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Context Variables
copy(self, /)
Return a shallow copy of the context object.
get(self, key, default=None, /)
Return the value for `key` if `key` has the value in the context object.
If `key` does not exist, return `default`. If `default` is not given,
return None.
items(self, /)
Return all variables and their values in the context object.
The result is returned as a list of 2-tuples (variable, value).
keys(self, /)
Return a list of all variables in the context object.
values(self, /)
Return a list of all variables' values in the context object.
Return a value for the context variable for the current context.
If there is no value for the variable in the current context, the method will:
* return the value of the default argument of the method, if provided; or
* return the default value for the context variable, if it was created
with one; or
* raise a LookupError.
reset(self, token, /)
Reset the context variable.
The variable is reset to the value it had before the `ContextVar.set()` that
created the token was used.
set(self, value, /)
Call to set a new value for the context variable in the current context.
The required value argument is the new value for the context variable.
Returns a Token object that can be used to restore the variable to its previous
value via the `ContextVar.reset()` method.
name = <member 'name' of '_contextvars.ContextVar' objects>
old_value = <attribute 'old_value' of '_contextvars.Token' objects>
var = <attribute 'var' of '_contextvars.Token' objects>