*                                                                         *
*                Evil Angels Presents...                                  *
*                                                                         *
*                Anarchistic Tendancies... Part III                       *
*                (Version 2. - Due to Legal Hassels)                      *
*                How to run a Bulletin Board....                          *
*                                                                         *
*                       ... by Fearless Fred.                             *
*                                                                         *

|                           Ring these Boards!                            |
|                                                                         |
| -> The Twilite Zone. 5620686. 300/300 1200/1200. 24 hours a day!        |
|                                                                         |
| -> Pacific Island.   8902174. 300/300   ONLY.    24 hours a day!        |
|                                                                         |

Loggin on...
The first way to piss of users is wait till they are entering their 
password, and as they enter it, hit a random letter. Simple, they don't
know you're there, they stuff up their password, and get logged off 
totally confused, and think they've forgotten their password!

Once they're on...
This is when the real fun starts! One can do many thing to totally confuse 
and bugger up a user. 

Start with hitting Control-S. That stops sending stuff. To the user, it 
looks as if the board has just frozen up, and think that it has crashed. 
Then hang up!

The smart-ass users who know that will try hitting return a couple of 
times and a Control-Q. So they have suspicions that something is wrong...
that the sysop doesn't like them... they Yell.

There's a couple of things you can do....

1. Totally ignor the Yell... and go one with other things.

2. Sit there and cancel the Yell.
   (That's annoying to them, but not much fun because you can't see the 
3. Answer the Yell... tell them to piss off, and put them back to the 
   board, and go one with other things.
4. The best... answer the yell, but don't say anything... 
   It's great fun to see the person trying to get your attention,
   and eventually giving up after 5-10 minutes, and then finding out
   that the only way out of chat is to hang up... of course, that's
   after some serious abuse. What you can do is put all what they say to 
   you in a text file, and send it to them in a message.

When someone is downloading a file you wait till it has almost finished... 
like has sent 99 out of the 101 X-Modem blocks, and cancel the download.
It's best when it is a program rather than a text file because the program 
will stuff up. What's more, OPUS remembers the amount sent, and adds it to 
the total downloaded.

Another thing to do is when they go into the file area, drop their privs 
so that all they can do is see the files but not download them.

Something really unethical to do is when a real dork (like Captain Chaos)
leaves you private messages, export them to disk and put them in a file 
area so that all your friends can laugh at him too!

Good thing to do is change where people come from. Just ask Lord Asmodeus, 
he now comes from Big Mother's Ass, funny that, I always was suspitious of 

Things Not to Do!
Don't let any users get into DOS! This is like writing your PIN number on your
credit card and leaving it in the machine. You are going to get FUCKED!

Persons just setting up their own boards should take careful note of this!


This Month's Awards.

Loozer User of the Month goes to Lord Asmodeus.

Confessed Nerd of the Month goes to Taxi Cab, Qix and the other names
he uses.

Birthday of the month... Fire Fox, 4 today!

Cool Dood of the month goes to Lightening Bolt.

Driver of the month goes to Thelonius Monk.

Hoon of the month goes to ECH!? (What a beeeeeautiful Woman!)

Soppy message of the month was written by Thelonius Monk to ECH,
and will be available next issue.

Salesman of the month goes Lounge Lizzard.

Please note that there is now NO reference to any Mentats in this
file. Also, there is NO reference to any boards that any Mentats run.


Anarchistic Tendancies ///
(C) Feb 29 1988

           * NO PART OF THIS FILE MAY BE        *
           *                                    *
           *      - That's a god-dammed warning *
           *                                    *

Thanx to:

The R.A.C.V. for inflating Gem Gem's rear tyre twice in the last month.

Thanks to all Mentats for their friendly persuasive and helpful suggestions
for the editing of this file. 
