[2022-10-29T00:02:53Z] temporarily remove /bin/strip [2022-10-29T00:03:02Z] and build cups [2022-10-29T00:03:24Z] the error should tell where you need to remove strip command [2022-10-29T00:03:58Z] or error might tell that it's kiss bug, but that's unlikely [2022-10-29T00:05:47Z] I'm getting warning:Unable to find strip [2022-10-29T00:06:31Z] aha, inside /build/cups/install-sh [2022-10-29T00:06:35Z] custom install script? [2022-10-29T00:07:11Z] yay. symbols! [2022-10-29T00:09:30Z] gosh [2022-10-29T00:09:41Z] why do they need this script [2022-10-29T00:10:09Z] mkdir, cp, chmod is so hard to do? bruh [2022-10-29T00:13:07Z] ah i forgot it's apple thing [2022-10-29T00:26:16Z] why do you need cups btw? i recall some printers can be used without it [2022-10-29T00:29:25Z] I'd like to use gutenprint, there are lots of options like ink density and resolution. [2022-10-29T00:39:30Z] i see.. [2022-10-29T05:14:32Z] Hi [2022-10-29T05:49:12Z] Hi [2022-10-29T05:53:06Z] illiliti: https://termbin.com/ka9s0 https://termbin.com/y8j2 https://termbin.com/wgcn [2022-10-29T06:10:25Z] testuser: is there no way to make yash use .profile and `ENV`? [2022-10-29T06:15:31Z] man yash [2022-10-29T06:15:35Z] it has some arg for it [2022-10-29T06:15:50Z] yes i know but i cant really use that in /etc/passwd [2022-10-29T06:15:52Z] it wont work [2022-10-29T06:16:12Z] i could probably set /bin/yash-usetheseargs and have it launch with specific args [2022-10-29T06:16:23Z] phoebos: [2022-10-29T06:18:28Z] `syntax error: a function body must be a compound command` [2022-10-29T06:18:29Z] shame [2022-10-29T07:03:50Z] illiliti: phoebos can you check the comment on #100 and review #92 [2022-10-29T07:35:24Z] yash doesn't even add /usr/local/bin to PATH [2022-10-29T07:46:27Z] skill issue [2022-10-29T07:47:01Z] shell doesnt set anything other than SHLVL and PWD [2022-10-29T07:47:46Z] . /etc/profile [2022-10-29T08:28:53Z] arghhhhhhhhhhhh [2022-10-29T09:42:32Z] i suspect that when Wayland will gained popularity: people will be replaced MPV (the only application that refused to implement window management) by another good video player application.. [2022-10-29T09:43:38Z] Rust microservices in server-side WebAssembly [2022-10-29T12:53:28Z] where the fuck are you getting these quotes from testuser [2022-10-29T14:36:18Z] ioraff: do u build chromium with clang [2022-10-29T17:00:26Z] is there not an unofficial guide for KISS for kiss-community tarball and repo changes applies [2022-10-29T17:14:42Z] s/applies/applied [2022-10-29T17:17:18Z] Whay [2022-10-29T17:17:26Z] Oh [2022-10-29T19:16:48Z] I'm reading some of these comments suggesting Jpeg-XL was this awesome format everyone was missing out on. Who was? Where? No one gave a rat's ass about it then. No one gave a rat's ass about it now. Like WebM, WebP and all the other also-ran dead-out-of-the-gate next-gen file formats, it never got any traction to succeed plain old jpeg. [2022-10-29T19:18:16Z] hello everyone [2022-10-29T19:22:25Z] saturn: you. [2022-10-29T20:33:23Z] testuser[m]: https://illiliti.pastes.sh/1667075343646704139 [2022-10-29T20:34:03Z] i find this more cleaner [2022-10-29T20:35:47Z] and potentially faster because for+printf can be really slow [2022-10-29T21:12:41Z] minor correction: https://illiliti.pastes.sh/1667077890026346391 [2022-10-29T22:19:14Z] wael_: do you symlink /bin/sh to yash or use /bin/yash [2022-10-29T22:19:34Z] ie. is it in POSIXly-correct mode [2022-10-29T22:19:57Z] if not, use ~/.yash_profile ~/.yashrc to set whatever [2022-10-29T22:20:55Z] otherwise maybe set a normal sh in /etc/passwd and in .profile do `ENV=~/.env exec yash` or something [2022-10-29T22:34:01Z] POSIX lets the implementation define the earliest startup files but maybe yash takes that to mean they don't need one [2022-10-29T22:34:22Z] surely not? [2022-10-29T22:52:31Z] anyone here ever faced their kernel simply not finishing to compile [2022-10-29T23:13:34Z] saturn[m]: are you still getting output? [2022-10-29T23:16:03Z] output on what? the kernel compiling? it just ends randomly, and doesn’t create the bzImage [2022-10-29T23:16:48Z] oh then presumably there's been an error [2022-10-29T23:18:23Z] an error does happen at the very start, i don’t think it has anything to do with it stopping though [2022-10-29T23:18:23Z] it’s about openssl/bio.h not exciting [2022-10-29T23:18:32Z] logs? [2022-10-29T23:19:11Z] alright ill find it real quick [2022-10-29T23:21:38Z] odd, now it’s stopping right after the openssl error.. [2022-10-29T23:23:59Z] yes, the first time other jobs will have had to stop first [2022-10-29T23:24:06Z] and now it completes randomly [2022-10-29T23:24:09Z] didn’t even do anything [2022-10-29T23:24:11Z] s/first/after/ [2022-10-29T23:24:43Z] it finishes successfully? [2022-10-29T23:24:48Z] yep [2022-10-29T23:24:52Z] what is even going on [2022-10-29T23:25:07Z] a race condition with parallel make [2022-10-29T23:25:11Z] what kernel version? [2022-10-29T23:25:28Z] 6.0.6 [2022-10-29T23:25:35Z] time to see if it boots i guess [2022-10-29T23:26:13Z] an include file not being generated in time once won't affect that [2022-10-29T23:30:36Z] damn, 6.0.6 needs bash [2022-10-29T23:31:10Z] (still) [2022-10-29T23:31:43Z] ah 6.1 has the patch