Composer, songwriter, Linux and free software geek
Hiya! I’m Skylar, also known by my stage name Alauda Stellaris, also known as StellarSkylark on most social media. I’m a transgender woman, a programmer, composer, and songwriter! This is a place where I can compile and share my creative output.
This is a Gemini capsule; if you're using HTTPS to view it, it's being converted into HTML on the fly for your viewing pleasure. Consider checking out Gemini, it's really cool!
If you like what you find here, either my writings or my music, consider dropping me a tip at my Ko-Fi:
All content on this capsule is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless indicated otherwise.
Gemlog Atom feed (HTTPS version)
Email: [my typical username]
(links to my HTTPS site to properly show embeds)
The Discordian Order of the Shattered Palisade and Other Omnifarious Pretentiousness