DSP Presents:

        WIERD SHIT...

        Things you dont normally Hear about.

                        Written by: GridLok

        Lenin Mystery:

        One of Moscow's mysteries during the Soviet era was, why the
        caretakers of Linin's tomb - the national monument to the found-
        ing father of communism - closed the monument to the public for 
        months at a time every couple of years.  Now, as the secrets of 
        the old regime continue to ooze out, comes an answer: Lenin's
        body is kept in tip top shape! Every couple years it recieves
        new embalming fluid and a month long chemical bath, that keep
        the body like a fresh corpse, this has been happening since his 
        death in 1924...  what a bunch of fucking wierdos.

        Animal Inheritance:

        Among the latest in animal inheritances, in january, Anna Morgan
        of Seatle, left an estate valued at $500,000.00 to Tinker, her
        11 year old turkish angora cat.  Her apartment is still maintained
        and a live in cartaker employed.  All for the cat.
        Can you belive these crazy old fuckers?

        A man died in santa anna, with a 2.1 million dollar estate, 
        leaving 25 grand to each of his brothers, and 615k $$$ to the
        City police k-9 units...  CHRIST
        (nuts, plain nuts)

        Other animal news:

        The Brookfield news reported in june that three cows at the
        univeristy of missouri forage systems research center, near
        Linneus Mo., have been sergically equipped with removable 'ports'
        to thier stomachs.  So researchers can send them out in the field
        overnight, bring them back in the morning, open em up, and see whats
        inside, they say the cows dont mind a bit  They just sit back
        and ignore it...  hahah... jesus.. Cybercows

        CRIMEWATCH (hahaha!)

        James Dowdy, 23 was arrested and sentanced to 3 years in prison for
        being caught with a bag of stolen socks.   At the time he was on
        probation for another sock theft, and has never been accused of 
        stealing anything but socks..   hmm, no logical explaination i
        can think of...

        To help clense himself from a 1993 vandalism episode, Robert D.
        Pollard Jr. wrote an apology note to his community, stating he was
        'very very sorry, things are different, now that ive found jesus..
        he has shown me a new way..'  That article was taken on the 7th,
        elsewhere in the same magazine was an article saying that Pollard
        was arrested on the 6th for punching his wife in the face.
        haha Yeah, go jesus...

        In late october '94, Weasley Honeywood (age 94) was given a 
        seven year prison sentance, on a charge of aggravated assault, a
        charge of pulling a gun on someone during an argument.  During
        his life, Honeywood has been charged with 46 crimes, in the last
        few years, prosecutors and judges have been lenient with him,
        due to his old age.  Including giving him probation on a charge
        of, at age 92, having intercourse with a 7 year old girl.
        HAHAHAHhohoho hehehehe Cant keep an old dog down

        Betty Liu Blair, 46, was arrested in october for holding police 
        at bay for over an hour with a .12 guage shotgun, while intoxicated.
        Over the past 12 years, Blair has been arrested 425 times, 
        mostly for behaviors induced by alchahol consumption, including;
        disturbing the peace, indecent exposure, and urinating in public.
        Yech.. nasty ol hag.

        Well thats all for this week, be back next with more!

                                -GridLok- / DSP