The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare

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Or read scene by scene:

The prologue.

Act I

Scene I. A public place.

Scene II. A Street.

Scene III. Room in Capulet’s House.

Scene IV. A Street.

Scene V. A Hall in Capulet’s House.

Act II


Scene I. An open place adjoining Capulet’s Garden.

Scene II. Capulet’s Garden.

Scene III. Friar Lawrence’s Cell.

Scene IV. A Street.

Scene V. Capulet’s Garden.

Scene VI. Friar Lawrence’s Cell.


Scene I. A public Place.

Scene II. A Room in Capulet’s House.

Scene III. Friar Lawrence’s cell.

Scene IV. A Room in Capulet’s House.

Scene V. An open Gallery to Juliet’s Chamber, overlooking the Garden.

Act IV

Scene I. Friar Lawrence’s Cell.

Scene II. Hall in Capulet’s House.

Scene III. Juliet’s Chamber.

Scene IV. Hall in Capulet’s House.

Scene V. Juliet’s Chamber; Juliet on the bed.

Act V

Scene I. Mantua. A Street.

Scene II. Friar Lawrence’s Cell.

Scene III. A churchyard; in it a Monument belonging to the Capulets.