0 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
1 #if defined(TERMINAL_IMG_VIEWER) && defined(__has_include) && !(__has_include(<stb_image.h>))
2 #warning Unable to build built-in image viewer, stb_image header not found
3 #endif
4 #include "img.h"
8 #include <stb_image.h>
9 #include <termbox.h>
10 #include "gemini.h"
13 int color_abs(int c, int x, int i) {
14 return abs(c-=i>215?i*10-2152:x*40+!!x*55);
15 }
17 int color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
18 int m = 0, t = 0;
19 int i = 240, l = 240;
20 while (i--) {
21 t = color_abs(r, i/36, i) + color_abs(g, i/6%6, i) + color_abs(b, i%6, i);
22 if (t < l) {
23 l = t;
24 m = i;
25 }
26 }
27 i=m+16;
28 return i;
29 }
31 int color16(int r, int g, int b) {
32 return (r*6/256)*36 + (g*6/256)*6 + (b*6/256);
33 }
35 int average_pixel(uint8_t* data, int x, int y, int w, int h, float ratio, int c16) {
36 int pixels = 0;
37 int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
38 float precision = 2;
39 for (int i = x - ratio/precision; i < x + ratio/precision; i++) {
40 if (i >= w || i < 0) continue;
41 for (int j = y - ratio/precision; j < y + ratio/precision; j++) {
42 if (j >= h || j < 0) continue;
43 r += data[(i + j * w)*3];
44 g += data[(i + j * w)*3+1];
45 b += data[(i + j * w)*3+2];
46 pixels++;
47 }
48 }
49 if (pixels == 0) return 0;
50 return c16?color16(r/pixels, g/pixels, b/pixels):
51 color(r/pixels, g/pixels, b/pixels);
52 }
54 int img_display(uint8_t* data, int w, int h, int offsety) {
55 int c16 = 0;//!client.c256;
57 double w_ratio = (double)w/(tb_width());
58 double h_ratio = (double)h/((tb_height()-offsety-2)*2);
59 if (w_ratio < h_ratio)
60 w_ratio = h_ratio;
61 else
62 h_ratio = w_ratio;
63 int _x = 0;
64 int _y = 0;
65 for (double x = 0; x < (double)w; x += w_ratio) {
66 for (double y = 0; y < (double)h; y += h_ratio) {
67 tb_print(_x, _y+offsety,
68 average_pixel(data, x, y+1, w, h, h_ratio, c16),
69 average_pixel(data, x, y, w, h, h_ratio, c16),
70 "▄");
71 y += h_ratio;
72 _y++;
73 }
74 _y = 0;
75 _x++;
76 }
77 return 0;
78 }
80 #else
81 typedef int remove_iso_warning;
82 #endif