This page is deprecated because in August 2022 the Phoenix rooms were stripped of computers (further to IT training courses having been moved online during the pandemic), and handed to the University Estates Division for possible conversion into bring-your-own-device rooms (unconfirmed).
Cambridge University’s “Phoenix Teaching Rooms” on the New Museum site are available for the general use of university members with logins *if* they’re not booked for courses or examinations. Since they can be useful places to go if you’re in the city centre and want to get some work done, but it’s slightly annoying to go there only to be refused entry because a course is in progress, I automatically extract the relevant date/time/venue data from UIS Training’s course list and convert it to a text file in Unix “calendar” format.
text file in Unix “calendar” format
This is posted in the hope that it is useful but without any warranty.
All material © Silas S. Brown unless otherwise stated. Unix is a trademark of The Open Group. Any other trademarks I mentioned without realising are trademarks of their respective holders.