing 2019-12-05T01:34:08 #kisslinux So `trap 'blah; trap - EXIT; exit' INT EXIT TERM` seems to work. Not sure where I got the idea that exit didn't work in the trap, though 2019-12-05T01:37:56 #kisslinux Seems that that preserves the exit code on dash and bash, but not ash. 2019-12-05T01:39:37 #kisslinux Yeah, so `trap 'rc=$?; echo aa; trap - EXIT; exit "$rc"' INT EXIT TERM` might be it 2019-12-05T01:41:28 #kisslinux Nope 2019-12-05T01:42:17 #kisslinux trap 'rc=$?; trap - 0 2 15; echo a; exit "$rc"' 0 2 15 2019-12-05T01:42:45 #kisslinux You can use the words instead of numbers, they just got too long for me 2019-12-05T01:47:59 #kisslinux Ah, the problem with exit was probably because I didn't overwrite the exit trap before or something 2019-12-05T01:48:53 #kisslinux Yet another edge case. Ugh 2019-12-05T01:49:37 #kisslinux trap 'rc=$?; echo a; trap - 0 15; echo $rc' 0 15; trap 'trap - 2; echo a; kill -s 2 $$' 2 2019-12-05T01:50:12 #kisslinux s/echo $rc/exit $rc/ 2019-12-05T01:53:59 #kisslinux trap 'rc=$?; trap - 0 15; echo a; exit $rc' 0 15; trap 'trap - 2; echo a; kill -s 2 $$' 2 2019-12-05T01:54:04 #kisslinux I think that's finally it but it's also so long I'm not sure if you'll even use it lol 2019-12-05T02:55:29 #kisslinux now chatting over https://git.sr.ht/~mcf/libtls-bearssl :D 2019-12-05T04:07:41 #kisslinux trap 'rc=$?; echo a; trap - 0 15; exit $rc' 0 15; trap 'trap "" 2; kill -s 2 $$' 2 2019-12-05T04:08:23 #kisslinux Honestly, you don't really need to cover all the edge cases for a program like that, so one of the previous solutions could work fine. I was just curious how to do this, and this seems to work, although I've said that so many times by now 2019-12-05T07:54:29 #kisslinux https://blogs.gnome.org/tbernard/2019/12/04/there-is-no-linux-platform-1/ 2019-12-05T07:54:34 #kisslinux and here we go... 2019-12-05T08:03:22 #kisslinux I love it when groups like GNOME fail to understand that linux is nice because it isn't like mac and windows 2019-12-05T08:04:04 #kisslinux "hey guys so we know you've got this cool operating system but what if we intentionally made it more like those other 2 that you don't like?" 2019-12-05T08:59:49 #kisslinux E5ten: IMB (Red Hat) in reality. https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2008-January/msg00861.html 2019-12-05T09:08:26 #kisslinux > Other distributions are in a similar but worse position because they don’t have an app store. 2019-12-05T09:08:40 #kisslinux Oh the horror 2019-12-05T09:10:08 #kisslinux haha i really don't see why poeple try to create a difference between "app" and "software", sometimes they don't know them self what a difference is... 2019-12-05T09:11:29 #kisslinux s/a/the/ 2019-12-05T09:11:43 #kisslinux and the discussion about that is just annoying and don't make any kind of sense 2019-12-05T09:11:48 #kisslinux Yup 2019-12-05T09:11:55 #kisslinux Crestwave: Would this not work? https://termbin.com/oh1j9 2019-12-05T09:13:46 #kisslinux For Linux to become this magical thing every distributions needs to be the exact same. 2019-12-05T09:13:53 #kisslinux I point back to this: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2008-January/msg00861.html 2019-12-05T09:14:19 #kisslinux s/distributions/distribution/ 2019-12-05T09:17:31 #kisslinux > Release schedule: Developers don’t have control over the pace at which people get updates to their software. 2019-12-05T09:17:39 #kisslinux ew 2019-12-05T09:21:59 #kisslinux app is just a glorified term for software, it's goddamn Apple-speak 2019-12-05T09:23:07 #kisslinux > Distro Theming 2019-12-05T09:23:09 #kisslinux hhahahah 2019-12-05T09:24:42 #kisslinux > Ecosystem fragmentation: Every downstream change adds yet another variable app developers need to test for. The more distributions do it, the worse it gets. 2019-12-05T09:24:49 #kisslinux > fragmentation 2019-12-05T09:24:52 #kisslinux lol 2019-12-05T09:24:56 #kisslinux I don't have a problem with the word app unless it's being used non-interchangeably with software 2019-12-05T09:26:10 #kisslinux the GNOME people say "standardization" when they really meant "use our implementation, fuck you" 2019-12-05T09:26:32 #kisslinux konimex: +1 2019-12-05T09:26:36 #kisslinux by their logic Clang is "fragmentation" 2019-12-05T09:28:27 #kisslinux App store implies payments to me 2019-12-05T09:28:32 #kisslinux The freedesktop way is making an program and then calling that programs behaviour a standard 2019-12-05T09:28:44 #kisslinux Also implies solely flatpak based packages 2019-12-05T09:28:46 #kisslinux ie Windows 2019-12-05T09:31:52 #kisslinux they're trying just to become more user friendly, to win the battle of user desktops/laptops, instead of focusing on the server environment, which an "app" doesn't make any sense. It's the same with docker and the rest, it's good, but not every where, and poeple are tryin'g to force other to put it everywhere, which remove the liberty of linux based distros 2019-12-05T09:33:09 #kisslinux Every distribution will run the same software stack (if they aren't all already). 2019-12-05T09:33:22 #kisslinux It's the only way for this idea to work. 2019-12-05T09:34:17 #kisslinux glibc + systemd + dbus + pulseaudio (soon pipewire) + wayland + logind + udev + etc etc 2019-12-05T09:42:11 #kisslinux What's pipewire? 2019-12-05T09:42:24 #kisslinux Red Hat's replacement for Red Hat's pulseaudio. 2019-12-05T09:42:32 #kisslinux Because we need to change audio again. 2019-12-05T09:42:56 #kisslinux But it's OK because pipewire can run on top of Pulse if desired. 2019-12-05T09:43:04 #kisslinux So ALSA -> PulseAudio -> Pipewire 2019-12-05T09:43:12 #kisslinux You can also run: 2019-12-05T09:43:15 #kisslinux Oh sounds greattttt 2019-12-05T09:43:17 #kisslinux haha holy crap 2019-12-05T09:43:20 #kisslinux ALSA -> Jack -> PulseAudio -> Pipewire 2019-12-05T09:43:25 #kisslinux This is doable too. 2019-12-05T09:43:38 #kisslinux 10/10 right? 2019-12-05T09:44:05 #kisslinux Arch ships both pulse and pipewire now so the first stack is running. 2019-12-05T09:55:53 #kisslinux brb 2019-12-05T10:16:45 #kisslinux howdy 2019-12-05T10:16:56 #kisslinux are we stacking audio again? :D 2019-12-05T10:17:13 #kisslinux I am pretty sure, you can insert sndio in there somewhere 2019-12-05T10:24:19 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Well, it doesn't handle TERM and runs twice on INT, but again, it could be fine for that usecase. 2019-12-05T10:25:58 #kisslinux Oh, and if it's called from a Bash script, INT will only terminate it and not the Bash script 2019-12-05T10:28:20 #kisslinux E.g., you can see the difference between `while ping localhost; do :; done` and `while sleep 1; do :; done` 2019-12-05T10:28:52 #kisslinux Basically impossible to interrupt the former 2019-12-05T16:09:31 #kisslinux what would you lads recommend for cli file manager? 2019-12-05T16:09:57 #kisslinux i usually just do my stuff over cli by hand, but turns out using a file-manager with kakoune might be useful 2019-12-05T16:10:10 #kisslinux fff. 2019-12-05T16:10:13 #kisslinux Or Ranger. 2019-12-05T16:10:19 #kisslinux i am looking for something that can do well on low-width and supports custom open command for files 2019-12-05T16:10:31 #kisslinux so I can use it as a sidebar for a kak session 2019-12-05T16:10:53 #kisslinux ranger looks odd on low width, I tried, don't know fff though, will check 2019-12-05T16:13:23 #kisslinux I think fff would look okay low width. But yeah. You'd have to check. I don't tend to use file managers often. 2019-12-05T16:13:55 #kisslinux yea, me neither 2019-12-05T16:14:06 #kisslinux but fff does look pretty neat 2019-12-05T16:14:27 #kisslinux also investigated noice, which appears to pretty much be a dumber fff 2019-12-05T16:14:35 #kisslinux more suckless fff* 2019-12-05T16:15:08 #kisslinux dylanaraps: oh, you are responsible for fff :D awesome 2019-12-05T16:16:04 #kisslinux i'm starting to like the stuff you do, dylan :D 2019-12-05T16:19:41 #kisslinux dylanaraps: fff also leaves me unable to press enter when I exit it :( 2019-12-05T16:35:31 #kisslinux doesn't happen to me huh 2019-12-05T17:37:01 #kisslinux E5ten: Will fix it tomorrow (regarding fff) 2019-12-05T17:37:38 #kisslinux belfry: Thanks :) 2019-12-05T17:38:22 #kisslinux Crestwave: I'll fix these issues tomorrow too (trap int/term/exit). 2019-12-05T17:52:06 #kisslinux Does kiss use busybox ash for its default shell? 2019-12-05T17:52:33 #kisslinux andrevall: yes 2019-12-05T18:54:34 #kisslinux > cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/rp_filter 2019-12-05T18:54:36 #kisslinux oops 2019-12-05T18:54:39 #kisslinux > https://seclists.org/oss-sec/2019/q4/122 2019-12-05T18:54:44 #kisslinux That's the one 2019-12-05T18:55:45 #kisslinux > his attack did not work against any Linux distribution we tested until 2019-12-05T18:55:47 #kisslinux the release of Ubuntu 19.10, and we noticed that the rp_filter settings 2019-12-05T18:55:50 #kisslinux were set to “loose” mode. We see that the default settings in 2019-12-05T18:55:51 #kisslinux sysctl.d/50-default.conf in the systemd repository were changed from 2019-12-05T18:55:54 #kisslinux “strict” to “loose” mode on November 28, 2018, so distributions using a 2019-12-05T18:55:55 #kisslinux version of systemd without modified configurations after this date are 2019-12-05T18:55:58 #kisslinux now vulnerable. Most Linux distributions we tested which use other init 2019-12-05T18:55:59 #kisslinux systems leave the value as 0, the default for the Linux kernel. 2019-12-05T18:56:02 #kisslinux s/his/This/ 2019-12-05T18:57:44 #kisslinux Interestingly Devuan, MX Linux, Slackware and Void were also affected. 2019-12-05T19:01:22 #kisslinux In KISS this depends on how you've configured your kernel. If you have manually set rp_filter to "loose" you're in the same boat as the above distributions when using a VPN. 2019-12-05T19:01:36 #kisslinux Regardless, this only protects against ipv4. 2019-12-05T19:02:42 #kisslinux So all distributions are affected over ipv6. 2019-12-05T19:04:22 #kisslinux > Correct. It does completely prevent the attack for IPv4, however, so we didn't notice the attack until the rp_filter settings were changed. 2019-12-05T19:04:30 #kisslinux https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21713821 2019-12-05T19:17:15 #kisslinux thanks systemd 2019-12-05T19:17:24 #kisslinux good setting choice 2019-12-05T19:18:08 #kisslinux gpg2 --locate-keys torvalds⊙ko gregkh⊙ko 2019-12-05T19:18:10 #kisslinux oops 2019-12-05T19:18:14 #kisslinux https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/230450d4e4f1f5fc9fa4295ed9185eea5b6ea16e 2019-12-05T19:25:33 #kisslinux No distros have posted anything publicly about it yet(?) 2019-12-05T19:25:37 #kisslinux Or I can't find anything. 2019-12-05T19:26:31 #kisslinux > They edited their comment to clarify that only strict mode ("2") prevents the attack, against IPv4. 2019-12-05T19:26:49 #kisslinux So the kernel default is vulnerable after all. 2019-12-05T19:28:02 #kisslinux isn't strict 1? 2019-12-05T19:28:32 #kisslinux Let me check. Default in the kernel is 0 regardless. 2019-12-05T19:31:19 #kisslinux Yes 2019-12-05T19:31:26 #kisslinux 2 is loose. 1 is strict. 0 is off. 2019-12-05T19:31:44 #kisslinux I've been protected on ipv4 this entire time then, suck it, the rest of the world mostly 2019-12-05T19:32:09 #kisslinux I don't use a VPN so I'm fine regardless. 2019-12-05T19:32:54 #kisslinux Even if I did, I'm on ipv6 so I'd be vulnerable as rp_filter only affects ipv4. 2019-12-05T19:33:11 #kisslinux neither do I, but if I did, I'd have been protected on ipv4, so suck it, the rest of the world mostly 😏 2019-12-05T19:33:17 #kisslinux Heh 2019-12-05T19:33:40 #kisslinux I expect a kernel release soonish as I doubt this can be fixed in VPN software(?) 2019-12-05T19:33:57 #kisslinux well maybe wireguard cuz it's a kernel module? 2019-12-05T19:34:28 #kisslinux Wireguard, yeah 2019-12-05T19:34:36 #kisslinux OpenVPN probably not 2019-12-05T19:39:42 #kisslinux oh shit I forgot to cmake 2019-12-05T19:39:51 #kisslinux I'm tired and lazy I'll do it later 2019-12-05T19:39:59 #kisslinux No rush