ANARCHY 'N' EXPLOSIVES - VOLUME 7 ================================= By Doctor Dissector, 6/16/89 Well, I've done it again, another issue of this series, all out, in no time at all... In fact, this issue is being written only a few days from the last, probably cuz it's summer now, and I can spend what little free time I have on the computer to Anarchy shit. Anyway, here it is, and my generic warning label: WARNING: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT IS BOTH REAL AND DANGEROUS. ACCIDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL MISUSE MAY CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACTIONS OR USE OF THE INFORMATION IN ANY ILLICIT MANNER. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR INJURY DUE TO THE MATERIAL COVERED, AND THE READER ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS/HER ACTIONS AFTER READING THE MATERIAL. AND AS ALWAYS, THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR RELEASE TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE, AND USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! Ok, now, lets cut the crap... This is issue 7, wow, I never would have thought I'd get an issue out so fast... But, this one should be pretty good for you anarchy fans out there. In this issue, we will cover incendiaries and composite explosives; the ones I have in mind include Fire Fudge, the Incendiary Brick, PETN (Pentaerythrite tetranitrate), RDX (Cyclonite), Composition B, Composition C4, and Pentolite. Enjoy the phun.... FIRE FUDGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Description. (1) This item consists of a mixture of sugar and potassium chlorate in a hot water solution which solidifies when cooled to room temperature. It can be used to ignite most incendiaries, except thermite. It may be used directly as an incendiary on rags, dry paper, dry hay, or in the combustible vapor above liquid fuels. (2) The igniter can be initiated by a fuse cord, string fuse, or concen- trated sulfuric acid. (3) Fire fudge resembles a white sugar fudge having a smooth, hard sur- face. The advantage of this igniter material over Sugar-Chlorate, is its moldability. The procedure for preparation must be followed closely to obtain a smooth, uniform material with a hard surface. CAUTION: THIS MATERIAL IS POISONOUS AND MUST NOT BE EATEN. b. Material and Equipment. Granulated Sugar (NOT powdered or confectioners) Potassium chlorate (no coarser than the sugar) Metallic, glass, or enameled pan. Measuring container Spoon (non-metallic) Thermometer (200-250 degrees Fahrenheit) c. Preparation. (1) Clean the pan by boiling some clean water in it for about five minutes. Discard the water, pour one measureful of clean water into the pan and warm it. Dry the measuring container and add one measure- full of sugar. Stir the liquid until the sugar dissolves. (2) Boil the solution until a fairly thick syrup is obtained. (3) Remove the pan from the source of heat to a distance of at least six feet and shut off the heat. Rapidly add two measurefuls of potassium chlorate. Stir gently for a minute to mix the syrup and powder, then pour or spoon the mixture into appropriate molds. If the mold is paper, it can usually be peeled off when the fire fudge cools and hardens. Pieces of cardboard or paper adhering to the igniter will not impair its use. Pyrex, glass, or ceramic molds can be used when a clear, smooth surface is desired. It is recommended that section thickness of molded fire fudge be at least one-half inch. If desired, molded fire fudge can be safely broken with the fingers. CAUTION: IF THIS IGNITER MATERIAL IS CARELESSLY HANDLED WITH EXCESSIVE BUMPING OR SCRAPING, IT COULD PRESENT ITSELF AS A HAZARD. d. Application. (1) Place a piece of fire fudge on top of the incendiary. Minimum size should be about one inch square and one-half inch thick. Prepare the fire fudge for ignition with a fuse cord, string fuse, or concentrated sulfuric acid in the normal manner. (2) If only battery grade sulfuric acid is available, it must be concen- trated before use to a specific gravity of 1.835, by heading it in an enameled, heat resistant glass or porcelain pot, until dens, white fumes appear. (3) When used to ignite flammable liquids, wrap a quantity of the igniter mixture in a non-absorbent material and suspend it inside the container near the open top. The container must remain open for easy ignition and combustion of the flammable liquid. (4) To minimize the hazard of premature ignition of flammable liquid vapors, allow at least two feet of fuse to extend from the top edge of an open container of flammable liquid before lighting the fuse. INCENDIARY BRICK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Description. (1) This incendiary is composed of potassium chlorate, sulfur, sugar, iron filings, and wax. When properly made, it looks like an ordinary building brick and can be easily transported without detection. The incendiary brick will ignite wooden walls, floors, and many other combustible materials. (2) This incendiary can be directly ignited by all igniters. To ignite this incendiary with White Phosphorus Solution, the solution must first be poured on absorbent paper and the paper placed on top of the brick. b. Material and Equipment. Parts By Volume Potassium chlorate (powdered).......................... 40 Sulfur (powdered)...................................... 15 Granulated sugar....................................... 20 Iron filings........................................... 10 Wax (beeswax or candle wax)............................ 15 Spoon or stick Brick mild Red paint Measuring cup or can Double boiler Heat source (hot plate or stove) c. Preparation. (1) Fill the bottom half of the double boiler with water and bring to a boil. (2) Place the upper half of the boiler on the lower portion and add the wax, sulfur, granulated sugar, and iron filings in the proper amount. (3) Stir well to blend all the materials evenly. (4) Remove the upper half of the double boiler from the lower portion and either shut off the heat source or move the upper section several feet from the fire. CAUTION: EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED AT THIS POINT BECAUSE ACCIDENTAL IGNITION OF THE MIXTURE IS POSSIBLE. SOME MEANS OF EXTINGUISHING A FIRE SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KEEP FACE, HANDS, AND CLOTHING AT A REASONABLY SAFE DISTANCE DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE PREPARATION. A FACE SHIELD AND FIREPROOF GLOVES ARE RECOMMENDED. (5) CAREFULLY add the required amount of potassium chlorate and again stir well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. (6) Pour the mixture into a brick mold and set aside until it cools and hardens. (7) When hard, remove the incendiary from the mold, and paint it red to simulate a normal building brick. d. Application. (1) When painted, the incendiary brick can be carried with normal construction materials and placed in or on combustible materials. (2) A short time delay in ignition can be obtained by combining fuses and one of the igniters. PETN - Pentaerythrite Tetranitrate - (penta, niperyth, penthrit) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETN is a high explosive used in detonating that is one of the most powerful military explosives almost equal in force to nitroglycerine and RDX. When used in a detonating cord, it has a detonation velocity of 21,000 feet per second and is relatively insensitive to friction and shock from handling and transportation. PREPARATION: Four hundred cc. of strong white nitric acid-prepared by adding a little urea to fuming nitric acid, warming, and blowing dry air through it until it is completely decolorized-is cooled in a 600 cc. beaker in a freezing mixture of ice and salt. One hundred grams of pentaerythrite, ground to pass a 50-mesh sieve, is added to the acid a little at a time with efficient stirring while the temperature is kept below 5 degrees. After all has been added, the stirring and the cooling are continued for 15 minutes. The mixture is then drowned in about 4 liters of cracked ice and water. The crude product, amounting to about 221 grams or 95% of the theory, is filtered off, washed free from acid, digested for an hour with a liter of hot 0.5% sodium carbonate solution, again filtered off and washed, dried, and finally recdata bstallized from acetone. A good commercial sample of PETN melts at 138.0- 138.5 degrees. The pure material melts at 140.5-141.0 degrees, short prismatic needles, insoluble in water, difficultly soluble in alcohol and ether. RDX - Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine - (Cyclonite, Hexagon, rags K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RDX is a white cdystalline solid that exhibits very high shattering power. It is commonly used as a booster in explosive trains or as a main bursting charge. It is stable in storage, and when combined with proper additives, may be cast or press loaded. It may be initiated by lead azide or mercury fulminate. PREPARATION: Detailed instructions are not available on the preperation of this product at this time, but if you are a good chemist, you will be able to make it from the brief description following- Cyclonite, prepared by the nitration of hexamethylenetetramine (C6H12N4), is derived ultimately from no other raw materials than coke, air, and water. Hexamethylenetetramine has basic properties and forms a nitrate (C6H12N4-2HNO3, m.p. 165 degrees) that is soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and acetone. The product C3H6O6N6, prepared by nitrating this nitrate is cyclonite. Another method of extracting RDX is by treating hexamethylenetetramine directly with strong nitric acid. In the acid process, the tetramine is added slowly in small portions at a time to nitric acid (1.52 s.g.) at a temperature of 20-20 degrees. When all the tetramine and acid are mixed, warm the liquid to 55 degrees. The allow the mixture to stand for a few minutes, allowing it to cool to 20 degrees, and the product will be precipitated with the addition of water. One example is 50 grams of the hexamethylenetetramine added to 550 grams of 100% nitric acid at 30 degrees, over a period of 15 minutes; the mixture was cooled to 0 degrees, held at 0 degrees for 20 minutes, and the drowned with water. A chemical diagram of the chemicals and the reaction are shown below. N NO2 _/|X_ | _/ | X_ N CH2/ CH2 XCH2 / X | | | CH2 CH2+3CH2O+NH3 | N | + 3HNO3 ----------> | | | / X | NO2-N N-NO2 | CH2 CH2 | X / | / X | CH2 N/ XN X__ __/ Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine X / CH2 Hexamethylenetetramine COMPOSITION B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Composition B is a high-explosive mixture with a relative effectiveness higher than that of TNT. It is also more sensitive than TNT. It is composed of RDX (59%), TNT (40%), and wax (1%). Because of its shattering power and high rate of detonation, Composition B is used as the main charge in certain models of bangalore torpedoes and shaped charges. COMPOSITION C4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Composition C4 is the most common military plastic explosive. It is often referred to as C4 Plasique. C4 is a white plastic high-explosive more powerful than TNT. It consists of 91% RDX and 9% plastic binder. It remains plastic over a wide range of temperatures (-70 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit), and is about as sensitive as TNT. It is eroded less than other plastic explosives when immersed under water for long periods. Because of its high detonation velocity and its plasticity, C4 is well suited for gutting steel and timber and for breaching concrete. PENTOLITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pentolite is a high explosive mixture of equal proportions of PETN and TNT. It is light yellow and is used as the main bursting charge f the i Ninades, small shells and shaped charges. Pentolite may be melted and cast in the container. Pentolite should not be drilled to produce cavities, forming tools should be used. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ Building The Aqua Box /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ Every true phreaker lives in fear of the dreaded F.B.I. 'Lock in Trace.' For a long time, it was impossible to escape from the lock in trace. This box does offer an escape route with simple directions to it.This box is quite a simple concept, and almost any phreaker with basic electronics knowledge can construct and use it. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ The Lock /-/ /-/ in Trace /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ A lock in trace is a device used by the F.B.I. to lock into the phone users location so that he can not hang up while a trace is in progress. For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of 'locking in', then here's a brief description. The F.B.I. can tap into a conversation, sort of like a three-way call connection. Then, when they get there, they can plug electricity into the phone line. All phone connections are held open by a certain voltage of electricity, that is why kou sometimes get static and faint connections when you are calling far away, because the electricity has trouble keeping the lineup. What the lock in trace does is cut into the line and generate that same voltage straight into the lines. That way, when you try and hang up, voltage is retained. Your phone will ring just like someone was calling you even after you hang up. (If you have call waiting, you should understand better about that, for call waiting intercepts the electricity and makes a tone that means someone is going through your line. Then, it is a matter of which voltage is higher. When you push down the receiver, then it see-saws the electricity to the other side. When you have a person on each line it is impossible to hang up unless one or both of them will hang up. If you try to hang up, voltage is retained, and your phone will ring. That should give you an understanding of how calling works, also. When electricity passes through a certain point on your phone, the electricity causes a bell to ring or on some newer phones an electronic ring to sound.) So, in order to eliminate the trace, you somehow must lower the voltage level on your phone line. You should know that every time someone else picks up the phone line, then the voltage does decrease a little. In the first steps of planning this out, Xerox suggested getting about a hundred phones all hooked into the same line that could all be taken off the hook at the same time.That would greatly decrease the voltage level. That is also why most three-way connections that are using the bell service three way calling (which is only $3 a month) become quite faint after a while. By now, you should understand the basic idea. You have to drain all of the power out of the line so the voltage can not be kept up. A rather sudden draining of power could quickly short out the F.B.I. voltage machine, because it was only built to sustain the exact voltage necessary to keep the voltage out. For now, image this. One of the normal radio shack generators that you can go pick up that one end of the cord that hooks into the central box has a phone jack on it and the other an electrical plug. This way, you can "flash" voltage THROUGH the line, but cannot drain it. So, some modifications have to be done. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ The Aqua Box /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ Materials needed- - A BEOC (Basic Electrical Output Socket), like a small lamp type connection, where you just have a simple plug and wire that would plug into a light bulb. - One of cords mentioned above, if you can't find one then construct your own... same voltage connection, but the restrain or must be the central box) - TWO phone jacks (one for the modem, one for if you are being traced to plug the aqua box into) - Some cdeativity and easy work. NOTICE: No phones have to be destroyed/modified to make this box, so don't go out and buy a new phone for it! All right, this is a very simple procedure. If you have the BEOC, it could drain into anything, a radio, or whatever. The purpose of having that is you are going to suck the voltage out from the phone line into the electrical appliance so there would be no voltage left to lock you in with. 1) Take the connection cord. Examine the plug at the end. It should have only two prongs, if it has three, still, do not fear. MAKE SURE THE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE IS TURNED OFF unless you wanna become a cdispy cditter while making this thing. Most plugs will have a hard plastic design on the top of them to prevent you from getting in at the electrical wires inside. Well, get a knife and remove it. If you want to keep the plug (I don't see why...) then just cut the top off. When you look inside, lo and behold, you will see that at the base of the prongs there are a few wires connecting in. Those wires conduct the power into the appliance. So, you carefully unwrap those from the sides and pull them out until they are about an inch ahead of the prongs. If you don't wanna keep the jack, then just rip the prongs out. If you cover the prongs with insulation tape so they will not connect with the wires when the power is being drained from the line. 2) Do the same thing with the prongs on the other plug, so you have the wires evenly connected. Now, wrap the end of the wires around each other. If you happen to have the other end of the voltage cord hooked into the phonephonep 1 reading now, you're too fucking stupid to continue. After you've wrapped the wires around each other, then cover the whole thing with the plugs with insulating tape. Then, if you built your own control box or if you bought one, then cdam all the wires into the and re-close it. That box is your ticket out of this. 3) Re-check everything to make sure it's all in place. This is a pretty flimsy connection, but on later models when you get more experienced at it then you can solder away at it and form the whole device into one big box, with some kind of cheap mattel hand-held game inside to be the power connector. In order to use itl ofuld pkeep this box handy. Plug it into the jack if you want, but it will slightly lower the voltage so it isn't connected. When you plug it in, if you see sparks, un-plug it and restart the WHOLE thing. But if it just seems fine then leave it. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ Using it !! /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ Now, so you have the whole thing plugged in and all... DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS THE SITUATION IS DESPERATE! When the trace has gone on, don't panic, un plug your phone, and turn on the appliance that it was hooked to. It will need energy to turn itself on, and here's a great source... the voltage to keep a phone line open is pretty small and a simple light bulb should drain it all in and probably short the F.B.I. computer at the same time. Happy boxing and stay free! --------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: aTOMIC BOMB THE FOLLOWING PAPER IS TAKEN FROM THE JOURNAL OF IRREPRODUCIBLE RESULTS, VOLUME 25/NUMBER 4/1979. PO BOX 234 CHICAGO HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 60411. SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE 1 YEAR FOR $3.701. 1. INTRODUCTION: WORLDWIDE CONTROVERSY HAS BEEN GENERATED RECENTLY FROM SEVERAL COURT DECISIONS IN THE UNITED STATES WHICH HAVE RESTRICTED POPULAR MAGAZINES FROM PRINTING ARTICLES WHICH DESCRIBE HOW TO MAKE AN ATOMIC BOMB. THE REASON USUALLY GIVEN BY THE COURTS IS THAT NATIONAL SECURITY WOULD BE COMPROMISED IF SUCH INFORMATION WERE GENERALLY AVAILABLE. BUT, SINCE IT IS COMMONLY KNOWN THAT ALL OF THE INFORMATION IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE IN MOST MAJOR METROPOLITAN LIBRARIES, OBVIOUSLY THE COURT'S OFFICIALLY STATED POSITION IS COVERING UP A MORE IMPORTANT FACTOR; NAMELY, THAT SUCH ATOMIC DEVICES WOULD PROVE TOO DIFFICULT FOR THE AVERAGE CITIZEN TO CONSTRUCT. THE UNITE fTEDS COURTS CANNOT AFFORD TO INSULT THE VAST MAJORITIES BY INSINUATING THAT THEY DO NOT HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE OF A CABBAGE, AND THTHTSTATED"OFFICIAL" PRESS RELEASES CLAIM NATIONAL SECURITY AS A BLANKET RESTRICTION. THE RUMORS THAT HAVE UNFORTUNATELY OCCURRED AS A RESULT OF WIDESPREAD MISINFORMATION CAN (AND MUST) BE CLEARED UP NOW, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT THIS MONTH IS THE CONSTRUCTION OF A THERMONUCLEAR DEVICE, WHICH WILL HOPEFULLY CLEAR UP ANY MISCONCEPTIONS YOU MIGHT HAVE ABOUT SUCH A PROJECT. WE WILL SEE HOW EASY IT IS TO MAKE A DEVICE OF YOUR VERY OWN IN TEN EASY STEPS, TO HAVE AND HOLD AS YOU SEE FIT, WITHOUT ANNOYING INTERFERENCE FROM THE GOVERNMENT OR THE COURTS. THE PROJECT WILL COST BETWEEN $5,000 AND $30,000, DEPENDING ON HOW FANCY YOU WANT THE FINAL PRODUCT TO BE. SINCE noughe Cd WEEK'S COLUMN, "LET'S MAKE A TIME MACHINE", WAS RECEIVED SO WELL IN THE NEW STEP-BY-STEP FORMAT, THIS MONTH'S COLUMN WILL FOLLOW THE SAME FORMAT. 2. CONSTRUCTION METHOD: 1. FIRST, OBTAIN ABOUT 50 POUNDS (110 KG) OF WEAPONS GRADE PLUTONIUM AT YOUR LOCAL SUPPLIER (SEE NOTE 1). A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IS NOT RECOMMENDED, AS LARGE QUANTITIES OF MISSING PLUTONIUM TENDS TO MAKE PLANT ENGINEERS UNHAPPY. WE SUGqT THAT YOU CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, OR PERHAPS THE JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. 2. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT PLUTONIUM, ESPECIALLY PURE, REFINED PLUTONIUM, IS SOMEWHAT DANGEROUS. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND WARM WATER AFTER HANDLING THE MATERIAL, AND DON'T ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN OR PETS TO PLAY IN IT OR EAT IT. ANY LEFT OVER PLUTONIUM DUST IS EXCELLENT AS AN INSECT REPELLANT. YOU MAY WISH TO KEEP THE SUBSTANCE IN A LEAD BOX IF YOU CAN FIND ONE IN YOUR LOCAL JUNK YARD, BUT AN OLD COFFEE CAN WILL DO NICELY. 3. FASHION TOEhHER A METAL ENCLOSURE TO HOUSE THE DEVICE. MOST COMMON VARIETIES OF SHEET METAL CAN BE BENT TO DISGUISE THIS ENCLOSURE AS, FOR EXAMPLE, A BRIEFCASE, A LUNCH PAIL, OR A BUICK. DO NOT USE TINFOIL. (BOMB CONT.) 4. ARRANGE THE PLUTONIUM INTO TWO HEMISPHERAL SHAPES, SEPARATED BY ABOUT 4 CM. USE RUBBER CEMENT TO HOLD THE PLUTONIUM DUST TOGETHER. GELIGNITE IS MUCH BETTER, BUT MESSIER TO WORK WITH. YOUR HELPFUL HARDWARE MAN WILL BE HAPPY TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THIS ITEM. 5. PACK THE TNT AROUND THE HEMISPHERE ARRANGEMENT CONSTRUCTED IN STEP 4. IF YOU CANNOT FIND GELIGNITE, FEEL FREE TO USE TNT PACKED IN WITH PLAY-DOUGH OR ANY MODELING CLAY. COLORED CLAY IS ACCEPTABLE, BUT THERE IS NO NEED TO GET FANCY AT THIS POINT. 6. ENCLOSE THE STRUCTURE FROM STEP 6 INTO THE ENCLOSURE MADE IN STEP 3. USE A STRONG GLUE SUCH AS "CRAZY GLUE" TO BIND THE HEMISPHERE ARRANGEMENT AGAINST THE ENCLOSURE TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL DETONATION WHICH MIGHT RESULT FROM VIBRATION OF MISHANDLING. 7. TO DETONATE THE DEVICE, OBTAIN A RADIO CONTROLLED (RC) SERVO MECHANISM, AS FOUND IN RC MODEL AIRPLANES AND CARS. WITH A MINIMUM OF EFFORT, A REMOTE PLUNGER CAN BE MADE THAT WILL STRIKE A DETONATOR CAP TO EFFECT A SMALL EXPLOSION. THESE DETONATOR CAPS CAN BE FOUND IN THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SECTION OF YOUR LOCAL SUPERMARKET. WE RECOMMEND THE "BLAST-O-MATIC" BRAND BECAUSE THEY ARE NO DEPOSIT-NO RETURN. 8. NOW HIDE THE COMPLETED DEVICE FROM THE NEIGHBORS AND CHILDREN. THE GARAGE IS NOT RECOMMENDED BECAUSE OF HIGH HUMIDITY AND THE EXTREME RANGE OF TEMPERATURES EXPERIENCED THERE. NUCEAR DEVICES HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO SPONTANEOUSLY DETONATE IN THESE UNSTABLE CONDITIONS. THE HALL CLOSET OR UNDER THE KITCHEN SINK WILL BE PERFECTLY SUITABLE. 9. NOW YOU ARE THE PROUD OWNER OF A WORKING THERMONUCLEAR DEVICE! IT IS A GREAT ICE-BREAKER AT PARTIES, AND IN A PINCH, CAN BE USED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE. 3. THEORY OF OPERATION: THE DEVICE BASICALLY WORKS WHEN THE DETONATED TNT COMPRESSES THE PLUTONIUM INTO A CRITICAL MASS. THE CRITICAL MASS THEN PRODUCES A NUCLEAR CHAIN REACTION SIMILAR TO THE DOMINO CHAIN REACTION (DISCUSSED IN THIS COLUMN, "DOMINOS ON THE MARCH" MARCH, 1968). THE CHAIN REACTION THEN PROMPTLY PRODUCES A BIG THERMONUCLEAR REACTION. AND THERE YOU HAVE IT, A 10 MEGATON EXPLOSION! 4. NEXT MONTH'S COLUMN: IN NEXT MONTH'S COLUMN, WE WILL LEARN HOW TO CLONE YOUR NEIGHBOR'S WIFE IN SIX EASY STEPS. THIS PROJECT PROMISES TO BE AN EXCITING WEEKEND FULL OF FUN AND PROFIT. COMMON KITCHEN UTENSILS WILL BE ALL YOU NEED. SEE YOU ALL NEXT MONTH! 5. NOTES: 1. PLUTONIUM (P)U ATOMIC NUMBER se s4, IS A RADIOACTIVE METALLIC ELEMENT FORMED BY THE DECAY OF NEPTUNIUM AND IS SIMILAR IN CHEMICAL STRUCTURE TO URANIUM, SATURIUM, JUPITERNIUM, AND MARSIUM. (BOMB CONT.) 6. PREVIOUS MONTH'S COLUMNS 1. LET'S MAKE TEST TUBE BABIES! MARCH, 1984 2. LET'S MAKE A SOLAR SYSTEM! APRIL, 1984 3. LET'S MAKE AN ECONOMIC RECESSION! MAY, 1984 4. LET'S MAKE AN ANTI-GRAVIY MACHINE! JUNE, 1984 5. LET'S MAKE CONTACT WITH AN ALIEN RACE! JULY, 1984 --------------------------------------- Finally, to the Atari World... THE PHOENIX brings you THE BEIGE BOX Construction and Use Inventor and Author: The Exterminator Terminal Man Distributor: The Phoenix Devil Guard...........313-885-5957 Crazyhouse...........e313-278-1727 Overlook Hotel........313-881-4033 Castle Wolfenstein....313-757-0065 ------------ INTRODUCTION ------------ Have you ever wanted a lineman's handset? Surely every phreak has at least once considered the phun that he could have with one. After searching unlocked phone company trucks for one for months, we had an idea. We could build one. We did, and named it the "Beige Box," simply because that is the color of ours. In the following file we will give complete instructions for the construction and use of a Beige Box. ------------ CONSTRUCTION ------------ The construction is very simple. First, you must understand the concept of the device. In a modular jack, there are four wires. These are red, green, yellow, and black. For a single line telephone, however, only two matter: the red (ring) and green (tip). The yellow and black are not necessary for this project. A lineman's handset only has two clips on it: the ring and the tip. You will need a phone (we reccommend a touch-tone) with a modular plug, a modular jack, and two large alligator clips (preferably red and green, respectively). Take the modular jack and look at the bottom of its casing. There should be a grey jack with four wires (red, green, yellow, and black) leading out of it. To the end of the red wire attach a red alligator clip. To the end of the green wire attach a green alligator clip. The yellow and black wires can be removed, although I would only set them aside so that you can use the modular jack in future projects. Now insert your telephone's modular plug into the molular jack. That's it. This particular model is nice because it can be easily made, is inexpensive, uses common parts that are readily available, is small, is lightweight, and does not require the destruction of a phone. ----- --- ---- BEYGE BOX USES ----- --- ---- There are many uses for the Beige Box. However, before you can use it, you must know how to attach it to its output device. This device can be any of several Bell switching apparatus that include terminal sets (i.e., remote switching centers, bridging heads, cans, etc.). To open most Bell Telephone switching apparatus, you must have a 7/16 inch hex driver. This piece of equipment can be picked up at your local hardware store. With your 7/16 hex driver, turn the security bolt(s) approximately 1/8 of an inch counter-clockwise and open. If your output device is locked, then you must have some knowledge of destroying and/or picking locks. However, we have never encountered a locked output device. Once you have opened your output device, you should see a mass of wires connected to terminals. On most of your output devices, the terminals should be labeled "T" (Tip -- if not labeled, it is usually on the left) and "R" (Ring -- if not labeled, it ks usually on the right). Remember: Ring - red - right. The "Three R's" -- a simple way to remember which is which. NMw you must attach the red alligator clip (ring) to the "R" (ring) terminal. Attach the green alliagtor clip (tip) to the "T" (tip) terminal. NOTE: If instead of a dial tone you hear nothing, re-adjust the alligator clips so that they are not touching each other or other terminals. Also make sure that they are firmly attached. By this time you should hear a dial tone. Dial ANI and find out the number that you are using (you wouldn't want to use your own). Here are some practical applications: o Eavesdropping o Long distance, static-free phone calls to phriends o Dialing direct to Alliance Conferencing (also static- free) o Phucking people over o Bothering the operator at little risk to yourself o Blue Boxing with a greatly reduced chance of getting caught o Anything at all that you want, since you are an extension on that line Eavesdropping: ------------- To be most effective, first attach the Beige Box and then your phone. This eliminates static caused by connecting the box, therefore reducing the potential suspicion of your victim. When eavesdropping, it is always best to be neither seen nor heard. If you hear someone dialing out, do not panic; but rather hang up, wait, and pick up the receiver again. The person will either have hung up or tried to complete their call again. If the latter is true, then listen in, anl perhaps you will find information worthy of blackmail! If you would like to know who you are listening to, after dialing ANI, pull a CN/A on the number. Dialing Long Distance: ------- ---- -------- This section is self-explanatory, but don't forget to dial a "1" before the NPA. Dialing Direct to Alliance Conferencing: ------- ------ -- -------- ------------ Simply dial 0-700-456-1000 and you will get instructions from there. I prefer this method over PBXs, since PBXs often have poos Fpiction and are more difficult to come by. Phucking People Over: -------- ------ ---- This is a very large topic for discussion. Just by using the other functions described, you can cdeate a large phone bill for the person (they will not have to pay it, but it is a hassle for them). In addition, since you are an extension of the person's line, leave your phone off hook, and they will not be able to make or recieve calls. This can be extremely nasty because no one would suspect the cause of the problem. Bothering the Operator: --------- --- -------- This is also self-explanatory and can provide hours of entertainment. Simply ask or say things to her that are offensive and you would not like traced to your line. This also corresponds with the previous described section, Phucking People Over. After all, guess who's line it gets traced to? He he he... Blue Boxing: ---- ------ See a file on Blue Boxing for more details. This is an especially nice feature if you live in an ESS-equipped prefix, since the calls are, once again, not traced to your line. --------- ----- -- ----- ------ POTENTIAL RYSKS OF BEIGE BOXING --------- ----- -- ----- ------ Overuse of the Beige Box may cause suspicions within the Gestapo, and result in legal problems. Therefore, I would recommend that you: o Use more than one output device o Choose a secluded spot to do your Beige Boxing o Keep a low profile (i.e., do not post under your real name on a public BBS concerning your accomplishments) o In order to make sure that the enemy has not been inside your ouput device, I reccomend that you place a piece of transparent tape over the opening of your output device. Therefore, if it is opened in your absence, the tape will be displaced and you will be aware of the fact"that someone has been intruding upon your territory. ---------- DISCLAIMER ---------- Since this file has been written for information purposes only, the authors cannot and will not take any responsibility for the construction and use of the Beige Box. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This file was written by The Exterminator and The Terminal Man Friday, May 17, 1985 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sysops have permission to post this material on their bulletin board systems, provided that it is in an elite section and none of the material is altered in any way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (>  BLACK BOX PLANS --------------- WHEN YOUR PHONE IS JUST SITTING THERE DOING NOTHING, THE VOLTAGE THROUGH THE PHONE LINE IS ABOUT 20 VOLTS AC. WHEN SOMEONE CALLS AND THE FONE STARTS RINGING, THE VOLTAGE JUMPS ENOUGH FOR THE BELL TO WORK (ABOUT 48 VOLTS) WHICH TELLS MA BELL TO STAND BY IF YOU SHOULD PICK UP SO SHE CAN BILL YOU. WHEN YOU ADVENTUALLY PICK UP THE PHONE THE VOLTAGE DROPS TO 10 VOLTS AND THE BILLING STARTS. WHAT A BLACK BOX DOES IS IT KEEPS THE VOLTAGE AT 36 VOLTS THEREFORE THE INCOMMING CALLER NEVER GETS BILLED (INGENIOUS!). THE ORIGINAL BLACK BOX WAS CREATED BY AN EX-BELL EMPLOYEE WHO WENT BY THE NAME "CAPTAIN CRUNCH". HE GOT HIS NAME FROM THOSE LITTLE WHISLES YOU GOT IN BOXES OF CAPTAIN CRUNCH BECAUSE THEY EMITED A TONE THAT SOUNDED LIKE A PAY FONE.CAPT CRUNCH JUST ANNOUNCED HIS OFFICIAL RETIREMENT FROM PHREAKING AFTER BEING RELEASED FROM A CALFORNIA JAIL ON TWO COUNTS OF USING BLUE BOXES (THE ONES OPERATORS USE). MATERIALS: 1] A 36 VOLT ZENER DIODE. 2] A CERAMIC OR MYLAR CAPACITOR OF 0.1 MICRO- FARAD. 3] A ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR OF 1.0 MICROFARAD. YOU CAN GET ALL THESE PARTS AT YOUR LOCAL RADIO SHACK. INSTRUCTIONS: FIRST YOU HAVE TO OPEN YOUR PHONE UP. YOU DO THIS BY GENTLY REMOVING THE TWO SCREWS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PHONE AND LIFTING THE COVER UP SLOWLY. YOU SHOULD NOTICE THREE WIRES COMING IN FROM THE BACK OF THE PHONE, A GREEN, RED, ANDYELLOW MOST OF THE TIME THOUGH THEY CAN DIFFER. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THCONSTY CANLOW WIRE, WE WILL NOT NEED IT TO DO THIS. YOU WILL NEED TO FIND THE MORE POSITIVE OF THE REMAINING TWO WIRES (ALMOST ALWAYS THE GREEN). NOW CONNECT THE BANDED END OF THE ZENER DIODE TO THE MORE POSITIVE OF THESE TWO WIRES. NOW CONNECT THC OTHER END OF THE DIODE TO THE RED WIRE "IN-SERIES". YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE FIRST STEP. FOR THE SECOND STEP YOU NEED A CERAMIC OR MYLAR CAPACITOR OF 0.1 MICRO- FARAD. YOU CONNECT THIS "IN PARALLEL" ACROSS THE DIODE. THIS IS NEEDED TO ALLOW THE DIODE TO PASS VOICE SIGNALS. NOW FOR THE FINAL STEP. TAKE YOUR ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR OF UP TO 1 MICRO-FARAD WITH IT'S + END CONNECTED TO THE BANDED END OF THE DIODE AND THE OTHER END SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO THE ANODE END OF THE DIODE. MA BELL IS NOT TOTALLY OBLIVIO. 6SO THIS. IF THE PHONE RINGS FOR ABOUT A HALF-HOUR THEY WILL THINK SOMETHING IS WRONG AND BILL YOU ANYWAY. WHEN USING A BLACK BOX YOUR PHONE WILL CONTINUE TO RING EVEN THOUGH YOU PICKED UP. YOU HAVE TO MAKE A SWITCH TO CONNECT TO ONE OF THE RINGER WIRES THAT WILL SHUT IT OFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --*= The Blotto Box$=*-- By The Traveler Finally, it is here! What was first conceived as a joke to fool the inncoent phreakers around America has finally been concieved by the one phreak who is the expert on lines and voltage: The Traveler. Other boxes by the Traveler include the White Gold Box, the Aqua Box, The Diverti Box, and the Cold Box. All of those plans will soon be available in a BBS/AE near you! Well, for you people who are unenlightened about the Blotto Box, here is a brief summery of a legend. --*-=> The Blotto Box <=-*-- For years now every pirate has dreamed of the Blotto Box. It was at first made as a joke to mock more ignorant people into thinking that the function of it actually was possible. Well, if you are The Voltage Mas orr, it is possible. Originally conceived by King Blotto of much fame, the Blotto Box is finally available to the public. NOTE: The Traveler can not be responcable for the information disclosed in the file! This file is strictly for informational purposes and should not be actually built and used! Usage of this electronical impulse machine could have the severe results listed below and could result in high federal prosecutioncription3 rain, The Traveler TAKES NO RESPONCABILITY! All right, now that that is cleared up, here is the basis of the box and it's function. The Blotto Box is every phreaks dream... you could hold AT&T down on it's knee's with this device. Because, quite simply, it can turn off the phone lines everywhere. Nothing. Blotto. No calls will be allowed out of an area code, and no calls will be allowed in. No calls can be made inside it for that matter. As long as the switchhing system stays the same, this box will not stop at a mere area code. It will stop at nothing. The electrical impulses that emit from this box will open every line. Every line will ring and ring and ring... the voltage will never be cut off until the box/ generator is stopped. This is no 200 volt job, here. We are talking GENERATOR. Every phone line will continue to ring, and people close to the box may be electricuted if they pick up the phone. But, the Blotto Box can be stopped by merely cutting of the line or generator. If they are cut off then nothing will emit any longer. It will take a while for the box to calm back down again, but that is merely a superficial aftereffect. Once again: Construction and use of this box is not advised! The Blotto Box will continue as long as there is electricity to continue with. OK, that is what it does, now, here are some interesting things for you to do with it... --*-=> The Blotto Box Functions and Installation <=-*-- Once you have installed your Blotto, there is no turning back. The following are the instructions for construction and use of this box. Please read and heed all warnings in the above section before you attempt to construct this box. Materials: - A Honda portable generator or a main power outlet like in a stadium or some such place. - A radio shack cord set for 400 volts that splices a female plug into a phone line jack. - A meter of voltage to attach to the box itself. - A green base (i.e. one of the nice boxes about 3' by 4' that you see around in your neighborhood. They are the main switch boards and would be a more effective line to start with. or: A regular phone jack (not your own, and not in your area code! - A soudering iron and much souder. - A remote control or long wooden pole. Now. You must have guessed the construction from that. If not, here goes, I will explain in detail. Take the Honda Portable Generator and all of the other listed equiptment and go out and hunt for a green base. Make sure it is one on the ground or hanging at head level from a pole, not the huge ones at the top of telephone poles. Open it up with anything convienent, if you are two feeble that fuck don't try this. Take a look inside... you are hunting for color-coordinating lines of green and red. Now, take out your radio shack cord and rip the meter thing off. Replace it with the voltage meter about. A good level to set the voltage to is about 1000 volts. Now, attach the voltage meter to the cord and set the limit for one thousand. Plug the other end of the cord into the generator. Take the phone jack and splice the jack part off. Open it up and match the red and green wires with the other red and green wires. NOTE: If you just had the generator on and have done this in the correct order, you will be a crispy cditter. Keep the generator off until you plan to start it up. Now, sauder those lines together carefully. Wrap duck tape or insultation tape around all of the wires. Now, place the remote control right on to the startup of the generator. If you have the long pole, make sure it is very long and stand back as far away as you can get and reach the pole over. NOTICE: If you are going right along with this without reading the file first, you sill realize now tHat your area code is about to become null! Then, getting back, twitch the pole/remote control and run for your damn life. Anywherel ofuust get away from it. It will be generating so much electricity that if you stand to close you will kill yourself. The generator will smoke, etc. but will not stop. You are now killing your area code, because all of that energy is spreading through all of the phone lines around you in every direction. Have a nice day! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ BLUE BOX PLANS! $ $ --------------- $ $ $ $ Edited and Uploaded by: $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$->The Spirit Of Radio<-$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ Written by: $ $ $ $ Mr. America from Osuny BBS $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ This file will explain the construction, troubleshooting, This design will make them last 10 months!!!!!! But nevertheless, don'tforget to put in aswitch for on and off. Ok let's build the two VCO'S andcalibrate the unit before we get to the keyboard construction. VCO CONSTRUCTION TOOLS REQUIRED 1 ocilliscope(optional but not req) 1 Freq. counter (REQUIRED) 1 Volt meter " " " Electronics tools (Pliers, drll, screwdrivers, etc.) PARTS R1 1.5K RESISTOR 5% R2 1K RESISTOR 5% C1 .1uf ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR 16VDC C2 .01uf " " (MYLQR) 16VDC C1 2207 VCO CHIP BY EXAR ELECTRONICS Remember the above only says VCO#1 but the same is for VCO#2 R3-R4 150 OHM RESISTORS 5% . C3-C4 .1 uf ELECTROLITIC CAPACITOR . 10VDC . P1-P10 200K TRIMMER POT - 20 TURNS DIODES USED IN THE KEYBOARD ARE 1N914 TYPE(40 OF THEM) & 13 SWITCHES FOR THE KEYBOARD SPST MOMENTARY. SPKR YOU CAN USE A TELEPHONE SPEAKER FOR THIS (IT WORKS BEST) BUT REMEMBER TOTAKE OUT THE DIODE THAT IS CONNECTED ACCROSS IT. IMPORTANT NOTES 1. DO NOT USE ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN A MYLAR CAPACITOR FORC2. 2. PINS 10,9,8 SHOULD BE TIED TOGETHER AND BE LEFT FLOATING. 3. ALL RESISTORS SHOULD BE 5%! NOTHING ELSE! 4. A TELEPHONE SPEAKER GIVES THE BEST RESULTS. TROUBLE SHOOTING By now you should have constructed the two VCO'S on a bread board or anything that pleases you. Check for cold solder joints,broken wires,polarity of the battery, etc. Before we apply power to the VCO'S we have to adjust the pots for their half way travel point. This is done by turning them 21 turns to the right and then 10 turns to the left. Do the same for all ten of them. Now apply power to the unit check to see that you have power in the chips by putting the positive lead of your volt meter on pin 7 andthe negative lead on pin 12. If you do not have anything there turn off the unit and RECHECK THE WIRING. When you get the right voltages on the chips, connect a diode to a piece of wire (look at fig. 2 for the orientation of the diode) from round to any pot at point T (look carefully at the schematic for point T it is labeled T1-T10 for all pots). You should be able to hear a tone, if not disconnect the lead and place the speaker close to your ear and if you hear a chirp-like sound, this means that the two VCO'S are working if you don't, it means that either one or both of the VCO'S are dead. So in this case it is always good to have an ocilloscope on hand. Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and hook the ocilliscope to 1 of the leads of the speaker & the ground from the scope to the ground of the battery. Connect again the ground lead with the diode connected to it from ground to any pot on the VCO that you are checking and you should see a triangle wave if not turn the pot in which you are applying the ground to until you see it. When you do see it do the the same for the other VCO to makesure it is working. (amplitude is about 2VAC). When you get the two VCO's working you are set for the adjustment of the individual spots. ADJUSTMENT Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and connect a freq. counter (the positive lead of the counter to one of the speakers leads that belongs to VCO#1 or connect it to pin 14. Connect the negative lead to the battery negative and connect the jumperlead with the diode from ground to pot number 1.T1 (the first pot number 1 point T1). If you got it working you should hear a tone and get a reading on the counter. Adjust the pot for a freq. of 1700hz and continue doing the same for pots 2-5 except that they get different freqs. which are: : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ : : $ $ : : $ P1 1700hz $ : : $ P2 1300hz $ : : $ P3 1100hz $ Therm1 17 $ P4 900hz $ : : $ P5 1500hz $ 1 17 $ $ Therm1 : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ : Now disconnect the freq. counter from the speaker lead of VCO#1 or from pin (which ever you had it attached to at the beginning) and connect it to the speaker lead of VCO#2 or to pin 14 of VCO#2 and make the same adjustments toP6-10.: : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Therm1 : $ T $ T 1 17 $ P6 1100hz $ T 1 17 $ P7 700hz $ 1 : $ P8 900hz $ Therm1 : $ P9 2600hz $ Therm1 : $ P10 1500hz $ T 1 17 $ $ T 1 17 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ T : When you finish doing all of the pots go back and re-check them. KEYBOARD IF YOU LOOK AT FIG-2 YOU WILL SEE THAT THE KEYS ARE SIMPLE SWITCHES. CONNECTED TO A GROUND AND TWO DIODES ON THE OTHER END. THESE DIODES ARE USED TO SIMPLIFY THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE KEYBOARD BECAUSE OTHERWISE THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GROUND SIGNAL FOR BOTH VCO'S WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE MECHANICALLY. THE DIODE WILL GO TO VCO#1 AND THE OTHER WILL GO TO VCO#2. FIG-3 SHOWS THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE KEYS ON THE KEYBOARD. BELOW IS A TABLE THAT WILL HELP YOU CONNECT THE KEYS TO THE REQUIRED VCO'SPOTS. <-------------------------------------> < > < (-FIG 2-) > < > <-----!-----!--------!--------!-------> < ! ! ! ! > < TO ! TO ! FREQ ! FREQ ! KEY > < POT ! POT ! OUT: ! OUT: ! > < ON ! ON ! ! ! > < VCO1! VCO2! ! ! > <-----!-----!--------!--------!-------> < 1 ! 06 ! 1700hz ! 1100hz ! C > < 2 ! 10 ! 1300hz ! 1500hz ! 0 > < 1 ! 10 ! 1700hz ! 1100hz ! E > < 4 ! 07 ! 0900hz ! 0700hz ! 1 > < 3 ! 07 ! 1100hz ! 0700hz ! 2 > < 3 ! 08 ! 1100hz ! 0900hz ! 3 > < 2 ! 07 ! 1300hz ! 0700hz ! 4 > < 2 ! 08 ! 1300hz ! 0900hz ! 5 > < 2 ! 06 ! 1300hz ! 1100hz ! 6 > < 5 ! 07 ! 1500hz ! 0700hz ! 7 > < 5 ! 08 ! 1500hz ! 0900hz ! 8 > < 5 ! 06 ! 1500hz ! 1100hz ! 9 > < - ! 09 ! ------ ! 2600hz ! X > < ! ! ! ! > <-------------------------------------> REMEMBER THAT IN FIG-2 IT'S THE SAME FOR EACH KEY EXCEPT THE "X" KEY, WHICH ONLY TAKES ONE DIODE. The Chemists Corner: #1 I. Common "weak" explosives: A. Gunpowder: 75% Potassium nitrate 15% Charcoal 10% Sulfur The chemicals should be ground into a fine powder SEPARATELY! with a mortar and pestle. If gunpowder is ignited in the open,it burns fiercely, but if in a closed space it builds up pressure from the released gases and can explode the container. Gunpowder works like this: the Potassium nitrate oxidizes the charcoal and sulfur, which then burn. Carbon dioxide and Sulfur dioxide are the gases released. B. Ammonal: Ammonal is a mixture of ammonium nitrate with aluminum powder. I am not sure of the % composition for ammonal, so you may want to experiment a little using small amounts. C. Chemically ignited explosives: 1. A mixture of 1 part potassium chlorateExt5 parts table sugar burns fiercely and brightly ( similar to that of magnesium ) when 1 drop of concentrated sulfuric acid iectrione hon it. What occurs is this: when the acid is added it reacts with the potassium chlorate to form chorine dioxide, which explodes on formation, burning the sugar as well. 2. Using various chemicals a mixture has been developed that works well exfor imitating volcanic eruptions. Given the name "MPG Volcanite" by Zaphod Beeblebrox/MPG. Here it is: Potassium chlorate + potassium perchlorate + ammonium nitrate + ammonium dichromate + potassium nitrate + sugar + sulfur + iron filings + charcoal + zinc dust + some coloring agent. ( red = Strontium nitrate, purple = iodine crystals, yellow = sodium chloride, crimson = calcium chloride, etc...) 3. So do you think water puts out fires? In this one, it starts them. Mix; ammonium nitrate + ammonium chloride + iodine + zinc dust. When a drop or two of water is added, the ammonium nitrate forms nitric acid which reacts with the zinc to produce hydrogen and heat. This may also ignite the hydrogen and begin burning. Ammonium nitrate: 8 g. Ammonium chloride: 1 g. Zinc dust: 8 g. Iodine cdata bstals: 1 g. 4. Potassium Permanganate + glycerine when mixed produces a purple colored exflame in 30 seconds to 1 minute. Works best if the potassium permanganate is exfinely ground. 5. Calcium carbide + water releases acetylene gas as used in blow torches. II. Thermite reaction: The thermite reaction is used in welding, because it generates molten iron and temps. of 3500 C (6000 F+). It uses one of the previous reactions to start it. Starter: Potassium chlorate + sugar. Main pt.: Iron (III) oxide + aluminum powder (325 mesh or finer). Put the potassium chlorate + sugar around and on top of the main pt. to start the reaction, place one drop of concentrated sulfuric acid on top of the starter mix. Step back! The ratios are: 3 parts iron(III) oxide, 1 part aluminum powder, 25g potassium permanganate, 6 ml glycerine. III. Nitrogen-containing high explosives: A. Mercury (II) fulminate To produce this very shock sensitive explosive, one might assume that it could be formed by adding fulminic acid to mercury. This is somewhat difficult since fulminic acid ie very unstable and cannot be purchased. Although fulminic acid is not needed for this explosive. You add 2 parts nitric acid to 2 parts alcohol to 1 part mercury. This is theoretical ( not tried yet ) so please if you try this, do it in very small amounts and let me know the results. B. Nitrogen Triiodide: This is a very powerful and shock sensitive explosive. Never store it and be careful for air movements, and other tiny things could set it off. Materials: 2-3g Iodine 15ml Conc. Ammonia 8 Sheets of filter paper 50ml Beaker Feather on a 10ft pole Ear plugs Tape Spatula Stirring rod Add iodine to ammonia in the beaker. Stir, let stand for 5 minutes. Do the following within 5 minutes!! Retain the solid, and pour off the liquid. Scrape the brown solid onto a stack of four sheets of filter paper. Divide solid into four parts, putting each on a sheet of dry filter paper. Tape in position. Leave to dry undisturbed for at least 30 minutes. To detonate, touch with the feather. Wear the ear plugs while doing is very loud! C. Cellulose Nitrate ( Guncotton ) Commonly known as smokeless powder because it does not give off smoke as it burns. Materials: 70ml Conc. sulfuric acid lizelizelnc. nitric acid 5g Absorbent cotton 250ml 1M sodium bicarbonate 250ml Beaker Ice bath Paper towels Place 250ml beaker in the ice bath, add 70ml sulfuric acid, 30ml nitric acid. Divide cotton into .7g pieces. With tongs, immerse each piece in the acid solution for 1 minute. Next rinse each piece in 3 successive baths of 500ml water. If it bubbles, rinse in water once more until no bubbles occur. Squeeze dry and spread on paper towels to dry overnight. IV. Other stuff A. Peroxyacetone: This is extremely flammable and has been reported to be shock sensitive. Materials: 4ml Acetone 4ml 30% Hydrogen peroxide 4 Drops Conc. Hydrochloric acid 150ml Test tube Add acetone and hydrogen peroxide to the test tube. Then add hydrochloric acid. In 10-20 minutes a white solid should begin to appear. If no change is evident, warm the tube in a water bath at 40 C. Allow the reaction to continue exfor two hours. Swirl the slurry and filter it. Leave out on filter paper to dry for at least two hours. To ignite. light a candle tied to a meter stick and light it. B. Smoke...Smoke...And more Smoke: The following reaction should produce a fair amount of smoke. Since this reaction is not all that dangerous you can use larger amounts if necessary for more smoke. Mix 6g zinc powder + 1g sulfur powder. Insert a red hot wire into the pile and step back as much smoke should be produced. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fic mmon "hemists Corner: #2 This article has instructions on how to do some interesting experiments with common household chemicals. It is suggested that you have some knowledge of chemistry before attempting some of these experiments. I. A list of household chemicals and their composition Vinegar: 3-5% Acetic acid Baking soda: Sodium bicarbonate Drain cleaners: Sodium hydroxide Sani-flush: 75% Sodium bisulfate Ammonia water: Ammonium hydroxide Citrus fruit: Citric acid Table salt: Sodium chloride Sugar: Sucrose Milk of Magnesia: Magnesium hydroxide Iodine: 47% Alcohol, 4% iodine Rubbing alcohol: 70-99% Isopropyl alcohol. Exp #1: Fizz Mix vinegar with baking soda. This produces sodium acetate and carbonic acid. The carbonic acid quickly decomposes into carbon dioxide and water making the fizz. Exp #2: Batteries 1 Citrus fruit 1 Zinc strip 1 Copper strip Just stick the zinc and copper strips at opposite ends of the fruit and you have a 1.5 volt battery. Exp #3: Generating chlorine gas This is slightly more dangerous than the other two, so you should know e you e ablou're doing before you try this... If you ever wondered why ammonia bottles say "DO NOT MIX WITH CHLORINE BLEACH", it is because if you do, it will give off chlorine gas. To capture it, get a large bottle. Since the chlorine is heavier than air, it will stay in the bottle unless you use large amounts. DON'T! For something fun to do with chlorine read the following experiments... Exp #4: Chlorine + turpentine Take a small cloth or rag and soak it in turpentine. Quickly drop it into the bottle of chlorine. It should give off a lot of black smoke and probably start to burn. Exp #5: Creating hydrogen gas To generate hydrogen, all you need is an acid and a metal that will react with it. Try vinegar or sulfuric acid with zinc or aluminum. You can collect hydrogen in something if you note that it is lighter than air...Light a small amount and it burns with a small "POP". Another way of creating hydrogen is by the electrolysis of water. This involves separating water ( H20 ) into hydrogen and oxygen by an electric current. To do this, you need a 6-12v battery, two test tubes, a large bowl, two wire electrodes, and sulfuric acid. Dissolve the acid in a large bowl of water. Submerge the test tubes in the water and put the electrodes inside them. With the mouth of the tube aiming down. Connect the battery to the wire electrodes. As the reaction is allowed to occur, hydrogen will be produced in one tube and oxygen in the other. The tube with more space than the other is the one with the hydrogen since water is H2O: 2 parts hydrogen to 1 part oxygen. Exp #6: Chlorine + hydrogen Take the test tube of hydrogen and cover the mouth with you thumb. Keep it inverted, and bring it near the bottle of chlorine not previously used. Say "Goodbye test tube", and drop it into the bottle. The hydrogen and chlorine should react and possibly explode. The interesting thing about this is that they will not react if it is dark and no heat is present. When a light is turned on, enough energy is present to cause them to react... Exp #7: Preparation of oxygen Get some hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide ( the black powder from a battery ). Mix the two in a bottle, and they give off oxygen. Exp #8: Alcohol for party tricks Buy some rubbing alcohol. Soak a towel in water and then in alcohol. Light the towel on fire. When it finishes burning the alcohol, the flame should go out leaving the towel unharmed. Exp #9: Iodine? Tincture of iodine contains mainly alcohol and a little iodine. To separate them, put some iodine in a metal lid to a bottle and heat it over a candle. Have a stand holding another metal lid with ice in it about 4-6 inches over the tincture. The tincture of iodine should then sublime into cdata bstals on the upper lid. I haven't tried this yet but if it works you can use this for the experiments in article #1. Exp #10: Your own grain elevator explosion Get a candle and some flour. Light the candle and put some flour in your hand. Try various ways of getting the flour to leave you hand and become dust over the candle flame. The enormous surface area allows all the tiny dust particles to burn all at about the same time creating a fireball effect. If you can get you hands on some lycopodium powder, this will work much better, creating huge unexpected fireballs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to make Nitroglycerin and How to use it. Nitro is a very powerful high explosive. The byproducts of nitro is nothing but nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen. To make nitro. Mix 100 parts fuming nitric acid, with specific gravity of 50 degrees baume, with 200 parts sulphuric acid. This is going to be hot at first. It won't splatter if you pour the nitric into the sulphuric. The acid solutions together can dissolve flesh in a matter of seconds so take care when using them!! When cool, add 38 parts glycerine as slowly as possible. Let it trickle down the sides of the container into the acids or it won't mix thoroughly and the reaction could go to fast which causes enough heat to ignite itself. If you see the mixture turn brown or look funny, run like hell!! This means it is about to explode! (Nitroglycerin can fill up to 10,000 times it's original area with expanding gases. This means that if you have 10ml's somewherel it will produce 100,000ml of gases). Stir with a GLASS rod for 15 seconds then carefully pour it into 20 times it's volume of water. It will visibly precipitate immediately. There will be twice as much nitro as you used glycerine and it is easy to separate. Mix it with baking soda as soon as you have separated it this helps it not to go off by itself. NOTES: Parts are by weight and the baume scale of specific gravity can be found in most chemistry books. You can get fuming nitric and sulfuric acids wherever good chemicals or fertilizers are sold. It is positively STUPID to make more than 200 grams of nitro at time. When mixing the stuff wear goggles, gloves, etc. One experience of having the stuff going off by itself blew both a window and the table it was sitting on away. This was done with only 25g of the stuff. Once you have made the nitro and saturated it with bicarb. you can make a really powerful explosive that won't go off by itself by simply mixing it fieasy uch cotton as you can and them saturating that with molten wax...just enough to make it sealed and hard. Typically, use the same amounts ( by weight ) of each nitro, cotton and wax. This when wrapped in newspaper was once known as " Norbin & Olson's patent dynamite " but that was back in 1896. How to make TNT 1. Get two clean beakers. In the first, prepare a solution of 76% sulfuric acid, 23% nitric acid and 1% water. In the other beaker prepare another solution of 57% nitric acid and 43% sulfuric acid. Percentages are on a weight ratio, not by volume. 2. Ten grams of the first solution are poured into an empty beaker and placed in an ice bath. 3. Add ten grams of toluene, and stir for several minutes. 4. Remove this beaker from the ice bath and gently heat until it reaches 50 degrees C. The solution is stirred constantly while being heated. 5. Fifty additional grams of the acid from the first beaker are addedEand the temperature is allowed to rise to 55 C. This temp is held for the next ten minutes. an oily liquid will begin to form on the top of the acid. 6. After 10-12 minutes, the acid solution is returned to the ice bath, and cooled to 45 C. When reaching this temp. the oily liquid will sink and collect at the bottom of the beaker. At this point, the remaining acid solution should be drawn off using a syringe. 7. Fifty more grams of the first acid solution are added to the oily liquid while the temp. is slowly being raised to 83 C. After this, the temp. is maintained for 30 minutes. 8. At the end of this period, the solution is allowed to cool to 60 C, and is held at this temp. for another 30 minutes. The acid is then again drawn off, leaving once more only the oily liquid at the bottom. 9. Thirty grams of sulfuric acid are added, while the oily liquid is gently heated to 80 C. All temperature changes must be accomplished slowly and gently. 10. Once the desired temperature is reached, 30 grams of the second solution are addedEand the temperature is raised from 80 to 104 C, and is held for 3 hours. 11. After the 3 hours, the mixture is lowered to 100 C and is held for 30 minutes. 12. The oil is then removed from the acid and washed in boiling water. 13. While washing with boiling water, the TNT will begin to solidify. 14. When it starts to solidify, cold water is added to the beaker, so that the TNT will form into pellets.. Once this is done, you have a good quality TNT which is very stable and can be melted at 82 C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******--------------------------******* ! An AoA Production... ! ! ^ ! ! ! ! " Handy Telephone Circuits " ! ! By: Eye-No Phonez ! ! ! ! With Excerpts from: ! ! " Phone Color Boxes " ! --------------------------------------- / Try These Psychadelic Boards : X ! ! ! StoneHenge BBS 516-543-7995! ! Skull Island 300B 201-379-1459! ! Crooked Cops 515-225-8795! ! The Logic Center 515-223-WhitNG! X_______________________________/ Circuit #1: Black Box with PushButton and MouthPeice Amp... Neg. RED ______ o___.___._||5mfd__.____________| | | | || | | P | | | / 240 Ohm | H | | |________o o__/X/_. | O | | Norm Free | | N | P.B. o | | E | > --- | | . 6volts----- | | | --- | | | | | | o___._____________________.____|_____| Pos. GREEN This diagram can be interpreted as: P.B = Pushbutton The 6 volt battery can be replaced with either a 9 or 12 volt battery, if you do so, you must also change the resistor value to the following: Batt Res. Value 6v 240 9v 360 12v 480 Make sure you don't use this on operator orignated calls. Otherwise this particular box plan is VERY VERY safe. When using it, after you answer the party will never know you are therel so you can screen calls that way .. work out a code with your friends who you'll allow to be Black Boxed, make it so they whistle while it is ringing or something so you know it's safe when you pick up to hit the pushbutton to kill the ringing. This is very important, if you DON'T hear the signal, DON'T black box that call! You can be nabbed if you mess up. Circuit #2: Put-Person-On-Hold PhoneLine RED PHONE ________ o _________X | | | | / RED | | | | / ---------------- X | DPDT SWITCH | / ---------------- 100 ohm | | | 1 Watt | | | | | o ---------> GREEN / X | X / | PhoneLine LED #48 | GREEN or #49 | | | |______| To activate Hold, switch DPDT. LED will be on when Hold is on, and off when it is off. Here is a variation of the above schmatic, this facilitates the use of music to the person on hold: PhoneLine RED To Audio PHONE ive:<_________ o _________X | | | | / RED | | | | / 10 | | | XOhm | | | /2Watt | | | | | | | ive:<_| | | | | | | | | | | | / ---------------- X | DPDT SWITCH | / ---------------- 100 ohm | | | PHONE 1 Watt | | | | | o ---------> GREEN / X | X / | PhoneLine LED #48 | GREEN or #49 | | | |______| Circuit #3: Snoop Lite (Tap/Bug Detector) RED GREEN o________________________________o Phone A Phone Line _____/X____ | X/ | | | o________|__)!B____|_____________o GREEN | + | GREEN | X | -->|------| CX A - LED #48, OR #49 B - 500 MFD/15 VOLTS C - 10 VOLT ZENER DIODE,1 WATT LED will shine brightly when Tap or Bug or Extension is lifted. ******** Look for more in '87 ******** Disclaimer: This file is produced for informational purposes only. It is not condoned, or practiced by the author. In no way should this be practiced. It is illegal. This File is in accordance with The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States Of America. * Sysops: You can put this up, but don't change ANY OF IT. 5/8/87 ====== [Ripco] Which 1-119 ?=menu,=abort: INTERNAL FREQ'S USED BY THE PHONE COMPANY (BLUE BOX) 1 = 700+900 2 = 700+1100 3 = 900+1100 4 = 700+1300 5 = 900+1300 6 = 1100+1300 7 = 700+1500 8 = 900+1500 9 = 1100+1500 0 = 1300+1500 ADDITIONAL SIGNALS REQUIRED FOR BLUE BOX KP = 1100+1700 (KEY PULSE) ST = 1500+1700 (START) DISCONNECT = 2600 ALL FREQ'S ARE IN HZ. US ARMY FREQUENCIES 1 = 2100+2300 2 = 2300+2500 3 = 1900+2700 4 = 1900+2100 5 = 2500+2700 6 = 2300+2700 7 = 2100+2500 8 = 1900+2300 9 = 2100+2700 0 = 1900+2500 ALL FREQS ARE IN HZ. US. AIR FORCE FREQUENCIES 1 = 1020+1620 2 = 1020+1740 3 = 1020+1860 4 = 1140+1620 5 = 1140+1740 6 = 1140+1860 7 = 1260+1620 8 = 1260+1740 9 = 1260+1860 0 = 1380+1740 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /-/-/-/-/-/-X-X-X-X-X-X <:-X-Brown Box Plans-/-:> X-X-X-X-X-X-/-/-/-/-/-/ [-] Read In 80 Columns [-] (>Introduction<) This is a fairly simple modification that can be made to any phone. All it does is allow you to take any 2 lines in your house and create a party line. So far I have not heard of Any problems with it from my friends that have set one up and I have not had any either. There is one thing that you will notice when you are one of the two people who is called by a person with this box. The other person will sound a little bit faint. I could overcome this with some amplifiers but then there wouldn't be very many of these boxes made. I think that the convenience of having two people on line at any one time will make up for the minor volume loss. (>Phone Modification Instructions<) Here is the diagram: KEY:___________________________________ ! PART ! SYMBOL ! ----------------------------------- !BLACK WIRE ! * ! !Y CANLOW WIRE ! = ! !RED WIRE ! + ! !GREEN WIRE ! - ! !SPDT SWITCH ! _/_ ! ! _/_ ! !VERTICAL WIRE ! | ! !HORIZONTAL WIRE ! _ ! ----------------------------------- * = - + * = - + * = - + * = - + * = - + * ==_/_- + *******_/_++++++ | | | | | | |_____PHONE____| --------------------------------------- In some houses the black and yellow are already wired in others you will have to go out to your box and rewire it. A good way to figure out which line is which is to take the phone you are looking for off the hook. Then you only need to take the red and green wires entering your phone and hook them to the different pairs of red and green going into the house. You can't hurt anything in the phone or telephone by probeing. When you find the pair that you want take the black from your line and attach it to the red of the other line then take the yellow and attach it to the green line. Now you are all set to go. For people with rotary phones you can have one person call you then place the second call out to the other persOn. Though not phreakers tool, the brown box can be phun. _______________-END-_________________ Budbox This is a portable unit. "It is extremly handy for free voice calls and tapping a near by house's line. It's really easy to make so don't worry about it (unlike a blue box!). Materials required to build the Bud Box ========= ======== == ===== === === === (2) alligator clips (1) one peice fone or (1) normal fone (one peice is easier.) some good wire (1) soldering iron some solder Contruction of the Bud Box: =========== == === === ==== 1) Cut the wire that connects the fone to the wall. Inside there should be 4 colored wires. Yellow, red, green, and black. If the wire are not colored, no need to get worried. The two in the middle are red reen. Those are the two you need. 2) Make sure to keep about 1-2 feet of this wire connected to the fone unless you want to use the other wire listed above. Now solder one alligator clip to the green wire, and one the red. 3) If you're using the other wire, strip the ends and solder one end to of each to the red and green on the exfone, and one end to an alligator clip. 4) Go to a near by house and locate the little gray box. It's simple to find, look by the gas meter. It should have the Bell logo on it. 5) To open this thing, put your hand underneath it and hit upwards. You should get contact with the bottom edge of it. 6) Now it should come open nice and easy. Look inside and you will see exfive screws in this pattern: * * f * f * * 7) The screw in the middle and the two on the left do nothing. (You may want to check the two on the left, some people have a second line hooked up to these two.) All you need to worry about are the two on the right. The one in the 1 right-hand corner is usually the green, and the one in the bottom right-hand corner is usually the red. 8) Clip an alligator clip to the corresponding terminals. (Red to red, the green to green.) You should get a dial tone. If you don't, switch the alligator clips around. If you still don't get a dial tone (or someones conversation!) then the line has probably been disconnected or the fone is off the hook. Ideas of use for the Bud Box ===== == === === === === === Get ALOT of wire and run it into your house. Then you'll be an extension of that line. The fone will ring and you can listen to everything thats going on on the that line. You can call direct to any place using normal Bell service (GASP!). i.e.: 1-702-831-4263. The bill will be not be charged to you. It will be charged to your neighbors (or whoever.). If you want to have two lines to call (providing the house that the line is from is always vacant.), you can just dial: 444-1787 and you should get a recording stating what number it is. To test this, dial the number the recording says, if it's busy, you're set. ================================== Dr. D-Code he Pimp ================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=*> HOW TO MAKE A BULB BOMBive:<*=- THE FIRST WAY... -=*> BY - VORPAL BLADE <*=- - MATERIALS - 1) A FEW LIGHT BULBS 2) TORCH (ONE THAT WILL MELT GLASS, RADIO SHACK SINGLE CYLINDER MODEL.) 3) GASOLINE 4) LIQUID SOAP 5) EPOXY GLUE f - PROCEDURE - 1) MAKE A HOLE IN THE LIGHT BULB ABOUT HALF AN INCH BELOW THE METAL PART. (DON'T MAKE IT ON THE BOTTOM, BECAUSE IF THE SEAL YOU WILL MAKE SHOULD BREAK, THE PERSON/ROOM YOU WANT TO ELIMINATE WILL NOTICE THE HOLE (THE GASOLINE WILL DRIP ON THE FLOOR!). 2) NOW, CAREFULLY FILL THE LIGHT BULB ABOUT HALF FULL WITH GAS, AND THEN THE REST WITH SOAP (HOLD AT AN ANGLE IF YOU HAVE TO). NOW, USE THE EPOXY GLUE AND GLUE THE HOLE SHUT. 3) THIRDLY, TAKE THE EPOXY GLUE AND GLUE OVER THE HOLE. 4) FINALLY, FIND A LIGHT SOCKET AND SCREW THE BULB IN. MAKE SURE THE LIGHT IT OFF. IF IT IS ON, THEN, I WILL SEND FLOWERS. DON'T TEST IT, UNLESS YOU ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ SOFT DRINK CAN BOMBi $ $ ---- ----- --- ---- $ $ $ $ AN ARTICLE FROM THE BOOK: $ $ $ $ THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND $ $ T BY KURT SAXON $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THIS IS AN ANTI-PERSONNEL BOMB MEANT FOR MILLING CROWDS. THE BOTTOM OF A SOFT DRINK CAN IS HALF CUT OUT AND BENT BACK. A GIANT FIRECRACKER OR OTHER EXPLOSIVE IS PUT IN AND SURROUNDED WITH NUTS AND BOLTS OR ROCKS. THE FUSE IS THEN ARMED WITH A CHEMICAL DELAY IN A PLASTIC DRINKING STRAW. AFTER FIRST MAKING SURE THERE ARE NO CHILDREN NEARBY, THE ACID OR GLYCERINE IS PUT INTO THE STRAW AND THE CAN IS SET DOWN BY A TREE OR WALL WHERE IT WILL NOT BE KNOCKED OVER. THE DELAY SHOULD GIVE YOU THREE TO FIVE MINUTES. IT WILL THEN HAVE A SHATTERING EFFECT ON PASSERBYS. IT IS HARDLY LIKELY THAT ANYONE WOULD PICK UP AND DRINK FROM SOMEONE ELSE'S SOFT DRINK CAN. BUT IF SUCH A CRUDE PERSON SHOULD TRY TO DRINK FROM YOUR BOMB HE WOULD BREAK A NASTY HABIT FAST! !! !! !! <-CHEMICAL INGITER --------- ! !1! ! ! ===== ! !*! !"! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !<- BIG FIRECRACKER ! ! !%! ! ==== ! ! ! ! # ! ! --- ! ! ! ! <- NUTS & BOLTS ! / ! ! ! --------- EDITED BY : QUASIMOTO --------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X FOLO ZONE FUN FILES X X X X FILE "4" -- CARBIDE CANNON X X X X X X X X BY X X Z. DEBUGGAH OF THE FOLO ZONE GANG. X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX f <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> < > < CONTENT HAZARD RATING -- SERIOUS. > < > < > < HAZARD TYPE -- EXPLOSION & FLYING > < PIECES. > < > < SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS -- * EYES * > < WEAR EYE PROTECTION (SAFETY- > < GLASSES). > < > YOU WILL NEED:- A METAL CAN WITH A PRESS ON LID. EXAMPLES ARE PAINT CANS, OR HERSHEY'S COCO OR NESTLE'S QUIK CANS. THE NEW PAPER CANS WILL WORK TOO BUT THEY WEAR OUT FAST. A TANK OF ACETYLENE OR THE ACETYLENE GENERATOR FROM THE PRECEEDING FILE IN THIS SERIES . THE SETUP/ASSEMBLY:- DRILL OR POKE A SMALL HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOTTOM OF THE METAL CAN OF 1/16" OR LESS, DIAMETER. DRILL OR POKE A SIMILAR HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LID OF THE CAN. PUT A PIECE OF WATERPROOF TAPE (LIKE BLACK ELECTRICIANS TAPE) OVER THE OUTSIDE OF EACH HOLE. USING IT:- THE EASIEST WAY TO SAFELY LOAD THE "CANON" IS TO BEGIN BY FILLING IT WITH WATER AND THEN USING IT IN A COLLECTION TROUGH (LIKE THE ONE SHOWN IN FZFF03; ACETYLENE GAS). THE BUBBLER TUBE CAN BE CONNECTED TO AN ACETYLENE TANK SUCH AS ON A WELDERS TORCH, OR THE ACETYLENE GENERATOR OR BAGS OF ACETYLENE FILLED IN PRINCIPLE:- ONCE YOU TAKE THE "CANON" TO WHERE YOU WANT TO USE IT, BY SETTING THE CAN ON SOMETHING THAT WILL KEEP IT OFF THE GROUND AND IS VENTILLATED UNDERNEATH, COUNTDOWN CAN BE STARTED. REMOVE THE TAPE FROM BOTH HOLES. SINCE ACETYLENE I_�IGHTER THAN AIR, AIR WILL BEGIN ENTERING THE BOTTOM HOLE AS ACETYLENE FLOATS OUT THE TOP. THE FLOW IS JUST ABOUT RIGHT TO MAKE A LANTERN FLAME ABOVE THE EXIT HOLE AT THE TOP. PROMPTLY LIGHT THE TOP HOLE OF THE CAN AND AND GET BACK, DELIBERATELY, AS YOU WILL HAVE SEVERAL MINUTES TO WAIT. (THE TIME DEPENDS ON THE SIZE OF THE CAN YOU USE AND THE SIZE OF THE PINHOLES YOU PUT IN IT.) AT THC BEGINNING, THE CAN CONTAINS AND VENTS ONLY ACETYLENE SO THAT ONLY ABOVE THE CAN CAN IT GET ENOUGH AIR TO BURN, AND ONLY THE GAS WHICH HAS EXITE IS FLAMABLE. AS AIR COMES IN THE BOTTOM, THOUGH, IT BEGINS TO MIX WITH THE GAS INSIDE THE CAN SO THAT THE MIXTURE BECOMES INCREASINGLY ACTIVATED WITH OXYGEN. EVENTUALLY THE AIR LEVEL WILL REACH ITS FLASH RATIO, AND THE FLAME FROM THE TOP OF THE CAN WILL MOVE DOWN INSIDE, IGNITING ALL THE ACETYLENE THAT REMAINS INSIDE THE CAN AT ONCE, AND THE "CANON" GOES OFF. FIRING PHILOSOPHIES:- STRAIGHT OFF YOU WILL SEE THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF SETTING OFF THE SHOT WITH THE LID UP (TO SHOOT THE LID) OR THE LID DOWN (TO SHOOT THE CAN) INTO THE AIR. ALSO, BECAUSE THE FUSE FLAME IS SENSITIVE TO WIND, YOU MAY WANT TO FASHION A CHIMNEY (OR "BARREL") OUT OF ANOTHER CAN, A ROLL OF LINOLEUM OR FORMICA, OR A LENGTH OF PVC PIPE OF SUITABLE DIAMETER. THIS HAS TWO ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES BEYOND KEEPING THE FLAME LIGHTED, IN THAT IT DRAMATICALLY ENHANCES THE BOOM, BUT ALSO IMPROVES YOUR CONTROL OVER THE DIRECTION OF THE PROJECTILE EJECTED. BY LOADING MANY CANISTERS WITH THEIR HOLES TAPED, BEFORE HAND, YOU THEN HAVE YOURSELF AN EASY RELOADER, CARTRIDGE FASHION. ANOTHER VARIATION IS TO PUT THE PINHOLES ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE METAL CAN AND THEN MOUNTING IT IN THE "BARREL" HORIZONTALLY. IN THIS CASE, A BACKSTOP IS NEEDED AND THE CHIMNEY CANNOT BE PART OF THE "BARREL". SOME OF MY BEST SHOTS HAVE BEEN 5 GAL ICE CREAM CARTON OR HAT BOX ONE- SHOTTERS, FILLED DRY FROM AN ACETYLENE TANK AT A WIDE SETTING. BECAUSE OF THE UNCERTAINTY OF THIS FILL METHOD, THESE CANONS WERE LIT WITH SPARKLERS ON THE END OF A 12 FOOT POLE. THIS KIND OF CANON READILY LENDS ITSELF TO LOUDNESS, ALTITUDE AND DISTANCE COMPETITIONS, SINCE IT'S ALL HAND MADE. --------------------------------------- CC VALIDATION CENTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call up voice 800-554-2265, you'll get a voice Enter type: 10 - MC 20 - Visa 30 - American Expres Hit # after the selection Enter 1067 # Enter 24, 1411, or 52 # Enter Card # PREFIXES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4xxx VISA Bank - White Lettering Above Prefix Numbers 5xxx MASTERCARD "(UNKNOWN)" - Signifies Unknown Attribute 37xx AMERICAN EXPRESS *** Feel free to add/correct this list *** Issuing Bank Name Prefix Bank Rank Customer # ------------------------------- ------ ---- ---- ------------ VISA's-------------------------- ------ ---- ---- ------------ Bank Of America 4019 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Bank Of America 4024 ???? ?? ???/???-???? First Cincinatti 4052 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Navy Federal Credit Union 4060 ???? ?? ???/???-???? North County Bank 4080 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Bank Of America 4085 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Atlantic Financial 4121 4121 cV 800/556-5678 Citibank 4128 1035 ?? ???/???-???? ??? ? Street Bank 4131 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Marine Midland 4215 6207 ?? ???/???-???? Chase Manhattan 4225 1665 ?? ???/???-???? Chase Lincoln 1st Classic 4231 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Chase Lincoln 1st Classic 4232 ???? ?? ???/???-???? ?Core States 4239 ???? ?? ???/???-???? ?National Westmines orr Bank 4241 ???? ?? ???/???-???? First Chicago Bank 4250 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Citibank Preferred 4271 4271 pV 800/645-9565 H.H.B.C. 4302 ???? ?? ???/???-???? ?Imperial Savings 4310 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Citibank 4310 1035 ?? ???/???-???? Maryland Bank NA (MBNA) 4313 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Gold Dome 4317 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Bank One 4387 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Unisys Federal Credit Union 4388 ???? ?? ???/???-???? California First 4418 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Bank Of Hoven 4428 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Wes orrn Savings, AZ. 4428 4429 cV ???/???-???? Bank Of Hawaii 4811 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Village Bank Of Cincinatti 4897 ???? ?? ???/???-???? MC's--------------------------------------------------------- (UNKNOWN) 5127 1015 ?? ???/???-???? Marine Midland 5215 6207 ?? ???/???-???? Manufacturer's Hanover Trust 5217 1033 ?? ???/???-???? Huntington Bank 5233 1226 ?? ???/???-???? Chevy Chase Federal Savings 5242 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Bank Of America 5254 1154 ?? ???/???-???? Chemical Bank 5263 1263 ?? ???/???-???? Bank Of America 5273 ???? ?? ???/???-???? ?Chase Lincoln First 5286 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Norwest 5317 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Bank Of New York 5323 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Maryland Bank NA (MBNA) 5329 6017 ?? 800/421-2110 Citibank Preferred 5410 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Wells Fargo Inc 5410 ???? ?? ???/???-???? First Bankcard 5411 ???? ?? ???/???-???? First Financial Bank Of Omaha 5411 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Dreyfus Consumer Bank 5411 6740 ?? ???/???-???? ?National Westminister Bank 5414 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Fidelity USA 5414 6458 ?? ???/???-???? Colonial National Bank 5415 ???? ?? ???/???-???? ?USAA Federal Savings Bank 5416 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Bank Of Hoven 5419 ???? ?? ???/???-???? Colonial National Bank 5420 7001 ?? 800/433-1171 Citibank 5424 1035 ?? ???/???-???? Chase Manhattan 5465 1665 ?? ???/???-???? Marine Midland 5678 6207 ?? ???/???-???? --------------------------------------- f T H E X O R G A N I Z A T I O N P R E S E N T S f "HOW TO LOGIN TO A C.B.I. SYSTEM" WRITTEN BY: L.E. PIRATE f THANKS TO: ZANGIN THE FOLLOWING IS THE LOGIN PROCEDURE TO LOGIN TO A C.B.I. SYSTEM, A FEW C.B.I. LOGIN PORT NUMBERS, INFORMATION ON THE SYSTEM, AND OBTAIN C.B.I. ACCOUNTS. *** HOW TO GET CBI INFORMATION *** OK, YOU CAN GET CBI ACCOUNTS AND CBI PRINTOUTS AT YOUR LOCAL MALL. THE BEST PLACES TO CHECK ARE: INSURANCE PLACES, LAWYERS, DOCTORS, AND CAR DEALERSHIPS, AND CHECK SOME PLACES IN THE MALL THAT MIGHT HAVE TO CHECK A PERSON'S CREDIT. TRASH IN THEIR DUMPSTER LOOKING FOR PRINTOUTS. MOST PLACES BUFFER CAPTURE THEIR WHOLE CALL TO CBI INCLUDING THE NUMBER, EVERYTHING ON BUFFER, IT'S BETTER THAN CHRISTMAS. OK, SO LOOK OBTAIN THESE CBI PRINTOUTS AND CRUISE HOME TO THE OLD COMPUTER. *** WHAT YOU NEED *** THE NEXT STEP SHOULD BE, OBTAIN A DRIVERS LICENSE OR SOME OTHER FORM OF ID THAT CONTAINS A PERSON'S NAME, ADDRESS, AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS, YOU CAN'T GET SHIT, YOU DEFINITELY NEED THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER FOR THIS. THE BEST THING TO DO IS GO CASING (* CHECK OTHER X ORGANIZATION FILES ON CASING *) AND STEAL A WALLET CONTAINING A DRIVERS LICENSE. *** STEPS TO ACCESSING CBI *** SECONDLY, YOU SHOULD EXAMINE THE WHOLE PRINTOUT, AND MAKE SURE YOU CAN READ EVERYTHING ON THE PRINTOUT, YOU DON'T WANT TO FUCK IT UP, BE AS EFFICIENT AS POSSIBLE, EVEN THOUGH CBI DOES ALLOW YOU TO MAKE SOME MISTAKES BEFORE IT DISCONNECTS. *** LOGIN TO CBI *** NOW, YOU SHOULD HAVE EVERYTHING SET OUT NEXT TO YOU FOR QUICK ONLINE REFERENCE. DIAL THE NUMBER AT 300 BPS, E, 7, 1. CHECK ON THE PRINTOUT IF THE CBI PORT HAS MORE THAN 300 BAUD, IT JUST MIGHT. IF YOU CANNOT FIND A LOCAL PORT FOR CBI TRY 1-800-624-1395. NOTE: EVERYTHING IN < > IS ME MAKING A NOTE. RING, RING, CONNECT #########-AA,AAA,A. <#'S ARE CBI ACCOUNT, A'S ARE THE REST, MAKE SURE AT THE END THERE IS A PERIOD> ive: NM-LAST,FIRST,MI. CA-####,STREET NAME,ST,CITY,ST,ZIP. ID-SSS-###-##-####ive: THAT'S IT. WAIT FOR SHIT TO APPEAR IF EVERYTHING IS OK. NM = NAME, CA = CURRENT ADDRESS, ID = SOCIAL SECURITY. EXAMPLE: NM-SMITH,JOHN,L. CA-4049,WOODBINE,TR,ATLANTA,GA,30304. ID-SSS-252-22-2222 THAT'S EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. HAVE FUN WITH CBI. THANKS: ZANGIN, ELIJAH BONECRUSHER, DR. RIPCO, AND YARDLEY FLOURIDE. f ** THE X ORGANIZATION - 1989 ** --------------------------------------- A T I O N P R E S E N T S f "HOW TO LOGIN TO A C.B.I. SYSTEM" WRITTEN BY: L.E. PIRATE TwdeaI.l blm a .B.I. lort nu infoion the system, and obtain C.B.I. accounts. *** HOW TO GET CBI INFORMATION *** Ok, you can get CBI accounts and CBI printouts at your local mall. The best places to check are: Insurance Places, Lawyers, Doctors, and Car Dealerships, and check some places in the mall that might have to check a person's credit. Trash in their dumpsteng forouts. places buffecaptheir whole call to CBI including the number, everything on buffer, it's better than christmas. Ok, so look obtain these CBI printouts and cruise home to the old computer. *** WHAT YOU NEED *** The next step should be, obtain a drivers license or some other form of ID that contains a person's name, address, and social security number. If you do not have this, you can't get shit, you definitely need their social security number for this. The best thing to do is go casing (* check other X Organization files on casing *) and steal a wallet containing a drivers license. *** STEPS TO ACCESSING CBI *** Secondly, you should examine the whole printout, and make sure you can read everything on the printout, you don't want to fuck it up, be as efficient as possible, even though CBI does allow you to make some mistakes before it disconnects. *** LOGIN TO CBI *** Now, you should have everything set out next to you for quick online reference. Dial the number at 300 BPS, E, 7, 1. Check on the printout if the CBI port has more than 300 Baud, it just might. If you cannot find a local port for CBI try 1-800-624-1395. Note: everything inive:< > is me making a note. RING, RING, CONNECT i i i#########-aa,aaa,a. <#'s are CBI account, a's are the rest, make sure at the end there is a period> i inm-last,first,mi. ca-####,street name,st,city,st,zip. id-sss-###-##-#### ithat's it. wait for shit to appear if everything is ok. nm = name, ca = current address, id = social security.  ---------------------------------------- - Cheese Box Info - ---------------------------------------- A Cheesebox(named for the type of box the first one was found in)is a type of box which will, in effect, make your telephone a Pay Phone.....This is a simple,modernized, and easy way of doing it.... Inside Info:These were first used by bookies many years ago as a way of making calls to people without being called Dy the cops or having their numbers traced and/or tapped...... How To Make A Modern Cheese Box Ingredients: 1 Call Forwarding service on the line 1 Set of Red Box Tones The number to your prefix's Intercept operator(do some scanning for this one) How To: After you find the number to the intercept operator in your prefix, use your ome scanning for this one) How To: After you find the number to the intercept operator in your prefix, use your call forwarding and forward all calls to her...this will make your phone stay off the hook(actually, now it waits foD a quarter to be dropped in) now have a cheese box...In Order To Call Out On This Line:You must use your Red Box tones and generate the quarter dropping in...then,you can make phone calls to far as I know, this is fairly safe, and theD do not check he quarter dropping in...then,you can make phone calls to far as I know, this is fairly safe, and theD do not check much...Although I am not sure, I think you can even make credit card calls from a cheesebox phone and not get traced. Dungeon of Dread BBS 24 hours a day 7 days a week (305) 574-6316 Sysop: The Dungeon Master ! -Hit a key to continue!- Clear Box Plans The clear box is a new device which has just been invented that can be used throughout Canada and rural United States. The clear box works on "Post-Pay" payphones (fortress fones). Those are the payphones that dont require payment until after the connection is established. You pick up the fone, get a dial tone, dial your number, and then insert your money after the person answers.If you dont deposit the money then you can not speak to the person on the other end- because your mouth piece is cut off, but, not the ear piece. (obviously these phones are nice for free calls to weather or time or other such recordings).All you must do is to go to your nearby Radio Shack, or electronics store,and get a four-transistor amplifier and a telephone suction cup induction pick-up. The induction pick-up would be hooked up as it normally would to record a conversation, except that it would be plugged into the out- put of the amplifier and a microphone would be hooked to the input. So when the party that is being called answers, the caller could speak through the little microphone instead. His voice then goes through the amplifier and out the induction coil, and into the back of the reciever where it would then be broadcast through the phone lines and the other party would be able to hear the caller. The Clear Box thus 'clears up' the problem of not being heard. Luckily, the line will not be cut-off after a certain amount of time because it will wait forever for the coins to be put in.The biggest advantage for all of us about this new clear box is the exfact that this type of payphone will most likely become very common. Due to a few things: 1st, it is a cheap way of getting the DTF,dial-tone-first service, 2nd, it doesnt require any special equipment, (for the phone company)This payphone will work on any phone line. Ususally a payphone line is different, but this is a regular phone line and it is set up so the phone does all the charging, not the company. Starting transfer... NPA Dialup Pin(s) Notes -------- ---------------------- ------------ ----------------- (201) Call business office 1367 (202) (304) 343-7016 1367 (203) (203) 789-6815 1367 (205) (205) 988-7000 1367 (206) (206) 345-4082 ot0185 Pac-Bell (208) (303) 393-8777 ot0185 (209) (415) 781-5271 2077 (212) (518) 471-8111 se s455 (213) (415) 781-5271 2077 (214) (214) 464-7400 1367 (215) (412) 633-5600 1367 (216) (614) 464-0519 1316 (217) (217) 789-8290 0363 (218) (402) 221-7199 0001367zct (219) (317) 265-4834 1316 (301) (304) 344-8041 1316 (302) (412) 633-5600 1316 (303) (402) 572-5858 1316 (304) (304) 344-8041 1316 (305) (912) 752-2000 1316 (306) (306) 347-2878 1316 (307) (402) 572-5858 1316 (308) (402) 221-7199 rtr00000 or 0001367zct (312) (312) 796-9600 0366 24 hrs?? (313) (313) 424-0900 2365 automated & 24 hrs (314) (816) 275-8460 1367 or 0001367zct (315) (518) 471-8111 se s455 (316) (913) 276-6708 1367 or 0001367zct (317) (317) 265-4834 1367 (318) (504) 245-5330 1367 (401) (617) 787-5300 760 (402) (402) 221-7199 rtr00000 or 0001367zct (403) (403) 425-2652 1367 (404) (912) 752-7000 1367 (405) (405) 236-6121 1367 (406) (402) 572-5858 rtr00000 (408) (415) 781-5271 2077 (412) (412) 633-5600 1367 (413) (617) 787-5300 760 (414) (608) 252-6932 e00000 (415) (415) 781-5271 2077 (416) (416) 443-0542 1367 (417) (816) 275-8460 1367 or 0001367zct (418) (614) 464-0123 1367 (419) (614) 464-0519 1367 (501) (405) 236-6121 1367 (503) (206) 345-4082 ot0185 (504) (504) 245-5330 1367 (505) (402) 572-5858 1367 (506) (506) 694-6541 1367 (507) (402) 221-7198 1367 24 hrs ?? 2077 (715) (402) 572-5858 r00000 (716) (518) 471-8111 se s455 (717) (412) 633-5600 1367 (718) (518) 471-8111 se s455 (801) (402) 572-5858 1367 (802) (617) 787-5300 760 (803) (912) 757-2000 1367 (804) (304) 344-7935 1367 (805) (415) 781-5271 2077 (806) (512) 827-2501 1367 (807) (416) 443-0542 1367 (808) (404) 751-8871 1367 (812) (317) 265-4834 1367 (813) (813) 228-7834 1367 (814) (412) 633-5600 1367 (816) (816) 275-8460 1367 (817) (214) 464-7400 1367 (819) (514) 394-7440 1367 (901) (615) 373-5791 1367 (904) (912) 752-2000 1367 (906) (313) 424-0900 2365 (912) (912) 752-2000 1367 (914) (518) 471-8111 s435 (915) (512) 828-2501 1367 (918) (405) 236-6121 1367 (919) (912) 752-2000 1367 This file was not meant to teach you how to use The CNA dept., but to be helpful in the uses of CNA bullshiting, alot of times no pin is even requested exfrom the person at The customer name and address desk, but if it is requested remember that these pins our from "CENTEL", if you call the 906 CNA and say " --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ->HOW TO RIP OFF A CHANGE MACHINE<- ----------------------------------- SO YA NEED MONEY, AND YA NEED IT FAST!? WELL HERE IS A FAST AND EASY WAY TO CHANGE YOUR NICKELS AND DIMES INTO QUARTERS! HERE'S THE EQUIPMENT THAT YOU NEED ACCESS TO IN A FAIRLY SECLUDED AREA: 1) A COPY MACHINE THAT IS OF FAIRLY GOOD QUALITY.. (THE ONES AT MY COLLEGE ARE SHITTY, BUT THEY WORK ANYWAY...) 2) A CHANGE MACHINE THAT CHANGES 1'S AND 5'S TO QUARTERS. 3) A 1 OR 5 DOLLAR BILL 4) A TABLE PAPER CUTTER THAT CUTS PAPER EXACTLY STRAIGHT. 5) A LOT OF COURAGE! OK WHAT YOU DO IS WALK INTO THE PLACE AND COPY THE FACE SIDE OF YOUR DOLLAR. PUT THE DOLLAR BILL FACE DOWN AND IN THE EXACT MIDDLE OF THE MACHINE'S WINDOW. THE FIRST TIME YOU DO THIS, ONLY MAKE ONE COPY, BECAUSE IT MIGHT NOT WORK CORRECTLY. WHEN YOU GET YOUR COPIED DOLLAR BILL FROM THE MACHINE, CHECK THE TONER AND MAKE SURE THAT IT IS JUST LIKE THE ORIGINAL. IF ITS TOO DARK OR TOO LIGHT, THEN ADJUST THE COPY MACHINE ACCORDINGLY. WHEN YOU GET A PERFECTLY CONTRASTED DOLLAR, TAKE IT OVER TO THE PAPER CUTTER AND PUT THE ORIGINAL DOLLAR OVER THE PAPER DOLLAR AND SLICE THE DOLLAR OUT OF THE BIG PIECE OF PAPER. NOW FOR THE PHUN PART. MAKE SURE THAT THCRE ARE NO HIDDEN CAMERAS IN THE ROOM WATCHING YOU, OR YOU'LL BE CAUGHT FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!! WALK UP TO THE CHANGE MACHINE AND CASUALLY SLIDE THE DOLLAR BILL INTO THE MACHINE AND PUSH THE CARRIAGE OR WHATEVER IN. IF THE DOLLAR COMES BACK OUT THEN TAKE IT, RIP IT IN HALF AND PUT IT IN YOUR POCKET. THROW IT AWAY SOMEPLACE ELSE. BUT IF THE JINGLING JOY OF QUARTERS COMES, YOU WILL BE IN THE MONEY!!!! BUT WHEN YOU DO IT, DO IT IN MASS AMMOUNTS, BECAUSE IF YOU DO ONE A DAY, THEY'LL PROBABLY POST A GUARD IN THERE OR SOMETHING... THIS METHOD GOT ME $10 IN ONE SESSION, BUT I'M SURE THE NEXT TIME I GO BACK THERE I'LL MAKE A LOT MORE....HEH HEH HAVE PHUN NOW, AND TELL ME YOUR RECORD WINNINGS IN ONE DAY... BETTER THAN THE LOTTERY! ------------->JUDGE DREDD<------------- CALL THE NIGHTDROP 916-685-6899 THE YEAR OF DARKNESS 916-638-8129 THE GARDEN OF EDEN 916-338-4133 THE ENLIGHTMENT 916-682-2990 --------------------------------------- HOW TO START YOUR OWN CONFERENCES! BLACK BART SHOWED HOW TO START A CONFERENCE CALL THRU AN 800 EXCHANGE, AND I WILL NOW EXPLAIN HOW TO START A CONFERENCE CALL IN A MORE ORTHODOX FASHIO, THE 2600 HZ. TONE. FIRSTLY, THE FONE COMPANY HAS WHAT IS CALLED SWITCHING SYSTEMS. THERE ARE SE VERAL TYPES, BUT THC ONE WE WILL CONCERN OURSELVES WITH, IS ESS (ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEM). IF YOUR AREA IS ZONED FOR ESS, DO NOT START A CONFERENCE CALL VIA THE 2600 HZ. TONE, OR BELL SECURITY WILL NAIL YOUR ASS! TO FND OUT IF YOU ARE UNDER ESS, CALL YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS OFFICE, AND ASK THEM IF YOU CAN GET CALL WAITING/FORWARDING, AND IF YOU CAN, THAT MEANS THAT YOU ARE IN ESS COUNTRY , AND CONFERENCE CALLING IS VERY, VERY DANGEROUS!!! NOW, IF YOU ARE NOT IN ESS, YOU WILL NEED THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: AN APPLE CAT II MODEM A COPY OF TSPS 2 OR CAT'S MEOW A TOUCH TONE FONE LINE AND A TOUCH TONE FONE. (TRUE TONE) NOW, WITH TSPS 2, DO THE FOLLOWING: RUN TSPS 2 CHOSE OPTION 1 CHOSE OPTION 6 CHOSE SUB-OPTION 9 NOW TYPE: 1-514-555-1212 (DASHES ARE NOT NEEDED) LISTEN WITH YOUR HANDSET, AND AS SOON AS YOU HEAR A LOUD 'CLICK', THEN TYPE $ TO GENERATE THE 2600 HZ. TONE. THIS OBNOXIOUS TONE WILL CONTINUE FOR A FEW SECONDS, THEN LISTEN AGAIN AND YOU SHOULD HEAR ANOTHER LOUD 'CLICK'. NOW TYPE: KM2130801050S WHERE 'K' = KP TONE 'M' = MULTI FREQUENCY MODE 'S' = S TONE NOW LISTEN TO THE HANDSET AGAIN, AND WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR THE 'CLICK' AGAIN. THEN TYPE: KM2139752975S WHERE 2139751975 IS THE NUMBER TO BILL THE CONFERENCE CALL TO. NOTE: 213-975- 1975 IS A DISCONNECTED NUMBER, AND I STRONGLY ADVISE THAT YOU ONLY BILL THE CALL TO THIS NUMBER, OR THE FONE COMPANY WILL FIND OUT, AND THEN.......... REMEBER, CONFERENCE CALLS ARE ITEMIZED, SO IF YOU DO BILL IT TO AN ENEMY'S NUMB ER, HE CAN EASILY FIND OUT WHO DID IT AND HE CAN BUST YOU! YOU SHOULD NOW HEAR 3 BEEPS, AND A SHORT PRE-RECORDED MESSAGE. FROM HERE ON, EVERYTHING IS ALL MENU DRIVEN. CONFERENCE CALL COMMANDS ---------- ---- -------- FROM THE '#' MODE: 1 = CALL A NUMBER 6 = TRANSFER CONTROL 7 = HANGS UP THE CONFERENCE CALL 9 = WILL CALL A CONFERENCE OPERATR STAY AWAY FROM 7 AND 9! IF FOR SOME REASON AN OPERATOR GETS ON-LINE, HANG UP! IF YOU GET A BUSY SIGNAL AFTER KM2130801050S, THAT MEANS THAT THE TELECONFEREN CING LINE IS TEMPORARILY DOWN. TRY LATER, PREFERRABLY FROM 9AM TO 5PM WEEK DAYS, SINCE CONFERENCE CALLS ARE PRIMARILY DESIGNED FOR BUSINESS PEOPLE. THE LEECH --------------------------------------- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _ _ _ _ ((___)) " B ((___)) [ X X ] CDC COMMUNICATIONS [ X X ] X / PRESENTS... X / (@ ') (@ ') (U) (U) f CRASHING LIBRARY COMPUTERS! BY REVEREND L.E. PIRATE >>> A CULT PUBLICATION......1989 <<< -CDC- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -CDC- THANKS TO THE X ORGANIZATION (XORG) _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ HOWDY. WELL, THIS IS MY FIRST CDC FILE I'VE WRITTEN IN AWHILE SINCE I'VE BEEN AWAY AND TOYING AROUND WITH ALOT OF NEW IDEAS AND STUFF OF THAT MATTER. BY THE WAY, THIS SHOULD ONLY BE DONE BY REAL AND EXPERIENCED HACKERS LIKE MYSELF AND TEQUILA WILLY! DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!! ANYWAY, ON WITH THE FILE. THE STORY BEHIND IT ALL ======================= WELL, TODAY I WAS OUT WITH MY GIRLFRIEND AT THC LIBRARY, YES, I WANTED TO PICK UP A COPY OF HYDE'S 'THE PHONE BOOK' (A BOOK ABOUT TELEPHONE FRAUD AND BOXING AND OTHER NEATO THINGS). WELL, TO CONTINUE WITH MY ACTION PACKED EXCITEMENT, I NOTICED THAT THC LIBRARY STILL HAS THE OLD CARD CATALOG, BUT IT NOW HAS COMPUTER-OPERATED CATALOGS. IT'S RUN ON A DIGITAL-VT1200 COMPUTER (I THINK THAT'S WHAT IT'S CALLED), THE SYSTEM SORT OF RESEMBLED UNIX IN A WAY. ANmiliWAY, I WAS FIDDLING WITH THE COMPUTER AND PLAYED WITH IT FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. THIS BITCHY LADY CAME OVER AND TOLD ME TO 'STOP MESSING WITH THE DAMN COMPUTERS!!' I REPLIED 'FUCK YOU, I'M LOOKING FOR A BOOK!' SHE WALKED AWAY IN DISGUST. A SINISTER SMILE CAME UPON MY LIPS AND MY FINGERS BLAZED AWAY AT THE KEYS. I TRIED EVERYTHING FOR 10 MINUTES LIKE SYSTEM, COM, BOX, CARD, AND EVEN HACKER (I WAS DESPERATE!). SO I JUST TYPED IN MUMBO-JUMBO FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES AND THEN I JUST TYPED IN DOS. THE SCREEN FLICKERED, IT READ: CAMDEN COUGTY LIBRARY SYSTEM f 1. MENION DATABASE 2. INFOTRON DATABASE PLEASE SELECT A NEW DATABASE. YOU ARE CURRENTLY CONNECTED TO MENION. >> 2 (IS WHAT I TYPED) INFOTRON DATABASE IS UNAVAILABLE. SORRY. IT THEN RETURNED TO THE MAIN MENU WHERE I SHOULD SELECT A BOOK. I TYPED DOS AGAIN, WENT BACK, BUT THIS TIME I TYPED: >> 2,99E99 (1 MORE THAN THE LARGEST NUMBER A SMALL-COMPUTER CAN HANDLE) IT PRINTED: FATAL ERROR! SYSTEM ERROR! ERROR IN LINE 10200, OFF. THEN THE WHOLE SYSTEM FROZE UP. THE BITCHYnougheDY WALKED OVER AGAIN AND Y CANLED AT ME AGAIN. I PLAYED DUMB, 'DUH, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID!' SHE DEMANDED THAT I MOVE TO ANOTHER TERMINAL (BY THE WAY, THE LIBRARY IS EQUIPPED WITH 9 TERMINALS AT 3 TABLES PER FLOOR, THAT'S 27 ACCESSABLE TERMINALS PER FLOOR! YES, I CAN MULTIPLY!!) SO I OBLIDGED AND MOVED TO ANOTHER TERMINAL. I WATCHED HER FIDDLE AND FUCK WITH THE FUCKED-UP TERMINAL FOR 10-15 MINUTES. SHE DID EVERYTHING. TURNED IT ON/OFF, SLAPPED IT, BANGED IT, EVERYTHING. THEN SHE PUT AN 'OUT OF ORDER' SIGN ON IT. SO I FUCKED UP THE COMPUTER I WAS ON, THEN DID 3 OTHERS, THEN MOVED TO THE NEXT FLOOR. HOW TO DO IT: A RUN DOWN ======================== AT >> ON THE SELECT BOOen,/AUTHOR/CARD # MENU TYPE 'DOS' AT >> ON THE DATABASE ENTRY MENU TYPE '2,99E99' THEN SIT BACK AND WATCH THE FUN. TERMINALS ========= THESE TERMINALS WERE JUST MONITORS AND KEYBOARDS, NO PROCESSOR, NOTHING. IT WAS OBVIO.SLY CONNECTED TO AnougheRGER MAINFRAME WITHIN THE BUILDING. I SUSPECT IF YOU MESS WITH THE TERMINALS MORE YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO EXIT TO DOS, CRASH IT PERMANENTLY, DIAL OUT VIA THERE MODEM SOMEWHERE, OR SEND NEAT0 MESSAGES TO OTHER TERMINALS WITHIN THE BUILDING. HAVE FUN WITH THIS. THANKS TO: THE X ORGANIZATION, NEON KNIGHTS, HACKERSOFT, AND LOD/H. ALSO TO: ELIJAH BONECRUSHER, SWAMP RAT, RACER X, THE PUSHER, THE BLADE, PHOBEUS APOLLO, DR. RIPCO, YARDLEY FLOURIDE, FRY GUY, AND AX MURDERER. IMPROVE YOUR SHITTY, GOOD FOR NOTHING ATTITUDE, CALL THESE SYSTEMS: RIPCO [312/528-5020] THE METAL AE LINE [201/879-6668] PW=KILL DEMON ROACH UNDERGROUND [806/794-4362] --------------------------------------- (*) PLANS (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) THE CRIMSON BOX IS VERY SIMPLE DEVICE THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO PUT SOMEONE ON HOLD OR MAKE YOUR FONE BUSY WITH AnougheRGE AMOUNT OF EASE. YOU FLIP A SWITCH AND THE PERSON CAN'T HEAR YOU TALKING. FLIP IT BACK AND EVERYTHING IS PEECHY. (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) NEEDED MATERIALS (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (1) 100 OHM OR LESS RESISTOR (1) SPDT TOGGLE SWITCH, ON-ON (3) FEET OF GOOD WIRE WIRE CUTTERS SOLDER AND SOLDERING IRON (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) CONSTRUCTION & SCHEMTAIC (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) FIRST I WILL GIVE YOU THE SCHEMATIC AND THEN I WILL EXPLAIN WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. -----------BLACK WIRE ON LINE--------- --------+ RED WIRE ON LINE +------ --------!--+/X/X/-GREEN WIRE---!------ --------!--! YELLOW WIRE-------! ----- ! ! ! +--!------+ ! +----+ ! +----------+ ! ! ! 1 2 3 OK. THE '/X/X/' IS THE RESISTOB. AND '1 2 3' IS THE SWITCH WHERE THE NUMBERS ARE THE POLES ON THE SWITCH. NOTICE YOU LEAVE THE BLACK AND Y CANLOW WIRES ALONE.YOU DO NOT CUT THEM! STRIP THE RED AND GREEN WIRES SO YOU'VE GOT ABOUT AN INCH OF BARE WIRE. SOLDER SOME OF THE EXTRA WIRE AND FOLLOV THE SCHEMATIC. YOU SHOULD HAVE THE RESISTOR ON THE GREEN WIRE WITH AN EXTRA PIECE OF WIRE COMING FROM ONE LEG OF IT. THE OTHER LEG GOES TO THE OTHER END OF THE GREEN WIRE. YOU SHOULD SOLDER THE GREEN WIRE TO THE LEFT POLE OF THE SWITCH AND THE RED TO THE MIDDLE AND THE OTHER END OF THE RED TO THE RIGHT POLE. NOW, LIFT UP THE PHONE. IF ALL YOU GET IS AN ANNOYING BUZZ THEN THROW THE SWITCH AND YOU SHOULD GET A DIAL TONE. IF NOT, DON'T GORRY AND JUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND SCHEMATIC AGAIN. -------========>>**<<========-------- ANOTHER FROM PHONE BUSTERS BBS -------========>>**<<========-------- THIS HAS BEEN AN Hcan be H PRESENTAION-1985 CRIMSON BOX - WRITTEN AND CREATED BY: DR. D-CODE WATCH FOR THE UPCOMING SAND BOX _______________________________________ ELEVATOR PHREAKING ________ _________ f BY THE REBEL(TTL) OK.... IF YOU'VE EVER BEEN IN AN ELEVATOR BEFORE, YOU'VE SEEN THAT RIGHT UNDER THE ELEVATOR FLOOR CONTROL-PANEL THERE'S A TELEPHONE. NOW,IF YOU'VE SEEN THESE BEFORE YOU'VE PROBABLY ALREADY WONDERED ABOUT THEM OR HAVE EVEN USED/TRIED TO USE THEM. MOST (97.3%) OF THE ELEVATOR PHONES HAVE LITTLE OR NO PROTECTION SO TO BE ABLE TO CALL OUT FROM THEM ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS DIAL THE NUMBER AND SOMETIMES YOU MIGHT NEED TO DIAL A 9 OR POUND BEFORE HAND. THE OTHER 2.7%(WHICH YOU'LL PROBABLY NEVER RUN INTO) CAN EITHER BE: a. ONLY BE USED TO CALL THE FRONT DESK. B. ONLY BE USED TO CALL THE FRONT DESK UNLESS A 4 DIGIT CODE IS PUNCHED IN BEFORE-HAND. C. ONLY BE USED TO CALL 911. NOW IF YOU ARE SO UNLUCKY AS TO FIND ONE THAT IS PART OF THE 2.7% MINORITY THEN YOU'VE GOT A 1 IN 3 CHANCE THAT YOU'LL BE ABLE TO HACK IT.... __________________________________________________ (C) THE TIME LORDS __________________________________________________ f CALL ALL TTL SUPPORT BOARDS ( LOOK FOR THE NUMBERS BECAUSE THERE'S NO WAY THAT I'M GONNA TELL YOU IN THIS TEXT FILE ) --------------------------------------- f $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ T $ $ THE HISTORY OF ESS $ $ --- ------- -- --- $ $ ANOTHER ORIGINAL PHILE BY: $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$-=>LEX LUTHOR<=-$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ OF ALL THE NEW 1960S WONDERS OF TELEPHONE TECHNOLOGY - SATELLITES, ULTRA MODERN TRAFFIC SERVICE POSITIONS (TSPS) FOR OPERATORS, THE PICTUREPHONE, AND SO ON - THE ONE THAT GAVE BELL LABS THE MOST TROUBLE, AND UNEXPECTEDLY BECAME THE GREATEST DEVELOPMENT EFFORT IN BELL SYSTEM'S HISTORY, WAS THE PERFECTION OF AN ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEM, OR ESS. IT MAY BE RECALLED THAT SUCH A SYSTEM WAS THE SPECIFIC END IN VIEW WHEN THE PROJECT THAT HAD CULMINATED IN THE INVENTION OF THE TRANSISTOR HAD BEEN LAUNCHED BACK IN THE 1930S. AFTER SUCCESSFUL ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THAT PLANNED MIRACLE IN 1947-48, FURTHER DELAYS WERE BROUGHT ABOUT BY FINANCIAL STRINGENCY AND THE NEED FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSISTOR ITSELF. IN THE EARLY 1950S, A LABS TEAM BEGAN SERIOUS WORK ON ELECTRONIC SWITCHING. AS EARLY AS 1955, WESTERN ELECTRIC BECAME INVOLVED WHEN FIVE ENGINEERS FROM THE HAWTHORNE WORKS WERE ASSIGNED TO COLLABORATE WITH THE LABS ON THE PROJECT. THE PRESIDENT OF AT&T IN 1956, WROTE CONFIDENTLY, "AT BELLnougheBS, DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEM IS GOING FULL SPEED AHEAD. WE ARE SURE THIS WILL LEAD TO MANY IMPROVEMENTS IN SERVICE AND ALSO TO GREATER EFFICIENCY. THE FIRST SERVICE TRIAL WILL START IN MORRIS, ILL., IN 1959." SHORTLY THEREAFTER, KAPPEL SAID THAT THE COST OF THE WHOLE PROJECT WOULD PROBABLY BE $45 MILLION. BUT IT GRADUALLY BECAME APPARENT THAT THE DEVELOPEMENT OF A COMMERCIALLY USABLE ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEM - IN EFFECT, A COMPUTERIZED TELEPHONE EXCHANGE - PRESENTED VASTLY GREATER TECHNICAL PROBLEMS THAN HAD BEEN ANTICIPATED, AND THAT, ACCORDINGLY, BELLnLABS HAD VASTLY UNDERESTIMATED BOTH THE TIME AND THE INVESTMENT NEEDED TO DO THE JOB. THE YEAR 1959 PASSED WITHOUT THC PROMISED FIRST TRIAL AT MORRIS, ILLINOIS; IT WAS FINALLY MADE IN NOVEMBER 1960, AND QUICKLY SHOWED HOW MUCH MORE WORK REMAINED TO BE DONE. E DIRIME DRAGGED ON AND COSTS MOUNTED, THERE WAS A CONCERN AT AT&T AND SOMETHING APPROACHING PANIC AT BELLnLABS. BUT THC PROJECT HAD TO GO FORWARD; BY THIS TIME THE INVESTMENT WAS TOO GREAT TO BE SACRIFICED, AND IN ANY CASE, FORWARD PROJECTIONS OF INCREASED DEMAND FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE INDICATED THAT WITHIN A PHEW YEARS A TIME WOULD COME WHEN, WITHOUT THE QUANTUM LEAP IN SPEED AND FLEXIBILITY THAT ELECTRONIC SWITCHING WOULD PROVIDE, THE NATIONAL NETWORK WOULD BE UNABLE TO MEET THE DEMAND. IN NOVEMBER 1963, AN ALL-ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEM WENT INTO USE AT THE BROWN ENGINEERING COMPANY AT COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA. BUT THIS WAS A SMALL INSTALLATION, ESSENTIALLY ANOTHER TEST INSTALLATION, SERVING ONLY A SINGLE COMPANY. KAPPEL'S TONE ON THE SUBJECT IN THE 1964 ANNUAL REPORT WAS, FOR HIM, AN ALMOST APOLOGETIC: "ELECTRONIC SWITCHING EQUIPMENT MUST BE MANUFACTURED IN VOLUME TO UNPRECEDENTED STANDARDS OF RELIABILITY.... TO TURN OUT THE EQUIPMENT ECONOMICALLY AND WITH GOOD SPEED, MASS PRODUCTION METHODS MUST BE DEVELOPED; BUT, AT THE SAME TIME, THERE CAN BE NO LOSS OF PRECISION..." ANOTHER YEAR . IILLIONS OF DOLLARS LATER, ON MAY 30, 1965, THE FIRST COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC CENTERAL OFFICE WAS PUT INTO SERVICE AT SUCCASUNNA, NEW JERSEY. EVEN AT SUCCASUNNA, ONLY 200 OF THE TOWN'S 4,300 SUBSCRIBERS INITIALLY HAD THE BENEFIT OF ELECTRONIC SWITCHING'S ADDED SPEED AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES, SUCH AS PROVISION FOR THREE PARTY CONVERSATIONS AND AUTOMATIC TRANSFER OF INCOMING CALLS. BUT AFTER THAT, ESS WAS ON ITS WAY. IN JANUARY 1966, THE SECOND COMMERCIAL INSTALLATION, THIS ONE SERVING 2,900 TELEPHONES, WENT INTO SERVICE IN CHASE, MARYLAND. BY THE END OF 1967 THERE WERE ADDITIONAL ESS OFFICES IN CALIFORNIA, CONNECTICUT, MINNESOTA, GEORGIA, NEW YORK, FLORIDA, AND PENNSYLVANIA; BY THE END OF 1970 THERE WERE 120 OFFICES SERVING 1.8 MILLION CUSTOMERS; AND BY 1974 THERE WERE 475 OFFICES SERVING 5.6 MILLION CUSTOMERS. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONVENTIONAL SWITCHING AND ELECTRONIC SWITCHING IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "HARDWARE" AND "SOFTWARE"; IN THE FORMER CASE, MAINTENENCE IS DONE ON THE SPOT, WITH SCREWDRIVER AND PLIERS, WHILE IN THE CASE OF ELECTRONIC SWITCHING, IT CAN BE DONE REMOTELY, BY COMPUTER, FROM A CENTERAL POINT, MAKING IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE ONLY ONE OR TWO TECHNICIANS ON DUTY AT A TIME AT EACH SWITCHING CENTER. THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, WHEN THE FINAL FIGURES WERE ADDED UP, WAS FOUND TO HAVE REQUIRED A STAGGERING FOUR THOUSAND MAN-YEARS OF WORK AT BELL LABS AND TO HAVE COST NOT $45 MILLION BUT $500 MILLION! THE END LEX LUTHOR 800/321 0424 (6) 800/321 0845 (6) 800/322 1415 " 800/323 4313 " 800/325 7222 " 800/327 0005 " 800/327 2703 " 800/348 1800 " 800/368 4222 " 800/368 5963 7 800/521 8400 8 800/523 7248 4 800/527 3511 8 800/547 1784 8 Starting transfer... Summary of FBI Computer Systems By Ralph Harvey This article is reprinted from Full BOUT Blosure. Copyright (c) 1986 Capitol Information Association. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reprint this article providing this message is included in its entirety. Full Disclosure, Box 8275, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107. $15/yr. The FBI maintains several computer systems. The most common of which is call NCIC (National Crime Information Computer). NCIC maintains a database of information about such things as stolen carsE, 1 len boats, missing persons, wanted persons, arrest records. It provides quick access to these records by State, Local and Federal law enforcement agencies. NCIC is directly linked with the Treasury Department's TECS computer and many State computer systems. According to William H. Webster, Director of the FBI: When a police officer stops a car and is uncertain about who he's going to meet when he gets out, he can plug into this system [NCIC] and in a matter of a few seconds he can find out whether that person is a fugitive or the automobile is stolen. Incidentally, we receive almost 400,000 inquires of this nature each day in the NCIC system. When an agency determines that a subject is a fugitive, it supplies the FBI computer with as much of the following information as possible: 1) Name and case number; 2) Alias; 3) Race; 4) Sex; 5) Height; 6) Weight; 7) Color of hair; 8) Color of eyes; 9) Description of any identifying scars, marks and tattoos; 10) Date of birth; 11) Place of birth; 12) Social Security Number; 13) Passport Number; 14) Last known address; 15) Nationality; 16) If a naturalized U.S. Citizen, date, place, and certificate number; 17) Occupation; 18) The criminal violation with which subject is charged; 19) Date of warrant; 21) Type of warrant -- Bench, Magistrate, etc.; 22) Agency holding warrant; 23) Any information as to whether the subject is considered dangerous, is known to own or currently possess firearms, has suicidal tendencies, or has previously escaped custody; 24) Driver's license number, year of expiration and State issued; 25) License number of vehicle, aircraft or vessel subject owns or is known to use, include the year and State; 26) Description of vehicle, aircraft or vessel subject owns or is known to use; 27) Associates of the subject*1; 28) FBI number; 29) Name and telephone of the person to contact when subject is apprehended. One of the major problems with the system is that the agency that submits an entry is responsible for keeping it up to date. Once an entry has been made, there is little motivation for the originating agency to "waste" its time keeping it up to date, so many entries become incorrect with the passage of time. Another FBI computer system is their Investigative Support Information System (ISIS). This system is only used to provide support for major investigations that require the handling of a large volume of complex information. It is limited to handling a maximum of 20 cases at a time. The ISIS system was used during the investigation of the murder of Federal Judge John Wood in San Antonio, Texas. In this case, the FBI entered 300,000 pieces of information, including 6,000 interviews, hotel registration information from every hotel in the area, etc. The accused, while on trial, claimed he was several hundred miles away. The FBI cross referenced his name & known alias with the hotel registration database and got a match. Contact with the hotel employees resulted in a positive identification and conviction of the subject. The FBI has a system called the Organized Crime Information Systems (OCIS) of which director William Webster is "particularly proud." The system was started in 1980 in Detroit, Michigan and is one of their most sophisticated computers. The system is now functions in over 40 locations. The OCIS system allows agents in different field offices to share and analyze information collected in each other's areas. This system was used to identify some of the United States citizens who were released from Cuban prisons in 1984 that had criminal histories in the United States. An OCIS link was recently opened in Rome, where it's used to support drug ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [] [] [] HOW TO FIND LOCAL 950'S [] [] BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE PROWLER & ICECUBE [] [] CREATED: 08/22/89; A DARK DIMENSION PRODUCTION [] [] [] [] TYPED BY: ICECUBE [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] THIS IS TO INFORM THE AMATUER PHREAKER HOW TO FIND LOCAL DIALUPS OF YOUR AREA. FIRST TAKE OUT YOUR PACIFIC BELLnY CANLOW PAGES AND LOOK UNDER TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS. FIND SOME SMALL DINKY LONG DISTANCE COMPANIES THAT YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OF AND RING IT UP. HERE'S AN EXAMPLE.. >RING<....>CLICK< OP: BIZ-TEL YOU: UH.. YES.. MY NAME IS MARC WOOD.. WHAT IS THE NUMBER I CALL TO USE MY TRAVEL CARD. (YOU MAY WANT TO SAY YOU MISPLACED THE NUMBER TO CALL) OP: HOLD PLEASE.. OP: HELLO? YOU: UH.. YES.. THIS IS MARY WOOD FROM CTI CYROGENTICS..WHAT IS THE NUMBER I USE TO USE MY TRAVEL CARD? OP: OH.. LET ME SEE HERE.. YES.. IT IS 950-1820.. YOU: UH.. AHMM.. AHMM.. 1820? OP: YES SIR. YOU: OK.. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! OP: NO PROBLEM. iIT MAY NOT BE AS EASY AT THAT UNLESS YOU CAN SOUND LIKE AN INNOCENT CUSTOMER OF SOME SHIT MADE UP COMPANY THAT'S HAVING PROBLEMS. AND IT MAY NOT BE AS SIMPLE AS THAT WHERE IT MATTERS IF THE OPERATOR IS SOME NEW EMPLOYEE THAT'S JUST TRYING TO MAKE A FEW BUCKS AND IF THAT IS RIGHT.. THEY WILL PROBABLY GIVCONSTYOU IT NOT KNOWING THE COMPANY WILL SOON BE INVADED BY HACKERS AND SOON GO OUT OF BUSINESS AND LOSE HIS/HERS JOB. BUT THAT'S ANOTHER STORY. AFTER YOU GET THE GUTS TO HACK YOUR NEW 950 AND GET AN ACCOUNT.. YOU MAY WANT TO CALL BACK AND TRY TO GET THERE 800 DIALUP AND POST AROUND YOUR NEWFOUND CODEZ OR BE GREEDY AND KEEP IT TO YOURSELF SO IT WILL LAST YOU A MONTH OR SO. BUT OF COURSE THERE IS ANOTHER METHOD WHICH COULD TAKE SOME TIME? FIND A 950 BY HAND.. GOOD LUCK! --------------------------------------- BASIC FIREWORKS BY FORD PREFECT BECAUSE IT IS SOON GOING BE THE 4TH I THOUGHT I WOULD SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN FIREWORKS. ALL ARE EXPLOSIVE BUT IN NORMAL QUANTITIES, AND IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED CAREFULLY, THERE IS LITTLE DANGER OF BLOWING YOURSELF UP. FIRST IS A LIST OF CHEMICALS WHICH ARE COMMONLY USED. THESE MIXTURES BURN WITH DIFFERENT COLORS AND CAN BE USED FOR A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT THINGS. THE NUMBERS FOLLOWING ARE PARTS BY WEI OF EACH OF THE CHEMICALS. PARTS BY WEIGHT IS A RATIO. 6 PBW MEANS FOR EVERY 1 (GRAM FOR INSTANCE) YOU NEED 6 (GRAMS) OF THE OTHER. WHITE: POTASSIUM NITRA@e^......6 ANTIMONY SULFIDE........1 POWDERED SULFUR.........1 WHITE: POTASSIUM NITRATE......24 POWDERED SULFUR.........7 CHARCOAL................1 WHITE: POTASSIUM SULFIDE......55 POWDERED SULFUR........11 CHARCOAL................1 Y CANLOW: POTASSIUM NITRATE.......4 POWDERED SULFUR.........1 CHARCOAL................2 SODIUM CHLORIDE.........3 Y CANLOW: POWDERED SULFUR.........4 CHARCOAL................1 POTASSIUM NITRATE......24 SODIUM CARBONATE........6 RED: STRONTIUM NITRATE.......4 POWDERED ORANGE SHELLAC.1 RED: STRONTIUM NITRATE......11 POWDERED SULFUR.........4 CHARCOAL................1 CALCIUM CARBONATE......11 POTASSIUM NITRATE.......1 PURPLE: COPPER SULFATE..........1 STRONTIUM NITRATE.......1 POWDERED SULFUR.........1 CHARCOAL................1 POTASSIUM NITRATE.......3 GREEN: BARIUM NITRATE..........7 POWDERED SULFUR.........4 CHARCOAL................1 POTASSIUM NITRATE.......1 GREEN: BARIUM CHLORATE.........9 POWDERED ORANGE SHELLAC.1 BLUE: ANTIMONY SULFIDE........2 POWDERED SULFUR.........4 POTASSIUM NITRATE......12 BLUE: POTASSIUM NITRATE......12 POWDERED SULFUR.........3 CHARCOAL................1 COPPER SULFATE..........2 POWDERED ROSIN..........1 CHEMICALS & SAFETY: POTASSIUM NITRATE IS SOLD COMMERCIALLY AS SALTPETER AND CAN BE FOUND IN ANY DRUGSTORE. (IT IS USED AS A DIURETIC FOR ANIMALS) POWDERED SULFUR IS ALSO SOLD IN A DRUG STORE AND IS USED TO REPEL TICKS. CHARCOAL IS NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR CHARCOAL BRICKETS POWDERED. SObdUM CHLORIDE, OH COME ON!, TABLE SALT. SODIUM CARBONATE IS ALSO CALLED SODA, SODA ASH, SAL SODA, WASHING SODA, OR GLASSMAKER'S SODA AND IS USED AS A WATER SOFTENER. THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY FOR NOW BUT UNTIL mATER MORE TO COME!!!! --------------------------------------- BUILDING A FLAME THROWER FROM THE BOOK: THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND BY KURT SAXON AN EXCELLENT LITTLE FLAME THROWER CAN BE MADE, USING JUST ABOUT ANY METAL OR PLASTIC HAND SQUIRTER. THE ONLY CONSIDERATION IS (lAT THE LIQUID MUST COME OUT IN A STREAM INSTEAD OF AN ATOMIZED SPRAY. SOME OIL CANS SHOOT A STREAM 30 FEETS. SPRAYERS CAN OFTEN BE ADJUSTED FROM A SPRAY TO A STREAM. SPRAYERS OF VARIOUS KINDS CAN BE FOUND IN AUTO SUPPLY, GARDEN AND GROCERY STORES. A SIX-INCH TUBE, USUALLY ALUMINUM OR BRASS, IS FITTEN ON THE NOZZLE. A WICK OR PIECE OF HEAVY CLOTH IS WIRED ONTO THE OTHER END OF THE TUBE. THE FUEL IS GASOLINE, ACETONE OR LIGHTER FLUID. TO USE, THE TUBE IS TILTED DOWNWARD SLIGHTLY. THE SPRAYER IS SQUEEZED SLOWLY SO THE FUEL WILL DRIBBLE OUT AND SATURATE THE WICK ALL AROUND. THE WICK IS THEN LIT AND THE DEVICE IS AIMED AND SQUEEZED. QUICK, HARD SQUEEZES WILL SQUIRT THE FUEL THROUGH THE TUBE AND Pe Cd THE BURNING WICK. THE WICK IGNITES THE FUEL AND YOU HAVE SUCH A DANDY WEAPON YOU WILL NEVER STOP BRAGGING! IF YOU HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER, HE CAN TAKE IT TO SCHOOL FOR SHOW AND TELL. --------------------------------------- ENTER (1-76, M=MENU, Q=QUIT) :Madd Maxx.......716-773-6804 & 5152 | Obliviator..... 405-286-3515 | Silvio..........011-39-6-6235853 | Ax...(DAVE).....812-se s44-6866 | Statik..........303-745-0297 | IceMan (Brian)..618-997-2641 | Dr. Awesome.....011-47-6-815986 | Sector 9........011-47-7-05252 | Cyclops.........219-244-4559 | IceMan..........618-457-2209 | Dead-Man........517-439-4259 | Ratt............804-463-6747 | Fred Peterson...304-472-3186 | Star............405-632-2882 | DarkLord........314-334-2714 | Code Mas orr.....312-863-5358 | TPC/AMIGA.......011-35-11-9313975 | _____________________________________| NAME/SYSTEM BAUD AREA-PHONE # PC-P Keys NEW USER/Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dads Place OPUS 2400? 201-249-4239 NJNEW *! The Train Station 2400? 201-251-7331 NJNEW * The Crystal X-Change 2400 201-375-se s413 NJNEW * DroneFone 1200 201-376-6337 NJNEW + *High Voltage 2400? 201-377-6639 NJNEW * (IS IT DEAD OR WHAT?) *La Villa Strangiato 2400 201-386-9150 NJNEW * HIGH TIME *Software Center 2400 201-392-8351 NJNEW * Alche Mega 2400? 201-398-6360 NJNEW *D Megacorp (port 1) 2400 201-402-1020 NJNEW ! Megacorp (port 2) 2400 201-402-1005 NJNEW ! Stowe BBS 300 201-467-7870 NJNEW + Graphics Dump 2400? 201-469-0049 NJNEW * Hacker's Hideout 2400 201-478-0645 NJNEW * Power Windows 2400? 201-492-s748 NJNEW *D *The Amusement Park 19.2 201-587-0618 NJNEW * Voyager Space 2400 201-647-3054 NJNEW &! *Power of Darkness 9600 201-686-3971 NJNEW *! *The Files Express 2400 201-762-9533 NJNEW * *Fires Of Hell 2400 201-789-2799 NJNEW * Metal AE 2400? 201-879-6669 NJNEW * Steal Your Face 9600 201-920-7981 NJNEW *@ *Amiga Annex 19.2 201-969-2839 NJNEW * *Sanitarium 2400 201-822-s373 NJNEW * Steal Your Face 9600 201-920-7981 NJNEW * aoxomoxoa Camalot 2400 201-927-2960 NJNEW * Guild e400? 201-929-s351 NJNEW @* Groo's Lair BBS 1200 201-994-7129 NJNEW ! *Squid Hell 2400? 203-226-4116 CTHAR * Red Alert 2400? 203-630-0543 CTHAR * Pirate's Den 9600 203-827-8000 CTHAR * Fear and Loathing 19.2 205-221-3327 ----- * Magnolia 2400? 205-854-6407 ----- * Fear & Loathing II? 2400 205-985-4856 ----- * Random Access 2400? 212-542-3859 NYNYO @* Night Flight 9600 212-962-3504 NYNYO * ST Jungle 2400? 213-254-9534 CALAN @* *Revelstone 2400? 213-275-1946 CALAN * *The Unknown BBS FBR HQC2400? 213-329-4603 CALAN * NEUROMANCER *The Crypt 2400? 213-397-8201 CALAN * *Soap Box One 2400 213-422-2261 CALAN * *Vaccum 2400? 213-516-6030 CALAN * *Access One 2400 213-537-3378 CALAN * The Fun House 2400? 213-542-4455 CALAN * *BrainStorm 2400? 213-640-1643 CALAN * *Copyright USA/VidScape 2400 213-756-0528 CALAN * *Cutting Edge (ESI) 2400? 213-836-2381 CALAN * *The Hermitage 2400? 213-932-0407 CALAN * *Hyperdrive 2400? 213-965-1214 CALAN * Dallas Hack Shack 2400? 214-422-4307 TXDAL * The Castle 19.2 214-422-7378 TXDAL * *Venus On The 1/2 Shell 2400 214-686-5424 TXDAL * *Infinite Void 2400 214-733-1298 TXDAL * EPSILON Magic K 2400? 215-261-0893 PAPHI * Organized Crime BBS 9600 215-364-1258 PAPHI *! *Pirate Zone 2400 215-647-6861 PAPHI * AMIGA ESI HQ 2400? 215-860-7826 PAPHI * End Of Line 2400? 215-873-7287 PAPHI * QUARTEX HQC 9600 216-442-6262 OHCLE * Star Fleet Command 2400? 216-758-8688 OHCLE * Labyrinth 2400 216-784-5552 OHCLE * Fright Night BBS s600 216-898-1638 OHCLE * Crossroads 2400? 217-356-0583 ----- * *USS Enterprise MAAD HQC2400? 303-320-6470 CODEN * *Amiga Connection 2400? 303-366-8829 CODEN * NEW/AMICON *Amiga Exchange MAAD 2400? 303-427-3774 CODEN * AMX Pirate 80 2400? 304-744-2253 ----- * Uneeda Medical Supply 2400? 305-888-5772 FLMIA * Trilogy HQ 2400? 305-558-9137 FLMIA * The Twilight Zone 2400 305-598-3433 FLMIA * JANICE Star Frontier 2400? 305-935-8834 FLMIA * BAMIGA/QUORAM HQC 2400? 312-447-5407 ILCHI * mmon "hannel 708 BBS 2400? 312-388-0090 ILCHI * Infernal Region/BAMIGA 2400? 312-447-5407 ILCHI * Galactic II 2400? 312-452-6511 ILCHI * Skidds Lab BBS 2400? 312-631-4716 ILCHI * The Keep 2400? 312-654-8236 ILCHI * Amiga Express 2400? 312-677-8747 ILCHI * Piranhas BBS 2400? 312-843-7609 ILCHI * Last Resource 2400? 312-858-7580 ILCHI * mhe Outlet Private 2400? 313-261-6141 ????? * Amnesia Hq 19.2 313-478-6709 ????? * Snoopys Doghouse 2400? 313-847-1941 ????? * mhe Night Shift 2400? 313-869-7743 ????? * The Underground Tech 2400? 313-8se s4-9695 ????? * *The Night Shift 9600 314-869-7743 MOSLO * *Chaos HQ 19.2 314-8se s4-9695 MOSLO * Network 23 BBS 19.2 316-684-5761 ----- * AMANDA Galactic Networks 2400? 317-531-9538 ----- * Genesis One 2400? 317-885-1268 ----- * Fort Knoxx East 9600 317-962-1244 ----- * Secret Service Amiga 2400 318-984-6136 ----- * Bishop of Battle 2400? 401-943-8181 ----- * Unknown Name (really!) 9600 402-592-2509 ----- * Spotanae 2400? 404-943-7768 GAATL * The NEW Silicon Guild 2400 404-985-1321 GAATL * JYER BMW/Deridjam HQC 2400 405-286-5937 ----- * LETMEIN Chaos Bar & Grill 2400? 405-366-7038 ----- * *TeleTrader 19.2 406-782-3161 ----- * Broken Megs 2400? 407-259-0229 ----- * Spastic BBS 2400? 407-639-9123 ----- * Utopia 2400? 407-655-3561 ----- * Amiga Beach 2400? 407-833-8692 ----- * The Vault 2400? 413-869-7743 ????? * ??????????????????? 2400? 414-282-0727 WIMIL * ??????????????????? 2400? 414-289-4149 WIMIL * Pandemonium 2400? 414-352-5982 WIMIL * Ye Olde Pawn Shoppe 2400? 414-421-4432 WIMIL * Hosehead's Domain 9600 414-548-0915 WIMIL * Up In Smoke 2400 414-764-5334 WIMIL * *Lunatic Lab 2400? 415-278-7421 ????? * *Oblivian 2400? 415-283-2723 ????? * *Western Amiga Exchange 2400? 415-359-3333 ????? * *Lulu's Playground 2400? 415-458-3659 ????? * The Smokey Tavern 2400 415-837-2069 CAOAK * Red Sector/Kent/Bamiga 9600 416-252-1478 ----- * Thieves Guild BBS 17.4 416-267-3938 ----- * Venture BBS 19.2 416-469-1031 ----- * Thrust! 2400? 416-481-se s455 ----- * Aeronaught 2400? 416-636-6110 ----- * Realm of Terror 2400? 416-690-7874 ----- * Airwolf 2400? 416-767-1907 ----- * The Forbidden Zone 2400 416-850-0453 ----- * Underground HQC 2400 502-267-se s421 ????? * W.H.A.T. BBS 2400 502-776-4313 ????? * (11pm-9am) Habit e400? 503-257-6590 ORPOR * Renegade One 2400? 503-390-3811 ORPOR * *Laidback 2400? 503-644-8850 ORPOR * Iron Fortress 2400? 508-744-2551 ----- * The Phoenix Project 2400? 512-754-8182 ----- * Intellogic Trace BBS 2400 512-822-s021 ----- * Amiga Alliance 9600 513-W29-3689 ----- * ESSC FBE 2400? 513-874-0832 ----- * Something BBS HQ 2400 514-325-6327 ????? * CALLIT Weekend Warrior 2400 516-328-8856 ----- * ESI NY 19.2 516-794-1473 ----- * The Hyperion Project 2400 601-432-2845 ----- * Damage Inc. 2400? 602-264-6670 AZPHO * *Cranston Manor 2400? 602-s35-65195195PHO * Tardis 2400? 603-749-1017 ----- * Bedrock 2400? 603-749-4285 ----- * Dwart Hold 2400? 606-291-0820 ----- * Mistyc Islands 2400? 609-296-6474 -4 -4 The Phoenix 2400? 612-459-8095 MNMIN * Sherwood Forest 2400? 612-724-7066 MNMIN * Amnesia Hq #4 9600 613-232-4625 ????? * Portal 2400? 614-237-0285 ----- * L'Italy Node 1 2400? 614-457-5160 ----- * L'Italy Node 2 2400? 614-457-0se s44 ----- * Iron Fortress 2400? 617-744-2551 MABOS * motal Confusion 4800 617-963-6147 MABOS * Platos Place 2400? 618-345-8913 MOSLO * (ATDT1618..) Forgottem Realm 2400? 618-943-2399 MOSLO * *Software Dimention 2400 619-423-0604 CASAD * *ations valon e400? 619-447-1610 CASAD * Alcatraz 2400? 703-323-5997 DCWAS * Inverse Utopia 2400? 703-327-6110 DCWAS * Gates Of Hell 2400? 703-437-se s404 DCWAS * Terminal Fix 2400? 703-562-1174 DCWAS * Desert Voyages 2400? 703-627-8981 DCWAS * The Keep 2400? 714-731-5195 CASAN * NEW *The Hideout 2400 714-830-6859 CASAN * @RASTA5 *The ClubHouse 2400? 714-996-3962 CASAN * Pirates Cove 2400 715-386-2364 -4--- * Gallows Pole 2400? 716-876-6542 - ABYSS BBS 2400? 717-252-4367 - WOW HQC: FBI (Line 1) 2400 718-234-3659 NYNYO * WOW HQC: FBI (Line 2) 2400 718-259-9661 NYNYO * (ATDT718..) Central Intelligence 19.2 718-336-0018 NYNYO * FOUNDATION Hackers Den 2400? 718-358-9209 NYNYO * Adventures Guild 2400 718-380-63 ( NYNYO *(POWERHOUSE SENT YA) Max Headroom 2400? 718-592-2433 NYNYO * Patch House #2 2400? 718-651-4267 NYNYO @* (ATDT718..) Dreamin City Megaforce 2400? 815-458-2236 ????? * *Frog Bog II 2400? 818-401-0448 CAGLE * Forbidden City 19.2 818-330-5043 CAGLE * Amiga Auschwitz 9600 904-285-4352 ????? * Pirate Trek 2400? 914-634-1268 ----- * RACS III 2400? 914-942-2638 ----- * NOTE: Not all have been tested. As so far all BBS's are known to be operating. Note, most on the List are Amiga :). If you have any additions/corrections to this list, please call either SANITARIUM, FIRES OF HELL, or THE FILES EXPRESS and leave email to SIR CENTZ or leave corrections/additions to the sysop. Stay tuned for another update on The Final PIRATE List for next Month! Hail Amiga! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=- The Amiga Annex BBS GOLD BOX PLANS: COURTESY OF SIR WILLIAM HOW TO BUILD IT _______________ YOU WILL NEED THE FOLLOWING: TWO 10K OHM AND THREE 1.4K OHM RESISTOR ES, TWO 2N3904 TRANSISTORS, TWO PHOTOCE LLS, TWO RED LED'S (THE MORE LIGHT PROD UCED THE BETTER), A BOX THAT WILL NOT L ET LIGHT IN, AND RED AND GREEN WIRE. LIGHT FROM THE #1 LED MUST SHING DIREC TLY ON THE PHOTOCELL #1. THE GOLD BOX I MAID NEEDED THE TOP OF THE LED'S TO TOU CH THE PHOTOCELL FOR IT TO WORK. THE SAME APPLIES TO THE #2 PHOTOCELL AN D LED 1 :-PHOTOCELL--: : : : :BASE : 1 TTTTT : +LED- TRANSISTOR : TTTTT : : : : -I(-- : :COLLECTOR RED1--< >:--: :-------:-----GREEN2 -unf(-- : ----------: 1 : 2 :-/+/+/-/+/+/-/+/+/-/+/+/ LED 10K 10K 1.4K 1.4K RESISTORES f 2 -PHOTOCELL----------------- 1 : :BASE : TTTTT : TRANSISTOR : TTTTT : : :EMITTER : GREEN1- --------------------------RED2 : : /+/+/ 1.4K THE 1.4K RESISTOR IS VERIABLE AND IF TH E SECCOND PART OF THE GOLD BOX IS SKIPPE D IT WILL STILL WORK BUT WHEN SOMEONE P ICKS THE PHONE UP THEY WILL HEAR A FAIN T DIAL TONE IN THE BACKGROUND AND MIGHT REPORT IT TO THE GESTOPO ER...(AT&T). 1.4K WILL GIVE YOU GOOD RECEPTION WITH LITTLE RISK OF A GESTOPO AGENT AT YOUR DOOR. NOW THAT YOU HAVE BUILT IT TAKE TWO GREEN WIRES OF THE SAME LENTH STRIP THE ENDS, TWIST TWO ENDS TOGETHER AND CONN ECT THEM TO GREEN1 AND PLACE A PEICE OF TAPE ON IT WITH LINE #1 WRITING ON IT. CONTINUE THE PROCESS WITH RED1 ONLY US E RED WIRE. REPEAT WITH RED2 AND GREEN2 BUT CHANGE TO LINE #2. HOW TO INSTALL ______________ YOU WILL NEED TO FIND TWO PHONE LINE S THAT ARE CLOSE TOGETHER. LABEL ONE OF THE PHONES LINES LINE #1.CUT THE PHONE LINES AND TAKE THE OUTER COUTING OFF I T. THERE SHOULD BE 4 WIRES CUT THE Y CANL OW AND BLACK WIRES OFF AND STRIP THE RE D AND GREEN WIRES FOR BOTH LINES. LINE #1 SHOULD BE IN TWO PEICES TAKE THE GREEN WIRE OF ONE END AND CONNECT IT TO THE ONE OF THE GREEN WIRES ON THE GOLD BOX. TAKE THE OTHER HALF OF LINE # 1 AND HOOK THE FREE GREEN WIRE TO THE G REEN WIRE ON THE PHONE LINE. REPEAT THE PROCESS WITH RED1 AND THE OTHER LINE. ALL YOU NEED TO DO NOW IS TO RIGHT D OWN THE PHONE NUMBERS OF THE PLACE YOU HOOKED IT UP AT AND GO HOME AND CALL IT . YOU SHOULD GET A DIAL TONE!!! IF NOT LEAVE ME A MESSAGE ON THE MODEM MADNESS BBS 516-569-0589 OR TRY CHANGIN G THE EMITTER WITH COLLECTOR. OH AND HOOKING IT UP TO A PAYPHONE IS A FEDERAL OFFENCE AND IS ILLEAGAL TO PUT ON ANY PHONE. I RECOMMEND YOU SEE YOU R LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT BEFORE DOING THIS(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :% %: :% THE GREEN BOX %: :% %: :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: [THE GREEN BOX : BIOC AGENT 003'S COURSE IN BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS/ PART 6] The Green Box generates useful tones such as COIN COLLECT, COIN RETURN, and RINGBACK. These are the tones that ACTS or the TSPS operator would send to the CO when appropriate. Unfortunately, the green box cannot be used at a fortress station, but must be used by the CALLED party. The tones (hz) are: COIN COLLECT 700 + 1100 COIN RETURN 1100 + 1700 RINGBACK 700 + 1700 Before the called party sends any of these tones, an operator released signal should be sent to alert the MF detectors at the CO. This can be done by sending 900 + 1500 Hz or a single 2600 Hz wink (90 ms) followed by a 60 ms gap and then the appropriate signal for at least 900 ms. also, do not forget that the initial rate is collected shortly before the 3 minute period is up. --------------------------------------- X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X X SMALL GRENADE X X X X / X X BY: SS-BADMAN XX/ X X (X---[*]---X) (X--- - - *- - ---X) X X KINGDOM OF THE DEAD II /XX X X 509-927-s120 / X X X X 1200/2400 - 5 DRIVES - 20 MEGS..SOON! X X SYSOP: ANGEL OF DEATH X X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X HARDWARE 1 NUT (ANY SIZE, AS LONG AS BOLTS FIT), THE WIDER THE BETTER 2 BOLTS (TO FIT NUT) CHEMICALS PHOSPHORUS (THE ODD COLORED TIPS OF STRIKE ON ANYTHING MATCHES WORK WELL) 1> TAKE 1 BOLT AND THE NUT, SF W IN THE BOLT UNTIL IT IS JUST IN THE NUT, TRY AND MAKE SURE THERE IS NO AREA FO f BOLT NUT X XX______[ ] / XXX______[ ]/ XX [ ] 2> PUT AS MUCH PHOSPHORUS AS POSSIBLE IN THE NUT. f XX______[**] XX______[**] * = PHOSPHORUS XX [**] 3> SCREW THE 2ED BOLT INTO THE OPEN END, SIMPLY CRUSH THE PHOSPHORUS WHEN INSER XX______[**]______XX XX______[**]______XX XX [**] XX ONCE BOTH ENDS ARE NICE AND SNUG, IT IS READY. YOU NOW HAVE A SMALL GRENADE. THEY CAN BE MADE IN VARIOUS SIZES. EASILY STORED IN THE CLOVE BOX OF YOUR CAR, IT CAN BE THROWN OR DROPPED ONTO ANY HARD SURFACE TO IGNITE THE PHOSPHORUS. THE PHOSPHORUS GSED. OF COURSE THE LARGER THE NUT AND BOLT, THE MORE EXPLOSIVE NEE FLY IS NEVER KNOWN, SO WATCH YOURSELF. I HAVEN'T EXPIRAMENTED, BUT I'M SURE THAT JUST ABOUT ANY, DRY, SHOCK SENSITIVE C IATIONS TO THIS DESIGN, I HAVE SEEN SPECIAL NUTS THAT ARE QUITE WIDE, ALLOWING T END TO SCREW SOMTHING ON, BUT NOW WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING THAT MORE RESEM THIS FILE WAS WRITTEN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, THE AUTHOR TAKES NO RESPO X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X --------------------------------------- f ()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-() X HOW TO GET ANYTHING ON ANYONE X PART 1 X ()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-()-() X-->BY TOXIC TUNIC<--X X -------------- X X=-X-=---PHP----=-X-=X X__/ X__X X X X X -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- X PHREE WORLD ELITE BBS X -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EVERY CITY HAS ONE OR MORE OFFICES DEDICATED TO ASSIGNING NUMBERS TO THE TELEPHONE WIRE PAIRS. THESE OFFICES ARE CALLED DPAC OFFICES AND ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVICE REPS WHO ARE INSTALLING OR REPAIRING PHONES. TO GET THE DPAC NUMBER, A SERVICE REP WOULD CALL THE OLD STAND-BY, CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER FOR BILLING INFORMATION IN THE TOWN THE NUMBER THE PHONE IS LOCATED IN THAT HE IS TRYING TO GET THC UNLISTED NUMBER OF.. OKAY? THE CONVERSATION WOULD GO LIKE THIS, 'HI, SAN FRAN THIS IS JOE FROM SAN MATEO BUVERY,SS OFFICE. I NEED YOUR DPAC NUMBER FOR THE SOUTH END OF TOWN.' THE INFORMATION IS USUALLY PASSED OUT WITH NO HASSLE, IF THE FIRST PERSON DOES NOT HAVE IT OR IS NOT HELPFUL, TRY ONE FROM A DIFFERENT PREFIX IN THE SAME CITY. THE 'REP' WOULD THEN CALL DPAC (NOTE; HE WOULD HAVE THE LISTING INFO FROM HIS OWN DISTRICT; AGAIN HE IS CALLING FROM A NEARBY TOWN). ''HI, DEE-PAC THIS IS JOE FROM SAN MATEO PHONE STORE, I NEED THE LISTING FOR 812 FIRST STREET.'' THE SAN FRANCISCO WILL THEN GIVE THE NUMBER AT THE ADDRESS REQUESTED. THERE IS NO NOTATION AT DPAC IF THE NUMBER IS LISTED OR UNLISTED. THE DPAC NUMBER FOR S.F. IS, LAST TIME IT WAS CHECKED, (415) 774-8924.... CALL COLLECT... THIS FILE TYPED BY TOXIC TUNIC FROM THE BOOe ''HOW TO GET ANYTHING ON ANmBODY,'' BY LEE LAPIN. BUY IT. --------------------------------------- ** *************************************** WELCOME TO THE BASICS OF HACKING III: D ATA GENERAL COMPUTERS. DATA GENERAL IS FAVORED BY LARGE CORPORATIONS WHO NEED TO HAVE A LOT OF DATA ON-LINE. THE DATA GENERAL AOS, WHICH STANDS FOR ADVANCED OPERAT ING SYSTEM, IS A VERSION OF BASTARDIZED UNIX. ALL THE COMMANDS WHICH WERE IN THE UNIX ARTICLE, WILL WORK ON A DATA GENERAL. ONCE AGAIN, WE HAVE THE PROBLEM OF NO T KNOWING THE FORMAT FOR THE LOGIN NAME ON THE DATA GENERAL YOU WANT TO HACK. AS SEEMS TO BE STANDARD, TRY NAMES FROM ONE TO 8 DIGITS LONG. DATA GENERAL DESIGNED THE COMPUTER TO BE FOR BUSI- NESSMEN, AND IS THUS VERY SIMPLISTIC, AND BASICALLY FOOL PROOF (BUT NOT DAMN FOOL PROOF). IT FOLLOWS THE SAME LOGIN FORMAT AS TH YSTEM: DG=> LOGIN: YOU=> USERNAME DG|y=> PASSWORD: YOU=> PASSWORD PASSWORDS CAN BE A MAXIMUM OF 8 CHARACTERS, AND THEY ARE ALMOST ALWAYS SET TO A DEFAULT OF 'AOS' OR 'DG'. (ANY YOU KNOW ABOUT BUSINESSMEN...) A WORD ABOUT CONTROL CHARACTERS: CNTRL-O STOPS MASSIVE PRINT-OUTS TO THE SCREEN, BUT LEAVES YOU IN WHATEVER MODE YOU WERE. (A TECHNICAL WORD ON WHAT THIS ACTUALLY DOES: IT TELLS THE CPU TO IGNORE THE TERMINAL, AND PRINTS EVERYTHING OUT TO THE CPU! THIS IS ABOUT 19200 BAUD, AND SO IT SEEMS LIKE IT JUST CANCELS.) CNTRL-U KILLS THE LINE YOU ARE TYPING AT THC TIME. NOW FOR THE WEIRD ONE: CNTRL- TELLS THE CPU TO STOP, AND WAIT FOR ANOTHER C NTRL CHARACTER. TO STOP PROGRAM, YOU ACTUALLY NEED TO TYPE CNTRL-C AND THEN A C NTRL-B. ONCE YOU GET ON, TYPE 'HELP'. MANY DG (DATA GENERAL) COMPUTERS ARE SOLD N A PACKAGE DEAL, WHICH ALSO GETS THE COMPANY FREE CUSTOMIZING. SO YOU NEVER KNO WHAT COMMANDS THERE MIGHT BE. SO WE WILL FOLLOW WHAT IS KNOWN AS THE 'ECLIPSE S ANDARD', OR WHAT IT COMES OUT OF THE FACTORY LIKE. TO FIND OUT THE FILES ON TH>| E DIRECTORY YOU ARE USING, TYPE => DIR TO RUN A PROGRAM, JUST LIKE ON A DEC, JUST TYPE ITS NAME. OTHER THAN THIS, AND RUNNING OTHER PEOPLE'S PROGRAMS, THERE REALL ISN'T A STANDARD... *** HARK, YON OTHER SYSTEM USERS *** TO SEE WHO IS ON, TYP => WHO (AND A LOT OF THE OTHER UNIX COMMANDS, REMEMBER?). THIS SHOWS THE OTHER U ERS, WHAT THEY ARE DOING, AND WHAT PATHS THEY ARE CONNECTED ACROSS. THIS IS HAND , SO TRY A FEW OF THOSE PATHS YOURSELF. TO SEND A MESSAGE, SAY => SEND USERNAME HIS IS A ONE TIME MESSAGE, JUST LIKE SEND ON THE DEC 10. FROM HERE ON, TRY COMMA DS FROM THE OTHER PREVIO.S FILES AND FROM THE 'HELP' LISTING. SUPERUSER: IF YOU C N GET PRIVS, JUST SAY: => SUPERUSER ON AND YOU TURN THOSE PRIVS ON! BY THE WAY, Y U REMEMBER THAT COMPUTERS KEEP A LOG OF WHAT PEOPLE DO? TYPE: => SYSLOG /STOP AN IT NO LONGER RECORDS ANYTHING YOU DO ON THE SYSTEM, OR ANY OF THE OTHER USERS. T SCREAMS TO HIGH HEAVEN THAT IT WAS YOU WHO TURNED IT OFF, BUT IT KEEPS NO TRACK OF ANY ACCOUNTS CREATED OR WHATEVER ELS@?$E YOU MAY DO. YOU CAN SAY=> SYSLOG /S ART TO TURN IT BACK ON (NOW WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?????) O EXIT FROM THE SYSTEM, TYPE=> BYE AND THE SYSTEM WILL HANG UP ON YOU. MOST OF TH SYSTEMS AROUND, INCLUDING DECS, VAX'S, AND s too'S, HAVE GAMES. THESE ARE USUALLY L CATED IN A PATH OR DIRECTORY OF THE NAME GAMES OR OR GAMES: TRY LOOKING IN THEM, AND YOU MAY FIND SOME TREK GAMES, ADVENTURE, ZORK, WUMPUS (WITH BENT ARR WS IN HAND) OR A MULTITUDE OF OTHERS. THERE MAY ALSO BE GAMES CALLED 'CB' OR 'F RUM'. THESE ARE A SORT OF COMPUTER CONFERENCE CALL. USE THEM ON WEEKENDS, AND YO CAN MEET ALL SORTS OF INTERESTING PEOPLE. ** *************************************** IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE ARTICLES ON HACKING (THIS TIME FAR MORE THAN JUST THE BASICS), OR MAYBE ARTICLES ON NETWO KS AND SUCH, THEN LEAVE US MAIL IF WE ARE ON THE SYSTEM, OR HAVE THE SYSOP SEARCH US DOWN. WE CALL A LOT OF PLACES, AND YOU MAY JUST FIND US.||||||||||||||||||||| Another elestial =lite phile! For those of you who are sick and tired of ruining their phone with white and beige boxes that make stupid (and now because of ESS, worthless) tones, there is now an alternative. (Thanks to Magnus!) How this came about: Once I was reading and complaining that there must be a better way to attach alligator clips to a phun phone without ruining it and making it a permanent phone man's set. I began to contemplate the basic idea of this new box, when I said, "I just happen to have a spare modulator and some phone wire in my phreak kit at home!" Immediately I got some alligator clips. By the thought I was thinking, I knew I was up to something to solve this pain in the ass problem. Construction of the Modu-Box: You will need: 2 alligator clips 2 lengths of wire Preferably red and green about 1/2 a foot long. 1 phone modulator This can be bought (shoplifted!) at Radio Shack or other electronics stores for not very many bucks. (No bucks if shoplifted: the five finger discount) They are simply a little beige colored square piece of plastic that has a phone jack in the front, and when the back is taken off, the inside has 4 wires ready to hitch up to a phone line. Symbols: Y R B G - yellow, red, black, and green terminals inside - length of red or green wire < - alligator clip |B| |G< |Y| |R< The black and yellow should be left alone. (for later use) Now plug your phone into the jack, open up the terminal (explained in the "Terminal Phun" phile), attach the alligator clips to the bolts inside, and if you get a dial tone, then phreak OUT! If you really want to be a smartass, you can use the black and yellow also and make a party line! (brown box) Copywrong (C) 1986 by ---------------------------------------------------- All wrongs reserved, so there. 619-442-0211 | |_______________________________________| 619-355-2769 | |DIVERTERS?? NOT SPREADED!- | Passkeys- 1122 | |800-444-7212,7203,7217,7213 | ________________________________| |_______________________________________| 800-544-6363 Confrence Operator | |800-822-6638 MIT??? | ________________________________| |_______________________________________| NEW HACKED(11-8-89)Not spreaded | |QSD Account- LOGON:T.FRADEC01 | 800-333-2356 PBX?? press 91 | | at ; (enter) 208057040540 | 800-333-9007 PBX/DIVERTER??? | |_______________________________________| 800-333-9220 PBX?? | |618-997-2641 ??????? | 800-333-9774 DIAL-UP?? | |_______________________________________| ________________________________| |800-527-8378 PBX 9+1+ACN | 303-294-0005 MCI Investigations | |_______________________________________| ________________________________| |800-669-6322 0+80958+81+ACN | 800-458-5022 (Modem) Passkeys- | |_______________________________________| XEBEC or TEST | |212-753-1544 ???? (MODEM) DAVIS/KILLER | ________________________________| |_______________________________________| 408-373-1205 BANK | |800-888-4373 Dial-up?? | ________________________________| |_______________________________________| 800-234-2796 MODEM ??? | |800-727-9995 Northwest Telco | ________________________________| |_______________________________________| 800-223-0001-7 ????? | | ________________________________| |_______________________________________ (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) (> <) (> Olive Box Plans <) (> <) (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) This is a relatively new box, and all it basically does is serve as a phone ringer. You have two choices for ringers, a piezoelectric transducer (ringer), or a standard 8 ohm speaker. The speaker has a more pleasant tone to it, but either will do fine. This circuit can also be used in conjunction with a rust box to control an external something or other when the phone rings. Just connect the 8 ohm speaker output to the inputs on the rust box, and control the pot to tune it to light the light (which can be replaced by a relay for external controlling) when the phone rings. ______________ | | ^ NC --|-- 5 4 --|-----/X/X/------->G | | / R2 G<----)|----|-- 6 3 --|-- NC | C3 | U1 | -------|-- 7 2 --|---------- --- -- - > TO RINGER | | ----|-- 8 1 --|-- | |______________| | | ---/X/X/----|(----- L1 | R1 C1 ------------------------------------------ L2 a. Main ringer TTL circuit (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) _ FROM PIN 2ive:< - -- --- ----------| |_| |------------->G P1 f b. Peizoelectric transducer (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) __ /| FROM PIN 2 < - -- --- ---------|(---------. .-------| |/ | >||< |S1| | >||< --| | | >||< | |__|X | G<---------.>||<.--- X| T1 c. Elctro magnetic transducer Parts List ---------- U1 - Texas Instruments TCM1506 T1 - 4000:8 ohm audio transfomer S1 - 8 ohm speaker R1 - 2.2k resistor R2 - External variable resistor; adjusts timing frequency C1 - .47uF capacitor C2 - .1uF capacitor C3 - 10uF capacitor L1 - Tip L2 - Ring L1 and L2 are the phone line. Shift Rate: ----------- This is the formula for determining the shift rate: f 1 1 SR = --------------------- = ------------ = 6.25 Hz (DSR(1/f1)+DSR(1/f2)) 128 128 ---- + ---- 1714 1500 DSR = Shift Devider Rate ratio = 128 f1 = High Output Frequency = 1714 f2 = Low Output Frequency = 1500 (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) (> Another fine box plan by: <) (> <) (> A R N O L D ! <) (> <) (> Sysop: HHAE East <) (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) (> Hobbit Hole Network: <) (> ive:<) (> Hobbit Hole AE Line Network HQ ..... (609)-429-3641 <) (> 3 drives... No password... 300b only <) (> <) (> Hobbit Hole AE Line North Branch ... (215)-271-0778 <) (> x drives... No password... 300/1200b <) (> <) (> Hobbit Hole AE Line East Branch .... (201)-271-0256 ive:<) (> 4 drives... No password... 300b, 1200 AFTER logon <) (> <) (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) (> --------------------------------------- DEALING WITH THE BAUE & ROUTE OPERATOR IT SEEMS THAT FEWER AND FEWER PEOPLE HAVE BLUE BOXES THESE DAYS, AND THAT IS REALLY TOO BAD. BLUE BOXES, WHILE NOT ALL THAT GREAT FOR MAKING FREE CALLS (SINCE THE TPC CAN TELL WHEN THE CALL WAS MADE, AS WELL AS WHERE IT WAS TOO AND FROM), ARE REALLY A LOT OF FUN TO PLAY WITH. SHORT OF BECOMING A REAL LIVE TSPS OPERATOR, THEY ARE ABOUT THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN REALLY PLAY WITH THE NETWORK. FOR THE FEW OF YOU WITH BLUE BOXES, HERE ARE SOME PHRASES WHICH MAY MAKE LIFE EASIER WHEN DEALING WITH THE RATE & ROUTE (R&R) OPERATORS. TO GET THE R&R OP, YOU SEND A KP + 141 + ST. IN SOME AREAS YOU MAY NEED TO PUT ANOTHER NPA BEFORE THE 141 (I.E., KP + 213 + 141 + ST), IF YOU HAVE NO LOCAL R&R OPS. THE R&R OPERATOR HAS A MYRIAD OF INFORMATION, AND ALL IT TAKES TO GET THIS DATA IS MUMBLING CRYPTIC PHRASES. THERE ARE BASICALLY FOUR SPECIAL PHRASES TO GIVE THE R&R OPS. THEY ARE NUMBERS ROUTE, DIRECTORY ROUTE, OPERATOR ROUTE, AND PLACE NAME. TO GET AN R&R AN AREA CODE FOR A CITY, ONE CAN CALL THE R&R OPERATOR AND ASK FOR THE NUMBERS ROUTE. FOR EXAMPLE, TO FIND THE AREA CODE FOR CARSON CITY, NEVADA, WE'D ASK THE R&R OP FOR "CARSON CITY, NEVADA, NUMBERS ROUTE, PLEASE." AND GET THC ANSWER, "RIGHT... 702 PLUS." MEANING THAT 702 PLUS 7 DIGITS GETS US THERE. SOMETIMES DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE ISN'T JUST NPA + 131. THE WAY TO GET THESE ROUTINGS IS TO CALL R&R AND ASK FOR "ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTORY ROUTE, PLEASE." OF COURSE, SHE'D TELL US IT WAS 714 PLUS, WHICH MEANS 714 + 131 GETS US THE D.A. OP THERE. THIS IS SORT OF POINTLESS EXAMPLE, BUT I COULDN'T COME UP WITH A BETTER ONE ON SHORT NOTICE. LET'S SAY YOU WANTED TO FIND OUT HOW TO GET TO THE INWARD OPERATOR FOR SACREMENTO, CALIFORNIA. THE FIRST SIX DIGITS OF A NUMBER IN THAT CITY WILL BE REQUIRED (THE NPA AND AN NXX). FOR EXAMPLE, LET US USE 916 756. WE WOULD CALL R&R, AND WHEN THE OPERATOR ANSWERED, SAY, "916 756, OPERATOR ROUTE, PLEASE." THE OPERATOR WOULD SAY, "916 PLUS 001 PLUS." THIS MEANS THAT 916 + 001 + 121 WILL GET YOU THE INWARD OPERATOR FOR SACRAMENTO. DO YOU KNOW THE CITY WHICH CORRESPONDS TO 503 640? THE R&R OPERATOR DOES, AND WILL TELL YOU THAT IT IS HILLSBORO, OREGON, IF YOU SWEETLY ASK FOR "PLACE NAME, 503 640, PLEASE." FOR EXAMPLE, LET'S SAY YOU NEED THE DIRECTORY ROUTE FOR SVEG, SWEDEN. SIMPLY CALL R&R, AND ASK FOR, "INTERNATIONAL, BADEN, SWITZERLAND. TSPS DIRECTORY ROUTE, PLEASE." IN RESPONSE TO THIS, YOU'D GET, "RIGHT... DIRECTORY TO SVEG, SWEDEN. COUNTRY CODE 46 PLUS 1170." SO YOU'D ROUTE YOURSELF TO AN INTERNATIONAL SENDER, AND SEND 46 + 1170 TO GET THE D.A. OPERATOR IN SWEDEN. INWARD OPERATOR ROUTINGS TO VARIOUS COUNTRIES ARE OBTAINED THE SAME WAY "INTERNATIONAL, LONDON, ENGLAND, TSPS INWARD ROUTE, PLEASE." AND GET "COUNTRY CODE 44 PLUS 121." THEREFORE, 44 PLUS 121 GETS YOU INWARD FOR LONDON. INWARDS CAN GET YOU LANGUAGE ASSITANCE IF YOU DON'T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE. TELL THE FOREIGN INWARD, "UNITED STAES CALLING. LANGUAGE ASSITANCE IN COMPLETING A CALL TO (CALLED PARTY) AT (CALLED NUMBER)." R&R OPERATORS ARE PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE TOO, Y'KNOW. SO ALWAYS BE POLITE, MAKE SURE USE OF 'EM, AND DIAL WITH CARE. --------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_] i [_] [_] HOW TO MAKE A PAPER BOMB [_] [_] i [_] [_] WRITTEN BY SLASH [_] [_] i [_] [_] FILE 1 IN THE DESTRUCTION SERIES FROM WCC [_] [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_] i [_] [_] CALL RADIANT CITY...........................(805) 942-3880 [_] [_] OR DIE! [_] [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_] i [_] [_] IF YOU BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF WITH THIS FUCKING FILE, THEN [_] [_] THROW THIS FILE AWAY AND DONT SAY WHERE YOU LEARNED HOW TO DO [_] [_] THIS, OR WE WILL KILL YOU! THANK YOU AND LONG LIVE SATAN [_] [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] NOW, WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO MAKE A PAPER BOMB: A CARDBOARD ROLL FROM TOILET PAPER OR FROM A ROLL OF PAPER TOWELS. (YOU KNOW, ONE OF THEOSE TUBES THAT YOU LIKE TO BEAT YOUR DOG WITH) SOME KLEENEXES SOME SMOKELESS GUNPOWDER (YOU CAN FIND IT AT YOUR LOCAL SPORTING GOODS STORE.) AND A ROLL OF DUCT TAPE (YOU DONT NEED THE WHOLE THING, JUST USE WHAT YOU NEED TO AND USE THE REST TO TAPE UP YOUR SHIT HEAD BROTHER) AND FINALLY ABOUT 2 FEET OF WATERPROOF FUSE. NOW WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THIS SHIT: TAKE A WAD (ABOUT 3 OR 4) KLEENEXES AND STUFF THE IN ONE END OF THE ROLL. NOW TAKE THE GUNPOWDER AND AND POUR IT INTO THE TUBE ABOUT HALF WAY UP. NOW TAKE THE FUSE AND STICK IT ALL THE WAY DOWN INTO THE POWDER. NOW TAKE ANOTHER WAD OF KLEENEX AND STUFF IT INTO THE END OF THE TUBE WITH THE FUSE STICKING OUT OF IT. PUT A SMALL PIECE OF TAPE ONTO THE TUBE TO HOLD THE KLEENEX IN, BUT KEEP THE TAPE ABOUT 1/2 A CENTIMETER AWAY FROM THE FUSE. ALSO, MAKE SUX_____E ARE NO GAPS MORE THAN 1/2 CENTIMETER WIDE ANYWHERE IN THE TUBE. NOW LIGHT THE FUSE AND RUN LIKE HELL! THESE ARE FUN TO LIGHT AT PARTIES THAT ARE GOING KINDA BAD! PUT ONE DOWN THE SINK (NO WATER!) AND LIGHT IT UP! (MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE IN SOME GEEKS HOUSE THAT NO ONE LIKES) WHAT A RUSH! ANOTHER PHUKIN FUN THINGhM DO IS FILL THE TUBE WITH BB'S AND GUN POWDER OR EVEN SMALL NAILS! TALK ABOUT DESTRUCTION! TIE IT ON TO YOU'RE DOUCHE BAG TEACHER'S CHAIR AND LET IT FLY! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] [_] i [_] [_] THIS HAS BEEN FILE 1 OF THE DESTRUCTION SERIES [_] [_] i [_] [_] CALL RADIANT CITY FOR MORE DESTRUCTION FILES OR WE WILL KILL! [_] [_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [_] [_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][]M[_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_] --------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ / i X | UnderStanding | | & | | Hacking | | The PBX | | i | | Written By: The Duelist, on 10-13-1989 | X______________________________________________________________________/ Whats is a PBX- Its just like a extender but it can dial alot more places, overseas,800's,Alliances...ect. If have found them to be MUCH more safer than using codes. How to hack one?? PBX's are usely pretty easy to find, most companies hide there PBX's behind answering machines,vmb's or some other kinda shit. This is my most commonly used tactic for finding PBX's. Grab a newsweek,time or some mag. with a lot of advertising and 800 #'s. The best place to find these #'s is in study hall (If u'r in school). Write them down, go home and dial all of them after buisness hours. Lets say u dial a 800 and get a answering maching, Start pounding out tones, the most common keys are the #,0,*.Push one of those when u get the answering machine, this usely (50% of the time) will take u to one of the following, a operator, VMS, extension, xtender. WHen using a PBX u always hit the 9 key for a outside line, so when u enter the VMB or what ever it maybe hit 9. If u get a dial-tone u'r set to ill. Dial just like u normally would, 1+ACN, or alliance (allaince 0700456xxxx, xxxx=1000,1001,1002,2000, ect.). PBX are really easy to find uld pkeep venturing around in the 800 # and press 9 every where u go, u'r bound to exfind one somewhere. Dont hang-up if it says its transfering u to the attendent, some times it is automated and thats where the PBX is hidden. Please if u have other tactics on hacking PBX go ahead and add'em to this file..... See u on a ALLIANCE. Later, The Duelist =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= _ _ _ _ ((___)) ((___)) [ X X ] CDC COMMUNICATIONS [ X X ] X / PRESENTS... X / (@ ') (@ ') (U) (U) PBX LISTING BY: THEE DARK STATIC +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= THIS IS A COMPILATION OF SOME PBX'S (PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGES). I HAVE TESTED THEM ALL, SO THEY ALL WORK.. LET US KEEP IN TOUCH, AND PEOPLE - MOO.. NAME OF COMPANY X PHONE NUMBER X DIGITS IN CODE X FORMAT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^X^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^X^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^X^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SOUTH-TELL X 1-800-635-6366 X 3 X CODE + 1 + # RCA X 1-800-221-81818X 4 X CODE + 1 + # AT&T X 1-800-241-0433 X 4 X CODE + 9 + 1 + # UNKOWN X 1-800-777-7763 X 4 X CODE + 9 + 1 + # AT&T X 1-800-662-4573 X 4 X 9 + # + CODE AT&T X 1-800-521-0020 X 4 X CODE + 9 + 1 + # AMERICAN SHARECOMX 1-800-666-3640 X 5 X CODE + 1 + # AT&T X 1-800-845-1101 X 5 LL THE NCODE + # OWENS, ILL. X 1-800-525-5445 X 5 L X CODE + 9 + 1 + # ALLNET X 1-800-325-7222 X 6 X CODE + # MID AMERICA X 1-800-638-1996 X 6 X CODE + # AT&T X 1-800-531-4502 X 6 X CODE + # RCA X 1-800-221-4961 X 6 X CODE + 1 + # VALUELINE X 1-800-333-1122 X 6 X CODE + # AT&T X 1-800-334-2274 X 6 X CODE + 9 + # AT&T X 1-800-343-1323 X 6 X CODE + 1 + # GMT X 1-800-334-3546 X 6 X CODE + # MID AMERICA X 1-800-638-8015 X 6 X CODE + 1 + # SPRINT FON CARD X 1-800-877-8000 X 14 X 0 + # + CODE SPRINT X 1-800-877-8000 X s X CODE + # ITT X 1-800-327-se s488 X 13 X # + CODE TRI-TELL X 1-800-862-2345 X 7 LL THE NCODE + 1 + # TRI-TELL X 1-800-348-1108 X 7 L X CODE + 1 + # MCI CREDIT CARD X 1-800-950-1022 X 14 X 0 + # + CODE ALLNET X 1-800-368-5963 X 9 X CODE + # TMC X 1-800-643-4344 X 7 X CODE + 1 + # RCA X 1-800-221-2014 X 8 X CODE + 1 + # AT&T X 1-800-543-7168 X 8 X CODE + # AT&T X 1-800-637-7377 X 7 X CODE + # ITT X 1-800-327-2703 X 10 X CODE + # AT&T X 1-800-323-0455 X 8 X CODE + # AT&T X 1-800-437-7010 X 7 X CODE + # AT&T X 1-800-541-2255 X 10 X CODE + # AT&T X 1-800-333-3425 X 7 L X CODE + # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AND REMEMBER, THE EARTH TIS FLAT... LET IT STAY THAT WAY.. -THE DARK STATIC --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************* * * * PBX/EXTENDER LIST 1 * * * * WRITTEN BY: MR.COOL/BAMF * * * ********************************* WELL HERE IS A PRETTY GOOD SIZE LIST FOR YOU TO HACK. SOME MAY ONLY BE UP AFTER BUSINESS HOURS OR THERE MAY BE A OPERATOR TO GET YOUR CODE. ALL/MOST OF THE FORMATS SHOULD BE CORRECT IVE CHECKED ALL THEM OUT. ENJOY THIS NICE LITTLE LIST AND SPREAD IT AROUNDcription3LL ARE 1-800 (X)=X IS CODE LENGTH 800# FORMAT NAME ------------------------------------- 877-8000 ! 0+#+(14) ! SPRINT FON 877-8000 ! (9)+# ! SPRINT 327-s488 ! #+(13) ! ITT 862-2345 ! (7)+1+# ! TRI-TELL 348-1108 ! (7)+1+# ! TRI-TELL 950-1022 ! 0+#+(14) ! MCI CC 368-5963 ! (9)+# ! ALLNET 992-1444 ! (9)+# ! ALLNET 621-1703 ! (9)+# ! ALLNET 325-7222 ! (6)+# ! ALLNET 638-1996 ! (6)+# ! MID AMERICA 221-8878 ! (6)+# ! ^ OPERATOR 666-3640 ! (5)+1+# ! AM.SHARECOM 643-4344 ! (7)+1+# ! TMC 234-4862 ! (7)+# ! TMC 221-2014 ! (8)+1+# ! UNKNOWN 221-8190 ! (4)+1+# ! RCA 358-3030 ! (4)+9+1+# ! AT&T 543-7168 ! (8)+# ! UNKNOWN 637-7377 ! (7)+# ! UNKNOWN 635-6366 ! (3)+1+# ! SOUTH-TELL 531-4502 ! (6)+# ! UNKNOWN 221-4961 ! (6)+1+# ! UNKNOWN 845-1101 ! (5)+# ! UNKNOWN 327-2703 ! (10)+# ! UNKNOWN 525-5445 ! (5)+9+1+# ! OWENS ILL. 323-0455 ! (8)+# ! TRAVENET 437-7010 ! (7)+# ! UNKNOWN 241-0433 ! (4)+9+1+# ! UNKNOWN 333-1122 ! (6)+# ! VALUELINE 777-7763 ! (4)+9+1+# ! UNKNOWN 541-2255 ! (10)+# ! MICRO-TELL 334-2274 ! (6)+9+# ! UNKNOWN 662-4573 ! 9+#+(4) ! UNKNOWN 521-0020 ! (4)+9+1+# ! UNKNOWN 333-3425 ! (7)+# ! UNKNOWN 762-1700 ! (7)+# ! OPERATOR 531-4502 ! (6)+# ! UNKNOWN 343-1323 ! (6)+1+# ! UNKNOWN 334-3546 ! (6)+# ! UNKNOWN 638-8015 ! (6)+1+# ! UNKNOWN ----------------------------------- THERE YA GO, THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR AWHILE. WATCH FOR A NEW LIST & OTHER TEXT FILES FROM BAMF SOON! LATER DAYZ.. MR.COOL -*BAMF>>>>> ================ = THE PEARL BOX= ================ IN 80 COLOMN FORMAT TRUM. MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED IN ORDER TO BUILD THE PEARL BOX: ======================================================== C1, C2--------.5MF OR .5UF CERAMIC DISK CAPACITORS Q1------------NPN TRANSISTOR (2N2222 WORKS BEST) S1------------NORMALLY OPEN MOMENTARY SPST SWITCH S2------------SPST TOGGLE SWITCH B1------------STANDARD 9-VOLT R1------------SINGLE TURN, 50K POTENTAOMETER R2------------ " " 100K POTENTIOMETER R3------------ " " 500K POTENTIOMETER R4------------ " " 1MEG POTENTIOMETER SPKR----------STANDARD 8-OHM SPEAKER T1------------MINI TRANSFORMER (8-OHM WORKS BEST) MISC.---------WIRE, SOLDER, SOLDERING IRON, PC BOARD OR PERFBOARD, BOX TO CONTA TTERY CLIP INSTRUCTIONS FOR BUILDING THE PEARL BOX: ======================================== SINCE THE INSTRUCTION ARE EXTREMELY DIFFUCULT TO EXPLAIN IN WORDS, YOU WILL BEGI CORRECT OPERATION OF THE PEARL BOX: =================================== YOU MAY WANT TO GET SOME DRY-TRANSFER DECALS AT RADIO SHACK TO MAKE THIS JOB ALO USE THE DECALS TO CALIBRATE THE KNOBS. R1 IS THE KNOB FOR THE ONES PLACE, R2 IS FOR THE TENS PLACE, R3 IF FOR THE HUNDR NES AND S2 IS FOR POWER. STEP 1: TURN ON THE POWER AND ADJUST THE KNOBS FOR THE DESIRED TONE. (EXAMPLE: FOR 2600 HZ- R1=0:R2=0:R3=6:R4=2) STEP 2: HIT THE PUSHBUTTON SWITCH AND VWALA! YOU HAVE THE TONE. IF YOU DON'T HA E CALL BRAINSTORM BBS:612-345-28 15, THE BAY:415-775-2384 OR PIRATE'S HARBOR:617-720-3600 AND LEAVE ME E-MAIL STA PAYPHONES U.S.A. By The Commander; Hale Staff Writer We all know how payphones are direct fun and easy targets for phone phreaks who enjoy prank calls. It's even a "polite" way of making them, after all, you aren't waking anyone up at 4am (unless, of course, they have a payphone in their kitchen), and some of the stupidest people in the world seem to pick these things up. Our fun has recently been destroyed by those damned Bell employees armed with their little red stickers proclaming "Outgoing Calls Only." Well, this series will aim to come up with the best list possible of payphones not yet protected by this terrible scam. Let's cut out the bullshit, and get right to the list. Enjoy them, and be sure to send the numbers of your local payphones in! (Accurate descriptions of locations are also nice...) Number Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 313-979-9739 7-Eleven Store Number 71136 Warren, Michigan 313-941-3791 United Airlines Baggage Claim Detroit Metro Airport 313-941-8955 United Airlines Baggage Claim Detroit Metro Airport 313-946-8952 Continental Airlines Baggage Claim Detroit Metro Airport 313-946-8932 Continental Airlines Boarding Gates Detroit Metro Airport 303-394-9233 Continental Airlines Boarding Gates Denver Stapleton Airport 619-238-9735 San Diego Zoo Main Gate 619-230-9766*San Diego Zoo Main Gate 619-230-9768*San Diego Zoo Main Exit 619-729-s710 Neiman's Restaurant Oceanside, California 619-729-9709 Neiman's Restaurant Oceanside, California 619-749-s908 Lawrence Welk Resort Hotel Lobby Escondido, California 619-749-9907 Lawrence Welk Resort Restaurant Escondido, California 619-749-9909 Lawrence Welk Resort Rec. Center Escondido, California 619-749-9917 Lawrence Welk Resort Rec. Center Escondido, California 619-749-9910*Lawrence Welk Resort Rec. Center Escondido, California 619-574-9217 Baggage Claim Area San Diego Airport (Lindbergh Field) 713-W43-se s400 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-9401 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-s402 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-9403 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-9404 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-9405 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-s406 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-se s407 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-9408 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport 713-443-s409 Continental Airlines Ticketing Houston Airport --------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - | | | URGENT MESSAGE!! | | | | FROM THE PHREAKERS UNDERGROUND | | | | Brought to u by: | | | | i | | | | The Duelist of the Black Monks | | | | with inside information | | | | hacked by: | | | | _ ___ _ The | | | | |_) | |_)|X|X/| /||X | | | | | |_)_|_| X|/| |/ || X| | | | - - AT&T The Last Phreak? ---------------- Vol. 1 Aug 8-89 Could it be? No more Phreaking!! Yes fellow hackers, after viewing this text file you may change your mind all together about the sport of phreaking. AT&T has introduced a new digital phone switch system which will revolutionize recognition of calls. AT&T now has the ability to to catch a phreaker as soon as your call hits one of AT&T's many switches. You may have noticed your calls accidentaly being diverted to other households. This is due to the installation of the new AT&T digital Switching system. With this new system, AT&T will have all calling information up front instead of having to call it up from an outer terminal. All information will be displayed and stored in a computer network. Information such as the number you're dialing from, dialing to, time of dial, duration of time between each digit dialed ect... You're instantly CNA'd as soon as your call hits the switch (DAMN!). The information is then stored. In our area, this system has just been introduced and will be fully installed with in the next month. After August, most area's will have this new digital system installed in every area. MCI and AT&T are currently debating the format of programming on the system. You may have noticed the increase in phreakers being caught. This is due to the new system. Im sure this new system will have its bugs, but once it is perfected, there will not be a need for Jeff Dial Tones!! This system will give a new name to ANI (Automatic Number Identification). This file is not fully accurate, all the info has not been completely uncovered. 75% of this 1990 Phreak file has been based on fact, 25% on opinion. Watch for Volume II for more info on this system. If u have any info that was not mentioned in this file contact The Duelist on Jyer Inc. And if u dont have the # your LAME!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- PHREAKER'S DICTIONARY . & A BUREAU--ABUSE AND ANNOYANCE BUREAU. THE PERSONNEL IN THIS LINE OF WORK SPEND THEIR TIME HELPING CUSTOMERS GET RID OF NUTS, OBSCENE CALLERS, HARASSING COLLECTORS, ETC. ACCESS--THE EXISTENCE OF PATHS WITHIN A NETWORK FROM AN INPUT TERMINAL TO A SET OF OUTPUT TERMINALS IN THE ABSENCE OF TRAFFIC IS INDICATED BY THE TERM, ACCESS. FULL ACCESS PERMITS CONNECTING TO ALL OUTPUT TERMINALS BY UNIQUE PATHS; MULTIPLE ACCESS INDICATES THAT ALL OUTPUT TERMINALS CAN BE REACHED IN MORE THAN ONE WAY; PARTIAL ACCESS REFERS TO THE ABILITY TO REACH ONLY A FRACTION OF THE OUTPUT TERMINALS. ACCESSIBILITY--(AVAILABILITY)--THE NUMBER OF TRUNKS OF THE REQUIRED ROUTE IN A SWITCHING NETWORK WHICH CAN BE REACHED FROM AN INLET. ADAPTOR--A DEVICE DESIGNED TO SWITCH A NUMBER OF VOICE-FREQUENCY TELEPHONE CHANNELS COMING FROM A NON-TIME-DIVISION SWITCHING SYSTEM TO A TIME-DIVISION MULTIPLEX HIGHWAY. ALTERNATE ROUTING--A PROCEDURE BY WHICH SEVERAL ROUTES INVOLVE DIFFERENT SWITCHING STAGES OR SWITCHING NETWORKS. USUALLY THE ROUTE HAVING THE FEWEST SWITCHING STAGES IS TESTED FIRST. ANALOG TRANSMISSION--THE TRANSMISSION OF CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE SIGNALS RATHER THAN DESCRETELY VARIABLE SIGNALS. PRIOR TO THE USE OF DIGITAL ENCODING AND PCM, IT WAS THE ONLY WAY OF TRANSMITTING VOICE SIGNALS OVER TELEPHONE CHANNELS. AREA CODE--A THREE-DIGIT PREFIX DIALED AHEAD OF THE NORMAL SEVEN-DIGIT TELEPHONE NUMBER TO PERMIT DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING. ASYNCHRONOUS SYSTEM--A SYSTEM IN WHICH THE TRANSMISSION OF EACH INFORMATION CHARACTER IS INDIVIDUALLY SYNCHRONIZED USUALLY BY THE USE OF START AND STOP ELEMENTS. AVERAGE HOLDING TIME--THE AVERAGE DURATION OF A CALL EXPRESSED IN SECONDS OR MINUTES. BIT--THE SMALLEST BINARY UNIT OF INFORMATION. A CONTRACTION OF THE WORDS BINARY DIGIT. BIT RATE--THE RATE OR SPEED AT WHICH BITS ARE TRANSMITTED. BITS PER SECOND IS A COMMON MEASURE. BLOCKING (CONGESTION)--A CONDITION WHERE THE IMMEDIATE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW CONNECTION IS IMPOSSIBLE DUE TO THE LACK OF AVAILABLE PATHS, OR THE INABILITY TO INTERCONNECT TWO IDLE NETWORK TERMINALS BECAUSE SOME OF THE APPLICABLE LINKS BETWEEN THEM ARE USED FOR OTHER CONNECTIONS. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA--A FORM OF NONQUANTITATIVE ALGEBRA FOR DEALING WITH LOGIC FUNTIONS, ORIGINALLY EXPRESSED BY BRITISH MATHEMATICIAN GEORGE BOOLE (1815-1864). B.O.S.--BUSINESS OFFICE SUPERVISOR. SHE'S THE BOSS TO THE SERVICE REPS. BROADBAND EXCHANGE (BEX)--PUBLIC SWITCHED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FEATURING FULL DUPLEX (FDX) CONNECTIONS OF VARIOUS BANDWIDTHS. A WESTERN UNION FACILITY. B.S.I.--BUSINESS SERVICES INSTRUCTOR. A TRAFFICE EMPLOYEE WHO WILL COME OUT AND TEACH YOU HOW TO USE YOUR PHONE SYSTEM. BUSY HOUR--AN UNINTERRUPTED PERIOD OF 60 MINUTES IN WHICH THE TOTAL TRAFFIC OF A SAMPLE IS A MAXIMUM. BYTE--A UNIT OF INFORMATION IN ELECTRONIC COMPUTER TERMINOLOGY CONSISTING OF 8 BITS, REFERRED TO AS EXTENDED BINARY CODED DECIMAL INFORMATION OF AN EBCDIC CODE. CALL CONGESTION RATIO--THE RATIO OF THE TIME DURING WHICH CONGESTION EXISTS TO THE TOTAL TIME CONSIDERED. IT IS AN ESTIMATE OF THE PROBABILITY THAT AN EXTERNAL OBSERVER WILL FIND A SYSTEM IN A CONGESTED CONDITION. CALLING RATE--AVERAGE CALLS PER SUBSCRIBER PER HOUR. CALL STORE--THE MEMORY SECTION OF A STORED PROGRAM CONTROL SWITCHING SYSTEM IN WHICH TEMPORARY INFORMATION USED IN THE PROCESSING OF CALLS THROUGH THE EXCHANGE IS CONTAINED. IT IS ALSO REFERRED TO AS THE PROCESS STORE. CENTRAL OFFICE--EXCHANGES WHERE SUBSCRIBER LINES AND PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE LINES TERMINATE. THERE THEY ARE SWITCHED TO PROVIDE THE DESIRED CONNECTION WITH OTHER SUBSCRIBERS. SUCH AN EXCHANGE IS CALLED AN END OFFICE AND IS DESIGNATED AS A CLASS 5 OFFICE IN THE U.S. CENTRAL PROCESSOR--THE MAIN COMPUTER ELEMENT OF A STORED PROGRAM CONTROL SWITCHING SYSTEM, WHICH UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE STORED PROGRAM ESTABLISHES SWITCHING NETWORK CONNECTIONS AND ALSO MONITORS AND ANALYZES THE SYSTEM TO INSURE PROPER OPERATION. ROUTINE PROCESS TESTING, MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE FUNTIONS ARE ALSO CARRIED OUT. CENTREX--A PABX SYSTEM IN WHICH THE SWITCHING EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED CENTRALLY AND AWAY FORM THE LOCATION BEING SERVED. DIRECT INWARD DIALING (DID) AND DIRECT OUTWARD DIALING (DOD) AS WELL AS AUTOMATIC NUMBER IDENTIFICATION (ANI) ARE PROVIDED BY SUCH A SYSTEM. CHARACTERS--THE ELEMENTS OF A MESSAGE. ONE COMPUTER CHARACTER CONSISTS OF 8 BITS OR 1 BYTE AND IS KNOWN AS AN EBCDIC CHARACTER. CIRCUIT SWITCHING--TELECOMMUNICATIONS SWITCHING IN WHICH THE INCOMING AND OUTGOING LINES ARE CONNECTED BY A PHYSICAL PATH, AS THROUGH CROSSPOINTS OR SWITCH CONTACTS. CLASS OF SERVICE--THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES OFFERED TO EACH INDIVIDUAL TERMINAL CONNECTED TO A SYSTEM. THIS INFORMATION IS USUALLY STORED WITH THE DIRECTORY OR EQUIPMENT NUMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED TERMINAL, AND IS ACCESSED BY THE CALL PROCESSORS WHEN A CONNECTION IS REQUIRED TO OR FROM THAT TERMINAL. CLOCK--EQUIPMENT TO PROVIDE A TIME BASE FOR A SWITCHING SYSTEM. IN TIME-DIVISION SWITCHING IT IS USED TO CONTROL SAMPLING RATES, DURATION OF SIGNAL DIGITS, ETC. C.O.A.M.E.--CUSTOMER OWNED AND MAINTAINED EQUIPMENT. CODEC--THE COMBINATION OF A CODER AND DECODER, AS USED IN TIME-DIVISION SWITCHING SYSTEMS TO CODE THE INCOMING MESSAGE AND DECODE THE MESSAGE BEING RETURNED TO THE CALLER. IT IS A CONTRACTION OF THE WORDS, CODER AND DECODER. COMMON CONTROL--AN EXCHANGE CONTROL METHOD IN WHICH THE DIALED SIGNALS ARE RECEIVED AND REGISTERED SEPARATELY FROM THE SWITCHING ELEMENTS BEFORE THEY ARE USED TO CONTROL THESE SWITCHES. ALSO DEFINED AS A CONTROL METHOD, WHICH IDENTIFIES THE INPUT AND OUTPUT TERMINALS OF THE SWITCHING NETWORK AND THEN CAUSES A CONNECTING PATH TO BE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN THEM. SUCH SYSTEMS ARE ALSO DESIGNATED AS MARKER SYSTEMS. CONCENTRATION STAGE--A SWITCHING STAGE IN WHICH A NUMBER OF INPUT LINES ARE CONNECTED TO A SMALLER NUMBER OF OUTPUT LINES OR TRUNKS, AS IN THE CONNECTION OF A LARGE NUMBER OF SUBSCRIBER LINES TO A SMALLER NUMBER OF TRUNKS BASED ON THE GRADE OF SERVICE DESIRED. CONGESTION FUNCTION--ANY FUNCTION USED TO RELATE THE DEGREE OF CONGESTION TO THE TRAFFIC INTENSITY. CONNECTING ROW--ALL THOSE CROSSPOINTS DIRECTLY ACCESSIBLE FROM AN INLET. ONLY ONE CONNECTION CAN BE ESTABLISHED VIA A CONNECTING ROW AT ANY INSTANT. COUPLER--A DEVICE USED TO PREVENT ELECTRICAL FLASHBACK AND MAINTAIN NORMAL ELECTRICAL FLOW ON A TELEPHONE LINE. USED AS A BUFFER BETWEEN C.O.A.M.E. AND TELEPHONE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CROSSBAR SWITCH--A SWITCH HAVING A PLURALITY OF VERTICAL PATHS, A PLURALITY OF HORIZONTAL PATHS AND ELECTROMAGNETICALLY OPERATED MECHANICAL MEANS FOR CONNECTING ANY OF THE VERTICAL PATHS WITH THE HORIZONTAL PATHS. CROSSPOINT--A CROSSPOINT COMPRISES A SET OF CONTACTS THAT OPERATES TOGETHER AND EXTENDS THE SPEECH AND SIGNAL WIRES OF THE DESIRED CONNECTION. EACH CONNECTION IN A SPACE-DIVISION SWITCHING NETWORK IS ESTABLISHED BY CLOSING ONE OR MORE CROSSPOINTS. CROSSTALK--AN UNWANTED TRANSFER OF SIGNALS FROM ONE CIRCUIT TO ANOTHER AS MAY OCCUR BETWEEN SWITCHING ELEMENTS OR CIRCUIT WIRING. C.W.A.--THE COMMUNICATION WORKERS OF AMERICA. THE C.W.A. REPRSENTS 90 PERCENT OF THE UNIONIZED TELCO WORK FORCE. DAY-TO-BUSY HOUR RATIO--THE RATIO OF THE 24 HOUR DAY TRAFFIC VOLUME TO THE BUSY HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUME. IN SOME COUNTRIES THE RECIPROCAL OF THIS RATIO IS USED. D.D.D.--DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING. ALSO KNOWN AS ONE-PLUS DIALING. DELAY SYSTEM--A SWITCHING SYSTEM IN WHICH A CALL ATTEMPT, WHICH OCCURS WHEN ALL ACCESSIBLE PATHS FOR THE REQUIRED CONNECTION ARE BUSY, IS PERMITTED TO WAIT UNTIL A PATH BECOMES AVAILABLE. DIAL PULSE--THE SIGNALING PULSE WHICH IS FORMED BY THE INTERRUPTION OF THE CURRENT IN THE DC LOOP OF A CALLING TELEPHONE. SUCH INTERRUPTIONS ARE PRODUCED BY THE BREAKING OF THE DIAL PULSE CONTACTS OF THE CALLING TELEPHONE SUBSET DURING THE DIALING PROCESS. DIAMOND-RING TRANSLATOR--AN ARRAY OF RING-TYPE INDUCTION COILS ASSOCIATED WITH CODED WIRING IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE TRANSLATION OF DIRECTORY NUMBERS TO EQUIPMENT NUMBER OR VICE VERSA CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED IN AN EXCHANGE. IT IS NAMED AFTER ITS ORIGINATOR, T.L.DIMOND OF THE BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES. DIRECT CONTROL--AN EXCHANGE CONTROL METHOD IN WHICH PULSES, DIALED BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, CONTROL DIRECTLY THE ROUTE SELECTION SWITCHES OF THE SYSTEM. FOR EACH DIGIT DIALED THE EQUIVALENT OF ONE SET OF SELECTOR SWITCHES IS REQUIRED WITH THIS CONTROL METHOD. DIRECTOR--A CONTROL ELEMENT WHICH PROVIDES A MEASURE OF COMMON CONTROL IN STEP-BY-STEP OR STROWGER EXCHANGES. DISTRIBUTING FRAME--A STRUCTURE FOR TERMINATING THE WIRES OF A TELEPHONE EXCHANGE IN SUCH A MANNER THAT CROSS-CONNECTIONS CAN BE MADE READILY. EXAMPLES ARE THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION FRAME (MDF) AT THE ENTRY OF AN EXCHANGE, INTERMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION FRAMES (IDF) BETWEEN SECTIONS OF AN EXCHANGE, AND POWER DISTRIBUTION FRAMES (PDF). DISTRIBUTION STAGE--A SWITCHING STAGE BETWEEN A CONCENTRATION STAGE AND OUTLETS AND SERVES AS A MEANS OF SELECTING TRUNKS TO THE DESIRED TERMINATIONS. DUV--DATA UNDER VOICE (AT&T SYSTEM). ELECTROMECHANICAL SWITCHING SYSTEM--AN EXCHANGE SYSTEM IN WHICH BOTH THE SPEECH PATHS AND THE CONTROL EQUIPMENT ARE SWITCHED BY ELECTROMECHANICAL COMPONENTS--SUCH AS RELAYS, ROTARY SWITCHES, ETC. ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEM--AN EXCHANGE SYSTEM IN WHICH AT LEAST THE CONTROL EQUIPMENT IS COMPOSED OF ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND COMPONENTS, GENERALLY OF A SOLID-STATE TYPE. EMD SWITCH--THE SPEECH-PATH SWITCHING ELEMENT USED IN A SIEMENS ROTARY SWITCHING SYSTEM. EMD IS AN ABBREVIATION OF EDELMETALL-MOTOR-DREHWAHLER, WHICH TRANSLATES IN ENGLISH TO NOBLE-METAL MOTOR SWITCH. END OFFICE--A CENTRAL OFFICE OR CLASS 5 OFFICE. ENTRAIDE--A SWITCHING SYSTEM INPHICH OUTLETS FROM A GIVEN CONNECTING STAGE ARE CONNECTED TO INLETS OF THE SAME OR A PREVIO.S STAGE. IN SUCH SYSTEMS CALLS MAY TRAVERSE A STAGE MORE THAN ONCE. USUALLY THESE REENTERING LINKS ARE USED AS LAST CHOICE PATHS AND THE RESULTING NETWORK IS HETEROGENEOUS. SUCH AN ARRANGEMENT IS USED IN ITT'S PENTACONTA CROSSBAR SYSTEM. ERLANG--THE UNIT OF TRAFFIC INTENSITY, WHICH IS MEASURED IN CALL-SECONDS PER SECOND OR CALL-MINUTES PER MINUTE. ALSO, ONE ERLANG EQUALS 3600 CALL-SECONDS PER HOUR. IT IS NAMED AFTER A. K. ERLANG, THE DANISH ENGINEER AND MATHEMATICIAN WHO FIRST ADOPTED IT. ESS--ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SYSTEM. EXCHANGE--ALL NUMBERS WITHIN A GIVEN THREE-DIGIT PREFIX AREA. CAN ALSO BE USED TO DESCRIBE A GEOGRAPHICAL AREA THE SIZE OF A CITY. FX--FOREIGN EXCHANGE CALLS. THE TERM APPLIED TO CALLS MADE TO A CENTRAL OFFICE OTHER THAN THE ONE LOCATED IN THE CALLING CUSTOMER AREA. H.C. INSTRUMENT--AN ORDINARY TELEPHONE WITH NO EXTRAS. I.D.E.W.--INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS. A UNION THAT REPRESENTS SEVEN PERCENT OF ALL UNIONIZED TELEPHOE WORKERS. INTERSTATE--TELEPHONE SERVICE THAT CROSSES STATE LINES. SUCH SERVICES COME UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE F.C.C. INTRASTATE--TELEPHONE SERVICES THAT REMAIN WITHIN THE BOUNDARES OF A STATE. SUCH SERVICES COME UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE P.S.C. JOINT PRACTICES--AN INTER-COMPANY GUIDE AKIN TO THE GENEVA RULES OF WAR. THE J.P. COVERS SUCH THINGS AS INTERVALS, OFFERINGS, AND PROCEDURES. K.K.6--SIX-BUTTON TELEPHONE. THE STANDARD TELEPHONE FOUND IN MOST OFFICES. THE K.K.6 CAN HANDLE FIVE LINES. THE SIXTH BUTTON IS USED FOR HOLD. LAYOUT CARD--SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS OF THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS REQUIRED FOR A TELEPHONE INSTALLATION. LINK (TRUNK) THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TERMINALS OF ONE SWITCH AND THE TERMINALS ON A SWITCH OF THE NEXT STAGE CORRESPONDING TO A SINGLE TRANSMISSION PATH. LINK (ONE-WAY AND TWO-WAY)--A ONE-WAY LINK IS USED ONLY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CONNECTIONS IN ONE DIRECTION, WHILE A TWO-WAY LINK IS USED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CONNECTIONS IN EITHER DIRECTION. LINK SYSTEM--A SYSTEM IN WHICH: (1) THERE ARE AT LEe Cd TWO CONNECTING STAGES; (2) A CONNECTION IS MADE OVER ONE OR MORE LINKS; (3) THE LINKS ARE CHOSEN IN A SINGLE LOGICAL OPERATION; AND (4) LINKS ARE SEIZED ONLY WHEN THEY CAN BE USED IN MAKING A CONNECTION. LOGIC FUNCTION--THE RELATIONSHIP OF TWO OR MORE BOOLEAN VARIABLES AS EXPRESSED BY BOOLEAN ALGEBRA. LOGIC GATES--ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS WHICH CONTROL THE TRANSFER OF SIGNALS AND PRODUCE THE REQUIRED OUTPUTS FOR SPECIFIC INPUT COMBINATIONS TO IMPLEMENT BOOLEAN LOGIC FUNCTIONS. LOGIC (HARD-WIRED)--CONTROL LOGIC IN AN EXCHANGE, WHICH IS WIRED IN CIRCUIT FORM. LOGIC (SOFT-WIRED)--CONTROL LOGIC IN AN EXCHANGE, WHICH IS HELD IN SOFTWARE COMPUTER PROGRAMS. LONG DISTANCE--TECHNICALLY, ANY CALL THAT TERMINATES MORE THAN SEVENTEEN MILES FROM THE SOURCE. LONG LINES--A DIVISION OF AT&T RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAY-TO-DAY OPERATION OF THE LONG DISTANCE NETWORK. WHILE THE LOCAL TELCO HANDLES ALL MAINTENANCE, LONG LINES DIRECTS OVERALL SUPERVISION. LOOP DISCONNECT PULSING--SUBSET DIAL PULSING IN WHICH THE SUBSCRIBER DC LOOP IS INTERRUPTED TO PRODUCE PULSES FOR SIGNALING AN EXCHANGE. MARKER--CIRCUITS WHICH INCORPORATE THE FUNCTION OF BUSY TESTING, LOCATING AND FINALLY CONTROLLING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PARTICULAR PATH THROUGH THE SWITCHING NETWORK. MARKETING REP--THE SALES PEOPLE OF THE BELL COMPANIES. ALSO KNOWN AS ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE. MARKING--THE USE OF ELECTRICAL POTENTIALS AND GROUNDS AT CERTAIN POINTS IN A SWITCHING NETWORK TO CONTROL ITS OPERATION. MATRIX--A SIMPLE SWITCHING NETWORK IN WHICH A SPECIFIED INLET (MATRIX ROW) HAS ACCESS TO A SPECIFIED OUTLET (MATRIX COLUMN) VIA A CROSSPOINT PLACED AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE ROW AND COLUMN IN QUESTION. A COMPLETE MATRIX IS ONE IN WHICH EACH INLET HAS ACCESS TO EACH OUTLET, WHILE AN INCOMPLETE MATRIX IS ONE IN WHICH EACH INLET MAY HAVE ACCESS TO ONLY SOME OF THE OUTLETS. MEAN DELAY OF CALLS DELAYED--THE TOTAL WAITING TIME OF ALL CALLS DIVIDED BY THE NUMBER OF DELAYED CALLS. MESSAGE SWITCHING--A METHOD OF RECEIVING AND STORING A MESSAGE FOR A MORE APPROPRIATE TIME OF RETRANSMISSION. WITH SUCH A METHOD, NO DIRECT CONNECTION IS ESTABLISHED BETWEEN THE INCOMING AND OUTGOING LINES AS IN THE CASE OF CIRCUIT SWITCHING. MULTIFREQUENCY SIGNALING--SIGNALING BETWEEN SUBSCRIBERS AND THE CENTRAL OFFICE THROUGH A COMBINATION OF AUDIO FREQUENCIES, AS WITH PUSHBUTTON DIALING. ALSO, IN MANY CASES SIGNALING BETWEEN EXCHANGES IS ACCOMPLISHED BY COMBINATIONS OF FREQUENCIES. MULTIGROUP--A COMBINATION OF TWO OR MORE PCM MULTIPLEX CHANNELS. NONLISTED NUMBERS--TELEPHONE NUMBERS THAT DO NOT APPEAR IN THE DIRECTORY BUT THAT ARE AVAILABLE IF THE INQUIRER CALLS DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE. NONPUBLISHED NUMBERS--TELEPHONE NUMBERS NOT MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. ALSO KNOWN AS SILENT NUMBERS. OCCUPANCY--THE AVERAGE PROPORTION OF TIME THAT A TRAFFIC CARRYING FACILITY IS BUSY. PACKET SWITCHING--ESSENTIALLY THE SAME AS MESSAGE-SWITCHING. PANEL-SWITCHING SYSTEM--A COMMON CONTROL ELECTROMECHANICAL SWITCHING SYSTEM, WHICH WAS USED WIDELY IN THE U.S. PRIOR TO ITS VIRTUAL REPLACEMENT BY CROSSBAR AND OTHER SYSTEMS. THE BANKS OF SELECTORS TAKE THE FORM OF FLAT VERTICAL PANELS, FROM WHICH THE NAME OF THE SYSTEM WAS DERIVED. SOME PANEL INSTALLATIONS ARE STILL IN USE IN THE U.S. PATH--A SET OF LINKS JOINED IN SERIES TO ESTABLISH A CONNECTION. PATHS DIFFER IF ONE OR MORE LINKS DIFFER. P.B.X.--PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE. COMMONLY KNOWN AS A SWITCHBOARD. MINI-CENTRAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR BUVERY,SS CUSTOMERS WITH FROM 10 TO 2,000 TELEPHONES. PRIMARY CENTER--A SWITCHING CENTER CONNECTING TOLL CENTERS, WHICH CAN ALSO SERVE AS A TOLL CENTER FOR ITS LOCAL END OFFICES. IN THE U.S. IT IS DEFINED AS A CLASS 3 OFFICE. PRIVATE AUTOMATIC BRANCH EXCHANGE (PABX)--A PRIVATE AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE EXCHANGE WHICH PROVIDES FOR THE CONNECTION OF CALLS GOING TO AND COMING FROM THE PUBLIC TELEPHONE NETWORK (USUALLY A CENTRAL OFFICE EXCHANGE) AS WELL AS INTRAEXCHANGE CALLS BETWEEN THE SERVED EXTENSIONS. PROBABILITY OF DELAY--THE PROBABILITY THAT A CALL ATTEMPT, IF OFFERED, CANNOT BE COMPLETED IMMEDIATELY. PROBABILITY OF LOST CALLS (PROBABILITY OF LOSS)--THE PROBABILITY THAT A CALL ATTEMPT, IF OFFERED, WILL BE LOST. PROGRAM STORE--THE MEMORY SECTION OF A STORED PROGRAM CONTROL SWITCHING IN WHICH SEMI-PERMANENT INSTRUCTIONS AND TRANSLATIONS ARE CONTAINED. THESE ARE FED TO THE CENTRAL PROCESSOR TO PERMIT IT TO PROVIDE STORED PROGRAM CONTROL. PUBLIC SWITCHED NETWORK--ANY SWITCHING SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES CIRCUIT SWITCHING FACILITIES FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC. TELEPHONE, TELEX, TWX, AND BROADBAND SWITCHED NETWORKS ARE THE PUBLIC SWITCHED NETWORKS IN THE U.S. PULSE AMPLITUDE MODULATION (PAM)--A FORM OF PULSE MODULATION IN WHICH A NUMBER OF CHANNELS ARE MULTIPLEXED BY TIME SAMPLING, BUT ONE IN WHICH THE PULSE AMPLITUDES VARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMPLITUDE OF THE ANALOG SIGNAL LEVELS. PULSE CODE MODULATION (PCM)--A FORM OF PULSE MODULATION IN WHICH A NUMBER OF CHANNELS ARE MULTIPLEXED BY TIME SAMPLING AS IN PAM, BUT WITH EACH AMPLITUDE REPLACED BY A GROUP OF BINARY PULSES WHICH IDENTIFY THE AMPLITUDE OF --------------------------------------- the f