Matrika #2 @7314 Thu Apr 19 22:56:57 1990 An athame is traditionally a double-bladed knife with a black handle. Very  few people make their own, although it is possible to do so. Most people  obtain one and personalize it in some way. This is most commonly done by  inscribing symbols or runes on it. In some traditions specific symbols are  required and have been handed down through their lineage. In others and among  ecclectic Wicca groups, these can be personal. How do you do this? You cover the blade with Parrafin. (WAX) Then you let it  cool. Next you take a LONG sharp NAIL and inscribe the symbols in the wax.  Then you use dilute Hydrochloric acid - careful, this stuff is dangerous, and  drop by drop place on the blade where it shows through due to your  inscriptions. When the acid has worked - usually fairly quickly - you rinse  the blade under running water THOROUGHLY and then you use VERY hot water and a  lot of elbow grease to remove the wax. If ANY ACID FALLS ON THE SKIN RINSE THOROUGHLY UNDER COLD WATER IMMEDIATELY  and if there is a burn of any type, seek immediate medical help. IF it gets  in the eyes, again rinse immediately and completely and CALL THE EMT/PARAMEDIC  UNITS. It is best when doing this if you wear either some type of glasses or  goggles and rubber gloves. DO NOT INGEST THE ACID OR LEAVE IT WHERE IT COULD BE INGESTED BY A CHILD OR  ANIMAL. Also be careful of how you dispose of the rest of it - do so in an  environmentally SAFE way. This sounded like a little too much for me, so I tried another method. Koren  made a beautiful athame for me and I personalized it by putting herbs of my  choice in the handle and sealing this with a favorite crystal of mine - again  with his help. Oh, if you absolutely can't get a double-bladed knife - in Massechusetts, for  example, possesion of such a weapon is a CRIME - get a single-bladed knife and  grind down the other edge as much as you can. As I said, the Athame is USUALLY black-handled, but there are exceptions - I  saw one Lady use a knife with a deer's hoof for the handle. She was oriented  toward her Native American heritage as much as her Craft, so it had deep  significance for her. I also saw - in fact a friend of mine was selling it -  a BEAUTIFUL homemade athame with copper tubing forming a cross hilt and  crystals in each of the three tips for the handle. (this was almost a small  sword) AS ALWAYS USE WHAT SPEAKS TO YOUR OWN SOUL!!!!! The athame is usully NOT used in circle for anything other than ritual and  ceremonial purposed. If you need to inscribe a candle for Magick or slice the  bread for the cakes and wine part of the rite, you usually use a BOLINE or  white - handled knife, often a small dagger or even a pen-knife, set aside for  these purposes. T