: :::. : ____, In Memory, : :: : : |_ _; Karl Marx ,~~ : :::'istorted : `|| says: --)( : :::. :::: : || "Aufheben!" ()= : :: :igital ::. rection : [] HOOKAH! : :::' :::: : 27 February 1994 : Text File #14 Mongoloid Telecom ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'The MODEMWAR Series: Pre-Conflict' by amphetamine gobbler It seems to be MODEM WAR time again! Yes, spring is on its way and the peasants of the modem world are feeling frisky again. Let's just take a peek at the call to arms initiated on the Town Crier BBS ... at least, that's where I saw 'em. CAST ~~~~ Thom Davis: Illustrious sysop of the Confederate BBS, a Wildclone The Minister: None other than yours truly Elminster: Spirit of Entropy Matt Howes: Uhhh... whatever it is this week Petula Clark: Petula Clark Jeff Bowman: Illustrious sysop of the Pentagon From : THOM DAVIS Number : 27 of 37 To : THE MINISTER Date : 02/23/94 1:18am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : NONE Read : 02/28/94 1:55am (REPLIES) Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] Hello The! In a message to Elminster <02/01/94> The Minister wrote: TM> paganism charles manson bukowski punk rock rationalism TM> socialism indie music body art vampirism big bush fan TM> pacifism zines cyberpunk david lynch satanism beer substance TM> indulgence setianism all other kinds of -isms mushrooms TM> god surrealism psychedelia ... TM> * Talk to God online! TM> * The Charles Manson Shrine TM> * A fun-loving time for the whole family TM> * BeastNet, PODnet TM> * Wild sex orgies for every fifteenth caller TM> * Toothless men in diapers to spank naughty users TM> * _Big Bush Fan_ online ... an experience. And now we all know why people who are grown up, don't call! Come on guys, grow up! And get in the real world! <<tag.imp The Confederate BBS: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhfn.org, 216-477-3678 * WCE 1.5/2119 * Horn broke...watch for finger. --- WM v3.10/p��p=� * Origin: The Confederate BBs: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhf (1:157/633) From : MATT HOWES Number : 29 of 38 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/23/94 6:20pm Subject : The Necropolis Reference : NONE Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] -> And now we all know why people who are grown up, don't call! -> -> Come on guys, grow up! And get in the real world! It's a young man's world my friend. I'm sorry you're too old and lame to have any fun. --- WM v3.10/92-0329 * Origin: The Pentagon - Canton, Oh - 216-493-3522 (1:157/631) Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (29 +) Msg Read [3-38], [F]orward, [H]elp, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? From : JEFF BOWMAN Number : 30 of 38 To : MATT HOWES Date : 02/23/94 7:15pm Subject : The Necropolis Reference : NONE Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] Hello Matt! In a message to Thom Davis <02/23/94> Matt Howes wrote: MH> -> And now we all know why people who are grown up, don't call! MH> -> MH> -> Come on guys, grow up! And get in the real world! MH> It's a young man's world my friend. I'm sorry you're too old and lame MH> to have any fun. hehehe! Everyone has their own taste <<sig.imp * WCE 1.5/2119 * 90% of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at. --- WM v3.10/92-0329 * Origin: The Pentagon - Canton, Oh - 216-493-3522 (1:157/631) From : PETULA CLARK Number : 32 of 38 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/26/94 4:06am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : 27 Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] -> And now we all know why people who are grown up, don't call! -> -> Come on guys, grow up! And get in the real world! -> -> The Confederate BBS: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhfn.org, 216-477 -> -> * WCE 1.5/2119 * Horn broke...watch for finger. -> And now we all know why people who are grown up, don't call! -> -> Come on guys, grow up! And get in the real world! -> -> The Confederate BBS: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhfn.org, 216-477 -> -> * WCE 1.5/2119 * Horn broke...watch for finger. Gosh, your right, your WCE 1.5/2119 is soooo mature! Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (32 +) Msg Read [3-38], [F]orward, [H]elp, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? From : THOM DAVIS Number : 33 of 38 To : MATT HOWES Date : 02/24/94 6:34pm Subject : The Necropolis Reference : NONE Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] Hello Matt! In a message to Thom Davis <02/23/94> Matt Howes wrote: MH> It's a young man's world my friend. I'm sorry you're too old and lame MH> to have any fun. Well, maybe if I could do nothing but call around all day long and talk to someone who THINKs he is GOD, Yea, I'd be having FUN *NOT*! Besides, I get my fun and get paid to do it! Finger that one out <<tag.imp The Confederate BBS: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhfn.org, 216-477-3678 -=� Slam The Enter Key Man, or [S]top, [N]onstop �=-? [ * WCE 1.5/2119 * Coffee sweetened with NO-DOZ...Programmers petro! --- WM v3.10/p��p=� * Origin: The Confederate BBs: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhf (1:157/633) From : THOM DAVIS Number : 34 of 39 To : JEFF BOWMAN Date : 02/24/94 6:36pm Subject : The Necropolis Reference : NONE Read : NO (REPLIES) Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] Hello Jeff! In a message to Matt Howes <02/23/94> Jeff Bowman wrote: JB> hehehe! Everyone has their own taste Question is: What kind of taste is it when you have "GOD" online? <<tag.imp The Confederate BBS: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhfn.org, 216-477-3678 * WCE 1.5/2119 * Always assume the second try will be different. --- WM v3.10/p��p=� * Origin: The Confederate BBs: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhf (1:157/633) From : JEFF BOWMAN Number : 35 of 40 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/26/94 12:47am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : NONE Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] Hello Thom! In a message to Jeff Bowman <02/24/94> Thom Davis wrote: TD> Hello Jeff! TD> In a message to Matt Howes <02/23/94> Jeff Bowman wrote: TD> JB> hehehe! Everyone has their own taste TD> Question is: What kind of taste is it when you have "GOD" online? I have always thought I was "GOD" hehehe TD> --- WM v3.10/p��p=� TD> * Origin: The Confederate BBs: 1:157/633, confdbbs@confdbbs.aldhf TD> (1:157/633) <<sig.imp * WCE 1.5/2119 * Me, indecisive? I don't think I am, do you? --- WM v3.10/92-0329 * Origin: The Pentagon - Canton, Oh - 216-493-3522 (1:157/631) Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (35 +) Msg Read [3-40], [F]orward, [H]elp, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? From : ELMINSTER Number : 36 of 40 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/27/94 2:46am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : 27 Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] -> TM> * _Big Bush Fan_ online ... an experience. -> And now we all know why people who are grown up, don't call! -> Come on guys, grow up! And get in the real world! Rather than hurling random insults, why don't you explain why you feel that the Necropolis is not up to your standards of maturity? I'm just curious. Necropolis has an active message area, active games, a huge text library. Various topics are discussed. I don't know what could be so wrong with all of that. Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (36 +) Msg Read [3-40], [F]orward, [H]elp, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? From : ELMINSTER Number : 37 of 40 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/27/94 2:50am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : 34 Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] -> JB> hehehe! Everyone has their own taste -> Question is: What kind of taste is it when you have "GOD" online? Umm ... Divine Taste? :) Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (37 +) Msg Read [3-40], [F]orward, [H]elp, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? From : THE MINISTER Number : 38 of 40 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/28/94 1:57am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : 27 Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] TD> And now we all know why people who are grown up, don't call! TD> TD> Come on guys, grow up! And get in the real world! Oh, come on now, Thom. Do you REALLY want to invite another bulletin board war? Think that you'll be up to it? I know I would be. If your definition of being grown up is mis-spelling and horrible grammar and a bulletin board that looks like it was set up by a five-year old (or an illiterate) ... then I'm proud to say that I'm not grown up. We've had these little conflicts before, Thom. And you've always come out on bottom. So, shut up. Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (38 +) Msg Read [3-40], [E]dit, [F]orward, [H]elp, [K]ill, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? From : THE MINISTER Number : 39 of 40 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/28/94 1:59am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : 33 Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] TD> Besides, I get my fun and get paid to do it! Finger that one Yeah, but .. Thom .. most of us don't have fun giving fellatio to other men ... Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (39 +) Msg Read [3-40], [E]dit, [F]orward, [H]elp, [K]ill, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? From : THE MINISTER Number : 40 of 40 To : THOM DAVIS Date : 02/28/94 2:00am Subject : The Necropolis Reference : 34 Read : NO Private : NO Conf : 008 - General [ECHO] TD> Question is: What kind of taste is it when you have "GOD" on Hey, Thom? Its called: 'creativity.' Its something you like. In lower forms of life, imagination is one of the lacking mental stages. You are a perfect example. See, there's more to bulletin boards that your standard messages/files/doors set-up. I realize that in your feeble mental condition, that's a hard concept for you to grasp. But, its true. That's why your BBS will always be fourth-rate and mine will always be the best. Read mode : (EVERYBODY) (40 +) Msg Read [3-40], [E]dit, [F]orward, [H]elp, [K]ill, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? I'm very impressed and thankful for the wonderful show of support. Used to be it was me against everyone. More on this later! Upcoming in the MODEMWAR series: * Our Past with ... The WildClones! * A Look at the Wonderful World of Wildcat! * Dismembering Wildcat! in five easy steps! Coming soon from Distorted Digital Erection! `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' Distorted Digital Erection February 1994 Text File #14 DDE is fully supported on the Necropolis BBS 216.966.8970 - subterranean telecom - All TEXT! vaginal yeast infections are worse, much worse.. Submissions are accepted. Send your t-file submission to Sorc, on the Necropolis. If using a new account, (I)nclude the file with the New User Application. CHECK for MORE Distorted Digital Erection in the NEAR future! TCC in CHECK! ... and assorted tales of erect rodentia!... `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' -eof-