The FIRST first was on, which I quickly left after realizing it was completely unmoderated. The SECOND first was on, which is a lovely place with a great dev, but over time I came to decide I wanted to keep my gemlog here on my capsule and maintain it myself.
So! I just spent an afternoon writing, testing, and re-writing a script that would let me generate gemlog entries in the terminal and append links onto an `index.gmi` file. It was a fun learning experience! I learned more about the `echo`, `read`, and `sed` commands in the process. But I just could not get new lines to work at all in the generated files, so... I decided to cheat.
I’m just writing this in my usual GUI text editor (currently Sublime Text, which is very nice to use). When I run the script, it will upload this file, put a link to this entry onto `index.gmi` along with the date and header (courtesy of `head --lines=1`).
This was a fun but tiring way to spend my afternoon. I kind of regret not getting into coding when I was younger, but 35 isn’t THAT old. And better late than never, right?
I’ll mirror my older entries here at some point, but they’ll also remain available to read at their original home:
And that concludes this entry! Fun fact: While working on this script I quicksynthed seven full stacks of Maple Sugar in FFXIV in level 1 all-classes gear, with a spiritbond potion active. (Tier I materia for big ol’ marketboard profits!)
Until next time!