%%%[ newmag #8
%%%[ by: pip the angry youth
%%%[ "i love mercuri"

it seems that in each and every release that mogel seems to pump out 
lately has me portrayed as a pill popping druggie and mercuri as a 
phanboy of mine... well, that's not so... you see...


%%%[ ode to mercuri

oh mercuri, you are so nice
you smell good, you are my spice
i love you, and you're on #zines
you are the best, ostioperosis

%%%[ how many ways do i love thee?

oh mercuri, how many ways do i love thee?  let me count the ways,

1. the way you saunter into #zines
2. the way you are parodied in each mogel text file
3. the way you are happy to see in in #zines
4. i couldn't think of a #4, so there
5. i just love you

%%%[ mercstok!@

coming this spring is mercstok?  where no one will be there, and no one 
will be having fun.  august 25th on exit 124 on the garden state 
parkway... be there or be....

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`----' square!@
