MainStreet, USA. Here at the new Prime Anarchist World News Tonite
headquarters -- Oshkosh, WI -- I believe with all my heart that 
63 year old Bob Denver (known to most as Gilligan) should  N O T   
be thrown in prison for the rest of his life for having a pound of 
organically grown, paraquot-free Mexican marijuana mailed to his
   When people like me, who don't even smoke pot anymore jump to 
Gilligan's aid, you can take this as EXCATHEDRO-GOSPELLIC 
truth-in-all-absolition fact: Our Justice System Has Cancerously 
Grown Into A Mockery Of Its Very Own Self.
   I, Prime Anarchist, await its crumbling, of its own stupidity,
waiting, awaitingly, with sated breadth.

Hola, and welcome to the hundred thirty first issue of P.A.P.'s ATI.
Activist Timor's Incredible.
     I'm Prime Anarchist and this is my humble rant for Sonday, 
February 131st, 1998. We have lots of stuff here, as you can see.
Plenty of submissions came in last week and some turned up from the
week before. I now wonder how many University of Connecticut might
have lost on me. Oh well, if you don't see your stuff this week or
next, send it again, I'm not ignoring you; I'm just deft. It's
official, Bill Clinton has dedicated Henley's Walden Forest. I'm
glad it happened mostly. But I must say I have a little trouble
hearing Thoreau quotes from a man who likely spends more money
on condoms than I make per year in gross income. But as usual
we suffer the need to take the bad along with the good I guess.
So there, I give you ATI131. Happy summer reading. Oh, and tell
http://www.amazon.com that you want one of each, and you'd like
Prime Anarchist to get the commissions, ok?

For now we have this:
Has anyone heard the song "Counterfeit," by Limp Bizkit?
Me either.
"Somewhere, Alan Freed is laughing," says Southern Connecticut
copyright lawyer Mark T. Gould in a recent Soundwaves magazine.
Thank you for reading this column. That will be 50 cents.

   I don't care about the Y2K bug. Bring it on. I'm refusing to
stress one bit about it. If tech plods on past 2000 I shall keep
writing HTML, basic, Unix, VB, etc. If not, I go back to pad and
pencil. Why, I've been using technology AND notepads since Janet
Reno was knee high to a congressman.
   No fear man. To risk misquoting Hunter Templeton Stockson, "It
just can't possibly get weird enough for me."

And while we're doling out quotes, here's a WS Merwin that I 
particularly like. (as if there's anything Merwinish I don't)

    "You die without knowing
      whether anything you
       wrote was any good.
       If you have to be
      sure, don't write."

As is the tradition, I'll end with a Prime Anarchist Original
Poem. This PAOP brought to you by the Vatican Council on 
hemp shower soap. (pope's dope on a rope soap)

. Send all contributions, contrasting contradictions, 
. corrections and cohesive camraderie to:
. ati@etext.org
. primeanarchist@thepentagon.com
. or:
. ati@etext.org
. letters to the editor go to:
. editor@intst.com
. music notes go to:
. lutenist@geocities.com
. poetics go to all of the above!

This is entitled Rice Pudding.
(c) tomorrow. by marco

I'm peeling potatoes for Sonia
While I await my rice pudding's finish
(she's cooking for 35 people)
It'll be done about "fivish."
Sonia's is timed for just before six.
Jalapeno pizza and some kind of potato stix.
I'm cooking for one
But I'll share with any
Of the 35ish when it is done.