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                         Underground eXperts United


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         [  Glasgow City 2001  ]                     [  By Various  ]



realization/concept: Freon, The GNN, ChameleonMessiah

        Well, 13.99 on beer and here we are...the Stella Artios generation.
It's not even getting dark yet and I'm feeling vaguely drunk...need a few
more cans then I'll be there - yeah, forget it, forget it all, forget her -
just keep on consuming and all will be well.  Fuck it.

  I'm knocking at my own door
  I'm knocking at my own door
        Easy! (no effort)
  I could be standing here for ever and ever
  and all people passing by
  believe I'm looking for someone

medium tray nearly full...
two people trying to act as a dictionary when one of them is not even
able to spell.
without the darkness falling the room is lit by a keep left bollard.
gun handle sitting by side...
        You know, the ones that you have to lie to so they know exactly
what you've been doing.  The ones you can just be with and shut up and not
say anything...they know what you're thinking but it's OK because they love
you and maybe they love everything...like it doesn't matter because you
know they'll always be there.
        Shit, why do I bother?  I try really hard to write something worth
reading but the harder I try the more it sounds like all the shit I've read.
rm -rf / ... you know, sometimes it's tempting.
        Matters not.  That is, it doesn't matter.  Things keep working the
way things keep working.  There's nothing to hope for because there's
nothing to fear.  Anyway...I'll just pass the laptop on like it's a joint.
We all got to get our fix.

next stop: me
        allvarligt... det gar inte just nu
        kanske senare

bloody parents...
calling at inconvient times.
life being the misdemeaner that it is in if thats even a word.
kurt sitting completely sober in his little box that he came in motionless
in his little white jumper with a vacant stare on his face -
drink alcohol
 - not supprising really if you consider the fact that he is in fact an
inanimate fluffy thing that only ever gettts stoned from passive smoking
after about a year of being in a smoke filled room...
        Well, me again.
        BARE JUNIOR.
        Fuck the CAPS LOCK key, I tell ya.  Anyway.  Here it is - a
Pentium three no less, sitting upon the lap of someone with so little to
        Ach, who cares.
        I live in a word; maybe someday I'll move into a paragraph, but
right now a word will do.  It's a blessing I guess; maybe my guitar gave
me this word to live in while I'm waiting for my giraffe...
        Things are getting stranger the longer I write.  Maybe it's time
to pass the laptop on...maybe it's time to get a life; you know, a real
life I mean, like the kind of life that the others live, the kind of life
out there.  Shit, what does it matter anyway?  I think I'll climb a yew tree
back where the children play (apologies to Cat Stevens) and pass the
laptop on to the GNN...

(svenska tecken finns inte pa den har datorn)
Fan. Kan inte. Men kanner inget krav.
Borde egentligen. Allt som inte
kan borde egentligen inte goras som det
vanligtvis ska men a ena sidan vem ar den som skulle
kunna forsoka
som inte vantade sig nagot annat?

the discontinuation of a light.
only to be reincarnated as cuteness by multi-billion dollar multi-national
winegum - aladar.
dead but brought back to life...
unlike this.

 uXu #598              Underground eXperts United 2002              uXu #598
                     Call KASTLEROCK -> +1-724-527-3749