space exploration game with anti-matter fields that will destroy your normal-matter ships.
antimatter mining.
needing to build antimatter ships to enter those areas.
antimatter "landmines" to leave around for matter ships to explode on
and the other way around.
tossing moons, asteroids, stars, etc into large amounts of opposing-matter.
or tossing blackholes? would need a LOT of energy to get one of those moving.
guess about as much as a star of the same mass.
some form of rotation through a dimension that turns matter into anti-matter and anti-matter into matter but otherwise leaves you in the same location.
not sure what a partial rotation through that would do since there's only two states...
it'd be like a multiplication by negative one.
I guess do looking-glass like stuff? there'd be 4 sides of mirrors?
left-chiral vs right-chiral, and matter vs anti-matter
a character that comes up with the setups for elaborate jokes
tells them to empty rooms
and doesn't finish the jokes.
just in case there are any beings outside of time wanting to hear the punchline
or, just people have bugged the room.
other neat shit:
now, all of these ideas
you are an intelligence that emerges from a civilization's communications network.
see: Jane from the Ender series
so then the game is to kind of lead the civilization up the Kardashev scale.
this could also be a spore-like game, but keeps going after the space stage.
I prefer the "play as an emergent intelligence" version though.
The game could be called "The Singularity" and starts with a joke along the lines of
"of all the changes people thought the singularity might bring, they didn't expect what really happened."
"nothing changed. for them at least."
like, the singularity happened and nobody noticed. :]
I guess you'd have to somehow influence your civilization to do stuff like, upgrade their comms network.
so you get more nodes in your mind.
and... get your civilization interested in space travel, so you're able to spread your network to other planets.
and eventually the whole galaxy, like, a super matrioshka brain.
found this after this blog post was already written: