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we're a loose association of like-minded tilde communities. if you're
interested in learning about *nix (linux, unix, bsd, etc) come check out our
member tildes and sign up!
tildes are pubnixes in the spirit of tilde.club, which was created
by paul ford.
member status in the tildeverse mainly involves some level of engagement on
irc; all other systems are independent.
stop by our irc network and hang out!
aussies.space is a tilde located in australia focused around
australian tilde users.
We are a shared Unix computer focused on bread: baking it,
eating it, using it as fiat currency in the event of a cataclysm,
that sort of thing.
cosmic.voyage is a tilde community based around a collaborative
science-fiction universe.
Ctrl-C Club is a Linux server offering free SSH and web accounts
to users who want to build webpages, chat online, learn Linux,
play text console games, or fiddle around writing software.
A small but growing community of people sharing a computer and
talking about the intersection of the human experience and the
forces of nature
An experimental software community with a 199X aesthetic.
Un tilde pero en castellano -- a small spanish-speaking tilde
tilde.club is not a social network it is one tiny totally standard
unix computer that people respectfully use together in their
shared quest to build awesome web pages
A public-access UNIX system running OpenBSD
tilde.pink is a gopher-only tilde running on NetBSD open to
non-commercial space for teaching, learning, and enjoying the
social medium of unix
intentional digital community for making art, socializing,
and learning