Welcome to my Gemini capsule. My name is Joel Sutton and I describe myself as:
Software developer. Creator of synth music. Internet radio admin of Still Stream. Friend to cats.
Perhaps you're wondering why you've arrived here if you've come to innerteapot.com with a normal browser? You've unwittingly travelled through a proxy to "The Small Web".
This site is hosted on an Ubuntu Linux 22.04.1 LTS virtual server at Digital Ocean. Gemini serving is handled by molly-brown. Kineto manages the Gemini to HTTP proxying. Apache handles web serving.
2023-01-19 Telegram Terminal Client
X Transmission FM Internet Radio
Deedum Gemini Browser for Android
medusae.space gemini directory
@anything_synth@bitbang.social (computery stuff)
Last updated: Sun Jan 22 05:53:04 PM AEDT 2023