MESSAGE: NEW MISCELLANEOUS SHIT Msg left by: BIOC AGENT 003 First off, I would like to commend Creative Cracker on the amount of work he put into programming this new board (even if it did take a while). Secondly, I will be compiling many of the older messages posted on the old phreak sub-boards since March into one or more G-files. Besides subscribing to the system, posting good phreak information and/or uploading good phreak philes to the system will probably help you to increase your place in the phreak hierarchy on this board. As of now, there are several phreak sub-boards which are used various sub- phreak topics. Many of these boards are private. The same is true with the G-section. As of date there are several levels of phreak files. The higher the level, the more "exclusive" the information. Some of these levels are by invitation only. While it is true that you can raise your level quite readily by subscribing to the system (type [V] from the main menu for more information on this), there are still things that money can't buy. If for some reason, you feel your security level does not reflect upon the amount of messages you posted and/or philes that you uploaded, feel free to leave [F]eedback to the Phreak Management. It will be at our sole discretion as to what your security level and status will be. Please allow sufficient time for the new board to get going before we can start making decisions on higher levels. Of course, messages that you have previously posted on the old board will be taken into consideration. Enjoy the system, ***** BIOC Agent 003 *=$=* Co-Sysop *****<<=-FARGO 4A-=>> Knights of Shadow