2022-11-01T18:09:48-07:00 (#l3ayasq) So I think I see how this works. I might actually grok twet :-) 2022-11-01T18:09:48-07:00 So I think I see how this works. I might actually grok twet :-) 2022-11-01T18:16:31-07:00 (#ucti2jq) So now I need to figure out what list of twtxt I want to follow, then figure out how to integrate them something I can read in newsboat2022-11-01T18:09:48-07:00 (#hwxjqjq) So I think I see how this works. I might actually grok twet :-) 2022-11-01T18:16:31-07:00 So now I need to figure out what list of twtxt I want to follow, then figure out how to integrate them something I can read in newsboat 2022-11-11T08:00:00-08:00 (#x4elfaa) I like @davewiner's FeedLand, yarn.social looks very promising. Simpler to integrate than activity pub. These days I'm hanging out on the small web at gopher://sdf.org:70/1/users/rsdoiel/ and https://rsdoiel.github.io/twtxt.txt and https://twtxt.net/user/rsdoiel/. πŸ˜€ 2022-11-11T11:34:49-08:00 (#cubbtyq) Blog post on [Twitter Implosion](https://rsdoiel.github.io/blog/2022/11/11/Twitter-implosion.html) 2022-11-11T20:30:40Z (#gqlmwga) @ If I have a twtxt.txt file on my static blog site at GitHub can I mirror that into me feed here? Or would it be better to pull this feed and update my blog's twtxt.txt file accordingly? Thank you2022-11-01T18:09:48-07:00 So I think I see how this works. I might actually grok twet :-) 2022-11-11T20:35:20Z (#gqlmwga) Thank you, still wrapping my head around all this. 2022-11-11T21:05:40Z Seem to be getting duplicates when I sync, I think I am still missing something in integrated Yarn/twtxt.net and my local text tools. 2022-11-12T01:44:20Z (#zz5bkta) Thank you, glad it made some sense. Writing for me is very challenging but sometimes fun.2022-11-01T18:09:48-07:00 So I think I see how this works. I might actually grok twet :-)2022-11-01T18:09:48-07:00 So I think I see how this works. I might actually grok twet :-) 2022-11-12T01:44:20Z (#zz5bkta) Thank you, glad it made some sense. Writing for me is very challenging but sometimes fun. 2022-11-14T19:27:50Z (#2utweua) @ Ah, I see, yes's I suspect it's the URL in the metadata. Let me fix that. Sorry for the delay response needed a break from the computer this weekend. Some times it is good to unplug :-) 2022-11-14T20:00:01Z (#2utweua) Hmmm, I not understanding something. I'm pretty sure this is pilot error on my part.

1. I changed the metadata (url =) in my github.com copy twtxt.txt to match the and ran `yarnc sync twtxt.txt` locally. Still propagating duplicates (most duplicates have no hash)
2. Replaced my local twtxt.txt file with contents of https://twtxt.net/user/rsdoiel/twtxt.txt, cleaned up duplicates, commit change to Github, ran `yarnc sync twtxt.txt`. Propogating duplicates still.

In the web UI of twtxt.net I don't see a "delete" button to remove duplicates. In the curled twtxt.txt file there is odd formatting. The text would wrap to a new line and occasionally this would run into one of the duplicate post's timestamps (i.e. no newline between previous post and next post). Garbage in garbage out maybe? 2022-11-14T20:00:01Z (#2utweua) Hmmm, I not understanding something. I'm pretty sure this is pilot error on my part.

1. I changed the metadata (url =) in my github.com copy twtxt.txt to match the and ran `yarnc sync twtxt.txt` locally. Still propagating duplicates (most duplicates have no hash)
2. Replaced my local twtxt.txt file with contents of https://twtxt.net/user/rsdoiel/twtxt.txt, cleaned up duplicates, commit change to Github, ran `yarnc sync twtxt.txt`. Propogating duplicates still.

In the web UI of twtxt.net I don't see a "delete" button to remove duplicates. In the curled twtxt.txt file there is odd formatting. The text would wrap to a new line and occasionally this would run into one of the duplicate post's timestamps (i.e. no newline between previous post and next post). Garbage in garbage out maybe?2022-11-01T18:09:48-07:00 So I think I see how this works. I might actually grok twet :-) 2022-11-14T20:12:35Z (#2utweua) @ I think you're making sense but my brain is dim πŸ™‚ 2022-11-15T01:30:01Z (#2utweua) @ Sorry had to finish my "day job" and missed. Time zones are so disruptive to communications. I haven't used IRC in a few decades, need to remember how it works and where the client is. Feeling really old now. :-| 2022-11-16T00:59:07Z (#nkrwwha) This is very cool. 2022-11-17T16:35:45Z (#vium74a) @ nice writeup. I've been thinking a bit about GPS logging again but had concerns. Also it was nice to use Gopher again 😎 2022-12-01T19:08:04Z The following has become one of my favorite CLI commands `yarnc timeline | less -R`