�����������������������������������Ŀ � FROM THE ARCANE ARTS � � of � � AR-KANE � � COMPLETE � � A ^ Guide to Chicago Cable TV � �a fuckin TCI communications company� ������������������������������������� Originally typed by AR-KANE MAJOR Editing by THE BEASTMASTER 1/91 DISCLAIMER: THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THE AUTHOR, EDITOR TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE READER'S ACTIONS. First a list of premium channels (scrambled): 15 is The Movie Channel (TMC) 16 is just a scrambled HBO Bleedover till they figure some other purpose 17 is Home Box Office (HBO) 18 is Showtime (SHOW) 22 is Disney (DIS) 24-is Cinemax (MAX) If you do not have either HBO or SHOW then you are not getting the signal to begin with; it isn't scrambled just TRAPPED. Thus you must find where the installer's box is (usually Big and Green with over 25 cable's running into it and usually found in your on the telephone pole in your alley.) Trace the cable from your house, apt. (this is sometimes not necessary because the end cable's are marked with your apt or house.) Unscrew the cable and remove a TRAP cylinder, this is long and silver. and reconnect the cable. ������������������Ŀ trap ��Ĵ ��Ŀ cylinder� �� � � Ĵ ��Ĵ ���� �������������������� I would advise one rather than just removing the cylinder, you get a 'dummy' trap and do a switcheroo with your real trap; thus no one is the wiser. This will obtain you both HBO and SHOW. The signal for DIS and TMC is JAMMED, that is, injected with garbage transmission at the box. This gives you a beeping noise and lines on that particular channel. To get DIS and TMC, you can take (if there is one) a very small cylinder from a neighbor's cable run that says PMO by PICO Co.; this is a filter for the DIS and TMC; also you may just use a Channel 3 notch filter, they both work. If you don't care about picture quality and want a quick, cheap alternative, do the following: Examine the back of the TV set and find the VHF antenna terminals. Get a piece of antenna wire (thin flat brown stuff NOT THE SUPER INSULATED TYPE, Radio Shack 15-004 is the best) and attach a three foot length to the VHF terminals (do not disconnect the matching transformer which the CATV cable is connected to.) Tune into TMC (15) or DIS (22) and adjust the fine tuner until you get the clearest picture. Cut off about 1/4" of the antenna wire and adjust the fine tuner again. Continue to do this until you get a good picture. (YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO CUT OFF MORE THAN 6" OF THE ANTENNA WIRE.) Get a piece of aluminum foil about 1" square and wrap it around the antenna wire and slide it up and down until you have a pretty good picture. This may take awhile to get perfect. As for MAX, this is scrambled by Gated-Sync scrambling. But these are scrambled by flipping the picture, then inverting it, and a simple gated sync descrambler can be built. Call D&D Electronics at 1-800-332-3557 and have them send you their latest catalog. They sell three descramblers you can use which are from Radio-Electronics articles. The descramblers are $29, $39, and $59 for the best one. CHICAGO CABLE TV DOESN'T KNOW THIS, BUT if you have the Hamlin converter, channel 65 is a gated-sync display of TMC! Build a gated-sync descrambler and then get TMC and MAX and fuck getting DIS (as an alternative to getting a c.3 filter!) Also, channel 66 is an almost perfect display of SHOW without sound. Adjust the fine tuning on your TV to get it perfect, then build the FM stereo outlet in the following paragraph, and have cheap, quick SHOW! Chicago Cable TV thinks the average catv subscriber is an idiot. Since this is true, they offer 'FM STEREO OUTPUT' for stereo output on your receiver for selected channels. They charge some really fuckin outrageous fee (like $30 or something) to install this. ANY idiot can get these with parts from Radio Shit for under $10. Simply obtain the following parts: 15-1141 Hybrid Splitter ($3.95) 15-1140 Matching transformer ($2.79) appropriate lengths of coax cable, one short, one long After getting the materials, set up as seen in the diagram: ����Ŀ ��������������Ŀ � out��Ŀ ________________� � ��������������Ŀ ��Ĵ ���� � Cable Box � cable from wall��� �in� � � � ���������������� ��Ĵ ��Ŀ _____ � � � out���� \ � � ������ � ���������������� hybrid splitter � � � � �Ŀ ����� � � � � 75-300 ohm matching � � transformer � � � � ����� / \ / \ / \ / \ attach these to ends to the FM antenna screws on the back of your fm receiver. (300 ohm inputs) NOTE 1: Do not connect antenna wire AND cable wire at same time to back of receiver, or this will result in very fuzzy reception for the cable frequencies and normal radio freq.'s. NOTE 2: If you are already paying for the FM service, you can cancel it and do the above to re-attach it. They will explain to you that if they send one of their highly qualified techs out to disconnect it, it will cost you $25 for the service call. If you ask them if you can do it yourself, they will tell you yes and to disconnect the 75-300 ohm transformer from the radio and bring it into the office on Western Ave. Since you are leaving the 2 way coupler and coax cable, on the way back from the office drop by Radio Shack and pick up a new transformer. You won't need anything else. Another thing is don't lose any sleep about them catching you with an illegal tap on the line. Unless you are stupid enough to let them in to inspect the wiring there really is no other way for them to know. The system they installed so far is not setup for "line testing" so it is next to impossible for them to detect it from outside of the house. Also note that the fm-service cannot be cut-off like they do if ya have a non-authorized remote control. Here are the frequencies to tune into with the FM outlet hookup: HBO 88.9FM SHOW 89.5FM MTV 90.1FM VH1 90.9FM USA 92.1FM TNN 93.5FM DIS 94.9FM TMC 95.9FM You can still receive the sound on FM for any premium services you may not otherwise have. For those of you a little more advanced and have your own idea's here is some important info. you will need. Cable Channel Frequencies. -------------------------- Chn No. Freq. Range Video Color Audio ------------------------------------------------------- 2 54-60 55.25 58.83 59.75 3 60-66 61.25 64.83 65.75 4 66-72 67.25 70.83 71.75 5 76-82 77.25 80.83 81.75 6 82-88 83.25 86.83 87.75 7 174-180 175.83 178.83 179.75 8 180-186 181.25 184.83 185.75 9 186-192 187.25 190.83 191.73 10 192-198 193.25 196.83 197.75 11 198-204 199.25 202.83 203.75 12 204-210 205.25 208.83 209.75 13 210-216 211.25 214.83 215.75 14 120-126 121.25 124.83 125.75 15 126-132 127.25 130.83 131.75 16 132-138 133.25 136.83 137.75 17 138-144 139.25 142.83 143.75 18 144-150 145.25 148.83 149.75 19 150-156 151.25 154.83 155.75 20 156-162 157.25 160.83 161.75 21 162-168 163.25 166.83 167.75 22 168-174 169.25 172.83 173.75 23 216-222 217.25 220.83 221.75 24 222-228 223.25 226.83 227.75 25 228-234 229.25 232.83 233.75 26 234-240 235.25 238.83 239.75 27 240-246 241.25 244.83 245.75 28 246-252 247.25 250.83 251.75 29 252-258 253.25 256.83 257.75 30 258-264 259.25 262.83 263.75 31 264-270 265.25 268.83 269.75 32 270-276 271.25 274.83 275.75 33 276-282 277.25 280.83 281.75 34 282-288 283.25 286.83 287.75 35 288-294 289.25 292.83 293.75 36 294-300 295.25 298.83 299.75 37 300-306 301.25 304.83 305.75 38 306-312 307.25 310.83 311.75 39 312-318 313.25 316.83 317.75 40 318-324 319.25 322.83 323.75 41 324-330 325.25 328.83 329.75 42 330-336 331.25 334.83 335.75 43 336-342 337.25 340.83 341.75 44 342-348 343.25 346.25 347.46 45 348-354 349.25 352.83 353.75 46 354-360 355.25 358.83 359.75 47 360-366 361.25 364.83 365.75 48 366-372 367.25 370.83 371.75 49 372-378 373.25 376.83 377.75 50 378-384 379.25 382.83 383.75 51 384-390 385.25 388.83 389.75 52 390-396 391.25 394.83 395.75 53 396-402 397.25 400.83 402.75 54 72-78 73.25 76.83 77.75 55 78-84 79.25 82.83 83.75 56 84-90 85.25 88.93 89.73 57 90-96 91.46 94.47 95.48 58 96-102 97.25 100.83 101.75 59 102-108 103.25 106.83 107.75 60 108-114 109.25 112.83 113.75 61 114-120 115.25 118.83 119.75 ------------------------------------------------------- All and all eventually you will have all the locked channels otherwise not viewable! Hope this has helped.......... All this information was tried with the Hamlin convertor box, which is most widely used by Chicago Cable. If you have a Scientific Atlanta or another convertor, some of the above applications may vary or may not work; please leave me info on them so I can add to this file as I get more info. Additional information will be added to THIS file as collected. If you have info for me to add to this or have found something to be incorrect, please contact me, The Beastmaster, on DESTINY KNIGHTS 708- 307-3768 or catch me somehow else. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EOF