2019-10-14T02:23:26 #kisslinux r u there dylan? clang is failing to update 2019-10-14T02:28:07 #kisslinux https://scrot.moe/image/xkdJX 2019-10-14T04:55:41 #kisslinux knob: See news on the website. 2019-10-14T04:57:11 #kisslinux axpira: Install tzdata 2019-10-14T04:58:44 #kisslinux Apologies took a little IRC break yesterday. 2019-10-14T05:05:18 #kisslinux My WM is down to 365 lines! https://github.com/dylanaraps/sowm/blob/master/sowm.c 2019-10-14T05:05:54 #kisslinux Also has rounded corners as a patch: https://github.com/dylanaraps/sowm/blob/master/patches/sowm-rounded-corners.patch 2019-10-14T05:09:42 #kisslinux @dylan gotcha. Thanks. Rebiuld the other stuff first. 2019-10-14T05:11:06 #kisslinux Yeah, some updates require manual intervention. I'll add a note about this to the installation guide. 2019-10-14T05:12:27 #kisslinux No worries. Should have checked the website first. 2019-10-14T05:12:35 #kisslinux > Also, it's kind of weird that it still lists the Pkgs line when there are none, but it's not a big issue 2019-10-14T05:12:44 #kisslinux Crestwave: Does it list '1'? 2019-10-14T05:13:12 #kisslinux > So you could either set TMPDIR to somewhere else or don't use heredocs 2019-10-14T05:13:40 #kisslinux Crestwave: Checking if /tmp is writable and changing it should be fine no? 2019-10-14T05:25:53 #kisslinux dylanaraps: It lists 0 2019-10-14T05:26:21 #kisslinux /tmp doesn't exist in Android; it's /data/local/tmp 2019-10-14T05:26:51 #kisslinux My main problem is what should it be set to? ${0%/*}? 2019-10-14T05:44:45 #kisslinux Interesting. 2019-10-14T05:47:33 #kisslinux Package count is fixed now. 2019-10-14T05:49:30 #kisslinux Is there any way to check the tmpdir location? 2019-10-14T05:49:42 #kisslinux $TMPDIR is empty on my machine. 2019-10-14T05:49:53 #kisslinux Could we do?: 'TMPDIR=$(mktemp)'? 2019-10-14T05:50:20 #kisslinux 1) Is TMPDIR POSIX? 2019-10-14T05:50:26 #kisslinux 2) Is mktemp POSIX? 2019-10-14T05:50:32 #kisslinux 3) Does this work? 2019-10-14T05:53:04 #kisslinux TMPDIR is set on Android 2019-10-14T05:53:25 #kisslinux But the location isn't writable right? 2019-10-14T05:53:26 #kisslinux mktemp makes a temporary directory in $TMPDIR so it also fails 2019-10-14T05:53:30 #kisslinux Ah 2019-10-14T05:53:32 #kisslinux Yes, it isn't writable unless you're root 2019-10-14T05:53:45 #kisslinux Do all shells follow $TMPDIR? 2019-10-14T05:54:06 #kisslinux I guess so? I think it's POSIX 2019-10-14T05:54:29 #kisslinux Yup 2019-10-14T05:54:35 #kisslinux https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap08.html 2019-10-14T05:54:46 #kisslinux > This variable shall represent a pathname of a directory made available for programs that need a place to create temporary files. 2019-10-14T05:56:28 #kisslinux What's a good value though? 2019-10-14T05:56:40 #kisslinux '~/.cache'? 2019-10-14T05:56:51 #kisslinux But what if it doesn't exist? 2019-10-14T05:58:25 #kisslinux > [ -w "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" ] || TMPDIR=~ 2019-10-14T05:58:34 #kisslinux This should work. 2019-10-14T05:59:33 #kisslinux Temporary files for the shell are created and deleted as they're used and pfetch executes so quickly that the files will never be noticed. 2019-10-14T05:59:46 #kisslinux Thoughts? 2019-10-14T06:00:11 #kisslinux Still seems a bit weird to me 2019-10-14T06:02:15 #kisslinux This will only affect cases where '$TMPDIR' or '/tmp' aren't writable. 2019-10-14T06:02:25 #kisslinux Oh right. Forgot that 2019-10-14T06:02:49 #kisslinux Also, apparently /data/local/tmp is writable through adb so it's up to you if you want to support Terminal Emulator apps 2019-10-14T06:03:21 #kisslinux Using '~' as a worst case should fix it everywhere no? 2019-10-14T06:03:32 #kisslinux This > [ -w "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" ] || TMPDIR=~ 2019-10-14T06:05:06 #kisslinux If by everywhere you mean including other possible platforms, won't you have to export it for a platform that doesn't already set it? 2019-10-14T06:05:33 #kisslinux Yes 2019-10-14T06:05:50 #kisslinux I meant all Android TMP issues 2019-10-14T06:05:57 #kisslinux Yeah, it should work 2019-10-14T06:06:01 #kisslinux OK 2019-10-14T06:06:43 #kisslinux Pushed 2019-10-14T06:07:22 #kisslinux -> du -sh sowm 2019-10-14T06:07:25 #kisslinux 28.0K sowm 2019-10-14T06:07:27 #kisslinux -> strip sowm 2019-10-14T06:07:29 #kisslinux -> du -sh sowm 2019-10-14T06:07:31 #kisslinux 24.0K sowm 2019-10-14T06:07:33 #kisslinux -> du -sh sowm.c 2019-10-14T06:07:35 #kisslinux 8.0K sowm.c 2019-10-14T06:07:37 #kisslinux I love this. 2019-10-14T06:08:02 #kisslinux brb 2019-10-14T06:09:42 #kisslinux I'll be on in an hour or two. Gardening time. 2019-10-14T06:10:06 #kisslinux Ok cya 2019-10-14T06:26:30 #kisslinux Technically you don't need root since it works through adb, but regular applications can't access it 2019-10-14T06:27:05 #kisslinux I forgot to mention that setting TMPDIR deosn't work on my old phone, but again, my pure sh program didn't work either due to seperate issues because it lacked so much POSIX features, so I don't think it's worth supporting 2019-10-14T06:29:19 #kisslinux Just tried pfetch on it through adb and it got stuck on the sed command for some unknown reason, so... yeah. 2019-10-14T06:40:31 #kisslinux Which sed command? 2019-10-14T06:41:03 #kisslinux OH 2019-10-14T06:41:06 #kisslinux The ASCII one. 2019-10-14T06:43:03 #kisslinux Any error message? 2019-10-14T06:44:50 #kisslinux Related?: http://lists.landley.net/pipermail/toybox-landley.net/2016-January/007897.html 2019-10-14T06:44:59 #kisslinux Also: http://lists.landley.net/pipermail/toybox-landley.net/2015-September/004415.html 2019-10-14T06:52:16 #kisslinux Crestwave: I can replace 'sed' with a POSIX 'awk' (awk '{gsub("[3.m","");print}'). 2019-10-14T07:10:32 #kisslinux Crestwave: Try master when you have a sec. 2019-10-14T07:42:11 #kisslinux dylanaraps: might wanna mark this PR as invalid in neofetch: https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/pull/1331 2019-10-14T08:33:38 #kisslinux dylan: i don't know if #1331 has anything to do with hacktoberfest, but it might be worthwhile to add a "invalid" label to it just in case so it doesn't count to the 4 2019-10-14T08:35:04 #kisslinux Is that how it works? 2019-10-14T08:35:49 #kisslinux yeah, https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/faq#general 2019-10-14T08:35:54 #kisslinux Look at the participants in the PR 2019-10-14T08:36:01 #kisslinux Very broken 2019-10-14T08:36:22 #kisslinux im not even sure what the purpose of the PR was 2019-10-14T08:36:29 #kisslinux the commits it shows are 3 years old 2019-10-14T08:37:18 #kisslinux is there anything else I need to do for #1327 (interface selection) before it's merged? 2019-10-14T08:38:29 #kisslinux I'll take a look in an hour or so. About to get back into the garden. 2019-10-14T08:38:55 #kisslinux :+1: 2019-10-14T08:39:12 #kisslinux lol 2019-10-14T09:05:15 #kisslinux dylanaraps: will you be online in about an hour? I have a few questions about packaging zsh, and since you're KISS' BDFM, I want to run them by you 2019-10-14T09:06:19 #kisslinux nvm I'll just check 2019-10-14T09:06:28 #kisslinux But there's an issu with kiss deleting /usr/share/zsh 2019-10-14T09:56:18 #kisslinux s/BDFM/BDFL 2019-10-14T09:58:41 #kisslinux so, the zsh issue 2019-10-14T09:59:04 #kisslinux as it is now, the package manager deletes *by default* anything in /usr/share/zsh 2019-10-14T09:59:22 #kisslinux to avoid having completions 2019-10-14T10:01:22 #kisslinux except completions are installed in either /usr/share/zsh/site-functions or /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completion by all the packages I've come across 2019-10-14T10:01:39 #kisslinux Also, zsh comes with a lot of bloat and completions by default 2019-10-14T10:02:15 #kisslinux deleting stuff in /usr/share/zsh also deletes builtin commands' help files 2019-10-14T10:04:00 #kisslinux the zsh default completions location vary depending on the built options, but can be place in a separate directory name 'Completions' in /usr/share/zsh//functions or /usr/share/zsh/functions 2019-10-14T10:05:17 #kisslinux So, I'm thinking of either a) installing share/zsh in a different directory and/or renaming it to bypass the builtin deletion 2019-10-14T10:06:12 #kisslinux or b) patching the package manager to only delete /usr/share/zsh/site-functions and /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completion 2019-10-14T10:06:31 #kisslinux problems arise if a package decides to install it in _yet_ another dir 2019-10-14T10:08:03 #kisslinux also, since zsh has a lot of contrib stuff in a default install, I'm thinking of creating a zsh-minimal and zsh-full 2019-10-14T10:08:19 #kisslinux dylanaraps: let me know what you think 2019-10-14T10:16:17 #kisslinux c) hacky build script removing /usr/share/zsh from KISS_RM, setting a semaphore and the calling `kiss b zsh`. I don't want to go that way. 2019-10-14T10:19:50 #kisslinux that probably wouldn't work anyway 2019-10-14T10:19:54 #kisslinux say, theoretically "sources", "version", "checksum", or even "build" file can be a symlink, right? 2019-10-14T10:22:59 #kisslinux konimex: haven't tried it but I don't see why not 2019-10-14T10:24:33 #kisslinux i'll have to try it one day, keeping up your own packages with upstream for a small modification is tedious, so I'm planning to symlink version, checksum, sources, and depends with kiss main repo and make my own modifications in the build file 2019-10-14T10:25:01 #kisslinux the only shame is symlinks cannot resolve shell expansions (afaik) 2019-10-14T10:28:11 #kisslinux huh haven't thought about that 2019-10-14T11:25:11 #kisslinux Symlinks should work in theory. 2019-10-14T11:25:48 #kisslinux Interesting about zsh, will look into it. 2019-10-14T12:10:55 #kisslinux dylanaraps: I've created https://github.com/dithpri/community/tree/zsh-testing with a working build script. Please note this is not the final version, only if you want to build it to look into the issue. 2019-10-14T12:13:30 #kisslinux Thanks 2019-10-14T12:13:46 #kisslinux Will be back on in an hour or so and will fix the issue then. 2019-10-14T12:19:26 #kisslinux how can i have anti-aliasing on the rounded corners in `sowm`? 2019-10-14T13:06:38 #kisslinux Hi, I wish all a god start in the week. 2019-10-14T13:30:48 #kisslinux nestman: You can't. 2019-10-14T13:31:08 #kisslinux You _can_ use sowm without the round corners patch and instead use the compton fork. 2019-10-14T13:31:19 #kisslinux The compton fork does rounded corners with AA. 2019-10-14T13:32:25 #kisslinux Hi dylanaraps, I spent many hours with KISS this weekend, many questions to follow :) 2019-10-14T13:32:37 #kisslinux Awesome :) 2019-10-14T13:32:59 #kisslinux brb 2019-10-14T13:33:30 #kisslinux Is there any place where you initialize KISS_ROOT? I guess not. 2019-10-14T13:36:40 #kisslinux And I want to get rif of storing everything under /root/.cache, you cannot expect /root to reside on a large filesystem, i'll put parts in /tmp and parts below KISS_BASE (in my case ROXX_BASE, needed a different name to distinguish between original stuff and m mods). /usr/bin/kiss still works withput modification, besides that I changed pkg_db to /var/lib because of FHS. But t4hat will all come into config files. 2019-10-14T13:37:28 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Android doesn't have awk at all 2019-10-14T13:38:44 #kisslinux tracer: On an installed system you're not meant to use root to build packages at all. 2019-10-14T13:38:55 #kisslinux Crestwave: Great... 2019-10-14T13:39:11 #kisslinux Crestwave: No alternative to 'sed' then huh? 2019-10-14T13:43:24 #kisslinux I don't know of any 2019-10-14T13:43:59 #kisslinux Pure sh it is. oof 2019-10-14T13:44:41 #kisslinux Does it have 'cut'? 2019-10-14T13:46:48 #kisslinux 'grep' would work too. 2019-10-14T14:12:15 #kisslinux sowm bug : quitting a separate firefox window kills all other firefox windows as well 2019-10-14T14:14:23 #kisslinux Yeah, it has cut and grep 2019-10-14T14:25:55 #kisslinux nestman: not a bug but a feature. 2019-10-14T14:26:30 #kisslinux Normally a window manager asks the window to exit. sowm skips the question and just kills the window on click. 2019-10-14T14:27:08 #kisslinux Use Ctrl+W in Firefox to close only one of its windows. 2019-10-14T14:27:24 #kisslinux I prefer this behavior tbh. 2019-10-14T14:27:42 #kisslinux When I want to close a window I'm not asking, I'm telling. 2019-10-14T14:29:10 #kisslinux yes, i get that 2019-10-14T14:29:48 #kisslinux but it says window manager 2019-10-14T14:30:20 #kisslinux ??? 2019-10-14T14:31:14 #kisslinux Crestwave: grep can't be used as the needed flags aren't POSIX. cut will most likely be the same I reckon. 2019-10-14T14:31:17 #kisslinux Hm 2019-10-14T14:32:51 #kisslinux nvm, i'll get used to it 2019-10-14T14:34:52 #kisslinux You could always patch in the behavior you want. 2019-10-14T14:37:44 #kisslinux too bad, i barely know C 2019-10-14T14:37:57 #kisslinux Neither did I 3 days ago. 2019-10-14T14:38:44 #kisslinux I mean, I could always read it as it is a programming language but I've never really written anything "big" in C prior. 2019-10-14T14:39:28 #kisslinux Look at the Xlib manual and other Xlib based window managers to get a grasp on how killing a window works. 2019-10-14T14:40:16 #kisslinux If you end up writing a patch (send a PR first), I'll add it to the patches/ directory in the repo. 2019-10-14T14:40:34 #kisslinux If you don't know C, this is an easy feature to add to sowm and a good start. :) 2019-10-14T14:46:14 #kisslinux dylanaraps: I guess you are much more experienced than me in shell stuff. is there a one line solition? 2019-10-14T14:47:03 #kisslinux [[ $line =~ ^#.*$ ]] && continue 2019-10-14T14:47:03 #kisslinux [[ $line =~ ^$ ]] && continue 2019-10-14T14:48:29 #kisslinux Blank lines and comments? 2019-10-14T14:48:31 #kisslinux It is for the file with the repos, the PATH= becomes to clumsy, so I want an extra file "souces", where just the sources are listed, blank lines and lines starting with "#" should be ignored. 2019-10-14T14:48:36 #kisslinux yes 2019-10-14T14:48:55 #kisslinux In bash? 2019-10-14T14:49:01 #kisslinux or POSIX sh? 2019-10-14T14:49:15 #kisslinux Not /bin/sh, like KISS wants. Yes, Posix. 2019-10-14T14:49:15 #kisslinux (Your snippets above are bash). 2019-10-14T14:49:33 #kisslinux Though busybox ash supports this bash extension iirc. 2019-10-14T14:49:49 #kisslinux Or not. 2019-10-14T14:50:09 #kisslinux Oh, well I just have bash on my system. Hmm, I should work with busybox to stay compatible with KISS, shouldn't it? 2019-10-14T14:50:41 #kisslinux Are you looping line by line? 2019-10-14T14:51:13 #kisslinux Yes. Give me a few minutes, have no netcat on the machine currently. 2019-10-14T14:52:31 #kisslinux See: https://p.teknik.io/Raw/YlGEc 2019-10-14T14:53:53 #kisslinux https://pastebin.24unix.net/w8wxrkpx 2019-10-14T14:56:37 #kisslinux See my code. 2019-10-14T14:56:50 #kisslinux Covers the gist of excluding those lines. 2019-10-14T14:58:03 #kisslinux In the build scripts of m4, gzip and grub we see: rm -f "$1/usr/lib/charset.alias" 2019-10-14T14:58:22 #kisslinux Yes 2019-10-14T14:58:30 #kisslinux Yes, different wy to skip the newline, will do it that way. Good enough for the moment, but it breaks if there are comment after an entry, will fix that later. 2019-10-14T14:58:55 #kisslinux but *not* in e2fsprogs - is this a bug in e2fsprogs ? 2019-10-14T14:59:22 #kisslinux kissuser: Does e2fsprogs install with the file? 2019-10-14T14:59:49 #kisslinux In the past - not - but in a recent install - yes :-( 2019-10-14T14:59:50 #kisslinux The reason the file is removed is that multiple packages provide it for the info pages database. 2019-10-14T15:00:26 #kisslinux brb 20 mins, dinner. 2019-10-14T15:00:33 #kisslinux So - how to deal with this - every package should remove this? 2019-10-14T15:16:24 #kisslinux kissuser: I'll add it as a rule for 'KISS_RM' in the package manager so no further packages need to be modified. 2019-10-14T15:21:47 #kisslinux That's fine :-) 2019-10-14T15:25:21 #kisslinux My new mutt package has stopped configuring: Could not determine where new mail is stored - same build script - something must have changed in kisslinux :-( 2019-10-14T15:26:58 #kisslinux Elaborate?? 2019-10-14T15:27:11 #kisslinux ./configure doesn't work? 2019-10-14T15:28:02 #kisslinux Doesnt work any more. 2019-10-14T15:28:50 #kisslinux Any error? 2019-10-14T15:29:48 #kisslinux I'll have a look if i can find the problem myself! Only thought, perhaps you have an idea, because you know which changes in kiss you did... 2019-10-14T15:30:29 #kisslinux Changes in the package manager? 2019-10-14T15:30:51 #kisslinux So - for completeness: ./configure's last message is "Could not determine where new mail is stored" 2019-10-14T15:31:43 #kisslinux It's error: "Could not determine where new mail is stored" 2019-10-14T15:33:28 #kisslinux Is this for 'neomutt' or 'mutt'? 2019-10-14T15:34:13 #kisslinux kissuser: See https://www.mail-archive.com/mutt-dev⊙mo/msg12071.html 2019-10-14T15:35:27 #kisslinux It is due to configure not being able to find the system mail directory. 2019-10-14T15:36:54 #kisslinux It looks in: /var/spool/mail and KISS includes this directory. 2019-10-14T15:38:39 #kisslinux Crazy: My first KISS system has "/var/mail" - and i think, the second system also. Now - on the second system /var/mail has gone... Is that possible after a "kiss update" ? 2019-10-14T15:40:08 #kisslinux No. 2019-10-14T15:40:33 #kisslinux Anyone experienced with TLS stuff? I rebuild most of the stuff against glibc, however, tls seems to be broken:ERROR: The certificate of 'github.com' is not trusted. 2019-10-14T15:40:59 #kisslinux It's on every call of wget, any domain. 2019-10-14T15:41:01 #kisslinux kissuser: Another option is to pass "--with-homespool" to 'mutt' to make it use per user mail directories (in $HOME). 2019-10-14T15:41:20 #kisslinux tracer: gnu wget or busysbox wget? 2019-10-14T15:41:23 #kisslinux OK. I'll investigate 2019-10-14T15:41:38 #kisslinux tracer: looks like you're missing root certs 2019-10-14T15:42:23 #kisslinux gnu wget. Does busybox have one, too? Because I rebuild the wget stuff 1000 times, with gnutls and many more libs. OK; i'll first try to get rid of busybox completly. 2019-10-14T15:43:01 #kisslinux I've installed make-ca 2019-10-14T15:43:13 #kisslinux tracer: GNU wget most likely expects ca-certificates which KISS doesn't provide. 2019-10-14T15:43:20 #kisslinux KISS does ca certs in a different way. 2019-10-14T15:43:42 #kisslinux OK, I'll investigate in that way. thx. 2019-10-14T15:43:54 #kisslinux It uses the ca-certs extracted from Mozilla stored as cer.pem in /etc/ssl. 2019-10-14T15:44:09 #kisslinux ca-certificates uses the same certs but stores them in the filesystem differently. 2019-10-14T15:44:54 #kisslinux kiss-chroot.tar.xz officially contains /var/mail by intent? 2019-10-14T15:46:42 #kisslinux I've got 466 files below /etc/ssl/certs 2019-10-14T15:47:01 #kisslinux lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2019-10-09 21:54:03 kiss-chroot/var/mail -> spool/mail 2019-10-14T15:47:02 #kisslinux drwxrwxrwt root/root 0 2019-09-18 16:31:27 kiss-chroot/var/spool/mail/ 2019-10-14T15:47:04 #kisslinux Yes. 2019-10-14T15:47:09 #kisslinux As a part of the 'baselayout' package. 2019-10-14T15:47:12 #kisslinux kissuser: 2019-10-14T15:48:38 #kisslinux dylanaraps: I've installes make.ca from LFS, is it different from ca-certificates (I found that just for Debian) 2019-10-14T15:48:48 #kisslinux OK. My bad. I did a little of cleanup, because in /var there where also kiss's packages and sources. Perhaps i deleted this obe by accident :-( 2019-10-14T15:49:02 #kisslinux kissuser: You can just create it again. 2019-10-14T15:49:22 #kisslinux I think it's only the symlink. 2019-10-14T15:49:30 #kisslinux Ah 2019-10-14T15:50:32 #kisslinux Thanks for your help. When do you think will u push the KISS_RM / charset.alias thing? I'll wait until then 2019-10-14T15:51:08 #kisslinux I did. 2019-10-14T15:51:18 #kisslinux Fixed all pacages providing that file too. 2019-10-14T15:53:18 #kisslinux Can you give me the commit? 2019-10-14T15:54:08 #kisslinux Forget it - found myself! 2019-10-14T15:58:14 #kisslinux Should "/etc/mime.types" also go to pkg_junk() ? (had to remove it in the mutt package - but perhaps other packages will have this problem also) 2019-10-14T16:03:24 #kisslinux dylanaraps: I've noticed you've removed usr/share/zsh from pkg_junk, but this'll inevitably install zsh completions for packages that provide it 2019-10-14T16:03:36 #kisslinux Yes. 2019-10-14T16:03:48 #kisslinux It's intentional. 2019-10-14T16:04:10 #kisslinux I'd rather unbreak zsh for now. 2019-10-14T16:04:20 #kisslinux Right 2019-10-14T16:04:43 #kisslinux well if you want to keep removing completions by default, adding usr/share/zsh/site-functions and usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions should do the trick 2019-10-14T16:05:00 #kisslinux This won't touch zsh itself? 2019-10-14T16:05:09 #kisslinux it shouldn't 2019-10-14T16:05:12 #kisslinux lemme check 2019-10-14T16:08:44 #kisslinux nope, doesn't touch zsh itself 2019-10-14T16:09:01 #kisslinux nice 2019-10-14T16:09:03 #kisslinux Will do. 2019-10-14T16:10:10 #kisslinux oh 2019-10-14T16:10:17 #kisslinux and also 2019-10-14T16:10:25 #kisslinux there's builtin zsh completions 2019-10-14T16:10:34 #kisslinux So I'll make two packages 2019-10-14T16:10:44 #kisslinux unless we want to bloat the package manager because of zsh? 2019-10-14T16:11:24 #kisslinux builtin zsh completions are provided by zsh itself no? 2019-10-14T16:11:35 #kisslinux This is more about removing them from packages if they're unwanted. 2019-10-14T16:12:36 #kisslinux fair point 2019-10-14T16:14:08 #kisslinux To confirm again, nothing from zsh itself is in the two directories you mentioned above?? 2019-10-14T16:14:19 #kisslinux nope 2019-10-14T16:16:05 #kisslinux woo hoo 2019-10-14T16:16:05 #kisslinux I'll probably be ready to submit a pr for zsh today 2019-10-14T16:16:07 #kisslinux OK 2019-10-14T16:17:54 #kisslinux New kiss version pushed. 2019-10-14T16:17:57 #kisslinux Thanks. 2019-10-14T16:20:27 #kisslinux What is so special about zsh? I thought Apple just made the move because of license issues? 2019-10-14T16:21:44 #kisslinux Nothing really. 2019-10-14T16:21:55 #kisslinux It has this weird cult following over plugins and themes. 2019-10-14T16:22:35 #kisslinux I just found it to be bloated and slow. 2019-10-14T16:23:02 #kisslinux ash or dash + PS1=-> and I'm good to go. 2019-10-14T16:23:09 #kisslinux Hmm, I'll stay with bash for the moment, I'm using ist for over 20 years now … 2019-10-14T16:24:08 #kisslinux It depends on whether you want to use it interactively or in scripts. 2019-10-14T16:24:18 #kisslinux In scripts stick with bash or better yet POSIX sh. 2019-10-14T16:24:20 #kisslinux yup, zsh is the equivalent of atom/vscode in the shell world 2019-10-14T16:24:32 #kisslinux Interctively it depends on whether you need a fancy prompt etc. 2019-10-14T16:24:37 #kisslinux Interactively* 2019-10-14T16:24:39 #kisslinux Mostly interactive, I rarely use the shell for scripting. 2019-10-14T16:24:56 #kisslinux I just got personally used to it, because I wanted to have something like fish but that sticks to the classic shell style 2019-10-14T16:25:26 #kisslinux If it ain't broke don't fix it. 2019-10-14T16:25:35 #kisslinux :> 2019-10-14T16:25:40 #kisslinux TBH 99% of zsh's stuff is doable in bash, it's just that it's easier to do in zsh 2019-10-14T16:25:42 #kisslinux true 2019-10-14T16:26:00 #kisslinux Fancy expandable aliases got me hooked :p 2019-10-14T16:26:28 #kisslinux needed to write my own function for them anyway so probably could've sticked to bash xD 2019-10-14T16:26:43 #kisslinux I blame it on grml 2019-10-14T16:27:13 #kisslinux I don't use zsh on my older computers though because it tends to be laggy if too much stuff is enabled 2019-10-14T16:27:28 #kisslinux And don't get me started on those stupid git prompts and oh-my-zsh 2019-10-14T16:30:18 #kisslinux Yup 2019-10-14T18:07:51 #kisslinux Debian did a security update for timezones? https://lwn.net/Articles/802244/ 2019-10-14T18:14:04 #kisslinux dylanaraps: How did you manage the locale stuff? I just want english, but V/Posix is only 8Bit, so, do you use en_US as default? 2019-10-14T18:18:33 #kisslinux Nothing is set at all. 2019-10-14T18:18:45 #kisslinux Everything is English by default. 2019-10-14T18:19:18 #kisslinux I just rebuild glibc, and he build an bunch of locales :( 2019-10-14T18:28:25 #kisslinux BTW, after rebuilding glibc wget works as expected, again. Slowly my system becomes healty. :-) 2019-10-14T18:30:13 #kisslinux So, be away for a while, food and watching Vikings with my wife. Be back to the computer later. 2019-10-14T18:31:37 #kisslinux Okay 2019-10-14T18:32:04 #kisslinux It might be worth contacting the kissD guy for pointers. 2019-10-14T18:32:52 #kisslinux Yes, i'll might so it when I'm trough with the stuff i have currently in my pipeline. cu later 2019-10-14T20:44:16 #kisslinux konimex: Found a cool trick with sources. Adding '#something' after the url allows you to skip automatic extraction. 2019-10-14T20:44:31 #kisslinux This allows me to add caching to the rust build process. 2019-10-14T20:44:41 #kisslinux For clarity I add '#no-extract'. 2019-10-14T20:44:59 #kisslinux I love features which are 2019-10-14T20:45:02 #kisslinux "free" 2019-10-14T20:50:40 #kisslinux Caching rust's sources now works. 2019-10-14T20:51:00 #kisslinux Also fixed mpv so we're down to 0 packages needing an internet connection during a build. 2019-10-14T21:18:35 #kisslinux https://getkiss.org/news/20191015a 2019-10-14T21:18:40 #kisslinux > 15/10/2019: New sudo release (1.8.28), fixes CVE-2019-14287 2019-10-14T21:18:53 #kisslinux https://www.sudo.ws/alerts/minus_1_uid.html 2019-10-14T21:21:56 #kisslinux oh damn 2019-10-14T21:22:13 #kisslinux yep, theres an update for sudo on arch 2019-10-14T21:22:21 #kisslinux Pushed one for KISS too. 2019-10-14T21:22:49 #kisslinux Also: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-380/ 2019-10-14T21:22:53 #kisslinux Python 3.8 released. 2019-10-14T21:24:06 #kisslinux yep that too 2019-10-14T21:26:10 #kisslinux I was about to go to bed too. 2019-10-14T21:30:00 #kisslinux https://github.com/kisslinux/repo/releases/tag/1.3.0 2019-10-14T21:30:03 #kisslinux New chroot too. 2019-10-14T21:30:54 #kisslinux wait, why remove sudo? 2019-10-14T21:31:42 #kisslinux It's optional now. 2019-10-14T21:32:07 #kisslinux The package manager will use 'su' by default and 'sudo' if installed. 2019-10-14T21:32:43 #kisslinux This removes a mandatory dependency on 'sudo' and I'll eventually allow the user to set whatever 'sudo'-esque program they like for 'kiss'. 2019-10-14T21:35:03 #kisslinux h 2019-10-14T21:35:05 #kisslinux ah* 2019-10-14T21:36:11 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Do you have a clue how to solve? 2019-10-14T21:36:14 #kisslinux -> wget Checking for package conflicts 2019-10-14T21:36:14 #kisslinux /var/lib/roxx/installed/coreutils/manifest:/usr/share/info/dir 2019-10-14T21:36:14 #kisslinux !> Package 'wget' conflicts with another package 2019-10-14T21:36:24 #kisslinux Yes 2019-10-14T21:37:10 #kisslinux coreutils and wget both provide a file (/usr/share/info/dir). 2019-10-14T21:37:18 #kisslinux Yes, I see :-) 2019-10-14T21:37:36 #kisslinux But, what ist theKISS-way tu only use one? 2019-10-14T21:37:46 #kisslinux KISS_RM will handle this by default. 2019-10-14T21:37:50 #kisslinux If you haven't touched it. 2019-10-14T21:38:32 #kisslinux Your other option is to add: rm -f "$1/usr/share/info/dir" (to both package's 'build' scripts, after 'make install'). 2019-10-14T21:38:48 #kisslinux No, didn't touch. But wget is now standalone. As coreutils are. II took both from kissD. 2019-10-14T21:39:07 #kisslinux why to both? 2019-10-14T21:41:10 #kisslinux The kissd version already dropped all docs in build. 2019-10-14T21:42:03 #kisslinux But they ar ein manifest, I'll build it again. 2019-10-14T21:46:47 #kisslinux It's up to you. 2019-10-14T21:46:55 #kisslinux You can keep it in coreutils if you like. 2019-10-14T21:47:08 #kisslinux It's strictly optional and only required for the info pages database. 2019-10-14T21:47:17 #kisslinux Python 3.8.0 has been released in KISS. https://getkiss.org/news/20191015b 2019-10-14T21:47:27 #kisslinux I need to sleep now. 2019-10-14T21:47:55 #kisslinux gn8 & thx for the help. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have X11 up'n'running.