
So you wanna know about me, eh?

Alright. I'll tell ya.


last updated 2021-11-01


In 1991 I was born wrong, and I've been trying to undo it ever since.

I go by many names but y'all can call me Shaun here.

My correct pronouns are fae/faer[1] and I have a decently weird relationship to my gender, which is nonbinary and fluid. (I'll probably talk about it sometime.)

I have an often unpleasantly weird relationship to the concept of sexuality, but for my part I'm gray-asexual and bisexual. Sometimes, but not always, I experience sex repulsion. (Some other times I experience a fixation on sex.)

I'm white and I live in (and was raised in) the United States. I, uh, don't like it.

I'm politically on the left. No, more left than that. Little more. Yeah, just there. I think "anarchocommunist" is probably a close enough term, at least in as much as I get as offended that people don't rightly know what anarchism is, as I do that people don't rightly know what communism is. I'm not very skilled at anything social so I don't really argue with people about it but I might say what I think from time to time.

I'm a capital-h Heathen and a lapsed magician. (Exactly like a lapsed Catholic except the guilt is from the unread books on my shelf instead of the littany of older relatives.) I shake my fist at Odin on occassion. He knows what he did. I sometimes have tea with Loki and his wife. They're quite lovely.

I don't have any contact with any of my relatives, and I rejoice in it.

I live with my two partners and pine very *very* hard over a third person. I'll probably talk about him. I'm a hopeless lost cause over him.

I'm very weird inside my brain. I'm a bear otherkin (Some Other Types) and stuck in front of a plural system. I'll probably talk about that. I have PTSD (and several other mental incongruities) and I'll probably talk about that as well. I'm having trouble forging a decent sleep schedule.

I'm into epoxy resin crafting, and I've been knitting for a couple of years now. Crafting is fun as hell. I wish I had the tools and space to do woodworking, but alas. Perhaps someday.

I also make electronic music[2].

External links:

1] fae pronoun usage

2] my electronic music (big-net) website


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