notes about Firefox

To add a new uri scheme handler from about:config add:

network.protocol-handler.expose.[protocol]   false
network.protocol-handler.external.[protocol] true

Then try to open one of those links and select which program to use.

If you want to disable Trusted Recursive Resolver (DNS over HTTPS) then set


to 5.

I expect the default of 0 which means "default disabled" could eventually get changed to "default enabled"

in a future version of firefox. /I/ prefer to not use DNS over HTTPS because

I run my own DNS servers and would prefer for everything on my network to use them.

[update Oct 19th 2022]:

0 seems to have been changed to "default enabled" now.

I noticed when I created a new profile and my /etc/hosts blocks were being ignored.

I'll have to get on my firefox-profile-create script that will copy-paste settings

from a previously-known-good profile into a new directory, or do some global settings

thing like as mentioned in:

TRR [1]

Other firefox shit:

to spoof you location


set beacon.enabled to false to prevent some analytics.

to change file picker

change both of these about:config settings from 2 to 1


and use xdg-mime to set a .desktop file as the handler

xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory

more misc about:config changes

to keep firefox from thinking your weird domain are searches. such as: zzz.i2p

keyword.enabled: false

I'm not sure wtf is up with this setting. poking it made stuff work when it wasn't.

poking it again did the same thing.


to keep onions from getting filtered like if you have a transparent proxy.

dom.securecontext.allowlist_onions: false

some add-ons I use