2020-10-27T00:16:40 #kisslinux forgot to close() the fd I openat, added that, also added O_CLOEXEC to the openat because why not 2020-10-27T00:19:44 #kisslinux regarding O_SEARCH, it is present in POSIX. i guess it is just missing in linux man pages. on musl it is an alias for O_PATH 2020-10-27T00:20:20 #kisslinux ah I see 2020-10-27T00:22:44 #kisslinux I don't think I can use O_SEARCH? at least the linux man page doesn't seem to list fdopendir as a valid operation on an O_PATH fd 2020-10-27T00:23:59 #kisslinux oh you're right, nevermind. O_SEARCH is for when you only need the fd for *at 2020-10-27T00:26:03 #kisslinux not that it'd help for this, but it'd be cool if unlinkat had a flag mode to behave like remove (unlink or rmdir depending on if file or dir), instead of only being able to do one or the other, meaning the caller has to check beforehand 2020-10-27T00:33:42 #kisslinux mcf: do you think it's worth tracking st_dev to make sure it doesn't cross mountpoints, and if so, what do you think would be the best way to do that? 2020-10-27T00:36:01 #kisslinux usually for traversals i think it is important, so it doesn't go into /proc or /sys or some network filesystem. but for rm -r, i'm not so sure (since then you fail to remove the parent directory) 2020-10-27T00:40:16 #kisslinux if I do choose to, do you think would be the best way to do it? obviously not static var cuz thread safety, but maybe make this func internal and rename it, add a param to it to pass st_dev, and then make a new rm_rf that just wraps the other func? 2020-10-27T00:40:41 #kisslinux that way I could also ditch the dfd param that the caller would always just be passing -1 to, and have the wrapper pass the -1 to the internal func 2020-10-27T00:42:12 #kisslinux yeah, that's what i'd suggest. and then since the dfd param is internal, just use AT_FDCWD 2020-10-27T00:42:25 #kisslinux right yeah, makes sense 2020-10-27T00:46:44 #kisslinux so since the wrapper function is just taking a path that should be absolute, or relative to cwd, it shouldn't need to do any fd shenanigans I think, just call lstat on that path, I guess make sure it succeeds, and then pass .st_dev to the internal func, which will pass it to itself each time 2020-10-27T03:23:52 #kisslinux Does anyone here use ale for vim with ccls? 2020-10-27T03:49:18 #kisslinux nice site to test whether sound in browser works: http://www.neoartcr.com/flod.htm 2020-10-27T03:50:30 #kisslinux tip: open "david whittaker", then "speedball.zip" 2020-10-27T05:00:54 #kisslinux Anyone know how to get colored fonts to work in the foot terminal? 2020-10-27T05:00:59 #kisslinux specifically emojis 2020-10-27T05:47:25 #kisslinux o/ 2020-10-27T05:54:07 #kisslinux o/ 2020-10-27T06:00:06 #kisslinux With ale in vim is there a way to make it so it shows parameters for functions with completion enabled? 2020-10-27T06:01:27 #kisslinux I swapped to using an LSP recently 2020-10-27T06:01:58 #kisslinux Gives me fancy completion among other things 2020-10-27T06:02:41 #kisslinux I press 'j' on a function, variable, macro, etc and a window appears with its signature/whathaveyou 2020-10-27T06:03:03 #kisslinux I have 'k' bound to show the man page of the word below the cursor in a split as well 2020-10-27T06:03:11 #kisslinux I have that as well with h (ALEHover) it just would be nice to have in the completion pop up 2020-10-27T06:03:22 #kisslinux Also if you use ccls with ALE isn't that an lsp? 2020-10-27T06:04:01 #kisslinux Probably? 2020-10-27T06:04:20 #kisslinux What are you using? 2020-10-27T06:04:24 #kisslinux Depends on how ALE works as an LSP client 2020-10-27T06:04:28 #kisslinux (if it works as one) 2020-10-27T06:04:32 #kisslinux vim-lsc 2020-10-27T06:04:43 #kisslinux + clangd or ccls 2020-10-27T06:05:24 #kisslinux vim-lsc handles autocomplete too fyi 2020-10-27T06:05:26 #kisslinux How does it compare with ale? 2020-10-27T06:05:58 #kisslinux ALE still does linting better than all of the lsp plugins I've tried 2020-10-27T06:06:20 #kisslinux To be honest this doesn't look much different then ALE + ccls 2020-10-27T06:06:31 #kisslinux I may be wrong though *shrug* 2020-10-27T06:06:53 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-10-27T06:07:09 #kisslinux I'll swap back to ALE at some point (was only trying out LSP) 2020-10-27T06:07:14 #kisslinux Would you mind sending a screenshot of what the autocompletion? 2020-10-27T06:07:52 #kisslinux If you do checkout ALEGoToDefinition ALEFindReferences ALESymbolSearch and ALEHover 2020-10-27T06:07:56 #kisslinux all super helpful 2020-10-27T06:08:18 #kisslinux and if you use ccls you can use bear or compiledb to make a compile_commands.json 2020-10-27T06:08:56 #kisslinux I use samurai to generate this 2020-10-27T06:09:02 #kisslinux You can do that? 2020-10-27T06:09:19 #kisslinux ninja -t compdb cc > compile_commands.json 2020-10-27T06:09:34 #kisslinux I have this in the Makefile under compdb: so I can do 'make compdb' 2020-10-27T06:09:41 #kisslinux You also need a build.ninja file 2020-10-27T06:09:47 #kisslinux gotcha 2020-10-27T06:10:05 #kisslinux I have no idea how to write them so I will stick with bear 2020-10-27T06:10:05 #kisslinux https://u.teknik.io/y4noD.png 2020-10-27T06:10:27 #kisslinux Hmmm that does look nice 2020-10-27T06:10:44 #kisslinux Is it too difficult to set up? 2020-10-27T06:10:50 #kisslinux Not really 2020-10-27T06:11:08 #kisslinux I'm going to give it a shot here 2020-10-27T06:11:19 #kisslinux Do I still need vim-ccls? 2020-10-27T06:12:01 #kisslinux No 2020-10-27T06:12:18 #kisslinux It'll start the configured server directly/automatically 2020-10-27T06:12:25 #kisslinux kk 2020-10-27T06:13:14 #kisslinux Good you possibly upload the relevant part of your vimrc to termbin? 2020-10-27T06:13:17 #kisslinux Could( 2020-10-27T06:13:18 #kisslinux * 2020-10-27T06:15:20 #kisslinux Nevermind 2020-10-27T06:15:24 #kisslinux This should be it: https://termbin.com/kdjn 2020-10-27T06:15:25 #kisslinux Figured it out I believe 2020-10-27T06:15:31 #kisslinux Thanks lol 2020-10-27T06:15:43 #kisslinux ccargs is my wrapper script for ccls fyi 2020-10-27T06:15:46 #kisslinux I just realized that I can just replace dart with c and dart_language_server with ccls 2020-10-27T06:16:10 #kisslinux What does it do differently? 2020-10-27T06:16:26 #kisslinux Just gives different CFLAGS and things to the language server 2020-10-27T06:16:59 #kisslinux Gotcha 2020-10-27T06:17:09 #kisslinux This is actually really nice 2020-10-27T06:21:16 #kisslinux Thanks for showing me this! 2020-10-27T06:21:32 #kisslinux This is basically what I was looking for coming back from emacs 2020-10-27T06:25:27 #kisslinux The hover function looks really cool 2020-10-27T11:27:34 #kisslinux sh4rm4^bnc: thanks for your help with this one! https://github.com/kisslinux/repo/commit/7fc0040f925a2de7e9468f8f9abbbac6d6137be7 2020-10-27T18:04:40 #kisslinux I've been using this bmake https://github.com/sdsddsd1/mywayland/tree/master/wayland/bmake package, but now it's not building. 2020-10-27T18:05:42 #kisslinux The build log ends like this http://ix.io/2CdJ 2020-10-27T18:08:11 #kisslinux what's your $MAKEFLAGS? 2020-10-27T18:09:07 #kisslinux It's "-j4 -l4" 2020-10-27T18:09:37 #kisslinux move the -l4 to $GNUMAKEFLAGS 2020-10-27T18:10:18 #kisslinux Come to think of it, I think I've added the -l4 at some time and not built bmake again until now. 2020-10-27T18:11:10 #kisslinux well it doesn't matter when you build bmake, just when you build something with bmake, bmake will use the stuff in $MAKEFLAGS as if you had passed those flags to it (just like make) so if $MAKEFLAGS has flags it doesn't recognize, it won't work 2020-10-27T18:12:05 #kisslinux Awesome, thank you. :-) 2020-10-27T19:04:04 #kisslinux [07:09:35] https://u.teknik.io/y4noD.png 2020-10-27T19:04:39 #kisslinux dylan showing his C rookie status... because the first thing a C newcomer does is to write his own string library 2020-10-27T19:05:20 #kisslinux because "OMG this sucks i need a string class with size stored!" 2020-10-27T19:05:38 #kisslinux * sh4rm4^bnc did the same thing too 2020-10-27T19:47:40 #kisslinux * nerditup anticipates pure C bible 2020-10-27T19:50:36 #kisslinux only experience will teach you that it's much more straightforward if your program is a single .c file because ppl cant be bothered to install your libsuperstring to test your program 2020-10-27T19:57:36 #kisslinux its a cycle between over simplicity and complexity for me 2020-10-27T19:58:21 #kisslinux need both to figure the sweet spot once in a while i guess 2020-10-27T20:01:01 #kisslinux Its a great learning experience, regardless 2020-10-27T20:01:39 #kisslinux Writing a string library, that is. 2020-10-27T20:03:12 #kisslinux i just finally got rid of requiring users to install my library in one of my main projects https://codeberg.org/rofl0r/jobflow/compare/e19fd088bb5ea1a9492a9719b949ec2dbe92053d...master 2020-10-27T20:03:38 #kisslinux replaced all "mystring" aka "stringptr" with proper char* 2020-10-27T20:07:31 #kisslinux is this the equivalent of using POSIX shell built-ins as opposed to external processes? 2020-10-27T20:11:00 #kisslinux more equivalent to using standard POSIX shell commands as opposed to custom programs 2020-10-27T21:03:45 #kisslinux Has anyone had issues with the latest version of firefox in the repos not building? 2020-10-27T21:15:34 #kisslinux 82.0.1 built fine here. 2020-10-27T21:32:50 #kisslinux kk 2020-10-27T21:33:36 #kisslinux https://drewdevault.com/2020/10/22/Firefox-the-embarassment-of-FOSS.html 2020-10-27T21:33:51 #kisslinux The gemini project linked at the bottom is very interesting 2020-10-27T21:41:52 #kisslinux I have a very strong dislike against firefox and mozilla in general 2020-10-27T21:45:40 #kisslinux even moreso than chrome and google ? 2020-10-27T21:46:44 #kisslinux Nah 2020-10-27T21:47:19 #kisslinux My personal choice is webkit2gtk browsers since I need a modern browser 2020-10-27T21:47:38 #kisslinux Otherwise netsurf plus w3m was my previous choice 2020-10-27T21:48:11 #kisslinux I'm just very anti rust is one of the reasons (other then the privacy issues with firefox by default) I don't like firefox 2020-10-27T21:48:26 #kisslinux Dilynm do you have experience with groff? 2020-10-27T21:48:52 #kisslinux related: https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ghost/mozilla.html 2020-10-27T21:49:03 #kisslinux Id rather avoid the web entirely at this point tbh 2020-10-27T21:49:15 #kisslinux What do you mean by e,periencr with Geoff, muevoid: ? 2020-10-27T21:49:17 #kisslinux Same 2020-10-27T21:49:25 #kisslinux I've read the documentation, but I've never really used it 2020-10-27T21:49:43 #kisslinux I'm trying to set up groff in vim to have like a live preview but can't find any plugins or anything all latex plugins 2020-10-27T21:49:46 #kisslinux Lmao sh4 will post that site at every opportunity huh 2020-10-27T21:49:58 #kisslinux I would be of zero help there 2020-10-27T21:50:03 #kisslinux :) 2020-10-27T21:50:16 #kisslinux I know that live previews are a thing you can setup with, say, html stuff? So I imagine it's possible 2020-10-27T21:50:38 #kisslinux Probably just open the doc your changing in some buffer and have it autoreload on a save or something... 2020-10-27T21:50:43 #kisslinux Maybe something for me to finally try to write a vim plugin 2020-10-27T21:51:22 #kisslinux You want something like this? https://github.com/L04DB4L4NC3R/texgroff.vim 2020-10-27T21:51:44 #kisslinux hmmm that may work 2020-10-27T21:51:54 #kisslinux Ymmv I have never used it (: 2020-10-27T21:52:09 #kisslinux It seems adequate if you're fine with pdf viewers 2020-10-27T21:52:24 #kisslinux Yeah I use zathura :P 2020-10-27T22:02:19 #kisslinux This seems to do for compiling it '!pdfroff -e % > $(echo %.pdf | sed 's/roff.//g')' 2020-10-27T22:07:40 #kisslinux Ahhhh I can't figure out how to bind that to a key. I'm don't know vimscript at all lol 2020-10-27T22:17:59 #kisslinux Got it needed to use instead of a pipe symbol 2020-10-27T22:28:40 #kisslinux Anyone had any success building ungoogled-chromium musl branch on KISS? 2020-10-27T22:35:37 #kisslinux Let me know how it works for you muevoid: :) 2020-10-27T22:37:01 #kisslinux It seems to work really well 2020-10-27T22:37:22 #kisslinux Unfortunately it pulls me out of vim when it runs but it updates the file in realtime 2020-10-27T22:38:05 #kisslinux Fyi does anyone know where flatpaks store there data trying to help a friend they downloaded firefox in flatpak but can't find downloads 2020-10-27T22:38:20 #kisslinux ~/.Flatpack? 2020-10-27T22:38:29 #kisslinux I feel like it would vary by pack tbh 2020-10-27T22:39:12 #kisslinux Maybe https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/wiki/Filesystem 2020-10-27T22:40:27 #kisslinux checking .var/app rightnow 2020-10-27T22:42:06 #kisslinux no luck going to try and see if I can't find if someone has asked same on google 2020-10-27T22:46:56 #kisslinux This wouldn't be an issue but firefox keeps failing to compile on her machine 2020-10-27T22:48:41 #kisslinux Going to try esr 2020-10-27T23:16:37 #kisslinux jedavies: there was an attempt from aosync but I think they gave up because of too much breaking patches involved. They ended up using the musl binary from alpine. You can checkout here https://github.com/aosync/kiss-aosync 2020-10-27T23:22:42 #kisslinux claudia02: Interesting, will check it out. Have seen the set of patches for chromium in alpine. Looks awful! 2020-10-27T23:23:05 #kisslinux "musl-hacks.patch" is just 1 of 26 patches :) 2020-10-27T23:24:37 #kisslinux Anyone try chezmoi before? It is really nice 2020-10-27T23:30:58 #kisslinux I've never understood people who need dotfile managers 2020-10-27T23:31:30 #kisslinux Git and branches should get the job done, no? 2020-10-27T23:32:38 #kisslinux I've never used one before this is my first time but it is actually really nice. it lets you preview differences before applying them to your home directory. And really easily supports adding files from ~ 2020-10-27T23:32:54 #kisslinux Hm 2020-10-27T23:32:55 #kisslinux then it stores them like so: https://github.com/muevoid/dotfiles 2020-10-27T23:33:10 #kisslinux I hate that 2020-10-27T23:33:17 #kisslinux Fair enough 2020-10-27T23:33:22 #kisslinux I am but a simple man, with simple needs 2020-10-27T23:33:32 #kisslinux Yeah I get that :P 2020-10-27T23:33:53 #kisslinux I personally find this easier then using a git repo personally 2020-10-27T23:34:31 #kisslinux I may switch back though just wanted to try one out 2020-10-27T23:35:55 #kisslinux firefox-esr no look either 2020-10-27T23:35:56 #kisslinux hmmm 2020-10-27T23:36:11 #kisslinux But... But you ARE using a git repository... 2020-10-27T23:36:44 #kisslinux I meant like manually transfering the files and such 2020-10-27T23:36:58 #kisslinux I get not liking them though 2020-10-27T23:37:25 #kisslinux I suppose 2020-10-27T23:37:46 #kisslinux It's all so complicated 2020-10-27T23:37:54 #kisslinux This is the problem chromebooks were meant to solve 2020-10-27T23:38:25 #kisslinux wdym 2020-10-27T23:39:48 #kisslinux Maybe I will try a bare git repo again 2020-10-27T23:41:05 #kisslinux Your repo does look nice 2020-10-27T23:53:31 #kisslinux Lol 2020-10-27T23:53:42 #kisslinux Iirc I have instructions on how to do it in the readme