From Mon Nov 30 05:14:45 1998 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Gosi_Helgason?= Subject: RE: Jforum: J Primer Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 10:24:11 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE1C47.37085020" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE1C47.37085020 From: david alis[] > I wonder who Eric had in mind as the typical reader when he wrote it? I think the typical reader may not be an absolute novice of computers but I think it gives quite a good start for someone who does not know about J. It is the only J book I have translated to Icelandic. What is your oppinion do you think it is too advanced ? The Primer is not alone either because you have all the labs, tutorials and demos to complement it. > Is there something like a 'Tour of J' (apropos Stroustrup's C++ > and/or the K User Guide) in preparation anywhere? There are always coming out more and more books about J and we obviously need a lot of different points of view. So if you are thinking about writing one I am sure it will be appreciated. There will always be a need for one more book about J. As it is now most books are written by specialists and tend to be quite complicated if not from the very beginning then they become very advanced very soon. /Gosi - Jack of all trades Bjorn Helgason, Spitalastig 4, 101 rvik, 354-5625441, ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE1C47.37085020 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgAJAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABABUAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBKIFByaW1lcgCXBgEFgAMADgAAAM4HCwAdAAoAGAALAAAAKgEBIIADAA4AAADOBwsAHQAK AAwAKQAAADwBAQmAAQAhAAAAM0FDOEY0ODI3MTg3RDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAwMDAAHAcBA5AG AMQFAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAAPvQZ4IbvgEeAHAA AQAAABUAAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBKIFByaW1lcgAAAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvhuCZ8eC9Mg8h3ER 0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5p cwADAAYQHvW0ywMABxBhAwAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAARlJPTTpEQVZJREFMSVNTTVRQOkRBTElTQEJB TENBQkNISVdPTkRFUldIT0VSSUNIQURJTk1JTkRBU1RIRVRZUElDQUxSRUFERVJXSEVOSEVXUk9U RUlUP0lUSElOS1RIRVRZUAAAAAACAQkQAQAAAE4EAABKBAAAPAcAAExaRnVVs2VR/wAKAQ8CFQKo BesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J 2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYEBuZzEwMzkK9GyQaTE0NALRaS0Z82cM0BnzC1kxNgwhE1Bv1RPQYwVA RgNhOgrhG0sDHDYMgiBkYXZpZAYgB0AEAFtTTVRQpjoe0B9BQGIHQGMBoJouEXBdCosZ0DM2GxfL FFEL8mMAQCA+HQcidXEcNkkgdwIgBIEkwGjIbyBFBRBjIBGAHxA5C4AgbQuAHxEEIHRosmUmsHlw JaAHQCAWEN8l4CUTCfAlwCbgdxxCJgD8dD8KjyJMKQUksCbAC4COaya/JREAwHkgbhxQXCBiLAAD kQGgcwbwdRcooS1QHvBjLABvZiC5BaBtcC5BEaApBWIuQEMrVyjQIGdpdgeRca51KNAtoTEAbwRw IBPA/wrABUACEAXALhAHgAIgKFFZJVFkbweRLVJrLVB3zykFAaAIYAVASi4koAVA1wQAK9MCIGwt MEotgDIA3yvAJLARgDEwK9ByAHELYGsT0B8QdCVgSS7AGPFkbSWgLikFKQVXEYA1g3n7CGEu4HAn IAMAAiAzkToSzzB4NaIyAB8gZHYAcC7A1x8QKPYpBVQr8VAFEAeA3wXANaEtUgdAMyJlKNAr8PMw AQWQYXURsDsjNvMHQO8DICviC2AuACwr0C5ABbDfBzEvpjhhHsAT4G88Ei8T7mwT4AnwNYF0OLYh TyOv/ykHKe8jLyQ3JqMWEDLTK4KSZ0FgaWsxsidUOjNBLwBKJyAoYRwxcB1DQVM3QAhgE8BydXDi JwQgQysrRw9IH0kvjULCLwWxK+JLIFURsN5yTr9PwE//HEVHMYANsPYpJgITUGUpMTegOsIAcP55 J/EWECj/Kg89pkqhCsD9QNJ3LSAEIC8hSzI1AgRgf1myJmFbQzaCBCA05ULDd/JlVyVvYh7wTWE2 MTMw/zfBMdAVoAVALvE4gA3QSpH3RCFM8AuAdAQgLvEe8AfQ/TVQUyVgBpA7I1niK4NLMT80eyhw KNBawzMxJLBhbf8yMAhwKLIkwAMQAyAtkjqA/RYQYwcwN7FEf0WPKrlXn/9PdVmEZLNaJS2SXmQy ojMi+1vXNNhBBCA71DRBKuZDMb8tcVw0amJjMRPQA6BiLTD8c3Blch9BYDFC0nARN9P/LZExdEOj JzE3sWhFYSEtUncDUivTMTByLTAtkDEQbv8DAEtBK+EDoCvhdOIvIXSVnzx3dLMuEAIgOL0vR0NA 6wCgHpItHoNKANArwC7xn0DzN1ANsAQgaEVCagWwdQOgSDhAZyaQAiBBsFOvJyABkAtgE8BpS1A0 QbArGTBPwHIe8GtBsDM1sDQtNTYYQBoAMUGwOzHwAJBALsACME2gbS4XBABoRRUxAICwAAADABAQ AAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMOC9wMyAG74BQAAIMOC9wMyAG74BHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAABm tg== ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE1C47.37085020-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Nov 30 13:04:53 1998 Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 11:44:31 -0600 (CST) From: Kip Murray Subject: Jforum: Possible bug X-VMS-To: IN%"" X-VMS-Cc: MATH1IA Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Compare: 3&|. +: i.5 6 8 0 2 4 3&|.@+: i.5 0 2 4 6 8 (In the second, 3&|. seems to be ignored.) I ran into this while working through 26. Linear Functions in the Introduction and Dictionary. -Kip Murray -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Nov 30 13:58:04 1998 Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 19:39:04 +0100 (MET) From: Martin Neitzel Subject: Re: Jforum: Possible bug > 3&|.@+: i.5 >0 2 4 6 8 > >3&|. seems to be ignored. No, +: has rank 0 and hence 3&|.@+: I guess you know thew fix? Martin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Nov 30 17:48:50 1998 Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 16:32:26 -0600 (CST) From: Kip Murray Subject: Jforum: Possible bug X-VMS-To: IN%"" X-VMS-Cc: MATH1IA Content-type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII (This is about the unexpected (by me) behavior of 3&|.@+: -- I thought 3&|. was being ignored by the interpreter.) "Abandon all pride, ye who enter here!" Thanks, Martin, for reminding me about ranks. The example 3&|.@+:@|. in the Introduction and Dictionary's Section 26 (Linear Functions) needs to be updated for the new (as of version 3.03) behavior of +: (rank of monad changed from _ to 0, reports status.txt) -- change the first @ to @: . While we are updating Section 26, may I suggest that in the sentence beginning "Conversely, ..." the forms m&mp and (%.m)&mp be replaced by mp&m and mp&(%.m) respectively? It is only in this sentence of Section 26 that the matrix is the left factor of the matrix product mp =: +/ . * . Of course, if the matrix is symmetric, the order will not matter, but in general the behavior of the linear function f =: mp&m is probably what you want in the context of J : applied to a matrix, this f transforms the items (rows) in the same way it transforms vectors, i.e., it is equivalent to f"1 when applied to a matrix; the other choice, f = m&mp , transforms the columns of a matrix the same way it transforms vectors -- this seems less preferable to me, given J's choice of rows as the items of a matrix. The argument for mp&m is even stronger when m is a higher dimensional array and f =: mp&m is intended to transform vectors into arrays whose shape is the shape of the items of m . If this suggestion is adopted, Exercise 26.1 will need to be modified. -Kip Murray -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 3 22:09:13 1998 Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 21:41:46 -0500 From: David Ness Subject: Jforum: Have I been ... ... dropped from the list, or is there just no traffic since Monday... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 4 01:03:13 1998 Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 06:52:28 +0100 From: "david alis" Subject: Jforum: Mapped files References: <> Is there a FAQ for J? A few of questions about mapped files.. boxed nouns and fetch.... Is it possible to use boxed nouns with mapped files? If yes, then when could we expect to see an implementation of the inverse to {:: (fetch)? If it is not possible, then when will there be support for boxed nouns and mapped files? type conversion.... Implicit type conversion happens when I amend an item of an integer array mapped noun with a floating point number . Can this conversion be controled? If it isnt possible, are there plans to provide such a mechanism? use on a network... What, if any, are the special considerations when using mapped files on a network such as Novel Netware? What is the limit to the number of mapped files I can use simultaneously during a single J session? amazing if true... If I have 20 files each of size 500Meg on my network, could I map 20 nouns to these files, and in effect operate within a 10Gig application space? Does a noun always map a contiguous part of the file? Can a noun map a closed interval within the file? If yes, can two nouns be mapped to the same file and overlap part of the same area simultaneously? david -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 4 10:49:29 1998 Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 10:27:30 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: Mapped files References: <> <> COmments on some of the questions from David Alis: > Is it possible to use boxed nouns with mapped files? There is currently no direct support for boxed nouns with mapped files. Because of the low level of the current support, you could role your own. I think support for mapped boxed nouns will follow after we get some real experience with the significant facility that is already there. > type conversion.... > Implicit type conversion happens when I amend an item of an integer array mapped > noun with a floating point number . Can this conversion be controled? If it isnt > possible, are there plans to provide such a mechanism? You have to control this explicitly yourself. For example validate or coerce the data argument to amends of mapped nouns. > use on a network... > What, if any, are the special considerations when using mapped files on a network > such as Novel Netware? The rules vary with each network and depend greatly on how the network has been configured. We currently have little experience in this area. The rules for J are no different than the rules for a C programmmer. I hope that as people learn things in this area that they will share with this forum. > What is the limit to the number of mapped files There is no J limit, but there is the limit of the address space. In NT you have 2gig and in Win95 it is 1gig of address space that is avaiable for mapped files. So you can't map your 20 files of 500meg each. You'd need logic to map and unmap nouns as you needed them. The mapping and unmapping is a fast operation, but the logic can be complicated (but still far simpler than without the facility). > Does a noun always map a contiguous part of the file? Yes, a mapping view is on a contiguous set of bytes in the file. > Can a noun map a closed interval within the file? If yes, can two nouns be mapped to > the same file and overlap part of the same area simultaneously? Yes, different nouns could map to different parts of the same file. They could overlap. ***** Some of your questions are answered by careful study of the labs and the scripts that support mapped nouns. For the depth of understanding you are seeking, you will need to study Win32 architecture books and the relevant network and network shared file system documentation. The cover on mapped files supplied for J mapped nouns is thin and completely open. What we have done is given you as the J programmer the same power as the C programmer. What you build on top of this is largely up to you and other J application programmers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 4 11:19:08 1998 From: "Randy MacDonald" Subject: Re: Jforum: Mapped files Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 10:58:25 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" >Is there a FAQ for J? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 4 16:44:51 1998 Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 16:22:09 -0500 From: Kirk B Iverson Subject: Re: Jforum: Have I been ... In-Reply-To: <36674BEA.A067D2C7@Home.Com> At 21:41 1998-12-03 -0500, you wrote: >... dropped from the list, or is there just no traffic since Monday... You're still in the list. There just appeared to be a lull in the traffic... /K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 5 07:50:38 1998 Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 14:16:07 +0200 (EET) Subject: Jforum: <&< It seems that one cannot compare 2 boxed nouns: 2 <&< 1 |domain error | 2 <&<1 At the same time j itself uses some inner subroutines, which can compare boxed nouns. For example: ]x=.<"0?~10 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |0|2|1|8|5|7|9|6|4|3| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ /:~x +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ (I am not sure, that you will get exactly the same x) Of course, one may write his own routines for comparing boxed nouns. One even may use j's internal routines, accessing them via adverb like boxcmp=:1 : '([: u./ (i.~ /:~)@,)"0' NB. for dyadic use only 4 <:boxcmp&< 4 1 4 Subject: Re: Jforum: <&< In-Reply-To: Sort will compare boxed nouns. For example. /: (<2),(< 2) 0 1 (B=) On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Andrew Nikitin wrote: +It seems that one cannot compare 2 boxed nouns: + + 2 <&< 1 +|domain error +| 2 <&<1 + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +J Forum: for information about this list, see + + Brian Schott/Decision Sciences Dept. (404) 651-4070 J Mack Robinson College of Business / Georgia State Univ Atlanta, Georgia USA 30303-3083 interests: approx. reasoning, http://www.Gsu.EDU/~dscbms/ (B=) decision support systems -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 6 08:45:44 1998 Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 08:23:51 -0500 From: Roger Hui Subject: Jforum: Re: <&< References: Andrew Nikitin writes on Saturday, December 5: > It seems that one cannot compare 2 boxed nouns: > > 2 <&< 1 > |domain error > | 2 <&<1 > > At the same time j itself uses some inner subroutines, which can compare > boxed nouns. For example: > > ]x=.<"0?~10 > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > |0|2|1|8|5|7|9|6|4|3| > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > /:~x > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > ... > > Why these internal routines, that are already implemented, were not > used for definition of comparison operators over boxed arguments? The verb < is an approximation of the relation that makes the real numbers a complete ordered field, and only works on scalar real numbers (e.g. does not work on complex numbers); the partial order underlying /: works on any array of any rank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 6 18:51:05 1998 Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 18:32:21 -0500 (EST) From: "Brian M. Schott" Subject: Jforum: In-Reply-To: <366A8567.20DB@Interlog.Com> Land-J offers a product for the Palm Pilot. I thought Jer's would want to know of another product with such a close name. Land-J Technologies JFile Application (B=) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 7 08:12:00 1998 Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 06:06:43 -0600 From: Don Guinn Subject: Re: Jforum: <&< References: I asked a similar question that Andrew asked a month or so ago; however, only mine was on characters. I remember that years ago APL only allowed for equal/not-equal comparisons on numerics. The argument was that characters didn't have an order (except in []AV) to avoid dependencies of character sets. At that time boxed (or enclosed) values did not exist. I like the extension where sort can make ordering comparisons on characters and boxed values. Why not extend it to other verbs like greater-than and less-than? It's very useful in sort. It would be very useful in other verbs as well. Brian M. Schott wrote: > Sort will compare boxed nouns. For example. > /: (<2),(< 2) > 0 1 > > (B=) > On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Andrew Nikitin wrote: > > +It seems that one cannot compare 2 boxed nouns: > + > + 2 <&< 1 > +|domain error > +| 2 <&<1 > + > + > +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > +J Forum: for information about this list, see > + > + > > Brian Schott/Decision Sciences Dept. (404) 651-4070 > J Mack Robinson College of Business / Georgia State Univ > Atlanta, Georgia USA 30303-3083 interests: approx. reasoning, > http://www.Gsu.EDU/~dscbms/ (B=) decision support systems > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 7 11:33:25 1998 Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 10:09:24 -0600 (CST) From: John Howland Subject: Re: Jforum: Re: <&< In-Reply-To: <366A8567.20DB@Interlog.Com> On Sun, 6 Dec 1998, Roger Hui wrote: > Andrew Nikitin writes on Saturday, December 5: > > > It seems that one cannot compare 2 boxed nouns: > > > > 2 <&< 1 You can always open the boxes (<1) <&> <2 1 (<2) <&> <1 0 > > |domain error > > | 2 <&<1 > > > > At the same time j itself uses some inner subroutines, which can compare > > boxed nouns. For example: > > > > ]x=.<"0?~10 > > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > > |0|2|1|8|5|7|9|6|4|3| > > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > > /:~x > > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > > |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| > > +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ > > ... > > > > Why these internal routines, that are already implemented, were not > > used for definition of comparison operators over boxed arguments? > > The verb < is an approximation of the relation that makes the real numbers > a complete ordered field, and only works on scalar real numbers (e.g. does not > work on complex numbers); the partial order underlying /: works on any array of any rank. > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see > ________________________________________________________________ John E. Howland url: Computer Science email: Trinity University voice: (210) 736-7480 715 Stadium Drive fax: (210) 736-7477 San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 7 14:17:27 1998 Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 20:50:34 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: <&< In-Reply-To: <> The issue of order and dependensy on character set is important, esp. now in the age of ever spreading unicode. To this end it might be feasible to consider utilizing an already present feature for comparison and equality: the !. fit conjunction. Currently, it is defined for numerical ordering operations and rules tollerance. In comparing character data 2&=@(3!:0), this definition is out of sence, hence this empty domain can be used to define something useful for characters, e.g. notorious 'collating sequence': NB. mapping from alphabet to a., which is then compared csLat1=. (0 : 0) NB. case insensitive with ISO-8859-1 thrown in\300\301\302... ABC...ABC...A A A ... ) str1 I asked a similar question that Andrew asked a month or so ago; however, only mine > was on characters. I remember that years ago APL only allowed for equal/not-equal > comparisons on numerics. The argument was that characters didn't have an order > (except in []AV) to avoid dependencies of character sets. At that time boxed (or > enclosed) values did not exist. > > I like the extension where sort can make ordering comparisons on characters and boxed > values. Why not extend it to other verbs like greater-than and less-than? It's very > useful in sort. It would be very useful in other verbs as well. > > > Brian M. Schott wrote: > > > Sort will compare boxed nouns. For example. > > /: (<2),(< 2) > > 0 1 > > > > (B=) > > On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Andrew Nikitin wrote: > > > > +It seems that one cannot compare 2 boxed nouns: > > + > > + 2 <&< 1 > > +|domain error > > +| 2 <&<1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 7 14:44:22 1998 Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 21:21:21 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Jforum: Clipboard In-Reply-To: <> Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="2093029708-1499268431-913058481=:10845" This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --2093029708-1499268431-913058481=:10845 interface to Win32api clipboard functionality SYNOPSIS: clbDir'' NB. sniff for what's available (clbRead'') fwrite <'clb.txt' NB. sneak into a file H=. takestr clbRead 'html format' NB. get a web page R=. takestr clbRead CF_RTF NB. get an rtf passage R1=.'{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl{\f0 Symbol;}}\f0 a+b=g}' R1 clbSet CF_RTF NB. set RTF, see clbOther formats D=. clbRead CF_DIB NB. D=. clbRead 'cf_dib' NB. same ways to get bitmaps D=. clbRead 8 NB. see win32 api for dib format clbEmpty'' NB. tabula rasa (i.3 4) clbSet 'J Data' NB. save in one session... 3 4 -: $A=. clbRead 'J Data' NB. ... retrieve in another INSTAL: add ``clipbrd \clipbrd z'' into SYSTEM\EXTRAS\CONFIG\scripts.ijs USE: load'clipbrd' HELP: scriptdoc'clipbrd' --2093029708-1499268431-913058481=:10845 Content-Type: APPLICATION/zip; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" UEsDBBQAAgAIAPqWhyVsyyYY3QwAAFcnAAALAAAAY2xpcGJyZC5panO1Gv1v 2kj250bK//Cu14th1/GR9LRa0SZampCGLIEI6Jc2q66xh+CLsVnbJKFR72+/ 997M2GNj0q10V6nBnpn3Oe8bBm8cCKJMJDPXE5DF8CGIXh66ywC8MFhOYzfx YbaKvCyIIzcMsvXuzuCNw39g/GkwvBr3xm35CggyPQ0Sy4L6f3QojYLZDGZx AvdzN7NScO/cIHSnodBIGohlJFzfspowu0+CTMBrC9ec7CGzNBLh3hLbMbgw CxSsRnB+5EDm3oo0S0DhAmueLUIiu0CijONGZAh8L6awdG/KCEY1CE7OPo8m Z7kYDB1Bks0QPE01BgI+OHKsx2vcObh2ozR4vJ7FUZZNQ3xowXi9mMbhq69f 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9NRJD2iso3b+Uxx8fP3K+XzYaEEbWlgFM7z+snREtCb03YZeOUnvdncu4zvq CD7ESeinMIh90oj8XYrRWxlz6NooULTIdqm/rQux5kzbyK4yW0aUBSklFhgx pOUQHMbyt5rIW7TqT/ApO7dtfG7v+oulgg9628aH6vG/obGttCsjAnOxoC/f yxz8F1BLAQIUABQAAgAIAPqWhyVsyyYY3QwAAFcnAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAA AAAAAABjbGlwYnJkLmlqc1BLBQYAAAAAAQABADkAAAAGDQAAAAA= --2093029708-1499268431-913058481=:10845-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 8 01:04:38 1998 Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 21:29:45 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: listbox I'm putting together a simple application that has a listbox called Topics. I need to know when someone changes the selection. The documentation talks about a function 'q' so my code looks like this. Now when I double click on something in the listbox I get a domain error. Can someone point me to sample code the I can pilfer or let me know the direction I should be going. Thanks. tutor_Topics_button=: 3 : 0 Test=:wd 'q' ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 8 01:05:54 1998 Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 06:42:41 +0100 From: "david alis" Subject: Re: Jforum: Re: <&< References: <366A8567.20DB@Interlog.Com> Roger Hui wrote:The verb < is an approximation of the relation that makes the real numbers > a complete ordered field, and only works on scalar real numbers (e.g. does not > work on complex numbers); the partial order underlying /: works on any array of any rank. What's the reason for calling the ordering underlying /: a partial ordering? Are there examples where /: would fail? Is it possible for the J programmer to have control over the implementation of the order relation that /: uses? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 8 06:30:24 1998 Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 06:06:14 -0500 From: Kirk B Iverson Subject: Re: Jforum: listbox In-Reply-To: <> At 21:29 1998-12-07 -0600, Peter Nichols wrote: >I'm putting together a simple application that has a listbox called >Topics. I need to know when someone changes the selection. The >documentation talks about a function 'q' so my code looks like this. >Now when I double click on something in the listbox I get a domain >error. Can someone point me to sample code the I can pilfer or let me >know the direction I should be going. Thanks. > >tutor_Topics_button=: 3 : 0 >Test=:wd 'q' >) The expression wd 'q' returns information about the most recent window event. It can be called once after the event; subsequent calls will signal a domain error until another window event occurs. The wdhandler verb is called whenever a window event occurs, and it automatically calls wd 'q' and puts the result in the global wdq. So, in the tutor_Topics_button verb, if you wanted to you could access the wdq global. This typically isn't required, however, as global variables are set up by wdhandler to represent all the available information. What might be a better debugging tool is to use the wdqinfo verb, which displays in a messagebox the current wd'q' information, eg: tutor_Topics_button=: 3 : 0 wdqinfo '' ) The sections starting with "Window Driver" in the User Manual includes details about how verbs like the above are called from wdhandler. The sample code at the end of this message might help. It puts up a simple listbox which reacts differently to both single clicks and double clicks. NB. ============================================================ NB. Quick sample listbox code. NB. run with: test_run '' TEST=: 0 : 0 pc test closeok;pn "Test Listbox"; xywh 6 6 50 50;cc list listbox; xywh 60 6 73 50;cc out static; pas 6 6;pcenter; rem form end; ) NB. make N x 2 array of label;text data=: ({. , <@}.@;@:(' '&,&.>)@:}.);._2 <;._2 noun define item one This is the first item in the list. two The second item. another item These descriptions should be displayed whenever an item is selected. double click The test_list_button verb is run when the items are double clicked or when Enter is hit. ) test_run=: 3 : 0 wd TEST NB. initialize form here wd 'set list *',}.;LF,&.>{."1 data NB. set list data wd 'setselect list 0;set out *',>{:{.data NB. select first item wd 'pshow;' ) test_close=: 3 : 0 wd'pclose' ) NB. The test_list_select verb gets called whenever the NB. listbox selection changes; test_list_button is called NB. when an item is double-clicked or when enter is hit. NB. select: change the output text test_list_select=: 3 : 0 wd 'set out *',>(0".list_select){{:"1 data ) NB. button: put up a messagebox test_list_button=: 3 : 0 wd 'mb "Test Listbox" *You have selected ',list,'.' ) NB. ============================================================ /K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 8 07:01:04 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: listbox Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 06:42:42 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" wd 'q' gives info on the last event, and is called by the standard event handler, wdhandler. Unless you are writing your own version of wdhandler, you never need to call wd 'q'. In fact, if you call it again before another event, you get an error: wd'q' domain error: wd wd'q' wd'qer' no event message : 0 Try: NB. display current selected topic: tutor_Topics_button=: 3 : 0 wdinfo 'selected: ',Topics ) See also: Help|User|Window Driver|wdhandler. >I'm putting together a simple application that has a listbox called >Topics. I need to know when someone changes the selection. The >documentation talks about a function 'q' so my code looks like this. >Now when I double click on something in the listbox I get a domain >error. Can someone point me to sample code the I can pilfer or let me >know the direction I should be going. Thanks. > >tutor_Topics_button=: 3 : 0 >Test=:wd 'q' >) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 8 10:30:29 1998 Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 09:42:04 -0500 From: Roger Hui Subject: Re: Jforum: Re: <&< References: <366A8567.20DB@Interlog.Com> <> David Alis writes on Tuesday, December 8: > Roger Hui wrote: > > The verb < is an approximation of the relation that makes the real numbers > > a complete ordered field, and only works on scalar real numbers (e.g. does not > > work on complex numbers); the partial order underlying /: works on any array of any rank. > > What's the reason for calling the ordering underlying /: a partial ordering? Are there > examples where /: would fail? Is it possible for the J programmer to have control over the > implementation of the order relation that /: uses? I erred; the ordering underlying /: is in fact a total order. (Thus there is a TAO of J (Total Array Order).) It is currently not possible for you to specify the order used in /: . There is a point that some correspondents have missed since my original msg: < is not suitable for use as the symbol for the order in /: . For example: 1 2 R 3 4 5 is 1 but 1 2 < 3 4 5 signals error; 3 4 R 1 5 is 0 but 3 4 < 1 5 is 0 1; 3j4 R 1j5 is 0 but 3j4<1j5 signals error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 8 18:39:29 1998 Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 18:19:45 -0500 From: Fraser Jackson Subject: Jforum: Optimisation in J Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id SAA17035 Mark Leeds message raises the general issue of optimisation tools in J. While it would be attractive to have J code for many of these problems it surely would make more sense for someone skilled in C and J to convert some existing code so it can be called with a DLL. I would have thought that it should be possible to provide an interface to Numerical Recipes in the same sort of way that the LAPACK routines have been made available. The addition of LAPACK is an enormous step in improving the range of tasks which it is now efficient to tackle in J. Many of the optimisation routines available have been honed with a great deal of effort by skilled numerical analysts and are likely to be much more stable than code in J written by persons without those skills. Could I suggest it is the next area which should be added. Fraser Jackson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 9 00:42:19 1998 Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 23:23:23 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: [Fwd: listbox] Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------B432ADD418" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------B432ADD418 Thanks everyone! The way events are caught is a whole lot clearer to me now. --------------B432ADD418 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 21:29:45 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: listbox I'm putting together a simple application that has a listbox called Topics. I need to know when someone changes the selection. The documentation talks about a function 'q' so my code looks like this. Now when I double click on something in the listbox I get a domain error. Can someone point me to sample code the I can pilfer or let me know the direction I should be going. Thanks. tutor_Topics_button=: 3 : 0 Test=:wd 'q' ) --------------B432ADD418-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 9 11:42:05 1998 Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 10:57:06 -0500 From: Cliff Reiter Subject: Re: Jforum: J 2 HTML; Time for Repository Organization: Lafayette College Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii References: Oleg, thanks for your posting on J to html Your effort interests me - for the moment I am more interested in converting J code - rather than objects - to web pages. For example, if you wanted a web doc showing your J definition of data2, [data2=: > I believe, it's high time to start something like CPAN for J. It > would be similar to the phrases concept, but with some important > distinctions: > > 1. The purpose of individual entries is to facilitate tasks that > usually span beyond a single line. Like J utilities. But... > > 2. The contributors are personalized and contributions are > accepted from the general public, not just those brewed by few > gurus. > > 3. The location is Internet. Well, and so on. > > A candidate for a name could be the buzz-word 'repository'. > > Here's what I can contribute. (A zipped attachment in case the > lines get screwed in e-mail.) > > --8<-------------------------------------------- ;. here ---- > > flat=: < :. (}:@}."1@}:@}.) > > tagfr=: (&,) &. ('>'&, :.('<'&,)) NB. exercise in vanity > tagbk=: (,&) &. (,&'')) > tag=: 1 : ']&.(u.(tagfr :. tagbk)u.)' > td=: ''&,@(,&'') > nbsp=: ;@:(' '"_^:(' '&=)&.>@<"0) > NB. notice how significant spaces are preserved with   > > html=: 3 : 0 > NB. copyright (c) 1998 oleg kobchenko > if. 0=L. y. do. > r=. nbsp ((,&LF@(,&'
')"1)@}: ,&, {:) ": &.flat y. > r=. >(r-:''){r;' ' > 'tt'tag r NB. comment out for non-fixed width font > else. > if. 3>$$y. do. r=. '' > if. 0=$$y. do. r=. r,('tr'tag td html >y.),LF > elseif. 1=$$y. do. > for_i. i.$y. do. r=. r,(td html >i{y.),LF end. > r=. 'tr'tag r > elseif. 1 do. > for_k. i.#y. do. > rd=. '' > for_i. i.{:$y. do. rd=. rd,(td html >( r=. r,'tr'tag rd > end. > end. > r=. '',LF,r,'
',LF > else. > r=. '' for_k. i.#y. do. > r=. r, html k{ y. > if. k < #y. do. r=. r,' 
' end. > end. > end. > end. > ) > > dump=: fwrite&(<'test01.htm')"_ > > NB. ================================ SAMPLE > > [data1=: 4 3$(<"0 ; <"1 ; <"2 ,&< <"3) ' '(<"1?4#,:2 3 4)}a.{~65+i. 2 3 4 > 'html'tag 'body'tag html data1 > > [data2=: 'html'tag 'body'tag html data2 > -- Clifford A. Reiter Mathematics Department, Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 USA, 610-330-5277 ^^^ Note new phone exchange -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 9 14:34:16 1998 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Gosi_Helgason?= Subject: RE: Jforum: I-Mac Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 19:09:26 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE23A7.AD013280" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE23A7.AD013280 I had the opportunity to spend the afternoon in the store that sells the iMac here in Iceland and try out J both in native and in Windows emulation. I did not have the time to test many things but I did manage to notice a few things. I tested J4.01 on the native side and J4.02 on the WIndows emulation side. Most things did work as I expected. I am reporting some things that did not work as planned. In Native 0) the picture controlling the labs had the texts not correct. The texts did not fit in their fields. "advan" instead of "advance". "To" instead of "Top" 1) The baseform in formedit did not contain a "close" or "cancel" code nor button. 2) The event demo shows matrix when displaying the event in win but the display in native is a wrapped string. 3) no help behind menyitems ( - as expected) - not even dictionary In Win emulation 0) Socket and the internet did find the tcp/ip numbers for but could not connect to port 80. The socket labs are not present in native so I can not tell if it is supposed to work or not. I was a bit surprised that some of it did seem to work and other things timed out. Help works fine in win side - not at all in native mode I tried Grid lab and it worked fine. Socket server - Socket Client worked fine Plot worked fine and it is impressive to display it and I did it in the store and several people came to have a look. I worked fine in both native and Win side. I have to admit that it took some time to find the keys I needed to press and how to use the mouse. Especially the right button which is mousepress. I forgot to test the mapped files. I spent most of the time on the plot stuff so I did not test anything else very much. This looks like a very promising machine and I am sure this will be a platform to watch in the future. Besides the socket part everything I tried looked much better and worked better than what I had expected. I am not going to take this in and throw everything else out just yet but I would sure like to have one. And I am going to get my own. It is more a question of when more than if. The people who were watching were no programmers but they saw that with this they could probably do things themselves they would not try otherwise. I was quite happy with this exercise. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE23A7.AD013280 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IggTAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG AEgBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAHEAAAAAAAAAtTvCwCx3EBqhvAgA KypWwhUAAAAMSf803HPREYuZLKH/wAAARIMAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGZvcnVt QGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AU01UUABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNN VFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAUAAAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgAB MAEAAAAWAAAAJ2ZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20nAAAAAgELMAEAAAAZAAAAU01UUDpGT1JVTUBK U09GVFdBUkUuQ09NAAAAAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAADnUIBCIAHABgA AABJUE0uTWljcm9zb2Z0IE1haWwuTm90ZQAxCAEEgAEAEgAAAFJFOiBKZm9ydW06IEktTWFjAEUF AQWAAwAOAAAAzgcMAAkAEwAJABoAAwAjAQEggAMADgAAAM4HDAAJABIAJwAPAAMANQEBCYABACEA AAAzRkNFNjA1RTk0OEZEMjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAwMAA+BwEDkAYA7AcAABIAAAALACMAAQAA AAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAEAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQCA0RxwpyO+AR4AcAABAAAAEgAAAFJFOiBKZm9y dW06IEktTWFjAAAAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAb4jp3ACXmDOQY+UEdKLmiyh/8AAAAAAHgAeDAEAAAAF AAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAB8MAQAAABAAAABnb3NpQGNlbnRydW0uaXMAAwAGEH9IxR4DAAcQCwcAAB4A CBABAAAAZQAAAElIQURUSEVPUFBPUlRVTklUWVRPU1BFTkRUSEVBRlRFUk5PT05JTlRIRVNUT1JF VEhBVFNFTExTVEhFSU1BQ0hFUkVJTklDRUxBTkRBTkRUUllPVVRKQk9USElOTkFUSVZFQU4AAAAA AgEJEAEAAAB6BgAAdgYAAJkLAABMWkZ1fgd+V/8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3 BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMzdwLkBxMCgH0KgAjPCdk78RYPMjU1AoAKgQ2xC2DAbmcx MDM5CvsUUUUL8mMAQCBJIBGAZAAgdGhlIG9wcCUVsXUDAHR5G0BvIGxzcAnwGzRhAYAEkW/9AiAg C4AbQxPABbAbcBtQzGF0CoURsGxsBCAbUnxpTQDQGwAEkB/BA6BJnmMfUABwGzAg8nRyHDBzCGAF QEogBuAbUB2ybnkesGl2HQEcsAqFHcFXsQuAZG93BCAT4HULYHMisAIgLiAKhQqFGvBk/mkbMB1w BUARgCLRG1IisG8HgBxCE9ATwCADgRwxaHULgGcEIGIhwSXkA4FhNmcnQyZBaSDACoVhIPZmB9Eo NC4lDieSCYAh4Pg0LjAa0B2RG1IilQCQnw2wISMs8hHgLVVXSSP9cy4jK31NbyexKDUmAnedBbBr HRAEIBrwZXgckI5jLLEk4BrwYW0gFhD/G7IoURxwA3AecihTHpIk9ucmBjLmC1FubjPiJQ0DoKZO IqQKhTApG0NwKhD/G+AeYQWgAjADYB9gNNIbUp0LYGIEIBsWE9B4dAQg3yZCBaEWEDPAOABUPKYK hds+8iYGZhwQHbVpBcA/wKUfUGQrYCAiGyB2AHDOIh2xE8EbIW9mQQUgwDIiQPFUb0F8QwBwIu0l DDE6ID4CYjMwDcAFsP80UB3BRdIJgD/RJgY7Agtx+SqhImMVoBGwQXAFsUgAvUKCbEFwBaAuUR1w cj6Z1yihHFAk3zJFNGUi0AIwdyXwE+AcYWgkEgDAIXBpfngy0BtgA6AmAByAC2B5/zuGTEQdwQPw A6AoohtRPpuPTjMiWQQAKqF3cmEboN8swRPABRAZECt9MzogHXDpICFscCIAZShBKSEJ8MdOcBPR BCAoIC0zIjOG/zogVhAmQkxCJfEzwCSxCsAeeTgvI9EkSDmoU29j/msRwCEkH7ICMASRWxEmAsM/ wBy1dGNwLwUgIoB+dQbQBJAEIEXRMtBeUC52ajUQAYB3CsAw4AWgbf9JzDrxJHBHBzfQM8AcQhuy +CA4MD3kNRBa8zwDXvH/JjMTUAeQTyUilAqPGhw+8v81EBrhSMEmMxPQH2AdsEIg8z/SBCBzdRuh EbAbMRxgvzLjBbEmQTQCXuBSImI/0f1ooHITUAQAaQI16Wa0JzH/QhFGtRGwE+BpJyDyIiEEkP81 VwdxQfEhwCt2ZT8ahXAF/khUojLiXfELgCBjT5IuM/9XBDXxB0Bn8SJ3BGIrjwiB/RswRwUQGzA8 ASEjP9Ey4t8swXMSOA5a1RGwciLQBcB7VhBa1UM7cExieDklDFD/FaB4G3e2UhEHcGOyAJAmov8c YFD3WyQl5D/XHiUjCBGw13qBB0A3gGUbkGw64TRAzydDJoMqsBWgb2tqE325/0+iIiIimFlTML8l wiaEHGD9GyBtP9E104lihME1BScl/1yXWwATsBrhN9AJgGkEfyPvKkYcsU0BHEJ1EbAbQwRgq45B OABFHIFjBzFsKBLzG3AFEGdoBUBKdE2xKhCbIkEEIDxM8AaQdD4k9u+Ow38jh69F0Wdnkid1joP/ UoQ/wIOQQOEa8ByCJ8Ex8r9CESbXLVULUCZRE8B1DdD/HtZnAiYGJ5Mn8SgzJEAfcP8bcHqBHDAk YBFwkx0+AFIR+4SynPFpWwAqoZtDE1ADcP8EADTSAMEoQS5kNCNq8TVD/wQgA/Bn4VTgKqELUQAw ReHfcAVpMh6wkSId1GYhwDrB/ZMdQgeQLkEfhGJ1cDFXQ/8hgJqUdraEsizBm5JU0QJA/27BIPJ4 NXAFp9UekZDSNfG/GvQzjSZClFA7gydxYZ2R76AzR7IcswNgd3AFpema8+0hsmqOQAVAeVsRKKQy 4L9gcp/jnXOEFgIgeNFBn2VfcAWsBymAJ8EhkXdKwUnnaFMEYIICIHEKUBPAMHL/QhFNw7UDqdMG kJvfOmGDZP9NwGlBIEKiQzTSuSNUYZ4xPwnANEAHgF3hT9UcMHNh/wfgoaY14gPwIjGgM7uDYFT/ njFFkAJgHDAkADVYVbEfUP8i0L1VsJRwBWeDIYJuogPx/3jRajS1cFWRGwEboMAxvOefM4AEkI9w jvElDC9HMfAWaXAFFTEAxoAAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwQEUpOaMjvgFAAAgwQEUpOaMj vgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAPuZ ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE23A7.AD013280-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 9 18:16:53 1998 Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 17:52:40 -0500 From: Howard Peelle Subject: Jforum: [Fwd: REMINDER: DLS - Guy Steele (Wed., Dec. 9, 1998)] Content-type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="Boundary_(ID_CtIIrbyGI5D7HJl6JtL16g)" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_CtIIrbyGI5D7HJl6JtL16g) Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Steele cited APL (with due respect) as a language which failed because "it did not have a plan for growth". --Boundary_(ID_CtIIrbyGI5D7HJl6JtL16g) Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822 Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 15:21:16 -0500 From: Pauline Hollister Subject: REMINDER: DLS - Guy Steele (Wed., Dec. 9, 1998) Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii using -f Please visit our departmental calendar at for information on upcoming events. Distinguished Lecturer Series Guy Steele Sun Microsystems, Inc. Chelmsford, MA Wednesday, December 9, 1998 Morrill 1 North 329, Public Health Auditorium, Stockbridge Rd. 4:00 PM Faculty Host: Kathryn McKinley "Growing the Java Programming Language" Over the last quarter-century I have become convinced that trying to design a complete and perfect programming language is now the worst thing you can do. A programming language (including its associated libraries) must grow over time as its user community and its development community grows. This is a different situation from 25 years ago, when all such communities were relatively small. The difference is a problem of scale. As a result, programming language design now and in the future is necessarily as much a matter of social engineering as technical engineering and must rely more on a set of general principles than on a set of specific technical decisions. In particular, it is probably no longer feasible for a single person to design a viable programming language for widespread deployment. Instead, it needs to be a social process in which many people participate and in which a user community is grown along with the language design. Dr. Steele (PhD MIT, 1980) is most well known as the creator of Scheme, and more recently has worked on defining the Java programming language. He is the author of books on Lisp, High Performance Fortran, C, and Java. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the AAAI, and a recipient of the 1988 Grace Murray Hopper Award. He currently employed as a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems. Refreshments at 3:30 PM in the Atrium outside the Computer Science Department's Main Office, LGRC A243. --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTIONS: Mail to UNSUBSCRIBE: Send "unsubscribe seminars-list" to PROBLEMS: Report to TO SUBSCRIBE: Send "subscribe seminars-list" to --Boundary_(ID_CtIIrbyGI5D7HJl6JtL16g)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 11:17:41 1998 References: <> Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 11:54:49 +0200 (EET) Subject: Re: Jforum: J 2 HTML; Time for Repository 9-Dec-98 10:57 Cliff Reiter wrote: > For example, if you wanted a web doc showing your J definition > of data2, [data2=: > dump 'html'tag 'body'tag html '[data2=: > but it wouldn't work because the stray " viewed as text. I will soon make an effort to deal with this, > but I was wondering if > 0. did I miss anything in 4.02 in this direction? system/packages/misc/html.ijs introduces verb that replaces html special characters (unfortunately, space is not converted into  ). My guess, that this script is just a placeholder, that will be filled with more useful content in future. nsg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 11:34:36 1998 Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 11:10:25 -0500 (EST) From: "Brian M. Schott" Subject: RE: Jforum: I-Mac In-Reply-To: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from QUOTED-PRINTABLE to 8bit by id LAA22888 On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, [iso-8859-1] Bj�rn Gosi Helgason wrote: +I had the opportunity to spend the afternoon in the store that +sells the iMac here in Iceland and try out J both in native and +in Windows emulation. + +I tested J4.01 on the native side and J4.02 on the WIndows emulation side. + I use J4.01 on a PPC with Mac OS 8 in "native" only. Btw, there are Release notes especially for the Mac and they describe a few limitations. My comments in relation to yours, are below. Thanks for the information. +In Native +0) the picture controlling the labs had the texts not correct. The texts + did not fit in their fields. "advan" instead of "advance". "To" instead of "Top" + Ditto. +1) The baseform in formedit did not contain a "close" or "cancel" code nor + button. + My baseform in formedit contained all code and buttons, it appears. +2) The event demo shows matrix when displaying the event in win but the + display in native is a wrapped string. + Matrix showed perfectly (I assume you mean the graphic art of colored circles in the bottom right corner of the window) The last characters in the event handler dialog always contained a few funny graphic characters including a left arrow. I do not have any experience with this "wdq" display to know whether the characters are extra or from an inappropriate font. The large field of instructions were truncated at the bottom, presumably because the font was large and the field was not sized adequately. +3) no help behind menyitems ( - as expected) - not even dictionary + Help works for most items from the help window, but not from some (notably, foreign conjunctions). +Plot worked fine and it is impressive to display it and I did it in the store and +several people came to have a look. I worked fine in both native and Win side. + I agree. There is a patch for one of the plot routines that either prints or displays the axis in reverse direction in some plots. +I have to admit that it took some time to find the keys I needed to press +and how to use the mouse. Especially the right button which is +mousepress. + That's interesting. I never use the right button. +This looks like a very promising machine and I am sure this will be a platform +to watch in the future. + + +/Gosi + (B=) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 12:52:32 1998 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Gosi_Helgason?= Subject: RE: Jforum: I-Mac Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:02:04 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2462.15B30000" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2462.15B30000 From: Brian M. Schott[SMTP:dscbms@panther.Gsu.EDU] >> +2) The event demo shows matrix when displaying the >>event in win but the display in native is a wrapped string. > Matrix showed perfectly (I assume you mean the > graphic art of colored circles in the bottom right corner of > the window) What I mean is the wdqinfo popup which appears when you create an event in the event demo. If you move the mouse across the graphic you get the popup. If you do a selection iou get a popup. The form and everything on it looked fine. It was only the popup that looked wrapped. >> +3) no help behind menyitems ( - as expected) - not even dictionary > Help works for most items from the help window, but > not from some (notably, foreign conjunctions). That is strange. I did not get any help in native mode whatsoever. I did not do the install. I asked a salesperson to download and he did the install also. Everything looked fine so I assumed he had done things correctly. I tried help from the menu as well as F1 but did not get any in native mode. Only in win emulation. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2462.15B30000 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ih4RAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABABIAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBJLU1hYwBFBQEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAKABEAAgAEAAQABgEBIIADAA4AAADOBwwACgAQADQA GAAEAEsBAQmAAQAhAAAANTVBMzQyOUE0NDkwRDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAwMDAAAQcBA5AGAHwF AAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAoImRz14kvgEeAHAAAQAA ABIAAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBJLU1hYwAAAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG+JF7Pd5pCo1aQRBHSi5osof/A AAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQAAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhB+ IyiYAwAHEEgDAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkJSSUFOTVNDSE9UVFNNVFA6RFNDQk1TQFBBTlRI RVJHU1VFRFUrMilUSEVFVkVOVERFTU9TSE9XU01BVFJJWFdIRU5ESVNQTEFZSU5HVEhFRVZFTlRJ TldJTkJVVFRIAAAAAAIBCRABAAAADAQAAAgEAAAwCAAATFpGdbH+vjH/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC 8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3RlbQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1 NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAzOQr/MVY2DCETUG8T0GMFQEY9A2E6CuEZ6xrWDIIgQnMHIQOgTS4GABFw GvB0gFtTTVRQOmQE8LBibXNACrACMGgEkAAuR3N1LkVEVV5dCo8LkRRRC/JjAEAgYSA7bGkzNg3w IQ8gHD4+G6chdRrWKzIpxCBUH3AgZXYJ8AVA0w2wBGAgcx4gdwQgAMBidAUQeCB3H3ADoGTLBAAL UXkLgGcgH2EiGP8jbyRwJK8a9CaUC4AoACzh/GJ1BUAfYSnPIgAknxrl6yhWLNJuJ7BpJqAs0AQg wmEoAHJhcHAJgCcw+yfBGRAuIDUpXyPoLw8cyZ5NJ7QnQjJBMjByZhsRYmww4CAoSTHABBB12QeA IHkIYCeQZQORH2E/M18j6C7/GuUJwDIQaGmGYzHAACAgb2YgFYPBMkFjaXJjbAeRLOEvKRIG4AJA A3AgBRBnaPsFQAWhbgSQPZE5vzrPO9/rKRItEWQnYCkgPyFPRLJ+VxGABUA4YDkzMaFD02QOcQuA AhA3kG9wdXD7KAE9MGgxwDIhEZEoBDjy/0SFBQA5QBPQMcADoCyHKRLbJpgd4Ek9sDjzbzFxKRLd BGB1EbAxwAUAbwQQRIX3KRI85jjyZxHAKQNIk0zn30RAMcERsD6QGyBpAiAs0L9QBTHQULQy7CZS AhByP5DnAHAyUCaRcnkfYCjSUlJTBUAVoG9rMkFmC4Bl+0zhBUB3OIBV0TgRUHcpAf8nsESFVkUx 9TLWIp9Fr0TPX1vPWo8jr0J/JcQzJjBuyycgH3BsSNBiZVWRMlAdB4BuKMAT0QQgKCAt+zhxJoB4 MjAbIAmAJjBkMN9igCxkKFFSIwrAeUCvXc6rYL8cq0hiwncFsGsEIP9UoU1hE8BWAWPSA1IpA2Kz /UQULC1CZn9Bv2kPZUJsA/ZzA3AmcChlQQGgOBBtQB1UoWU/wAOgBaBuanXyblIjcylaCG4qXF9n Lf8mUEcBMaEycRkBVuIoUTJQ/2VCUsNjkGKkMQgEYigBJ7D/cVBVMjLWeAhRkSkSC4ATwP0HQGx3 4jiAVnJRwQdAB5A/N6FxUDlhJyBEQVeQb2F/fYFEMHUFJmF4InxZMcBs+3FQHeBFVUhWSXFBfRM4 ov8yUCkoEYAyUERAgrFVgwQg/wWhFhA38nfiJ8GDg2LRbAe/Y3E5EFdRN2CA4k62Rl4w7y1SeC55 fB3gT1eSLOUT4D51C2BSMjLfdZ9eAy9HLU6QaY0FFTEAj/ADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMGDJ X3ZdJL4BQAAIMGDJX3ZdJL4BHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAADxqQ== ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2462.15B30000-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 13:22:23 1998 Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 19:50:17 +0200 From: Anssi Seppala Subject: Jforum: VB & JDLLServer In-Reply-To: References: <> Whar is the syntax and description of Set, SetB? All the demos and documentation are missing how to use Set or SetB when setting data from VB to J. Anssi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 16:25:03 1998 Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:06:48 -0500 From: Howard Peelle Subject: Jforum: n: Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Has ISI considered implementing on-the-fly constant functions for any number? E.g., 99: . While 99"_ accomplishes this, why not employ consistent notation beyond the small subset of integers _9: to 9: ? This might suggest that the colon could be construed as an adverb. Permitting a numeric pronoun, as in n: , would of course necessitate redesigning a: , p: , q: , L: , etc. Howard A. Peelle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 17:48:25 1998 From: "Seymour Glass" Subject: Re: Jforum: Optimisation in J Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:14:44 -0500 -----Original Message----- From: Fraser Jackson Date: Tuesday, December 08, 1998 18:25 Subject: Jforum: Optimisation in J >Mark Leeds message raises the general issue of optimisation tools in J. > >While it would be attractive to have J code for many of these problems it >surely would make more sense for someone skilled in C and J to convert some >existing code so it can be called with a DLL. I would have thought that >it should be possible to provide an interface to Numerical Recipes in the >same sort of way that the LAPACK routines have been made available. > >The addition of LAPACK is an enormous step in improving the range of tasks >which it is now efficient to tackle in J. > >Many of the optimisation routines available have been honed with a great >deal of effort by skilled numerical analysts and are likely to be much more >stable than code in J written by persons without those skills. Could I >suggest it is the next area which should be added. This is of interest to me, but I don't use this stuff for a living. But since no one has responded, my two cents' is: I have converted 2 things from Numerical Recipes to J: singular-value decomposition and linear-program minimization. SVD is surely superseded by LAPACK; I don't know about the other. In each case it took a moderate amount of work to cast the algorithm into vectorized form (and for SVD the non-vectorizable part, which was O(n), took more time than the vectorizable part, which was O(n^3), for arrays of size 100x100). I agree that it is better to use commercial libraries for these tasks. But function minimization, like the brent and powell methods referred to initially, seems different. In SVD, for example, you pass in some data and get it back in a different form. But in function minimization you pass in a function, or function+data, and get back a result. Surely we want to write our functions in J; how will we interface them to this standard library? If we expect the library to call a J function at each spot that it wants a function evaluation, we might be very disappointed with the performance: J works best on vectors, of which C knows nothing. So my guess is that these functions need to be recoded in J, with enough thought to make them useful. Maybe the J users have enough of these lying around to form a library. Anybody have a J version of amoeba() ? Henry Rich -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 18:11:46 1998 Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:39:29 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: VB & JDLLServer References: <> <> >Anssi Seppala wrote: > What is the syntax and description of Set, SetB? The VB object browser for a J server should show the Set/SetB syntax. The syntax of Get/GetB and Set/SetB are the same. Both take a name (used as a name in the J server), and a variant in the client. Get/GetB gets the value from the J name and sets it as the variant value. Set/SetB sets the value of the variant into the J name. The B suffix is a flag that indicates how character string data is treated. Without the B suffix, J strings map to client byte vectors. With the B suffix, J strings map to client BSTRs. BSTR data is convenient in VB, but byte vectors are more convenient in C++ and Java. You can use both in VB, but you will want simple utilities to convert between a byte vector and a BSTR. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 10 18:22:34 1998 Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:52:34 -0500 (EST) From: "Brian M. Schott" Subject: RE: Jforum: I-Mac In-Reply-To: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from QUOTED-PRINTABLE to 8bit by id RAA23679 On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, [iso-8859-1] Bj�rn Gosi Helgason wrote: +From: Brian M. Schott[SMTP:dscbms@panther.Gsu.EDU] + +What I mean is the wdqinfo popup which appears when you +create an event in the event demo. If you move the mouse across +the graphic you get the popup. If you do a selection iou get a popup. + +The form and everything on it looked fine. It was only the popup that +looked wrapped. + + Now I understand your "matrix". The columns in the wdqinfo window did not line up very well on my Mac either. So I suppose there was some wrapping. I do not have experience with such info windows. (B=) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 07:28:32 1998 References: <> Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 10:56:41 +0200 (EET) Subject: Re: Jforum: n: 10-Dec-98 16:06 Howard Peelle wrote: > Has ISI considered implementing on-the-fly constant functions > for any number? E.g., 99: . I have searched for constant functions through all my scripts (grep "[0-9]:" *.ijs) and found following entries (only uniq ones left): _8: _3: _2: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 7: 9: >From the other hand, all usages of "_ adverb with numeric args is listed below: 9"_ 3"_ 0 1"_ 1 1"_ 1 1 1"_ nsg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 09:54:32 1998 Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 09:18:23 -0500 From: Murray Eisenberg Organization: Mathematics & Statistics, Univ. of Mass./Amherst Subject: Re: Jforum: n: References: <> Good grief, let's not have such changes in J that would break existing code making use of suffix : in existing names! Let's have code broken ONLY when absolutely necessary to achieve a MUCH larger goal (e.g., realizing that something was really misdesigned in the first place). Is it such a big deal to type ONE extra character to get, say, 99"_ instead of 99: ? Perhaps you have consistency of code in mind when mixing constant functions with large and samll integer values. In that case, the easy solution is NEVER to use the special definitions _9:, ..., 9: but rather only their equivalents _9"_, ..., 9"_ . Howard Peelle wrote: > > Has ISI considered implementing on-the-fly constant functions > for any number? E.g., 99: . > > While 99"_ accomplishes this, why not employ consistent notation > beyond the small subset of integers _9: to 9: ? > > This might suggest that the colon could be construed as an adverb. > > Permitting a numeric pronoun, as in n: , would of course necessitate > redesigning a: , p: , q: , L: , etc. > > Howard A. Peelle > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see -- Murray Eisenberg Internet: Mathematics & Statistics Dept. Voice: 413-545-2859 (W) University of Massachusetts 413-549-1020 (H) Amherst, MA 01003 Fax: 413-545-1801 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 13:06:05 1998 Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 19:38:44 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: J 2 HTML; Time for Repository In-Reply-To: I concur with Andrew, the 'tohtml' verb in system\packages\misc\html.ijs should be expanded with a line: txt=. txt rplc ' ';' ' There also a couple of pitfalls with J to HTML to mention a few: (1) the
 tag leave an extra space at the bottom,
so ...
should be considered instead (2) the use of box-drawing chars: one solution is my 'html' script, the other is use of box-drawing-containg char sets, e.g. cp866 (DOS Cyrillic) or mayby cp437 (DOS Latin) works with IE. See also my mesage to this forum 'PDF Files'. On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, Andrew Nikitin wrote: > 9-Dec-98 10:57 Cliff Reiter wrote: > > > For example, if you wanted a web doc showing your J definition > > of data2, [data2=: > > > dump 'html'tag 'body'tag html '[data2=: > > > but it wouldn't work because the stray " > viewed as text. I will soon make an effort to deal with this, > > but I was wondering if > > 0. did I miss anything in 4.02 in this direction? > > system/packages/misc/html.ijs introduces verb that replaces html special > characters (unfortunately, space is not converted into  ). My guess, that > this script is just a placeholder, that will be filled with more useful > content in future. > > > nsg > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 13:24:34 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Jforum: J for Windows CE Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 12:53:03 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" J has now been released for Windows CE. This is the complete J402 language interpreter, plus a session manager based on the session manager and window driver in J for Windows 9x/NT. Scripts are easily portable between Windows CE and Windows 9x/NT, so that this is the ideal travelling companion for the J programmer. The system has the standard J development library, including the plot package and grid control. In general, window driver facilities supported by the Windows CE operating system are available in J for Windows CE. The new LAPACK AddOn library introduced with J402 is available and runs well on Windows CE. For best results, 16mb or more is recommended. J can run on a smaller machine, and indeed runs nicely on a machine with only 4mb, but may not have enough room for all the demos and labs, and may allow only very small apps. J executables, scripts, and files can be stored on a flashcard to extend the memory of the base system. The J executables take about 750K, and the full set of distributed scripts another 750K. The LAPACK Addon takes about 2.5MB. There are executables for the SH3 and MIPS processors for handheld machines. J for Windows CE can be downloaded from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 13:29:06 1998 Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 20:01:17 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Jforum: PDF Files In-Reply-To: I downloaded (fortunately only) one .PDF file: J Dictionary. It's a very good new feature of the J system. There were 2 disappointmets: (1) the pages broke at the bottom, resulting in 1-2 line wrapping over to the next page otherwise leaving it blank. (2) the use of '+-|' instead of true box drawing characters. I don't believe that among the whole variety of Type 1 Adobe fonts, there isn't one with Box-Drawing. Well, I know that these PDFs were generated with Adobe Exchage PDF Writer from Word. But maybe it's not a good way to obtain PDF or .ps documentation for J? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 14:08:30 1998 From: Subject: RE: Jforum: J for Windows CE Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 13:38:00 -0500 Chris, It is nice to see how one thing leads to another. I will be a real treat to move from J6.2 on a HP200LX to J402 on a 24M Velo 500 (I just asked Anne Faust to send me an invoice this morning!). Happy Holidays, Pepe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 19:16:33 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 01:47:59 +0200 From: Anssi Seppala Subject: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? In-Reply-To: <002201be252f$43f9fd60$2d0114d1@xps200> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Congratulations for the new release. Now I need help: What is the best buy of a WinCE machine? Here they sell HP, but they are HP360,HP620 and HP820 and they cost 1000-2000$. There is also a lot of options what is included with the machine.But what is the most suitable machine platform for a J applicaiton? Anssi At 12:53 11.12.1998 -0500, you wrote: >J has now been released for Windows CE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Anssi Sepp�l� Konsultti, s�hk�markkinat ja s�hk�njakelu: Sovellukset ja ohjelmistot e-mail: tel: +358 9 45400550 Enease Oy fax: +358 9 45400551 Mannerheimintie 66 A mob: +358 400 760077 FIN - 00260 HELSINKI, Finland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 11 19:33:55 1998 From: Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 19:01:08 EST Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII This is copied from the website: Eschewing the latest bells and whistles, Philips's new Velo 500 offers the CE 2.0 operating system housed in last year's design. This $599 handheld is one of the fastest Windows CE 2.0 units we've seen, and it offers a pleasing monochrome screen and ample storage. With help from its 75-MHz RISC processor, the Velo 500 aced our performance tests. It also carries a substantial 16MB of RAM, plus two miniature card slots so you can easily add even more memory for file storage. (Miniature card is an industry standard that's not as flexible or as widely supported as the CompactFlash format that most other handheld vendors have recently adopted.) You can connect PC Cards only through an optional $89.99 external adapter. Fortunately, the Velo integrates a 28.8-kbps modem, so you won't need to buy the external adapter just to connect a PC Card modem. Although the Velo 500's compact size and svelte looks are the same as its predecessor's, the newer model's wider screen offers a resolution of 640 by 240 pixels--as high as you'll find on even the largest new CE devices. Good contrast, fairly bright backlighting, and 16 shades of gray make the Velo 500's display easier to read than most monochrome competitors. Another plus: an AC adapter comes standard. If you really need color or a roomier keyboard, go for one of the bigger handhelds, such as the NEC MobilePro 750C. But if you want to save a couple hundred bucks and can live with its limitations, check out the Velo 500. Eugene McDonnell Palo Alto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 02:43:04 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 09:33:41 +0200 From: Anssi Seppala Subject: RE: Jforum: J for Windows CE In-Reply-To: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I am a HP200LX user too. Have you any idea of the correspondence of HP200lx build in applications with WinCE applications? At 13:38 11.12.1998 -0500, you wrote: >It is nice to see how one thing leads to another. I will be a real >treat to move from J6.2 on a HP200LX to J402 on a 24M Velo 500 (I just >asked Anne Faust to send me an invoice this morning!). > ------------------------------------------------------------------- Anssi Sepp�l� Konsultti, s�hk�markkinat ja s�hk�njakelu: Sovellukset ja ohjelmistot e-mail: tel: +358 9 45400550 Enease Oy fax: +358 9 45400551 Mannerheimintie 66 A mob: +358 400 760077 FIN - 00260 HELSINKI, Finland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 02:46:10 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 01:42:56 -0600 From: (Ellis 'Skip' Cave) Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE References: <002201be252f$43f9fd60$2d0114d1@xps200> > J has now been released for Windows CE. Congratulations on the CE release. It was almost exactly a year ago that I wrote suggesting that you put the J interpreter on the US Robotics pilot. You replied, saying that the non-standard development environment and memory limitations of the pilot prevented the port. You also wished for a small system that would be a more straightforward port. Of course, CE is exactly that, and you have moved the J language into a new domain. The conciseness of J is perfect for the minature CE systems keyboards, and it makes handwriting recognition to input J code an almost reasonable proposition. I guess will have to take a look at the CE machines more closely. Unfortunately, I have found the CE machines too big in most cases for my taste. I'm still a Pilot junkie. Oh well, maybe the next generation Pilot will have enough memory, or the CE machines will shrink a bit to the true palm size. Skip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 05:08:07 1998 Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 15:47:00 +0200 (EET) Subject: Jforum: exercise If you feel lack of simple but clever exercises on j programming, than you may visit rec.puzzles newsgroup archive at etc. (any news archive will do) Of course not every puzzle collected in it fits as j exercise, but many of them, especially those from arithmetic/ section do. For example: NB. ==> analysis/tower.p <== NB. R = N ^ (N ^ (N ^ ...)). What is the maximum N>0 that will yield a finite NB. R? load 'system/packages/math/brent' 12j10": (_: = ^^:_~) brent 1 2 0.000000001 0.5 1.4446678606 By the way, brent.ijs is to be patched to use it as above. Replace 'brent=.' with 'brent=:' in the script. NB. ==> arithmetic/digits/equations/123456789.p <== NB. In how many ways can "." be replaced with "+", "-", or "" (concatenate) in NB. . to form a correct equation? terms=: ((1: , e.&'+-') <;._1 ' '&,) ops=: #~ e.&'+-' jorder=:([: ; [: , terms ,.&|. a:"_ , ops <"1@,. '~'"_) exprs=:(#~' '&~:)@([: '0'&,@, ,.&'123456789')"1 ' +-' {~ (9#3)#:i.3^9 ones=:(#~ 1: = do@jorder"1) exprs # (#~ {."1 ~: '+'"1) }."1 ones 43 NB. ==> arithmetic/digits/least.significant/tower.of.power.p <== NB. What are the least significant digits of 9^(8^(7^(6^(5^(4^(3^(2^1))))))) ? Sometimes you will need to change the puzzle slightly. In above case the puzzle itself is trivial, but what can you say about the last digit of ^/>:9?9x ? nsg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 08:17:43 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: PDF Files Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 08:02:20 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" >I downloaded (fortunately only) one .PDF file: J Dictionary. >It's a very good new feature of the J system. > >There were 2 disappointmets: > >(1) the pages broke at the bottom, resulting in 1-2 line >wrapping over to the next page otherwise leaving it blank. > >(2) the use of '+-|' instead of true box drawing characters. >I don't believe that among the whole variety of Type 1 >Adobe fonts, there isn't one with Box-Drawing. Well, I know >that these PDFs were generated with Adobe Exchage PDF Writer >from Word. But maybe it's not a good way to obtain PDF or .ps >documentation for J? Right, these were generated directly from the Word source. The Word files print correctly on a LaserJet, but the PDF writer formats the pages differently, with some extra page breaks. It would be a tedious exercise to manually reformat the pages to print correctly to PDF. I experimented a little, but could find no way of preserving the box-drawing characters using the PDF writer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 08:19:15 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Jforum: Time for Repository Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 08:06:45 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Oleg Kobchenko recently posted to J forum a very useful script supporting the Windows clipboard. We have been getting a number of user contributions of this type, which for the most part have been included with the J distribution, and often just buried in existing scripts. Bjorn and John Baker suggested we set up a page at for such contributions, and we now plan to get this going in the next few days. The page will just list Author, Outline, plus a link to the script. Ideally, the script should be formatted for scriptdoc. Contributions are welcome, and can be sent to me or posted on the J forum. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 10:53:51 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 09:43:29 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: Searching in Help If I'm in the User manual (for example) looking at the wd commands; is there a way to search for text within the window. It seems to always go to the help search. If not it might be good to add. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 10:59:52 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 10:38:26 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? References: <> >Anssi Seppala wrote: > What is the best buy of a WinCE machine? We should make it clear that J is only supported on CE machines with keyboards. That is, it works only on the handheld/pc. We have not ported to the palmtop/pc (no keyboard). In theory only a little work (possibly none) is required to do this, but we won't take that step until we see if the handhelp/pc market for J is successful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 11:00:02 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 10:28:27 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? References: <> >Anssi Seppala wrote: > What is the best buy of a WinCE machine? Here they sell HP, but they are > HP360,HP620 and HP820 and they cost 1000-2000$. Be sure you get an SH3 or MIPS processor. The newest HP CE machine uses an Intel StrongArm processor. Our support of this is still several months away (the development environment cross compiler for it is still in a beta release from MS). I think the HP820 (Jornada?) is the Intel processor. There is a new version of the HP620, the HP660, with a faster SH3 processor with more memory (32MB instead of 16MB). Look for a keyboard that you can really use. I found the HP620LX keyboard too small for my fingers, although one gets better with experience. The NEC 750 has a great keyboard and has a MIPS processor that is noticably faster than the HP620. There are also machines from Philips, Casio, Sharp, and several others. There are magazines devoted to this class of machine. It might be worthwhile to take a quick look at recent issues for reviews. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From ljdickey Sat Dec 12 11:04:42 1998 Subject: Re: Jforum: Time for Repository Excellent idea. From Sat Dec 12 11:36:57 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 10:29:03 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: Enabling & Disabling Controls How do I enable and disable controls? I can't find it in the help any where. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 11:45:52 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 11:36:37 -0500 From: David Ness Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? References: <> <> Eric Iverson wrote: > > >Anssi Seppala wrote: > > What is the best buy of a WinCE machine? > We should make it clear that J is only supported on CE machines with > keyboards. That is, it works only on the handheld/pc. We have not ported > to the palmtop/pc (no keyboard). In theory only a little work (possibly > none) is required to do this, but we won't take that step until we see > if the handhelp/pc market for J is successful. > Interesting. But possibly backwards? It seems to me that the WinCE machines that have the same general format as the class of Libretto and Libretto-like machines have relatively little to offer over the Lib (etc.) now that the Libs are often cheaper than the WinCEs. The idea of spending what is often $700+ for a `Stripped Windows' on a WinCE (I `wince' every time I have to write it, how could they have chosen that name?) when you can get `Full 85, 98 or even NT' for $700- has never made a great deal of sense to me, and quite obviously J would run with *no* limitations under any of the full Windows on the Lib and Lib-like machines. The place were a new version of `J' *could* add additional value to me would be in the Palm/PC, Hp200 class of machine, which I still find no subnotebook, even my Libretto, replaces. I guess I'm still stuck with J6.2 on my Hp200 as my `portable'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 12:37:41 1998 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Gosi_Helgason?= Subject: RE: Jforum: Searching in Help Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 17:28:58 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE25F5.22370940" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE25F5.22370940 > If I'm in the User manual (for example) looking at the wd commands; is > there a way to search for text within the window. This is a Windows Help limitation and I do not know of any way around it. What I do is create a new IJS and copy it into it and do the search there. I sometimes use Notepad for a similar search. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE25F5.22370940 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IiYRAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAB4AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBTZWFyY2hpbmcgaW4gSGVscADyCQEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAMABEAHAA6AAYAWgEBIIADAA4A AADOBwwADAARABoAIAAGAD4BAQmAAQAhAAAARjBFREUzRkNFNTkxRDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAw MDAAVgcBA5AGAEQDAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkA4JCR 5vQlvgEeAHAAAQAAAB4AAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBTZWFyY2hpbmcgaW4gSGVscAAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAG+JfTmiPzj7fGR5RHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQ AAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhDxxiRLAwAHEPoAAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABJRklNSU5USEVV U0VSTUFOVUFMKEZPUkVYQU1QTEUpTE9PS0lOR0FUVEhFV0RDT01NQU5EUztJU1RIRVJFQVdBWVRP U0VBUkNIRk9SVEVYVFdJVEhJTlRIRVdJTkRPV1RISVNJAAAAAAIBCRABAAAAyAEAAMQBAADoAgAA TFpGdbM1pbL/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3Rl bQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAzOQr0bHhpMzYN8AtVFFEL8mO5 AEAgPgrhGksTUG8T0BJjBUBJZhzQJ20ggQuAIHRoZSBVEbDLBcADgXUHQCAoAhAFwBBleGFtC1Bl KSCJFaBvawuAZyBhBUBRHYJ3ZCAFoG0DgWT0czsdQHMKixnfGu8b/U8dgRYQH9AgQGF5HXBvbiAR sArAEXAgHpIT0Hg/BUAD8B2AHVUD8CDQb3fcLiAKjyK8KEVUJ0AEIBsqwSWAVyfTBCBIZWzecB9Q B3AnIB/gaQIgH9BLINAc0CAn8CBuHIAg9mstUAfgbxzwAHAlwCWi7wrACGAs0ScgLihPKV8vYv5X EYAcwS0SKsEFACYgE9DlJXFuB9FJSgXwLMIFoP5wJcAnIB1BJeE0ASzCLSHfHYImFSUjKCctAHMD cBHA/QdzdRGwB7AcgS9gIGAekv8lgACQLDALYAXAJhQoJy81uC9HbwCQLzUVMQA7cAMAEBABAAAA AwAREAAAAABAAAcwoHl8j/QlvgFAAAgwoHl8j/QlvgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAKTl ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE25F5.22370940-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 17:21:11 1998 Delivered-To: Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 14:03:14 -0800 From: greg heil Subject: Re: Jforum: Searching in Help References: <> Peter Nichols wrote: > If I'm in the User manual (for example) looking at the wd commands; is there a way to search for text within the window. It seems to always go to the help search. If not it might be good to add. Thanks. The only solution i know of is to use the help find command; then when you arrive at the page your matches are all highlighted. Which brings up another issue: the find tab is by far the most useful way to use help and it is the only one which does not have a direct key stroke command to access it. It takes 6 or 7 keys. The other modes are really only useful for those reading the reference like a book and it sure would improve the useability, for me, if that were a single keystroke instead of contents & index greg heil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 17:42:43 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 17:29:34 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: Enabling & Disabling Controls References: <> >Peter Nichols wrote: > How do I enable and disable controls? Help|wd commands|wd commands 11!:0 then scroll down to setenable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 18:12:04 1998 Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 17:58:29 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? References: <> <> <36729B95.F3B0861D@Home.Com> >David Ness wrote: > > Eric Iverson wrote: > > We should make it clear that J is only supported on CE machines with keyboards. > > Interesting. But possibly backwards? > > It seems to me that the WinCE machines that have the same general > format as the class of Libretto and Libretto-like machines have > relatively little to offer over the Lib (etc.) now that the Libs > are often cheaper than the WinCEs. The idea of spending what is often > $700+ for a `Stripped Windows' on a WinCE (I `wince' every time I have > to write it, how could they have chosen that name?) when you can get > `Full 85, 98 or even NT' for $700- has never made a great deal of sense > to me, and quite obviously J would run with *no* limitations under any > of the full Windows on the Lib and Lib-like machines. > > The place were a new version of `J' *could* add additional value to me > would be in the Palm/PC, Hp200 class of machine, which I still find > no subnotebook, even my Libretto, replaces. > > I guess I'm still stuck with J6.2 on my Hp200 as my `portable'. I am puzzled by how the market is going to go on this. It could be that the palmtop format (no keyboard, tiny) is the more interesting platform. But it is a little more work for us and getting a handheld version was a necessary first step. There are differences between CE machines and Librettos that we perhaps are not sensitive to. The lack of a harddrive is a benefit for some. Battery life is much longer and it is more reliable. Throw your wince against the wall and you expect it to work. Better control your temper with a Libretto. They are smaller and lighter and always will be as long as a hardrive occpupies space. Take a look at the magazines for these types of machines. It is a different world. The HP620LX or HP660LX isn't much bigger than your old HP200, and they are significantly more machine. If you like your HP200 with J 6.2, and have $700 to spare, you'll love J 4.02 on a 620 or 660. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 12 18:37:15 1998 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 01:27:26 +0200 From: Anssi Seppala Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? In-Reply-To: <36729B95.F3B0861D@Home.Com> References: <> <> As we have J on WinCE, the risk to make application development is minimal. This is currently a niche market and therefore very interesting. Probably the final product includes both the PC+application. I agree that HP200LX is the best handheld as the DOS was the "best" operating system. However I have no possibility to port my Windows& J application on HP200LX. On the WinCE it seems possible. On the other hand WinCE includes some Office applications that you must buy separately on PC. Anssi >The place were a new version of `J' *could* add additional value to me >would be in the Palm/PC, Hp200 class of machine, which I still find >no subnotebook, even my Libretto, replaces. > >I guess I'm still stuck with J6.2 on my Hp200 as my `portable'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 03:07:21 1998 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 01:55:11 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: Enabling and disabling child controls I'm still having trouble disabling and enabling buttons. Here is how my button is declared and the code I think should disable it. When I run my app it gets a wd domain error at the setenable. What am I not understanding? Thanks. xywh 125 128 34 12;cc flash2 button;cn "&Check"; wd'setenable flash2 0' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 03:29:16 1998 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 02:20:02 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: [Fwd: Jforum: Enabling and disabling child controls] Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------7B8C7EC1EEB" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------7B8C7EC1EEB Sorry everyone. I was disabling the control before my form was created. Thanks anyway. --------------7B8C7EC1EEB Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 01:55:11 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: Enabling and disabling child controls I'm still having trouble disabling and enabling buttons. Here is how my button is declared and the code I think should disable it. When I run my app it gets a wd domain error at the setenable. What am I not understanding? Thanks. xywh 125 128 34 12;cc flash2 button;cn "&Check"; wd'setenable flash2 0' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see --------------7B8C7EC1EEB-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 06:04:35 1998 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Gosi_Helgason?= Subject: RE: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 10:59:14 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2687.B4634E40" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2687.B4634E40 From: Eric Iverson[] > Throw your wince against the wall and you expect it to work. > Better control your temper with a Libretto. They are smaller and lighter > and always will be as long as a hardrive occpupies space. Is the "They" in the last sentence refering to the wince or the Libretto? If I understand this correctly then the Libretto has a hard drive ( I know the Velo 500 does not and it is a wince machine) and is therefore not as robust as the wince. So the "They" is probably refering to wince? > Take a look at > the magazines for these types of machines. It is a different world. > The HP620LX or HP660LX isn't much bigger than your old HP200, > and they are significantly more machine. So the HP200 is a Libretto and has a hard drive and the HP620LX is a wince? > If you like your HP200 with J 6.2, and have > $700 to spare, you'll love J 4.02 on a 620 or 660. It would be helpful to put up a list at (maybe there already is one?) which tells us the machines that are known to be wince machines, run J4.02 and if they are color or not and possiblysome other info like best price known for that machine. I have seen the prices mentioned are much lower than the prices I see here soit could possibly make a sence to order them from abroad and possibly with J pre-installed. A pity you can not get the machines over the net. It might make a sence to collect orders for a month, buy many at the same time, pre-install J and distribute to customers? The Velo 500 costs 68.000 Ikr here but the price I have seen quoted is 41.930 Ikr (In dollares 972 compared with 599. A difference of 373). About 62 % more !!!!! The price 68.000 Ikr is for a 16MB Velo 500 machine. Additional 16 MB would add 15.000 Ikr to the cost. I guess it is not a good idea to keep many of these machines in stock. The Velo 100 was priced at 79.000 Ikr last year. Probably interesting to have the prices connected directly to plot on a timescale. Something like: "Following is a list of wince machines known to run J4.02: ( 1$ is about 70 Ikr) Machine color price price price with J in Iceland outside preinstalled Velo 100 48.000 Ikr ? Velo 500 68.000 Ikr 599 $ ? HP620LX ? HP660LX ? 700 $ ?" /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2687.B4634E40 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjIKAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADAKAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAACqkyAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAC8AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBKIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzIENFIC0gd2hpY2ggY29tcHV0ZXI/AHAPAQWAAwAOAAAAzgcMAA0A CgA7AA4AAABBAQEggAMADgAAAM4HDAANAAoAOwAOAAAAQQEBCYABACEAAAAzQzIxODdCNjZGOTJE MjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAwMAAZBwEDkAYAeAgAABIAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAEA AAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQCgRU6fhya+AR4AcAABAAAALwAAAFJFOiBKZm9ydW06IEogZm9yIFdpbmRv d3MgQ0UgLSB3aGljaCBjb21wdXRlcj8AAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG+Joeet7aHIUqSbxHSi5osof/A AAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQAAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhAk zcu2AwAHENEGAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkVSSUNJVkVSU09OU01UUDpFSVZFUlNPTkBJTlRF UkxPR0NPTVRIUk9XWU9VUldJTkNFQUdBSU5TVFRIRVdBTExBTkRZT1VFWFBFQ1RJVFRPV09SS0JF VFRFUkNPTlRSAAAAAAIBCRABAAAA7AYAAOgGAABeDgAATFpGdf1chGr/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC 8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3RlbQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1 NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAzOQr/MVY2DCETUG8T0GMFQEY9A2E6CuEZ6xrWDIIgRaEFEGMgSXYEkHMC IABbU01UUDplaS0d1EALgBPQchWgZy4JBaBtXQqLbGkzNi8N8AtVFFEL8mMAQCA+YyEdGtYgVGgD YAfgeQUIYSAD8G5jZSBhRmcLcRPAIHRoJMB3FwdAAyAAcGQkIiBleGpwGxJpJUFvJHAFsGu2LgqH IT8+J/4a1kIRwP0fQSAFoAIwA2ADICQzE9EPJpAkYiVgJNAgTGlikxYQAkBvLiPBZXkk0PkWECBz AMAlwCsBJfIgwPxnaB9BJ58orym/JfIHQO8loBOwJHElwWIkwQQgFaBvGRAzkizAEYFkBRAd0CDA b2NjcHVwCJAEIL5zCrAksC1gCo8hbEkEIPUlYiItgiIm0AOgJWILYN8lMRGwHzEkohYQZgZxM/G/ JxElYySTBbElYizmPzYVyTYVSWYdsCB1JgAd4d8BkCYBJWAEACshchYQGyB+bC2wJWE49CzmNGE0 NiDlNKQoPZFrbiQANhUlYoRWZRWgIDUwMEEg/m8HkUHgMlQm4T6RLMAkhOMAwT6AbmUpQ9Q4Ezox PwWwJMBDoTYVM6EDYGJ17yUxM6E69y1gUzrUOHYEIP0a0WIBoD8xOjokgzyNIG/HMB8xLxsSVGFr JMEzwfxvayTQRsZNH04vIyglYvsAwCTwekVBBCBGUSVSEbBtJVB5JpAEIG89gEUFc/UtYElENWQG kDpRObEnMvxsZDX5UU9SX09XJXBYn0ciIFnfGuVIUDYB0Ew+WDuCXjFM8F6BBABuJ7kFQG11EXAz YC7gZysBfyVgA5EkMwbwJhBeMAHQMP4sWC9ZP10vJeMlYS2zYj/XXJ8axwCQZwMAZh2QAHD/PyIE YC3hRQU1/2JuajVIxf9hY0REP/cl8kCPZQVqJl42/0RYS39Mj2K/Z08FQD1xJjIfcvBP8SQzbQQs c0ogNvguMixuNR3QYc9z73T//CQ3QyEnETWhFhB4ECQxHiclwRWgNNF3wDQuMP8R4AIgLLFeUTuC XwEniGrPd2vaVpEnQHVhMTNxJXBs/HBmgbAnAjUwBUA1QFASzwQAMlFXkYPgLmoeAAGAryWgFhAf on8FKADAeTNx50YDMqEWEGFkLbA+kQIg+3GQRXB3PoBf4RPQJcAEIP9HoFPVVhRgcjJRFhB/BUHS rzjxJyAzcUSrc3gQcj3A/3ewfbND4z2AZUYrIRWhO4LzQ6Z/BXBvBBAs8D8wHgD/B4A08EYCONEC EHZkM3AlMf8TUB2QJMCJ9FTEg7Fprj2gf3hyOZE/hZDzBCAHgAIwad+G4TKRaXJf0hWgd2BWlAnf PaB/BZOxghEt4m8m4QWg/4GyjtZE8U/zOaEksScRBbB7BIElUm1UsANhJNAtAG8/hnBqJiXymRd3 dRNQZS33JRIuMlfxQUnAJuAtsCYy/2jhQ5NgQFPGVhR/BX1RO6T1RVB0VnNtLuKZnxWBLlC/GyGa o1SkLMAEYAIwaHgQP0eQLbB/BQOBLbElRHNh/49xlOAHgHgQncl3sSXyVxD/E8AFEEeQE9Cjg0eh j2ERoD88jS2BQrgFoBPABCA2OPN9wEMhSWsFwIXjqSFCGTOQ9JNKcXUa8UWzNDHILjkzrKQoSQOg Q1D3JcAt0QQgOQHAKyEsIC3R445HLHM1OTmeklcWO2LhPYAzNzMpnpEG4ILh6V5QICVpRCG1sqq5 kPTPrFk+kaS0GoBNQkK4aa78QWRXEJTiB0C4QQXQuIDngZSGcCYQMTWsdzrFq/L7J4aS12cKUAQR RCRDo5/Qv1BQRAENsCzAJxFP8GWDIL+mM1XBVQSIdzjhqcFjJ3d/qycZMHdRM6GQ8zKRBUA3V7Mg rIY5U3mGYHItYFD/SeYfI5CxOoV/BZNjlAkrMf9FUBsglSFXED72grEVoKQh/34Sp0IE8AdAagA8 nEjAB4CXPnEz8XZyOjycIkaj0f8kADqCRFODY1XBiryJ6Iu3881tQZAxJERDtMN78Kyy7ilxv3LP IahNRRQdIxWD/x0jkPMdI9f9kPR3dX8G2Kf7HSM44UkksBjxCzAdMrTR/wCQDbDX9R6QnhZ/BcNG 2Jj+NKxn2Jg8hkLG2JisWB0j/7MBe9Dg+3p/XdvVvyIgHSP96EE/5P8a9HAYXxLm32bR/+wF6IDb LOifGvR78ervZtGl5BUiPJwvR47gaX8FBRUxAPLQAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzAgtftafya+ AUAACDDA5lWfhya+AR4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAMfU= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2687.B4634E40-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 10:12:39 1998 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 17:05:39 +0200 From: Anssi Seppala Subject: RE: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? In-Reply-To: <> Gosi, One problem we share here is that WinCE machines are build with a certain keyboard. If you need a scandinavian keyboard you need a totally different machine. This explains probably most of the price difference. If you accept US keyboards and can write the scandics from the menus you probably can buy by mail order. But don't forget VAT that is usually also added to the US price when you import goods so that the customs know what you are doing. Anssi At 10:59 13.12.1998 +0000, you wrote: >The Velo 500 costs 68.000 Ikr here but >the price I have seen quoted is 41.930 Ikr (In dollares 972 compared >with 599. A difference of 373). About 62 % more !!!!! >The price 68.000 Ikr is for a 16MB Velo 500 machine. >Additional 16 MB would add 15.000 Ikr to the cost. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 11:06:22 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 10:56:27 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" >It would be helpful to put up a list at >(maybe there already is one?) which tells us the machines that are >known to be wince machines, run J4.02 and if they are color or not and >possiblysome other info like best price known for that machine. Bjorn, There are several sites on the net that give info on WinCE machines, for example: As far as we are concerned, J requires a handheld with an SH3 or MIPS processor and enough memory. Chris -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 11:20:11 1998 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 11:07:11 -0500 From: David Ness Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? References: <008501be26b1$2964eea0$b30114d1@xps200> Chris Burke wrote: > > >It would be helpful to put up a list at > >(maybe there already is one?) which tells us the machines that are > >known to be wince machines, run J4.02 and if they are color or not and > >possiblysome other info like best price known for that machine. > > Bjorn, > > There are several sites on the net that give info on WinCE machines, for > example: > > As far as we are concerned, J requires a handheld with an SH3 or MIPS > processor and enough memory. > > Chris > Well, maybe. But the only list I could find at the site you mentioned compared all the machines, gave bus speeds and processor speeds etc. and never mentioned the kind of processor. Indeed most discussions of WinCE machines never mention the kind of processor. If you want to sell this product, I'd advise that you make up three lists: (1) Machines J *will* run on; (2) Machines we don't know about; (3) Machines J *will not* run on. At the moment, for me at least, *All* machines are in group (2). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 11:48:04 1998 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 11:32:19 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? References: <008501be26b1$2964eea0$b30114d1@xps200> <3673E62F.25152BD3@Home.Com> > David Ness > If you want to sell this product, I'd advise that you make up three > lists: > (1) Machines J *will* run on; > (2) Machines we don't know about; > (3) Machines J *will not* run on. > > At the moment, for me at least, *All* machines are in group (2). This is getting blown out of proportion. All wince machines, except for the brand new HP820LX (Jornada), are SH3 or MIP machines. We can not support the Jornada Intel strongarm chip until MS provides the development cross compiler (currently in beta test. You should not buy a wince without having a chance to hold it in your hands and play with it. They are much more 'personal' than a laptop or desktop. Use System in Control Panel make sure the one you like has an SH3 or MIPS processor. There are dozens of manufacturers and models and the field is changing rapidly. We can't possibly do a useful survey for the world. Perhaps those who get systems could post their experience here as a quide to others. Right now we have exeperience with the HP620LX 16MB, the NEC 750 Mobilon-Pro, and an older smaller, 4MB NEC Mobilon model. *** in summary J runs on any Wince CE 2.0 (and later) handheld/pc that has an SH3 or MIPS processor and has 8MB (or more) of memory. This is all you need to know to do your own shopping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 12:41:09 1998 Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 12:30:42 -0500 From: David Ness Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? References: <008501be26b1$2964eea0$b30114d1@xps200> <3673E62F.25152BD3@Home.Com> <> Eric Iverson wrote: > > > David Ness > > If you want to sell this product, I'd advise that you make up three > > lists: > > (1) Machines J *will* run on; > > (2) Machines we don't know about; > > (3) Machines J *will not* run on. > > > > At the moment, for me at least, *All* machines are in group (2). > > This is getting blown out of proportion. All wince machines, except for > the brand new HP820LX (Jornada), are SH3 or MIP machines. We can not > support the Jornada Intel strongarm chip until MS provides the > development cross compiler (currently in beta test. You should not buy a > wince without having a chance to hold it in your hands and play with > it. They are much more 'personal' than a laptop or desktop. Use System > in Control Panel make sure the one you like has an SH3 or MIPS > processor. > Well, I'm afraid I may have been involved with computers for too long, but it seems to me that WinCE (particularly 2.+) is new enough that compatability problems would not surprise me (strike that, what I probably should say is that lack of compatability problems *would* surprise me). Thus, it will take a while before I believe that there's *no* difference between `should run' and `do run'. Anyway, you've begun the list: J is known to run on: HP620Lx(16mb) ($697 at CDW) NEC 750 Mobilion Pro ($846.76 at CDW) NEC Mobilion (4mb) (not specific enough to price) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 12:56:48 1998 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Gosi_Helgason?= Subject: RE: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 17:49:30 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE26C1.22C2FBE0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE26C1.22C2FBE0 From: Anssi Seppala[] > One problem we share here is that WinCE machines are build with a > certain keyboard. If you need a scandinavian keyboard you need a > totally different machine. You are right that we do have a different keyboard but that is mostly taken care of buy the software anyway so a machine with any keyboard can be used so the keyboard is now more or less just what decorations there are on the keys. On the wince (Velo 500) we do NOT even have the Icelandic characters (at least not yet) marked on the keyboard. I have NOT checked if I can write Icelandic characters on it. I have been more interested in getting J running on such a machine to worry about such trivialities. Anyway there are lots of others to worry about that so I will not bother. > This explains probably most of the price difference. If you accept > US keyboards and can write the scandics from the menus you probably > can buy by mail order. So that does NOT explain the price difference. > But don't forget VAT that is usually also added to the US price when you > import goods so that the customs know what you are doing. So when I go abroad I can buy it taxfree for even less and put it in my pocket and the price difference will pay for the trip. What we are mostly seeing is that like always that the Vendors are just trying to squeeze as much out of the machines while they are new as they can. The price-reductions I read about in PC magazines usually take a very slow rowboat via China before they arrive here in Iceland. It is getting better now because there is some competition now. IBM used to have 99 % market share and then the reductions really had a glacial speed. I read once (something like 10 - 15 years ago) in an internal IBM report that the components needed for a complete machine like a wince machine. Just the hardware parts without any development and software costs would need to be sold for around 100 dollares to make a profit. I guess the situation has not changed very much on that front. In these machines you do not need any of the additional baggage of a screen or a moving component like a rotating disk. I have used a machine which is very similar to these wince machines (casio with schedule, telephone directory, keyboard, calculator, memo and a whopping 32 K of memory) for something like ten years and I have only once had to change the batteries. I goes with me everywhere and it has taken a lot of beating but is always fully operational and ready. Just like a perfect girlfriend. But it can not connect to a PC and it can not run J. But then again neither can my girlfriend. I would guess that the wince will drop very quickly to around 100 $ and probaly stay around that price just like the PC used to stay around 1000 $ for many years. That is;you were always getting more and more power into the PC; but the price was always the same. A wince machine will probably be competing with with ordinary PCs in memory size,computing speed and storage space in very few years. More likely the ordinary PC struggling to compete in an uneven battle. Not more than 5 to 10 years at the most. Come to think of it the laptops and handhelds are stealing much of the PC sales already and causing the PC prices to go way below the 1000 $ they seemed to be stuck in. Not yet in Iceland though. I guess the boat is in China now or about to turn around good hope point. At least I hope so. Not my girlfriend; because then I will get a new one. PC that is. Or maybe I will just - buy/wait for - wince - until/when - the price is right. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE26C1.22C2FBE0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjgRAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAA5syAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAC8AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBKIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzIENFIC0gd2hpY2ggY29tcHV0ZXI/AHAPAQWAAwAOAAAAzgcMAA0A EQAxAB4AAABOAQEggAMADgAAAM4HDAANABAAOwAnAAAAYAEBCYABACEAAABBQjIwMUI4MUFBOTJE MjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAwMAAgBwEDkAYAXAsAABIAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAEA 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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 13 13:14:53 1998 From: "Gilles Kirouac" Date: Sun, 13 Dec 98 13:11:04 -0500 Subject: Re: Jforum: J for Windows CE - which computer? To learn about WinCE machines, start with : you will get the state of the art and soon qualify for a PhD in the matter! I don't have yet such a hpc (handheld pc), but what I retained from my readings was that the quality of the display, its readability (and its size), was unequal from one manuf to another. HP seems to have a plus on that matter. Eric, can we share your opinion on screen readability of the units you know? On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 11:32:19 -0500, Eric Iverson wrote: >*** in summary >J runs on any Wince CE 2.0 (and later) handheld/pc that has an SH3 or >MIPS processor and has 8MB (or more) of memory. This is all you need to >know to do your own shopping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 14 04:18:59 1998 From: Ajith Prasad Subject: RE: Jforum: Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 16:52:23 +0800 Importance: high X-Priority: 1 charset="ISO-8859-1" Is Jer the generally accepted term for a J enthusiast? While this is preferable to being called a J'erk, are there any other suggestions? -----Original Message----- From: Brian M. Schott [mailto:dscbms@panther.Gsu.EDU] Sent: Monday, December 07, 1998 7:32 AM Subject: Jforum: Land-J offers a product for the Palm Pilot. I thought Jer's would want to know of another product with such a close name. Land-J Technologies JFile Application (B=) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- J Forum: for information about this list, see -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 14 06:02:07 1998 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Gosi_Helgason?= Subject: Jforum: Just Gentleman - Gent Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 09:42:35 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2746.47EC1200" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2746.47EC1200 From: Ajith Prasad[] > Is Jer the generally accepted term for a J enthusiast? Jent - Jentelman - Jentleman - Juser - Just ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2746.47EC1200 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgIJAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADAFAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAABZ8yAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABABYAAABKdXN0IEdl bnRsZW1hbiAtIEdlbnQAXAcBBYADAA4AAADOBwwADgAJACoAIwABAEYBASCAAwAOAAAAzgcMAA4A CQAqACMAAQBGAQEJgAEAIQAAAEYwRUY4OUVFMzY5M0QyMTE4QjlBMkNBMUZGQzAwMDAwAEMHAQOQ BgCgAgAAEgAAAAsAIwABAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAQAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AMALjhRGJ74BHgBw AAEAAAAWAAAASnVzdCBHZW50bGVtYW4gLSBHZW50AAAAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAb4nRhSE7onv9JM2 EdKLmiyh/8AAAAAAHgAeDAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAB8MAQAAABAAAABnb3NpQGNlbnRydW0u aXMAAwAGEIgzZtEDAAcQcwAAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAEZST006QUpJVEhQUkFTQURTTVRQOkJVUkFQ QE5VU0VEVVNHSVNKRVJUSEVHRU5FUkFMTFlBQ0NFUFRFRFRFUk1GT1JBSkVOVEhVU0lBU1Q/SkVO VC1KRU5URUxNQU4tSkVOVEwAAAAAAgEJEAEAAAAvAQAAKwEAAAwCAABMWkZ1Napy6P8ACgEPAhUC qAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMzdwLkBxMCgH0KgAjP Cdk78RYPMjU1AoAKgQ2xC2BAbmcxMDM5Cv8xVjYMIRNQbxPQYwVARn0DYToK4RnrGtYMghSwagBp dGggUHJhcwBhZFtTTVRQOgJiCHBhcEBudXOCLgmAdS5zZ10Ki/BsaTM2DfALVRRRC/JyYwBAID4b pyFFGtZJFQQgSgSQIB2gZSBnRwnwBJAHQGx5IADQY55lBTAJgCPgBJBtIAIQ9QXAYSOgIAnwHaAf AAcw+RPAPyAKjyEcJvUjsAIwZR0jLSlDZWwDgSmZbN8T4Cp4HwAEkCuYdCb1FTECAC2wAAMAEBAA AAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwoM9kSkUnvgFAAAgwwAuOFEYnvgEeAD0AAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAA5KM= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2746.47EC1200-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 14 09:34:33 1998 From: "John D. Baker" Subject: Re: Jforum: Juggler's Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 09:10:26 -0500 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The "technically correct" term for the J enthusiast is: JUGGLER as rogramming in J requires keeping many concepts up in the air and not dropping any balls. ---------- > From: Bj�rn Gosi Helgason > To: 'forum@JSoftware.Com' > Subject: Jforum: Just Gentleman - Gent > Date: Monday, December 14, 1998 4:42 AM > > From: Ajith Prasad[] > > Is Jer the generally accepted term for a J enthusiast? > > Jent - Jentelman - Jentleman - Juser - Just > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 14 10:59:59 1998 From: Subject: RE: Jforum: J for Windows CE Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 10:35:59 -0500 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id KAA06206 You wrote: >---------- >From: Anssi Seppala[] >Sent: Saturday, December 12, 1998 2:33 AM >To: forum@JSoftware.Com >Subject: RE: Jforum: J for Windows CE > >I am a HP200LX user too. Have you any idea of the correspondence of HP200lx >build in applications with WinCE applications? I have some idea although I have not got my Velo 500 yet. I am very comfortable with to some of the HP200LX applications. I may try to get an 80186 emulator for WinCE (e.g. and the PC version of the built in applications from HP. The are similar WinCE applications, this is from the Velo site ( What are the most important applications? In addition to Windows CE 2.0 and the familiar Windows user interface, the Velo 500 features pocket versions of the Microsoft Office applications -- Word?, Excel?, Outlook? (for e-mail, contacts, and schedule), PowerPoint�, and Internet Explorer?. In addition, you will find a complete fax send and receive program and many useful utilities such as file find, extended character set, conversion tables, and support for cc:Mail and MS Mail. On the CD-ROM that is included with the Velo 500 you will also find Windows CE Services with ActiveSync?. This provides you with automatic and seamless connectivity with your desktop PC. As a bonus, you also get a pocket version of Microsoft Expedia Streets. It will be nice to use Excel instead of Lotus 123 specially if, as I expect, is reachable from J... although my main reason to get a WinCE machine is to have a very powerful J in my pocket! > >At 13:38 11.12.1998 -0500, you wrote: >>It is nice to see how one thing leads to another. I will be a real >>treat to move from J6.2 on a HP200LX to J402 on a 24M Velo 500 (I just >>asked Anne Faust to send me an invoice this morning!). >> > >------------------------------------------------------------------- >Anssi Sepp�l� >Konsultti, s�hk�markkinat ja s�hk�njakelu: Sovellukset ja ohjelmistot > >e-mail: tel: +358 9 45400550 >Enease Oy fax: +358 9 45400551 >Mannerheimintie 66 A mob: +358 400 760077 >FIN - 00260 HELSINKI, Finland > >----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >--- >J Forum: for information about this list, see > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 14 15:29:09 1998 Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 21:56:50 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: PDF Files In-Reply-To: <005101be25d0$5ce09540$1c0114d1@xps200> For box drawing 2 quick remedies come to mind: (1) I tried my html:boxes->tables and PDF-Wrote from IE40. The boxes looked tolerable. Their appearance can be adjusted by PDF-Writer's resolution: 300, 150, Screen. (2) It's just a supposition. Install Adobe Type Manager, so that Word can use Type 1 fonts. Then change the font for the Example/Result style from ISIJ Roman to some suitable Type 1 font -- this is done once for a document. Then print into PDF-Writer. Well, in general it would be good to have some intermediate markup language for documenting, illustrations. In J there is already de facto a wide variety of target media: - printable docs (Word, RTF) - online help (RTF, HTML-to be) - electronic docs (PDF) - HTML (Web) - labs - scriptdoc In other languages such markup languages are: - XML: new panacea for both printable and Web docs, as well as datasource carrier. Noticable feature is XSL - ajustable style sheets, that can make e.g. both HTML and RTF targets from a single source - TeX for Math - Pod for Perl - a good example compact area and purpose oriented approach, also there are converters to Tex, HTML, man, etc. - javadoc - self-documenting sources with cross-linking capabilities, and a utility to generate HTML. On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, Chris Burke wrote: > >I downloaded (fortunately only) one .PDF file: J Dictionary. > >It's a very good new feature of the J system. > > > >There were 2 disappointmets: > > > >(1) the pages broke at the bottom, resulting in 1-2 line > >wrapping over to the next page otherwise leaving it blank. > > > >(2) the use of '+-|' instead of true box drawing characters. > >I don't believe that among the whole variety of Type 1 > >Adobe fonts, there isn't one with Box-Drawing. Well, I know > >that these PDFs were generated with Adobe Exchage PDF Writer > >from Word. But maybe it's not a good way to obtain PDF or .ps > >documentation for J? > > > Right, these were generated directly from the Word source. > > The Word files print correctly on a LaserJet, but the PDF writer formats the > pages differently, with some extra page breaks. It would be a tedious > exercise to manually reformat the pages to print correctly to PDF. > > I experimented a little, but could find no way of preserving the box-drawing > characters using the PDF writer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 14 22:34:54 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Subject: Jforum: PDF Files Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 17:54:17 -0800 When printing from a PDF file, the printer window normally displays an option to scale to the page. This saves the 2 or 3 line runover problem. For my part I wish the PDF files were formatted to the same size as the Dictionary so that we could paste in updates and changes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 05:56:25 1998 From: "Hans Fahlin" Subject: Jforum: The power of J in my pocket Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 11:34:29 +0100 X-Msmail-Priority: Normal X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3 In-Reply-To: <> Importance: Normal charset="iso-8859-1" Eric Iverson wrote: > We should make it clear that J is only supported on CE machines with > keyboards. That is, it works only on the handheld/pc. We have not ported > to the palmtop/pc (no keyboard). In theory only a little work (possibly > none) is required to do this, but we won't take that step until we see > if the handhelp/pc market for J is successful. > When realizing that J would still not be available for the P/PC I felt like a kid getting a new sweater instead of the much wished for electric train for Christmas. Well, I guess kids today want Nintendo 64's and Lego Robots, not electric trains. MY wish is for the power of J in my pocket. Begin praise of the palmtop: Of course, it is a matter of personal preference, but having been the user of a couple of H/PC sized devices, I switched to the US Robotics (now 3COM) Pilot as soon as it arrived. The H/PC are just too big to carry with you everywhere, and if you ask me, a large part of the Pilot's success should probably be attributed to its form factor. And now we have the WinCE P/PCs, and I will gladly relegate my Pilot to the collection of ex-devices the day J will run on one. There are other arguments too. Price is one. The Casio Cassiopeia E-10 P/PC street price averages about USD 320 street today, the H/PC HP 360LX USD 540, and it is not difficult to find more expensive H/PCs. I also agree with David Ness when he finds >that the WinCE machines that have the same general >format as the class of Libretto and Libretto-like machines have >relatively little to offer over the Lib (etc.) now that the Libs >are often cheaper than the WinCEs. End of praise. Dare I ask? If only a little work (or possibly none) must be done to make J run on P/PCs, why not do it? Why restrict the availability of J? There are precious few development environments that run on P/PCs, if any, so J may even attract new devotees. What happens if you try to run the current WinCE J on e.g. the Casio Cassiopeia E-1x? It is a NEC VR4111 machine, i.e. a MIPS, so that is not a problem. I guess there may be some user interface issues, and I have no idea how big they are. It would be interesting to know if it is possible. I am not the one to understand the complexities of releasing new version of J. I just wish, that this year, Santa will bring us all the power of J to our pockets! /Hans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 07:45:35 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: The power of J in my pocket Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 12:24:34 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2826.126611E0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2826.126611E0 From: Hans Fahlin[] > Eric Iverson wrote: > > We should make it clear that J is only supported on CE machines with > > keyboards. That is, it works only on the handheld/pc. We have not > > ported > > to the palmtop/pc (no keyboard). In theory only a little work (possibly > > none) is required to do this, but we won't take that step until we see > > if the handhelp/pc market for J is successful. > MY wish is for the power of J in my pocket. I am currently working on getting a Velo 500 to test out J install and try J on it. While looking for the Velo I noticed a machine called the Nino 300. It is even smaller than the Velo 500 and it is without a keyboard. Reading about it then I notice that it is running MS Windows CE 2.0. Instead of keyboard you write letters with a pen. Would J run on this machine and if so is that what you are wishing for? I think it is worth a try. It is a lot cheaper and smaller machine. It can do e-mail and search the web. It has notepad so I guess you could create and change J scripts with Notepad if not straight into J and then run it with J. I will try that too if I can. Nino 300 is from Philips as is the Velo 500. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2826.126611E0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjsMAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADAFAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAABR80AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACgAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBUaGUgcG93ZXIgb2YgSiBpbiBteSBwb2NrZXQALg0BBYADAA4AAADOBwwADwAMABgAIgAC ADgBASCAAwAOAAAAzgcMAA8ADAAYACIAAgA4AQEJgAEAIQAAADhGQTJCNDBBMTU5NEQyMTE4QjlB MkNBMUZGQzAwMDAwAB0HAQOQBgDwBQAAEgAAAAsAIwABAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAQAAAAMANgAA AAAAQAA5AECtwN8lKL4BHgBwAAEAAAAoAAAAUkU6IEpmb3J1bTogVGhlIHBvd2VyIG9mIEogaW4g bXkgcG9ja2V0AAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG+KCXfrwq0opaUFRHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQAAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhDzRTiFAwAHEJADAAAeAAgQ AQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkhBTlNGQUhMSU5TTVRQOkhBTlNGQUhMSU5AQUxGUkVEQkVSR1NFRVJJQ0lW RVJTT05XUk9URTpXRVNIT1VMRE1BS0VJVENMRUFSVEhBVEpJU09OTFlTVVBQT1JURURPAAAAAAIB CRABAAAAaQQAAGUEAAACCAAATFpGddtz0kz/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYA BsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3RlbQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgwG5nMTAz OQr0DNB4MTQ0DfALVRRRC/JjBQBAIAqLbGkxODA5AtFpLRnzGdwLwjE2qwwhE1BvE9BjBUBGA2Ge OgrhHaselgyCIEgGIghGYWgcMG5bU02YVFA6EYAAgC5mIZMuQAdAA1AJgGIEkGcuZRGwXRttMzYa LxsxPhcfZxq1HpZFBRBjIElKdgSQcwIgIHceojofCoclLyY/HpYqkFdlIERzaAhgbGQgAMBrRSxQ aQVAY2xlCsF0OxGABUBKLSAEIAIgbHlxLGB1cHAVsQmALlEg/ENFLNERcAuAB5ED8C3A3yj/Kg8r HzIgLQB5BuALEVkicCBULdIEACwtInd9BbBrLkUoYS3ALFAiQWTjNjAssC9wYzRgLEERgPkoICBu HrAbWDEfMiAyLz8eli7kN/8xnzo/PUB0b1M2EwqwbG0+8HA24SDWKDewM8cpNGBJNgMFsPM10i6B YSAcMAJALXA1M9dAAC7gBBBpAmB5O688v289z0UAN7AwACkuIhYQcWx1aRYRPuJkPwI00mLmdTUh QmJuJwVAAZAtAeMtwxPBcCB1AjADEUjR/RGwZUNvRH9Fj0ywBpA2Gu8/wwDANWARwCACEAXALhNJ LrBjYweQc2YsoC7vSx9ML00/BdBZMDEscC4i21ACPyNvSNAFwG9OcC4R7QOgbS6QLuBjT8FROAsZ 9xq/KABB4G0tUAhwFhACMNcugTVCC4BnL0JnEcBKcNta0UHwVjawPwA1HHA+478HkAVACGAt8wCA AZBsAyD7NnFXNXRBcS4QKGEtMDRguxtWVzVXL+BCURWgb1qz/1U2W9NZkDexJ+AvIUHwL7XfLVBd gUeiNjBXNU4LgD8AzjMccEDhNLIgZSggA6D+cwDAYzEtozYEW9c2cS0ify4xMEJc4kHwVzUz1jRg Uv0tgGRbcwbgSKEtMTYhA6D3YdYttGdUckpQAwBa0Vc1bQXhVwuASAB3BCAvgTI+LmSSXVFpcVYC M9Ygef8IYCiBLTBgYVtBKDEwM0Hh9nAJ8FE2VyyTLhBsATXkfy4xYpZnE05wKFAuIi3Dd78t0m9i CsBCYVTBYMU/WSf9SDFuQrBnVRWxcLJeYWSm/0HxN8ERcC2AcPAFwGcSZXY/L7Vko2MQA6BXNUgB ZS1/AMADEXlzLYERcDYTSNBi/2SjEYAEIDexSiBucXPRWZD+ZwpQBBFvYgWgLKJXNQUA/y2Ab9Fn EhFxGRAsUC4QBPS9cGVOfgVOYTeyE8ByC3D8Z2g0sQIwPwAuEGcSXfbvaoJyIjUScJJKQOEwMV2R /15iLcM+8HPhTnBZkHrxNGDnZCZU8wNhIFBgMQUgBCCfVzV9wXQDZmhRNi9HQvAWaV9MFTEAjRAA AAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMGA3E7MjKL4BQAAIMECtwN8lKL4BHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6 IAAAAACOzA== ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2826.126611E0-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 08:09:32 1998 From: "Hans Fahlin" Subject: RE: Jforum: The power of J in my pocket Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:55:23 +0100 X-Msmail-Priority: Normal X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3 Importance: Normal charset="iso-8859-1" Bjorn G. Helgason wrote: > While looking for the Velo I noticed a machine called the > Nino 300. It is even smaller than the Velo 500 and it is without a > keyboard. Reading about it then I notice that it is running > MS Windows CE 2.0. Instead of keyboard you write letters with a pen. > Would J run on this machine and if so is that what you are wishing for? Yes! The Nino 300 is a typical P/PC and comparable to the Cassiopeia E-10 I wrote about. I did not mention it because it has a Philips R3910 CPU and I do not know if that is a MIPS or SH3 lookalike or something entirely different. An informative comparison chart between different H/PCs and P/PCs can be found at,28,0-20-257773-352156,0 0.html /Hans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 08:44:03 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: The power of J in my pocket Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:23:48 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE282E.7879AFC0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE282E.7879AFC0 From: Hans Fahlin[] > Yes! The Nino 300 is a typical P/PC and comparable to the Cassiopeia > E-10 I wrote about. I did not mention it because it has a Philips R3910 > CPU and I do not know if that is a MIPS or SH3 lookalike or something > entirely different. >From the text on Nino 300: "The Nino has High-performance 32-bit MIPS-based Philips R3910 RISC processor at 75MHz. Designed for fasrt access and high throughput of Windows CE applications. The Nino 300 is equipped with a T9 smart keyboard developed by Tegic Communications and supports a handwriting recognition program. Use your voice to conveniently access applications and information with the voice command recognition program developed by ART." So if it works as I expect then you can talk to your J application. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE282E.7879AFC0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IggNAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACgAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBUaGUgcG93ZXIgb2YgSiBpbiBteSBwb2NrZXQALg0BBYADAA4AAADOBwwADwANABcAMAAC AEYBASCAAwAOAAAAzgcMAA8ADQAQADEAAgBAAQEJgAEAIQAAADQ0MTg2NDNEMjA5NEQyMTE4QjlB MkNBMUZGQzAwMDAwAPMGAQOQBgDkBAAAEgAAAAsAIwABAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAQAAAAMANgAA AAAAQAA5AKBFzyUuKL4BHgBwAAEAAAAoAAAAUkU6IEpmb3J1bTogVGhlIHBvd2VyIG9mIEogaW4g bXkgcG9ja2V0AAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG+KC4lxz1kGEWUIBHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQAAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhCZc+qNAwAHEJUCAAAeAAgQ AQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkhBTlNGQUhMSU5TTVRQOkhBTlNGQUhMSU5AQUxGUkVEQkVSR1NFWUVTVEhF TklOTzMwMElTQVRZUElDQUxQL1BDQU5EQ09NUEFSQUJMRVRPVEhFQ0FTU0lPUEVJQUUtAAAAAAIB CRABAAAAXgMAAFoDAAAVBgAATFpGde8FZ7H/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYA BsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3RlbQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAz OQr/MVY2DCETUG8T0GMFQEY9A2E6CuEZ6xrWDIIgSCEGIkZhaGwLgFtTME1UUDoRgACALmZdHdNA B0ADUAmAYgSQZ5ouEbBdCosd8DM2DfCXC1UUUQvyYwBAID4bpwshxRrWWQeQISBUaAZlB7ALgG8g MzAwAiAEACBhIHR5cARpYwdAIFAvUEPRJUBuZCAFoG0KsQGgKmwkcHQkwHQkYUNhoQQQaW9wZQcw IAqHJyFvIn8a1kUtGTAgSe8ozynQKg8a5Xca4iVABuA4dXQuK+8s/xrHSSD8ZGkmYCSwBUAHgAIw J+DdA6BpBUAfoCWwdRGwMxJzEYAlMlBoAxAFIAQgUh8ZUCuhKF8pbzD/Q1BV7yYzMgEkwDJiaySw B+AGkG81vzBvGscnYGEFQCUjTQxJUAXwBbFTSDMgyRWgb2sHQGlrJHAFsf5zA3ARwDRwGRA1PzZP O4/mIDKyFhBseTIRDdAEkP0ysS4/fwviP2YbUidTE9DueAVAMvEkljoKhQqPQDwGIiRXNAJIaWdo LVUoAHICEHIDgWMkcDP4Mi1iMyE9QkuwJ7AJgPE0XVJJUyYgR7Ua0UtgBwQQBbE8wTc1TUh62C4g RAeQSpBuTIFLAe9QECewACAlQGNOgiYzNHDXSqAnUQNgdUqgcC8gPYBaZke1VwuAORB3BCBD+kUl QHALUCWhMtIesEdM8SReZXF1BSAoACZgA/DzJ2AlQVQ5PsAAwFCRPnDOeQbgCxEyEGV2QvAn8c0m YGJDEFT2ZWcloCeQOQNwbXUDAFQFJjNzde9TwBWxJTIegWQukDMgPzJ/FhAFoE/QXGEy8RrRCcBh Km1UfVUzoXkIYSB27m8loCcTBaBuWKADADKx/0MBUMZTySYzC4BLAzLTR7X/VvMnYl90JoEDgSZg XM9d0EFYfEFSVC4iR0xT1yTABpAzEncFsGslMQQg/zIARkAoADxzCfBfEiZwA5HZAZBsayciXyNK U6pUfbgvR28AkEe1FTEAbkAAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwQDt6LC0ovgFAAAgwQDt6LC0o vgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAADxi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE282E.7879AFC0-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 10:30:39 1998 From: "John D. Baker" Subject: Jforum: Frequently Used File list in J4.02 Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:06:41 -0500 Greetings Juggler's: Recently a "last files used" list was added to the files menu of J 4.02 this is very handy but it would be even more handy if it retained the last five or so *.ijs files used between J sessions. Currently, if you exit J and restart, your last used files list is reset. Applications like Excel retain this list across sessions because it's precisely at session start up when this list is most useful. John D. Baker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 12:31:41 1998 Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 18:50:50 +0200 (EET) Subject: Jforum: icons in isipicture When i try to display icons (.ico) in isipicture (or in ownredraw button) i always get ugly black color in place of transparent. Can i change such behaviour without converting .ico files into .bmp with appropriate (gray f.e.) color substitution for transparent? Something like setbkcolor for isipicture? nsg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 13:09:38 1998 Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:45:25 -0500 From: David Ness Subject: Jforum: Small Machines that Support 'J' I decided to try to build a list of small machines that are known to support `J'. My try is at I would appreciate any corrections, additions of the '???' items and any comment on (un)-fairness of any of the presented data. I am also struggling with what kind of a `benchmark' that it might be useful to present (if any) in such a concice form. Ideas/Suggestions/Corrections/Comments would be appreciated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 19:10:52 1998 Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 18:33:29 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro References: <004001be2816$7eec9ce0$> >Hans Fahlin > Dare I ask? If only a little work (or possibly none) must be done to make J > run on P/PCs, why not do it? Why restrict the availability of J? We are not restricting it. MS is. The wince developers SDK lags behind the wince product releases. Wince is marketed primrarily (at least initially, for each version) on the basis of of the built in applications (pocket IE, Word, Excel, Solitaire). The devloper kits have always lagged behind. Wince was originally released as an H/PC (handheld/pc) with version 1.0. We looked at it and decided it was a joke. Version 2.0 looked more interesting. About a year ago MS released the developers SDK for wince H/PC 2.0 (many months after you could buy them in the corner store). We got it and did the port. Getting i.5 to work was relatively easy. Turning it into a product was not easy. No big problems, just many many many small problems with cross compiler and runtime library bugs. We are happy with the end result, but it was a lot of work. You can now buy wince P/PC (palmsize/PC) and H/PC Pro systems. The P/PC has a form factor similar to the PalmPilot. The H/PC Pro (e.g. HP820LX Jornada) has a form factor more like a PC (fast processor, more memory, larger screen, mouse, almost full size keyboard, but still no harddrive). So, there are 3 wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, and H/PC Pro. They are similar, but enough different, that applications have to be targeted. MS has released the SDK for the P/PC and H/PC Pro as a beta. We will not get involved with the first release of an SDK at the beta level. It is bad enough with a product. I'd guess MS is a few months away from the product release, and our work can't start before that. To summarize: J is available for H/PC wince (and we think it is a great). J is not yet available for P/PC or H/PC Pro because we don't have a development SDK from MS. My best guess is that J will be available for these around the middle of next year. I should have laid this out up front, but never expected such confusion. My naive thinking was: Fantastic, portable, powerful, J machine, I want one. I always forget that in the real world the market's reactions is always: Thats nice, but I want it in blue with red polka dots. If one requires J in a portable form factor, it is here now. The difference between the smaller H/PC systems and P/PC is splitting hairs, when compared to a laptop or sub-notebook. The P/PC is very nice for what it does, but I think serious J use easily justifies the larger form factor. With the H/PC you get a faster processor, a larger screen, more memory, flashcards, and a keyboard. If you want a scheduler, organizer, note taker, get a PalmPilot. If you want a portable machine on which to do J programming, get an H/PC. My bet is that a year from now, when J is available on all 3 form factors, that the majority of new wince J licenses will be for the H/PC. It has certain advantages over the sub-notebooks, yet is still a serious programming system. Presumably the P/PC will significantly outsell the H/PC, but they won't be used for J programming. The H/PC Pro future is very hazy. Probably just MS trying to fill every possible niche. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 15 19:43:02 1998 Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 19:16:00 -0500 From: "Nathan M. Gant" Organization: Poliespo Research Institute Subject: Jforum: J and handheld computers/calculators The idea of creating a repository of public J source code for various applications, which Chris Burke has mentioned recently, is a very good opportunity to give J the widespread exposure which it deserves. For example, I have done a bit of land surveying, enough to know that it is essentially a business application of coordinate geometry, mostly a bunch a trig equations really, with some basic drafting/architectural functions thrown in. I would enjoy the opportunity to be able to post some surveying equations in J which anyone could download from a web site. Concerning the recent threads on portable, handheld computing devices, I will continue to use the HP48 GX calulator in surveying work. These calculators were introduced in the early 1990's. I believe they will likely remain a staple device in commercial field surveying and data collection in the near future, at least here in the states. As of late 1998, they are still being manufactured and supported by Hewlett-Packard. I can't imagine the newer Windows CE palmtops ever competing with them in price or versatility. They are quite cheap(approx. $US 135.00 brand new). Plenty of good programs can be downloaded from various web sites supporting the HP48(the shareware 'hpchess.gx' program is quite good, except that the tiny graphic objects require a good eye or you will confuse the bishop with the pawn sometimes). You can even make your own serial cable for PC transfers using the guts of an old (serial) mouse. Other similar palmtop computers/calculators, such as the Casio models, the TI TI-92's, the 3Com Palm III, the Velo, and even HP's latest Palmtop PC or Journada 820 Handheld do not appear to me to have the same functionality as the cheaper HP48GX, in my opinion. Not being a professional programmer, I don't see the point of spending close to $1000 dollars on something which will be used as a glorified calculator, unless you want to have heavy data communications and connectivity applications thrown into the thing. True, I don't have a QWERTY layout on my HP calculator, but I have little problem working with databases using the HP's vertical arrangement of alphabetical keys. OTOH I think a plug-in card with some basic J burned in ROM and used in a calculator would be very useful. A "J"-based handheld calculator with the HP design would be a great idea. I am reminded of a decent APL interpreter out there, it was written in the Forth programming language, a distance cousin to HP's RPN(Reverse Polish Notation). Until I discovered J, I liked I-APL a lot because it had straight-forward (DOS) I/O operations, something that I didn't find so easy to do in Iverson's APLIPC interpreter. Maybe in the future we could see J ported into a calculator-type of platform, possibly integrating it into a HP48 or similar design? But it seems a waste that land surveyors in the field are willing to buy various HP48 plug-in cards with the surveying software burned into ROM. This typically represents an initial outlay of $US 100-200 dollars or more for the end-user. If only more surveyors would be willing to work directly with J instead of this kind of software. One could just as easily manipulate the raw data once it is dumped into the PC (which is what these calculators and related surveying software are being used for anyway). One typically gathers this data in order to draw maps, boundary and property lines, using CAD programs on a desktop PC in the office. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 03:35:44 1998 From: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 07:52:36 +0000 Wed, 16 Dec 1998 08:12:35 +0000 Wed, 16 Dec 1998 08:12:50 +0000 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 08:12:50 +0000 Content-Identifier: m1211216081220aa Alternate-Recipient: Allowed In-Reply-To: <> Subject: Re: Jforum: Frequently Used File list in J4.02 John D Baker wrote >..."last files used" ... added to ... J 4.02 ... >be even more handy if it retained the last five or >so *.ijs files used between J sessions. I agree. I also miss the ability (present in j3) to re-run old commands from the "toolbar", which isn't available in the default configuration set-up for j4. Mike Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 06:45:17 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 11:12:10 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE28E7.44AB8380" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE28E7.44AB8380 It is ok to add the Velo 500 to the list of machines that J has been tested on. This was my first experience with installing J on a wince machine and I was impressed with how easy it is. It took a few mintues to move the files over but when that was done it was just to start working with J. All the Labs, Demos and Helps worked straight away and it is very very impressive to see the Plots lab on this little machine. This machine was only 16 MB so it did run out of memory on the most advanced Plots but it did not brake down only reported it was out of memory. I was testing this in the shop which is selling these machines so I did not very much chance to do much and I did not have the opportunity to try the Nino 300 as well. I was promised that after x-mas we could try that as well. I have to say that even if I am very impressed with this machine and that it is unbelievably impressive to be able to run J on such a small machine. I am sure that it will probably be a better idea to add a few dollars and get a color machine. I know from my laptop that not having color is a clear disadvantage. Another thing is that it is important to get as much memory in the machine as possible. Overall I am very pleased with having had the opportunity to test this and things can only get better as prices come down on all components related to this. I want to gratulate us all on having this marvelous product on this platform. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE28E7.44AB8380 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjgLAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADAEAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAABB00AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABADIAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiB3aW5jZSBwbGF0Zm9ybXM6IFAvUEMsIEgvUEMsIEgvUEMgUHJvADUPAQWAAwAOAAAAzgcM ABAACwAMAAoAAwAVAQEggAMADgAAAM4HDAAQAAoANQAvAAMAYgEBCYABACEAAABDRkQ5RkQ3QUQ0 OTREMjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAwMABfBwEDkAYA9AUAABIAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwAp AAEAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQCgRr7s5Ci+AR4AcAABAAAAMgAAAFJFOiBKZm9ydW06IHdpbmNlIHBs YXRmb3JtczogUC9QQywgSC9QQywgSC9QQyBQcm8AAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvijk7LV6/dnQlNQR 0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5p cwADAAYQ5rvutgMABxBoBAAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAASVRJU09LVE9BRERUSEVWRUxPNTAwVE9USEVM SVNUT0ZNQUNISU5FU1RIQVRKSEFTQkVFTlRFU1RFRE9OVEhJU1dBU01ZRklSU1RFWFBFUklFTkNF V0lUSElOU1RBTExJTkdKTwAAAAACAQkQAQAAAGIEAABeBAAAbAcAAExaRnXUtB06/wAKAQ8CFQKo BesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J 2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYMBuZzEwMzkK+xRRZQvyYwBAIEkFQAQAIABvayB0byBhZIJkG3BoZSBW ZRWgsCA1MDAbchvybAQA0QVAb2YgAMFoC4AHkckb8GF0CoVKIBGABCB+YgnhG3AHkBPQG9ACIC5b CoUKhVQd4AQgdx8hbTB5IGZpEaAFQGV49nAGcQnwYxwQA/Ab8BsQ+wCAAZBsHTAZEB7hAiAboF8i 4SKxCoUdtRugbhvQSX8hYwdwE1AHkBGwG9Ai82j6bwfgZR8gIcAjABsRID2vGvEbgBtRJEBmB9Ft C4DedApQHiEbkARgdhwQG/KdIeBsB5EqoQXAYnUFQN53HAAfgR5YIXJkAiAcEPMnwSFyanUdURuB I2EAIJshYAWwayOyIvNKLiCmLQqFQSOQG+NMAaBzLLQgRBPgbwQgJaJIHEBecCFRLwEf4RPAcgtw Z/poBUBhIXAhwCWhCoUnw94gK5EhwDUDJkVpKrIucWsJ4BvjUBWgdAQgC2Bi/yQCG/AbIR0wAkAr QB2mIDYvISMlJiFyAiBsIcAxNp0F0EIugBuQJ8FkaRvQ/HJ1A6AIYB1kMcE1ITej5ySnMeAzkWR2 AHAiwBvQ9zcEK9I7dW43IB9AM0Ay4N0tQXc8ATqiFhBwFbEf4f8jACypPCsoHiFjH6IjsjfTqwuA G+NzJzBwLAFpEXD/GxIRsCOUG/ERsB2oCoU7Qecl4D+GNQNtdUZBEXEisv8bgS1QSZQlpD+GEYAq sAqF/xvyReBBIjvwIwAhwBzCNSFtG/JOC4AbkDMckR8hd/9GsS/QJeQTUANwBAAf4R5J5mEBgCuh eC0AwE7ySeD9CGBsG9FN4x5gTthDTkvy9y5TM9FSo2UqsAOgBpAl0fxhbTVLJrY30x21UKYlsf9S ozSkO/AfUB0wVZABoDqxfzWsH1AboAJgNjM74iPzc/9JsVCmLoAAwDDhOJZWBFyw3xYQWQcD8DDh T9FiWkNbcv8fQQJAK6E7sCdwTDYblCmE7y1QI5ARkSWTZxHAJDEVg/1d2ms/wAfgA1IhogqFC2D/ BTBF4VKjS7UjsmPUGyFjsf8rQArBO6BVAD4yAZBjcC/Q/kE/wRwATIIjsTQ2HiQ0lf8mQRWxaQEb cmNzIZFJsjyV+0VVJSdzCoVBIDXxW7EgPf5PK5FdolYYC1AncSa3ZzT/EYAb1EzuH7FMN2fyWOMj sf0EIGMDkTqTY3JgxU+jRjD/B5EFoAeAQFYboCOQCoV38f9BIB4AAjAEIBYQC2Af0hzD/yfxJdNs FTNAKhB6MlmwMfHfMOEkEWcldKoAwHIqsBWg+3xhT9FkSbAdYTe1C1EAMOUFsG0gPS9HMeAAoBnc X0/RE9B/IQqFFTEAg7AAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwgCJ9W+IovgFAAAgwgCJ9W+IovgEe AD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAErl ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE28E7.44AB8380-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 07:34:00 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 14:00:17 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: Frequently Used File list in J4.02 In-Reply-To: On Wed, 16 Dec 1998 wrote: > John D Baker wrote > >..."last files used" ... added to ... J 4.02 ... > >be even more handy if it retained the last five or > >so *.ijs files used between J sessions. > > I agree. I also miss the ability (present in j3) to > re-run old commands from the "toolbar", which isn't > available in the default configuration set-up for j4. It's just + ! But it holds only about 20 lines. It would be worth while holding more, possibly unlimited, for the current session, maybe between sessions. In my Linux history there are thousands of lines in the history, and it's very useful to do history|grep what i want|tail Maybe this window that pops up for ^D should have context search, or even regex search, hopping over to next and prev matches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 08:24:02 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 15:06:47 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: Juggler's In-Reply-To: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT Mommy, I wanted to tell you something ... ... you know ... I'm Jay. On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, John D. Baker wrote: > The "technically correct" term for the J enthusiast > is: JUGGLER as rogramming in J requires keeping > many concepts up in the air and not dropping > any balls. > > ---------- > > From: Bj�rn Gosi Helgason > > To: 'forum@JSoftware.Com' > > Subject: Jforum: Just Gentleman - Gent > > Date: Monday, December 14, 1998 4:42 AM > > > > From: Ajith Prasad[] > > > Is Jer the generally accepted term for a J enthusiast? > > > > Jent - Jentelman - Jentleman - Juser - Just > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 09:22:09 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 08:52:53 -0500 From: Cliff Reiter Subject: Jforum: ijs to html Organization: Lafayette College Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii References: <005201be25d0$5d9936e0$> Thanks for the recent pointers to html.ijs and scriptdoc I have made an attempt to convert *.ijs files to html in a way that: Makes them easy for me to post on the web Makes them easy to read on the web Makes them easy for readers to copy Below is the script I have used. I have just begun adding scripts to "J materials" on my web pages. If you take a look, I'ld like to have feedback - especailly negative :) I ended up basically using
 to preverse white space, 
for eol, and tohtml from html.ijs to take care of special html characters. Best, Cliff NB. Script for changing J script into a web viewable page. NB. Cliff Reiter, Modified Dec 16, 1998 NB. ijs2html 'scriptname.ijs' Puts in a default title on html page NB. '' ijs2html 'scriptname.ijs' No title require 'files system\packages\misc\html' ijs2html=:3 : 0 ('The J script ',y.) ijs2html y. : fn=.((i.&'.' {. ])y.),'.html' '' fwrite fn y. fappends fn '' fappends fn ('',x.,'
') fappends fn
'&,);.2 tohtml fread y.)fappends fn '
' fappends fn ) -- Clifford A. Reiter Mathematics Department, Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 USA, 610-330-5277 ^^^ Note new phone exchange -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From ljdickey Wed Dec 16 09:47:16 1998 Subject: Re: Jforum: ijs to html Can you give an example of such a page?, please. Lee > From Wed Dec 16 09:22:09 1998 > Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 08:52:53 -0500 > From: Cliff Reiter > Subject: Jforum: ijs to html > To: > > Thanks for the recent pointers to html.ijs and scriptdoc > > I have made an attempt to convert *.ijs files to html in a way that: > > Makes them easy for me to post on the web > Makes them easy to read on the web > Makes them easy for readers to copy > > Below is the script I have used. I have just begun adding scripts > to "J materials" on my web pages. If you take a look, I'ld like to > have feedback - especailly negative :) I ended up basically using >
 to preverse white space, 
for eol, and tohtml from html.ijs > to take care of special html characters. > > Best, > Cliff > > NB. Script for changing J script into a web viewable page. > NB. Cliff Reiter, Modified Dec 16, 1998 > NB. ijs2html 'scriptname.ijs' Puts in a default title on html > page > NB. '' ijs2html 'scriptname.ijs' No title > > require 'files system\packages\misc\html' > > ijs2html=:3 : 0 > ('The J script ',y.) ijs2html y. > : > fn=.((i.&'.' {. ])y.),'.html' > '' fwrite fn > y. fappends fn > '' fappends fn > ('',x.,'
') fappends fn
> (;<@('
'&,);.2 tohtml fread y.)fappends fn > '
' fappends fn > ) > > -- > Clifford A. Reiter > Mathematics Department, Lafayette College > Easton, PA 18042 USA, 610-330-5277 > ^^^ Note new phone exchange > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see > From Wed Dec 16 09:50:09 1998 From: Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:32:55 -0500 Subject: Jforum: Last freeware Could you please tell me what is the version number of the last freeware J languaje distribution? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 09:54:58 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:50:51 -0500 From: Cliff Reiter Subject: Re: Jforum: ijs to html Reply-to: Organization: Lafayette College Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii References: <> Lee Dickey wrote: > > Can you give an example of such a page?, please. > > Lee > Sure, see also Best, Cliff From Wed Dec 16 09:58:09 1998 From: Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:32:55 -0500 Subject: Jforum: runtime.js I have the JRT.EXE (DATE 01/31/96) from the JRTNT95.ZIP. The help file says: Directory examples\demo contains example files runtime.js and runtime.ico. Run that application with a command line: c:\j3\jrt.exe examples\demo\runtime.js But that "runtime.js" file is not in my examples\demo\ Can someone send it to me? Will it work with my JRT? Thanks. Daniel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 10:04:52 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: Frequently Used File list in J4.02 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:38:39 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Oleg Kobchenko wrote: >It's just + ! > >But it holds only about 20 lines. It would be worth while >holding more, possibly unlimited, for the current session, maybe >between sessions. In my Linux history there are thousands of >lines in the history, and it's very useful to do > > history|grep what i want|tail > >Maybe this window that pops up for ^D should have context >search, or even regex search, hopping over to next and >prev matches. You can experiment with the input log verbs "editinputlog" and "editinputlogs" in the j locale (defined in jadelib.ijs). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 10:20:58 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 16:50:06 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Jforum: LAPACK Users' Guide Release 2.0 In-Reply-To: LAPACK Users' Guide Release 2.0 E. Anderson, et al. Came accross on the web, donno if it is cited anywhere in J LAPACK docs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 10:33:24 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:50:51 -0500 From: Cliff Reiter Subject: Re: Jforum: ijs to html Organization: Lafayette College Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii References: <> Lee Dickey wrote: > > Can you give an example of such a page?, please. > > Lee > Sure, see also Best, Cliff -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 11:19:26 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 10:45:57 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: icons in isipicture References: The isipicture and ownerdraw button .ico support was done in the early days if win31. I hadn't realized it, but guess that they don't do whatever is necessary to support a transparent color. Your best bet would be to use a simple icon editor to change the background color from transparent to the color you want. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 12:17:18 1998 From: Subject: Re: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 09:22:59 -0700 (MST) In-Reply-To: <> from "Bjorn G. Helgason" at Dec 16, 98 11:12:10 am Gosi, I seem to have missed something. What is a "wince" machine. Pardon my ignorance. Keith -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 12:47:35 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 18:51:52 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: runtime.js In-Reply-To: <> JRT is a runtime version of some 2.xx or so J, in those days J system did not allow the runtime mode. Now you simply use a commandline: j.exe /rt yourscript.ijs to get the same effect as with the old jrt.exe. See the folder SYSTEM\EXAMPLES\runtime\ for a set of files to build a runtime distributable compressed package. On Wed, 16 Dec 1998 wrote: > I have the JRT.EXE (DATE 01/31/96) from the JRTNT95.ZIP. > > The help file says: > > Directory examples\demo contains example files runtime.js and > runtime.ico. Run that application with a command line: > > c:\j3\jrt.exe examples\demo\runtime.js > > But that "runtime.js" file is not in my examples\demo\ > > Can someone send it to me? Will it work with my JRT? > > Thanks. > > Daniel > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 13:11:21 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 17:44:20 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE291B.E46A9A80" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE291B.E46A9A80 From:[] > I seem to have missed something. What is a > "wince" machine. A machine running Windows CE > Pardon my ignorance. Geen problem /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE291B.E46A9A80 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IiYRAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABADIAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiB3aW5jZSBwbGF0Zm9ybXM6IFAvUEMsIEgvUEMsIEgvUEMgUHJvADUPAQWAAwAOAAAAzgcM ABAAEQAsABQAAwBFAQEggAMADgAAAM4HDAAQABEAKgAaAAMASQEBCYABACEAAABBREE5NkZCQjA4 OTVEMjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAwMABHBwEDkAYAEAMAABIAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwAp AAEAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQDg+qG1Gym+AR4AcAABAAAAMgAAAFJFOiBKZm9ydW06IHdpbmNlIHBs YXRmb3JtczogUC9QQywgSC9QQywgSC9QQyBQcm8AAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvikbtZG7b6mvlQgR 0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5p cwADAAYQMomh3AMABxCaAAAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAARlJPTTpTTUlMTElFQENTVUFMQkVSVEFDQVNN VFA6U01JTExJRUBDU1VBTEJFUlRBQ0FJU0VFTVRPSEFWRU1JU1NFRFNPTUVUSElOR1dIQVRJU0Ei V0lOQ0UiTUFDSElORUFNQQAAAAACAQkQAQAAAIABAAB8AQAA7QIAAExaRnVlsaA8/wAKAQ8CFQKo BesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J 2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYEBuZzEwMzkK9GwQaTE4MALRaS0xPDQ0DfAM0BpzC1kxNqsMIRNQbxPQ YwVARgNhHjoK4RtLHDYMgiBzbQMDEBnQZUBjcy51DQdAYgSQAZAuY2FbYFNNVFA6Ht8f411zCosZ 0DM2GxcUUQvyY3UAQCAKhT4jLRw2JjBJgx7ACeBtIHRvIBGA+HZlICCgBBAJgB7AA3CFEcBoC4Bn LiBXEYBzBUAEACBhIg8jHyQhPgsdByVdIgPwbmNlIncnQADQKBFlKFAKjyN8QeEtViBydW4DABkQ KGCRC4Bkb3cEIENFKQ93Kh8rLyWZUAsRAiAnQHm5KLBnbgWwAHAtIC4t//UjfEcJ4SAcMQJgE+A2 xXgvR28AkDbFOjwVMQABO8ADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMODAonEbKb4BQAAIMODAonEbKb4B HgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAABZwg== ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE291B.E46A9A80-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 13:14:12 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 19:49:29 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Jforum: Assigning to arrays in ole In-Reply-To: <> I have put this question several times in cla, but having failed to get an answer, dropped it, now I stumbled on it again. Given an OCX definition, e.g. in terms of VBA Property List(index) As String whereas in VBA this properrty is accessed by str = [object.]List(5) ' or [object.]List(5) = str ' in J 'oleget' works: str=. wd'oleget id base list 5' but 'oleset' gives an error: wd'oleset id base List 5 *my string' same for wd'olemethod id base List_put 5 *my string' and many other ways. This is an abstract example. More specifically, you can get with MS List View control, or MS FlexGrid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 13:21:19 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 12:40:29 -0500 From: David Ness Subject: Re: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro References: <> wrote: > > Gosi, > I seem to have missed something. What is a > "wince" machine. Pardon my ignorance. > Keith > WinCE is a `Windows-related' operating system designed by MS for small machines of the palmtop/hand-held variety. Depending on who you talk to it is either `Limited Windows' or `Emasculated Windows'. WinCE machines tend to have some limited exchange capability with their big-brother relatives (NT, Win95, Win98). There are `Pocket' versions of various Office software like Excel and Word. Again, depending on who you talk to these either work (1) well; or (2) badly. The most limited WinCE machines tend to start at several hundred dollars. They go up to just over a thousand. The major thing separating WinCE machines from the sub-notebook class of full-PCs seems to me to be: (1) instant-on; and (2) battery life. Take a look at: to compare a couple of WinCE machines (HP620 and NEC750) with a full-scale sub-notebook (Libretto) if you are interested in further details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 13:46:45 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 20:07:02 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: ijs to html In-Reply-To: <> On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, Cliff Reiter wrote: > Below is the script I have used. I have just begun adding scripts > to "J materials" on my web pages. If you take a look, I'ld like to > have feedback - especailly negative :) I ended up basically using >
 to preverse white space, 
for eol, and tohtml from html.ijs > to take care of special html characters. The
 tag releaves you from using 
, it's redundant. However, when you wish to intermingle plain paragraphs with code paragraphs,
 gives you an extra blank line
at the bottom. Here you use  with 
for LF, and should also substitute spaces with   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 14:07:46 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: runtime.js Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 13:45:21 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" That runtime.js file was an extremely simple script that could be used to demo runtime systems. The contents follow this message and should work with your JRT. If you are missing this script you likely do not have a full copy of the system and would likely be better off getting the most recent version from our website. >I have the JRT.EXE (DATE 01/31/96) from the JRTNT95.ZIP. > >The help file says: > >Directory examples\demo contains example files runtime.js and >runtime.ico. Run that application with a command line: > >c:\j3\jrt.exe examples\demo\runtime.js > >But that "runtime.js" file is not in my examples\demo\ > >Can someone send it to me? Will it work with my JRT? Script follows: NB. This is a simple test script that can be used to NB. experiment with the runtime application packager. NB. window driver: wd=: 11!:0 NB. demo window program: wp=: 0 : 0 pc a; phandler "closeme 0"; pn "Hello World!"; xywh 40 40 60 40; cc b button; cn "Goodbye!"; pas 40 40; pcenter;pshow; ) closeme=: 3 : 0 wd 'pclose' ) wd wp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From ljdickey Wed Dec 16 14:44:26 1998 Subject: Re: Jforum: Last freeware j7 From Wed Dec 16 15:59:21 1998 From: "John D. Baker" Subject: Jforum: Fractal Music -- JOOL! Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 15:25:21 -0500 Greetings, To see how ijs2html worked I followed the links to Cliff Reiter's web site and downloaded the "smoke puffs" scripts. Here a few observations: 1) Saving the script as text makes it instantly loadable into J. You only have to edit the first "j script ..." line. 2) You might want to add a require 'files' line to the top of your script. Not everyone loads the entire standard suite of scripts. 3) When you write the "sp.wav" file you might consider s wwavestereo (1!:40 ''),'temp\sp.wav' NB. write sound to wave file The (1!:40) conjunction points to where J.EXE lives, in standard J 4.0X installs there is always a "temp" subdirectory. Otherwise this is a very cool little script. It generated a 1.47meg *.wav file that I could play with a number of different players. The music has a very 1950's bad science fiction movie sound. Play it at full blast on large speakers for neighbors you want to drive insane! John D. Baker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 16:05:31 1998 From: Subject: RE: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 15:18:59 -0500 This is a useful site when looking for a WinCE, or otherwise, handheld machine for running J. The information provided includes OS, RAM, CPU, Dimensions, etc.. The side by side facility is especially handy. >---------- >From: David Ness[] >Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 12:40 PM >To: >Subject: Re: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro > > wrote: >> >> Gosi, >> I seem to have missed something. What is a >> "wince" machine. Pardon my ignorance. >> Keith >> > >WinCE is a `Windows-related' operating system designed by MS for >small machines of the palmtop/hand-held variety. > >Depending on who you talk to it is either `Limited Windows' or >`Emasculated Windows'. > >WinCE machines tend to have some limited exchange capability with their >big-brother relatives (NT, Win95, Win98). There are `Pocket' versions >of various Office software like Excel and Word. Again, depending on >who you talk to these either work (1) well; or (2) badly. > >The most limited WinCE machines tend to start at several hundred >dollars. They go up to just over a thousand. > >The major thing separating WinCE machines from the sub-notebook class >of full-PCs seems to me to be: > (1) instant-on; and > (2) battery life. > >Take a look at: to compare a couple of >WinCE machines (HP620 and NEC750) with a full-scale sub-notebook >(Libretto) if you are interested in further details. > >----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >--- >J Forum: for information about this list, see > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 19:58:06 1998 From: "Mark Leeds" Subject: Jforum: replacing matrix columns in J ? Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 19:21:41 -0800 boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0006_01BE2929.4FB1C180" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BE2929.4FB1C180 charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable to who anyone who is kind enough to answer. I am just beginning to use = J. I have a matrix called X and a vector called y. I want to do the following two steps = using J code. ibig is the ibigth column in X so ibig =3D 7 means the the seventh = column=20 step 1) replace the ibig column in X with the nth column in X. step 2) replace the nth column in X with y.=20 The length of y is equal to the length of the columns of X. This should be simple but I looked through the primer, dictionary, phrases and tried to use } without success. Thank you very much. = Mark=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BE2929.4FB1C180 charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
to who anyone who is kind enough to = answer. I am=20 just beginning to use J. I have a matrix
called X and a vector called y. I = want to do the=20 following two steps using J code.
ibig is the ibigth column in X  = so ibig =3D 7=20 means the the seventh column
step 1) replace the ibig = column  in X with=20 the nth column in X.
step 2)  replace the nth column = in X with=20 y.
The length of y is equal to the = length of the=20 columns of X.
This should be simple but I looked = through the=20 primer,
dictionary, = phrases and=20 tried to use } without success.
Thank you very = much.
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           =20 Mark 
------=_NextPart_000_0006_01BE2929.4FB1C180-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 22:24:00 1998 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 21:31:36 -0500 From: David Ness Subject: Re: Jforum: replacing matrix columns in J ? References: <000901be296c$62d6be80$b110ba92@oemcomputer> I occasionally find it productive to transpose a matrix. In such a case, a column operation becomes a row operation, and row operations are generally pretty easy. J makes transposing in and out very easy. For example: a =: i. 3 3 |:(10 20 30) 1} |:a replaces column 1 producing: 0 10 2 3 20 5 6 30 8 This has the advantage of simple. Undoubtedly someone else will show you how to do it elegantly, but I find some solace in simple. > Mark Leeds wrote: > > to who anyone who is kind enough to answer. I am just beginning to use J. I have a matrix > called X and a vector called y. I want to do the following two steps using J code. > ibig is the ibigth column in X so ibig = 7 means the the seventh column > > step 1) replace the ibig column in X with the nth column in X. > step 2) replace the nth column in X with y. > > The length of y is equal to the length of the columns of X. > This should be simple but I looked through the primer, > dictionary, phrases and tried to use } without success. > Thank you very much. > > Mark > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 16 22:52:17 1998 From: Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 22:29:59 -0500 Subject: Re: Jforum: Last freeware In-Reply-To: <> > j7 But isn't J at version 4.02 ? Where can I get this j7 ? From Thu Dec 17 04:38:38 1998 From: (Strand, Lars) Subject: Jforum: Windows commands Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:59:47 +0100 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id DAA16308 I have used a Mac for most of the time, so I am not so familiar with Windows. The examples you have in the User manual for J, have, however made me interested in learning more about the use of buttons, listboxes, etc. The place where I live has no good book shop dealing with computer books. Therefore, I am interested to get a couple of references to books (eventually on Internet), where I can find, e.g. how to write to a textbox with vertical scroll bars. Could anyone be so kind as to give me some references? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 04:38:55 1998 References: <> Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:17:05 +0200 (EET) Subject: Re: Jforum: Searching in Help 12-Dec-98 09:43 Peter Nichols wrote: > If I'm in the User manual (for example) looking at the wd commands; is > there a way to search for text within the window. The nessecity to search through single help topic arises often while viewing wd command reference. Script that converts wd topic into scriptdoc is below. It doesn't solve the problem because scriptdoc doesn't have search ability. But it is fully extensible, while winhelp isn't. NB. This script converts wd command reference NB. into scriptdoc acceptable file. NB. Before starting it do the following: NB. 1) press Shift+F1 NB. 2) press TAB, TAB, ENTER (to open 'wd commands' topic) NB. 3) press Ctrl+C (to copy it into clipboard) NB. 4) press ESC (to close hel window) NB.* SCRIPTDOCFILE n file name to save converted data SCRIPTDOCFILE=:'c:\tmp\wd.js' require 'regex' WDREF=:wdclipread '' ENTRY=:rxcomp '^([[:alnum:]]+)[[:space:]]+([][_.[:alnum:][:space:]]*);[[:space:]]*' formatline=: 3 : 0 if. _1 0 -: {. i=.ENTRY rxmatch y. do. 'NB. ',y. else. r=.LF,'NB.* ', > y. rxfrom~ 1{i r=.r,' w ', (<./ 50 , '.'i.~ ra,'.') {. ra=.(1{0{i) }. y. r=.r,LF,'NB. Form: ',>y. rxfrom~ 0{i r=.r,LF,'NB. ',ra end. ) NB.replacement for set utility from regbuild.ijs NB. set=:'['"_ , (/: ']['&i.) , ']'"_ SDREF=:;LF,~each <@formatline;._2 WDREF SDREF 1!:2 Subject: RE: Jforum: Windows commands Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 18:22:03 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.5EC4E280" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.5EC4E280 From: Strand, Lars[] > The examples you have in the User manual for J, have, however made > me interested in learning more about the use of buttons, listboxes, etc. > e.g. how to write to a textbox with vertical scroll bars. > Could anyone be so kind as to give me some references? On of the best places to look for help to start programming windows is to go though the demos in J. One of the most interesting in this respect is controls. However when I tested this again now I remember complaining about the horisontal scroll bars not working. It still does not !! I do not remember what the explanation it was then. It is probably still valid even if I do not rememember what it is. Create an ijs file and use form edit to create something like that contains a line like this one: xywh 0 0 29 33;cc ll listbox ws_hscroll ws_vscroll lbs_sort; Then in the verb that writes to the listbox; you can start with adding these lines in the run verb; add these two lines: ll=. ;:'halloapples bananas cherries dateshalloapples bananas cherries dates' wd 'set ll ',;ll ,each LF add them just before the line: wd 'pshow;' What happens is that you get a box showing some of the text. You get a vertical scroll bar automatically because the the text does not fit in the box. What does NOT happen is that you do NOT get horisontal scroll bars for some reason I do not remember. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.5EC4E280 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IigSAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADAFAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAABR80AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAB0AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBXaW5kb3dzIGNvbW1hbmRzABsKAQWAAwAOAAAAzgcMABEAEgAWAAMABAAhAQEggAMADgAA AM4HDAARABIAFgADAAQAIQEBCYABACEAAAAxMzNDQzA1NUQ1OTVEMjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAw MAAQBwEDkAYALAYAABIAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAEAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQCgzA0l 6im+AR4AcAABAAAAHQAAAFJFOiBKZm9ydW06IFdpbmRvd3MgY29tbWFuZHMAAAAAAgFxAAEAAAAW AAAAAb4p6iSwVcA8GJXVEdKLmiyh/8AAAAAAHgAeDAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAB8MAQAAABAA AABnb3NpQGNlbnRydW0uaXMAAwAGEN6irYUDAAcQUgQAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAEZST006U1RSQU5E LExBUlNTTVRQOkxBUlNTVFJBTkRATklTS05PVEhFRVhBTVBMRVNZT1VIQVZFSU5USEVVU0VSTUFO VUFMRk9SSixIQVZFLEhPV0VWRVJNQURFTUVJTlRFUkUAAAAAAgEJEAEAAACwBAAArAQAABYIAABM WkZ1TFUVxf8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVt AoMzdwLkBxMCgH0KgAjPCdk78RYPMjU1AoAKgQ2xC2BAbmcxMDM5CvRsEGkxODAC0WktMTw0NA3w DNAacwtZMTarDCETUG8T0GMFQEYDYT46CuEbSxw2DIIGAHRyIQBwZCwgTBGRW1NQTVRQOh9SLh7U QIEDAHNrLm5vXQqLuRnQMzYbFxRRC/JjAEAcID4dByLVHDZUaGVgIGV4YW0LUAeReTUIYCARgHYl MAuAIHRdJSFVEbAFwAOBdQdAIDsCEAXASh8wJiIn8W937mUmQCcSDbAgCocifyOPvxw2B4AmYRPQ FhATwWQmYv8loArAAwAZECcgBbAlMAGgFwhgBUAmonURsCBvZtQgYi6QdAIgcx8wGdA7E8AG4HgH kB8wEcBjLo8pTypfMcYlQC5nLihicSaQbyB3BRAT0DQiYZ8mkCVQMDI0UDSAaCAosXh0aWMncQTx BvADIGLfIAIw/zIPK28IUWwtMABwVSXgbiUwYiUwczRAa88LgDqhBCA0MWdpJkEscZc7YCxxFhBm LNFuYweQ7j8Kjzf8PcVPA6AvQSaiezswE8AgC1E9gTQiFaBv5msnkyUgbHA0IhPACsDvQPEDYAnA JXBtLdID8B8Q/SiAcz3FBAA8AzRAJqAIYH5nNcAmog2wBGAEICZxSv83Jj+3LyMmokYhBUAspi3S 9yZzRMEs4XAcckTBBaACMK82kSAgKTY9xUgohXclIJ0DoEk1AS0DSYNhZwtx/iAhAAfgTNAWEAeA BtAnAf8FoCWBC3Et0i5kPcUmoihwvwUQO2ACMDZMTgEFQHcFsPs7kTPBSQVASPE2sUQQB5H5UkIh IT3FTNBEEFIzTnddTIBhLqQlUAtRblYAaf8CICZgUmE74kyRUvNEwRwxWzbgAmB5KTZTRHYHQGn/ LTAooVcRL1BUzFWJVzEEAL1GrUMWEFYALkFXEWoEIL8aQCWgOrEtMC8CJ6FtJUD+ZFcxNDEFAF2T PMJJgS3h+RnQa2VQJ1YBSoILcU2RXy/xOwFhAkl0OvE6PcV4GnlMgCAzgDOAMjkg4DMzO2NjLXAD IDAFsTRQc19oNnVmIXY2ddxsYmYwO2AAIDtGvCUR/1cRJoQosR6wYbM0YzvzJqL9MAU7JdM2MAOg QsQ1kj3F/ykAX4At4SahLxFiskZDJqJ8cnUDoGmya6BtUW21dC9SgG4UY9Y2sD0z0Ds6xicRgDaw b2FwJZM24G9WwFbASmElIHIIgQQgZK1doXNxz3LfJz3Fdy0wjCAnEbFlYicsOzax7iwtkBFwH0BG bOgmkl9Q/movAAVAOzAnoWMybgRj1ll2gSdwc9AogDt2Blf/VfIRgHRACfBGQVeCVgEl4v5nduE0 8DVSezIt0jzDQFX7NRI3Jll9ZzXvbSIukANx/zYTWME7MDYwLwJ/M39FPcX/U6caQEhyQHQwUDPQ fANTo/hOT1R8RXzLVOGG0T3F/32SUN9R5CeiPMU74FcBVM9pNyYvR0YwaT3FFTEAAY5QAwAQEAAA AAADABEQAAAAAEAABzAA9Ntd6Cm+AUAACDCAlR4l6im+AR4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAMOM= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.5EC4E280-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 13:44:23 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: Jforum: Java from web studio - evaluation not registered Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 17:45:55 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.59C32580" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.59C32580 I have got complaints that a person who does not have J was going to look at the examples on the It did not work and after download and install and not registrering the product nor the evaluation it still does not work. What is needed is that the demo from the web studio should look for if J is installed or not inform the user. If J is installed but not registered it should run some j.exe /rt demo.jr or j.exe /rt demo.js In general I think there should be a bat file which would run some demos without the need to have a registered product. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.59C32580 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ih8SAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG AEgBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADACAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAHEAAAAAAAAAtTvCwCx3EBqhvAgA KypWwhUAAAAMSf803HPREYuZLKH/wAAARIMAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGZvcnVt QGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AU01UUABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNN VFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAUAAAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgAB MAEAAAAWAAAAJ2ZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20nAAAAAgELMAEAAAAZAAAAU01UUDpGT1JVTUBK U09GVFdBUkUuQ09NAAAAAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACm0IBCIAHABgA AABJUE0uTWljcm9zb2Z0IE1haWwuTm90ZQAxCAEEgAEAMQAAAEphdmEgZnJvbSB3ZWIgc3R1ZGlv IC0gZXZhbHVhdGlvbiBub3QgcmVnaXN0ZXJlZADQEQEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAARABEALQA3AAQAawEB IIADAA4AAADOBwwAEQARABgAOgAEAFkBAQmAAQAhAAAAMDQzQ0MwNTVENTk1RDIxMThCOUEyQ0Ex RkZDMDAwMDAAEAcBA5AGAMQDAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABA ADkAwNidGOUpvgEeAHAAAQAAADEAAABKYXZhIGZyb20gd2ViIHN0dWRpbyAtIGV2YWx1YXRpb24g bm90IHJlZ2lzdGVyZWQAAAAAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAb4p5Rh8VcA8EJXVEdKLmiyh/8AAAAAAHgAe DAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAB8MAQAAABAAAABnb3NpQGNlbnRydW0uaXMAAwAGEMhJ6LsDAAcQ wwEAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAElIQVZFR09UQ09NUExBSU5UU1RIQVRBUEVSU09OV0hPRE9FU05PVEhB VkVKV0FTR09JTkdUT0xPT0tBVFRIRUVYQU1QTEVTT05USEVXV1dKU09GVFdBUkVDT01JVERJRE5P VFcAAAAAAgEJEAEAAAA1AgAAMQIAAJgDAABMWkZ1c5va8/8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gK wHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMzdwLkBxMCgH0KgAjPCdk78RYPMjU1AoAKgQ2x C2DAbmcxMDM5CvsUUREL8SBJIBGAdmUgrGdvBUAFoG0LU3QEIEZ0EYAFQGEgcASQcwUCICAKhXdo byBkWm8HkW4bMRrTSh1QYXcEIBsgC4BnHAAdgBWgbx5rCoUcMRwQGwBleGEvG4EHkRzBIFJ3IZAu am8csAGAHqAWEC4bYQqFSVEFQGRpZB3jdwWwa3UcUG4jYGEBgASQHZF3+m4VoGEkMSQhC4ATwAdA XwMgJBEKhR3yFhBnBAB0PxYQBRAfEiBhE1AEcHVjrwVAHfAFwCBTdgdAdRww9mkCIAqFaQVAE8AD EAMg2x2nI8IuCoUKhVccIgQA/x3gCeANsCVhG/UgUg2wBGBmIANSIURlYgqFE8B1yyNAHYBzHXB1 bCNgH3L/LkAFsQaQHnEsoSWFLREFsVsd8SmWbjCxLoR1EbBy5SttSTEPYnUoUibGBJDPLRIqETAE CoVydQOgHLCxB4Agai4gkBsALwAg3y3zIcAFwAWxOL5zM+0DoP5nCfAEkAdAGqEcEAuAI/C3IFEW EC/mYhsAHGBiHDHqZgMQZRz3aRFwI7EwIv84Jy4CBCAD8BwQCGAgMyY2fyzhHzIa0xxgNmkn9Stt L1pHQLBpK3wVMQBGcAAAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwwDayK+IpvgFAAAgwwDayK+IpvgEe AD0AAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAIgI= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29EA.59C32580-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 14:24:30 1998 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 21:09:25 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: RE: Jforum: Windows commands In-Reply-To: <> On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Bjorn G. Helgason wrote: > From: Strand, Lars[] > > e.g. how to write to a textbox with vertical scroll bars. > > Could anyone be so kind as to give me some references? > > However when I tested this again now I remember complaining about > the horisontal scroll bars not working. It still does not !! > xywh 0 0 29 33;cc ll listbox ws_hscroll ws_vscroll lbs_sort; > ll=. ;:'halloapples bananas cherries dateshalloapples bananas cherries dates' > wd 'set ll ',;ll ,each LF > wd 'pshow;' > does not fit in the box. What does NOT happen is that you do NOT > get horisontal scroll bars for some reason I do not remember. If I am not mistaken, windows listbox control can be exclusively either hscroll -- for multiple columns, or vscroll -- for single column. If you want to scroll long text that does not fit into your listbox width, do it yourself -- with addittional scroll bar and event logic, or use a different control, e.g. ListView ActiveX control would be a good candidate, if anybody could explain how to use 'assignment to arrays in J OCX'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 14:29:02 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: Jforum: Using cards.dll from J - create J FreeCell Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 19:12:29 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE29F1.7818C920" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29F1.7818C920 I am wondering if someone has tried to use the cards.dll from J ? This is probably one of the most heavily used dlls there is. Is there a simple way to pick a card, lay out like in Solitaire or FreeCell from J ? /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29F1.7818C920 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ih0TAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACsAAABVc2luZyBj YXJkcy5kbGwgZnJvbSBKIC0gY3JlYXRlIEogRnJlZUNlbGwASA4BBYADAA4AAADOBwwAEQATAAwA HQAEADIBASCAAwAOAAAAzgcMABEAEwAGACkABAA4AQEJgAEAIQAAADI5M0NDMDU1RDU5NUQyMTE4 QjlBMkNBMUZGQzAwMDAwABcHAQOQBgDcAgAAEgAAAAsAIwABAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAQAAAAMA NgAAAAAAQAA5ACARwzDxKb4BHgBwAAEAAAArAAAAVXNpbmcgY2FyZHMuZGxsIGZyb20gSiAtIGNy ZWF0ZSBKIEZyZWVDZWxsAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvinxMIdVwDwqldUR0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4M AQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQ+iOImQMABxCq AAAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAASUFNV09OREVSSU5HSUZTT01FT05FSEFTVFJJRURUT1VTRVRIRUNBUkRT RExMRlJPTUo/VEhJU0lTUFJPQkFCTFlPTkVPRlRIRU1PU1RIRUFWSUxZVVNFRERMTFNUSEVSRUlT SQAAAAACAQkQAQAAAFYBAABSAQAAJAIAAExaRnVKH5sK/wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArA c2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbEL YMBuZzEwMzkK+xRRFQvyYwBAIAqFSSBhOG0gdwIgBIELgGcgKQaQIHMDcGUCIGUgKxGABCB0CIFk HTBvIFZ1EbAdMGgc4GMLEXMYLmRsAyADUiBKIOY/CoUKhVRoBAAcQAQgiRNQb2IBoGx5IBzCPm8c YB4SBGATwBzwZWH+dgMQIUAd0R2AHrEdIR4gqxYQIJEuH3xJI2ZhHHBnB3ALUBzgd2EhQB2hcJhp Y2slcR5SLCALYMUhQXUFQGxpayPBA6DqUwbwaQGQaRYQCoUFsTJGCdFDZR7PGuYvR30iIGkffAqH Gesg0RPQYxcFQAqFFTEALzAAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwANERYfApvgFAAAgwANERYfAp vgEeAD0AAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAn7I= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE29F1.7818C920-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 17:13:47 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: Jforum: Mapped files Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 21:01:46 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2A00.FADFF360" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2A00.FADFF360 I am wondering if this is the intended behaviour? I map a file replace it with text and then when I unmap and remap it has only replaced the text in the beginning. Can I make the file shorter? I have tried adding av 0 without any luck. As soon as I make the noun shorter I can not reach the rest of the file unless I unmap and remap. I guess this has something to do with limitations in the utils rather than the mapping. I have not tested this map stuff very much up to now. JCHAR map_jmf_ 'atest';'temp/t.txt' atest 333asdfgitset gnitset #atest 21 $atest 21 atest=:'hallo' #atest 5 $atest 5 unmap_jmf_'atest' 0 JCHAR map_jmf_ 'atest';'temp/t.txt' atest hallodfgitset gnitset #atest 21 $atest 21 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2A00.FADFF360 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ih8VAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG AEgBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADACAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAHEAAAAAAAAAtTvCwCx3EBqhvAgA KypWwhUAAAAMSf803HPREYuZLKH/wAAARIMAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGZvcnVt QGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AU01UUABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNN VFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAUAAAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgAB MAEAAAAWAAAAJ2ZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20nAAAAAgELMAEAAAAZAAAAU01UUDpGT1JVTUBK U09GVFdBUkUuQ09NAAAAAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACm0IBCIAHABgA AABJUE0uTWljcm9zb2Z0IE1haWwuTm90ZQAxCAEEgAEADQAAAE1hcHBlZCBmaWxlcwCKBAEFgAMA DgAAAM4HDAARABUAAQAuAAQAOgEBIIADAA4AAADOBwwAEQAUADYAAwAEAEMBAQmAAQAhAAAAMzYz Q0MwNTVENTk1RDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAwMDAAFQcBA5AGAOADAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYA AAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAABm/dAAqvgEeAHAAAQAAAA0AAABNYXBwZWQgZmlsZXMA AAAAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAb4qAHRaVcA8N5XVEdKLmiyh/8AAAAAAHgAeDAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAA AAAeAB8MAQAAABAAAABnb3NpQGNlbnRydW0uaXMAAwAGEPUgMDYDAAcQIwIAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAA AElBTVdPTkRFUklOR0lGVEhJU0lTVEhFSU5URU5ERURCRUhBVklPVVI/SU1BUEFGSUxFUkVQTEFD RUlUV0lUSFRFWFRBTkRUSEVOV0hFTklVTk1BUEFORFJFTUFQSVRIQVNPTkwAAAAAAgEJEAEAAAB3 AgAAcwIAAIkEAABMWkZ1219cUv8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPF AgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMzdwLkBxMCgH0KgAjPCdk78RYPMjU1AoAKgQ2xC2DAbmcxMDM5CvsUUQEL 8SBJIGFtIHcnAiAEgQuAZyAGkCB03mgEABuQBCAb0GUbkAIwQwnwDbBkIGJlEYB2umkIYT8KhRqw AMBwGsC8IGYDEBxwFhALUWMccc8FQAPwG9AbwGV4BUAAcDcdABxRA6B3IKIdx3Vu/x5TIGEWEB5S H4ERgAQgAiD8bHke9iBzH/MKhQuAHEMdHSBnC4ADABkQLiBDOwORHjJrJDEcYR6zc2h/FbEEkB24 HUEkMQiBHQBh7GRkG2IdUCAakB+yCGDnIDIjYApAY2smACrwCoXyQQQgc28CIBrABCAmad5uCGAD oCdlGqFjA5Es8P8khhYQANAf4RxhFhATwCMgvxuyJvUhwB7QBBEhry4dx/5nClAEERvTIvIrwAeA G9FhG3F0byBkNDAfs2zzB3AfgGF0HXAAgCScKjD7AxAEIHI1IBxgBcAb0AOR+xxSHlFwJdMoVS4o E9ATwa8gchvxHlITwHUN0CAokNpyI2BtKrAf4HUecDQhDSzwdzH2CoVKQ0hBAlIeQl9qbWZfIEYn NSAvcSc7JxPRcPgvdC4M0D4gCoUq8T3jTQqFM0BwIwBkZiWQdF8RsTKAAwBBAj8YIz+6MhoxPxgk Qn8/Sj06J90RgGwVoD8JQms1Q19Hf/8hwz1zPdUKhQp2KvE87z3//z8PCpRGA0DPRn9Ef0P/ToYL CoUVMQBVgAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMADW/WD/Kb4BQAAIMADW/WD/Kb4BHgA9AAEAAAAB AAAAAAAAAM8N ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2A00.FADFF360-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 17:31:08 1998 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:58:45 -0500 From: Murray Eisenberg Organization: Mathematics & Statistics, Univ. of Mass./Amherst Subject: Re: Jforum: ijs to html References: <> <> Where program mplay32.exe come from that's needed to play the .wav file created by the script withj02.html? Cliff Reiter wrote: > > Lee Dickey wrote: > > > > Can you give an example of such a page?, please. > > > > Lee > > > > Sure, > > > > see also > > > > Best, > Cliff > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see -- Murray Eisenberg Internet: Mathematics & Statistics Dept. Voice: 413-545-2859 (W) University of Massachusetts 413-549-1020 (H) Amherst, MA 01003 Fax: 413-545-1801 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 17:45:56 1998 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 17:26:37 -0500 From: Cliff Reiter Subject: Re: Jforum: ijs to html Organization: Lafayette College Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii References: <> <> <> First, Thanks to all for helpful suggestions about this. I appreciate the feedback. Murray Eisenberg wrote: > > Where program mplay32.exe come from that's needed to play the .wav file > created by the script withj02.html? > Second, about mplay32, That happens to be the name of a media player on my machine and the NB. from the script that contained it was to suggest a syntax for popping open a window to play the sound from J. I believe sound recorder will suffice for any windows box. I don't know which programs do this for the mac. -- Clifford A. Reiter Mathematics Department, Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 USA, 610-330-5277 ^^^ Note new phone exchange -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 17 21:13:37 1998 From: "Nichols, Peter" Subject: Jforum: J OLE Automation client Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 18:42:05 -0600 charset="iso-8859-1" Is there an example of a J OLE Automation client with J? I'd like just a simple example, maybe running Notepad or something from J. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 03:29:34 1998 From: (Simon Garland ZRH) Organization: Object Technology International Inc Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 02:58:10 -0500 Subject: Read: Jforum: Java from web studio - eva -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 03:30:22 1998 From: (Simon Garland ZRH) Organization: Object Technology International Inc Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 02:58:04 -0500 Subject: Read: Jforum: Windows commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 04:17:08 1998 From: (Simon Garland ZRH) Organization: Object Technology International Inc Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 03:56:04 -0500 Subject: Read: Jforum: Using cards.dll from J - c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 04:56:11 1998 From: (Simon Garland ZRH) Organization: Object Technology International Inc Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 04:20:10 -0500 Subject: Read: Jforum: Mapped files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 07:16:15 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: replacing matrix columns in J ? Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 07:01:06 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Mark Leeds wrote: >to who anyone who is kind enough to answer. I am just beginning to use J. I have a matrix >called X and a vector called y. I want to do the following two steps using J code. >ibig is the ibigth column in X so ibig = 7 means the the seventh column > >step 1) replace the ibig column in X with the nth column in X. >step 2) replace the nth column in X with y. > >The length of y is equal to the length of the columns of X. >This should be simple but I looked through the primer, >dictionary, phrases and tried to use } without success. >Thank you very much. First understand how { (from) is used to select a column in a matrix. Amend uses essentially the same idea, though you need to take care when using rank. X=: Y=: i.3 9 ibig=: 7 n=: 3 y=: 100 200 300 NB. ================ NB. 1. using { with rank: NB. index column ibig of X ibig{"1 X 7 16 25 NB. replacing column ibig of X [X=: (n{"1 X) ibig}"0 1 X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 26 NB. replacing column n of X [X=: y n}"0 1 X 0 1 2 100 4 5 6 3 8 9 10 11 200 13 14 15 12 17 18 19 20 300 22 23 24 21 26 NB. ================ NB. 2. using { with an argument of rows and columns. NB. Here, a: is used to specify all rows. NB. index column ibig of Y ( Subject: Re: Jforum: J OLE Automation client Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 07:09:49 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Peter Nichols wrote: >Is there an example of a J OLE Automation client with J? I'd like just >a simple example, maybe running Notepad or something from J. Thanks. The Help|User|OLE and OCX describe using J as an OLE client for Excel. However, this help has a tutorial which uses a worksheet jmacros.xls supplied with J, and when running through the tutorial, you get an error that the macros in this worksheet "cannot be found" by Excel. I'm not sure why this occurs, however, I reworked the spreadsheet so that the tutorial works fine. If you are interested, you can download it from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 08:10:56 1998 Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 06:55:36 -0600 From: Don Guinn Subject: Re: Jforum: J OLE Automation client References: <006e01be2a7f$6c93eec0$190114d1@xps200> This is a nice link, but I tried to find it from the J web page and couldn't. Did I miss it? Don Chris Burke wrote: > Peter Nichols wrote: > > >Is there an example of a J OLE Automation client with J? I'd like just > >a simple example, maybe running Notepad or something from J. Thanks. > > The Help|User|OLE and OCX describe using J as an OLE client for Excel. > > However, this help has a tutorial which uses a worksheet jmacros.xls > supplied with J, and when running through the tutorial, you get an error > that the macros in this worksheet "cannot be found" by Excel. I'm not sure > why this occurs, however, I reworked the spreadsheet so that the tutorial > works fine. If you are interested, you can download it from > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 11:43:15 1998 From: Subject: RE: Jforum: replacing matrix columns in J ? Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 11:16:39 -0500 ... and you can use &. to keep it in the original form: A =: i. 3 3 A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (10 20 30) 1}&.|:A 0 10 2 3 20 5 6 30 8 ---------- From: David Ness [] Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 9:32 PM Subject: Re: Jforum: replacing matrix columns in J ? I occasionally find it productive to transpose a matrix. In such a case, a column operation becomes a row operation, and row operations are generally pretty easy. J makes transposing in and out very easy. For example: a =: i. 3 3 |:(10 20 30) 1} |:a replaces column 1 producing: 0 10 2 3 20 5 6 30 8 This has the advantage of simple. Undoubtedly someone else will show you how to do it elegantly, but I find some solace in simple. > Mark Leeds wrote: > > to who anyone who is kind enough to answer. I am just beginning to use J. I have a matrix > called X and a vector called y. I want to do the following two steps using J code. > ibig is the ibigth column in X so ibig = 7 means the the seventh column > > step 1) replace the ibig column in X with the nth column in X. > step 2) replace the nth column in X with y. > > The length of y is equal to the length of the columns of X. > This should be simple but I looked through the primer, > dictionary, phrases and tried to use } without success. > Thank you very much. > > Mark > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- J Forum: for information about this list, see -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 11:46:08 1998 Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 11:27:54 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: Mapped files References: <> Bjorn G. Helgason wrote: > > I am wondering if this is the intended behaviour? > I map a file replace it with text and then when > I unmap and remap it has only replaced the text > in the beginning. Can I make the file shorter? > I have tried adding av 0 without any luck. > As soon as I make the noun shorter I can not > reach the rest of the file unless I unmap and remap. > I guess this has something to do with limitations > in the utils rather than the mapping. I have not > tested this map stuff very much up to now. When you map a noun/file you map all the bytes in the file. The file size can't be changed while it is mapped. To get the effect you want, you need to explicily set a new file size after you unmap. See verbs GetFileSizeR, SetFilePointerR, and SetEndOfFile in jmf.ijs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 18 16:04:20 1998 From: Subject: RE: Jforum: wince platforms: P/PC, H/PC, H/PC Pro Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:37:40 -0500 I tried David Ness' benchmark on the 24MB Velo 500 (about $500, mail order, in the US). I took about 2 minutes but it appeared as: n=. 10000000 6!:2 '+/(1+i.n)^1.000001' 3 NB. First J WinCE bug!? It showed 0 for n=. 1000 and it took less than a second. I also tried the demos and it did not have any memory problems ( as opposed to the 16 MB Velo according to /Gosi). The following information is from and covers most, if not all, that is shown in Waysoft's Handheld Computing Zone Philips Velo 500 This page was last modified 10/25/1998 WAYSOFT HOMEPAGE Make Philips Model Velo 500 Links Homepage Size (in) 6.8 x 3.8 x 1.0 Size (cm) 17.1 x 9.5 x 2.6 Weight (oz) 14.9 Weight (gm) 422 CPU MIPS R3900 75MHz RAM 16-24MB Input Keybd, Pen Screen resolution 640 x 240 Screen size in (cm) ? Screen type Monochrome Backlit Shades 16 Standard features AC adapter, Docking Unit, IrDA, Proprietary memory card, Modem, NiMH Rechargable Battery, Serial port O.S. Windows CE 2 ROM ? Power 2-AA Est. Battery Life 20hr Speaker / Mic Yes / Yes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 19 17:00:58 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Subject: Jforum: OpenGL Annotation Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 13:32:10 -0800 NB. Congratulations to the author NB. who managed to present NB. 30 pages of OpenGL utilities, NB. with ne'er an 'NB.' to be found. NB. If the J'ester will identify himself NB. I will direct my questions directly NB. to his bell bedecked booties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 19 18:10:59 1998 Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 17:59:44 -0500 From: Alain Miville de Ch�ne Subject: Jforum: OpenGL Annotation Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id SAA24592 If you want to use opengl you need to purchase two 400 page books available at your computer bookstore. NB's are not enough nor even enough to get started. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 19 20:35:13 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Subject: Re: Jforum: OpenGL Annotation Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 17:17:22 -0800 The books you are probably referring to, I already have. jzopengl.ijs however contains an extensive set of pure J utilities which are beyond the 'Red' and 'Blue' books. -----Original Message----- From: Alain Miville de Ch�ne Date: December 19, 1998 3:13 PM Subject: Jforum: OpenGL Annotation >If you want to use opengl you need to purchase two 400 page books available >at your computer bookstore. NB's are not enough nor even enough to get >started. > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- >J Forum: for information about this list, see > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 20 04:39:14 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: OpenGL Annotation Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 09:34:33 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2BFC.330A0440" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2BFC.330A0440 From: David Vincent-Jones[] > NB. Congratulations to the author > NB. who managed to present > NB. 30 pages of OpenGL utilities, > NB. with ne'er an 'NB.' to be found. > The books you are probably referring to, I already have. >jzopengl.ijs however contains an extensive set of pure J utilities > which are beyond the 'Red' and 'Blue' books. This file is purposedly decommented to make it smaller as you can see trom the comments in the beginning of the file. It is therefore not to be considered a base for any extensive reading of comments. NB. base opengl class NB. built from project: source\graphics\opengl\opengl You have several entries in the help files for opengl. I used find to look for opengl and found several instances. I guess you better look for opengl on the net as well. I bet there are several books to choose from. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2BFC.330A0440 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhQJAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAB4AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBPcGVuR0wgQW5ub3RhdGlvbgAeCgEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAUAAkAIgAhAAAAQQEBIIADAA4A AADOBwwAFAAJABEACwAAABoBAQmAAQAhAAAANkJDMTlBRTJFQTk3RDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAw MDAARQcBA5AGANwEAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAoHs7 8/srvgEeAHAAAQAAAB4AAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBPcGVuR0wgQW5ub3RhdGlvbgAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAG+K/vyrOKawWyX6hHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQ AAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhDCKY18AwAHEKcCAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkRBVklE VklOQ0VOVC1KT05FU1NNVFA6R0VPTUFQQEdBTEFYWU5FVENPTU5CQ09OR1JBVFVMQVRJT05TVE9U SEVBVVRIT1JOQldIT01BTkFHRURUT1BSRVNFTlROQjMwAAAAAAIBCRABAAAAXQMAAFkDAADrBQAA TFpGdblUuRj/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3Rl bQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAzOQr/MVY2DCETUG8T0GMFQEY9 A2E6CuEZ6xrWDIIgREBhdmlkIFYLgGMxCfB0LUoCIAeQW1NATVRQOmdlA3FwREBnB0BheHkecHTy LgWgbV0KjwuRFFEL8cQgPgewQi4gCFAZEJByYXR1C2B0aQIgCQQgdG8jUGhlIGFedSOQBbAgVSIE dyQAIP0DgWEfAB2wI2ETUAeQHhE9JDszIeAggB8ABCBvZoggT3AJ8EdMICPgbQMQaSMAB5AsJDwo oGi6IB5wJwSQI8ADoCciIRonI1JiI7ACEHVuZOYuIFsokDM2DfAhKxVwbwBAIfEs/RrWVCOhBuBv emsEIHkIYCPAFhAl4W+iYgGgbHkgFhBmBJBHBRAZECNRLCBJI8BsmRYQYWQxQBGAdmUryI0tHz4u Txr0anpvKAFgZ2wuaWoEICQAd/5lMwAFwAWgAjALcQQgA5HcZXgT0ACBMwAgEbEnstZwCHAjsEoo WCAr3yzv9y3/LwklAGkRcDCCO688sD887xrlK0AwUCugI4MnUs8JgCrwAHAdsCdCCkEq8P8v8yvM Pw86di+wBAArYAMQpyOwRkE5cXBvEbBkMTG9BYJtB4ACMCWUAMBrRqG1BUBzAMBsRpAqYXNDxd0w UmMDkRGwI7B0A2Ejg99HxQQgC4AjgytAZwuAAwDfMdEnwSOSRnIrxkkFQEZB7yORMWEFsCOwbhrw KwU3ofcAkASBJZFhKzBJkCtSKmL/MUA4Z0PFMoJM1Ut2K8ZDxX8iIlCzNnQ3kAtgBBBUOnVvAxAF QANSMMJqGxEbkHN7CGEeAFwJsR9APnETIFz3NnRY5lPMWTBhMuI48TdhPwdAOFACMAiBS+cjoGxw /0ZjRlEFsTZ1TdYoUEdBRmH/QeIjcBWgMBBdaUKjK3NbR9838QGQHfFTrjJAZwpQBBH/MFIrQAJA KlFfjgIgI4Mf0f9JgSTwXNBeCWPhTpQwg1tWfy/0I2ERcDAAUNIDYVO9L1pHRzBpQ8UVMQBroAAA AAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwoC2thvkrvgFAAAgwoC2thvkrvgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTog AAAAAG9q ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2BFC.330A0440-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 20 07:10:17 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: OpenGL Annotation Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 11:49:27 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2C11.33330380" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2C11.33330380 From: David Vincent-Jones[] > NB. Congratulations to the author > NB. who managed to present > NB. 30 pages of OpenGL utilities, > NB. with ne'er an 'NB.' to be found. > The books you are probably referring to, I already have. >jzopengl.ijs however contains an extensive set of pure J utilities > which are beyond the 'Red' and 'Blue' books. This file is purposedly decommented to make it smaller as you can see trom the comments in the beginning of the file. It is therefore not to be considered a base for any extensive reading of comments. NB. base opengl class NB. built from project: source\graphics\opengl\opengl You have several entries in the help files for opengl. I used find to look for opengl and found several instances. I guess you better look for opengl on the net as well. I bet there are several books to choose from. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2C11.33330380 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IicMAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADACAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAhk0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAB4AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBPcGVuR0wgQW5ub3RhdGlvbgAeCgEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAUAAsAMQAbAAAATAEBIIADAA4A AADOBwwAFAALADEAGwAAAEwBAQmAAQAhAAAANkJDMTlBRTJFQTk3RDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAw MDAARQcBA5AGANwEAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkA4IrJ yw4svgEeAHAAAQAAAB4AAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBPcGVuR0wgQW5ub3RhdGlvbgAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAG+LA7Lr+HtqPiX+xHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQ AAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhDCKY18AwAHEKcCAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkRBVklE VklOQ0VOVC1KT05FU1NNVFA6R0VPTUFQQEdBTEFYWU5FVENPTU5CQ09OR1JBVFVMQVRJT05TVE9U SEVBVVRIT1JOQldIT01BTkFHRURUT1BSRVNFTlROQjMwAAAAAAIBCRABAAAAXQMAAFkDAADrBQAA TFpGdblUuRj/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3Rl bQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAzOQr/MVY2DCETUG8T0GMFQEY9 A2E6CuEZ6xrWDIIgREBhdmlkIFYLgGMxCfB0LUoCIAeQW1NATVRQOmdlA3FwREBnB0BheHkecHTy LgWgbV0KjwuRFFEL8cQgPgewQi4gCFAZEJByYXR1C2B0aQIgCQQgdG8jUGhlIGFedSOQBbAgVSIE dyQAIP0DgWEfAB2wI2ETUAeQHhE9JDszIeAggB8ABCBvZoggT3AJ8EdMICPgbQMQaSMAB5AsJDwo oGi6IB5wJwSQI8ADoCciIRonI1JiI7ACEHVuZOYuIFsokDM2DfAhKxVwbwBAIfEs/RrWVCOhBuBv emsEIHkIYCPAFhAl4W+iYgGgbHkgFhBmBJBHBRAZECNRLCBJI8BsmRYQYWQxQBGAdmUryI0tHz4u Txr0anpvKAFgZ2wuaWoEICQAd/5lMwAFwAWgAjALcQQgA5HcZXgT0ACBMwAgEbEnstZwCHAjsEoo WCAr3yzv9y3/LwklAGkRcDCCO688sD887xrlK0AwUCugI4MnUs8JgCrwAHAdsCdCCkEq8P8v8yvM Pw86di+wBAArYAMQpyOwRkE5cXBvEbBkMTG9BYJtB4ACMCWUAMBrRqG1BUBzAMBsRpAqYXNDxd0w UmMDkRGwI7B0A2Ejg99HxQQgC4AjgytAZwuAAwDfMdEnwSOSRnIrxkkFQEZB7yORMWEFsCOwbhrw KwU3ofcAkASBJZFhKzBJkCtSKmL/MUA4Z0PFMoJM1Ut2K8ZDxX8iIlCzNnQ3kAtgBBBUOnVvAxAF QANSMMJqGxEbkHN7CGEeAFwJsR9APnETIFz3NnRY5lPMWTBhMuI48TdhPwdAOFACMAiBS+cjoGxw /0ZjRlEFsTZ1TdYoUEdBRmH/QeIjcBWgMBBdaUKjK3NbR9838QGQHfFTrjJAZwpQBBH/MFIrQAJA KlFfjgIgI4Mf0f9JgSTwXNBeCWPhTpQwg1tWfy/0I2ERcDAAUNIDYVO9L1pHRzBpQ8UVMQBroAAA AAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwoC2thvkrvgFAAAgw4IrJyw4svgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTog AAAAABJq ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2C11.33330380-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 20 11:43:58 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: OpenGL Annotation Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 11:32:03 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" >NB. Congratulations to the author >NB. who managed to present >NB. 30 pages of OpenGL utilities, >NB. with ne'er an 'NB.' to be found. The source for these utilities is at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 20 11:45:54 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Jforum: Script Library Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 11:28:48 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" I've made a start on the J script library at Not much there yet, but there is plenty of space for contributions! Also included are the source for the plot and opengl scripts. I'll add to these on request and when I get time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 20 16:17:23 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: Jforum: The new addiction Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 21:10:26 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2C5D.63B2DE80" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2C5D.63B2DE80 Well wel well..... They have done it again...... The merry men of ISI have quietly introduced a master game that will prove to be at least as addictive as Solitaire and FreeCell. When I was installing and playing with the Velo I noticed something I had not seen before amongst the demos. Well I tried it on the Velo but it was not much fun there because the pieces are red and green and on the Velo they were identical. On my PC however this looks great !!! Problem is that I bet the machine will always come up with the best move so I guess it will be impossible to win over it. Probably need to register how many moves it takes for the machine to win. The best part is that the script is open so you can use it as an example to create your own extentions or other games using similar techniques. This may have been the thing that will make J take off just like Solitaire and FreeCell lifted Windows to the sky. I can picture using the 8 by 8 board as a startingboard for chessgame. Well done !!!!!!!! I urge anyone who is tired of the old games to look at Pousse. Play it over x-mas. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2C5D.63B2DE80 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgMVAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADAHAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAB6MyAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABABIAAABUaGUgbmV3 IGFkZGljdGlvbgBaBgEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAUABUACgAaAAAALgEBIIADAA4AAADOBwwAFAAVAAoA GgAAAC4BAQmAAQAhAAAAMjQ2ODRCNzc0RDk4RDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAwMDAAEwcBA5AGAFQF AAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAgJEMKl0svgEeAHAAAQAA ABIAAABUaGUgbmV3IGFkZGljdGlvbgAAAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG+LF0p4XdLaCiYTRHSi5osof/A AAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQAAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhDQ mvL7AwAHEE4DAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABXRUxMV0VMV0VMTFRIRVlIQVZFRE9ORUlUQUdBSU5USEVN RVJSWU1FTk9GSVNJSEFWRVFVSUVUTFlJTlRST0RVQ0VEQU1BU1RFUkdBTUVUSEFUV0lMTFBST1ZF VE9CRUFUTEVBAAAAAAIBCRABAAAA5QMAAOEDAAB0BgAATFpGdcKcnFX/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC 8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3RlbQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1 NQKACoENsQtgwG5nMTAzOQr7FFEVC/JjAEAgCotsaTMeNg3wGd8a7BwvIFdlmmwDIHcfQB9ybC4g AoMdRR1FVGhleSARgLB2ZSBkAiAhsGkFQHxhZwtxIAMgTyGwB4ByDnIhYAeAA6BvZiBJJFNJIXRx dQiQdGyLIWALgHQDYGR1YwmA+yJAJBBhE8EFwCJgB4AdRb50EYAFQAPwH1ETUG8hoTB0byBiIbAo EWxlBybhIkAEIGFkZGlj7HRpIaEp4VMG8CIgC3BTFhAiQG5kHUVGCdFDdx/SGuYdRVchQAOgJRB3 /ynhC4ATwAdAG8AZECtyKIB9C2B5LsID8CfwJ+EhsFbnH0ApACUQbm8qYCZyHUX2cwNwEcBoLsIl EiaQMMH/MaAJ4SkRAhArUgRgGRApsfcwEg2wBGBzLKAfMyUQJiCfCJArpiIhAiAwCGJ1BUA3IiEu EjKybSZgL/Bmdcc2UytRKSBjYXURsDAD/nAIkCZwBCAdRQrAIbAWEf8u8wnDLvM2SjARIWAfgCtR vmkNsAIwKkAHQCL9TwOg0m0hYFBDIXBvH4AhoMcn0gQAKXBvb2sEIAnB7SgRIUDgLL1QA2ACYBPg /yIQBCAn8yUQKSA0FADBMgHfIbAoQwdALhATsCAFoAeA+CB1cC+4HUUpICmxBGD3IaExsC3hZwpQ BBE3QihS+ykhB3BwNKAAkEIxKOID8P8koT+SIiAsoEICAaAl0B1F7yHwJoEo8RYQZwQAJwI/Ub0m wW4kYSixR5MBkGsHkf8zYUNbSRQi/zjCKbEdcTchz0KVMBIE9T/xb3AkkUcB/nkIYETQA5E5IiIi KfEDoPxleCdQC1AndykABQBAof8hsFKhBcA/YFPSE9A9cQIg/1IBVaE4giczBCA5IC7CAJDubQMQ J8IFkGgDACWAB5D/Tv8/8QDAIWUpICSRMBIx9Ocn+ADATVAgSk0jJLEk0PZqOSApYWlcoR1FKuss F7ddwQGAJoFXC4Ah0HdCkfM8gzGga3lZLSUQUuI5oN8qUAhwRRFXszASOCkQIWD9ZAFvCxEp0zGg AZAAIC7B/2R0TZIRcEdxJ0JZLR8zIdN/QOFoY08MHb8c1SUQCHBn/ytiUqBD8j9QQnMrQTvBJNB/ MBIG8DshV1Mo8UAiKUJQdwhgBBBmx1AvUTYDP5J4ni0m0Syuac8c1S9HNKAWaXFFFTEAdDAAAAAD ABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMCBL6kpaLL4BQAAIMKAyFCpdLL4BHgA9AAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAICR ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2C5D.63B2DE80-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 20 16:42:41 1998 From: Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 16:31:47 EST Subject: Re: Jforum: The new addiction Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII It is possible to beat the machine Pousse. Oddly enough, it was easier for me to beat the 5x5 board than the 4x4. But I didn't beat it often. Eugene McDonnell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 21 09:38:22 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: The new addiction Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 14:19:06 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2CED.1C6F9AA0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2CED.1C6F9AA0 From: Eemcd@AOL.COM[SMTP:Eemcd@AOL.COM] > It is possible to beat the machine Pousse. Oddly enough, it was easier > for me to beat the 5x5 board than the 4x4. But I didn't beat it often. I did manage to beat the 4x4 board now. I am sure it will be awhile before I can beat 8x8 I changed the pousse.ijs script in two ways to make it run straight. Changed the name to pusl.ijs As a first line added 0!:0 <'user\pousse\prof.ijs' prof.ijs is a copy of profile.ijs with one line changed 0!:0 <'user\pousse\boot.ijs' in boot.ijs I changed one line NB. configure_jcfg_ 0 and at last in the pusl.ijs changed one line FIXFONT=: '"ISIJ" 10 default' and now I can run the shortcut C:\j402\j.exe /rt user\pousse\pusl.ijs /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2CED.1C6F9AA0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjMOAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAA5syAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAB4AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBUaGUgbmV3IGFkZGljdGlvbgAYCgEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAVAA4AEwAGAAEAHgEBIIADAA4A AADOBwwAFQAOAAsABQABABUBAQmAAQAhAAAAQTgxMTlDQ0NEMjk4RDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAw MDAANgcBA5AGAFQEAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAoGT4 3ewsvgEeAHAAAQAAAB4AAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBUaGUgbmV3IGFkZGljdGlvbgAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAG+LOzdecycEamY0hHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQ AAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhCf43bAAwAHECUCAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkVFTUNE QEFPTENPTVNNVFA6RUVNQ0RAQU9MQ09NSVRJU1BPU1NJQkxFVE9CRUFUVEhFTUFDSElORVBPVVNT RU9ERExZRU5PVUdILElUV0FTRUFTSUVSRk9STUVUT0JFAAAAAAIBCRABAAAA1QIAANECAAAHBQAA TFpGdTPETS3/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3Rl bQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAzOQr/MVY2DCETUG8T0GMFQEY9 A2E6CuEZ6xrWDIIgRQET4GNkQEFPTC4AQ09NW1NNVFAKOh17XQqLbGkzNi8N8AtVFFEL8mMAQCA+ NxunISUa1kkFQAQAIHAKbwQQaQJgZSB0b5AgYmVhBUB0aCQwbQDBaAuAJDBQCGAEEGUALiBPZGRs eSBjCfAIYGdoLCOABUB33mEEICSQAJAEkCAfjyCf/yGvIrkCEAXAB4Ao/yoAKj+jGuUkWjV4NSRw bwsRRyTBA5Ek0jR4NCXwQgJ1I0EgZGlkbie3BUAkgybxbwGACfAuCo+PKUwytTFDJQFuYWckPDcw sS+1JoB3JfAxQGFt/CBzCHAkMCbyAxADICSA/TegdyVAJCAytSSAK7EkMI0xQGMDkSSDOHg4MrV/ NKcRcRkQCYAkwyPAJbNp3moEIAT1C4AkQHckYCcglxOwJEIAwGs4E3J1A6CtE8ByC3AmsHQypkM8 Gdc1kAeAJEJwJbBsPSIytepBBCBhK6BpEaAFQCigHSVhYSYgCYAytTAhOrAwIDwnJbAEkFwy0Ncl o0UxA2BmPSInMrVF1vcjgkLwBaBwJlAyUEbDORH/PSMD8CTQMkAlYUNzPAVEH/9FKQbgGvBGGj3h TAY72UlHWTK1TkIl8AWgbkMQZ8k38V9qKeBnX0qgMrX/AHAwACShC2BDQT3iPJJB5QNN3zK1RklY Rk9OBFQ9G5AnIklTSThKIiAZMDFQDcBhdfxsdEZWUSI3QToVP1Ik0rRzaBWxYzEQQCY6RTAYajQw ErBZEC5leHUkMC8AICBE/UHsMrUvWkcj0GkytRUxAF1gAAAAAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzBA SIq/6yy+AUAACDBASIq/6yy+AR4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAANDg= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2CED.1C6F9AA0-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 21 10:37:32 1998 References: <> Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 16:57:53 +0200 (EET) Subject: Re: Jforum: The new addiction Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="" This is a message in MIME format. Your mail reader does not support MIME :( 20-Dec-98 21:10 Bjorn G. Helgason wrote: > This may have been the thing that will make J take off just like > Solitaire and FreeCell lifted Windows to the sky. If you like FreeCell, than, maybe, you will found the following game interesting too. I learned about it from one of Martin Gardner's books (based on Scientific American publications). The rules are: One person makes 7x8 rectangle randomly from full set of domino pieces. Then he writes resulting picture on a sheet of paper with borders between pieces cleared and gives it to another player. Another player makes the same simultaneously. Player, who restores original configuration first wins. This script acts as puzzle generator. It also allows to place borders over filed. Use create 7 to start it. If standard set of domino pieces seems too difficult (or too easy), then you may use create 6 (or create 9) First line of the script contains phrase that will compile it into j-runtime script (adjust pathnames). I will appreciate comments or elegant algorithm (or j realization) of the random puzzle generator. > Play it over x-mas. Happy Christmas. nsg Content-Type: application/octet-stream; Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; Content-Description: grid example UEsDBBQAAgAIABl4zSTd4mU4ZwAAAHYCAAAKAAAARE9NSU5PLklDT81Puw2FMAw8ECXKDJTM Qc86qT2aB0CvZhvjT2gQBPQKxNnny9mKJU9zbuHIylE5FDboYqDzXwLWhAPIE0QhFvpgZlXr iCdEQiyspWU5B5fF/e4lcO19W8V//P9f99a8vOBx4x/cuwFQSwMEFAACAAgATXGVJSTn+YvQ CwAAuRkAAAoAAABET01JTk8uSUpTpRlrb9tG8rsA/Ycp5YqkTa9JO3HSleQwjR1c0DwKO/dA E59AkSuJMUUyJB3Zka0fd5/uZwRp0xhN42t7uOKAO6A3s0tKsp1cC9SytY957szs7Oz64ecM 9MNcZE/TLHkm/CJ/moejNBJPg2QUxgkLn+U65H4WpsXIOxDdZ13Q8yKIwh6Mw5iaQbQOfhIl mbMJeZGF8SAHnz+N88HTZ3nJRq/XSJKf+JGX56AjcAbYAA426NgL+wwM3dE740B/nhW6CUHC 6rVMPD8MM9Hh+/XaOAC9n8RFIPqgPdiDPS/OYU9kYV+Dm8hCxAFSmPWaEjjywhh6SRaIDHVL Mm8gCFRyBH1Bd50AGoMiOUxTRL/z6P6jXWeTZntBh1suNyZNYx2uLdmwfv367G8DlcePaboI lJ9mg6MCfq/DjV7gTjhYUzjFb3DA0bqm5tRrUS/KEdzAWTdkprtUr5F1B1EvQ1nGE8LGL78H hAkWA8sEUmX73u5eh1+DddQC2UnZXYd+7Xrt7qOHjztc125noRdpyubL8PD2gx2IoR9GIvZG ApI+FEMB6eHLlxFag8BIpJcmW4bPd7cRfexFEYRxP8lGXhEmcb2G8x0eMhI5w72DEncePkZ8 5U4IwkFYXKQrcRZpt+896PB1tCOOHt/f7fDr9VosvKzDcdTcck9cA1GaJ01m0MSKifbMYy9V pmkzkLPwKSAWWrTydoA+9UkoaLRSrV4LYpTD4a9AdmuGrF7zgmeeL+ICWRFHsDjIdhVIAfLb 0IsHosNRUBDD6nStXht66Cy72ebuPiwzWHKfwBbsV1L/9p8ff3r1+uyn/8Lr92/+/f7sDXz9 w6v3Zz//p15LDguRKaUbDObhAStoCg4nHIwlmDCti/OIY6ySmmbzhIHD0elT2Uxh33S5YXPN NuVStx+h9dCUnIyZ+mT6Vopr3lYu+FI6VmvVayMRH6ZJCtrFKVzpGLTmQzHWQCt/K1CSCuTU fITNVWDuvRAI3MPmw0AvB42g0MQeY1eQcpFChS+OwgKZ7WBzBQ+Vfrmo/54oDtOZJNr/SHkX mw+oEb5EHe+GIgqgSYOrKH0SfLf5cblHx+MhXANnE27ehJt2y/eRhhiGeTjIvHQI47zrR2Hq D8MoyNBi5TgPe5HMf1k4GBajBC3RS4oiGVF3xtgm3tfBkYyLcCQgL7wi9CES/SL3vUgoetlt +egPW5trdQ02Nkta3y8JqybvSsLL5I9Jhoi8NBcBn7G6/hnxWgfHIV6Z8IJj6B2itvFlRaT2 xKi5S1i3iEWKHt6EzVZKm0lkLUqqI6BtDyIOWmUO9kUUBV7hdThQmtdbhsaF5w/hmJmW7NgT j8nc46MGhSgRbZnptx89UFssjMMi9CJyrZQwFJlQkCwO6rVbaI+GY8MT+OwT7sDK2sYpa7PN T7g6VujMSPNhMm7pZRazYWkKhrXFTVSkXguSUTcW4265+oqGXJMha9smQpW9AMqVBSIvsuT4 gr6SAiS2n5QIktssQ/39/dnPZ6/enb199fPZL/CP83e/WPD21TevKGv88Ort929+OH8NZ9j9 8Tv8O/+OEaGMvW4mKJrn8gZRLiJdwnQa+ZHwMiltEI28NPPG8wE8eNB9vPOXxzSME5F5uegd DOIAnHrN6zCAdXvC9u7d/9POrgVV+/n923e+sMC2ZNqyJaZnLWL++Q/3Hu/8FsTdne0PoA2i QRYGXlGA5VVnQqPN1trMOGFL6CgTPp3C+inTGBn3udxtFLpHUC37dx0aSn7mA8mqhkMwJqVw Ss2IW0HGYJzOIKeLkOI4FWA5mg0LjChL2UBHsqXx7sYKLkySUBgojNI/s66Kq2TU9aMkF1cj KwO7lUpY6wK2F/siKoN3TjVjtBiAyzAQcbcsiF7QQGReIaoSaeHcht4xUBArhY8YrAJtZpxD 1DBGItR9xgvFGlKuqVFdguIBrKoeavBjZsIEDNtSAWFa3NiwZDygYpyQj5jlgGMtqndcFXJq LWoXjHrZYTpfJMAHPUDTqRfGxdHcsGohq/IH1Pmw80LERV7OyR+13QqYS1jcfJIZ6ZKJoNpf 5kX9yj2KPK7oHSTjeFHzoMMMexKYFqyu4awzwQmN5cc5JUxC8DvshMniJKAhVcerbJmtVUXX 0MuBTn8GmSgOs5iBqn5pnfkoOSzSwwL8VoU+mULbv2yyCtiBD6BdNuHicqKLy/mVxXjBsw6r Si9ajj/0kELVWmCB6rgnzATEKvFPmOaoYQ9xDVy5y41205B70NQck4oxNb3FmzZOmDP0noS1 m86mScwvGSVo9RqIaTEJQju3UZKcUpcQu93w1d0DQB4YYBi9BiKbMOVNtljogz+RKcE/VaFH cuaCqnC8FDQLt5QFyEJwKBeVG8EyFi4KizvEMkv+pUfFUQHViYtGLT0q4XT8KU9+wK+k85d/ /Oqr+zugaihVRc9dXsyyy2JgJ3FxJev00VONKRgrbO2p2UQXuoau6c2OaVIWG/WISK9uKn3L WGXLjb7ZoLHaeTOlbu99sXfvq50Lla6XH8h9KPNaciCrXrWVZaW3WCRdt8siKfJ6IrpcIclq ZocKl7KyI3oO89qIWDgbZW3Ul0JFgOqN88r4Iu96h0UyzP0siaKKcPMGEt4o6cLY7+eQp2H8 ooLfhHUbNuwSITkoKy6pz6Mv5itYv4CnUvwi7h0589sLMeUyWscVl6FjSlsvlEplCZSLoly9 bmlcHYwIGYaRYOBUW2QcPEd2hD/2wqL1nKKMjlHNIZDZYTDhql/lMSM/zikBdVi77JmwyqGt K+X0ijNALiLhFwwQTZ7/ahbQJDmqoEsTS3S4rC9o3NliamSsNDUGnMMNbiq3VHz6JaPkoBR6 uUCs6BTfykTojTIYF47kGYhuZPoH68oLyiu3Ku0rEMBHBOhzjF4mvIPSPiqVYBvlgixbmhMW +Ld0xWBu1P8vYs5eMb+UreYrmscQZZDZPd/Yh1vuEvrcLCurGSToDkQMVRgpS1dnNrG4bMBx ID0qy+plisDyEoNkl7KFjG7vxdXoJpvo+iqXryClASpkL190DVlQgpMO05/4SVyIuNjXrTu7 9++W04llPLGAJrQuWLBvrml8nmUVBkEt/YnKEr9OXh4QM1I5AOcTvg695Ehex0n1K164oP98 uXGHqUSr7uryMq5eemaXXfVMYCyz4qgwT2RzcjuK5ANRjtPLNLmsQdKPu6lXDEeHeSGOwryQ M8kLkY2zsBBplozSony1W2Vk47gyMGoRU25fYWs60zux2dBJjIwv9d4UL/rhghfmy6TPQBTl aUSHsP5EbxbegSgS0zX0fTXw+oXITDfIkrRI6jXUyxd53uEac1GF5p1d02253NBBb8orJz2m tFus6yCP+3ebFsrKkqSorqhblK3AmXAOKaOadLp6rG6opC455ONGV68n9xMv+D1Gp7mZ0X+X gWfbpUuj7bsd5tAFuR3PCpvSWjAPWJibHCkIcbZ958iz3XEVG1WTidMgozaoNtpisg+NkpE5 kx4vleE/ExEvLeynaodfiIn8OO9SkqML0YVDDB32BD6WL7aq7kJsze8Ds5/y8ay6GNGqLmFU hLJsqNeCbh+ty5emcs0VsJfEIidgr8OnzOXGGtecKQWetWa6hqXZa+bUDZnSY4hulu+NK2t0 ak5h1d3i7pIJbejyeu2FfMJ0mm13de3p7NlxeZjQDU49Pr775c1P4MBr+P4NDv9lwdffvIHv z799fw7/fHf+Lb1Nfnf+I35/ff7D2dvz9z+9evff9+coucMNuzmBLWQ/UeU0dqAD6zhEcIIW 3uAwfAqkY7kfj8sHzTUgFSwObe6eMpcwTIlwRC/bEDK3YbqIUq+lkecLnLSolnOaK6bmuAZx shihmyVG3uGyBQuo9HflwD3hlVWr2yoZFvsXik70g7ww0k1hMoVbUxQOaH85WdYrdrvRKzcQ lakT1jPBMG65DTDammO6E9g3QWkCffMU+oiI/E5ZrwrBfhk9v/ovC/WYBTcuxa4q9r3g+EoK WbyTbXRW1twG12yQ78fVo8LFqv1/UEsBAhQAFAACAAgAGXjNJN3iZThnAAAAdgIAAAoAAAAA AAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAERPTUlOTy5JQ09QSwECFAAUAAIACABNcZUlJOf5i9ALAAC5GQAACgAA AAAAAAABACAAAACPAAAARE9NSU5PLklKU1BLBQYAAAAAAgACAHAAAACHDAAAAAA= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 21 11:59:39 1998 Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 11:35:48 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: The new addiction References: <> > Andrew Nikitin - domino puzzle Your domino puzzle looks interesting, but I need some help (as in a help menu). I discovered that a right mouse button highlights cells with the same number and that I can draw lines to layout the dominoes by clicking cell borders. If I do a complete layout will Ready evaluate it? It would be nice to have a Solve button that draws the solution as this would make the goal more obvious. This should be very nice when finished. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 21 17:38:42 1998 Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 00:14:23 +0200 From: Anssi Seppala Subject: Jforum: wd in CE In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I am now testing to port my J PC-application to WinCE. All went fine until I got DOMAIN ERROR from a form definition. The form is not a simple one and it includes tab-control. Because the only message is DOMAIN ERROR it is rather difficult to find the error. Can anybody say if in this form below there is something not allowed in CE? Are there controls no allowed in WinCE? Spinbox? Thanks, Anssi Form definition starts here: NB. ========================================================= NB.*DLGMAIN n pc dlgmain definition DLGMAIN=: 0 : 0 pc dlgmain nosize;pn "TYKO"; menupop "Tiedot"; menu restore "&Hae tiedot" "" "Hakee tiedot tiedostoista" "Hakee tiedot tiedostoista"; menu store "&Talleta tiedot" "" "Tallettaa tiedot tiedostoihin" "Tallettaa tiedot tiedostoihin"; menu storeres "&Talleta tulokset" "" "Tallettaa tulostiedot tiedostoihin" "Tallettaa tulostiedot tiedostoihin"; menu storeref "&Vertailuk�yr� tekstiksi" "" "Vertailuk�yr� talletetaan tesktitiedostoon" "Vertailuk�yr� talletetaan tesktitiedostoon"; menusep ; menu enermet "&Energia" "" "Energiamittauslukemat" "Energiamittauslukemat"; menu time "&Aika" "" "Aikavy�hykkeet" "Aikavy�hykkeet"; menu specday "Er&ikoisp�iv�t" "" "Erikoisp�iv�t" "Erikoisp�iv�t"; menu tariff "&Tariffi" "" "Tasoitustariffi" "Tasoitustariffii"; menu model "&Mallitiedosto" "" "Mallitiedostot" "Mallitiedostot"; menusep ; menu exit "&Exit" "" "" ""; menupopz; menupop "Raportit"; menu viewrules "Aikas��nn�t" "" "Katsele aikas��nt�j�" "Katsele aikas��nt�j�"; menu viewtariffs "Tasoitustariffit" "" "Katsele tasoitustariffeja" "Katsele tasoitustariffeja"; menusep ; menu calcsumall "Pitk� yhteenveto" "" "Laskee pitk�n ajan summak�yr�n" "Laskee pitk�n ajan summak�yr�n"; menupopz; menupop "Ohje"; menu helpinfo "&Apua" "" "Ohjeita" "Ohjeita"; menusep ; menu aboutinfo "About..." "" "Taustaa" "Taustaa"; menupopz; sbar 1 ; sbarset newstat 100 "TYKO"; sbarshow; xywh 113 9 39 11;cc ok button;cn "Hyv�ksy"; xywh 247 114 33 12;cc cancel button;cn "Sulje"; xywh 4 25 198 97;cc tabs1 tab; xywh 4 9 50 73;cc lpntsel combolist ws_vscroll; xywh 210 57 39 78;cc daysel combolist ws_vscroll; xywh 246 91 19 11;cc tempvalue static ws_border;cn "L�mp�tila"; xywh 212 92 19 10;cc tempappl static;cn "L�mp�tilasovellettu"; xywh 265 91 11 11;cc tempmet spinv; xywh 207 74 72 31;cc ccgroupbox groupbox;cn "L�mp�tila klo 7.00-9.00 /C"; xywh 217 2 62 11;cc sumsellers button;cn "Myyjien vuosienergiat"; xywh 217 13 62 11;cc sumloads button;cn "Myyjien tuntienergiat"; xywh 217 24 62 11;cc sumloadsgr button;cn "Tuntienergiat ryhmitt�in"; xywh 217 35 62 11;cc reconcil button;cn "Tasoituslaskelma"; xywh 54 9 28 11;cc newlp button;cn "Uusi"; xywh 82 9 28 11;cc dellp button;cn "Poista"; xywh 1 0 204 126;cc ccgroupbox groupbox;cn "K�ytt�paikka"; xywh 249 57 28 11;cc caledit button;cn "Kalenteri"; xywh 212 81 25 10;cc ccstatic static;cn "Sovellettu"; xywh 246 81 20 10;cc ccstatic static;cn "Mitattu"; xywh 207 49 72 22;cc ccgroupbox groupbox;cn "K�sittelyp�iv�"; xywh 208 114 35 12;cc helpinfodlg button;cn "Apua"; pas 6 6;pcenter; rem form end; ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 21 18:44:08 1998 Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 18:29:00 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: wd in CE References: <> <> >Anssi Seppala wrote: > > I am now testing to port my J PC-application to WinCE. All went fine until > I got DOMAIN ERROR from a form definition. The form is not a simple one and > it includes tab-control. Because the only message is DOMAIN ERROR it is > rather difficult to find the error. On any wd domain error you can get additional information by doing wd'qer'. Wince doesn't support a number of the newer, more complicated controls. It doesn't support toolbar, statusbar, tab, or ocx controls. I'm not sure about spinv, you'll have to test that. Wince doesn't paint a groupbox properly (it obscures other controls) and you have place it in the form definition after the controls it 'contains'. With a form as complicated as your example you probably also have a problem with size, and will probably have to organize things a bit differently. The biggest problem is probably the lack of tab. Although it doesn't look as nice, you can get the benefit of a tab organization simply by using a serious of buttons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 22 17:10:14 1998 Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 23:37:50 +0200 From: Anssi Seppala Subject: Re: Jforum: wd in CE In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit OK. I have been using tabs, which means that WinCE forms will be different while they are done without tab. The difficulty is the case where the number of tabs is varying according to the data. Such selections must be done using lisbox in CE. I purchased an almost new HP620 and try now to figure how the WinCE application is similar or different to Win application. The qui is really limited in many ways, but on the other hand the pointing with the pen on the screen is very handy. Now I have realised that the port form NT to CE is not a straightforward process. If I want to support both platforms, I must have two gui designs. The computation itself seems to run well. Anssi PS wd 'qer' does not tell much here. It says: "command not supported : 1317" What is the number 1317? At 18:29 21.12.1998 -0500, you wrote: >On any wd domain error you can get additional information by doing >wd'qer'. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Anssi Sepp�l� Konsultti, s�hk�markkinat ja s�hk�njakelu: Sovellukset ja ohjelmistot e-mail: tel: +358 9 45400550 Enease Oy fax: +358 9 45400551 Mannerheimintie 66 A mob: +358 400 760077 FIN - 00260 HELSINKI, Finland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 00:55:23 1998 Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 23:44:18 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: Replacing characters What's a good way to convert spaces to commas in a string? I'm trying to set the selection in a listbox and it seems that if you have multiple selections they must be comma delimitted. I have '1 3 5' I want '1,3,5' Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 01:55:59 1998 From: Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 01:41:07 EST Subject: Re: Jforum: Replacing characters Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Peter Nichols: One straightforward way to replace spaces by commas is to locate the positions of the spaces, and use these indices to amend the original. Here I show the steps: q=:'1 2 3' NB. original r=:',' NB. replacement w=:(q=' ')#i.#q NB. find indices of spaces w NB. the indices 1 3 e=:r w } q NB. replacement, indices, amend (}), original e 1,2,3 These can be put altogether like this: ','((q=' ')#i.#q)}q 1,2,3 A verb cfs to replace spaces by commas could be defined by: cfs=: define monad ',' ((y.=' ')#i.#y.)}y.' ) cfs q 1,2,3 Eugene McDonnell Palo Alto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 04:44:36 1998 References: <> Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:48:17 +0200 (EET) Subject: Re: Jforum: The new addiction 21-Dec-98 11:35 Eric Iverson wrote: > If I do a complete layout will Ready evaluate it? Ready button must check that your solution is correct. Currently it checks only for outline, not bothering itself with actual pieces usage. This means that it still allows solutions, that use the same domino unit more than once. > would be nice to have a Solve button that draws the solution as this > would make the goal more obvious. Thank you for idea. Solve button will really help. nsg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 04:48:17 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: The new addiction Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:40:56 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2E58.86387800" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E58.86387800 Given that I have the following position on a 4x4 board T1 T2 T3 T4 L1 R R G L2 G G R L3 R G G L4 R R G G If R now does L2 then obviously it will push the G into forming a four in a column (T3). The R also form a column (T1). What happens is that G also makes a move at random and declares G the winner because it has ruined the red column one way or the other. I guess when R does L2 and pushes G into the column it is a win for G. So I have question: Should the game continue and G make one more move to ruin the four Rs after the win or just stop and declare itself the winner ? It was a bit confusing a first but the undo helps to set the record straight. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E58.86387800 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhEJAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAA5syAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAB4AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBUaGUgbmV3IGFkZGljdGlvbgAYCgEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAXAAkAKAA4AAMAZAEBIIADAA4A AADOBwwAFwAJABAABgADABoBAQmAAQAhAAAANDg0MERFMzQ0NDlBRDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAw MDAAFAcBA5AGABwEAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAQIbJ VlguvgEeAHAAAQAAAB4AAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBUaGUgbmV3IGFkZGljdGlvbgAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAG+LlhWrzTeQEmaRBHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQ AAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhDBNwMKAwAHEPwBAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABHSVZFTlRIQVRJ SEFWRVRIRUZPTExPV0lOR1BPU0lUSU9OT05BNFg0Qk9BUkRUMVQyVDNUNEwxUlJHTDJHR1JMM1JH R0w0UlJHR0lGUk5PV0RPRVNMMlRIRU5PQlZJT1VTTFlJAAAAAAIBCRABAAAAnwIAAJsCAABcBAAA TFpGdaJ3gt7/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3Rl bQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgwG5nMTAzOQr7FFEVC/JjAEAgCoVHaXaZ CfAgdBGABUBJIBGA7xuAG7EcYAIQbBWgA/AZEEggcG8AkHRpAiAggR3BYSA0eDQgBuCvCxEKhQqF H6JUGtBUEeBUVDMf4DQKhUwa0FLbH6AhQUcgphHgRyGBH6P/B/AgpiBgIUEfoiJSIKYeYKchRSGI CoVJZiExbh0AeCBkbweRIiEcgR3RYoJ2HbB1c2x5IB2Q3iAD8BzgHVAoIGgccyJQyQuAdG8csXJt HSIeID8CEAhwCoULgB4RFYF1beUDoCggUCkuH+AckSFAbQdAcynUK2oxLDEKhVfzG9IRgHBwCfAE IAQAG7T3IlAswwDAaweRHiAEYBxR/RvhcgBwJwAtQTGgJvAFkL8LYBYQBCAhphyCHRFuBJD7HnAF kGEoIBxgKHERgAQg/HJ1C4AJgBxzFhErhgIgXTNhYShQBbEcgm8cgXLeLh7cGX8ahRwQZwpQBBH+ dyeSIUAnBjHyKPIykimU/xyCK5UocS+RHiAdESniG1C3N4Y4fxqMUynQHBVxOiGlHaI6HtxTaAhg bDU0/GdhB4ArgQIwC4AKUDHj/yJQMII2MwRgFhAw9CnBNOL/MtkqkgfwMMEBgDPBM0U2ss5qKCAF QBPAb3Ax6ihh7RGwbCaAM0k/JZ0ogTSxbR4gYihxQ8FmKCAqNWmzEaAFQGJ1BUAcgnUxofscIEog cC+hKdARsTVFBaGHMhATwDGAaWdodDeNXC9HHXE+VRUxAFKwAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcw YNoW31QuvgFAAAgwYNoW31QuvgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAEUm ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E58.86387800-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 04:49:07 1998 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:37:22 +0100 From: "david alis" Subject: Re: Jforum: Replacing characters References: <> It all depends on what you mean by good... If good means being forced to think, then the expression ( ' ' i. x) } ',',:x=.'1 3 5' probably qualifies because of its use of the } item-amend adverb. A verb derived from the expression might look like this: sp2comma=. 3 : '( '' '' i. y.) } '','',:y.' If good means 'has wide applicability', 'easy to maintain', 'easy to understand' then utility rplc in the '..\system\main\string.ijs' would be a good candidate:: require'strings' '1 3 5' rplc' ';',' Question: does anyone have advice on how to convert to tacit form expressions that use the } adverb; either as 'item-amend' or as 'amend' , ? David Peter Nichols wrote: > What's a good way to convert spaces to commas in a string? I'm trying > to set the selection in a listbox and it seems that if you have multiple > selections they must be comma delimitted. > > I have > '1 3 5' > I want > '1,3,5' > > Thanks. > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > J Forum: for information about this list, see -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 04:59:47 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: Replacing characters Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 08:37:55 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2E51.37CC09E0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E51.37CC09E0 From:[] > A verb cfs to replace spaces by commas could be defined by: > cfs=: define monad > ',' ((y.=' ')#i.#y.)}y.' > ) Let me first say that your explanation in your message is excelent. There is however a tiny mistyping here at the end of the message. cfs=: monad define ',' ((y.=' ')#i.#y.)}y. ) It is actually very easy to copy and paste from an ijs script rather than typing in the text by hand :) /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E51.37CC09E0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjkIAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACEAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBSZXBsYWNpbmcgY2hhcmFjdGVycwCTCwEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAXAAgAJQA3AAMAXwEBIIAD AA4AAADOBwwAFwAIACAAGQADADwBAQmAAQAhAAAAMEJBMjlDQ0MzRjlBRDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZD MDAwMDAATAcBA5AGALgDAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkA gKgfiU8uvgEeAHAAAQAAACEAAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBSZXBsYWNpbmcgY2hhcmFjdGVycwAAAAAC AXEAAQAAABYAAAABvi5PiQ7MnKIMmj8R0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4A HwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQXr3hawMABxBOAQAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAARlJP TTpFRU1DREBBT0xDT01TTVRQOkVFTUNEQEFPTENPTUFWRVJCQ0ZTVE9SRVBMQUNFU1BBQ0VTQllD T01NQVNDT1VMREJFREVGSU5FREJZOkNGUz06REVGSU5FTU9OQUQsKAAAAAACAQkQAQAAADUCAAAx AgAAFQQAAExaRnUU9rW//wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHBy QnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYEBuZzEwMzkK/zFWNgwhE1Bv E9BjBUBGPQNhOgrhGesa1gyCIEWhE+BjZEBhBvAuBaCAbVtTTVRQOh17wl0Ki2xpMzYN8AtVyxRR C/JjAEAgPhunISXxGtZBIHYEkB1QIZAEIBh0byAWEAtRY2UgznMKsCSQBCBieSPAA3DHAMAEIAWg dWxkJSAkoO8NsQuACYAlIToKhyDPId9bGtYj0T0bkCZkIARgbhxhZCcfKC8pPycsJ0AgKCh5Lj0u sCcgKSNpLiMu8ClcOn0u8Ccrbyx/LY8pIM8fjyCdM2wwryBMEcArAE8koCaAEaAFQHNhJUB0ixGA BUB5CGEgZXgLUekrMHRpAiAgC4A4xAeBvThAZySgBAA5ESSQbAnwZHQuNYVUaASQOsNoyG93ZSOB IGEkAAuARSVAbQQAdHlwC4BnfzyQPDI4oTiAJKAJ8CYQb/5mPqM6ZTuWNYUqRCsTKpa/NYUuny+l NYUzVzWFSQVA0zrhANB0dQdAbCVAI4G9JUBlJaA4YSQgBaBwJUD/AHAmEDWwE8E30ANhR5E50PZq BCAE9XI4oDwhNYU4gd8DoD3FOeE+shPQeAVAJTETSlEmEDopQCwvR28XAJA1hRUxAE5AAAAAAwAQ EAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzAgdfXETi6+AUAACDAgdfXETi6+AR4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAA AgA= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E51.37CC09E0-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 05:36:50 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: Replacing characters Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 05:25:13 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" >What's a good way to convert spaces to commas in a string? In general, use rplc or charsub from strings.ijs to do search and replace. If all you want is a single character replace, try: f=. ','&((# i.@#)@(e.&' ')@]}) f '1 2 3' 1,2,3 A tacit generator for this is: subs=. [. & ((((e.&) ((# i.@#)@)) (@])) }) 'X' subs 'Y' 'XYZ' XXZ >to set the selection in a listbox and it seems that if you have multiple >selections they must be comma delimitted. They do not have to be comma delimited, in fact a comma is not a valid delimiter for wd while a blank is! Try setting the listbox to your example '1 2 3' and you will find that each number is in its own row. Use '1,2,3' and you get a single row. A discussion of wd parameters is in the start of help section: Help|wd Commands|overview|wd commands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 05:48:12 1998 From: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:13:35 +0000 Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:32:50 +0000 Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:32:55 +0000 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:32:55 +0000 Content-Identifier: m1211223093222aa Alternate-Recipient: Allowed In-Reply-To: <> Subject: Re: Jforum: Replacing characters David Alis wrote: >Question: does anyone have advice on how to convert to tacit form expressions that >use the } adverb; either as 'item-amend' or as 'amend' , ? Given this explicit form whereb =: ' '&= # i.@# NB. tacit verb to locate blanks btoc =: monad define NB. explicit verb ',' (whereb y.) } y.' ) whereb s =: '1 2 3' 1 3 btoc s 1,3,5 This is ok, but the only tacit form that I've found for this is horrendous: ','&( [ ` (whereb@]) ` ] }"1 ) s 1,3,5 or, expressed completely in primitives: ','&( [ ` ((' '&= # i.@#)@]) ` ] }"1 ) s 1,3,5 Perhaps best to stick to explicit versions! Mike Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 05:53:44 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Jforum: J402 for Unix Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 05:44:56 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" J402 for Unix platforms is now available from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 07:37:56 1998 Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 13:27:21 +0200 From: Leo =?iso-8859-1?Q?V=F5handu?= Subject: Re: Jforum: Replacing characters In-Reply-To: <002201be2e5e$aefa5f00$0f0114d1@xps200> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id HAA06675 First you have to make all blanks single with deb- utility otherwise you get wrong results. People are never able to type single b�anks! At 05:25 23.12.98 -0500, Chris Burke wrote: >>What's a good way to convert spaces to commas in a string? > >In general, use rplc or charsub from strings.ijs to do search and replace. > >If all you want is a single character replace, try: > > f=. ','&((# i.@#)@(e.&' ')@]}) > f '1 2 3' >1,2,3 > >A tacit generator for this is: > > subs=. [. & ((((e.&) ((# i.@#)@)) (@])) }) > > 'X' subs 'Y' 'XYZ' >XXZ > >>to set the selection in a listbox and it seems that if you have multiple >>selections they must be comma delimitted. > > >They do not have to be comma delimited, in fact a comma is not a valid >delimiter for wd while a blank is! Try setting the listbox to your example >'1 2 3' and you will find that each number is in its own row. Use '1,2,3' >and you get a single row. > >A discussion of wd parameters is in the start of help section: Help|wd >Commands|overview|wd commands. > > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- >J Forum: for information about this list, see > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 09:10:36 1998 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 14:51:09 +0100 (MET) From: Martin Neitzel Subject: Re: Jforum: Replacing characters First and foremost, I'd use a library function whenever there is one available to do the job. In this case "charsub" from the "strings" library, as Chris has already pointed out. BTW, there's another approach to solve the replacement problem: ]`(','"_) @. (' '&="0) This is actually scalar thinking but I think it expresses the mapping quite neatly. (I'm not very good at handling indexing, either.) Martin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 11:10:10 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: Replacing characters Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 15:57:47 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2E8D.3E5B7480" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E8D.3E5B7480 From:[] > q=:'1 2 3' NB. original > r=:',' NB. replacement > w=:(q=' ')#i.#q NB. find indices of spaces > e=:r w } q NB. replacement, indices, amend (}), original In order to make this more transparent to a new user why not just take your example as is: ReplaceChar=: monad define q=: y. NB. original r=:',' NB. replacement w=:(q=' ')#i.#q NB. find indices of spaces e=:r w } q NB. replacement, indices, amend (}), original ) ReplaceChar '1 2 3' 1,2,3 It is easy to make it complicated in many different ways one obvious extension is to introduce try catch and then possibly test for char maek it into a dyad and so on. ReplaceChar=: monad define q=: y. NB. original r=:',' NB. replacement try. w=:(q=' ')#i.#q NB. find indices of spaces e=:r w } q NB. replacement, indices, amend (}), original catch. 'something was wrong here' end. ) ReplaceChar '1 2 3' 1,2,3 ReplaceChar 1 2 3 something was wrong here Introducing something that looks like LISP (Lots of Idiotic Silly Paranthesis) may scare newcomers off even if it looks very interesting. subs=. [. & ((((e.&) ((# i.@#)@)) (@])) }) It certainly looks interesting to look at subs on its own in J. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E8D.3E5B7480 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IiYPAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACEAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBSZXBsYWNpbmcgY2hhcmFjdGVycwCTCwEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAXAA8AOQAvAAMAcgEBIIAD AA4AAADOBwwAFwAPACgALAADAF4BAQmAAQAhAAAANTFGODdFNUU3QjlBRDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZD MDAwMDAAPwcBA5AGADQFAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkA ADMy/IwuvgEeAHAAAQAAACEAAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBSZXBsYWNpbmcgY2hhcmFjdGVycwAAAAAC AXEAAQAAABYAAAABvi6M+81efvhSmnsR0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4A HwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQAjACBwMABxCVAwAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAARlJP TTpFRU1DREBBT0xDT01TTVRQOkVFTUNEQEFPTENPTVE9OjEyM05CT1JJR0lOQUxSPTosTkJSRVBM QUNFTUVOVFc9OihRPSkjSSNRTkJGSU5ESU5ESUNFU09GU1BBQ0VTRQAAAAACAQkQAQAAALEDAACt AwAAigcAAExaRnUWmHr2/wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHBy QnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYEBuZzEwMzkK/zFWNgwhE1Bv E9BjBUBGPQNhOgrhGesa1gyCIEWhE+BjZEBhBvAuBaCAbVtTTVRQOh17wl0Ki2xpMzYN8AtVixRR C/JjAEAgPiAh4TBxPTonIbAR4DMnkQewQi4gBbBpZwuA1wdACoUh03IiMSwisCHityLSFhALUWMT 4AnwdCOaGnciMCgiICKwJykjUGkuI3Ek5GYLgGQaICgRaSWQBCBvZiDucwqwKJEjmWUiMAXAB+Bs XH0iECTvLChGK9Bh6yWxKDAoKoApK9AjHRl7OyEpLcVJA6AFsASBIHSkbyAAwGtlMKBoBAD3MNAF sDERcgBxLfElwTCiaGEgbgfRdRGwKkFo5nky0BrwIGozIDJxMPHtLcV5CGEqAHgsgAtQMRC2YQQg BAA6LcUtxVIlVP5DEYEiMDFxI2AoMA2xC4D/NHYh5TTgIvAi3zj0JF8lbv8mfyePKJ845SofKy8s PyMdPik2Lzc2PfAiZC3FMSxoMiwzRRxJBUAxUWX3NcAzkDC2aQVAHhELUD9Q7mET0D8CMNFuM5A/ QA3Q8wSQMlJ3YROwIwAy4CMA+GJ2aQhgBCAtxTVAE9B/AIECIEjiMLELgDHQBHB1/yWQMcEzkEqB EXBDQD7xMTDRCfAgcG8EEGkCYElRfweQBUACEAXAEXItxQDAZc5rSeJOgTKiZHk4EU/C/nMwwAIg OeBFHzc/OE85X786bzt/Jaotxh0yTyEuPN//Pe8+/0APQR9CL0M/I0pbOvtPY1fQJ1OgB4AxMRkQ S/H9BCB3A2BmEVAQFhBHFh0j/2LRXCZFD0YfRy9W42kvR3H/InItxWWvZrVrjzAgTqRucpduGDEw SpAgFaBvawQgQyBQMQFMSVNQYwBM+xrwXuNJXqAa8F6wBgADEL1QsVAKwABwUAEAkHNopv8AwDOQ BPAyMTLSHhEEkF7i+SjgZXZQIQaQSeJyVHeA/08xToFLoRPAbnFcJi4/AdBBIeJzdWJzPVfQWw1X 0CZjAHwxZS4mKQV8ISNecC5AIylA8il8oUBdfWFjIUhYJZD/ACALcVCxclR42TCiclJioN8FQHty TEFJ4V7hd04BA6BOSlwmeZcury9HUGBpC3mVFTEAhZAAAAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMID1 P5qKLr4BQAAIMID1P5qKLr4BHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAAD2kQ== ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E8D.3E5B7480-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 11:14:10 1998 From: "Roger Hui" Subject: Jforum: Re: Replacing characters Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 07:40:33 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Peter Nichols writes on Wednesday, December 23: >What's a good way to convert spaces to commas in a string? I'm trying >to set the selection in a listbox and it seems that if you have multiple >selections they must be comma delimitted. > >I have > '1 3 5' >I want > '1,3,5' There is a phrase ("idiom") to replace single characters by corresponding single characters, viz.: f =: (' ',a.)&i. { (',',a.)"_ f 'Cogito, ergo sum.' Cogito,,ergo,sum. The problems of translating to lower/upper case are of this pattern: A =: a.{~65+i.26 a =: a.{~97+i.26 lc=: (A,a.)&i. { (a,a.)"_ uc=: (a,a.)&i. { (A,a.)"_ lc 'Cogito, ergo sum.' cogito, ergo sum. uc 'Cogito, ergo sum.' COGITO, ERGO SUM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 11:22:43 1998 From: "Roger Hui" Subject: Jforum: Re: The new addiction Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 07:56:14 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Bjorn Helgason writes on Wednesday, December 23: >Given that I have the following position on a 4x4 board > > T1 T2 T3 T4 >L1 R R G >L2 G G R >L3 R G G >L4 R R G G > >If R now does L2 then obviously it will push the G into forming a four >in a column (T3). The R also form a column (T1). >What happens is that G also makes a move at random and declares G >the winner because it has ruined the red column one way or the other. > >I guess when R does L2 and pushes G into the column it is a win for G. > >So I have question: > >Should the game continue and G make one more move to ruin >the four Rs after the win or just stop and declare itself the winner ? > >It was a bit confusing a first but the undo helps to set the record straight. This situation is unambiguously covered by a careful reading of the rules. The winner is the player who as a _surplus_ of straights.When column 1 is all R and column 3 is all G (and there are no other straights), there is not yet a winner. Player G then makes a move that wrecks column 1 but leaves column 3 still all G, and at that point it becomes the winner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 12:49:06 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: Re: The new addiction Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 17:36:49 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2E9B.20166620" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E9B.20166620 From: Roger Hui[] > The winner is the player who as a _surplus_ of straights.When column 1 > is all R and column 3 is all G (and there are no other straights), there is > not yet a winner. Player G then makes a move that wrecks column 1 but > leaves column 3 still all G, and at that point it becomes the winner. Ahh... That was the reason !!! As usual I did NOT read the manual correctly. Thanks !!! This game is actually quite good. First time I have something in J which both myself and my daughter find equally interesting !!! I am going to introduce it to my mother when she comes back from Florida mid january. She is a FreeCell addict. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E9B.20166620 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgARAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAA5syAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACIAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBSZTogVGhlIG5ldyBhZGRpY3Rpb24AKQsBBYADAA4AAADOBwwAFwARACQAMQADAGEBASCA AwAOAAAAzgcMABcAEQAfADQAAwBfAQEJgAEAIQAAADhCMDgzOUNBOEM5QUQyMTE4QjlBMkNBMUZG QzAwMDAwADkHAQOQBgBsBAAAEgAAAAsAIwABAAAAAwAmAAAAAAALACkAAQAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5 AEB2rdGaLr4BHgBwAAEAAAAiAAAAUkU6IEpmb3J1bTogUmU6IFRoZSBuZXcgYWRkaWN0aW9uAAAA AgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAb4umtGcyjkIjJqMEdKLmiyh/8AAAAAAHgAeDAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAe AB8MAQAAABAAAABnb3NpQGNlbnRydW0uaXMAAwAGEErF0zQDAAcQAgIAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAEZS T006Uk9HRVJIVUlTTVRQOlJIVUlASU5URVJMT0dDT01USEVXSU5ORVJJU1RIRVBMQVlFUldIT0FT QVNVUlBMVVNPRlNUUkFJR0hUU1dIRU5DT0xVTU4xSVNBTExSQU5EQ08AAAAAAgEJEAEAAADqAgAA 5gIAAPsEAABMWkZ1ujr8vv8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBw ckJxEeJzdGVtAoMzdwLkBxMCgH0KgAjPCdk78RYPMjU1AoAKgQ2xC2BAbmcxMDM5Cv8xVjYMIRNQ bxPQYwVARn0DYToK4RnrGtYMggfxZwEEkCBIdWlbU03QVFA6Uh3RQAuAE9CSchWgZy4FoG1dCovw bGkzNg3wC1UUUQvycmMAQCA+G6chJRrWVMhoZSAD8G5uHaEEACwgdCNxC1F5HaF3aAhvIGEEIGEg X3MDCHALUHVzXyBvZgogE8ByC3BnaHRznC5XI3ADoBWBdW0DoP4xCocgzyHfGtYkEQdAAyBSUiUg bmQnNjMq5kd8ICgrgiRBFhAlIC1hbs8lEBrwLUEmSCksLSUEAP8nzyjfKe8t0AVAJLAFQCVg8SOk LiBQJJQswCRBA6DdAMBrB5ElYARgdiOAJEDKYQVAdxYQY2sEICdG8CBidXQfjyCfMR8iufhsZWE1 cDZHLDATwAMQPwMgLIMvACuCNcE1o3Bv9x6xJAAFQGIFkQeCJEIzdYcKjzicP1VBaGguQeD/P1U/ VSNgNcIlMSRCFhAlMHkCICAhRDBBRgQgJeB1QQdAIEkgZGkroE7cT1RDsi0TNMFuRSIFofE2AXRs eUIPAHA2MUQ480KHJBFnYQeAKuMbIEUhuUdwIHEd4BPQSkBvBHDzM9BHrEZpEaA9IQdxRVG/EYA1 cUPwB4AkQAuAZyQA9QOgSiThaRFwNuAuATTAeROwZWwmMCuCT8BFcGFudSahHaE/VWYLgCugZf9L YEsTHrMHkDwQTpFEMUVRd0pgS7FOgnQlEB6xA2Bk/HVjL2E9ISUQUHEEYC0ytz9VJPAnEXMjcT5E YgDQ/mtRkANhG0AVoUWQNTFFkfpqRqJyR4AGACNxKvIbQe0J4ENP8DxBZEWAGyBHnbgvR28AkD9V FTEAXKAAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwwHrLIJouvgFAAAgwwHrLIJouvgEeAD0AAQAAAAUA AABSRTogAAAAAJpD ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2E9B.20166620-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 14:45:52 1998 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:21:16 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Jforum: RE: Right click menu In-Reply-To: <> Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="2093029708-1604507937-914440876=:5318" This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --2093029708-1604507937-914440876=:5318 NB. menu - Win32api popup menu v0.02 23-Dec-98 NB. NB. SYNOPSIS: NB. id=. ('|one||two|three')mnuPopup 100 100 NB. NB. fun1`fun2`fun3`error@.]('!one!two!three')mnuPopup 100 100 NB. NB. id=. '|&one|&two|t&hree'mnuPopup 5 52+2{.".wd'qformx' NB. NB. INSTAL: copy to user\winapi\menu.ijs NB. add ``menu user\winapi\menu winapi'' NB. into SYSTEM\EXTRAS\CONFIG\scripts.ijs NB. USE: load'menu' NB. HELP: scriptdoc'menu' NB. NB. SEE ALSO: NB. wd commands for menu, menupop, menupopz, menusep NB. NB. NOTE: implemented in accordance with J winapi practices NB. AUTHOR: Oleg Kobchenko ----------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 08:43:07 -0500 From: Alain Miville de Chene Subject: Jforum: Right click menu Something I sorely miss in J: a menu appearing after a right-click on an isigraph. We must be the only ones in the Windows world who use a language that can't provide this basic facility. --2093029708-1604507937-914440876=:5318 Content-Type: APPLICATION/zip; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" UEsDBBQAAgAAAL2LlyUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAd2luYXBpL1BLAwQUAAIA CAASqZclqmavbokDAABoBwAADwAAAHdpbmFwaS9tZW51Lmlqc41UbW/aSBD+ jsR/mNxJWWjCniGt1DNJBE3INdfwIuyojcQJHO8S9mK87tq8BX58Z71AjNNK jZTFuzPzPDPPzG7nE4UpD2dQga8iPKt5kYBIRrPInMLcolYNameVa+5X/v5Y LHQ+0XQB56HT7Tm3jm22AIJdUCiRjQz5ZpMs5CaZKM5JeRrOeili1bL0fwYD YDwLqyNcano5G3GlpGrQ/0rkCGGOEOXod1BSarI51tTHKfVxGrUP+gAfaie1 Nf2DLhj5PpZquiQZhNuO4zbvbPBltIJEwizmarAQIaox0DpQ8X+84zJ/HmMw GqUa5Z3BfBNyGIFZhgjtPDhuqz1ofXP7TWdw1e3c3P4ziH0loiR+pbl3WrYO CaTHiAbdgn1u3fW0wQQw6WeM27a0WtC8c7r7tiwYljWdeiGLAQtP+3qartjn /ceL+Yp5lMHqdF1MQ0yjgKMx4QxLAM/3pWJe6HMsNJnAv9t6IVKenwifb0to 3rufu30bugF/gi/y0Z/w8FnCucT96rkRRyKk84CGPKEz77JYMFGJZNIGHnqP AYcRxvjPnJGsLVHi6Ykr5OVzTCrO2rwo4iFmmfBprPsYr2L8TCvTBIp/nwnF CQsChCQvBHYnxnHAl54uNt610/zotqD/Yns/xhc2VMEGsqaNywYupSWFnbGM ju2bodPqNftNt9tH3zW9XFO0+zKME5I1oq/baw9xCBwXHU/+yjpqS7/l3vc7 V+1r0LtOFxtye/NAtmK924/3HMWXc8G4vruV7eU1woiQ8WV6O8ZCxclm440T VA8bvQk8pNlj4Eh9O8XlwcQpnsxUGMOwCmIMvu53EHBWLOwCMOEzVAEvIo5a qjiynNcpBixxfsSYgnUxwbMrxb2EpzFtPawEmKQa11BQ7DbDAJzNocB86Z+m fehULOClQRxCKnacKMS6FOsDKz4gAR5nRTXHPIg5NUZrS2CwrItmOiQ6FZjU x0G99N6yrBNRriPFz1MzK1nCiiDeCr91Li7O+/O+LMTa97K+rK/qVr1kXpvJ ImQRKdfPT1Gra44scmUiioVh1R6VKsc6g3KDvlPFQnnX3Jxs2OPdjJkG/URa 0G9O7gzbRPId2E/yjisjSZ7mUUotYl40wbRcxcLruSZ63b3lyMmV50mf8DeS ItOvtTz01vyHJ29zyKr/i0JzDcpsNUFme4i+uxXDlyH67XfmARkWCz8AUEsD BBQAAgAIAM2olyXYJXivygIAAPEFAAAJAAAAcG9wdXAuaWpzlVRLb9swDL4b yH8gfIjWuQvy2lKs6w4rNuzSNgM6YIcCgR90LMx6VJZnu82PH6W8kRbYAsuh SH7kJ5KWwceaGwQmUNawLMesF/SC+d385/zqIwyBVi/QKWila33ZC5wbyRD2 v/ESw40GJDakusUmhHDzbE1KoyTbHf2R+tqaMrojobKxrSsosNRgsbWkskqV YLneQivUsI3CM+JpIfxB75McROjpiNt3ihruoT5J2L9W0qK01Wt4m8SGiHWV RfGAbSx0idVDFtv4gVfcWQeJ8HGdXKGl0A4+ojrNAMIbl20U7oQDR8o2gtHw BDqGMVxsoeNwJ2wdC9WQ2HZNAVOYUojJDGYfLtMUMKOHWwFNtSiq1KiydOKf jYjVIq6tKo63B1aDcaZk2YFVWqg/CIYvC+ulRFmrhBMPcvvUE596aWJdAJVk LbwC1HFFdRle6pRqjoY0BgXkyghAmdH2zE2an6uFqSVN22Q9bU0Gfv56we2X AXDJLY9L/oRrbIEGe8GyrLBkPj9zuyaW1mDlvJhXiFibuNlv4OZmcf/1172H UlW9pckYtSJXKQ3iNhbptC87O2KYlqrCQ45Me9Wx12YeFklNhTg4Es+uBsBW fSVx1beNYkLWc4eA9zAbRePnQTigkI/uhO2OmOvxW3b+mWfPny4HixFbOTzB V1LplxKPX0uclHH6e9UU3OKKNjXuCUyH/8XgJNIpF1/JhUhMrfdEWNomkHa0 2jwnwb1aL9BKaQlGTN9MIz64OHtecxHM48hIth3DtOBl5qay3fUsTTJD6DGA m5hEmQwNJGgbpKsnN7FAiGUGHmlQEsAm5D8ZrgHu3qGPjZLlLeQuGZzUg4kW xN5El4S7F0jfQOG0y/KxKdxMtbTJ24gOF8HBz1EkJelE2ws659RFdHpaKS0R EaVo7dRFxTvRvdS7fdfa8+7feiSVLbhcbjvUC/4CUEsBAhQAFAACAAAAvYuX JQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAHdpbmFwaS9QSwECFAAU AAIACAASqZclqmavbokDAABoBwAADwAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAlAAAAd2luYXBp L21lbnUuaWpzUEsBAhQAFAACAAgAzaiXJdgleK/KAgAA8QUAAAkAAAAAAAAA AAAgAAAA2wMAAHBvcHVwLmlqc1BLBQYAAAAAAwADAKkAAADMBgAAAAA= --2093029708-1604507937-914440876=:5318-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 14:52:02 1998 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:26:36 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Jforum: Object Browsers In-Reply-To: <> Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="2093029708-451991393-914441196=:5318" This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --2093029708-451991393-914441196=:5318 NB. obs - Object Browser Simple v0.03 20-Dec-98 NB. NB. SYNOPSIS: NB. load'obs' NB. obs'' NB. NB. INSTALL: NB. copy to user\ob\obs.ijs NB. add line 'obs user\ob\obs ob' NB. to 'SYSTEM\EXTRAS\CONFIG\scripts.ijs' And this one will require a patch to J4.02a that enables oleset for indexed properties. NB. obl - Object Browser with ListView v0.04 22-Dec-98 NB. NB. SYNOPSIS: NB. load'obl' NB. obl'' NB. NB. INSTALL: NB. copy to user\ob\obl.ijs NB. add line 'obl user\ob\obl ob' NB. to 'SYSTEM\EXTRAS\CONFIG\scripts.ijs' --2093029708-451991393-914441196=:5318 Content-Type: APPLICATION/zip; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" UEsDBBQAAgAIAFdylSVkpePjHwIAAAYHAAAJAAAAb2JiYXIuYm1wrZU9jttA DIUZIFi62rlGzrF97sIqU0bldMqN5GLrnCFHmNKAiwn5SOrPdhEgsiQKI2m+ eY8U/fH9jQnbDz2+6fFHj6LHF/qK8V9vRL/fiT7f6bRN2GmaPNhPL67Xq0Yb GdhpDA/2syE91f+1+UL4n98Tf1Ev+Nmdups2A85l2MbxOmXMtazRb2So9aJ+ sEy1ssRMK0fn64IRP8f95N3AA1afi/iox4fl0nTjA08q5xPGkU7UwzbeeOqD kPEaeL04L6JDWltj8nqj1qanPONIcHXk5wgnCdDk3Voz3q24Dxq77i/1jRBo PC05s9F4svmo3B4pc32WYeEoOdM3v/Lzib7RjTdVYE2ozkdYTt/09fRTVl6W luVvdj9tP/r5TN/wioG+C3gUZqY+s9Mdlj1P6cabB3jqo1m5+ilqyaE+V56v 5gKrJrhWQ5Q2AcmpvVwo60Uwl+Vvfl6fcucX+s68nb4CA7GEgtkMz4xSIWTR ePN49FNo0Qdaw2KP+Yvvb+NJ6LM2JPjQrYDwVehDTCbQ8qc02tfn3k+53yEw I3iwhF3SxiPkx8zUe/g2ULBoIyaVbEd6zFCtl1nXcfZTlmWBvoh4v6wWJ4/g 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AAAAAAAAAAAgAAAARRIAAG9icy5panNQSwUGAAAAAAwADAB3AgAADxYAAAAA --2093029708-451991393-914441196=:5318-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 15:16:34 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:57:19 +0100 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Subject: Jforum: More with Replace I frequently use Replace with very large table where I need to increment single values. Data sets can be v e r y large. This operation is done randomly over the data set and can be repeated just a few times or thousands of times for each atom. On small tables I have used: t=.(>:( Subject: RE: Jforum: More with Replace Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 22:46:38 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2EC6.449880C0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2EC6.449880C0 From: David Vincent-Jones[] > My solution at this juncture has been through file read/write Have you looked at Mapped Files ? I would hazard a guess you can find a solution there. You scan the file as if it were a noun and do the replace straight without need to do read/write. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2EC6.449880C0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IjIWAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABAB4AAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBNb3JlIHdpdGggUmVwbGFjZQAJCgEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAXABYALgAmAAMAZQEBIIADAA4A AADOBwwAFwAWACgAOAADAHEBAQmAAQAhAAAARDFDMERFMjRCMjlBRDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAw MDAANwcBA5AGAEgDAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAQEe0 GcYuvgEeAHAAAQAAAB4AAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBNb3JlIHdpdGggUmVwbGFjZQAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAG+LsYZmyTewNKashHSi5osof/AAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAQ AAAAZ29zaUBjZW50cnVtLmlzAAMABhAhZDXjAwAHEPoAAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABGUk9NOkRBVklE VklOQ0VOVC1KT05FU1NNVFA6R0VPTUFQQEdBTEFYWU5FVENPTU1ZU09MVVRJT05BVFRISVNKVU5D VFVSRUhBU0JFRU5USFJPVUdIRklMRVJFQUQvV1JJVEVIAAAAAAIBCRABAAAAzAEAAMgBAAAQAwAA TFpGdUjZTBv/AAoBDwIVAqgF6wKDAFAC8gkCAGNoCsBzZXQyNwYABsMCgzIDxQIAcHJCcRHic3Rl bQKDM3cC5AcTAoB9CoAIzwnZO/EWDzI1NQKACoENsQtgQG5nMTAzOQr/MVY2DCETUG8T0GMFQEY9 A2E6CuEZ6xrWDIIgREBhdmlkIFYLgGMxCfB0LUoCIAeQW1NATVRQOmdlA3FwREBnB0BheHkecHQS LgWgbV0Ki2xpM142DfALVRRRC/JjAEAgDj4bpyH1GtZNeSBzkQbwdXRpAiAgYQVARHRoBAAganUd 8HTZCHBlIBGABCBiCeElEcEDYHVnaCBmAxAl4OEWEGFkL3cFEBPQIF9vIW8icQqPIcxIHYAl4Hll CGAgFaBvawmAJOJNtR9AcC0RRichBCA/KkZoSSB3CGBsHbARgHpzCxEk4CBnClAEESySY3sDkScQ bi+iJGclIASQZfYuKl8hzFksoQTwA5Exwd8nBCYRBpA1UAVAdzHhL7HObghgJNEw4WRvNJMWEO8L UR4AKkYTwHILcCbgNaG9J9BoCGAFQB5wLRF0NtAfNsEnaDIWMi8hzC9HbxcAkDsFFTEAPfADABAQ AAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMKAb8k3FLr4BQAAIMKAb8k3FLr4BHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAAD0 2w== ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2EC6.449880C0-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 18:59:03 1998 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 18:46:39 -0500 From: Alain Miville de Ch�ne Subject: Jforum: RE: Right click menu Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id SAA08211 Thanks Oleg for the nice Christmas present. It works. Now I will study it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 19:48:22 1998 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 16:37:02 -0800 From: (Ken Ian Gordon) Subject: Re: Jforum: More with Replace >I frequently use Replace with very large table where I need to >increment single values. >Data sets can be v e r y large. >This operation is done randomly over the data set and can be >repeated just a few times or thousands of times for each atom. > >On small tables I have used: >t=.(>:(but the memory usage is prohibitave as the set grows. > >My solution at this juncture has been through file read/write >Are there any better ideas out there. > >David V-J > >from David Vincent-Jones in Soglio >Reply through In Dyalog APL there was an interesting extension to indexed assignment which I miss in J. [think of <- as a single left assignment arrow in hte stuff below.] then for R <- X[I]f <- Y f may be any dyadic function which returns an explicit result. Y may be an array whose items are appropriate to function f. X must be the name of an existing array. I must be a valid index specification. The items of the indexed portion of X must be appropriate to function f. R is a pass throough value, that is the value of Y. ... The result of the derived function is to reset the indexed elements of X, that is X[I] to the result of X[I]fY Note that the potentially large array X is not transfered. Ex: A 1 2 3 4 5 A[2 4]+ <- 1 1 A 1 3 3 5 5 If an index is repeated, function f will be applied to the successive values of the indexed elements of X, taking the index occurrence in left to right order. Ex: B <- 5 rho 0 B[2 4 1 2 1 4 2 4 1 3]+ <- 1 B 3 3 1 3 0 Which looks like what you want. Now note that the final result is like the nubcount of the indices. In J, Converting the matrix indexes to a vector index and using nubcount on the resulting coordinates gives the number of times each location is to be incremented. One then adds the result to the coresponding locations in the matrix. With J it still results in the whole data being replicated, but only once instead of shuffling all the data on each update. Otherwise ask for the modified assignment operator a la Dyalog APL to be somehow added to J kig -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 23 22:18:18 1998 Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:57:33 -0500 From: Eric Iverson Organization: Iverson Software Inc. Subject: Re: Jforum: wd in CE References: <> <> <> >Anssi > wd 'qer' does not tell much here. It says: "command not supported : 1317" What >is the number 1317? wd'qer' returns error information for any wd domain error. There is a text error message followed by an index into the wd argument. In your case the 1317 is probably the index of a toolbar or statusbar command. This is documented in Help|wd commands|Overview|wd commands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 01:20:54 1998 Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 00:09:03 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: Borderless Windows & Invisible Controls How do I create a form that has no border? And is there a way to make a control invisible and visible? Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 01:43:53 1998 From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Leo_V=F5handu?=" Subject: Re: Jforum: Re: Replacing characters Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 08:29:09 +0200 charset="iso-8859-1" Before you can replace blanks with commas you must ake them to be singles otherwise you get afterwards errors in data. So use deb-utility first. -----Original Message----- From: Roger Hui Date: 23. detsember 1998. a. 18:17 Subject: Jforum: Re: Replacing characters >Peter Nichols writes on Wednesday, December 23: > >>What's a good way to convert spaces to commas in a string? I'm trying >>to set the selection in a listbox and it seems that if you have multiple >>selections they must be comma delimitted. >> >>I have >> '1 3 5' >>I want >> '1,3,5' > > >There is a phrase ("idiom") to replace single characters by corresponding >single characters, viz.: > > f =: (' ',a.)&i. { (',',a.)"_ > f 'Cogito, ergo sum.' >Cogito,,ergo,sum. > >The problems of translating to lower/upper case are of this pattern: > > A =: a.{~65+i.26 > a =: a.{~97+i.26 > lc=: (A,a.)&i. { (a,a.)"_ > uc=: (a,a.)&i. { (A,a.)"_ > > lc 'Cogito, ergo sum.' >cogito, ergo sum. > uc 'Cogito, ergo sum.' >COGITO, ERGO SUM. > > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- >J Forum: for information about this list, see > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 05:10:49 1998 From: "Simon Garland" Subject: Jforum: replacing blanks with comma Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 10:52:26 +0100 charset="iso-8859-1" if the strings are words then you can use ;: which will also take care of multiple+leading+trailing blanks something like: blanksToCommas=. [: }. [: ; [: (','"_ , ])&.> [: ;: ] which tokenizes it, stuffs a comma on the front of each token, razes it, then drops the leading ',' this won't work with numbers, or symbols: blanksToCommas 'cogito ergo sum' cogito,ergo,sum blanksToCommas 'cogito ergo +/' cogito,ergo,+,/ blanksToCommas 'cogito,ergo,sum' cogito,,,ergo,,,sum /Simon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 06:41:35 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: Borderless Windows & Invisible Controls Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 06:28:10 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Peter Nichols writes: >How do I create a form that has no border? And is there a way to make a >control invisible and visible? Thanks. You cannot create a form with no border. Use the wd "setshow" command to make a control invisible and visible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 10:33:02 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: Jforum: Jola og nyarskvedjur Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 15:05:14 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2F51.ABE32880" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2F51.ABE32880 Gledileg jol og farsaelt komandi ar oska eg ykkur ollum med thokkum fyrir anaegjuleg samskipti a arinu sem er ad lida. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2F51.ABE32880 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IisPAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABABUAAABKb2xhIG9n IG55YXJza3ZlZGp1cgDEBwEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAYAA8ABQAOAAQAHwEBIIADAA4AAADOBwwAGAAP AAIAJwAEADUBAQmAAQAhAAAAOUExOUVDRTExOTlCRDIxMThCOUEyQ0ExRkZDMDAwMDAAOQcBA5AG AGwCAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAYB1Xz04vvgEeAHAA AQAAABUAAABKb2xhIG9nIG55YXJza3ZlZGp1cgAAAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvi9Oz0/h7BmbmxkR 0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5p cwADAAYQVN5tagMABxBmAAAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAAR0xFRElMRUdKT0xPR0ZBUlNBRUxUS09NQU5E SUFST1NLQUVHWUtLVVJPTExVTU1FRFRIT0tLVU1GWVJJUkFOQUVHSlVMRUdTQU1TS0lQVElBQVJJ TlVTRU1FUkFETElEQS9HTwAAAAACAQkQAQAAAPoAAAD2AAAAegEAAExaRnXUb+A0/wAKAQ8CFQKo BesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J 2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYMBuZzEwMzkK+xRRxQvyYwBAIEdsCYADEJBlZyBqBvAgbxtgomYRkWFl bAVAawNyBRsgIArBb3NrYSCxG1F5a2sIcBuwbApABG0gB4BkIHRob+UdwW0KhWZ5BRAFwABwsRww Z2p1G0IcIG0dQO8FIRzhHPELgHUgkBPgHXCDH9EekGxpZGEuCoVpCoUvRx0waQqFFTEAASSQAAAD ABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMGC3HnNOL74BQAAIMGC3HnNOL74BHgA9AAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAAeW ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2F51.ABE32880-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 10:53:59 1998 From: "Roger Hui" Subject: Jforum: Re: Replacing characters Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 07:36:57 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Leo V�handu writes on Thursday, December 24: >Before you can replace blanks with commas you must ake them to be singles >otherwise you get afterwards errors in data. So use deb-utility first. Well, that wasn't what was asked; the question was just to replace blanks by commas. Anyway, it's easy enough to replace multiple blanks by singles. Thus: f=: -.@(' '&E.) # ] '*',(f ' sesqui ped al ian '),'*' * sesqui ped al ian * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 12:10:14 1998 References: Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 13:21:35 +0200 (EET) Subject: Re: Jforum: RE: Right click menu Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 23-Dec-98 21:21 Oleg Kobchenko wrote: > > NB. INSTAL: copy to user\winapi\menu.ijs > NB. add ``menu user\winapi\menu winapi'' > NB. into SYSTEM\EXTRAS\CONFIG\scripts.ijs > NB. USE: load'menu' > NB. HELP: scriptdoc'menu' ����� ������ ����������� ��������� ��� ����� �� ������ � user\winapi � �������� � winapi locale? � ������, �����. � ��� ����������� �� ������ MENU �� ����������, ������? nsg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 13:12:47 1998 Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 20:02:18 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: RE: Right click menu In-Reply-To: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT Andrew forgot that not all yet have learnt Russian. On Thu, 24 Dec 1998, Andrew Nikitin wrote: > 23-Dec-98 21:21 Oleg Kobchenko wrote: > > > > NB. INSTAL: copy to user\winapi\menu.ijs > > NB. add ``menu user\winapi\menu winapi'' > > NB. into SYSTEM\EXTRAS\CONFIG\scripts.ijs > > NB. USE: load'menu' > > NB. HELP: scriptdoc'menu' > > ����� ������ ����������� ��������� ��� ����� �� ������ � user\winapi > � �������� � winapi locale? You are asking if `clipbrd' should also be adjusted to go into `user\winapi'. I agree, as well as for any other win32 cover modules. The other issue is convention for locale for these modelues. I would suggest using xxx_winapi_ for all the guts, and export the operating verbs to 'z' xxx_z_=: xxx_winapi_, like it is done for all `design-time' stuff, like load, scripts, etc. > � ������, �����. � ��� ����������� �� ������ MENU �� ����������, ������? As for how to use the `shotcut menu' button from J, it is not being detected by the wdhandler. However, invocation of shortcut menu can be assigned to some other key. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 13:13:45 1998 Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 20:05:37 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Jforum: Merry Christmas to all! In-Reply-To: (, {.) (,~ |.)"1 ({."0 _~ >:@i.@#) |. 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!' !! S!!S AS!!SA MAS!!SAM TMAS!!SAMT STMAS!!SAMTS ISTMAS!!SAMTSI RISTMAS!!SAMTSIR HRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRH CHRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRHC CHRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRHC Y CHRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRHC Y RY CHRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRHC YR RRY CHRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRHC YRR ERRY CHRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRHC YRRE MERRY CHRISTMAS!!SAMTSIRHC YRREM !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Thu Dec 24 15:41:10 1998 Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 22:31:15 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: Merry Christmas to all! In-Reply-To: This is a nice quotation from Dvorak's 'What happened to ... APL?'. What comes to my mind is the introduction of DLL/OCX API in J, as well as the OOP, etc. It is an alert to be very careful about it. ---> actually had to know the APIs. This put most programming into the hands of professionals, who began to use Pascal, then C, and now C++. Visual Basic also entered the picture, and it was a complete departure from traditional Basic. APL was a small player during this changeover and pretty much got shoved aside completely, which was probably good for the language. Unlike Basic, which was steamrollered with no following left, APL went underground and stayed there, where it still exists. Go to a good search site on the Web and look up APL, and you'll find thousands of sites supporting it. Try finding the same number supporting, say, Northstar Basic or MS-Basic. There are few, if any. <--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 25 06:10:05 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: J402 for Unix Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 11:01:39 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE2FF6.246AEC80" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2FF6.246AEC80 From: Chris Burke[] > J402 for Unix platforms is now available from I downloaded the Linux version twice now and I only get 502K instead of 513K as it says I should be receiving (compressed tar). Trying tar on it tells me it is not a tar file. Am i doing something wrong ? I have tried tar -xpf j402alin.tgz tar -xpfZ j402alin.tgz zcat, uncompress and nothing works. I have on earlier versions used NT to unzip the files but I was going to do this in Linux this time around all the way. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2FF6.246AEC80 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgQLAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAA5syAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABABoAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBKNDAyIGZvciBVbml4AMkHAQWAAwAOAAAAzgcMABkACwABACcABQAyAQEggAMADgAAAM4H DAAZAAoAOQAZAAUAWwEBCYABACEAAABBNDQ3QUY3RUU4OUJEMjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAwMABN BwEDkAYA/AMAABIAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAEAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQDgzkvy9S++ AR4AcAABAAAAGgAAAFJFOiBKZm9ydW06IEo0MDIgZm9yIFVuaXgAAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvi/1 8ip+r0elm+gR0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lA Y2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQsN49gQMABxCsAQAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAARlJPTTpDSFJJU0JVUktFU01U UDpDREJVUktFQElOVEVSTE9HQ09NSjQwMkZPUlVOSVhQTEFURk9STVNJU05PV0FWQUlMQUJMRUZS T01XV1dKU09GVFdBUkVDT01JRE9XTkxPQQAAAAACAQkQAQAAAIICAAB+AgAADAQAAExaRnUkly0L /wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQH EwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYEBuZzEwMzkK/zFWNgwhE1BvE9BjBUBGPQNhOgrhGesa 1gyCIEMWaAUQBCBCCHBrZVsAU01UUDpjZGItHeJAC4AT0HIVoGcuCQWgbV0Ki2xpMzYvDfALVRRR C/JjAEAgPscbpyF1GtZKNDAR4AIQ5QXAVQMAeCALUQAwBbAmbQQgHaFubwfgYXY3C3ALYAJgZSPw A2Egd6EmkC5qc28BgHcKwH5lH4If3yDvIfEKjyFMSVQgZCVwbhWgYQ2wZKggdGgmIEwLgHUkcL52 BJAAkAIgLKAD8GMmIB0lY24skCvgAiBseSDSZxHAIDUj0EslIACAnxPQLGAp9SbwL1AxMy+QZmEl EQVAc2ETsCvRc+poCGBsLJBiJiAWEC4AxGl2C4BnICgfkRNQzweQEbAskQrAKS4p9Sn1+FRyeTLi M+EuwTEyE9B8bGwEIAeAMTIlMwVAYV01c2YDECdQNDxBJnBpvyvxMuIm4AeALLAy4ncDYP0y8T80 PCvgEYAtUCygCIGhM8MgLXhwMKBqI8HDB0ALgC50Z3op/yFMTTxWWjzfCsF6YySwLPggdW4zNi5j NxE55AWw+GtzLjt2LaEv8B9ACJGbLUYEIHUzoT2lTlQsoPpvQbF6BSAsozeyBCAeoO8FQCvgJyAE IGc5Q0YxLADfLKEdoQuALOVIw3QHcT2lfwrACGAugQdAAyAssicgeXE0LS9HbwCQPaUVMQABTbAA AAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwoEIUW/UvvgFAAAgwoEIUW/UvvgEeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTog AAAAACkf ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE2FF6.246AEC80-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 25 11:01:10 1998 Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 16:53:27 +0100 (MET) From: Martin Neitzel Subject: RE: Jforum: J402 for Unix > > J402 for Unix platforms is now available from > > I downloaded the Linux version twice now and I only get 502K instead > of 513K as it says I should be receiving (compressed tar). Well, the exact size is 513221 bytes which translates into 501.2 Kb. > Trying tar on it tells me it is not a tar file. Use file(1) if you are unsecure about the nature of a file: juggle 3 > file gzip compressed data - deflate method , last modified: Wed Dec 16 04:24:39 1998 os: Unix These are the sum(1) checksums on the Unix packages: download 8 > sum j402a*tgz 25754 599 j402a-AIX.tgz 14123 803 j402a-FreeBSD.tgz 26740 456 j402a-Linux-Debian.tgz 07747 502 j402a-Linux.tgz 14770 460 j402a-NetBSD.tgz 03898 1006 j402a-SunOS.tgz Verify your downloaded copy against this. > Am i doing something wrong ? > I have tried tar -xpf j402alin.tgz > tar -xpfZ j402alin.tgz > zcat, uncompress and nothing works. "tar -xvzf j402alin.tgz" is what you want. The package overview at contains this instruction. Please read this. You'd also be well advised to study the meaning of the z Z p t v options in the "tar --help | more" output and/or the "info" documentation of the GNU tar used on all Linuxes. The file suffix ".tgz" is a msdos-archivable concoction of the longer and more explicit ".tar.gz" suffix list, meaning somebody created an archive using tar and compressed that afterwards with gzip == GNU zip. This is not the same as the much older compression algorithm employed by compress(1) and zcat(1) of BSD-Unix heritage. The odds are a million to one, however, that the zcat on a Linux system groks both the traditional (I am reluctant to say "historic") "compress" and the "gzip" formats. Confusing, I know. (In case you ever run across a ".Z" suffix: _that_ is the old compress(1) format.) > I have on earlier versions used > NT to unzip the files but I was going to do this in Linux this time > around all the way. This is basically what you should do. Bringing yet another step into the game raises the chances for an error drastically if you are not very careful with all the options out there. For example, you could end up with mangled line endings or filenames with incorrect case. Unpack the kits on Linux and you'll be fine with the least hassles. Martin PS: What really _does_ qualify as "historic" are "pack" and "unpack" from Unix-SysIII (probably even earlier). So please take my last sentence with a grain of salt ;-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Fri Dec 25 14:51:41 1998 Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 14:34:45 -0500 From: William Kindree Organization: Interlog Internet Services Subject: Re: Jforum: Replacing characters References: <> > What's a good way to convert spaces to commas in a string? if x =. '1 3 5' then ((' ' , x) i. x) { ',' , x gives you the answer you want. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sat Dec 26 06:20:54 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: J402 for Unix Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 11:13:10 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE30C0.FB0C6460" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE30C0.FB0C6460 From: Martin Neitzel[] > "tar -xvzf j402alin.tgz" is what you want. Thanks !! That worked like a charm. I was obviously close but not close enough. You might want to add this line to the web instructions on After this bit then the install was much more precise than last time. This improves with every new release. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE30C0.FB0C6460 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgELAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADAFAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAABZ8yAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABABoAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBKNDAyIGZvciBVbml4AMkHAQWAAwAOAAAAzgcMABoACwANAAoABgAjAQEggAMADgAAAM4H DAAaAAsADQAKAAYAIwEBCYABACEAAAA4NDIyN0QwMkIzOUNEMjExOEI5QTJDQTFGRkMwMDAwMAAQ BwEDkAYAmAMAABIAAAALACMAAQAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAEAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQCAoKe4wDC+ AR4AcAABAAAAGgAAAFJFOiBKZm9ydW06IEo0MDIgZm9yIFVuaXgAAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvjDA uJ8CfSKNnLMR0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lA Y2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQL1LPmwMABxAiAQAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAARlJPTTpNQVJUSU5ORUlUWkVM U01UUDpORUlUWkVMQEdBRVJUTkVSREUiVEFSLVhWWkZKNDAyQUxJTlRHWiJJU1dIQVRZT1VXQU5U VEhBTktTVEhBVFdPUktFRExJS0VBQ0hBUgAAAAACAQkQAQAAAB4CAAAaAgAAJgMAAExaRnWmFNnH /wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQH EwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYEBuZzEwMzkK9GwQaTE4MALRaS0xPDQ0DfAM0BpzC1kx NqsMIRNQbxPQYwVARgNhfjoK4RtLHDYMggXQCsB0AwuAB7FpdHplbFtAU01UUDpuH1RAlGdhBJB0 IBByLg2w5l0KixnQMzYbFxRRC/JyYwBAID4dByL1HDYiAwGQBcAteHZ6ZiAaahqQMgdAC4AudGfI eiIgBAAgdxGABUDOeQhgJuAAcHQuCo8izCUn1VQRgG5rBCAhIVcn1SnIBUB3BbBrCYAgIxnQLCAg YSARcm0uDCBJJ3EEIG9idmlxCGBzbHkswBWgEbAg9GJ1BUBuHFAuNCfVCfApCGBnaC0gWSdRbWlH MCAr0SeRIHRvLKBk+SxAdGgmwSYxLJAxUTHAOSyQd2UesAuAE8BydX8cgC3QAIAn1QIgJuA0cC64 anNvAYAngBYQLgWgum0qzEEBgASQMbRiH2B/MoIDoDKSMxIHQAMgLWJt/TNgaDCQBbAskBNQBZAE AP8yQSpBJ9ULYBPAMUAHcS0g7yowJsEHcBwxdgeRA/AxwHsv0DvAci4gIBAH4BYQbE5lLXA1MCrM L0cuYGkLJ9UVMQA/UAAAAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzBAzg3ZvzC+AUAACDBAyLC4wDC+AR4A PQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAs/M= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE30C0.FB0C6460-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 27 14:38:02 1998 Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 14:22:43 -0500 (EST) From: "Brian M. Schott" Subject: Jforum: Mac runtime for Pousse? In-Reply-To: <004401be2924$4a1f9da0$d70114d1@xps200> Christmas guest enjoyed playing j's version of pousse on my Macintosh this weekend. One of them has asked for a runtime version for his mac, but there does not appear to be one and I do not believe the Mac j4.01 can create runtimes. Does anyone have a runtime pousse for a Mac? (B=) On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, Chris Burke wrote: +> +>c:\j3\jrt.exe examples\demo\runtime.js +> [lots deleted] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Sun Dec 27 17:57:58 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: Mac runtime for Pousse? Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 22:53:28 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE31EB.E235BA00" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE31EB.E235BA00 From: Brian M. Schott[SMTP:dscbms@panther.Gsu.EDU] > Christmas guest enjoyed playing j's version of > pousse on my Macintosh this weekend. One of them has asked > for a runtime version for his mac, but there does not appear > to be one and I do not believe the Mac j4.01 can create > runtimes. Does anyone have a runtime pousse for a Mac? Can you not do the same as under Windows to use /rt on a command line or in a shortcut icon properties? If you can then I did send in a note some days ago what to change in order to do it. I would like to know if there is a difference with the Mac. You run it like any ordinary freestanding application under Windows. I have set it up for Widows and you can run it without needing a license or evaluation key. I can send you the description if you lost it. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE31EB.E235BA00 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IikWAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACQAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBNYWMgcnVudGltZSBmb3IgUG91c3NlPwA4DAEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAbABYANQAcAAAAYwEB IIADAA4AAADOBwwAGwAWAC8AJwAAAGgBAQmAAQAhAAAAOENENEUyNUZERDlERDIxMThCOUEyQ0Ex RkZDMDAwMDAAXAcBA5AGAOAEAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABA ADkAoHEcuOsxvgEeAHAAAQAAACQAAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBNYWMgcnVudGltZSBmb3IgUG91c3Nl PwACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvjHruAJf4tSNnd0R0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAA AB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQVyRk2AMABxBxAgAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAA RlJPTTpCUklBTk1TQ0hPVFRTTVRQOkRTQ0JNU0BQQU5USEVSR1NVRURVQ0hSSVNUTUFTR1VFU1RF TkpPWUVEUExBWUlOR0pTVkVSU0lPTk9GUE9VU1NFT05NWU1BQ0lOVE9TSAAAAAACAQkQAQAAAF8D AABbAwAA4QUAAExaRnW9Pn5H/wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UC AHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYMBuZzEwMzkK9AzQeDE0 NA3wC1UUUQvyYwUAQCAKi2xpMTgwOQLRaS0Z8xncC8IxNqsMIRNQbxPQYwVARgNhnjoK4R2rHpYM giBCByE5A6BNLgYAEXAesHRbQFNNVFA6ZATwYlhtc0AKsAIwaASQLgBHc3UuRURVXdkbbTM2Gi8b MT4fZxq1eSBrQ2gFEBPAAMAEIGeLClATwCAJ8GpveQmACiALUXkLgGcgaicdBCB2BJAAkAIgIG9m bwqHJT8mTx6WcAhgBBBlcyrQA6BteQXQANALgHQwb3NoICMgBAAgd5UJ4GsJ8GQhoE9uLoH2Zi+R E+AgEYAEICiQMCA+ZCsPLB8tLwIQBcBhIPxydQIwB3EqVzUCL7IAwXAsIGJ1BUAjIi6AZBpvB5Fu HrAxcHBwZf8KwDHfMu8z/y9QNyAugi6AewBwKYBJN8E4EzwgHDBljypgMOIu8ioQNC4wG0D+YwOR BQA4kBPQI/8lDzo/aycpNWVzIaBEN+IAcHl/PFIRgD2xNUguNTUELwE/twqPGo9G0kMDkURQdTgT 8zzxPeJzYTWxKJE1cASB7CBXC4A30HcEIDvxLlC9LoAvACAukjVABaBtA4H/McYcMDCSBcALgDUx L3AVsfpjN0FpBaADoB6ROIAAIO0IkHNGlkalSTDQSUI+wvcjIQOgPNFpKYARsDyhTfO/OCFKEQNw N7EpwDFhZzwA/ncRgDvTEXEZEC6ARqVN8c8FsErSO/E88Wl0IaA80Hp3CGBsKYAcMDAgO+Jr/zgg B+AGkDdlL8E1QFHQDdD5N5FuYy6AA/AjIDDiRqX7LwEhoFlJUTVhViFW5EQx/1ViC4AKwC7gA1AJ 4BPAPJF/KeI4YRwwPsA1kCqxSrsuz0/dRJQRsVsCdXA080sQ/0tDPJJQ5lrVWVIIYAVAMJD/CYAp 4UalNUBdYQnwLnIFwNs9oAdAdV2UMCB5VlI+wv9SE0lCPeINsAT0KqJXwUlCT00GL2BgQl7NL0cv YGkLRqUVMQBrAAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAQAAHMKC3u+fqMb4BQAAIMKC3u+fqMb4BHgA9AAEA AAAFAAAAUkU6IAAAAAAZeA== ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE31EB.E235BA00-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Mon Dec 28 10:43:49 1998 Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 17:20:45 +0200 (EET) Subject: Jforum: j cryptarithm Hello, all. Do you like puzzles? I have one. Here is snapshot from j session with some characters replaced with "?" sign. CRYPTIC_PHRASE=:'(#~0???.?*&2???1 :??:"0) i.2^13' list ".CRYPTIC_PHRASE 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 489 512 971 978 1024 1031 1935 1942 1949 1956 1963 2048 2055 2062 3870 3884 3898 3912 3926 3983 3997 4011 4025 4096 4110 4124 4223 7740 7753 7768 7796 7824 7852 7867 7895 7923 7951 7966 7994 8022 8050 8093 8121 8149 There were no question signs in original phrase. Can you restore 9 missing charactres? (Version of j is 4.02). Can you explain the result? nsg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 29 06:07:19 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: Mac runtime for Pousse? Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 11:00:49 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE331A.B507B4E0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE331A.B507B4E0 From: Brian M. Schott[SMTP:dscbms@panther.Gsu.EDU] > Christmas guest enjoyed playing j's version of > pousse on my Macintosh this weekend. One of them has asked > for a runtime version for his mac, but there does not appear > to be one and I do not believe the Mac j4.01 can create > runtimes. Does anyone have a runtime pousse for a Mac? I went to the iMac vendor and he does not know how to give arguments to commands. How in the world does the Mac live without commands and arguments I can not understand. And by the way Pousse is not a part of the Mac j4.01. I did not bother to download J4.02 because I did not see see how you would be able to issue the command to do J.exe /rt pousse.ijs It is possible to attach J to pousse.ijs but how to make it take /rt I do not know. /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE331A.B507B4E0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhULAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACQAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBNYWMgcnVudGltZSBmb3IgUG91c3NlPwA4DAEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAdAAsAAAAxAAIAPAEB IIADAA4AAADOBwwAHQAKADYABAACAEQBAQmAAQAhAAAARUVCRDg5RjUwQTlGRDIxMThCOUEyQ0Ex RkZDMDAwMDAAXgcBA5AGAMAEAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABA ADkAQK4XfhozvgEeAHAAAQAAACQAAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBNYWMgcnVudGltZSBmb3IgUG91c3Nl PwACAXEAAQAAABsAAAABvjHruAJf4tSNnd0R0ouaLKH/wAAAAEt1N1MAHgAeDAEAAAAFAAAAU01U UAAAAAAeAB8MAQAAABAAAABnb3NpQGNlbnRydW0uaXMAAwAGENC1rfMDAAcQXgIAAB4ACBABAAAA ZQAAAEZST006QlJJQU5NU0NIT1RUU01UUDpEU0NCTVNAUEFOVEhFUkdTVUVEVUNIUklTVE1BU0dV RVNURU5KT1lFRFBMQVlJTkdKU1ZFUlNJT05PRlBPVVNTRU9OTVlNQUNJTlRPU0gAAAAAAgEJEAEA AAA6AwAANgMAAAwGAABMWkZ1+WZ9pv8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKD MgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMzNwLkBxMCgzQSzA/fZjV7EswUyDYDRRM1B20CgH0XCoAIzwnZOxvf MjU1DwKACoENsQtgbmcxMHQzOQr/MRkADDATUG/VE9BjBUBGA2E6CuEfuzMgpgyCIEIHIQOgTS4H BgARcCDAdFtTTVQIUDpkBPBibXNACwqwAjBoBJAuR3N1IC5FRFVdCotsaW8BwQtGFFEL8mMAQSCm PuchdyelIntDaAUQE8AAwC0EIGcKUBPAIAnwam8qeQmAIAtReQuAZyB0aicEIHYEkACQAiAgvG9m CocnTyhfKW5wCGDNBBBlLWADoG15BdAA0MELgHRvc2ggJTAEAFQgdwngawnwZCOwT9puMZFmMqET 4CARgAQg+ysgMzBkLZ8ury+/IKYCEOEFwGEgcnUCMAdxLOeHOJIywgDBLCBidQVA0yUyMZBkbweR biDANID4cHBlCsA07zX/Nw8gpr8yYDqwMZIxkABwLBBJO1H3O6NAMCbQZSzwM/IyAiygwDQuMDEg YwORBQB/PCAT0DxfPW8+fyCmOPVz7SOwRDtyAHB5QGIRgEHBLzjYMUU4lDIRPyYNMzb9Jx0gCo9E O0DRMwACMD/y/UHyaUIyLPAzUDiiQLFCAX07Z2s7sAfgI/AH4EABZ7ppSKJyK1AHgAIwc0yVu0AB BaBtA4EkkCOwSFFB6wuAQeN3BbBsLBA7Y0H2/ybQQcED8CUwCGAFQFNmTIb/QKJSN0DRQtI7sjkA BIETwOtAoSOwQUCxYjHwVHMsUPwgUDFUMtE7s0yGTMEFQO8z1EIoI7BA4WksEEEzIMCnJUE/8jtg d24bcGEsEP5KQoER4EAwQtAxYDGQXcN/TJU7shGwMZBhclFySDB13VShdVThQDEBoGxB0UAQPwQB ClBB41NlXsRMlUouNGV4MZAvXHExRC5pempStkkFQDLRMUAEEGn/YxVDQAGQEXBfgD/yZgg6s/9R dQDAMzBPUDrhamJlwkDnpVEiLkyVL0cycGlMlQUbAQBtsAAAAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzAg 4+CMGTO+AUAACDAg4+CMGTO+AR4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAo20= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE331A.B507B4E0-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 29 11:21:19 1998 Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 09:59:05 -0600 From: Norman Drinkwater Subject: RE: Jforum: Mac runtime for Pousse? In-Reply-To: <> To use J runtimes on the Mac, convert the j script to an ijr runtime, including all of the required scripts within the ijr file. The J Mac executable (in PPC or 68K flavors) can then be distributed along with the ijr file. Double clicking the ijr will start the program. Double clicking the J executable will give the dialog for the evaluation system. I generally do all development work on NT, adding a small script of patches to fix Mac issues. I recall being able to make ijr runtimes on the Mac, but don't do so because of memory problems when working with large scripts. The ijr files made on NT run fine on the Mac, though a bit more slowly and with some UI quirks related to the port. Note that you may need to change the 'file type' for the ijr file on the Mac, using 'ISIJ' as the creator and TEXT as the type. Alternatively, PC-Exchange can be used to associate '.ijr' files with the J executable. Hope this helps. N. Drinkwater At 05:00 AM 12/29/98, you wrote: >From: Brian M. Schott[SMTP:dscbms@panther.Gsu.EDU] >> Christmas guest enjoyed playing j's version of >> pousse on my Macintosh this weekend. One of them has asked >> for a runtime version for his mac, but there does not appear >> to be one and I do not believe the Mac j4.01 can create >> runtimes. Does anyone have a runtime pousse for a Mac? > >I went to the iMac vendor and he does not know how to give arguments >to commands. How in the world does the Mac live without commands >and arguments I can not understand. And by the way Pousse is not a >part of the Mac j4.01. I did not bother to download J4.02 because I did >not see see how you would be able to issue the command to do >J.exe /rt pousse.ijs >It is possible to attach J to pousse.ijs but how to make it take /rt I do >not know. >/Gosi > _______________________________________ Norman Drinkwater McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research University of Wisconsin Medical School -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 29 13:25:33 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: Mac runtime for Pousse? Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 18:12:39 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE3357.095836A0" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE3357.095836A0 From: Norman Drinkwater[] > To use J runtimes on the Mac, convert the j script to an ijr runtime, > including all of the required scripts within the ijr file. The J Mac > executable (in PPC or 68K flavors) can then be distributed along with the > ijr file. Double clicking the ijr will start the program. OK so if I convert the pousse.ijs into a pousse.ijr can I then start J as if it had been given the /rt as an argument? If so then I should surely not need to incorporate all the .ijs files that are required also. I should then be able to use the solution I presented here a few days ago where I call the changed profile.ijs to be run which then calls the changed boot.ijs and then runs as intended. I would not need to change all the utils to .ijr. Am I right? Can I change the pousse.ijs file into pousse.ijr under Windows and move it to the Mac or do I need to do the compilation to .ijr on the Mac? /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE3357.095836A0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgwSAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1AanNvZnR3YXJlLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQGpzb2Z0d2FyZS5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBqc29mdHdhcmUuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAAxs0AQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACQAAABSRTogSmZv cnVtOiBNYWMgcnVudGltZSBmb3IgUG91c3NlPwA4DAEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAdABIADAAnAAIARQEB IIADAA4AAADOBwwAHQASAAQABgACABwBAQmAAQAhAAAAQTg5MTEyRUM0NzlGRDIxMThCOUEyQ0Ex RkZDMDAwMDAAKgcBA5AGANwEAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABA ADkAABWx0VYzvgEeAHAAAQAAACQAAABSRTogSmZvcnVtOiBNYWMgcnVudGltZSBmb3IgUG91c3Nl PwACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvjNW0Y/sEpGpn0cR0ouaLKH/wAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAA AB4AHwwBAAAAEAAAAGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQtFhErgMABxDlAgAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAA RlJPTTpOT1JNQU5EUklOS1dBVEVSU01UUDpEUklOS1dBVEVSQE9OQ09MT0dZV0lTQ0VEVVRPVVNF SlJVTlRJTUVTT05USEVNQUMsQ09OVkVSVFRIRUpTQ1JJUFRUT0FOSUpSUgAAAAACAQkQAQAAAFsD AABXAwAAKwYAAExaRnV6O5uZ/wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UC AHByQnER4nN0ZW0CgzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYEBuZzEwMzkK/zFWNgwh E1BvE9BjBUBG/QNhOgrhGesa1gyCB7AFsIUDgkQFEG5rd2ET0AByW1NNVFA6ZI0d90ACIBWCZ3ku A/EkYy4JgHVdCotsabwzNg3wC1UUUQvyYwBAHCA+G6ciVRrWVG8ggnURsCBKIHJ1AjCjB3MCICB0 aCTgTQDQ5CwgBaBudgSQBUAl4jRqIAT1dCSgA5FpavsFwCUlLAqHIf8jDxrWC4CqYwpAZAuAZyfg bAMgjG9mJdMWEHF1aRYRfydFBCAD8CXgC4Al0ygiZvkDEGUuJIAl8SUAJiEo79Mp/ysPZXgFkHUB kS+AxCAoLrFQUEMloAXAWDY4Sy9QC2B2BbBz3ikmYAORJeEDoGIk4Cxg+xPABRBiM8AtwQdAAiAs kL8uciXSMF8xbzJ/LyhECGDjM/IsMGljayxyLuYD8D8swRPACsAm1BrRCcBhba8voAqPONw+5U81 AHMkoOkGkCBJJmtwCGAEEC+Q/yggBCALgCfCQqgFwDWyQdDrNfM9tEo+5WFDQS0ALoCeIBGALdA2 QDYRZ2kmoD0lxC8mwUYRA5EKwGd12weAAjA/PuU+5UktAEFx0zXzQdBzaAhgbC3RCHDgZWx5IG4a 8EuACeD/LdAnwSwRBbBCsD6QE9Aso/cl4kMTL2JzPuUl4B5ASGH3LUkHQEFwLkkNSqY19jPj/yfB JMIl4kFwCkAlUCWxQdB/E1AHkEjBLcEl8E8BQ7BmmQfRZGETsCfgZ28+5f53VFNB0U0WEXEZEC3B GtH/L2NDIifBNkElIVXhPHA3w/8DoFZyWCFW2D7lBuAa8EMTfwBwUWUlIUghQ0MJ8A2wZPsvoEHQ d0rTS5pXBE0HUzGfT9BONiSgRDJQDUFtQcHpBRBnaEjuQ0STXpVCfZ8vYkNUQ9klMASBIFcLgPhk b3dbhARgJqA+5UZx/yfBJeU0ombQQcFL1mkhVsP9A3BwAxAeQFNSYEUlqUj9+C9HbwCROe8bAz7l FTECAG+gAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAABAAAcwgOgDoFUzvgFAAAgwgOgDoFUzvgEeAD0AAQAAAAUA AABSRTogAAAAAAOE ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE3357.095836A0-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 29 13:45:28 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: Jforum: RE: The new addiction - Pousse Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 18:42:37 -0000 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BE335B.3479F180" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE335B.3479F180 I have played the 4x4 some and even on such a low level it was a bit hard to figure out how to win over the machine but now I managed to win one game in only 6 moves !! L2 R2 L2 B3 T3 B3 T4 B2 T4 B2 R2 Red wins And amazingly shortly afterwards I got to play the same sequence again. Move by move. So I am beginning to think if there is a way to figure out the correct move in every instance and that the one who starts would always win. Does anyone know that for sure ? And then there is the question if that applies to all n x n ? /Gosi ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE335B.3479F180 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgMSAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ABwBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tAFNNVFAAZm9ydW1ASlNvZnR3YXJlLkNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGZvcnVtQEpTb2Z0d2FyZS5Db20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdmb3J1bUBKU29mdHdhcmUuQ29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6Rk9SVU1ASlNPRlRXQVJFLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAAA5syAQiABwAYAAAASVBNLk1pY3Jvc29mdCBNYWlsLk5vdGUAMQgBBIABACQAAABSRTogVGhl IG5ldyBhZGRpY3Rpb24gICAtICAgIFBvdXNzZQDXCgEFgAMADgAAAM4HDAAdABIAKgAlAAIAYQEB IIADAA4AAADOBwwAHQASABEAEQACADQBAQmAAQAhAAAAQUU5MTEyRUM0NzlGRDIxMThCOUEyQ0Ex RkZDMDAwMDAANwcBA5AGAMQDAAASAAAACwAjAAEAAAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQABAAAAAwA2AAAAAABA ADkAoG1XAVszvgEeAHAAAQAAABIAAABUaGUgbmV3IGFkZGljdGlvbgAAAAIBcQABAAAAGwAAAAG+ LF0p4XdLaCiYTRHSi5osof/AAAABvpNqoQAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAEAAA AGdvc2lAY2VudHJ1bS5pcwADAAYQoiRGrQMABxCdAQAAHgAIEAEAAABlAAAASUhBVkVQTEFZRURU SEU0WDRTT01FQU5ERVZFTk9OU1VDSEFMT1dMRVZFTElUV0FTQUJJVEhBUkRUT0ZJR1VSRU9VVEhP V1RPV0lOT1ZFUlRIRU1BQ0hJTkVCVVROT1dJTUFOQQAAAAACAQkQAQAAAE4CAABKAgAAiwMAAExa RnULk6hx/wAKAQ8CFQKoBesCgwBQAvIJAgBjaArAc2V0MjcGAAbDAoMyA8UCAHByQnER4nN0ZW0C gzN3AuQHEwKAfQqACM8J2TvxFg8yNTUCgAqBDbELYMBuZzEwMzkK+xRRRQvyYwBAIEkgEYB2FGUg C1F5CYAgdGjBG0A0eDQgcwNwG0B7AHAbsGUbMAOgAiAcQHXbEXAckCAVoAfgbBzhAyBkaXQKhXdh BCAdsGIPHnAbAQsgG8BvIGZp/mcIcBtACGAfgR3hH/ED8N8dERswBcAb0gDBaAuAG0B6YiChbh3g CoUa8AOBYc5nG6IhJSJhZ2EccSRTcGx5IDYiACGBBCAhliEKhQqFTBHgUjImqGRCMwqFVDMn+Rww QrcnVilaJ0dSG6EhQXMmPKZBHLEk0GF6C4BnJWHucyDQACAlYWEBgASQHwDnCyAEIBrwZ28FQB/x G2ItG8NzJNIRsHEKUG5j7mUKhSPAC3EuBdAhgR9Q9yVwJbIxgFMgABrwJNAfUPxlZwuAAwAZEB/i G9ALgPprHmBmG8IgYQQAHaEfAL8lcAqFH/wb0gWhFhBjBUD3JbIlAhzhciVwK7EBkDCR+xyTG9Bh NoQkgR6WINAcQFcBkAAgBCB3CGBsLOFsZzUROtExYkRvB5EAcHn9JIJrItE5BAIQBcAdYCBh/j8s WRvRA6A0ZxvSMGETwM5pHTE0MzkxYXALUAiQ3z+BIAAHQAMgA6B4QdE+BvEKhS9HbwCRGdwTUC8A FzciCoUVMQBFoAAAAwAQEAAAAAADABEQAAAAAEAABzDgF2l3VzO+AUAACDDgF2l3VzO+AR4APQAB AAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAANgQ= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BE335B.3479F180-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Tue Dec 29 16:49:25 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Subject: Jforum: Reading BMP Files Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 13:17:16 -0800 I am using 'readbmp' to get data from 8 bit images. I expected the function to return a table of single byte elements, but got a table of 8 byte elements instead. Can somebody tell me what I am looking at. The old 'readbmp8' did exactly what I expected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 05:43:47 1998 From: "Bjorn G. Helgason" Subject: RE: Jforum: Mac runtime for Pousse? Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 10:27:19 -0000 From: Simon Christen[] > "Bjorn G. Helgason" schrieb: > > I have set it up for Windows and you can run it without needing > > a license or evaluation key. I can send you the description if you > > lost it. > > > > /Gosi > Dear Gosi > Could you please send me this description too. Or, if you got several > such requests, you might repost it to the J forum. There have been a few requests for a description Here it comes again to the Forum: I changed the pousse.ijs script in two ways to make it run straight. Made a copy and changed the name to pusl.ijs As a first line added 0!:0 <'user\pousse\prof.ijs' NB. add this line before anything else prof.ijs is a copy of profile.ijs with one line changed 0!:0 <'user\pousse\boot.ijs' NB. Change the path to the boot script in boot.ijs I changed one line NB. configure_jcfg_ 0 NB. remove the line by commenting it out and at last in the pusl.ijs changed one line FIXFONT=: '"ISIJ" 10 default' NB. remove the call to SM and replace and now I can run the shortcut C:\j402\j.exe /rt user\pousse\pusl.ijs NB. put this in properties of the icon You can do the changes with Notepad and Explorer as tools. Download a copy of J4.02 first and then do the above. It is possible to change the license to a payed license by filling in the form, pay and smile. /Gosi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 09:10:21 1998 References: Organization: Voxel From: "Andrew Nikitin" Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 15:35:48 +0200 (EET) Subject: Re: Jforum: j cryptarithm Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="" This is a message in MIME format. Your mail reader does not support MIME :( 28-Dec-98 17:20 Andrew Nikitin wrote: > Here is snapshot from j session with some characters replaced with > "?" sign. > > CRYPTIC_PHRASE=:'(#~0???.?*&2???1 :??:"0) i.2^13' > list ".CRYPTIC_PHRASE > 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 489 512 971 > 978 1024 1031 1935 1942 1949 1956 1963 2048 2055 2062 3870 > 3884 3898 3912 3926 3983 3997 4011 4025 4096 4110 4124 4223 > 7740 7753 7768 7796 7824 7852 7867 7895 7923 7951 7966 7994 > 8022 8050 8093 8121 8149 > > There were no question signs in original phrase. Can you restore 9 missing > charactres? (Version of j is 4.02). Can you explain the result? The original phrase was composed using j402 for Windows95, being executed by a Pentium processor. I am not sure now, that the same phrase would produce the same result with other architectures, say Mac or WinCE (though, i still don't have counterexample). The attached .ijr will "check" your configuration for "validity" to this puzzle. On "valid" architectures it will produce messagebox with the numeric sequence, quoted above. Run it (if you are using Windows95) with j.exe /rt temp\secure.ijs temp\cryptic.ijr or simply, with j.exe /rt temp\cryptic.ijr (if you trust me). Please, send me note about your configuration (OS, processor, j version) if you will not get messagebox with the sequence. nsg Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=secure.ijs Content-Description: Security placeholder 9!:25 ]1 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=cryptic.ijr Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cryptic.ijr Content-Description: Cryptic phrase /wDQbxRickzqYnJMVGfb6DTqJcyAXQ+JFm+W+/V5xcutGc03FBxYFjuiGxagfKpJpdmR4EEi oDb2IoYQA2qiI9r0FdbUBhxKJFmdlwp7/1lJcj9s2qJA8+LxY5/iKFguLZw0MaAPwxON0R9X +CqBIQb9WPiypZjKwiNVMPl7kPSPW1HR3v72eV5Qyt3TilLTtQmQJ8+6wwEpOOYAM0SGDIgY yUQZ+bA4iAyZWdJqCK4xdqbIQW+K92FBuL5coeeFSViIjq/fAyrtLUQt2c12n6gzDrQOUAz+ pWR94pMURUlovBuXRQbV4UO85lsS2iUP4ejQ1X6G0H+/ST5UIMUnwK3rjEkjlq3FUmCIysW6 nGelPPIR2zle4HWXA/xL3RVS4o7ji5C2FD7hwjBkOpRjDbzXflJrkD+LkPbSwlyEl2fNTCZE 1o6RtLqJ6RC5kQNr7mJ7f3i0+ubYELWOmqQgXGxlVvrSBMoCoeE2auNkT+KemAmZqN9gvUN9 f3Z/UdE7YsUR2hXGq+iQNUvDGJ9I9DcOYOFxg6RBn5dZVQdlHti3N0HYcWoMD1PlnW7MyNdR oN0XaQ4XowsLgj/qM+T/LQnJGaYsDL4KoeLx0Ymdcx1iuCjVybV8efKgzsw5dH6K9/XYVUMm ZUfh0gXQB/ypfWanJDGnyNJ0z/qcOPcHNDs1dBtdWGTZDN4gxvnihTBXxViVR6Z2cQXPA7mG bKagb39qVDHv9nke335lMW01ivYJsL24Lt6lbXQJ0rweFowt+TGjkk0OqH7IYlmtEKrz9t3H yBF0CsxOsNOoU9moxcEDDDHzUMJ+AYNMsivyfuZ3lDz4nFyFfx/FsQS8r/ZvB2kxv1MP4/7T Fnp0/yXTHDkm/FSxnj7Yhjlb8S6qFOoXse7Ejn02K+E1Q6jA0vsX6S+ZXAVjrVLMTmMEcHIJ IDkEzKhsQ8LrcgkutDag/8HP1pl2X1TY0zsrUqRMsN33teE2ZzjOX147R6yPo164tonZA+cD hfKASM0XWxSKs0hOHXm66byVwAgJ7Tdl6ac/85Pr68Ln6j0jAh9RDg/U2MBf6ciovdFShPvd FcjRvZE/6ETe9DFrnVN7mTCMRSEmONAM+T95Gvz5RgOPk78ClbX/lChhCn6LH2ENX1fUoRr+ mG22dJl4pq0R5w6QWn8znAFmMdEbKezO3ANIN2VdnVnekWURxfM46YUS+4VLO1Q= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 15:45:22 1998 Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 22:29:05 +0200 (EET) From: Oleg Kobchenko Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files In-Reply-To: <000b01be3371$b5870b80$0b0881ce@desktop> I found pretty useful the scripts of Keith Clifford of his web site to work with bitmaps. J's current bitmap library works with 24 bit bitmaps or 3 integers or 12 bytes per pixel. Windows API provides for a variety of bitmaps ranging from 1 bit to 1 byte to 4 bytes per pixel with or without palettes. I see an ideal J library for bitmaps which would support coversion of these bitmaps to and from J chars, bools, integers, floats, etc. Well, gifs and jpegs, etc. would be useful, too. On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, David Vincent-Jones wrote: > I am using 'readbmp' to get data from 8 bit images. > I expected the function to return a table of single byte elements, > but got a table of 8 byte elements instead. > Can somebody tell me what I am looking at. > The old 'readbmp8' did exactly what I expected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 17:10:17 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Subject: Jforum: OpenGL Demos Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 13:46:03 -0800 I have been using the OpenGL Demo materials to get a feel for various parameters. When I change an item and use 'Redisplay' within the Demo, it works just fine but if I put the Demo code into a stand-alone script I get a failure after 3 or 4 modification loops. The failure results in a partial redraw only. If I then close and re-open J, the modified script works just fine for another 3 or so iterations. I am using: load 'opengl' /('jzopengl';'z') copath base plus glinit '' in the primary function. I have also tried using glreset '' to solve the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 17:15:15 1998 Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 17:02:37 -0500 From: Cliff Reiter Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files Organization: Lafayette College Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii References: <000b01be3371$b5870b80$> David Vincent-Jones wrote: > > I am using 'readbmp' to get data from 8 bit images. > I expected the function to return a table of single byte elements, > but got a table of 8 byte elements instead. > Can somebody tell me what I am looking at. > The old 'readbmp8' did exactly what I expected. > > I wrote a version of readbmp8 years ago and have kept it updated as J version changes required. It is in the script raster3.ijs that you may find in the J materials on my web pages. However, it is limited to reading uncompressed 8-bit windows bitmaps. The result is a boxed list: the palette & the bitmap as integer indices into those. Thus, 'p b'=.readbmp8 'image.bmp' would create a matrix b of pixels entries ranging from 0 to 255. I do have "rawreadbmp8" which is the same except that the indices are bytes and the image is vertically reversed to minimize memory use. (available by request) I believe Chris Burke, and perhaps others, have written much more general functions that have come with various versions of J but I admit I have remained fond of the palette;indices data structure and hence I have tended to use my own utilities. Best, Cliff -- Clifford A. Reiter Mathematics Department, Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 USA, 610-330-5277 ^^^ Note new phone exchange -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 17:31:17 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:11:30 -0800 Thanks for your response Oleg: Any idea how the 8 byte data table can be converted to the 1 byte table that I would have expected? -----Original Message----- From: Oleg Kobchenko Date: December 30, 1998 12:47 PM Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files >I found pretty useful the scripts of Keith Clifford >of his web site to work with bitmaps. > >J's current bitmap library works with 24 bit bitmaps >or 3 integers or 12 bytes per pixel. > >Windows API provides for a variety of bitmaps ranging >from 1 bit to 1 byte to 4 bytes per pixel with or >without palettes. I see an ideal J library for bitmaps >which would support coversion of these bitmaps >to and from J chars, bools, integers, floats, etc. > >Well, gifs and jpegs, etc. would be useful, too. > >On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, David Vincent-Jones wrote: > >> I am using 'readbmp' to get data from 8 bit images. >> I expected the function to return a table of single byte elements, >> but got a table of 8 byte elements instead. >> Can somebody tell me what I am looking at. >> The old 'readbmp8' did exactly what I expected. > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- >J Forum: for information about this list, see > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 17:43:55 1998 From: "David Vincent-Jones" Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:18:48 -0800 Yes Cliff, I have extensively used your old 'readbmp8' and found it most useful; I was hoping however to be able to use the more 'universal' new function which somehow should achieve the same result. -----Original Message----- From: Cliff Reiter Date: December 30, 1998 2:17 PM Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files >David Vincent-Jones wrote: >> >> I am using 'readbmp' to get data from 8 bit images. >> I expected the function to return a table of single byte elements, >> but got a table of 8 byte elements instead. >> Can somebody tell me what I am looking at. >> The old 'readbmp8' did exactly what I expected. >> >> > >I wrote a version of readbmp8 years ago and have kept it updated >as J version changes required. It is in the script raster3.ijs >that you may find in the J materials on my web pages. However, >it is limited to reading uncompressed 8-bit windows bitmaps. >The result is a boxed list: the palette & the bitmap as integer >indices into those. Thus, > 'p b'=.readbmp8 'image.bmp' >would create a matrix b of pixels entries ranging from 0 to 255. >I do have "rawreadbmp8" which is the same except >that the indices are bytes and the image is vertically reversed >to minimize memory use. (available by request) I believe Chris >Burke, and perhaps others, have written much more general >functions that have come with various versions of J but I admit >I have remained fond of the palette;indices data structure and >hence I have tended to use my own utilities. > Best, > Cliff > >-- >Clifford A. Reiter >Mathematics Department, Lafayette College >Easton, PA 18042 USA, 610-330-5277 > ^^^ Note new phone exchange > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- >J Forum: for information about this list, see > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 18:19:47 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 18:03:54 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" David Vincent-Jones writes: >I am using 'readbmp' to get data from 8 bit images. >I expected the function to return a table of single byte elements, >but got a table of 8 byte elements instead. >Can somebody tell me what I am looking at. >The old 'readbmp8' did exactly what I expected. readbmp returns an matrix of RGB values. The old readbmp8 in earlier versions of J3 returned a two element list, a color palette consisting of a matrix of RGB triples and a matrix of indices into the color palette. You can represent RGB colors as single integers, or triples of R G B values from 0 to 255. For example, the integer 33023 corresponds to the triple 255 128 0. It seemed more natural for the J representation to use the single integer RGB value, hence the switch from readbmp8 to readbmp. Incidentally, the old readbmp8 still works fine in J4. The following session illustrates: load 'isigraph' load 'd:\j3\examples\archive\bmp8.js' FL=: 'temp\t1.bmp' readbmphdr FL NB. file is 8-bit, 512 by 512 8 512 512 $ each 'a b'=. readbmp8 FL +-----+-------+ |256 3|512 512| +-----+-------+ $ c=. readbmp FL 512 512 (1 RGB c) -: b { a 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 18:24:11 1998 From: "Chris Burke" Subject: Re: Jforum: Reading BMP Files Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 18:13:56 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1" >readbmp returns an matrix of RGB values. The old readbmp8 in earlier >versions of J3 returned a two element list, a color palette consisting of a >matrix of RGB triples and a matrix of indices into the color palette. I should add that readbmp will handle 4, 8 or 24-bit bitmap files. I think the old readbmp8 was specifically for 8-bit bitmap files. It is trivial to convert between the representations, so you could easily modify readbmp to return the same format as readbmp8, for any type of bitmap file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see From Wed Dec 30 19:35:33 1998 Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 18:24:38 -0600 From: Peter Nichols Subject: Jforum: Event Handlers I have a program that uses 2 windows. Let's say mainwin and subwin. When I open subwin from mainwin it executes wd 'wait'. While it executes everything is fine until it get's closed with wd 'pclose'. Mainwin is then displayed again. My problem is, how do I know when I'm back in mainwin. It doesn't seem to trigger an event, and I need to do some processing when subwin is done. Also, when mainwin invokes subwin with the wd 'wait' the next statement in the main program is executed. If its waiting on subwin, why does it continue in mainwin? It doesn't seem to work this way with the mb common dialogs. How are they coded to achieve a total wait? Is there someplace that these messages are stored? If someone has already answered this it would save me asking again. Thanks to everyone in advance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Forum: for information about this list, see