This is not a love song. This is: **** ******** ******** ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ******** c i n t m c i e . v s i , s t Issue #43 October 18, 1989 Special Star Trek issue! Write to us: Activist Times, Inc. P.O. Box 2501 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 =========================== = info following brought = = on by a need for more = = real information =) = =========================== Hi folks. First up, it's Prime Anarchist with Prime Anarchist World News: p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n*p*a*w*n* PRIME ANARCHIST PRODUCTIONS Presents ATI, now a GZP - in case you didn't know that already. PAP, Activist Times Inc. and Ground Zero Productions all come under the same umbrella (but we're not trying to sell you insurance - just share some ideas). "Check out special billing accounting codes. These codes are dialed with the call (usually 2 digits). Calls come back summarized by code. "One warning: most accounting codes are not 'restrictive', i.e. calls will go through for any 2 digits dialed, so this is not a good way to control abuse." See possibilities there? I do. Adding 2 digits to a 14-digit Sprint or MCI card could force 17 calls to the same place to take up 17 lines. So --instead of your bill showing 17 calls to Oshkosh, Wyoming for a total of so many minutes, there will be 17 lines for those calls. In other words, do a random number each time (99 possibilities for each call dialed) and the bill will come home in a box. Looooooooooove that paper trail! Best prank I've heard of so far? 23 year-old Joseph Mulcahey tried to withdraw money at his local bank. Suddenly, police showed up and took him away. He says he had no idea someone days before scribbled "Give me $10,000. I have a gun." on the back of a withdrawal slip and put it back in the middle of the stack at the bank's table. Dweezil hotline: dial 818-PUM-PKIN. A real "war-on-drugz" would have to involve alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, valium, phenobarbitol, and many other substances. What we have before us is a witch hunt. I think Bush is going to "Blow his Wod". Book review: "Loyalties" by Carl Bernstein. Carl tackles the issue of having a mom and dad who joined the Communist party. More than just commies, Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein were hard workers in the labor movement. Joining the Communist party just helped them getting around. AROUAH!!! I.D. trick of the month: Go to East Germany as a tourist. Get their version of a white card. Flock to West Germany as a "refugee". West Germany is flooded with newbies. They'll give you instant citizenship , hence credentials. Don't worry about the heavy American accent. Everyone speaks fluent English except us anyways. Prime signing off now. I be gone. Bye bye. NO CARRIER. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- --- The Roving Eavesdropper--- We got a lot of compliments on the story called "Terrorism of a 976 Phone Sex Line" in ATI37. And the chat buffer in ATI34 got a lot of laughs, too. So, ATI will now have a new occasional feature called "The Roving Eavesdropper", where we will bring you possible conversations that possibly took place over the phone, over the modem (via buffers), or even in person. We bring you this feature to represent reality. To show you humorous sides of human interaction that are normally not encountered. To just have some fun!!! So, in this issue we bring you a buffer from a chat system called Diversi-Dial. Diversi-Dial, or D-Dial as it is commonly referred to, is a 300-baud chat system run on an Apple computer and 7 modems and phone lines. It seems to sometimes attract a more interesting variety of individuals, as we will see now. When a + is shown, it means someone is had logged on. A - indicates someone logged off. Users who do not have a password (they cost between $5-$15 per month) have a time limit of 5 minutes on the system. The callers in this instance were all non-password holders, so you will see a lot of logging on and logging off, including the signons and signoffs of the person who buffered this fascinating conversation. A /s gives a list of users online. So wh a short list. And any line beginning with P was a private message to the user who buffered this. Anyway, on with the show: #6(T1:penile sensation) so whats up /s #1(T1:Living Abortion) 001 #3(T1:PussHead) 001 #6(T1:penile sensation) 002 --> 07/15/86 1:11 AM #3(T1:PussHead) well -->. + #4 #3(T1:PussHead) the death toll #6(T1:penile sensation) cool #2(T1:blood filled) its been up most of the day -->. - #4 #3(T1:PussHead) I had a tall frosty glass of puss today #6(T1:penile sensation) what flavored puss? -->. + #4 #6(T1:penile sensation) hi 4 #1(T1:Living Abortion) I had a "Bloody Mary" #6(T1:penile sensation) i only have those periodically, 1 -->. - #4 #3(T1:PussHead) I like to eat scabs #6(T1:penile sensation) sorry, just a little humor there #3(T1:PussHead) the dry blood melts in my mouth #1(T1:Living Abortion) haha #3(T1:PussHead) not in my hands #1(T1:Living Abortion) hehe -->. + #4 #6(T1:penile sensation) hi 4! #3(T1:PussHead) High 4 #1(T1:Living Abortion) hi 4 #6(T1:penile sensation) like anal sex, 4? --> #6 Cutoff in 30 sec *6(T1:penile sensation) be back! #3(T1:PussHead) bye peni #3(T1:PussHead) peee ny #1(T1:Living Abortion) bye ps *6(T1:penile sensation) beback! *6(T1:penile sensation) oooooh -->. - #4 /I 02861 Calls / 060 Today Welcome to: -=*> Ascii Connection <*=- -->. + #6 -->. - #4 #3(T1:PussHead) re --> #3 Cutoff in 30 sec /w80 --> Done --> #2 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #1 Cutoff in 30 sec *** /MB *** Ascii message index: 2 /mj: D-DIAL numbers [8/11] /ml: Wishes are like dishes + /mm: Zen's zany world + /mn: Ascii Connection news + /mo: Maxx's message + /mp: Profitic statements + /mq: 2toneville + /hbleeding anus --> Done *1(T1:Living Abortion) repenile h *3(T1:PussHead) you guys *3(T1:PussHead) and penis -->. + #4 #6(T1:bleeding anus) hi! *1(T1:Living Abortion) hi 4 #6(T1:bleeding anus) call back guys! P*1(T1:Living Abortion) haha *3(T1:PussHead) ok! -->. - #1 -->. - #2 -->. - #3 -->. - #4 -->. + #1 -->. + #2 -->. + #4 -->. + #3 #1(T1:?) whoa hi 1-4 #6(T1:bleeding anus) hi 1-4 #2(T1:Nose Bleed) hi #3(T1:craN) line 4 hates me... #2(T1:Nose Bleed) I had too much coke tonight #1(T1:Crusted) hi /s #1(T1:Crusted) 001 #2(T1:Nose Bleed) 001 #3(T1:craN) 001 #4(T1:blood filled) 001 #6(T1:bleeding anus) 002 --> 07/15/86 1:16 AM #2(T1:Nose Bleed) hi cc #2(T1:Dan) HI guys! want to come to a thuper meeting? #1(T1:Crusted) hah #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) I'm old, gray, wrinkled, my tits sag.. #4(T1:blood filled) ive been in and out today #1(T1:Crusted) in and out of who? #6(T1:bleeding anus) i like sex with young seminarians better #4(T1:blood filled) ive gotten into the habbit #2(T1:Dan) we can play thome thuper games! like pin the poker in the anus! #1(T1:Crusted) is that why it bleeds? #2(T1:Dan) and slide and go squeek #6(T1:bleeding anus) yeah! /s #1(T1:Crusted) 002 #2(T1:Dan) 002 #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) 002 #4(T1:blood filled) 002 #6(T1:bleeding anus) 003 --> 07/15/86 1:17 AM #1(T1:Crusted) hah #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) haha #4(T1:blood filled) i hear blood makes a good lubricant #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) hahaha #2(T1:Dan) blood makes such a good lubricant #2(T1:Dan) shit #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) haha #4(T1:blood filled) fuck you #2(T1:Dan) with blood? #4(T1:blood filled) a dried stick of it #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) I hear puss makes a better one #1(T1:Crusted) mmmmmmmmm #1(T1:Crusted) a dried stick of puss, mmmm #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) yummy --> #6 Cutoff in 30 sec #4(T1:blood filled) puss sticks *6(T1:bleeding anus) be back! tructions, enter: /I 02867 Calls / 064 Today Welcome to: -=*> Ascii Connection <*=- -->. + #6 /w80 --> Done --> #4 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #3 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #2 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #1 Cutoff in 30 sec *** /MC *** Ascii message index: 3 /mr: Rules of Ascii Connection /ms: 0odspeak + /mu: Guest subscribers list + (updated soon) /mz: Locked system information *3(T1:Pregnant Nun) 6, log off when we do and call back, then we will all be synched #6(T1:?) call back guys *2(T1:Testtubeabortion) *4(T1:blood filled) wheres baby aims when you need her #6(T1:?) sync time *1(T1:Crusted) ya *1(T1:Crusted) haha *4(T1:blood filled) hell sync -->. - #1 -->. - #2 -->. - #3 -->. - lcome to: -=*> Ascii Connection <*=- -->. + #6 /wq #1(T1:?) hi 2-6 /w80 --> Done #2(T1:) hi /hsheep whore --> Done -->: + #4(T1:pregnant fetus) hi #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) haha #6(T1:sheep whore) rehi everyone #1(T1:Dried) hi 5 #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) hahahahahahahhaa #1(T1:Dried) HAHAH #2(T1:GhostofJesus) hi #2(T1:GhostofJesus) im dead #5(T1:ROBIN) HI ALL #1(T1:Dried) hi Robin #6(T1:sheep whore) hi robin #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) the Virgin mary was a whore #4(T1:pregnant fetus) get in on some bird action #2(T1:GhostofJesus) the jews would crucify me all the time #1(T1:Dried) robin? #6(T1:sheep whore) robin hood and his band of merry men? #6(T1:sheep whore) ever have sex with a grizzly bear? #4(T1:pregnant fetus) guess thats what was meant by a double fuck #5(T1:ROBIN) YOU ALL KNIGHT PEOPLE ARE SO CRAYZY #1(T1:Dried) haha #1(T1:Dried) c'mon big boy, you know you want it up the ass #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) c'mon honey bun, slip it in my back door #4(T1:pregnant fetus) under your mudflaps #1(T1:Dried Clitoris) hah #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) bundtcakes #4(T1:pregnant fetus) the bigger the cushin the better the pushin #2(T1:Mother goose) hickory dickory dock the mouse pulled out his cock. his orgasm begun and out came cum hickory dickory dock #5(T1:ROBIN) THI CUNVERSATION IS STUPID #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand #1(T1:Dried) the farther the punt, the larger the stunt /s #1(T1:Dried) 004 #2(T1:Mother goose) 004 #3(T1:Pregnant Nun) 004 #4(T1:pregnant fetus) 004 #5(T1:ROBIN) 003 #6(T1:sheep whore) 004 --> 07/15/86 1:24 AM --> Full #5(T1:ROBIN) CUTOFF --> #6 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #4 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #3 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #2 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #1 Cutoff in 30 sec *** /MF *** Friday weather forecast: Today will be partly sunny, but with a 40% chance of thunderstorms during the day. High/low: 82/65 0ods *6(T1:sheep whore) cunt off *6(T1:sheep whore) baaaaaaaaa everyone! *3(T1:Pregnant Nun) hahahahaha *1(T1:Dried) hah -->. - #2 *3(T1:Pregnant Nun) baaaaa! #5(T1:) BYE ALL *1(T1:Dried) bye -->. - #4 /w80 --> Done #6(T1:?) re #2(T1:Mother Goose) slice #2(T1:Mother Goose) with 10 % cherry juice #1(T1:blood) hsaha /hhot fur demon --> Done #3(T1:popped cherry) rip me #1(T1:blood) haha #6(T1:hot fur demon) hi #3(T1:popped cherry) hahaha #2(T1:Mother Goose) haha #2(T1:Goose Mother) ooOooOOo #3(T1:popped cherry) I WONDER WHO 6 is! <duh> #1(T1:blood) haha #6(T1:hot fur demon) hmmm /s #1(T1:blood) 003 #2(T1:Goose Mother) 003 #3(T1:popped cherry) 003 #4(T1:?) 003 #6(T1:hot fur demon) 002 --> 07/15/86 1:28 AM #2(T1:Mummy sex) i want to go to egypt and fuck some corpses #6(T1:hot fur demon) yeah! #2(T1:Mummy sex) those dead ones turn me on #1(T1:blood) hahahaha #6(T1:hot fur demon) i like to fuck skeletons -->: + #5:?:#375$ #6(T1:hot fur demon) with BONERS #1(T1:blood) hi 375 #4(T1:?) fuck you 375 #1(T1:blood) you are the father of my unborn child, 375? #3(T1:oozing red liqui) naaa, I wanna go to ancient greece and fuck a goddess whos been dead for over 2000 years --> #4 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #3 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #2 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #1 Cutoff in 30 sec *** /MH *** Well.... There might be a message here later. #6(T1:hot fur demon) into anal sex, 5? #5(T1:=izer) hi all #6(T1:hot fur demon) sync time again #5(T1:=izer) call back 1,2,3,4 *2(T1:Mummy sex) I want to fuck sea animals -->. - #4 -->. - #2 -->. - y Welcome to: -=*> Ascii Connection <*=- -->: + #6 -->: + #3 /w80 --> Done #2(T1:?) fuck you izer /hquad #1(T1:Raging Erection) #5(T1:=izer) now now childre #5(T1:=izer) n /hquad-dildoe --> Done #6(T1:quad-dildoe) hi #4(T1:horny infant) give it to me #6(T1:quad-dildoe) hahahaa #3(T1:Reddened Pink) hahaha /hpulsing purple --> Done #1(T1:Cripple) who stole my wheelchair? #5(T1:=izer) are you all friends? #6(T1:pulsing purple) hey great #2(T1:Tidalwave) hi #4(T1:horny infant) sink me with your pink torpedo #3(T1:Reddened Pink) hahaha #3(T1:Reddened Pink) <fire away!> #5(T1:=izer) how old r ya #2(T1:Tidalwave) I want your throbbing shaft of love inside of me #5(T1:=izer) 8? 9? #3(T1:Reddened Pink) old enough to know how and young enuff to do it well #1(T1:Cripple) well the infant is 6 months old #1(T1:Cripple) I am impotent #5(T1:=izer) do all of u have orgys together? #3(T1:Reddened Pink) yes, every nite #4(T1:horny infant) you just get fucked over #2(T1:Tidalwave) ya, with your momma #6(T1:pulsing purple) i want your cane up my ass, cripple #3(T1:Reddened Pink) hahaha P#2(T1:Tidalwave) hahaha #1(T1:Cripple) hahaha #2(T1:Tidalwave) hahahah #5(T1:=izer) u all must be friends #1(T1:Cripple) Its not a cane but a walker #3(T1:Reddened Pink) I've never done it in a wheelchair before #2(T1:Tidalwave) I have 6, no make that 7, 7 flavors #2(T1:Tidalwave) for the entire family #6(T1:pulsing purple) hahaha #2(T1:Tidalwave) go ahead, bring the kids #5(T1:=izer) why do u insist on all being gross? #1(T1:Cripple) shut up izer #5(T1:=izer) or? #2(T1:Tidalwave) fuck you izer, you fucking nerd --> #5 Cutoff in 30 sec *5(T1:=izer) or #1(T1:Cripple) why do you insist on being an asshole? #6(T1:pulsing purple) bye =fucker #1(T1:Cripple) haha #4(T1:horny infant) fuck off =izer #2(T1:Tidalwave) hahaha -->. - #5:=izer:#375$ #3(T1:pink pleasure) why dont you just stay the fuck out? #1(T1:Cripple) hahaa /s #1(T1:Cripple) 004 #2(T1:Tidalwave) 004 #3(T1:pink pleasure) 004 #4(T1:horny infant) 004 #6(T1:pulsing purple) 004 --> 07/15/86 1:34 AM P#1(T1:Cripple) who is this? #2(T1:Tidalwave) lets go twit some system P#1(T1:Cripple) this is a cripple #3(T1:pink pleasure) no! --> #6 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #4 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #3 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #2 Cutoff in 30 sec --> #1 Cutoff in 30 sec *** /MN *** Well.... There might be a message here later. *1(T1:Cripple) ya *6(T1:pulsing purple) well this is it for me *6(T1:pulsing purple) bye kids *1(T1:Cripple) paradise *2(T1:Tidalwave) bye 6 *3(T1:pink pleasure) we are all so nicely synched, WE OWN Ascii right now *6(T1:pulsing purple) all buffered *4(T1:horny infant) gang banged by the system *1(T1:Cripple) electric -->: + #5:?:#375$ *2(T1:Tidalwave) fuck you izer /hfuck me --> Done #5(T1:?) rehi ***END OF BUFFER*** Wasn't that special? Look in ATI44 for a great story called "Typical Converstion Heard at a Suburban Mall". It'll knock your socks off!! flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash flash Now for a special announcement: RC Cola drinkers, unite. Boycott Pepsi. Wayne Calloway, Pepsico's Chairman also sits of Exxon's Bored of Directors. Exxon and Pepsi are both bad on the First Ammendment (not to mention the environment! -GZ). Pepsico's address is Purchase, NY 10577; fone number is 914-253-2000. Suggestions: 1. Light up their switchboard. 2. Tear up your Exxon card. 3. Don't buy Exxon gas or other products. 4. Tape or crazy-glue all Pepsi vending machines. 5. Write "Pepsi Boycott" in the street in front of major sidewalk promotions. 6. Jam Pepsi ads on your local TV station (We're not in the Max Headroom days yet! -GZ) 7. Buy your grocer's homemade colas. 8. Get the Coke recipe and brew your own. 9. Start drinking iced tea. 10. Hijack a Pepsi truck and and drive it off a cliff (dress up like an Indian or a Coke deliveryman). 11. Call your operator and pose this rhetorical question: "On your next break will you drink a Pepsi, which stands for censorship, or will you participate in the boycott?" So next time you want to make the choice of a New Generation, pop open a Royal Crown. GZ's note: Don't forget other Pepsi products, like Slice. If in doubt, check the can or label. $-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$ And now, a story from the 10-17-89 issue of The Sun. For all you Trekkies like me! Read it and laugh: Hundreds of Trekkies Shave Their Heads to Look Like Captain Picard-- (Typed in from a tabloid called THE SUN) The next generation of trekkies has had it with the fake Vulcan ears of Mr. Spock --they're shaving their heads to look like Captain Picard! Bald heads are popping up all over the country as more and more spaced-out STAR TREK fans pay tribute to the skinhead Enterprise captain of TV's STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. "STAR TREK isn't just a TV show, it's a way of life", says bald Kevin Johnson, 23. "And Captain Picard is the best example of what the Enterprise crew stands for. "Shaving your head is the ultimate test for a Trekkie to show his allegiance." While older STAR TREK fanatics are free to do what they want with thier hair, parents are alarmed that growing numbers of young children are taking razors to their scalps. Mad mom Marlene Peterson forbid her 10-year old son Gary from watching his favorite show when he arrived at the breakfast table sporting a Captain Picard top. "I could have dropped dead", she recalls. "He had used his father's electric razor the night before and shaved off every hair. "When I screamed at him he just shrugged and said all the kids were doing it." STAR TREK has always had a large group of steadfast loyal fans who'll go to amazing extremes to imitate their heroes. But according to Dr. Louise Fitzgibbon, a top psychologist who has studied the phenomenon, Captain Picard is an especially attractive role model. "He is very dedicated and professional", she says. "Although he seems unemotional on the surface, he will make any sacrifice for his crew. "To devoted trekkies, he is the man of the future, and for them, shaved heads are the final frontier." poetryCORNERpoetryCORNERpoetryCORNERpoetryCORNERpoetryCORNERpoetryCORNER Now, a poem from Ramin S. (213) The time allotted for you to dial has been exceeded... Please hang by your neck till dead. -- Ramin S. (That's kind of like what the fone compaany thinks of its public...Heh.) Now for a great poem I saw in Environmental Action magazine: WHAT KING GEORGE SAYS "It's sweet and it doesn't have any of that stuff theey spray on the apples" -George Bush, on why he drinks carrot juice (Newsweek, March 27, 1989) He ought to know, head of a government that okays carcinogens on our apples, grapes and other produce. Friend of Uniroyal, which makes Alar. Buddy of the fruit and vegetable cartels. Overseer of comprador governments that spray DDT on their own field hands. Carrot juice, though less dangerous, is not cheap, nor available in Safeway, Kroger or Winn-Dixie. It's the juice of those who know, those who can afford to shop in gourmet health food stores. As for the masses, King George says: LET 'EM EAT ALAR -- Bob Slaymaker Alar is a ripening agent used mainly on apples and is a known carcinogen. And it looks like the masses ARE going to eat Alar. The federal government is buying out a 15-million surplus created when the serious effects of Alar became widely publicized. These apples will be distributed to the poor. They will not be tested for Alar content. ============================================================================== A major quake happened in Northern California, affecting San Francisco,Oakland, San Jose and other cities. I hope the people affected get the best help possible. At least ol' Bush was kind enough to declare the area a disaster area, and federal aid will soon follow. That's all for ATI43. See you on the dark side of the moon!