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runpy - locating and running Python code using the module namespace

Provides support for locating and running Python scripts using the Python
module namespace instead of the native filesystem.

This allows Python code to play nicely with non-filesystem based PEP 302
importers when locating support scripts as well as when importing modules.



run_module(mod_name, init_globals=None, run_name=None, alter_sys=False)

  Execute a module's code without importing it.

         mod_name -- an absolute module name or package name.

         Optional arguments:
         init_globals -- dictionary used to pre-populate the module’s
         globals dictionary before the code is executed.

         run_name -- if not None, this will be used for setting __name__;
         otherwise, __name__ will be set to mod_name + '__main__' if the
         named module is a package and to just mod_name otherwise.

         alter_sys -- if True, sys.argv[0] is updated with the value of
         __file__ and sys.modules[__name__] is updated with a temporary
         module object for the module being executed. Both are
         restored to their original values before the function returns.

         Returns the resulting module globals dictionary.


run_path(path_name, init_globals=None, run_name=None)

  Execute code located at the specified filesystem location.

         path_name -- filesystem location of a Python script, zipfile,
         or directory containing a top level script.

         Optional arguments:
         init_globals -- dictionary used to pre-populate the module’s
         globals dictionary before the code is executed.

         run_name -- if not None, this will be used to set __name__;
         otherwise, '<run_path>' will be used for __name__.

         Returns the resulting module globals dictionary.





