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                         Underground eXperts United


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         [  Poetry Collection 3  ]                 [  By Bob Slack  ]



	Yes, i'm back again with my third poetry collection. Since well
	about the middle of the second poetry collection I have fallen
	in love with the greatest girl! I'm sure you all will be able
	to tell from my poetry how i feel. :)

	Also recently i have been thinking, these poetry collections
	are kindof like my journal of life, not only a journal of words
	and thoughts but of feelings aswell.

	With all that said I would like to dedicate this poetry collection
	to Karen, for without whoom i would have never written anything
	past the first poetry collection :)

Blue Beast:

the blue beast stood there
standing in confusion
swimming in the skies of it's mind
feeling the pressure of the grind

running from something full of terror
trying to defend from some grevious error
making mistakes, taking the right courses
the beast has no remources

dancing around like a hippy with a toupee
flippin an trippin the time away
searching for something worthwhile
building and building, adding to the pile

treading forward
trying not to look back
searching for the sunlight
fleeing from the dark

Love Rocket:

outburst of emotion
flowing feelings
love like a river
no inland in sight

drifting on a sea of emotion
moving gently with the waves
the salty spray of love
enough to make any day

life is empty before
but afterwards it's full
the tide will make you laugh
and act like a fool

feeling so happy
so much to say
emotional rocket
going up and away

Karen the Light:

when my days are dark and dismal
when my nights are lacking of light
when there seems tt be no end in sight
here comes karen to end my plight

when stuff seems to pile up
when nothing seems to align
you come into my life
you make everything so fine

you make the darkest feelings into happy thoughts
you make my life have a great meaning
you make me feel good when i feel dead
if i didn't have you, everything would be a lie

i lie at night, on the verge of sleep
you run through my mind, no more sheep, no sand
you are my light, you are my life
i hope this you will understand

Distance of Time:

the distance the wait
the farness the fate
we are so close but far
our feelings will bring us a car

chaotic thoughts
insane feelings
weird thoughts
sending me reeling

the thought of holding you close
of kissing your lips
of us together
set sail the ships

no matter the wait it shall always feel long
no matter how much we are together the feeling will last
for when we are, it will be a blast
love is here, love is there, we have it true, we sure care

no matter the turmoil
no matter the plight
keep looking forward
to that faithful night

Creatures of the Night:

i awaken with a smile
it is afternoon and i've slept a while
my days are full of thoughts of you
on my mind is nothing but you

i await the night
like a vampire ready to take fight
for when nine comes it is the time
the time for us to take wing

like a vampire ready to take victim
like the blood pulsing the happiness
the night is where we are
the night is when i'm happiest

i see you across the monochrome glare
i see you with a monochrome stare
an insane smile upon my face
you certainly do light up the place

we are together into the night
without you the dark would be full of fright
i know when we are finally together
everything is so right, like the vampire at flight

Thought of Love:

the thought of being near you
the thought of our first kiss
your gentle caress
the thought beings bliss

when we are togeather
war, famine, strife
everything bad goes away
i'm longingly awaiting that faithful day

the thought of us being togeather
the thought of this forever
the thoughts racing in my head
like a river of emotion in my heart and my head

your warm touch, my loving embrace
ourpowerful love
we shall take flight
like the white dove

True Love:

when the love between two is true
when their feelings have no equal
there is nothing higher then love
nothing as magic as their feelings

when there is nothing else
nothing else fills their hearts
nothing else fills their minds
nothing can break this magical mood

when two true lovers are bomb together
nothing can feel stronger
nothing can break the true bond
everything else is like a stagnant pond

it is said that true love will never die
the ones in true love will always find a way
the true love shall break up any fray
true love, who thank it


two souls
two identites
two bodies
one in infinity

two thoughts are the same
two tracks running on the same lane
two people very much in love
two emotions racing to be above

two individuals
needing to be one
two spirits
loving the other one

two souls
which are the same
two people stand near the flame
one unity of the sane

the unity of the two
there is nothing more true
the sanity of the two
love will make them do what they do

Lonely Love:

the empty feeling
the nagging longing
the need to be with you
the warmpth of your embrace

the hard lonelieness
the need for just one kiss
the want to hold you in my arms
the feeling of distance

the money is not around
the boat is here but i'm afraid i'd drown'd
the plain has flew the coup
this is a big dupe

to hear your emotions
to feel your thoughts
erases my insecurity
devours my depression

the future is all we can hold
the present is already old
when we are togeather
our happiness will be tenfold

our dreams
our wishes
our love
magical bliss

the faithful night
i will hold you in my arms
all will be worth it
all the nights disarmed

to feel your warm love
it is the thought that makes me rise above
the thought of our bright future
our lonely present is here, but tomorrow it's gone

/ The Metaphysical Workshop / (317) 736-6439 / 9pm-4pm wd, 9pm-9am we /

 uXu #215              Underground eXperts United 1994              uXu #215
               Call DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND -> +1-806-794-4362