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                         Underground eXperts United


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         [  Bitte Denken!  ]                          [  By Joseph  ]


                             [Bitte Denken!]

Right this minute - millions of people are being fed with "news" and
"information". Sitting in front of their TV or reading their newspaper
they think that they are objective and enlightened people.
   Perhaps you consider yourself to be "up to date" with the latest news
and open to new ideas?  You may actually be one of those naive idiots that
has formed thoughts and opinions about most of the important issues, based
upon the "news"  and "information" you have received.  If you have, let me
tell you something! It's all bullshit.  Governments and large multinational
companies are just fucking around with your brain. Every day you can watch
people die or get mutilated seconds after it really happened. You think
there is an idea behind all this?  We are all just pieces in a huge machine.
Slowly, the European and American societies are melting down the brains of
their citizens. If you watch enough murders and read enough about "evil
leaders of foreign countries" you stop caring about it.
   So, what good does that do the government and the large companies? That
is kind of obvious, don't you think?  Mindfucked people do not think, they
don't question anything.  A lot of people believe that the freedom of
speech, the freedom to organize political parties, the freedom to question
the government are actually tools that citizens are able use to change stuff
in a modern "free"  society. They are not!  They are tools that the
government use to shut people up.  Democracy doesn't work if the people
are mindfucked, all they can accomplish is a blur of opinions in the media.
When was the last time you actually saw a riot (citizens of LA excluded)?
You haven't? Thought so.  But still, you can hear that people are
dissatisfied with a lot of things all day long! The sole reason that there
are so few riots is that people very easily slip into intellectual apathy
when they discover that whatever they say and however organized they get - no
one listens to them, they are all lost in the massive flow of "information"
and "news". Still, they have the firm belief that we should always protect
democracy and all of our rights (which we can use to change things with).
   Their mouths keep on babbling and their brains shrink.  I've got a word
for this you know!  - Intellectual Masturbation.
   Let's end this hopeless shit!
   Get some gasoline and a couple of matches and I'll see you later!
                                        Written by Joseph <josef@kuai.se>

 uXu #318              Underground eXperts United 1996              uXu #318
                        Call PEGASUS -> +41-71-715577