17:01 - Startup Meetup Sheffield
18:02 - Free coding taster session with EyUp Skills
18:02 - INTERFACE: Art/Technology/Collaboration
09:02 - Sheffield Digital: GeekBrekky
14:02 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
17:02 - Meet up with individual members of Sheffield Digital
18:02 - dotnetsheff: [🏫 In-Person] Domain Modelling & The Power of F# Collections with Ian Russell
08:02 - The Showroom Workstation Breakfast Club
09:02 - Sheffield Digital: GeekBrekky at How St Cafe
14:02 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
13:02 - Yorkshire Cyber Security Cluster (YCSC): February Virtual Meet
09:02 - Sheffield Digital: GeekBrekky at How St Cafe
14:02 - Sheffield Hackspace: Open every Saturday 2pm-6pm
18:02 - Yorkshire DevOps #4 - Sheffield
17:02 - Sheffield DM (Digital Marketing): Meetup #25
09:02 - Sheffield Digital: GeekBrekky at How St Cafe
09:03 - Digital Innovation for Growth: Advanced Body Measurement for Sport & Health
09:03 - Sheffield Digital: GeekBrekky at How St Cafe
09:03 - Sheffield Digital: GeekBrekky at How St Cafe
09:03 - Digital Innovation for Growth: Advanced Body Measurement for Ergonomics & Design
Source: opentechcalendar.co.uk