2020-10-14T00:13:05 #kisslinux To anyone who hasn't updated clang recently and uses wayland/sway don't update 2020-10-14T00:13:13 #kisslinux Sway won't start if you do 2020-10-14T04:55:02 #kisslinux himmalerin: I cannot reproduce. Send logs? 2020-10-14T05:03:03 #kisslinux I saw the logs I haven't had any issues on latest clang either I just switched over to clang only 2020-10-14T05:04:00 #kisslinux unrelated note does gdb segfault for anyone? I thought it was my filesystem at first but this reinstall with a normal filesystem i have the same issue 2020-10-14T05:07:27 #kisslinux o/ 2020-10-14T05:07:50 #kisslinux E5ten: https://github.com/dylanaraps/str/runs/1250268571#step:3:103 + https://github.com/dylanaraps/str/blob/master/str.c#L143 2020-10-14T05:08:13 #kisslinux Under glibc snprintf returns two different values for these snprintf calls. Under musl, the values are identical 2020-10-14T05:08:38 #kisslinux Function is called here: https://github.com/dylanaraps/str/blob/master/test.c#L137-L139 2020-10-14T05:08:42 #kisslinux Any idea why this happens? 2020-10-14T05:09:05 #kisslinux POSIX manual says: Upon successful completion, the snprintf() function shall return the number of bytes that would be written to s had n been sufficiently large excluding the terminating null byte. 2020-10-14T05:09:11 #kisslinux And: If the value of n is zero on a call to snprintf(), nothing shall be written, the number of bytes that would have been written had n been sufficiently large excluding the terminating null shall be returned, and s may be a null pointer. 2020-10-14T05:09:28 #kisslinux muevoid: o/ 2020-10-14T05:11:09 #kisslinux First call to snprintf (NULL, 0, "%d", ...) returns '4', second call (buf, len, "%d", ...) returns '8' basically. 2020-10-14T05:11:31 #kisslinux But I've allocated memory according to the NULL, 0 call's return value. 2020-10-14T05:11:33 #kisslinux Make sense? 2020-10-14T05:18:06 #kisslinux thats strange dylanaraps 2020-10-14T05:22:11 #kisslinux hey konimex, I am using kiss-llvm and cannot build libelf, i get the error "make: make: don't know how to make elf_version.os. Stop" 2020-10-14T05:22:13 #kisslinux The only difference I can see is that I do len + 1 in the second call. That makes the first value '5' rather than '4'. musl still returns '4' but maybe glibc is rounding 5 up to 8 for whatever reason? 2020-10-14T05:22:55 #kisslinux kinkinkijkin: you're using KISS or wyverkiss? 2020-10-14T05:23:04 #kisslinux yes 2020-10-14T05:23:23 #kisslinux Send the output of 'kiss s libelf' 2020-10-14T05:23:26 #kisslinux kinkinkijkin: 2020-10-14T05:23:34 #kisslinux i have kiss, and wyverkiss is added as a repo with less importance than kiss-llvm 2020-10-14T05:23:53 #kisslinux kinkinkijkin: send me the output of kiss l make 2020-10-14T05:24:11 #kisslinux wait, scratch that, kiss s make 2020-10-14T05:24:54 #kisslinux libelf is in kiss-llvm, wyverkiss, and repo/extra 2020-10-14T05:25:03 #kisslinux I have a feeling the "make" you used is bmake and not gmake (Wyverkiss' build script has this edited to explicitly required gmake) 2020-10-14T05:25:05 #kisslinux make is in wyverkiss, repo/core, and installed 2020-10-14T05:25:36 #kisslinux alright, ill swap for gmake quickly and try again 2020-10-14T05:25:39 #kisslinux yep, you used wyverkiss' make instead of KISS, you need to put wyverkiss priority higher than kiss-llvm 2020-10-14T05:25:54 #kisslinux so it should be wyverkiss, kiss-llvm, and repo/extra 2020-10-14T05:29:42 #kisslinux also, if you used Wyverkiss, it's redundant to include repo/extra, repo/core, etc. since Wyverkiss already include that with submodules 2020-10-14T05:30:36 #kisslinux muevoid: musl (in vasprintf) does the same thing but omits the len1 == l2 check. http://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/plain/src/stdio/vasprintf.c 2020-10-14T05:30:42 #kisslinux len2* 2020-10-14T05:32:02 #kisslinux dylanaraps: i think you need to re-initialize the va_list (or use va_copy) in between the vsnprintf calls. 2020-10-14T05:33:18 #kisslinux mcf: The musl link above uses a single va_copy with no va_start. Thanks for the suggestion, will try it. 2020-10-14T05:34:16 #kisslinux that's because it takes a va_list as a parameter, whereas yours is a varargs function 2020-10-14T05:34:30 #kisslinux I see that, yeah. 2020-10-14T05:37:52 #kisslinux Works. Thanks mcf: 2020-10-14T05:39:28 #kisslinux va_list is usually implemented internally as something like `typedef __va_list_struct va_list[1]`, so when you do `va_list ap`, you allocate storage, but if you use va_list as a function parameter, it decays into a pointer 2020-10-14T05:40:17 #kisslinux the standard says this: "The object ap may be passed as an argument to another function; if that function invokes the va_arg macro with parameter ap, the value of ap in the calling function is indeterminate and shall be passed to the va_end macro prior to any further reference to ap." 2020-10-14T05:42:29 #kisslinux Right 2020-10-14T05:54:34 #kisslinux now i am trying to build ncurses and come across "sh: cd: line 5: can't cd to include: no such file or directory" and i assume this is a minor packaging issue 2020-10-14T05:55:18 #kisslinux don't have any repos overriding repo/extra for this one 2020-10-14T05:55:48 #kisslinux 'kiss s ncurses' shows repo/extra first? 2020-10-14T05:56:00 #kisslinux shows repo/extra *only* 2020-10-14T05:57:19 #kisslinux wait a sec, havent kiss u'd in a couple days since llvm took forever to build 2020-10-14T05:57:45 #kisslinux That shouldn't make a difference 2020-10-14T05:57:59 #kisslinux Does it fail during ./configure or during make? 2020-10-14T05:58:02 #kisslinux Send a build log. 2020-10-14T05:58:03 #kisslinux during make 2020-10-14T05:58:26 #kisslinux i gotta figure the logistics to get a build log to you 2020-10-14T05:58:37 #kisslinux this is on a laptop, installing using grml as the liveusb 2020-10-14T05:58:46 #kisslinux nc termbin.com:9999 < /path/to/log 2020-10-14T05:59:01 #kisslinux ncurses builds fine here. 2020-10-14T06:00:47 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/obp0g 2020-10-14T06:04:27 #kisslinux ncursea needs gmake 2020-10-14T06:04:32 #kisslinux ncurses* 2020-10-14T06:04:47 #kisslinux wyverkiss uses netbsd-curses by default which doesn't 2020-10-14T06:05:15 #kisslinux so you could edit build and replace make with gmake 2020-10-14T06:05:36 #kisslinux At least im pretty sure thats problem 2020-10-14T06:06:42 #kisslinux trying that 2020-10-14T06:07:12 #kisslinux that worked 2020-10-14T06:07:33 #kisslinux kk 2020-10-14T06:42:34 #kisslinux dylanaraps: did your stdarg fixes fix it? 2020-10-14T06:43:03 #kisslinux Because yeah you can't reuse the arguments without va_end and another va_start 2020-10-14T06:43:33 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-10-14T06:43:49 #kisslinux In the end I swapped to using __VA_ARGS__ + a function-like macro though 2020-10-14T06:44:12 #kisslinux I prefer that too usually 2020-10-14T06:59:54 #kisslinux what's the advantage of using a macro? 2020-10-14T07:02:19 #kisslinux No need for va_ stuff as it happens at compile time. macro(arg, arg2, ...) func(arg, arg2, arg3, __VA_ARGS_) -> func(arg, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) 2020-10-14T07:02:35 #kisslinux I botched that example lol 2020-10-14T07:02:36 #kisslinux it is probably a bit surprising that str_printf(&s, "%d", f()) calls f twice, though 2020-10-14T07:02:57 #kisslinux mcf: Yeah. I noticed this a few days ago. 2020-10-14T07:03:29 #kisslinux also, if you have no arguments, you'd get a syntax error 2020-10-14T07:04:58 #kisslinux No arguments as in no format or no arguments in addition to the format? For macros I always have the format as part of VA_ARGS for that reason 2020-10-14T07:05:20 #kisslinux This causes compilation error: str_printf(&s2, "hello"); 2020-10-14T07:05:22 #kisslinux dylanaraps: oh I see you didn't do that, imo you should 2020-10-14T07:05:24 #kisslinux yeah, you could combine the format with the arguments 2020-10-14T07:05:29 #kisslinux Will do 2020-10-14T07:06:02 #kisslinux but still, this is just to avoid using va_list? it gets used eventually in snprintf anyway 2020-10-14T07:06:49 #kisslinux in fact, i think it would be a good idea to provide str_vprintf for more flexibility (you could call it from other varargs functions), and have str_printf call str_vprintf 2020-10-14T07:06:53 #kisslinux I think the reason is because it adds a fair bit of clutter to the code, not being against its use because of like overhead or something 2020-10-14T07:07:40 #kisslinux the macro adds more clutter in my opinion. do-while loop, and escaped newlines 2020-10-14T07:08:05 #kisslinux and you have to put the whole implementation in a header 2020-10-14T07:08:11 #kisslinux Fixed, macro. 2020-10-14T07:08:24 #kisslinux the double evaluation is my main concern though 2020-10-14T07:08:49 #kisslinux Yup. Will see how well str_vprintf idea works 2020-10-14T07:11:04 #kisslinux does anyone here use gdb? 2020-10-14T07:11:12 #kisslinux another concern with the macro: what if you one of the arguments you passed to str_printf is named l1 or l2? your arguments would get shadowed by the macro's internal variables 2020-10-14T07:11:25 #kisslinux yes 2020-10-14T07:11:35 #kisslinux you do mcf? 2020-10-14T07:11:47 #kisslinux mcf: yeah double evaluation is a problem, in most cases this would be for like a log function or something and the va_args would only be used once 2020-10-14T07:11:52 #kisslinux mcf: Another good point. 2020-10-14T07:12:07 #kisslinux muevoid: yeah, i use it quite a bit 2020-10-14T07:12:21 #kisslinux You aren't on kiss though are you? 2020-10-14T07:12:51 #kisslinux no, but if you have questions about using gdb i might be able to help 2020-10-14T07:13:23 #kisslinux Nah I was using it previously for backtraces but now gdb segfaults for me and im not sure why :< 2020-10-14T07:13:44 #kisslinux maybe ill try using strace on it here in a few 2020-10-14T07:14:40 #kisslinux oh. can't help you with that. i guess you'd need to gdb gdb :P 2020-10-14T07:14:46 #kisslinux Lmao yeah 2020-10-14T07:15:10 #kisslinux Ill probs contact the maintainer later to see if they have the same issue 2020-10-14T07:16:23 #kisslinux I do have one question for when I get it working is there a way to set breakpoints in vim and check them with gdb? 2020-10-14T07:17:47 #kisslinux i'm not sure since i don't use vim, but i'd be surprised if there wasn't some kind of vim plugin that could do that 2020-10-14T07:18:13 #kisslinux will try to find one thanks 2020-10-14T07:18:28 #kisslinux but then again vim is just a text editor, how could it translate the position in src to the binsry 2020-10-14T07:18:33 #kisslinux * but then again vim is just a text editor, how could it translate the position in src to the binary 2020-10-14T07:19:18 #kisslinux found one 2020-10-14T07:19:20 #kisslinux https://github.com/albfan/vim-breakpts 2020-10-14T07:19:40 #kisslinux cool 2020-10-14T07:19:42 #kisslinux actually no 2020-10-14T07:19:43 #kisslinux nvm 2020-10-14T07:19:51 #kisslinux hold on 2020-10-14T07:19:53 #kisslinux you can set breakpoints by the source file and line number, so i guess it could just pass that to gdb somehow 2020-10-14T07:20:36 #kisslinux idk, possibly 2020-10-14T07:20:58 #kisslinux i found another one called termdebug which just uses gdb but has them show up in vim 2020-10-14T07:21:40 #kisslinux muevoid: you can also use `layout src` to get a source code listing in gdb, and set breakpoints that way 2020-10-14T07:21:45 #kisslinux its actually just in vim 2020-10-14T07:21:53 #kisslinux oh cool i didnt know that 2020-10-14T07:22:07 #kisslinux i'm not too familiar with the tui features of gdb though 2020-10-14T07:22:18 #kisslinux do you use a frontend? 2020-10-14T07:22:56 #kisslinux would you call gdb a tui? isnt it more of a cli 2020-10-14T07:23:38 #kisslinux i use it as a cli, but it does have tui features 2020-10-14T07:23:48 #kisslinux Really? 2020-10-14T07:23:57 #kisslinux Ive never dug that much into gdb to be honest 2020-10-14T07:25:08 #kisslinux On another side note sorry for all the questions do you have experience with valgrind? specifically callgrind tool from valgrind 2020-10-14T07:25:58 #kisslinux i use valgrind all the time, but i've only used callgrind once or twice 2020-10-14T07:26:05 #kisslinux Gotcha 2020-10-14T07:26:23 #kisslinux Trying to find some way to visualize the logs in terminal other then just reading the file 2020-10-14T07:26:35 #kisslinux Currently I use gprof2dot which creates a pdf file 2020-10-14T07:54:47 #kisslinux Well webkit2gtk for me now every site I use works fully even gitlab 2020-10-14T07:55:07 #kisslinux Nice 2020-10-14T08:03:05 #kisslinux Anyone know a good font looking to switch it up with a nerdfont but not sure which one I should go with 2020-10-14T08:28:38 #kisslinux I think I found one I like 2020-10-14T09:04:17 #kisslinux hey dylanaraps I know you use ALE. Is there a way for it to find files in a seperate directory for example i'm editing something in src/<> can I make it so it can detect files in include/<>? 2020-10-14T09:12:31 #kisslinux I set 'g:ale_c_cc_options' to whatever CFLAGS I need 2020-10-14T09:13:15 #kisslinux Thanks! 2020-10-14T09:13:23 #kisslinux You can do this via autocmds if you don't want to globally set 2020-10-14T09:13:44 #kisslinux I'll just do it globally for now as most of my projects use the same CFLAGS 2020-10-14T09:13:50 #kisslinux 1I also set: let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never' 2020-10-14T09:13:58 #kisslinux And let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 2020-10-14T09:14:18 #kisslinux Some of the tools ale calls can slow things down if they run while you're editing text 2020-10-14T09:14:29 #kisslinux Depends on which ones are enabled of course 2020-10-14T09:15:00 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-10-14T09:15:17 #kisslinux for the cflags one do I just set it to a string for example like "-Iinclude" 2020-10-14T09:43:31 #kisslinux I decided I would use a complimation database instead with ccls 2020-10-14T10:36:31 #kisslinux mcf: E5ten: Is it worth replacing all pointer dereferences ( (*s)->err ) with a temporary variable ( str *s2 = *s ) or will the compiler just optimize this all away? 2020-10-14T10:37:29 #kisslinux (and I shouldn't worry about it) 2020-10-14T13:46:11 #kisslinux yay, finally got blender packaged and built on (wyver)kiss 2020-10-14T14:18:46 #kisslinux how many dependencies to get blender built? 2020-10-14T14:27:13 #kisslinux quite a lot :D but actually not as many as I was expecting, a lot of features are optional and auto turned off 2020-10-14T14:27:34 #kisslinux https://git.sr.ht/~kqz/my-repo/tree/master/blender/depends very messy depends file and package 2020-10-14T14:32:11 #kisslinux on top of those, I also packaged explicitly for blender opencolorio, openimageio, pugixml, freeglut, glew, pybind11, onetbb, and embree, but still investigating what can be culled 2020-10-14T15:27:19 #kisslinux um, is extra/firefox buildable? I'm getting some errors that I think are python 3.9 related 2020-10-14T15:35:12 #kisslinux micr0: try firefox-bin 2020-10-14T15:35:35 #kisslinux Fulton firefox-bin won't launch in sway for me, even with GDK_BACKEND=wayland 2020-10-14T15:35:52 #kisslinux Error: no DISPLAY environment variable specified 2020-10-14T15:36:06 #kisslinux and when I do specify a display (:0 or :1) it won't launch because I don't actually have xwayland 2020-10-14T15:36:35 #kisslinux Oh - interesting, can I see a pastebin of the build error? 2020-10-14T15:37:30 #kisslinux Or termbin if you don't have a browser 2020-10-14T15:37:31 #kisslinux Fulton http://ix.io/2AHA 2020-10-14T15:38:10 #kisslinux Fulton note that I was able to make it a bit further by manually commenting out some lines in python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/__init__.py 2020-10-14T15:38:33 #kisslinux basically the for loop had set arg to null or undefined or whatever python's equivalent is 2020-10-14T15:38:38 #kisslinux instead of skipping the entire loop 2020-10-14T15:38:49 #kisslinux but then I get an error that I am missing libpulse 2020-10-14T15:38:56 #kisslinux and I didnt wanna go down the pulseaudio rabbit-hole 2020-10-14T15:39:52 #kisslinux It shouldn't need pulse. give me a second to run a couple of test on my machine 2020-10-14T15:40:46 #kisslinux Never mind it needs rust which takes a solid hour and a half to build 2020-10-14T15:41:12 #kisslinux Fulton, if you test, please test with --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3-wayland as well 2020-10-14T15:41:38 #kisslinux Just to be sure, I am upgrading llvm from 10->11 and then rebuilding rust and then firefox to see if that fixes it 2020-10-14T15:42:00 #kisslinux llvm takes about the same build time as rust for me, which looks like it will be 45 minutes or so 2020-10-14T15:42:38 #kisslinux If that doesn't work post an issue here: https://github.com/kisslinux/repo 2020-10-14T15:48:29 #kisslinux Fulton gonna need a browser to do that or maybe github cli 2020-10-14T16:04:17 #kisslinux k, packaged gh in github.com/jedahan/kiss-repo so I can create an issue from the commandline 2020-10-14T16:04:55 #kisslinux You may need a browser to login though 2020-10-14T16:06:38 #kisslinux If it doesn't work I can post the issue and link the pastebin 2020-10-14T16:07:58 #kisslinux You could also use the github app for iOS or Android 2020-10-14T16:08:39 #kisslinux I was able to post using the cli - https://github.com/kisslinux/repo/issues/231 2020-10-14T16:09:01 #kisslinux thanks for offerring assistance though, appreciate it 2020-10-14T16:32:54 #kisslinux I am having a truly bizarre issue with automake 1.16.1 2020-10-14T16:33:14 #kisslinux but its a .1 release - it should be flawless! xD 2020-10-14T16:33:25 #kisslinux I'm building it like how we do in firefox's build, and it doesn't error out at any point. indeed, it successfully reports that it's been installed in the correct directory 2020-10-14T16:33:31 #kisslinux but... it's not there. there's nothing there 2020-10-14T16:33:53 #kisslinux if only micr0... xD 2020-10-14T16:33:59 #kisslinux dilyn are you testing kiss 6? 2020-10-14T16:34:05 #kisslinux mmhmm 2020-10-14T16:34:19 #kisslinux but this is separate from kiss. it does this when i do it manually 2020-10-14T16:34:25 #kisslinux oh 2020-10-14T16:34:34 #kisslinux it's mindboggling 2020-10-14T16:34:50 #kisslinux it prints stuff like " chmod +x '/home/dilyn/root/.cache/kiss/sources/linux-pam/automake-1.16.1/../junk/share/automake-1.16/config.guess'" 2020-10-14T16:34:58 #kisslinux should I just try making automake? 2020-10-14T16:34:59 #kisslinux but there's NOTHING there. there isn't even a folder junk 2020-10-14T16:35:20 #kisslinux I think you should hire an exorcist for this ghost in my machine! 2020-10-14T16:35:33 #kisslinux also why .1? there is .2 out I think 2020-10-14T16:35:37 #kisslinux there is 2020-10-14T16:36:06 #kisslinux would you believe me if I told you that linux-pam will error out immediately if you have 1.16.2 instead of 1.16.1? and that's why I'm in this surreal hell hole? 2020-10-14T16:36:44 #kisslinux i just untarrd' 1.16.2 in a temp dir and ./configure && make worked fine 2020-10-14T16:36:53 #kisslinux but didnt realize you are building automake as part of linux-pam 2020-10-14T16:36:57 #kisslinux so not sure how that works 2020-10-14T16:37:49 #kisslinux I'm just not sure how alpine gets away with using automake 1.16.2 here, unless nobody's noticed 2020-10-14T17:38:21 #kisslinux dylanaraps: what's the intended purpose of that? 2020-10-14T17:40:55 #kisslinux dylanaraps: oh I see, not sure if that would have any significant effect 2020-10-14T19:46:51 #kisslinux dylanaraps: Here's the sway crashing log you asked for yesterday: http://0x0.st/iGIx.txt 2020-10-14T19:47:19 #kisslinux Maybe I need to rebuild something to work with llvm/clang 11? I tried wlroots and sway w/o success 2020-10-14T19:48:30 #kisslinux himmalerin: try rebuilding mesa 2020-10-14T19:51:32 #kisslinux I'll bet thats it, looks like the main repo's mesa got a revbump for llvm/clang 11 2020-10-14T19:51:40 #kisslinux rebuilding now, thanks for the suggestion 2020-10-14T19:54:32 #kisslinux That was it, thank you! 2020-10-14T19:54:41 #kisslinux Time to add a revbump to my wayland repo 2020-10-14T19:57:33 #kisslinux himmalerin are you also maintaining the firefox wayland package? would be nice to have that bumped to 81 2020-10-14T19:58:03 #kisslinux I'll do that too, thanks for the reminder 2020-10-14T19:58:04 #kisslinux I am currently just adding --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3-wayland to configure in the community/extra repo 2020-10-14T19:58:16 #kisslinux <3 2020-10-14T19:58:42 #kisslinux honestly if the only difference between wayland native and not is that one line, I wonder if we could get it accepted into community as firefox-wayland 2020-10-14T20:03:19 #kisslinux it would have wayland dependencies which at this point bar that 2020-10-14T20:05:24 #kisslinux ahh so its two lines: the above change in build, and adding 'wayland' to the depends. When I check for 'wayland' depends, everything else is in core/extra or community 2020-10-14T20:05:50 #kisslinux So first wayland would have to make it into community, then we could have firefox-wayland 2020-10-14T20:05:54 #kisslinux mmhm 2020-10-14T20:06:11 #kisslinux which may one day happen when dylan decides that it's the right time, but for now it remains on the exclusion list 2020-10-14T20:08:21 #kisslinux firefox build error involving some file checksum mismatch: http://ix.io/2AJ3 2020-10-14T20:09:31 #kisslinux same error here 2020-10-14T20:11:24 #kisslinux im trying without our current patches to see if that fixes things 2020-10-14T20:15:29 #kisslinux In the meantime I've pushed the mesa update 2020-10-14T20:28:36 #kisslinux so removing the two patches seems to have gotten past the checksum mismatch issue 2020-10-14T20:28:57 #kisslinux if it builds correctly, im gonna fork and push to my personal repo and you can decide if you wanna use that for wayland repo too 2020-10-14T20:36:38 #kisslinux himmalerin you can look at firefox-wayland from github.com/jedahan/kiss-repo to see what i am building now 2020-10-14T20:37:21 #kisslinux its core/extra/firefox with --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3-wayland added, the patches/ dir removed, and gtk+2 and wayland added as depends. 2020-10-14T21:10:18 #kisslinux an hour in, build is still going. generally, this is why I avoid distros with patches that aren't pushed upstream 2020-10-14T21:11:06 #kisslinux like, regardless of how insane a project's build system or deps are, messing with that has always ended in pain for maintainers and end-users 2020-10-14T21:20:52 #kisslinux I'll go look at your repo 2020-10-14T21:21:04 #kisslinux I wander how dylan builds his wayland firefox 2020-10-14T21:23:02 #kisslinux it's in his wayland-experiment repo 2020-10-14T21:23:44 #kisslinux Yeah i found it, doesn't look like he patches out gtk+2 for wayland 2020-10-14T21:23:54 #kisslinux So maybe thats where the checksum error comes from? 2020-10-14T21:24:09 #kisslinux I think he tested that patch on wayland and it worked 2020-10-14T21:24:39 #kisslinux oh nvm I don't know what I was looking at, he does patch it out 2020-10-14T21:24:51 #kisslinux he doesn't have the rust 1.47 patch 2020-10-14T21:40:35 #kisslinux :micr0: I'm fine with re-adding the gtk+2 dep to get Firefox building, hopefully it gets removed from upstream soon 2020-10-14T22:09:16 #kisslinux k, updated mesa, bumping firefox to 81.0.2 and seeing if that will build with no patches 2020-10-14T22:09:47 #kisslinux it takes about an hour to fail, so I will know in an hour if we need the 1.47 patch or not 2020-10-14T22:10:09 #kisslinux sucks that we disable ccache for firefox builds 2020-10-14T22:10:40 #kisslinux of note: 81.0.1 failed for me with no patches