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<             The United Phreaker's Incorporated Proudly Presents            > 
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<                        Stoned Virus Enters Politics                        > 
<                                                                            > 
<                            By: The Lost Avenger                            > 
<                                                                            > 
<                           An Upi Production 1990                           > 
<                                                                            > 
Reprinted In File Form On March 8, 1990 
Orignally Publised In Toronto Computes March, 1990 
                         Stoned Virus Enters Politics 
        Politicians on Parliament Hill are less than thrilled with the antics 
of a lobbyist who has infected at least 20 of their PCs and diskettes with a 
virus that sends the message "legalize marijuana." 
        Although only a minimal amount of data was lost, Pierre Legault, chief 
of computer systems in the House of Commons, says the February 14 appearance of 
the virus saw his team devote two full days to scanning all 400 PCs and every 
one of the diskettes in the House. 
        "We had to contact all the members and inform them that we would have 
to come into their offices to check out their computer equipment.  It was not a 
lot of fun," says Legault. 
        The virus makes its presence known by flashing the message "Your 
computer is stoned: legalize marijuana"--and then replicates itself until all 
available memory is used up. It is the same virus that has run rampant through 
Toronto universities in the last few months. 
        Legault is not sure how the virus--the first ever to strike the House 
of Commons--infiltrated the system, but he says he is determined to find the 
        "It could have been pretty bad, but we found it and quickly contained 
it," says Legault. 
                   Mac Virus Brings Grief To Vaccine Makers 
        The appearance of a tough new breed of Macintosh virus has vaccine 
companies running scared. 
        The WDEF virus saw Symantec lose thousands of dollars in one month and 
led 1st Aid Software of Boston to throw in the towel, and announce an end to 
further development of its Anti-Virus kit. 
        In a letter to owners of the Anti-Virus kit, president Susan Monjan 
explained why her company would no longer go after "second-generation" Mac 
        "Unfortunately, the introduction of stealth mechanisms (a virus which 
contains a mechanism to disable anti-viral utilities) moves virus protection 
into an entirely new arena.  Attempting to deter mechanisms that are designed 
to situation....Attempting to block stealth mechanisms by software thwart 
detection is a no-win is comparable to the copy-protection wars of several 
years ago with the endless cycle of response/counter-response: a situation 
in which no one wins except the writers of anti-viral software." 
        The WDEF virus, which was discovered in Belgium in December, is unlike 
other Macintosh viruses in that users do not have to run an application for the 
virus to spread.  It simply travels at the insertion of a floppy, says Karim 
Esmail, a spokesperson for Symantec, the company which claims to have produced 
the first vaccine.  This virus is also unique in that it only infects the 
invisible Desktop File, through which it copies itself from disk to disk. 
        While the WDEF virus does not eat files, it can cause disk crashes, 
especially on Macintosh IIcx and IIci models when windows are moved, says 
        Esmail says the virus had the shipping department of Symantec in 
chaos.  Only a week before locating a vaccine for WDEF, Symantec had announced 
version 1.2 of SAM, which eliminates the Mac virus Jude.  Jude is a clone of 
the common nVIR B virus, and was discovered in Switzerland in late November. 
        SAM version 1.2 was never shipped, however, because of the quick 
turn-around in developing 1.3, which detected both Jude and WDEF. 
        By the end of the month 1.3 was outdated and version 1.4 was on the 
shelves, because a new strain of WDEF had been detected. 
        Esmail said the effect of producing so many versions in so little time 
saw Symantec Corporation lose $30,000. 
        What is worsening matters is that WDEF is travelling at breakneck 
speed.  While Esmail could not say how many computers were infected, he 
acknowledged that it was more widespread than originally believed.  First hit 
were universities in Illinois, Texas and California, and The Computer Paper has 
quoted another vaccine-maker as saying "virtually every (American) major 
university" has been struck. 
        Mike Blumenthal of Club Mac in Toronto says he hasn't heard of any 
reports of WDEF infection in this city. "But that might just be because it's so 
embarrassing to admit that you've been sucked in." 
        If hit, an alternative to buying a vaccine to rid yourself of the 
virus is to rebuild the Desktop file by holding down the Command and Option 
keys while booting or inserting a file. 
You may distrubute this file freely but may not change any part of this file in 
whole or part without the written or verbal concent of the author. 
Call These Great Upi Boards! 
Node Number       Board Name                        Sysop            Baud 
Hq   416-Upi-Home The Northern Phreaker's Alliance  The Lost Avenger 24 
1    416-Upi-Nde1 The Shining Realm                 FrosT BitE       24 
2    514-Upi-Nde2 The Order Of Kamikaze             Tomcat           96 
3    305-Upi-Nde3 Ferrari                           Mr. Ferrari      38.4 
4    416-Upi-Nde4 Time Zone                         Destoryer        38.4 
5    716-Upi-Nde5 The Knight's Society              Jeff Knight      24 
6    408-Upi-Nde6 The Unholy Temple                 Black Death      24 
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