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�       Demented Anarchists & Malicious Malignant Inventors of Terror        �
                                 Issue #1
                               The Beginning
                          By: Sir Robin and Madcap

Well, This is Issue #1 of DAMMiT. First of all, Let's start at the Beginning.
(Works good that way, huh?) Well, it had been mulling around in my head for a
while, to start a small group, and write strange text files. I finally got
around to it, (Due to a little prodding from Madcap) and started a group. Now,
first problem, and a big one. Name. Had to have a name. had to be a good
name, too. I was thinking about it, and screwing around, and then it was 4:30 
AM. I walked into the kitchen, to get another Mountain Dew, and Smashed my
knee on the counter. I whispered "DAMMIT!"...... and an idea struck harder
than a heterosexual seeing size H tits. Demented Anarchists(Not really much
Anarchy, but-)& Malicious Malignant inventors of Terror. Well, DAMMiT will -
feature all sorts of things. Some anarchy stuff, but V.a.S. covers a bunch of
that.. We'll have dirty limericks, some jokes, parodies, stories, and lists...
Look for Issues 3,4, and 5... Entitled "501 Things I hate".. Ideas aren't, and
will never be a problem. Well, since we just started getting plans in motion
today, July 24th, we have few members.. If you do want to be a member, find a
bbs I'm on, and send E-Mail to Sir Robin.. We also will take anything you've
written, so long as it's STRANGE. Anything, we really don't care... Well, I'll
Make the rest of this article interesting.

DAMMiT Consists of:
Sir Robin (Co-Founder)
Madcap (Co-Founder)
Hacker (Contributing Writer)
Grave Walker (Contributing Writer)

Have you ever come across an acronym, and didn't know what it was? Well, we'll
help you!

VGA: Very Glazed Assholes
INC: Interesting Nautical Crack
USA: Unified Strands of Acorns
FLT: Fighting Lost Tomes
(Whoa, that last one almost made sense!)
HST: Hello, Star Trek?
MNP: Manic Nasal Passages
JVC: Joe Vices Cramps
MTV: Mites Trust Virgins

There you go. 

Now, We'll try something else. I'm going to open my trusty dictionary (Good
for pest control) and write down a word. Once I get 7 words, I'll put em in a
sentence, in order (Now you KNOW I'm bored)
Words in caps are the ones I wrote down

RENTing SLUMs OVERSEAS can be good for your KYOTO, as well as stimulate your
CYTOPLASM, and causing you to eat SOY beans with a guy named WARREN.

That was boring.

You see, some people might take one look at this file and say "Oh, thas Lame"
but... We aren't doing this for any rational reason... 

I don't think that made sense. 
Well, you may see some stories floating about. One, in particular, will be
"The Adventures of Captain Expendable"... Written by Myself (Mostly), and
Madcap, it will offer all sorts of things.. Well, who knows about the future
of DAMMiT? Maybe We'll go one for a while, Maybe not. All I know is that we
won't go away for at least a little bit..

SO, again, if you want to Write something for us, or Want to join up, or Want
to be an official site, contact Sir Robin of many wonderful 313 bbses... Well,
Greetings To: V.a.S. - We're not trying to compete With Ya'll, we're not that

And a joke, to end this hear lovely text file:

Three Old men were sitting around the bar swapping stories. The first said, "I
remember way back in the big war, WW ][. We were sitting in a foxhole in
France when the Germans opened up with one of their big guns. One shell landed
in a foxhole full of soldiers. Their screams and moans were the worst sound I
ever heard." The second old man said "You think that's bad? I was walking
along a highway one day when a little boy darted into the road to fetch his
ball. A tractor trailer was going down the highway at 70 miles an hour, and
the splat when the cab hit the boy was the most terrible sound I ever heard."
The third man spoke up in an eerie, High-Pitched voice, " You haven't heard
anything. Once I was in my neighbor's bedroom humping his wife when I heard
the sound of the key in the lock." 
"That was the worst sound?" A friend scoffed.
"No. Next, The door to the bedroom creaked open."
"That was the worst?" "No. I tried to sneak off the bed in the dark when he
grabbed me by the balls with an audible squish."
The friend interrupted, "That's bad, but -"
"Hush," The man went on. "That was not the worst. The most horrible sound came
"What was that?"
"The sound of him opening the switchblade with his teeth."

DAMMiT - "No, Son, you spelled it wrong. You forgot the E."

Oh, Sorry...


Demented Anarchists & Malicious Malignant Inventors of Terror & E-Something?




�             For the Latest DAMMiT Stuff, Do Call These Boards:             �
� Name            �    Number     � Baud �     SysOp      �      Status      �
� Death's Gate    �(313) 591-0802 � 16.8 �     Hacker     �    Dist. Site    �
� Seven Seconds   �(313) 344-2977 � 14.4 �  Grave Walker  �    Dist. Site    �