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It's really no big deal just some stuph U can do with FAX Machines. Hope U like It! **************************************************************************** INTRO- In the late 80's people saw a massive explosion in the popularity of fax machines. Everyone has one. They are cheap, easy to use, and very usefull. Up untill now, however, they have been almost exclusivly in the province of the buisness world. Just for those of you who have been in comas for the last few years, I'll explain fax machines to you.Fax machines are combination scanners/modems/printers. You can transmit the contents of a piece of paper to another fax over the phone lines. Usually, your fax also prints the number you called from on the first sheet of the transmittal. It is easy to see why buisnesses like these. No longer content with Federal Express, now letters can go cross country in minutes. Faxes have about 200-250 dpi resolution, and print out on rolls of thermal paper. For some odd reason, most of them are 4800 baud. THE GOOD PART- "So what" you ask? Most people don't seem to realize the potential available here. When I worked at an office, we used to get faxes all the time, with requests for checks. Occaisionaly, we also got short notes from the idiots at the other banks. This is what gave me the idea for what I call, for lack of a better term, Fax Piracy. Fax Piracy is the ultimate crank call. Let me give you an example. There was this Library I hated, and, like everyone else, they have a fax. So what me and a few of my freinds did was send them requests, "from" another Library for books. I found out later, from a kid who worked there that they wasted about $50, sending them all the books. Not much, but if you know how cheap librarians are, you can imagine the shit fits they had. Next, we send them a "Mobius Fax" we got some sheets of black construction paper, taped about 10 of them together, and started feeding them through the fax. Once the start of the long sheet we had created came through, we taped it to the end. This went on continuosly for about 15 minutes untill their (very expensive) thermal paper ran out. Since we had sent them nothing but black paper, it completely covered and ruined all of their paper. This used up their 3month paper allocation at once, and they had to borrow from petty cash to buy more. Finally we sent them a little note, telling them what idiots they were, and signing it "the fax pirates" HOW TO DO IT- First, and this is VERY IMPORTANT- Always remember to REPROGRAM the fax so it displays someone elses name and number. If you forget to do this, its like sending a letter bomb with a return adress. Second, decide what to send. This is entirely up to you (duh) , and depends on whether you want to annoy them, or really destroy them. Wierd requests from other campies you hate, long rambling stories, or strange art is always good. Be a little creative. Third, send it. (wow, some people need to be told everything, don't they) What? You don't know their fax #? Its not in information? Its not in the phonebook? Well, keep reading dumbass! HOW TO GET FAX PHONE NUMBERS- This is just way easier than it should be. Call and ask. I'm serious, we've done this probably over 30 times, and NO ONE HAS EVER QUESTIONED OUR REQUEST! I'll give you a sample of a call that actually happened. (this is verbatum)(we taped it) IBM LADY Hello, IBM, may I help you? ME Hi, this is Biff Fulgate from over here at Linear Data Systems Can I get your fax number, those boys in research need to send something over and they lost the number again. IBM LADY Please hold on a moment ME Sure thing. Hah, those cooks over in research would probably lose their heads if they wern't screwed on. IBM LADY Haha. Now is that the Tower 700 number? ME Um...let me check here... Yeah, that's it. (Tower 700? what?) IBM LADY Ok, hold on (Long wait during which I get slightly nervous) IBM LADY Ok That number is 215-xxx-xxxx ME Thanks, Bye Also, most ads have fax numbers. Don't fuck with little companies though. A) they don't need it, B) they are probably more suspicious, C) it hurts them more than it would hurt a big company. Be a caring capitolist. If you need any suggestions as to who's number to get try the following- newspapers, radios stations, big companies, libraries, city & state governments, the right to life movement, ect. HINTS- Act like you know whats going on at all times. Be polite, and a little bit familiar Make sure you have a plausable reason for getting the number Don't laugh Let the person who sounds most 'adult-like' make the call Make sure you have a plausable name Remember, the larger the company, the less the people know and care about other parts of the company, so the greater chance you have of not getting hassled. ALSO! Don't forget to change the "number" you are calling from. If you want to send a Mobius Fax, usually Faxes have paper feed trays (we didn't know that when we did it) ALSO- NEVER, EVER, DO THIS TO ATT! HOW TO GET A FAX TO USE- Well, if you don't have one, try mommy's or daddy's office. Most Campus offices have faxes you can pretend that you are supposed to be using (tell them the Library sent you). Many print-shops (like Kinko's) have fax machines that you can use for a nominal fee. And, just like terminals in the early 80's, most fax machines are just sitting out in offices, if you dress nicely, and look like you know what you're doing, no one is going to ask questions. CONCLUSION- Welp that about does it for issue number 2 of THE HACKER'S WEARHOUSE I hope U enjoyed it. In future issues look 4 topics such as: -"How to piss the hell out of your neighbors" -"101 uses 4 gasoline!" -HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: "How 2 get TONS of candy on Halloween!!" -THE HACKER'S WEARHOUSE SUPER ISSUE #1..."A Hacker's greatest dream!!!!" -This will include some programs as well as a text section ***5*** Times the normal size!!! -CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: "How to catch Santa Clause!" --------->Not necessarly in that order!<----------------- Well I'm outta' here..... ���Sandman��� P.S.--I'm still looking 4 other writers... **************************************************************************** ���������������������������������������������������ͻ � CALL THESE FINE BOARDS 4 THE LATEST "THW" FILES! � ���������������������������������������������������ͼ Name Number Sysop Status ***************************************************************** THE PIT (215)745-1349 Tortured Soul World Headquarters ??????? (???)???-???? ????????????? Distro Site