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�                Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter #0082                 �
�          Date Released : [09/02/92]       Author: Grave Walker              �
�            |=[�]=|  Imaginative Uses for Your M-8O  |=[�]=|                 �

   DISCLAIMER: All material contained in this file has been obtained through
               legitimate resources. All material is for informational
               purposes only, and is not to be used for any illegal purposes.
               By continuing to read this file, you free the author from all

One of the most destructive firecrackers you can get your hands on are the
infamous M-8O's.  I believe all M-8O's are banned in the USA because people
are idiots, and hold on to them while they go off or put them down thier
pants, or something of that sort.  Needless to say, one must be very careful
while handling an M-8O, I am not responsible if your stupidy overwhelms you
and you are still holding onto an M-8O when it goes off..

On that note, lets discuss 'fragments', which will lead us to our first
imaginative use.  I have always been fascinated with Fragments - the idea
of small twisted chunks of metal or iron screaming through the air at such
a velocity that they will lacerate the very flesh of someone's body.
Neat-0, eh?
Fragmentation Grenades go way back to the civil war and such, and were proved
most effective against plutheras of infantry and calvary divisons, in fact,
a well placed Fragmentation Grenade could cripple entire units, sending
them writhing in agony as hundreds of peices of sharp twisted metal took
precious chunks of thier skin and threw it dozens of meters in all
directions.  Well, enough enticing and history, let's talk turkey:

You will first need something that resembles a container, a soda pop
bottle usually works the best (The small plastic kind).  Now, get some
twisted metal particles (For example: Nuts, Bolts, Misc Small Machinery
Parts, Jacks [These are great], also if you can get a vice and bend pennies
two times over to look like a stubby 'L' shape those are excellent, etc)
Now the fill the plastic soda pop can with all kinds of metal machinery
and it should be quite heavy.  Now put in your M-8O and I will assume you
all can make extended fuses, and then cover the M-8O again.  You want the
M-8O to be the at the epicenter of all the metal parts, this garantees
a good scatter of fragments.  Now light it, and get away, and possibly
throw it behind some barracade.. This works great if you throw into someone's
automobile, it does wonders to the interior, the damage is almost unrepairable.
There is your basic fragmentation bomb, if you know how to make more powerful
M-8O and can create them yourself, then you can get very wild.  Improvise
on size and metal parts.

Now for the second part:  M-8O does wonders with food and miscellaneous
produce.  If you really want to terrorize someones house, then get some
sherbert ice cream, and put a hole in the side of the carton and put the
M-8O in and throw it through thier window, ice cream will cover a good
15 foot radius, then of course, melts, and in the latter, stains.
In any case, get creative, I've found squash or a rutabega works great,
as well half-gallons of milk.  What's nice is, M-8O's are waterproof, so get
those mega 3 liter bottles of PEPSi and you got a real good wet one,
garanteed to saturate everything in the vacinity.
You can even get most canned foods such as, Baked Beans, Chicken Noodle Soup,
Even those Ragu Jars.. the possibilities are endless.

There are lots of other ideas to utilize your destructive M-8O/Bomb horde:

 o  Pools.  They are pretty expensive - why not get a jar of paint at your
    local hobby store, and place the M-8O in there and viola.  The process
    of diffusion works wonder, plus the power of the M-8O in someone's
    pool will send water 2O Feet into the air, and looks like some one dropped
    a depth charge in it.

 o  Gutters.  Ah, the process of drainage is so simple - yet complex.
    Throw an M-8O onto someone's roof and let it roll down, it will lodge
    into the gutter [avoid the dowshaft] and BLaM - the whole sytem is

 o  There is your typical mailbox launching contest.  But, some people say:
    "Rats, there is not enough time for me to drive away, and I don't know
    how to make an extensive fuse!"  Well, then you are in luck:  All you
    need is a cigarette, if you can not get a cigarette then you are an
    idiot.  Now, shove the wick of the M-8O through the center of the cigarette
    and light the end of the cigarette, naturally.  Now depending on how far
    down the shaft of the cigarette you put the wick, that will determine your
    time, usually it is like 5 whole minutes - more than ample time.
    Now, remember the cigarette should be horizontal and the M-8O standing
    vertical.  Then mailboxes take their first flying lesson.

 o  Distance.  Some people like to hurl thier M-8O's great distances, like
    over houses and into adjancent backyards [perhaps aiming for a roof/gutter
    of some sort].  But it is hard to wind up and throw an M-8O becuase most
    people get nervous, and want to quickly release it.  So, what you need
    is two people, and a good slingshot [like $5 at Meijer's].  Now have
    one person have the unlit M-8O and cocked in the slingshot and aimed, the
    other person will light it and then it will be released.  A good shot
    goes about 5O yards, if you can get the arc right, but odds are the M-8O
    sometimes goes off in midflight.
    For some REAL fun, use the slingshot technique with someone's pool, but
    while they are having a pool party - old war veterans will think they are
    back in 'Nam.

 o  If you are ever driving on the expressway, throw one in someones
    convertible, with some produce attached to it.  Garanteed to get some
    highway laughs.

Well, that is about it, I have always wanted to throw some at my garbage
men, like into their vehicle.  In any event, be careful, and I am not
responsible for lost peices of your anatomy.

Grave Walker '92

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