[40m[2J[2H[24C[0;1;31m��[41m�[0;31m���� [1m��[41m�[0;31m���� [1m��[41m�[0;31m����[3H[34m�������������������������[1;31m��[0;31m���[34m����[1;31m��[0;31m���[1m�[41m�[0;31m��[34m�[1;31m��[0;31m���[34m������������������������[s [u������[4H[1m�������������������������[31m��[0;31m���[1;34m�[31m��[0;31m�[1m��[0;31m���[1m�[41m�[0;31m��[1;34m�[31m��[0;31m���[1;34m�[31m��[0;31m�[1;34m��������������������������[5H[0;34m������������������������[1;31m��[s [u[41m�[0;31m���[41m [40m�[34m�[1;31m��[41m�[0;31m����[34m�[1;31m��[41m�[0;31m���[41m [40m�[34m��������������������������[6H[24C[1;37;47m��[30m���������������������������[7H[24C[40m��[8H [0;35m�[1m�[0;35m� [37mCarding [s [u [35m�[1;31m�[0;35m� [37mPhreaking [35m�[1;32m�[0;35m� [37mHacking [35m�[1;36m�[0;35m� [37mAnarchy [35m�[1;33m�[0;35m� [37mCrashing [35m�[1;37m�[0;35m�[9H[10H[1;31mWritten by: [33mCount_Zer0[37C[31mDate: [36m09/25/9[s [u0[11H[31mEdited by : Capt. Swashbuckler[7C[36mL[0;36megions [1mo[0;36mf [1mL[0;36mucifer[12H[30C[32mText # [1;37m10[13H[30C[0;32mPart [1m1 [0;32mout of [1m2 [14H[15H[0;34m����������������������������������������������������������[s [u���������������������[16H[1m�������������������������������������������������������������������������������[17H[36m�������������������������������������������������������������������������������[18H[19H[27CHacking TeleNet, Part 1[20H[21H���[s [u����������������������������������������������������������������������������[22H[34m�������������������������������������������������������������������������������[23H[0;34m������������������������������������������������������������������������[A [72C�������[0m Legions of Lucifer ('l�jen ov l�cif�r) n. 1. Any multitude of followers of the chief evil spirit, Satan. 2. A group of Anarchists and Computer Experts that work together as one to cause havok in the anarchy bound society of this nation. ********************************************************************** EDITORS NOTE: Well, the last real issue that �.�.� released was LOL-8.TXT, but due to some losers with nothing better to do but create a bogus LOL-9.TXT and release it. So because of that we are skipping #9 and naming this issue, issue 10. Thank you for supporting �egions �f �ucifer! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, this used to be a CiA file, but due to the fact that Tombstone (CiA Founder) took down his bbs and disbanded CiA, the writer of this G-�ile (Count_Zer0) deciced to join �egions �f �ucifer. So he wanted to re-release this under �.�.� because he will be releasing an� upcoming issue of "Hacking TeleNet". ********************************************************************** Note: This file may be duplicated and distributed in in any way as long as it remains in its original state and is not modified at all. This file is for information only. The writer and/or the sysop will not be held responsible for any illegal use of this text file. Okay enough with this legal shit, let get to business I have writin this assuming that the reader has no knowledge of hacking or the telenet network. In part 1 I will discuss the basic theory of telenet and how it can be used as a basicly safe and fun hacking tool. Telenet is a Packet Switching Network(PSN). Since I want to make this as short as possible I will try to give you a *basic* understanding of what a PSN is and how it works. Basicly there are 3 levels to the PSN. The 3rd and lowest is the PAD that you dial-up. This is where you enter all of the information. 2nd is the actual PSN which takes the data you enter in 128k chunks ( usualy ) and then transmits them to the host (1st and highest level) at baud rates ranging from 9600 to 19,200. This means that 2 computers with different baud rates are able to communicate ( See my really shitty ASCII PSN map <laugh> ). Ok, now you have a *basic* understanding of how telenet works. Now to the fun stuff !!!! \Fig. 1/ ������������Ŀ � VAX/host � ��������������Ŀ �������Ŀ � level 1 ���������������Ĵ PAD/telenet ����������Ĵ users � lvl. 1 � � � level 2 � �������Ĵ � � � ������������������Ĵ �������������� ���������������� � users � ��������� The reason we want to hack in telenet is because Telenet has access to the most computer systems in the world. Remember Telenet has access to computers all over the world. When you consider all the Networks that these other computers are connected to then you can see that you can basicly access the entire world. It is also pretty safe because there is now way that someone can monitor all the PADs at one time. Ok, now first you must find a list of telenet access numbers. There are many lists out there ( look in phrack issue 21 ). If you can't find one then to find the telenet dialup nearest your location, call 800-424-9494 at 300/1200 baud. At the '@' prompt, type 'MAIL'. Enter user name 'PHONES' with password 'PHONES'. So now you have a local access number. Remember its (7E1), so if your screen looks fucked-up then your not set right. After you call this is what you do..... *Inside the '<>' (ofcourse <CR> is return) is what you have to type.... CONNECT 2400 (or whatever baud rate it is) <CR> <CR> TERMINAL=<D1><CR> @ Ok, now your to the @ prompt. This is the telenet PAD prompt. This prompt means that telenet is in "command" mode. Now we will get to the *real* fun. Telenet's computer systems are identified by NUA's. This stands for Network User Address. The way you connect to the NUA's are by either typing in 'c' <nua> or just typing in the nua by itself. We will work w/ the 1st and most basic form on the NUA since this is a file for people who don't know what the hell they're doing (I'll make another G-phile for the more advanced telenet hacker ). The easiest form is AAA XXX, this is where AAA stands for an area codea and XXX stands for random numbers. So if I wanted to scan the Los Angeles area for example I would type 213 123. Here 213 is the area code and 123 are random numbers. You must have a atleast 4 numbers. So 213 1 would work as would 213 12. Telenet doesn't reconize zeros or spaces so you could also type 213 123 like this 213000000000000123 or like 213123. Ok, now that you know how to use simple NUA's you can start fucking around. So, now you can access all the networks and Unix/Vax/Primes/etc... that you want right? So, you enter 213 123 and suddenly it says.. COLLECT CONNECTION REFUSED F4 E6 Well, you just learned life's first lesson. Nothing in life is free! Yes, thats right, the "good" systems on telenet you have to pay for. This is where a NUI comes in. This stands for Network User ID. This is for users with "accounts" on telenet. NUI's are very hard to find these days ( I've only had 1 in my hacking adventures ). They are in the form of a user name ( anything ) and then a password (6 numbers). These are very hard to hack since there are no "default" names or passwords. You type in ID <name> and then the password to user one. if you can hack out a NUI then you should be writing G-Philes instead of reading them. But don't worry though! There are *MANY* systems on telenet that are free. The only ones that cost money are the big ones like some BIG corporation. By just typing in an area code and then a random number ( up to 3 digits ) you can find some really kewl systems ( heay, you can hack into McDonalds for free!!!! ). Anywayz I have the most fun by turning on my Led Zeppelin CD and just randomly typing in numbers. You will find atleast 1 NUA that connects for every5 you type in . Its not like phreaking where you find a code per 10 hours.... Of course there are the lazy hackers who just want the NUA's with no work, there are many good NUA lists ( check you local p/h/a board ). You can find a NUA lists in a few Phrack issues or on DII (Data Infinty, Incorporated (yes once again, I must plug my organization ya know). If you want to feel like you did something then get the NUA Attacker. This is an IBM program that calls telenet and then types in different NUA's ( you set the range ). It is basicly a code hacker for Telenet. This can be found on DII (Data Infinity, Inc.) <once again> or most good p/h/a boards. Ok, even though this is mainly for telenet I'll help you guys a little bit so you can at least identify the system you connect to. first you will get.... 213 123 CONNECTED (or whatever NUA) then you will might get a system id message like.. PRIMENET 22.1.1.R27 SWWCR This system is a Primos system...that means that you'd type LOGIN <CR> and then enter you id and password. Heres a list of the prompts, the systems and passwords that work sometimes... Prompt System Name Possible ID's/password/s ------- ------------ ------------------------- Username : VMS/VAX DECNET/DECNET GUEST/GUEST login: UNIX *unix/unix suggest/suggest <login> **Primos GUEST/GUEST NETLINK/NETLINK .<login xxx,yyy> DEC-10 5,30/GAMES 2,7/MAINT VM/370 ONLINE ***VM/CMS VTAM/VTAM SNA/SNA * Unix systems are case sensative so always use lowercase usernames and passwords as a rule ** This system will have a banner stating what version of Primos it is. If it's version 18.0 or under then type in any user id and then hit ^C a few times for the password and you drop in! ****This will display the "VM/370 ONLINE" message and then a period. type 'logon <username>' at the '.' prompt. Well, those are the basic systems that I can find on telenet. This is about the end of my G-Phile. Look soon for another Telenet hacking G-Phile from �egions �f �ucifer!!!! Till then..... later, Count_ZER0/�.�.� Suggested Reading ------------------ The Mentor's Guide To Hacking (LoDH) Any Phrack or P/Hun you can find And of the LoDH files you can find... Any and all of my G-philez (all 1 of them so far, but look for more) ------------------------------------------------------------------ For more kewl G-Philes and information about the �.�.� Call... H.M.S. Queen Mary's Revenge �egions �f �ucifer HeadQuarters/HOME No Warez! A truely serious Hack/Phreak board Hack, Phreak, Scanning, Phraud, Crashing disscusions Viral Research & Development Sections (500+ Virii!) "Personalized ANSi Bombs" made by request Running AfterShock v1.20 - 2400 Baud Sys0p: Captain Swashbuckler PH: 213-274-1333 [40m [39m[29C[0;1;30m��������������� [25C�������� [31m�� [30m������� [23C������[5C[31m������ [30m������ [21C������[6C[31m��������[6C[30m����� [20C�����[6C[31m�����[0;31m��[1m�����[6C[30m����� [19C�����[7C[31m����[0;31m� �[1m����[8C[30m���� [18C�����[6C[31m�����[41m�[4C�[40m�����[7C[30m���� [18C����[7C[31m����[0;31m�[6C�[1m����[8C[30m��� [36m� [17C[30m����[6C[31m�����[41m�[8C�[40m����[7C[30m����[36m��[46m�[40m [46m[15C[40m������������[31m����[36m�����������[41m�����[40m�����������[0;36m� [14C[1m�[46m��[0;36m�[1;30;46m���[0;36m����[1;31;46m�[40m����[41m�[0;36m�������������[1;31;46m����[0;36m������[1;30;46m���[0;36m� [12C[1m��[46m�[3C[30;40m��� [31m����[0;31m�[14C�[1m����[5C[30m��� [12C[36;46m�[0;36m�[5C[1;30m��� [31m�����[41m�[16C�[40m����� [30m��� [20C��[31;47m�[40m����[0;31m�[18C�[1m���� [0;30m�[1m��� [21C�[41m�[31m���[0;31m�[20C[1;41m�[40m����[0;30m��[1m�� [23C�����[18C��[41m�[31;40m���� [25C[30m��������[9C�������[31;41m�[40m����� [29C[30m����������������� [0;31m�[1m���� [51C[0;31m�[1;41m��[0;31m� [1;36m"[0;36mAnarchy is the base of todays society, without it, we would be in chaos[1m" [40C- Anarchist[0m ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Call these �egions �f �ucifer support boards for information or application inquiries: H.M.S. Queen Mary's Revenge XXX/XXX+XXXX 12/24 �.�.� HeadQuaters/Home Electric Eye ][ / Elite XXX/XXX+XXXX 12/96 �.�.� Dist Site #1 Digital Information Exchange XXX/XXX+XXXX 12/24 �.�.� Dist Site #2 The UnderWorld Society XXX/XXX+XXXX 24oo �.�.� Dist Site #3 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� �egions �f �ucifer High Office Staff Members: Prezident/Founder: Captain Swashbuckler Vice Prezident : Count_Zer0 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� This text file is (C)Copyrite 1990 �.�.� Inc. �.�.� is a registered trademark of QMR, All rights reserved Any modifications to this text file is a violation of copyrite. H.M.S. Queen Mary's Revenge XXX/XXX+XXXX -=�.�.� Home=- �����������������������������������������������������������������������������