help me... HELP ME! I'm serious. - mrpieceofwork ASPERAND autistici PERIOD org
Thank you.
Just checking to see ifin I update this what'll happen...
Here I get on SDF and find I cannot browse the Gemini space... what is going on?
2023 01 09
What's new? I smacked my computer really hard bc I was trying to type TEXT into a connent on YT and it was taking FAR TOO LONG for SIMPLE TEXT and I got
angry and smacked a write fault onto my Linux distro usb... so now I'm redoing it, on Windows, which has crashed 3 times so far. Folks, don't hit your
computer... it will force you to have to use Windows 20230120 UPDATE Installe AntiX over the Winblows OS and it runs so much better
and also HAS NOT CRASHED ONCE SINCE !!! *ahem*
I am a 51 y/o shut-in, bc life is being real mean to me right now, and I am currently stuck under my younger sister's
"care" and she is impossible to communicate simple concepts to. Like stop moving. Like recycle, and allow for compost.
Like allow me to make bread again. and on and on it goes and I'm sick of it HELP
A list of Cadavre Exquis/Exquisite Corpse bot posts I think would make a great base for absurd and/or
surreal images...
A list of all the things I would like to take with me when I finally get free from my sister (plz help me)
Answers to @'s 2023 5 questions
Some quick thoughts as I fight back the nostalgia listening to an old rock and roll band on anonradio