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daily gemlog time...! i got my lights out of the wash and into the dryer, the basement had drained overnight. i threw a load of towels in, then the basement flooded again. hours passed and no luck (or drainage) ... so my dad is going to do something about it tomorrow while i take the metro into the city. it'll all be fine! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

actually, maybe i can check the laundry now and see if it's drained. at this point it's been all day. i'm just freaked out by my basement since it's in a 100+ year old beach house, and extremely just.. open to the elements? that's where our washer, dryer, and water tank all are and spider crickets live down there seasonally. we had it somewhat recently safeguarded a bit against spider crickets, but my dad stopped hiring the people to come by and take care of them when they needed him to be home for a treatment once.

(somewhat stressful sidenote: i do not like being the only person at home when a service person comes over. dad's not allowed to leave it to me anymore! and besides, what do i know most of the time? (。-人-。)) i'm going to go down there anyway. it's been pretty much clear, but i know moisture attracts these bugs. there's also called camel crickets depending on where you're from, and are invasive. they jump at you when they're scared, instead of away. with so much force, too.

i also did all of the dishes that were needing to be done after our sink stopped working a week ago. it was being fixed all yesterday. being able to clean everything today was such a relief. ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )

besides chore-type stuff, i hopped on mabinogi for the first time in a long while. it's my lifelong favorite mmorpg, don't judge me. gotta also get the event cards in project sekai, too, since i've been having more fun with that lately. it's a vocaloid-branded rhythm game with a storyline introducing not-vocaloid characters. my boyfriend started playing lost ark while it's still closed to free players, but i'm thinking about trying it out tomorrow when it has its full release. also, gotta do the valentione's event in ffxiv! excited for that.. ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪)

oh, i listened to a few things while washing the dishes so i'll list some music reccomendations below;

                      .   *        .       benee - doesn't matter
       *      -0-                        
          .                .  *       - )-
       .      *       o       .       *            dominic fike - come here
 o                |
           .     -O- the pillows - ride on shooting star 
.                 |        *      .  -0- bran-new lovesong
       *  o     .    '       *      .        white summer and green bicycle
              .         *       |      *
   *             *              -O-          .
         .             *         |     ,
                .           o
        .---.                               BRADIO - funky kitchen
  =   _/__~0_\_     .  *            o       '    .      O * TE * A * GE * DA!
 = = (_________)             .                            fitness funk
                 .                        *     .          time flies
       *               - ) -       *                    (i listened to like 11 songs, everything is super funky!)

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