THE HERETIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 1992 C.I. - Incorporating The Watcher & The Realist - No. 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELF - OVERCOMING : The Pagan Way Recently an aspirant to Adeptship returned a course paper in which he expressed a fatalistic and defeatist attitude towards life. To a consideration of how the Quest for self-realization can be travelled, he answered that in his case it cannot be. That which was halting him was his own negative image, and it is his 'destiny' that he be kept where he is. This aspirant could not be initiated into our Order's II� while possessing such an outlook. Without trying to lay down any 'Satanic dogma', our Order does possess quite specific purposes, one of which is to encourage the Adept in his Quest for ever higher states of Being. This requires a lifestyle, a practical outlook; thus our Order's Satanism is more than a religion or a philosophy - it is a way of living. This Satanic life-style is predicated on a Nietzschean Self-Overcoming, impelling one to transcend all obstacles and limitations - whether imposed by Self or others - a Promethean defiance. As Nietzsche himself put it: "That which does not destroy, makes me stronger." The fatalism of a 'destiny' which so overwhelms the outlook of its possessor that it cannot be confronted and overcome is an Oriental intrusion which leads to stagnation, and belongs to what we call the Right-Hand Path. It is akin to "the will of god" that cannot/must not, be resisted. Our aspirant expressed a hope that perhaps he will reincarnate into a better life. The very essence of the Satanic life is that of defiance. Our outlook is essentially pagan. The Norse believed in fate/destiny (wyrd) but they were in no way bowed or restrained by it. If fate imposed hardship, then it was to be defied. The warrior would either succeed or die honourably in the struggle. What he would not do is raise up his hands in resignation, or bow his head in grief and blame 'fate', 'destiny', or the "will of Odin" for his plight. The Satanist is the contemporary pagan warrior. He confronts his personal 'wyrd' and strives to overcome all obstacles on his Quest for Selfhood, and is stronger for it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL CHRISTLING FOLLIES The past few months have not been good for the Christlings. Their anti-Satanist campaign has gone out with a whimper in both N.Z. and Australia, and has been discredited in Britain and the USA through a series of court fiascos involving alleged 'ritual abuse.' Now it seems the Devil is getting his own back. The media has turned its attention to the odd sexual escapades of the 'men of god' themselves. It is difficult to get too indignant over the Irish Bishop who has a son by a parishioner, which was well covered by the media here, when one considers the ongoing cases of christian child abuse. In Feb. NZ Truth - which has previously done its bit in the anti-Satanist hysteria - this time came out with a properly documented feature quaintly titled "Church tries to hide sex pervert." This concerned the exposure of an Assembly of God pastor who was charged with numerous account of child abuse many other of which were dropped because of church pressure on parents. The article also listed several other recent examples of christian child abuse. Then in Australia, the media dropped its attention of Satanic paedophiles and cannibals and turned its eye on the Children of God sect, which is being accused of child abuse and child porn. In March Owen Dowling, Anglican Bishop of Canberra, was charged with propositioning an off-duty police officer - male - for sex. Who was it who said: "He who is without sin, cast the first stone"? Or as the Chinese sages would put it: "Don't spit in the wind or you'll get your own back." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVIEWS The Fifth Path #3, Editor R. Ward. 66 pages. This magazine is unique in being a review of alternative and underground culture and philosophy from a non-left/liberal perspective. Thus it can truly be called heretic. To quote Adam Parfrey of Feral House Publishers: "I think it will fill a vacuum in music publications. Many left-leading types of publication are totalitarian and exclusionist in their coverage, and your issue gives needed perspective on people who have been ignored or shunned." Issue #3 carries reviews of music and literature. Featured is Boyd Rice, social-Darwinist musician/composer, priest in the Church of Satan, and founder of the 'occult-fascist think-tank', the Abraxas Foundation. (See review below of his paper Wake). Indicative of his philosophy is the quote: "You can't separate creative and destructive force; there has to be a balance between them." Part I of an interview with Tony Wakefield of Sol Invictus, explains his views on Norse paganism, and the danger of "economic mass culture." "In the Service of Odin" is an interview with Freya Aswynn, priestess of Odin and authoress of books on Norse paganism. She asks: "Do you have to go walking around, wallowing in guilt, disgusted with yourself because you happen to be white, because of what some stupid capitalist asshole did some hundred, two hundred years ago?" Michael Moynihan of Blood Axis, and an associate of Boyd Rice, is interviewed on his musical and literary endeavours. Feature articles include an overview of the life and ritual suicide of Japanese writer and neo-Samurai nationalist Yukio Mishima; the traditionalist but innovative music of Carl Orff; the rise of neo-nazi skinheads in Germany. Cost: USA, Mexico, Canada - $5. Europe - $6.50. Asia, Africa, Pacific Rim - $7.25, from: The Fifth Path, PO Box 1632, Carmichael, Ca. 95609-1632 USA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wake #1, Editor Boyd Rice. This is the periodical of the Abraxas Foundation, the aim of which is to facilitate "a renaissance of resurgent atavism; creating a vanguard of New Barbarianism." Abraxas is taken from the name of the gnostic deity, a description of which is given from a quote by Carl Jung. Briefly, Abraxas represents the balance of Opposites. AF's symbol is the Wolfsangle, based on the 13th of the Norse runes. It is the Norse reflection of the Abraxian principle, "representing the balance point between creative and destructive force, good and evil, life and death." "Wake" consists principally of quotes reflecting this message. "Natures Eternal Fascism" is an attack on the dogma of equality. $US2; overseas airmail - $3 from: Abraxas Foundation, Box 300081, Denver, Co. 80203, USA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hysteron Proteron: The Inner Teachings of the O.N.A. 20pp. 1 Pound; overseas $US3 - cash only. (Add $US10.00 for bank charges if paying by cheque), from: Thormynd Press, Box 700, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Introduction: "This present work contains secret MSS circulated among members of the Satanic organization, the Order of Nine Angles. These MSS contain details of the most secret teachings of that Order, and compliment the material already issued in works such as "Naos", "The Black Book of Satan", and "Hostia". They are being made available to explicate the true nature of traditional Satanism." Amongst the 8 papers, "The Hard Reality of Satanism" explains what Satanism is and is not. It is "a quest for self-excellence", intensely elitist and individualistic. What Satanism is NOT, is a religion serving as a crutch for individual weakness. "A Satanist never surrenders to anything - and would rather die, proud and defiant, than submit." "The Satanic Dialectic" is an outline of practical strategy to cause important changes. It includes the ONA's conception of "Aeonics", a method of historical analysis comparable to Spengler's cyclical theory. On one level this involves propagating heretical ideas that defy the current social/political norms. Examples of this are given as opposition to equalitarian dogma and pacifism and the questioning of some of the sacred cows left over from World War II propaganda. "On a higher level, the dialectic is concerned with long-term evolution - with the creation and change of civilizations" and the evolution of "a new species". "The reason 'why' there is a sinister strategy - a dimension beyond the personal - is simple: it is in the nature of Satanism (genuine Satanism, anyway) itself. Satanism at its highest level is concerned with 'cosmic change' - that is, it is an expression of the level of _conscious_ existence. Evolution is something we as conscious beings can participate in and indeed create - by so doing we are extending the range of out being..." "Thus Satanism, correctly understood is more than a glorification of the ego, or an indulgence in pleasures, or some kind of intellectual, 'esoteric' knowledge... _It is Satanists playing at god_: altering themselves, others, societies, civilizations and evolution itself." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'THE PIT & THE PENDULUM' A Film Review by Nevus, OLHP III� Directed by Stuart Gordon Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe Set in 14th Century Spain during the Inquisition, this movie shows the terror that the Church used to sway humanity to betray itself. It also shows several of the many horrendous methods of torture practiced on heretic and witches, most of whom were innocent, and used only to show that the Church would not be denied. Thus were people brought into the human stockyard. After viewing this film the 'common person' would probably say, 'good movie', and think no more of it, as though it was something akin to 'Terminator': completely made-up for the pathetic 'couch potato'. As a Satanist and a man who likes to analyze, it had a lasting effect upon me. Such things of the Church should be undone!! Recommended viewing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANCTUS SATANAS by H.D. Baynes, OLHP III� Nine time the bell does ring. South, East, North and West. Altarlight, candlebright, Infernal light of night, Out the open window rage, The clouds across the moon. Stand alone, apart from time, aglow this sacred room. One temple, one word, The mighty will be heard. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncle Setnakt Says Uncle Setnakt wishes to send his congratulations to Mr. Bolton on his victory with the New Zealand Press Council. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about why we bother dealing with society at all when it would be so much easier to remain an Underground movement and safe from the bricks and torches of the followers of the Prince of Peace. 1. Society gives us an opportunity to practice White Magic. White magic is when we appeal to a man-made entity outside ourselves for a change in our condition. Rather than choosing an overworked and therefore nearly meaningless entity like Jehovah or "the Goddess," we choose a man-made creation to support with sacrifice -- money and/or time -- and expect rewards from in a manner greater than our work has won. This fulfills the human need for a god to turn to when we need slack, and we get far better results with these gods than with Jehovah. If we Understand this as a magical process, we get far better results indeed. 2. Society gives us an opportunity to practice Lesser Black Magic. Lesser Black Magic is manipulation accomplished through guile and cunning (or through the application of little known physical laws). When we use Lesser Black Magic we create a sense of wonder, terror, sensuality, or sentiment in our targets. We present them with these emotional gifts in exchange for their loyalty and aide. We also remind ourselves that we have the same capacity to be bamboozled, and to constantly re-examine our values against the vast roar of cultural propaganda. 3. Society gives us an opportunity to practice Greater Black Magic. Greater Black Magic is the application of a spiritual technology to change the objective and subjective universes in accordance with our Will. The only place to learn how truly effective our magic is is by causing things to come into being in the human world. If we're counting on creating ourselves as divine beings, we need a non-subjective test of our powers. We need to know how well our magic really works. The best test is to alter the world of men and use that alteration to further our own Becoming. If we can bring about beneficial change change in the world, we know that we can create forces in the objective universe to sustain us the way our bodies currently do. 4. Society gives us an opportunity to practice conventional evil. If we are to have the inner independence necessary to break the fetters that hinder us on our path to godhood, we need to have the spiritually strengthening practice of being an outsider. We need to stand alone. One of the most effective ways of doing this is the practice of social evil. If you really want to know what it is to stand outside of your society, try breaking a simple taboo that hurts no one. Try not mowing your lawn. Nobody rushes forward to defend this as your civil right. Watch the ultimate fire of hate blossom in your neighbor's eyes -- because you're not cutting up an organism. They'll give you letters, legal threats, and social ostracism. If you can withstand this pressure, you may be able to withstand the pressures willing up within that try to force back to sleep. 5. Society gives us a laboratory to search for the transcendental Good. It is all very well to say that your magic is bringing about your values the world, but unless you examine your values in the details of life they are worthless. How far will you push yourself to accomplish your life mission? How quickly do you sell out against the forces of sleep? Unless you constantly seek new horizons to push against, you have lost yourself in the mire of subjectivity. You will have already died if you choose to merely live in your daydreams. The condition that most of mankind faces after death -- the dreamy semi-aware state that the Greeks called Hades -- will have already claimed you. But if you constantly strive to bring new impulses to the world, you may achieve divine status before you die. You may Become a creator, a god. 6. Society gives us the opportunity to find other who can sharpen our practice by support and challenge. If we want to truly transform ourselves in accordance with our will, we need the tools. These tools are not by and large in some book or whispered to us by demons in circles. These tools come from watching how others succeed and fail in their magical quests. These tools come from articulating our own life philosophy and considering the articulations of others. The real magician is the one always eager to learn, because it saves him so much suffering and traveling down blind alleys. If we interact openly with society, we can attract others to challenge us and spur us on, as well giving ourselves the chance to further our thought by the necessity of having to articulate for those entering into our black order. Uncle Setnakt is very proud that the Temple of Set is engaged in just such expansion in Australasia now. Catch the black tide! 7. Society gives us a measuring stick of our individual progress. If we set up to interact with Society on a regular basis -- the way Uncle Setnakt does by writing his column -- we examine how we've changed each time. We use society as a reminder to check our progress on regular intervals. Can I speak with greater ease in public? Have my ideas become more coherent? Am I truly shaping my life and mind in the direction I want to be? With forethought our interaction with society Becomes a series of way-stations of our Initiation. 8. Society gives us the opportunity to align ourselves with the Aeon. If we choose to interact with society as Initiators, we have to find the current of our initiation within ourselves. We seek after the Mystery Hidden deeply within ourselves of our own individual and unique Becoming. When we discover that we discover that the same Mystery is Hidden deeply within the objective world. When we can interact with (or become aligned with) that Mystery, we can achieve a status of more then purely human being, and exercise the true powers of Black Magic to create a path of individually determined freedom. 9. Society reminds us of the great truth. When we interact with the semiconscious mass of mankind, we are reminded of the great truth of the Left Hand Path. If you live for anything other than your own Becoming, you represent something other than yourself and ultimately you are a slave. How much better it is to live for your own Becoming -- to take whatever truths you might find and place them as lighted spheres around the dark center of your being. Become like Yog-Sothoth, letting the dark Mystery of yourself be undefined and ever advancing -- let all your gods (whether created by you or thrust upon you) merely be ephemera which serve your freedom. They may seem eternal to the sleepers, but to the Seeker they will pass away until he alone remains then he shall recognize that he has become the perfect mind and shall remake the Cosmos in the eternal glory of his Satanic will. Uncle Setnakt hopes you have a pleasant day. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER TO A BRITISH ISRAELITE The following letter was written by the editor of the Canadian heretical magazine The Promethean to a christian Right-winger. It reflects a challenge increasingly emerging to the worn-out, fallacious concepts of the Judaeo-christian political Right. The Promethean may be contact via TW#108, 225 Wyandotte St. E. Windsor, Ontario, N9A 3H5, Canada. * * * June 7 Dear Geoff, This letter is in reply to your communication of May 10. The delay is due to the fact that I only recently returned from a short vacation. Unfortunately your May 10 letter was quite vituperative; I was hoping for a direct discussion of the points I raised in my last letter rather than you comparing me to Marxists and "secular humanists". I think it is unfortunate that you feel there is no point in further discussion over our varying points of ideology; for one thing, I don't think we even adequately _began_ to discuss our positions, and, for another, I am quite confident enough in my ideological grounding to be able to defend it. Firstly, you stated in your letter that I appear to have been converted to "secular humanism". This is an imprecise term, borrowed from the Zionist fundamentalist movement in the United States. I reject this ridiculous and insubstantial term for my belief system, thought I admit that I would rather be called a "secular humanist" than be a bought-and-paid-for whore of the illegal Zionist entity in Palestine today! If you find my "conversion" disturbing, you can imagine how I find your apparent alignment with the running dogs of the world Zionist money-power! You also compare me to Marxists, so forgive me if I feel compelled to put the issue into perspective. Nietzsche, Malthus, Darwin, Spengler, Wagner and Spencer can in no way be considered Marxists or proto-Marxists, and all their work points in the opposite direction of Marx! Only in the festering mind of someone like Jerry Falwell could Darwin be aligned with Marx. In contrast, Christianity is fully in line with Marxism, as evidenced by the Bible itself! When the fundamentalists sound off about the communists, invariably they rant about how the Reds want to abolish private property, and uphold the good ole US ZOG as standing up for "individual rights" and property. Yet in Matthew chapter 5 Jesus tells his sheep not to "lay up treasures on earth"... One can also recall the verse about the "eye of the needle" (Matthew 19:23-24) and the story of the "rich young ruler" to see the _real_ attitude towards private enterprise held by this Judaic creed. Despite the claims of the Christians to uphold "family values" they, like the Marxists, are in fact anti-family. Look in your Bible to Luke 14:26 and Luke 12:51-52. Here we have the Jewish messiah telling the flock the true attitude towards the family held by his religion. Christianity is an international creed, as the "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel" commandment shows. Additionally, doesn't the Bible say something about there being "no Jew, nor Greek, nor barbarian, but all are one" in the church? In total contrast, compare Nietzsche, who championed nobility and Self-Overcoming. Or Wagner, who demanded a folkish, sensual national culture. Or Darwin, who revealed the truth of the natural order. These men weren't communists! You further make a statement which begs clarification when you assert that "a national under God is traditionally more stable and content..." What possible example of such a phenomenon has ever existed at any time in history? The Middle Ages was a time when all Europe was ground beneath the bootheel of Christianity, yet was rent by hundreds of wars! Christians behave as if all "real" history began with the birth of Jesus, yet for millenia before the new testament, societies far more stable and just than any Christian society flourished without ever hearing of the Jewish god! Look for our real history at ancient Sumeria, Egypt, Crete, Hellas and Rome! Here we find such things as irrigation, codified laws (based on logic and reason rather than neurotic superstitious fear), music and art. Compare to the supposedly "Aryan" (according to Identity) Israelites or the Medieval Europeans! As for the mistaken Identity doctrine, I was compelled in believing in it for a mixture of wrong reasons. While I believed in it sincerely, and spent a lot of time/money/effort promoting it, I always had some doubts about the historical accuracy of its claims, and, when I pressed Identity believers for answers to questions raised by the likes of Eric Thomson, I was met either with hostility or ignorance. However, my contact with some ex-British Israelites had convinced me that the Identity faith is fundamentally flawed. Kerry Bolton, a researcher from New Zealand and a former B-I adherent has shown that when the Habiru related the "Cain and Abel" story (purloined, incidentally, from every other creation-myth of the time) they could have been casting "Cain" as a symbol for their enemies, the Indo-Europenans. According to Identity, the "Cainites" were the Jews (or Blacks), but in Genesis we read that Cain built the first cities and founded metal-working and music, and obvious picture of our noble Sumerian ancestors. In additional, Cain was supposedly a "tiller of the soil" rather than a hunter-gatherer or herder. Bolton has shown that the glyph "AR", which meant both "king" and "plough" could have been the root of "aryan" ("noble ones"). I don't have any desire to be a "true Jew", considering that not only is my real heritage much richer and more valuable, but also because the old testament is so puerile. Having at last thoroughly researched the old testament, I cannot see how anyone would want to claim such a legacy. Far from being "race purists", the Habiru ("Israelites") were exclusive for religious rather than racial reasons. The story of Phineas killing the "race-mixer" in Numbers 25 is cited as being an example of pro-White direct action. BUT, read the _whole_ chapter, and you'll see that the killing was motivated by religious bigotry, not by racial awareness. Moses himself, incidentally, married an Ethiopian woman. In Deuteronomy 20:13-18 god tells the Jews to kill their male enemies -- but to "take" the children and women! White Power? Keeping reading, look at Deuteronomy 21:10-12. No Identity person can adequately explain verses like these. Anyway, I am sorry that this letter is so long and involved. I not only invite but welcome discussion of all the above. I think that further dialogue is important; I really don't see why it should be fraught with animosity. You and I still are committed to the same goal of national liberation, which comes first. Take care and I hope to hear from you soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT COMMENT MONEY POWER RULES IN DEMOCRACY Renegade National M.P. Winston Peters once again enraged both sides of "The House" with his allegations of bribery of politicians by big business. He is the only politician of stature to condemn the role of the financial coteries in politics. However, his assertions that 'true democracy' cannot function under such influences, requires scrutiny. The very function and purpose of democracy is to serve money. Democratic revolutions and parliaments were inaugurated for the very purpose of dispossessing the aristocracy and landed gentry in favour of the newly emergent merchant class. "The people" are never a factor in determining such matters. As Spengler stated 60 years ago, "Along with abstract concepts, abstract money - money divorced from the prime values of the land - appear as political forces.... it must be concluded that democracy and plutocracy are one and the same thing..." (Decline of the West). The purpose of democracy as a front and slogan for High Finance necessitates a parliament not of strong individualists and independents, but party hacks, careerists and opportunists who will not challenge the status quo - i.e. the situation we have now. Peters as a man of integrity and independence is indeed an embarrassment to his fellow M.P.'s. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATH WORKING WITH THE SATANIC TAROT by H.D. Baynes, OLHP III� [Path working: a method of meditating upon a symbol to contact what Dr C G Jung called the "archetypes of the Collective Unconscious".] The Aeon: It is again very dark but I know that I am inside a round, empty space; I am in control of the situation. Feeling the confines of this space, I at once realize this as being an egg and break though the shell to a blinding light. Looking about, there is nothing to see but sand and clear, blue sky. The horizon is empty. "Where am I", I shout. A Vulture appears hovering about me and to my right. "The Wasteland", he replies. I look about again and ask if he is of the Left Hand Path. "I am the guiding light of your Self; I am of nature." "How must I better myself as a Satanist", I ask him. He settles to the ground next to me, his red eyes blinking. "You must not do anything that is unnatural to you". I understand this and ask him to show me something, He bends towards the sand and stretching out a clawed hand to a grain of sand, he holds it in front of me in his palm. Interpretation: The 'egg' is the confines of herd conformity, while the --------------- blinding light is Luciferian in nature. To the Satanist, a lot of what surrounds us is indeed 'Wasteland' - the old dogmas and morals of a Tyrant's creed. The Vulture is stressing the importance of the Self, an affirmation of Crowley's Thelemic Law. [Satanic Tarot: booklet & cards: $30.00 from Realist Publications]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OZ PAGANS RECLAIM EASTER The Dark Circle Collective, (reported in _The Watcher_ #11, held its 8th annual Eostre Magickal Retreat over 16-20 April. At a rural location in New South Wales, pagan celebrations and rites were held that included the Egyptian, Norse, Voudoun, Thelemic, Shamanic and Wiccan traditions. The D.C. puts out a number of quality publications, and may be contacted at: Box 1639, Chatswood 2057 NSW Australia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Meaning of Physis by D. Myatt (Physis Foundation) Physis is a Greek word which can be translated as "Nature" - it also means the 'natural unfolding' or evolution which occurs in Nature as well as the 'character' or nature' of a person. In many ways, it is that harmony or balance which 'holds the cosmos together' in a natural way. The ancient Greeks had a concept of living and an approach to the gods which was pagan - they believed that a proper life (I am writing about pre-Platonic views here) was a balanced one: that the relationship of the individual to the gods was important. This relationship of the individual to the gods was important. This relationship was not based on concepts of sin nor on a morbid denial of life and its pleasures. Rather, it was based on respect - the individual respected the gods and believed the respect (and thus personal fortune) of the gods could be obtained or given if the individual strove to achieve excellence. It was considered unwise to be excessive - in anything. The Greek mystery cults went further, and believed life could be enhanced - and immortality attained - by living in a certain way and performing certain rites. Central also was a pragmatic view - that the cosmos possessed a natural order which could be understood if one thought hard enough or observed it for long enough or if one attained an insight into it. These things established a framework for understanding genuine paganism in general - insofar as 'the West' and its psyche is concerned. It is better to begin in this way, via the ancient Greeks, since the evidence and the sources are preserved more completely than other 'Western' pagan tradition. It is unfortunate that most modern pagans derive their understanding from myths and legends and practices which are often obscure or incomplete - what is missing is difficult to understand often being interpreted romantically. Naturally, this approach via the Greeks assumes that there are similarities between the different forms paganism assumed among the peoples of the West at various times - that is, that the variations are different expressions of the same spirit or 'view of the world', an expression which pre-dated the morally abstract religion of the Nazarene and extended from the ancient Albion around the time of the building of Stonehenge to the Anglo-Saxons, the Celts and the Vikings. I believe this assumption to be a valid one - for what is important are not the details of the legends or the attributes of the gods or even the various religious forms and rites, but rather the instinctive apprehension of life and the cosmos which gave rise to the religious forms of paganism in the first place: that which is our collective or 'folk' psyche. Thus, we may say that while the paganism of the ancient Greeks and that of the Vikings represent or express this psyche, the abstract religion of Christianity does not. There is an esoteric tradition which regards ancient Albion (or rather the civilization of Albion which flourished between c. 5,000 BP and 3,000 BP) as the original home of the god whom the Greeks called Apollo and thus the inspiration of the Greeks. This tradition - which names the civilization the 'Hyperborian' in honour of this fact - recounts Albion as inventing the wheel among other things, including agriculture, and possessing a knowledge of and skill in astronomy (evident in Stonehenge and other monuments of the civilization) as well as esoteric crafts. The Druids are regarded by this tradition of being among the last remants of the decayed civilization. Whatever the truth or otherwise of this tradition, I believe the ancient Greeks give us the most comprehensive information regarding paganism - or rather, that paganism which is appropriate to those whose psyche is "Western". [I use this term "Western" with misgivings since today it generally and unfortunately implies that materialistic power structure of European and American states, rather than a definite culture. "European" is no better, and both 'Indo-European' and 'Aryan' are liable to misinterpretation. By 'West' is meant that culture exemplified by Albion, ancient Greece and Rome, the Celts, Vikings and so on.] This ancient Greek foundation gives us two important contributions missing from the other traditions - what may be called the 'pragmatic' and the _conscious_ expression of our relationship with the gods. The former is exemplified in that essentially rational approach to living which is so typically Greek, the latter in Greek tragedy and some of the pre-Socratic philosophers. What this amounts to is nothing really new - just another way of viewing what esoteric tradition has established, of sorting out the valuable from the dross, enabling perspective. Essentially, esoteric tradition (call it 'the Occult' for convenience) maintains that we have latent abilities and are capable of evolving still further - of developing higher levels of consciousness. Part of this is in understanding and mastery of the Occult arts - e.g. like divination and 'magick' - and part is in developing an empathy or awareness with and of others and the cosmos. One aspect is the belief that we can attain Immortality - e.g. by alchemy, be that alchemy a practical one with the production of an Elixir or an internal one with the production of Adeptship and beyond. This way means, if its potential is to be fulfilled, a certain way or ways of living rather than a 'hobby' or an 'interest' or a 'diversion'. Part of this is an attitude and part of it is observance or participation, usually by some form of ritual or rite. That is, there is an approach to life, which may be intuitive - a 'feeling' about the world, and a desire to do something, participate, or achieve. Naturally there is in the Occult a confusion and multitude of ways and systems and beliefs. But most of these, deriving from unclear sources, have lost (if they ever possessed) the meaning or essence behind the outer forms: a meaning or essence which the two contributions from the Greeks, mentioned above, explicate most clearly. Hitherto, both the dogmatic and the religious approach to the Occult (evident in the revival of past forms and ways, for example) have failed because the forms and means chosen have seldom if ever been conscious. That is, they exist on the unconscious, symbolic level or on the directly religious one, presuming in the first instance a lack of self-awareness and in the second instance a faith in arcane religious forms and/or deities. In brief, the attitude of mind thus cultivated tends towards uncritical acceptance and 'superstition' - and a lack of real understanding regarding the relationship between the individual and the gods. The realization of the Occult requires a specific way of living - one that takes the individual away from the modern world with its abstractions, its beliefs, its dogma, its noise, frenetic pace and crowds. This way returns individuals to themselves, to confront and understand what is within, and then having achieved a self-understanding and thus liberation, to an understanding of 'Nature'/the gods and thus the cosmos. The attitude of mind required is an openness - an enquiring approach which combines a pragmatic view with intuition or insight. Such an attitude may for convenience be called 'Thinking' or 'contemplation' - it is a reasoned empathy developed by various methods or Occult techniques, and may be said to represent the essence of paganism, and essence capable of being apprehended and developed only by the way of living mentioned above. Such an understanding as arises from such an attitude is highly individual - that is, it cannot be constrained within a dogma or form part of a religious belief. There is thus the development of an entirely new type of conscious apprehension - a new way of 'Thinking' or being, and thus a new way of living. Fundamentally, this new understanding is what "Physis" means - and to achieve this is the aim of a Physis community or foundation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAN PACIFIC PAGAN ALLIANCE This is an organization which was formed recently in Australia to counter-act anti-pagan defamation by fundy christians, et al. who are seeking to fan a new witch-hunt against those who don't conform to their dogma. Despite their worthy principles, PPPA has established a dogma and denied entry to Satanists and others of the Left Hand Path, and is thus playing into the hands of their own enemies. It has already undergone considerable criticism by Tim Hartridge of the Dark Circle, because of its anti-LHP orientation and its divisive policy. Now it seeks entry into NZ. PPPA recently contacted Tanith Feye of Equipus Spiritae, seeking her support in creating a Regional Council in NZ. While the Alliances Julia Phillips writes that it is "for all pagans" she states in the same sentence that they must then conform to three principles, and that membership is not being offered to Satanists. Tanith Feye sent the following to Ms Phillips in response: "Thankyou for your letter regarding the PPPA. While I know I could be of help to you ... you have effectively cut me off. I am Left Hand Path. "You comment about not wanting to be associated with Satanic practices shows that you have no real understanding of LHP beliefs and practices. It should be noted that Satanic 'deities', so-called, were around long before Christianity or Judaism, and were deities long before they were demons. Need I remind you that the traditional Wiccan Horned God is the basis for the christian devil? "As with all LHP people, I cannot agree with your three statements. I would be interested to know who has decided that these are the basis for paganism? Wicca, maybe, but not paganism in general. It is a gross injustice to translate wiccan creeds across to non-wiccan paths. Who is anyone to decide what anyone else is to believe? The way these statements are presented constitutes a dogma. "In my over 20 years of practice, the main difference I have found between LHP dogmas and RHP pagans is that those who follow the LHP philosophy tend to be tolerant of ALL pagans, whereas those who follow the RHP tend to show the same level of ignorance and bigotry towards LH Paths, that christians show to paganism in general. "I hear a lot about unity, human rights, and freedom of beliefs; but it appears to me that the reality is 'unity (if you conform to us), human rights (ours - not yours), and freedom of beliefs (as long as we approve them first). What makes you any different then from the christians you purport to be rallying against? Perhaps your organization should be more truthfully titled "Pan Pacific Selected & Approved Pagans Only Alliance". "The PPPA's discriminatory view is unfortunate as it lowers the tenor of the organization to that of christianity; it encourages dissensions and schisms, it makes a liar of the organization and everyone in it, and it cuts off a lot of valuable people... "Realistically, I do not think you should hold out much hope of getting any real foothold in NZ. NZ pagans, although widespread and often unconnected, still have a very real understanding of the need to stick together." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CALLING Distantly the clouds are darkening, Thunder roars with lightning flash. Fearful cries of Christling spawn, Awaiting fateful, final clash. Black-clad legions harken bravely, Prepare for battle one & all. Sharpen sword, axe & spear, Harken to that far-off call. Through ages Christlings rule, Burned & tortured in holy reign. Now the pagan ethos wakens, Time for primal law again. Satan's battlers marching steady, Berserker's yell fills the sky. As of old Christlings tremble, To the sound of warrior's cry. Here now stand the Dark Lord's legions, Atop ruins of the Church. Mountains high are skulls of prelates, For the holy - do not search. Victory to the Earth's noblest, Honour-bound, defy once more. All the petty Christling worms, Defeated by the Will of Thor. Now New Aeon has been ushered, Satan's reign over world supreme. Human kind's potential unfettered, Fulfilling yet the Faustian dream. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADAMITE & CAINITE - PART I - The Hebrew scriptures are a paste-up job drawn from a variety of religions and cultures, such as those of Sumeria, Babylonia and Egypt. However, a consideration of the Hebrew scriptures, because they are based on the earlier epics of these High Cultures, can be instructive. Genesis, for example, is based on Sumerian and Babylonian creation myths, and can render a more complete account than the remnants that have survived in Sumer. (Ref. George Smith, _Chaldean Account of Genesis_). The Hebrew version identifies two "seeds" or lineages of humanity destined historically to be at enmity. The Judaeo-christian bible is virtually an account of this enmity. The two sees are the Adamite, continued through Seth, and that of the Serpent, continued through Cain. The Adamites are described as the "Holy _seed_" in _Isaiah 6:13_. The Jehovic covenant with Abram was that his "_seed_" would inherit the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. (_Gen. 15:18_). Jesus returns to the issue of the two distinct seeds and the historical enmity between them, quoted in _Matt. 13-37-39_ as stating: "He answered and said unto them, he that soweth the good seed is the son of man, the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one, the enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels." Ezra and other prophets condemned the "holy seed" for mingling with Canaanites, Hittites, Midianites, et al, whose higher culture and religions often turned the Israelites from Jehovah worship. This was _NOT_ however an injunction for racial segregation, as certain christian Right-wing sects claim, in order to maintain racial purity, as the women and children of such nations were usually grafted on to Israel as war booty, according to Jehovic sanction. This dual attitude of religious purity, but racial grafting, ensured that the Cainite line/seed would continue even through Israel. Indeed, Moses, according to the biblical account, married a Midianite after fleeing from Egypt, and sired sons by her. Moses' father-in-law was a high priest who apparently initiated Moses into the serpent cult. The Hebrew scribes rewrote the figure of Moses to conform to the demands of their religion, making him the voice of Jehovah and foe of the Midianites, et al. During Moses' reign, supposedly, Phineas killed an Israelite and a Midianite woman for cohabiting. (British Israelite/Identity christians cite this as an example of biblical racism, but never mention that Moses himself was the father of Midianite sons). He was even given a childhood copied from the myth of the life of the Babylonian king Sargon, and a completely fallacious 'exodus' with Moses at the head was invented). If there ever was an historical Moses, he seems to have deserted Jehovah worship for the serpent cult of his Midianite wife and priestly father-in-law. He was possibly taught an esoteric doctrine and craft, as _Exodus 4:3-4_, has him handling a serpent and performing magickal feats. In _Numbers 21_ he casts a brass serpent idol and endows it with magickal properties. (The Hebrew scribes of course have him doing these deeds in the name of Jehovah!). Much later, the serpent cult was rooted out by the Judahite king Hezekiel, who destroyed the serpent idol accredited to Moses, as this had become the centre of a cult among the Israelites. (_II Kings 18_). The Midianites were a branch of Kenites, who traced their decent from Cain. (Kenites=nomadic metal workers. Ken/Kan/Cain = Semitic = metal worker). The enmity existing between the Pharisee caste and the Jesus cult seems to be a reflection of the rivalry which existed between the two seeds. While the New Testament traces Jesus' lineage to Abraham, Jesus condemns the Pharisees as the seed of the serpent and of Cain. PART II NEXT ISSUE : "THE FALL" & "ARYANS ARE CAINITES" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAY THAT OLD TUNE "Turn the other cheek", Is but a holy sham. 'Tis preached by the meek, And welcomed by the lamb. Victory belongs in might, But in weakness lies slavery. For the wise do know that strength make right, And pacifism stems from knavery. The eagle supreme does soar, While doves fall prey to bloodied claw. The noblest yearn for heroic war, And look to days of primal law. In bygone times was heroism held in high esteem, And the cowardly plead for god's salvations. Now we have the coward's dream, And the noble hero cursed to damnation. But primal law shall come again, As 'men of peace' are put to sword. And noble heroes yet shall reign, While the sickly pray, "oh lawd." "Peace is an ideal & war a reality", Said Oswald Spengler in deep concern. No world can live forever on pacifist fatality, And such a fact do the wise discern. And as old Lionel Terry once said, "A world without war means stagnation and rust". The idealist's dream is but the peace of the dead, For nature decrees that strife is a must. So play that old tune of war drum's beat, And raise high the flag of nobility. We'll take no more of the gospel of defeat, Nor the weakling's reign of sterility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVERTS BALDER - WESTERN MAGICK and the WAY OF THE WARRIOR: --------------------------------------------------- the Pan-European Brotherhood for resurgence of the Tribes & power catalyst for the Occult World: FACILITIES: Monthly _Journal_; _The European Library_ (incl. archive/copying by mail). _Book discounts_ & publishers networkings; _Grade Degree_ studies (Temporal/Spiritual); international _rituals_, workshops, path workings; _Study farms_, England; _Alexandrian Scholarships_ (free study holidays, England); _Global network_-Sportsmen/Artists/Musicians; _Action_ programmes; _Courses_ e.g. Autonomis, Sports Magick, Dioscuris, Chaos, Teuton/Celt mythology, Faustianism, Self-overcoming, Magick & New Right, Runes, Meditation, Solaris, Tribal Psyche, Yggdrasil, Sex Magick; _Lodges_ being established in all countries. AGE: Min. 18yrs. Europe/21 USA. Youth: 15-18yrs. on request (incl. extra education facilities). TROTH: adult: UK:�26. Europe:EEC=�27/Non-EEC=�29. Americas/Antipodes:�33/$65 youth: UK:�21. Europe:EEC=�22/Non-EEC=�22. Americas/Antipodes:�24/$50 LINKING: members in 18 countries. Working links with many occult & regionalist groups & mags. JOURNAL: Pan-European (inc. Mythology; Folklore; History; Magick; Satanism; Runes; Warriorship; Subjects Philosophy; Subversion; Ethnography; Pagan esoterics; Sports Magick; Self-overcoming Format: A5. 32 pages. + book reviews; other orders; Library update; Balder news ENQUIRIES: (in strict confidence) full details: 24 page book/forms/latest zine send 4$/�2 or = IRC's ADDRESS: Nautonier: Stephen Cox, 60 Elmhurst Road, Reading, Berks. RG15HY, England. U.K. --- MIGHT IS RIGHT $20.00 from Realist Publications. Wholesale discounts: $10.00 each for 10 or more copies. - 153 pages - FOREWORD Ragnar Redbeard (Arthur Desmond) was born in New Zealand sometime during the mid - 19th Century. here he was an active socialist, ran for parliament, and edited _The Tribune_. In 1892 Desmond left for Australia, continued his political activities, wrote poetry, and influenced the famous Australian folk poet Henry Lawson. Desmond must have repudiated his socialist philosophy at this time, as it is said that he left Australia in 1895 with the manuscript for _Might Is Right), the very antithesis of socialist theory. Desmond's life after departing Australia is a matter of conjecture. _Might Is Right_ stands alongside Friedrich Nietzsche's _Anti-Christ_, _Twilight of the Idols_, and _Thus Spoke Zarathustra_ as among the most heretical works of the last one hundred years. Desmond was clearly influenced by Nietzsche in both style and philosophy. Herein are challenged and demolished all the sacred cows of Desmond's and our own time: christianity, humanitarianism, pacifism, egalitarianism - the herd moralities and the herd religions which similarly drew Nietzsche's wrath. _Might Is Right_ has exerted a continual influence on heretical thinkers. It provided the basis for _The Book of Satan_ in LaVey's _Satanic Bible_ (first published in 1969). Today its line provide lyrics and inspiration for "Social-Darwinist" musician-composer Boyd Rice, who is proclaiming the Ragnarian message to a new generation of "Iron Youth". Realist Publications dedicates this edition of _Might is Right_ to this emerging generation of "Iron Youth", that they may grasp the opportunity to take the future, and to History's warrior elite of all nations. 1992. --- NOW IN... Limited number of copies of The Satanic Bible $16.95 The Satanic Rituals $14.95 + $3.00 p&p Equipus Spiritae 1st Floor, Regent Theatre Bldg. Broadway Ave. Palmerston North --- TEMPLE OF SET - A Left Hand Path Order based on the evolution of individual pschecentric consciousness. PO Box 470307 SF Ca. 94147 U S A --- REJUVENATION MAGAZINE Issue #2 now out for 1992CE. An occult-black magick forum with many helpful hints for successful, happy living for all ages, including teenagers! Strategic rebellion tips & criticism against Christianity & other spirituality. Send $2 (USA) $3 (elsewhere) cash, certified cheque or money order to: Joseph E Aufricht, Box 711, Lakewood, Ohio 44107 USA. --- THE LUCIFERIAN LIGHT GROUP Masters of The Satanic Sciences and Publishers Of ONSLAUGHT Issued Bi-Monthly $20 yearly U.S./$25 Foreign Sample Issue $4 The Luciferian Light Group PO Box 7207 Tampa, Florida 33673 USA For information concerning details of membership please send self- addressed, stamped envelope.* * International, please send three IRC's. --- ORDER OF THE LEFT HAND PATH A pagan warrior esoteric & philosophical Order, dedicated to the evolutionary, cultural and spiritual ascent of humanity, and ushering of a Faustian Civilization. Send SAE or International Reply Coupon for details to: OLHP PO Box 38-262 Petone Wgtn.NZ. --- PERSONAL AD Would you like to correspond with a Polish Satanist?! I'd like to correspond with young Satanists who want to talk about our philosophy! I'm 20 years old and I'm waiting for your letter! Piotr Marek Blumicz Pionierow 13, 62510, Konin, Poland. --- THE FAUSTIAN SOCIETY Heretical books on politics, history & philosophy. Send SAE or International Reply Coupon for literature list to : Realist Publications. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE HERETIC _The Heretic_ undertakes to publish views of a non-conformist nature, which confront the status quo and slay its sacred cows. We are therefore opposed to all creeds, ideologies and religions which seek to impose global uniformity on humanity, whether it be in the guise of capitalism, socialism, pacifism, egalitarianism or humanitarianism, or in the name of Christ, Allah or Jehovah. We champion the creative individual above the mass, the defiant above the submissive. Views expressed in signed articles or letters are the sole responsibility of their writers, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor. The appearance of an advertisement does not necessarily indicate that the Editor has any knowledge of, interest in, or support for the product, service, or function being advertised. All contents copyright (C). Those wishing to reprint articles may do so, provided full acknowledgement is given to the writer, and the name and address of _The Heretic_ is published. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUBSCRIPTION Name_____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ One Year (Four Issues): NZ: $7.00; Overseas - Surface: $10.00; Air: $15.00 Cheques & MOs payable to: "Realist Publications" (Overseas: please make payment via International Money Order, US currency or personal cheque. We cannot accept Overseas Money Orders). Advertising rates: Full page: $40.00; half page $20.00; quarter page $10.00 or by exchange arrangement with other publications. IF A TICK APPEARS IN THE BOX YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS NOW DUE [ ] Address all enquiries, etc, to: Realist Publications, PO Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Notes: Finally, I've begun to transcribe the Heretic, for all you who enjoyed the Watcher. As with the Watcher it is brought to you in a slightly altered form on the computer. It lacks the pictures and title art of the original and has been slightly restructured, and advertisements now appear in one section at the end of the actual articles, rather than throughout. Transcribed by Graeme Wilson (O.S.V.) RECENT EVENT: The Order of the Left Hand Path has changed its name to: Ordo Sinistra Vivendi. To find out more about O.S.V. look out for the text file call: OSVINTRO.TXT Ordo Sinistra Vivendi may be contacted at the following addresses: NEW ZEALAND: (Wellington) Ordo Sinistra Vivendi World Headquarters PO Box 38-262 Wellington Mail Centre New Zealand (Dunedin) Ordo Sinistra Vivendi Dunedin Headquarters PO Box 5293 Dunedin New Zealand POLAND: Jacek Szczepanski Zielna 44 99-300 Kutno Poland Rep's are also in Auckland (NZ) and FINLAND. Until they set up contact addresses, contact them via the World Headquarters address.