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                         Underground eXperts United


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         [       Misc Crimes      ]           [     By THE GNN       ]


                       Don't be stupid, be a smarty
                     come and join the anarchy party!

Note: You are responsible for actions taken.

1. Construct a powerful smokebomb. And I mean Powerful! Also make a time-
   delay with minimum 10 min time. Assemble the bomb and the delay and
   place in something "neutral" like a bag. Enter your favorite store and
   place the bomb by the counters. Be sure to place it so no one will see it
   or like if it belong to the staff. You don't want some idiot to see it
   and rush after you and shout "hey you forgot this...". Walk around in
   the store for a while and when the bomb begins to produce smoke rush to
   the counters! Everybody will run to the exit but not you! Hidden in the
   smoke you can easily empty all the counters and then walk away...
   Be sure to not be in the smoke to long! You don't wanna get poisoned!

2. When the post-office is closed you can buy stamps in small machines
   that's placed on the outside. These little things are real gold-mines!
   They contain stamps at a value of $100 and sometimes even up to $300!
   Wrap a chain around it and attach it to the bumper of your cool car and
   remove it from the wall. Take it home and weld it open. And if all 
   stamps are sold out then? Idiot! Then it's money at the same amount
   instead which makes this to a all-time winner!

3. To get a car in the middle of the day, without the need of destruction
   of the window do like this: Visit a car dealer (far away from your 
   home, you don't wanna get recognized) and pick a good car. Ask for
   a test-drive. Drive away and never return. Now you have got a good 
   vehicle for crimes or transport. But remember that the company will
   report it to the police very soon so use it for whatever you need it
   for fast! The advantages for getting a car this way is that you can
   get any car you want, together with the keys. No hot-wiring required!
