WARNING: This page may contain spoilers for the current challenge in the geography guessing game "Where in the World?" by acidus. If you want to figure out the answer for yourself, you may wish to stop reading here.
You can play "Where in the World?" at the link below:
Where In The World? • Puzzle #180 • 2023-01-27 ✅✅✅✅✅🎉
(Answer: Vietnam)
Those in tune with 20th-century American history will be well-acquainted with Vietnam. The shape of the country resembles to me the sail of a boat, left too loose and pulled hard in the wind, with a crow's nest on top.
Where In The World? • Puzzle #179 • 2023-01-26 ✅✅✅❌❌↘️ ✅✅✅✅🤏↗️ ✅✅✅✅✅🎉
(Answer: Brunei)
At first I thought this was an island, given the two disconnected regions of land. It then occurred to me that the smaller region to the east might be a exclave. My first guess was Armenia, then Christmas Island. It was only after realizing Christmas Island is near Borneo that the correct answer came to me.
Where In The World? • Puzzle #178 • 2023-01-25 ✅✅✅✅✅🎉
(Answer: Togo)
Where In The World? • Puzzle #177 • 2023-01-24 ✅✅✅✅✅🎉
(Answer: Ethiopia)
The best clue to recognizing Ethiopia is the arid Somali region to the east of the country, which sharpens to a large point. Somalia fits onto this point like a jigsaw puzzle.
Where In The World? • Puzzle #176 • 2023-01-23 ✅✅❌❌❌➡️ ✅✅❌❌❌➡️ ✅✅✅❌❌↖️ ✅✅✅❌❌⬅️ ✅✅✅✅🤏↙️ ✅✅✅❌❌⬅️
(Answer: Palau)
No hope. The high-resolution photo shows a tight cluster of islands to the northeast, and a few tiny ones scattered around the south: these clues can help to figure it out next time.
[Last updated: 2023-01-27]