$$$$$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$LIES$$$ $$TV$$$$$$ HOLY TEMPLE of MASS CONSUMPTION $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$B$$$$ $$$$$$M$$$$$ $$$$$$O$$$$$ *N*E*W*S* $$D$$$$E$$$$$ $$$$$$O$$$$ $$R$$$D$$$$$ $$$$$$Z$$$ Issue #22: New recipes for tasty reptile snacks $$U$$I$$$$$ $$$$$$E$$ $$G$A$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S$$$$$$ the best things in life are F R E E Holy Temple of Mass Consumption F R E E PO Box 30904 SLACK@ncsu.edu Raleigh, NC 27622 Finer BBS's everywhere DEVIVALS: miss them under pain of death: [sorry about the TONs of ads in this issue, but there's October 29 a helluva lot going on...] Bennington College in Bennington, VT "Just Get Laid" Party featuring Rev. Ivan Stang and some not-to-be-missed videos. and in NOVEMBER: !! 3 BIG SUBGENIUS SUBVERSIONS 3!! Friday, Nov. 12: RDW Productions presents CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS RANT AND RAVE #3 with Rev. Stang, Sister Mary Squared, Dr. K'taden Legume and more videos. Music by Mary Decker's Fall 8 pm at the warehouse on 40th & St.Clair Cleveland, Ohio Saturday, Nov. 13: SUBGENIUS MASS WEDDING & HONEYMOON RITUAL PARTY with Rev. Stang, Sister Mary Squared, Dr. K'taden Legume Indian Rope Burn & Forms of Insanity at CAVANAUGH'S 111 N. Main St. Akron, Ohio 216-762-3706 Open at 9 pm. 18 & over For info: 216-673-0698 Tuesday, Nov. 16: PSYCHEDELIC TUESDAY at THE ICON Rev. Stang, Sister Mary Squared, Dr. K'taden Legume and The Funky Bardos Buffalo, NY Sequel to High Weirdness by Mail? Might as well be - the official, Stang- approved Asylum for Shut-Ins is now available. Issue #1 is now available, and issue #2 should be out around November 1; after that, it should be quarterly. If you liked HWBM and found it useful, this is a MUST HAVE. The graphics, articles, and ATTITUDE are all here in undiluted form, with a great selection of listings in the debut issue, and many more to be added. The ultimate source to strangeness available for free through the mail, most recent info. Write to: Asylum for Shut-Ins USA year: $9 single: $2.50 PO Box 46581 Canada 10 2.50 Bedford, OH 44146 Europe, S. America 15 3,75 Africa, Australia 20 5.00 Indicate which issue you want. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ZINES and THINGS sent to the SACRED PO BOX: Archie McPhee - The ultimate source for novelties, masks, rubber animals, plastic dinosaurs, and hundreds of other essential gee-gaws. The catalog is a work of art in itself. $2.00, but if you order anything, they'll start sending it to you. (206) 782-2344 Box 30852 Seattle, WA 98103-0852 Attack Cartoons - John Bergstrom may be one of the best and most satirical cartoonists covering Bill Clinton today. This, and other no-holds-barred cartoons of other political/social figures, as well as other dementia, are available in this 10-or-so page cartoon zine. $20/year gets 24 issues John Bergstrom, 1800 El Cerrito #19, Hollywood, CA 90068 Boredom Inc. - Newsletter #3 from Thanatos and Merlin K, on the HUGE multi- folded paper. Lots of stories, rants, commentary in a sort of Uber-Zen sort of way and slackful way to start your day. Send something neat to: Boredom Inc. 3479 W. 7480 S., West Jordan UT 84084 Control-Alt-Delete #2 - Official news of the band Information Society, which is reorganizing for a more darker, industrial sort of alternative sound. This band, well into the alternative scene, plans on giving "bigger" groups like Nine Inch Nails and Front 242 a run for their money- and they play fair-sized venues. Write to them at Control-Alt-Delete, 5822 Green Terrace Lane, Houston, TX 77088-5414 or (713) 448-3815. Zine is $5/quarterly. Intergalactic House of Fruitcakes: sends out these neat mini-rant/devotions to all the good followers of Otis. The latest one I got explores the practices of libertinism and debauchery, with plenty of pics Puritan repression to remind us of how things USED to be. Send them money. IGHF, 955 Massachusetts Ave. #209, Cambridge MA 02139-9183 Laissez-Faire Books -October 1993 catalog- Lots of books from the free market/ limited government viewpoint. A fair amount of "conservatives" here, but also lots of good anti-War on Drugs, anti-censorship, and anti-consensual crimes material. 938 Howard St. #202, San Francisco SA 94103 800-326-0996 Prometheus Books - Fall/Winter 93-94 catalog - The ultimate book catalog for the no-bullshit skeptic. The publishing arm of CSICOP, these people take on the entire religious/spiritual/psychic establishment; no subject is too controversial or "sacred" for them. Lots of good stuff, including the latest book from Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Write to them at 59 John Gleen Drive, Buffalo, NY 14228-2197 or call (800) 421-0351 Skeptical Inquirer vol. 18 No. 1: This time they take on those "honesty tests" that so many people must take before getting jobs nowadays. The bullshit detector goes off the scale. Plus, debunking 'Mathematical Magic', astrology apologists, alien kidnapping, and New-Age femininism's hostility to science. Something to shake up everyone's worldview. Box 703, Buffalo NY 14225-0703. Trash #10 - The complete guide to the underground scene in Chapel Hill, NC. Band interviews, club calendars, record and show reviews, great articles, and outrageous cartoons. Plus, they are connected with a great psychotronic video store. A must-have for anyone in the area, worthwhile for anyone not. Subscription: 6 issues/$7 Write to: 405 E. Main St. Carrboro, NC 27510 Is it all right to steal back from a thief what he stole from you, given that what he stole from you you looted from a electronic store, which stole american manufactoring jobs by selling dumped japanese products which were made with american know how in the 50's given that we bombed them, and that they bombed china, and that all the simpsons toys are manufactored in china? $<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$<>$ Buying these comix will fix the U.S. economy: *** Bill the Clown: Death & Clown White - An ex-famous circus clown driven over the edge, Bill deals with school violence, militant Hare Krishnas, and scumbag comic producers the way he does best: with heavy weapons, violence, and twisted revenge. Slave Labor Graphics 989 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose CA 95128 **** Eightball #9 - More cartoons by Daniel Clowe - continuation of the strange "Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron" story. Plus, Dan Pussey vs. the sleazy world of modern "art", Fuckface, and Zubric and Pogeybait strips. Great stories in his lurid comic style. Fantagraphic Books *** Monkey Business #2 - Different cartoons including "Rank & Stinky", a R&S parody, "Mother Goose & Grimm", those great "Bizarro" cartoons, and "It's a Wonderful Life part 2". Clever and somewhat funny, but tame. Parody Press. *** Negative Burn anthology issue 2 - Short but intense stories including the Russian WWII front, the horrors of child sexual abuse, kids reading Playboy magazine, and more. Plus, Mr. Mamoulian strip, and a great "Stubbs the Cat" strip. Caliber Press. *** Post Bros. #33 - Ron fights his way through a planet of super-mutants in order to clear up the TV reception. While Jeri is moving in with Ron, she discovers that her brother has been killed- and Ron is framed for this and her father's death by Boche. Next one should be *real* tense... Rip Off Press * Ren & Stimpy #13 - Stimpy accidentally turns a piece of gum under a table into a rampaging monster in this Halloween special. The clown hearse was a nice touch, but this comic is getting lame again. Nothing new or even clever. *** Savage Henry #28 - "No Bulldagger Music Allowed" - When the Bulldaggers are booked for a concert on Thurmin, they run afoul of the law against their type of music. To their surprise, the local dictator is actually Hiroshima, their old enemy- and they have been set up by Russell Post. Plus, tons of plugs for obscure electronic music bands. Rip Off Press. **** Sweet Lucy #2 - Futuristic cyberpunk/apocalypse society with murderous tyrannical government (aren't they all?), mutant cannibals, hostile wastelands, large-breasted babes, nudity, a respectable amount of graphic gore, PLUS an actual storyline. Brainstorm Comics,457 Main St. Ste. 162 Farmingdale NY 11735 ***** Tank Girl #4 - Conclusion of the 2nd series has Tank Girl in more rude and outrageous stories: "Blue Helmet", "Fucked Up Afro Zombie Babes from Nowhere", and "The Fall and Rise and Fall and The Ship In The Bottle". More gutter humor, nudity, and senseless violence that seems to pick up with each new issue. Dark Horse Comics, 10956 SE Main St. Milwaukie, OR 97222 ** The Tick: Karma Tornado #1 - The Tick is transported to an alien world he is made the captain of the Earth team in a incomprehensible intergalactic game. Story is mostly set-up. New England Comics PO Box 310 Quincy, MA 02269 *** The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: Dagon part 2 - A modern nuclear submarine battles the Deep Ones and destroys both the spawn and Dagon himself. But, they have failed to stop the cults which may awaken Cthulhu. Nice overview of mythos **** The Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft: Arthur Jermyn - The story of several generations of a cursed family of aristocratic explorers, the terrible secrets they uncover about themselves, and their tragic end. This one has the most "Lovecraft" feel about it of the series, particularly the stories later in the Cthulhu mythos. Caliber Press 621-B S. Main St. Plymouth, MI 48170 *** Yummy Fur #31 - This issue has a strip in dedicaton to Chester's new live-in girlfriend, Sook-Yin, lead singer of the band "Bob's Your Uncle". Plus, the story "Matthew 9:31-10:42" illustrating biblical stories of Jesus healing the dead; with somewhat of a cynical edge on that and other somewhat questionable passages in the "good" book. Its hard to judge exactly what he's saying here. Drawn and Quarterly Publications. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x CALL THIS BBS: DnA Systems, Inc. 714-646-9180 @ 0.3 thru 14.4 kbps DnA Electronic Magazine World Distribution Headquarters The Sixth Column World Headquarters DnANeT World Headquarters CyberCrime International Network SoCal Region Coordinator Platinum Network 714 Area Hub PODNet Member (Largest Occult Network Ever) Literally THOUSANDS of Files of Info On: * Sovereign Citizenship Information - Extremely Rare Info! * Large FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Section - Including .GIFs! * The Law - What it REALLY means and how to use it to YOUR advantage * Radio Frequencies - You name it - we have it! * Government Atrocitites - Info on all kinds of serious abuses by Government agencies such as the BATF and the IRS * UFOs - MJ-12, Area 51 (Including GIFs!), much other UFO info * The INSLAW Case * The Kennedy Assassinations * The Philadelphia Experiment * The Waco Massacre * Several issues of "The Connector" Large Collection of Utilities: * Hackers * Scanners * Tone Generators * Dialers * All-in-one Kits Text Files On: * Phreaking * Hacking * Carding / Scams * Anarchy / Destruction Magazines, Newsletters, InfoJournals (most are complete collections): * Phrack * LOD/H * P/HUN * BIOC * VAS * Computer Underground Digest * Phantasy * CdC * Underground eXperts United * CHiNA * LoL / Phuck Virus / Trojan Info: * 550+ Live Virii / Source Code * Several New, Rare, and totally UN-SCANNABLE Virii! * Construction Kits * Text Files: 40-Hex, Crypt Newsletters, Phalcon/Skism Guides, NuKE InfoJournals, more, more, more... Rapidly Expanding Occult InfoBase: * A. Crowley - HUGE Collection of Crowley's Works (Including Equinox) * Large Chaos/Discord Collection * Golden Dawn / OTO / Thelema * Shamanism * Herbalism * Temple ov Psychick Youth (T.O.P.Y.) * MORE! * Full MCC Linux Distribution On-Line * Plenty of Linux Apps / Utils / Info / Etc * Lots of Internet Info On-Line * Useful Shareware Utilities (ZIP/ARJ/ZOO/Etc.) 714 646 9180 * 714 646 9180 * 714 646 9180 * 714 646 9180 _____ __ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv / ___ \ /\/\ \ Psychotronic BBS / /\__\/\/ \ \ \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ / / / \/ \ \ \ (919) 286-4542 / / / / ____ \ \ \ (919) 286-7738 / / / / /\__/\ \ \ \ / /_/____/ /_/__\_\ \_\ \____/\ Hundreds of conferences \_______ __________ ________/ Fido/Usenet E-mail \_____/ /\________/\ \______/ FREE!! ____________/ /_/________\_\ \_____________ / \ / The 7th Church Of The Apocalyptic Lawnmower \ \__________ ____________________ ___________/ \________/ /\__________________/\ \_________/ \/ / \ \/ \/ +44 (0)923-835-373 \/ 2400-14.4 -=> NOW 24hrs!! SYSOP: Pot-Noodle CO-SYSOP: Beast ^^^^^^^^^^^ oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO radiocityzenradiocityzenradiocityzenradiocityzenradiocityzenradiocityzen ------------------------------------------------------------------------ radiocityzen BBS (514)842-7126 Montreal's first *all e-zine* BBS! 1200-14.4K bps 8 PM-8 AM . 8 - E - 1 ascii terminal ScreamBaby,InterText,Hi-Rez,HToMC,Phrack,CuD,cDc,RAH,cousins,Cyberspace Vanguard,RavingUpNorth,dNa,Arm The Spirit!,Funhouse,Unplastic News,more ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors: please send us a copy of your latest ezines & give us a subscription! We want your ezine on our board! Email: fpca@musicb.mcgill.ca ----------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE OHIO STATE LANTERN Friday, October 1, 1993 POLICE NEARLY CONFISCATE FILM OSU eatery is scene of CPD reaction By John Bowley Lanter staff writer Wednesday night, Columbus police officers made Freakin' Pizza employees remove fliers that advertised a movie to be shown at the restaurant that night and also warned the owner not to view the night's planned movie. The police took down the fliers that advertised Joe Christ's film "Acid is Groovy, Kill the Pigs," said Kirby Witmer, owner of Freakin' Pizza, 9 Chittenden Ave. Witmer also said the officer warned him that if he showed the film, he would take his "license away;" a specific license was not mentioned. Apparently, the police misunderstood the meaning behind the title of the film and did not go through with their threat, Witmer said. "They thought that the film advocated or was about cop killing -- it has nothing to do with it (cop killing) whatsoever," Witmer said. "The movie is about a murderer who killed his family, and what he wrote in his family's blood above the murder scene." "Acid is Groovy, Kill the Pigs" is an underground film directed by Joe Christ. The film is a true to life, but farcical look at the infamous 1970 "Fatal Vision" murders in which Jeffrey McDonald slaughtered his family in their home in Fayetteville, NC. McDonald blamed the killings on a roving Charles Manson-like band of drug-crazed hippies. Before the police realized the film wasn't threatening toward the law enforcement industry, Witmer said police harassed his customers. The officers occasionally issued jaywalking tickets to customers crossing the street to enter the store and shined a spotlight through the restaurant's window to obscure the screen, Witmer said. During the show, Witmer said the officers wandered in and out of the restaurant examining the video tapes and speaking with Christ. After deducing that the film was not intended to provoke violence against police officers, the officers quietly left. Christ's film jokingly hypothesizes that the hippie gang actually existed, and in low-budget style followed the gang around town as they mutilated genitalia, pistol-whipped pregnant women and gobbled whole sheets of blotter acid. Christ said after the showing, "There are plenty of reasons to be offended by this film, but killing cops isn't one of them." Police at the scene offered no comment. ----->>>> NC TOUR DATES <<<<----- Nov. 11th - Thursday - Vincent's Ear - Asheville, NC Nov. 13th - Saturday - The Exchange - Greensboro, NC ACID IS GROOVY, KILL THE PIGS Shot In Trippy Violence! FATAL-vision A Movie by Joe Christ Remember that army captain and his family? Well, this is THAT hippie cult Lysergic Also available Madness! Staring JOE CHRIST 4-song 7" e.p. or cassette Now Available on VHS: $15.00 ppd "ACID IS GROOVY KILL THE PIGS" Send check or m.o. to: soundtrack by JOE CHRIST & BIGGER THAN GOD Features JOE CHRIST guitar legend Chris Spedding 151 First Ave. Box 77 Cover art - Joe Coleman New York NY 10003 $5.00 ppd --------------- FUN TRICKS TO PLAY ON HOMELESS PEOPLE Make urine jello, and smegma soup. Leave on top of trash can. Have them mow your lawn when they say "Will Work for Food", and then give them coupons for Puppy Chow. $*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$ Jim Morrison: Space Ranger part 4 by T. Rev <hin9@midway.uchicago.edu> The hike was easier than Thailand ever had been, actually. The land was dry, and as they climbed, the air became cooler. Morrison was in peak condition, as well. He was hardly winded by the time they came to a small valley between two low peaks. Lemmy set down his pack and leaned against a tree. "This is as far as I go, lads." He gestured north. "It's at the other end of the valley. Have fun. I'll wait for twenty hours, then I'm gone." Morrison snorted. "Enjoy the needler." He started walking again. Jimi followed. As they went on, the valley opened out. It was mostly tall grass, with occasional fruit and nut trees. The air was fresh and cool. There was no sign of human or animal trails, though a few squirrels demonstrated that the valley wasn't totally lifeless. Hendrix heard the Hueys first. He elbowed Morrison and pointed toward the far end of the valley, where two of the Vietnam vintage gunships were hanging heavily in the sky. "What now, man? We got no place to hide!" Morrison scowled. "We don't need one." And he levelled the crystal gun and fired. The first gunship squealed brightly and one of its rotors flew off. As it plunged, wobbling, toward the ground, the stray rotor flew out and hit the second Huey dead in the gas tank. The gasoline went up in a sullen red fireball, wrapping the helicopter in black smoke, while the first craft crashed to the ground. "Metal fatigue, no doubt," said Morrison softly. The second Huey hit the ground with an echoing boom. "If we're lucky, they still don't know we're here," he continued. "If we move up the side of the valley, we might be able to stay out of sight. At least until we get close." "How do you figure that?" "Old ninja trick. Nobody could possibly get to them on foot. Not without any cover. So they won't look." "Oh." Hendrix accepted the explanation without complaint. They trotted the hundred or so yards to where the walls of the valley started to slope sharply upward, then turned again and continued toward its end. Within a few minutes, sirens began to wail. Two enormous gates opened in the wall of the fortress, and several large vehicles, part three-wheel ATV, part halftrack, surged forth toward the wreckage of the aircraft. Hendrix stopped short, but Morrison kept walking. By this time, they were close enough to see the faces of the guards. Morrison's face broke into a savage smile. "Robbie!" Six rifles pivoted toward the pair. "Hold fire!" barked the leader. He shaded his eyes. "Identify yourselves!" Morrison strolled towards them arrogantly, hands open. "I gather it's been fifteen years for you, Robbie. Not for me. Why don't you identify me?" The leader gaped. "Jim! They said you were killed in 'Nam!" "Yeah, well, they said God was dead. Wanna talk about it?" Robbie Krieger looked at the wreckage, and his face twisted. "What the hell is this?" he demanded, waving at the smouldering, twisted metal. "Dunno, Robbie," Morrison said innocently. "I think Jimi and I were followed here. We need to talk to the boss right away." "You mean..." "What you think I mean, yeah," snapped Morrison. "We're working for the boss too. How do you think we knew how to get here?" "Why didn't you come the normal way?" "I just told you, Robbie, we were being followed. Come on over, Jimi." Hendrix walked over, smiling beneath his straw hat. Morrison turned back to Krieger. His voice became low and silky. "Now listen, Robbie, if we were followed, and the people who did it are out there now, we'd better get back under cover, right? And you'd better take us to the boss, so we can explain what's happened, right?" Krieger looked around. "Okay," he said. He turned to the other soldiers. "Check out the wreckage for survivors, then get back under cover. There may be snipers in the area." He beckoned Morrison and Hendrix to follow, then climbed back into one of the vehicles. "I hope you realize I'm doing you a favor, Jim," Krieger remarked. The craft rolled through the gates into a huge tunnel. Sparsely functioning fluorescent lights lit their way. "Oh, no doubt about that, Robbie." The tunnel was long. Morrison had the time to face his thoughts. The whole operation had been too easy. Too damn many coincidences. Robbie was here. In the middle of fucking Colombia, working for the man Morrison was going to murder. What the hell are you doing? he asked himself. Morrison's head snapped upward in shock. Krieger looked at him strangely. "You okay?" Morrison shivered. "Fine, man. Long day." Was it nothing more than a story? A script he was playing out? Just a setup. Then he realized what had been bothering him. Bob had had his agents changed. Poor Jimi was nearly lobotomized by what had been placed in his skull. Cornelius was already mad. Moon simply wasn't --whatever had claimed to be Moon was some kind of simulation. What had they done to Morrison? Slowly, his fingers crept up to his scalp, feeling the cat's-whisker lines of the scars beneath his hair. A static roar passed through his mind, and Morrison started to chuckle. Maybe Art did cover such things. At the end of his grand, heroic quest, Our Hero discovers his True Will has been corrupted from within. Irony of the purest sort. Morrison leaned back in the car, stretching and considering. What, he wondered, would be the proper Artistic response to such an overture? Of course. An act of heroic desperation. Very American. Morrison rested the barrel of the crystal gun against his temple, spun the dial, and pressed the trigger. Nothing happened. In fact, a number of things stopped. The roaring died away. His headache faded, replaced by a warm throbbing beneath his scars. To Morrison, it was as if a roiling, oily cloud finally had been blown away from the surface of his mind, revealing what lay beneath. 'Goddamn, that was a stupid thing to do,' he thought. He noticed Hendrix and Krieger staring at him, aghast. "Click-click!" he said brightly. "Not loaded. Quick, look at the road, Robbie!" Krieger turned back in time to steer the craft back on course. Now, it fell into place. Bad luck. That was what the gun hit with. Call it Entropy, Bad Karma, whatever--it was plain old bad luck. That's what took out the Hueys; two of the worst coincidences even remotely possible. And there must be some safety feature that protects the user from backlash--so the only thing the gun affected was whatever they'd put in his head. Now he was really free. And there was no reason for him to be here. He could just turn around and go home now. Revenge? Bullshit. Why would he care about revenge? Fuck it. May as well find out. The craft sped on down the tunnel. "Place has sure changed since the last time we were here, Robbie," Morrison offered casually. "How's it laid out these days?" Krieger took the bait. "Well, you noticed the battlements we built up on the side of the mountain. That's all new work. Also been digging deeper into the mountain. The Boss spends most of his time down there. "We're passing the old sections now." Dark breaks in the walls revealed side tunnels, but the craft did not turn. Morrison leaned back toward Hendrix. Speaking low under the roar of the engine, he said, "Follow my lead, Jimi. No moves unless I make them first." Hendrix winked. After another ten silent minutes, the craft slowed to a stop in front of a huge blast door. Cameras locked into place, scanning the cabin. Krieger whispered into a radio. The door opened. "He says you should go in alone, Jim." But of course. It should be interesting to see, at last, the one responsible for this escapade. Morrison walked through the blast door with his head held high and a bleak amusement in his heart. Beyond the door was a huge, roughly-mined room, the ceiling sheeted in mist, the walls stretching into the murky distance. Several yards from the door were long tables, ringed about with large fluorescent lamps. "Hey, Bob!" shouted Morrison. His cracking baritone had degenerated into a gravelly roar in the jungles, but the echoes here gave back some of the old menacing smoothness. No response came. Morrison approached the tables. On them were strange objects-- sculptures? Here was one that started at one end as crystal, shot through with fine metal tracework like his gun; but it finished at the other as an amorphous, dull, burned-looking heap. Another was some sort of clockwork, but the gears were crumbly-looking, like year-old bread. A figure of a monkey, made of tightly curled, dead leaves, was perched on the edge of one of the tables. He reached out towards it, then jerked his hand back as it chattered feebly and rustled away from him. He watched in fascination as it leapt from the table to the ground--and shattered into a simple pile of leaves. "Don't make them like they used to," he remarked. "No, they don't," said a nasal, scratchy voice. Morrison turned. He recognized the heavy-lidded, bloodshot eyes; the sullen sneer was the same even after fifteen years. It was Dylan. "It's entropy. Jerry told me all about it. All the tarantulas in the world won't save you. You're mine, you and all the others who tried to hide." He coughed raggedly. "Your souls are mine. They didn't save me, and they won't save you!" Of all possible scenarios, this was the most blatant. Morrison was disappointed but not surprised. "But what does that have to do with art, Bob?" Morrison responded reasonably. "Art? You and your art! Thought you could hold onto it by running away, you and Hendrix and Moon. You were wrong! Henh! They stole it from me, so I stole it from you." Dylan looked sad for a moment. "Didn't stay, didn't help, no, can't keep the edge, entropy you know. Jerry told me about that. But if I didn't keep it, how could you? Answer me!" "Oh, not at all, I'm sure, Bob," said Morrison. "Henh. You're mine!" Dylan repeated. "I wanted it, too, you know. I was getting it for a while, then it went away again," he sobbed. "I had you then. But it went away, so what was the point?" Morrison started to answer, but Dylan was raging again. "You're doomed, now! You're no use to me, you and Hendrix, you'll be dust in the gutter soon." A trace of yellowish foam had collected on Dylan's lips. Morrison was already bored. "What about Moon?" "Moon, henh, Moon really was dead. That was the computer. They're doing wonderful things these days, really nice." He whispered the word 'nice' to himself a few times. "The only way you can escape is to kill me," he added hopefully. Morrison stared at Dylan with contempt. "Is that the best you can do?" "Eh?" Morrison stepped toward Dylan, grabbed him by the shirt, and lifted him six inches into the air. Now they were eye to eye. "I said, is that the best you can do? Do you mean that you did all this to me and Jimi because of a death wish?" "Not at first," Dylan added helpfully. "I was after your talent then." Morrison snorted. "Didn't help much, if those things on the table were the best you could do." He shook his head. "Bob. Did you really think I was stupid enough to go along with it?" He dropped Dylan, who stumbled and fell heavily to the ground. He knelt down and smiled gently at the tired old man. "Hey, Bob, listen. I am the Lizard King! I can do anything!" And he walked away. At the door he turned back. "Bob? Get a hobby. Go on tour with the Grateful Dead, if they're still around, or something. But don't come whining to me with your problems next time." Outside the door, Krieger was still waiting with the craft. "What did he say?" Morrison looked at the open doorway. "Oh, he's going to have to change his plans. He may be in there for a while." As if to agree, the blast door swung shut. "Hendrix and I are going to have to go back in the field. You can take us back outside. We'll find our own way from there. "Oh, and Robbie, if you find yourself out of a job anytime soon, look me up. I'm thinking of going back on the road. This secret agent stuff is getting dull." At the other end of the valley, Lemmy was waiting. "Still alive, eh? Good job. Back to Los Angeles?" "Back to Los Angeles." On the way back, Morrison told them what had happened to him. Hendrix listened intently. Lemmy just snickered. Eighteen hours later, Morrison and Hendrix were at the gate in Los Angeles Airport. "Where you bound, Jimi?" "Dunno. I was thinking about going up to San Francisco, watch the sunsets for awhile." "Going to play again?" "Someday. I still got my guitar. You?" Morrison stared off into space. "Well, I still have the money I got off Jerry. And Bob was wrong. I can still write. That's really all I ever wanted to do, Jimi, is write." He laughed. "I got a lot to write about now. Maybe I'll run into you in a bar sometime, or something." "Yeah, or something. Hey, uh, if you ever want to start making music again, lemme know, okay?" Morrison smiled. "I will, Jimi." Hendrix grasped Morrison by the shoulder. "You're a good man, Mr. Mojo Risin'." "I don't know about that. But at least..." Morrison stared out into the passing crowd. No one looked back. He laughed. "I'm a man now, and not a myth. That's good enough, I think." FIN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C O N V E N T I O N S October 28-31, 1993 (Minnesota) WORLD FANTASY CON 1993. Radisson Hotel South & Plaza Tower, 7800 Normandale Blvd., Minneapolis MN 55439-3145; (612)835-7800; rms $75 sngl/dbl, $85 tpl/quad. GoHs: Poul Anderson, Roger Zelazny, John Crowley; AGoH: Tom Canty; SGoH: Basil Copper; TM: Neil Gaiman. Memb: $75 until 8/1/93, $100 after; $40 supporting (membership limited to 750 paid members). Info: World Fantasy Convention 1993, Box 2128, Loop Stn., Minneapolis MN 55402. October 29-31, 1993 (Washington) Dreamcon 8. South Everett Quality Inn and Conference Center, Everett, WA; rms $60. TM: Nevin Pratt, Jr.; AGoH: David Cherry. Memb: $25.00 until 10/16/93; $30.00 after. Info: 10121 Evergreen Way, Suite 103, Everett, WA 98204; (206)643-7027 (Rick Lewis, chairman) before 9PM only (Pacific Time). October 30-31, 1993 (Ireland) OCTOCON '93. Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland. 4th Irish National SF Con. GoH: Storm Constantine. Comics GoH: Steve Dillon; guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, Katherine Kurtz, Morgan Llywelyn, Anne McCaffrey, James White, more. Info: Octocon '93, 20 Newgrove Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4, Ireland. November 5-7, 1993 (Texas) ARMADILLOCON 15. Red Lion Inn, I-35 & 290, Austin, TX; rms $65 sngl/dbl. GoH: Gwyneth Jones; AGoH: Harry O. Morris, Jr.; EGoH: John Douglas; TM: Michael Bishop; guests Bradley Denton, Tappan king, Beth Meacham, Lewis Shiner, Bruce Sterling, Howard Waldrop, more. Memb: $20 until 5/30/93, $25 until 9/30/93, more after. Info: ArmadilloCon 15, P.O. Box 9612, Austin, TX 78766-9612; (512)266-9719 or (713)855-9620 (before 10 p.m. Central Time); email: shiva@pro-smof.cts.com. November 5-7, 1993 (England) NOVACON '93. Birmingham, UK. GoH: Stephen Baxter. Info: Novacon, c/o Bernie Evans, 121 Cape Hill, Smethwick, Warley B66 4SH, UK. November 12-14, 1993 (Alabama) CONSTELLATION XII: ORION. Huntsville Hilton, Huntsville, Alabama; (205)533-1400. GoH: Jim Baen; SGoH: Julie Schwartz; AGoH: David O. Miller; FGoH: Marcia McCoy. Memb: $20 until 10/10/93, $25 after. Info: Con*Stellation XII: Orion, O.O. Box 4857, Huntsville Al 35815-4857. Huntsville Hilton: 205-533-1400 November 12-14, 1993 (Illinois) WINDYCON XX. Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Schaumburg, Illinois. Guests: Joe Haldeman, Kelly Freas, Laura Brodin-Freas, Algis J. Budrys, plus 20th anniversary celebration. Memb: $25 until Oct. 2, $35 after. Rooms $77 single/double, $90 triple/quad. Info: PO Box 184, Palatine, IL 60078-0184 Windycon special hotline: 708-383-6948 November 12-14, 1993 (Oregon) ORYCON 15. Red Lion/Columbia River, Portland, Oregon. Guests: Terry Pratchett, Robert Lionel Fanthorpe, more. Memb: $20 until 5/31/93, $25 until 10/31/93, $35 after (children 5 and under - free, children 6-12 w/adult half price). Info: OryCon 15, P.O. Box 5703, Portland, Oregon 97228; (503)283-0802; email: 74007.3342@compuserve.com. November 12-14, 1993 (Pennsylvania) PHILCON '93. The Adam's Mark Hotel, City Avenue and Monument Road, Philadelphia, PA; (800)444-ADAM or (215)581-5000; rms $98 sngl/dbl, $112 tpl/quad until 10/1/93, $102 sngl/dbl, $116 tpl/quad after. GoH: Fred Saberhagen; AGoH: David Cherry; SGoHs: Emma Bull, Ian Watson. Memb: $25 until 9/17/93, $30 until 11/1/93, $35 after (children born after 11/14/87 free w/adult, children 6-12 w/adult, half price). Info: Philcon '93, P.O. Box 8303, 30th St. Station, Philadelphia, PA 19101; (215)342-1672. November 19-21, 1993 (Oklahoma) SOONERCON 9. Central Plaza & Trade Winds Hotels, Oklahoma City, OK. GoH: Steven Brust; AGoH: Tim Hildebrandt; FGoH: Jim Murray; Filk GoH: Mark Simmons; TM: Tad Williams. Theme: Lewis Carroll. Info: Soonercon 9, Box 1701, Bethany OK 73008. November 26-28, 1993 (California, Northern) SILICON '93. San Jose Red Lion Hotel. GoH; Steve Perry; AGoH: Paul Stuart Clift; RM: Michael Reaves. Memb: $20 until 6/1/93, $25 until 9/10/93, $30 until 11/15/93, $40 after. Info: Silicon '93, PO Box 8029, San Jose, CA 95155. November 26-28, 1993 (California, Southern) LOSCON 20. The Burbank Airport Hilton Hotel, 2500 Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA; rms $72 sngl/dbl, $79 tpl/quad. GoH: Roger Zelazny, FGoH: Paul Turner. Memb: $25. Info: Loscon 20, c/o LASFS, 11513 Burbank Blvd., N. Hollywood CA 91601; (818)767-9234. November 26-28, 1993 (Illinois) VISIONS '93. Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel, 9300 West Bryn Mawr Ave., Rosemont, IL 60018; (708) 696-1234; rms $70. Media convention celebrating 30 years of Doctor Who. Expected Guests: Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Frazer Hines, Elizabeth Sladen, Nicola Bryant, Sophie Aldred, Carole Ann Ford, Anthony Ainley, Jeremy Bentham, Jean-Marc Lofficier, John Peel, Gareth Thomas, Michael Keating. Memb: $85 until 11/1/93, $100 after. Info: email: fergus@areaplg2.corp.mot.com. November 26-28, 1993 (Netherlands) CON-YAK/BENELUXCON 19. Altea Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands. GoH: Tonke Dragt; FGoH: Annemarie van Ewijck. Memb: DFl 60 until 10/3/93, DFl 25 for visitors from Eastern Europe, DFl 25 for children 4-12; DFl 25 supporting. Info: Con-Yak, c/o Richard Vermaas, James Watt straat 13, 1097 DJ Amsterdam, Netherlands; email: conyak@stam.nl \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@---------------------------------------- @@@@@@@^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^@@@@@@@@-------------- R A V E S --------------- @@@@@@^ ~^ @ @@ @ @ @ I ~^@@@@@@---------------------------------------- @@@@@ ~ ~~ ~I @@@@@ Fri,Oct 29 MASK HYSTERIA Raleigh, NC @@@@' @@@ 919.859.2341 9pm til' 4:30am @@@@ @@@@@@@@w___,w@@@@@@@@ @ @@@ DJ's @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I @@@ John "Rainbow" Humphrey (SERAVES) @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*@[ i @@@ Fritz - (Merciful Addiction) @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[][ | ]@@@ L.G. Rick - (Merciful Addiction) @@@@ @@@@@@@@~_,__~@@@@@@[][ | ]@@@ R.E.P. - (M/A, N.B. 901) @@@@ @@@@@@@_~ ,_`@ @@@@@[][ | ]@@@ DJ Steve - (Fallout Shelter) @@@@ @@@@@@@@@w@@w@ ][@@@@@ | J@@@ Rob Harvey - (Legends) @@@@, @@@@www@@@ @@@@@@@ww@@@@@[ @@@@ Keith Ward (Merciful Addiction) @@@@@_|| @@@@@@P' @@P@@@@@@@@@@@[|c@@@@ @@@@@@w| '@@P~ P]@@@-~, ~Y@@^'],@@@@@@ $5 w/goodie bags for first 500+ ppl @@@@@@@[ _ _J@@Tk ]]@@@@@@ T-shirts to the best 100 costumes. @@@@@@@@,@ @@, c,,,,,,,y ,w@@[ ,@@@@@@@ Location: New Bar 901 Raleigh, NC @@@@@@@@@ i @w ====--_@@@@@ @@@@@@@@---------------------------------------- @@@@@@@@@@`,P~ _ ~^^^^Y@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ Fri,Oct 29 Washington,DC 202.828.1944 @@@@^^=^@@^ ^' ,ww,w@@@@@ _@@@@@@@@@@ BUZZ - Every Friday 410.880.1166 @@@_xJ~ ~ , @@@@@@@P~_@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @, ,@@@,_____ _,J@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Halloween Party with: Moby, Aphex Twin @@L `' ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Orbital, Robbie Hardkiss, Dante, Tim @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (of Utah Saints),DB, Scott Henry, and | Lieven DeGeyndt For hardcopy w/graphics, send SASE to:| | 18 & over - ID req - 10 PM 'till 6 AM Holy Temple of Mass Consumption | free parking - $9 or $6 before 11 PM PO Box 30904 | Located at 1524 Half Street S.W. Raleigh, NC 27622 |---------------------------------------- | Sat,Oct 30 Greensboro,NC 919.274.8530 For ezine version, mail: | Masquerade II | Slack@ncsu.edu to get on list | Sonic sorcerers: Drew Detwiler - NC quartz.rutgers.edu - back | Todd Baran-Gainesville FL, Ed LeBrun-NC issues ( | 20,000 watts of Bone Chilling Sound | Hyperdelic Light Show Beneath Your Feet --------------------------------------| Sat,Oct 30 Lexington KY 606.282.1661| The DEPOT Greensboro, N.C. LexiCon IX Rave | 300 E. Washington St. | Downtown Greensboro, N.C. University of Kentucky | $10.00 w/ costume $11.00 without Old Student Center Grand Ballroom | Info: (919) 274-8530 11pm-5am Lexington, Kentucky |---------------------------------------- must have college ID | Sat,Nov 6 Nashville, TN 615.780.3730 free w/convention badge, $8/door | BAM! and ANODE present: --------------------------------------| MOONBASS PHASE 2: LOST IN BASS Fri,Nov 5 ALLENTOWN, PA 215.433.0503| THE FREIGHT YARD | COMMAND CONTROL | anode, anastasia divine, orange julius 10pm to 7am at The Freight Yard | BASS COMMAND DJs mary mary, bryan DJ's: Laura(NJ),Diesel Boy(Pittsburgh)| meyer,lukk-E, chek,speed freeks Goodwill(Delaware), many more | LIVE PERFORMANCES anode,nebulous Room 1=hardcore, jungle, acid | Room 2=happy house,progressive,trance,| 123 12th ave. north,just off Broadway --------------------------------------| no alcohol inside -- 8pm-6am $10 Sat,Nov 6 Ft. Lauderdale,FL |---------------------------------------- THE RETURN OF GARDIAC | Sat,Nov 13 Charlotte,NC 704.531.8556 305.846.7969 305.921.9680 | FUTUREWORLD | super dj dmetry from (dee lyte) | Capri - 3500 E. Independence Blvd only 36 hr rave in the history of FL | on the 1200's: Chris Fortier, Scott $16-look for search light | Henry, Jason Jinx, Rich Rosario, Kris Broward Community College North Campus| Krause, Eric Dillon $10 1000 Coconut Creek Blvd,4m N of FtLaud| A Mystery Productions Event.